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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 May 1859, p. 2

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: . Tk might have been stated eve sow Gat | endowed after the Indans removed 2 Mad Laks, the These ad which Bad been acquived far Sherr Se wes : hi |! 1 Bas, sxe of family ave Ewing ome at Pou ----- And in un We come Peter Perv, Esq, - father | portant changes : She fume Stojue of aor Canty Teun. Sor the hemes, Mr. Perry was mot ms fonesmyit - be | was Ziven Gat tobed ou the and ired by bu 2s oifer- meh Usefnd ae scope for bosimess. Sitvated | 8 segumed on the safe of 2 large body of water, af of | Joy Bese or off from the front Sramshipn, be viewed | oven of Sine tas an escellent site for 2 vifage, wheoe hese wese wilt mills and stores be evected, and | or foes the able lomber of the Burk comtry. Wik dewudie Sen these Views Se commenced susie (and Shey wese 541: in thot year be camer! to be metal 2 lave serelar drv-zonds stirs, the stove wiath is row Styeet, wide by M= Me Michael: ® was bepr eng vas well by Me. Chater Doaper, who Bas sew 2 aed gother with a sxuher of semmperary homes which were need oy Miz. Penry's workmen | seat And # may be 2s well 85 28i Leer, alfiouch | nant P L i i it # § iil i ir : y A ¥ iL it is rather premature, Sat. sheetly afer The | fess Bunt fons pho nl. = Sati iin Ef ensioe § ¥ th | il fi 1 af iV § 5 sent zravelled wad. alse We bave spoken repeatedly of Be gC ¥ hog | | year of the %th. and Mir. Smith, the of ili " i 1) i t | : i g i gi HH ehedfk : i i th | : iL Te mg il m | 1! |i X ir h i ) fl if I i | § i j i § : 1 ] | i i 1 i iH Hi bi A i i i | | k 1 | ir 2 by b i | i I | i ¥ re the penple that the mad 2 et ld go in favour of it-- |be pledged himself © it. I was hi. |= duty 10 see that the ratepayers were mor {led ints a scheme which they woo'd af : : stock. and it only re mained for Reach 10 sav whether it was fscrive 15.9000, and the |} she fing, willing wo =u a on. (Hear, bear) I & Bowiow, and Focman, yet still ls. C. | that wese mand i this And Jet | work would go Lad the chi £ ment of showing that 2 kre | ig be semembesed whese Ther weve ruised - | jhe pledee of 15.0001 were made, snd if 2mount of bosmess wmimit be done, 3nd of | pt =m fhe neavilonctund of the cufiedt wet- | 3, By Law for that amount were rat tions which | have Seen listened to, even npn these bust | » limes. where | have always bees receiv | { have, I belicwe, suiard ben-fir the Coauwy-- | families in this coumry ; might tend to injure | as<uce vou, that there is Dor the sfighoes: wile of fon dation for these siatemments | " [Loud cheers] There is o_ treaty ex | ™°8 Paries ia there | =S the brad of Frames asd | boiog attacked by ober seidiess, they 3 i thrugh, perhaps, it engineer of the road, | Whitby --and being covfiloat that the i Manvers mad would hare strengthened : could | isting becwees France and con | 'S 80 secret treaty between i Ressia, there is => secret cogventiw | existing between Fracce and Resin --| The Austrians ffrew out recomoper. complied with. 15.0000. was all tha which bed advanced as for required of R-ach. and if that sum "mtarieis, en the fret of the 20d conces- rectors 10 start ar welled mond. There is [tle seed Sw 20- cue. Se Bat wp to fhe Sime of which we was in order to add 10 | the weak part of the County, be quaintms ear reclers with fhe mecessfy, of. we sprakine these wese 13 schools 22 wok | were voted 1owand- the road tle Ci bs h at least, the expediency, of such 2 mad lim the wamsiip, nip Jue being wading 10] would afford them every guaranice as to tioa. abervance of the pledzes pat forth. reference to The nearest station he | the 3 ish star- that a <t+1i = c~uld be placed than | wither at or near the Puce Alben an hefure? | Dery, or 21 or near the Presbyterian ratifying merase, 23 | church. The 1 coti-a of the station was of me than JW every | 5 queso 10 be sented, bozerer, br the {on'y provi .rar-pasers of the lealiy in wuich & aud when . : but @t was desirabie| pli hed, the pot wales ' that it would be equally benef ired whether | cial. If we bad a railroad it would have A desirable. This meat be shown by varmas | tyumsiin was 2.453. bene 150 J armrmments- we woubl simply refer to fie 2 was =m ISI]. wf sevens yeas - _ advantrresof Wiahy barter the chrns of | This samely was the villares mmedately owocemmnd, es-|averare IncveRse po-ally Whitby, Brewilis, Provre ABest year 2 alee mave mmnguivaral prond That the and Pet Perry. --amd the mtezests of Te | aims of Remeh wese telanr an the wublic - Ieime behind. these wer wor- aud 8 wamanted the hope 3 the same time | and hat a due gard shou'd | circamsinice tial the sat wih ISIS these wese ture 50 locaied as 10 form an aco test cumber of persoss |seuied in the company in pr the amcugmbe subscribed. ect had been sccom would also meet with oppsilion, L v was th-n eval | railroad was zbolutely required, and if be pad to ike | lished wader 8 charter. St.0.ld Re rch | the del gates cam: 10 R-ach--as be be' ion <hould be | take stock she would have a voice in ap {lieved they del--in guod feih, there! smodation | poi sine dizectors. and wrgld be repre: | would be po difficalty, be appr-beaded, portion 10 {in pw hing through the rood. Thes=, Inasinuch. | would rewcark, were his privace views, the provisional direcors! and he would agzin ber hem 10 recol- + whose | lect that while expressing them fie should | tion of ihe | nevertheless submit 'e in state the | wishes of the majority v but | whether they grve the scheme rejection | the sa. | or support. [Cheers] sio: u, that sov'd be definitely and satis Mr. Sexton remarked ¢ (wearily snd by an insertion in the | ™ the road ving on io Lake Haro, be B. law of fur kcalicies at which the sta. as cerzin that he present gemeration tions were sequired to be bull, shar fo the morth wold do netlder ; and if the Belaw would oniv »ta-d mood on! the mad stayed at Lake Scageg ducing completion f the coudi ion thus made. | bis tim=, be 'bad sufficient reason 10 be The locatins of the siations, where de | satisfi-d [Laughter | sired, could ales stil further be secured | by the Comeil instructing the Reev- | expressed themselves gratified wich the pot 1 attach his signature to the By-law, | course taken by Mr. Holden, as :h- pro jector of the Manvers roa', and wih the pport which they mizht expect from' him, and added their d-termination to wished 10 know whether |exent their rma effcts in fanbering the £5000 per mile was a. rscimate A serics of fa ws arr ascend ul znd in the prone s, sed & ie By of cox iderstn, amd weve estitied 30 fins the wendy weld fons mae weizhi, the fcmatma «f the mad pow exist- | me. ixr was aP bot mavesibie :--and so fhe | Iv comets members of Governnsent theazht, :s well 25 | events which deserve neice. Up to that | 49 The keading local pasties. Accecingiy, m the year the vear 1545 the mod was made and opened 22 | ther than Primer Truss 5h --4s oficicl balietin seve Ressia, tat we hive gnae even ne | Bot he cogmy © the samiees of 2000, youd this, and bave asked he Rasen sfier swenpying Povidio for 2 sbont new, goversmest what perhaps, acerrding | shies. ess of diplomatic eyo-toe. 'were a justified 18 asking, bo which! sdvacced 0 dhe Dos, we asked in the confidence of 2 p-wer thet alway acts wih fraskeess zad i sizhcfornanisess towsrd ber 2llies-- len saws thar ho Aare sna bes { se bave asked 'he Russian goverament | abe wp bs pode keiszen Be Po and | aiether in case of war between Frase | Sesia, to await 5 fer weather blow 'ani Germany they have entered mete 'eewing the of mive. The Aedras | srueps have destroyed the relway bade sans from ihe G versm-mts ef Frases | j[Hesr, Lear The R.ach Towmsiip | Council would meet on Monday, when a | bo vever, cas By Law for the road would be Sub. wee only mired, and, be beli-ved, approved. Ow | olfce 1 Saturday i is pro erat lead a litle: Whithy 10,000! By Law. and in three ,cxaet cou: Prince Al- or fur weeks it would le a-corizined wich refeie " "e wheth-r or nat the road could go oa. ia twins up ie Me. Ciacles Blacks | py direcrors were willing 10 my may directions as 10 the sures' mode of | Prednterion O'aining an goasim sus verdic: in Reack - it, on the Whitby railroad, and th y were mer, williog 10 exiend 2uy a'vantage io Reach reasonably be conceded, so tmmed |p; she inierests alike of bub divisions f | for 4h noe, wikd-swn. Indo so tad was ttesly 2t was bemsht by 2 private company, befe, Hat ane of our setfiess 1 ce 10 ibe Meation 'May 19h -- 3s official Jai. whe sblsimed it for Ere move Son bali the Dent was sermpaed the svester port of nine . was gomz en, new educainaal movembals were --a distance of the samme number of males? houses wore now erected one of them 8 mn She towed, mame. the little to the south of Mr. Owmer's; amther chonch im the meizibambosd of Unica » scarcely a mile to the month or Epsom, and was met indesd lovmzie to Cote anether in tie Roar of the township, between | fir eit years afierwamls: laf # was dod- | hy could the [2th and ith concession. These schonl- | irated them, amd sepvin'y theseafier hoses were much neeled, 2s may easily be ts acount. Nor ind thos wear reached the inferred from eur previens stafesments ll before 2methey schoal-Bomse was realy the mental suppties which they fomashed fou service: @@ stands im a vemem of wach | young prepased them for the sab we hawe tithes smi potions s i 3 duties of Efe, besales yuehizng them isamme- | perth of the viliame of Uxirid=e, and abet cited by Mr. Perry, and, as a railroad | diate entertainment. sixteen miles ditt fven Prince ARest camirecior, be was in a position 10 assent | the company I: the course of next year (1545) very == The dastance. i> be save, bas been latterly | 13; the road, as defived by that genile- equivocal sualeare a Br shurtemad = cvs the extensive samp 55 aan was perfect o township was toms abead. mail. fae porth-west, an evorliest bade ani 3 tend gone weekly, 2= bal Bern the emioniment wes? esmstractel two ves | the directors would be euabicd 10 carr case for the last six yeafs, commenced en Zz batt mee] them, these was Do passituiny the fizst of Apel te be cand tice 3-week. | of pariaws the sthond-Sumse. or the vegies And now alse, foc the find time. 2 medial | wish @ Sands, withent strong en Us- geatleman setth-d = Reach: oy zee se jeidee or Bouck {To be Contizmed | any engagement io declare war | Germany ; and we bxve Mr. Land plicit and anequivceal de - The ships Great Brituis, Mermsid, of the kind exims, or'and Sasser, from Acwraa, lever has been ash-d. So me-bh, then home 125.600 cunc-sof peli Extrmor- | for the secoet treaties, so much fa ih dsary ye Mr. Nout, Mr. Draper and declaration thar! Mr. Beachall, being then called upon, tat be had listened to the tac's sctisily is eps Scmted amneg ' and mew aud promises god Russia, directed only 10 ome obj c2--ibe | Sclis bad brea dnomesed. | humiliation and perhaps the desructice | -- nearly due stated 1 uctil a bond, rendering the baildicg of the stations, as spoken of, compulsory on A: elt mae 20d Billarat corsidern- | ale rir Bad tex » made ic th: foer mar. bow mecessary | ket by the sypesremce <f a greet queen iy of American four in Dervels which was selling az 10s Eigher hee at Vic- 1s practicable, and thus of the Whithy proj-er. " |i is that a country should eat decide i= | meat snd passion. Frazee and Ausivia Beskrapt The chief material of war is money, xion, = That this meeting xpress it as their opinion that the Ma 1 Council of Reach shld, at as! jenly adsy as posible, the road for £5000 per pass a By-Law takinz 15,0007. stock in| one-third b-fore re- |b Port Whithy and Lake Horo Rail | - | way Company, and submit the cme © the ratepavers of this woweship for their their pledges iuto effect. The rome | from Utica 10 Pont Perry, by way of | Prince Alber: or Burelia, was favorable, | and the people of R-ach enjoyed a mar. M. go advantage in being allowed not onl+ | 30 make choice of the sie for a sation, | but 15 embody th: ir selection in the Be. Law, so as 10 ensure, as far as passibley som 10 their wishes. There was vo | difficulty in geting from Uiica 10 Man. thence on by th- tannery or that it was the |= before i is sisted, as | Tess. May 10 --2n cificial bullesia | amarunces tha: the Azsirian anwy evac- vicinal chstruction we | assed Liver=o, Trmzare, Satie, Cs. can officr isgé point out io the credn- | v22fia, Salusasls, amd Yeralli, and se- cross d the Sesia in grvas baste, leaving &c, wih they bed 'buble fle of any mvestment they part «f she Sorage, x lemewded, behind Ontario Observer. i corespond. ut ofthe X.Y. {them with Austria and Russia as ne- | Commerzial says that = cessitous and all but bankrupt Powers. | zoing on a every 2 Bat we wast to ksow om what se sources France can rely, or ever has for carrying oa a great war.-- too well what it is lo press gomerbing stable before ki vester, of ihe Whitby Times, the meeting | Reach 10 secure the advas- from the Whithy roed, © casos are xii! being sent off © Gobeal- ter and other Important stations, and the be epprebend.d they tad met. New, in grder 10 faci'Tiate the progress of the road, be bad po obj-clin 19 enter nto an' arrangemert 10 gra'e wne-third of ihe ¥in~ bofure he asked them for the money by which means the: Sectors of the Whaby and i expectations movement of the Bask to 5 per cent. seems for the momiest to have sub. | f | i i i il : | t | k | i ¥ i f 1 i ; [ E | i i tH iF iy a i TF | n ¥ f -------- i } 14 I

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