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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Jul 1859, p. 3

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An- advertisement ~ gn of oe the 'aud Fria 'Railway a to " tio relations. The wife oy Ertotye states tha: at pre=eut time, a sin. ede confined .in =the County ; ance Without Ohm penis " ties" on its surface will be ay mont has been left at the 'office of the Hastings Chronicle. i years of age, son of Mr. noville, was drowned that neighbourhood last g be Journeymen shoemakers of St. SMITHS Sri do -- : The Hay Harvest is progressing eagerly in Waterloo, od will oon be The ipal Council of Oxford bave resolved to pe roller of A must be re-elected hy Heis 0 be opposed, it is said The Handel Commemoration at the Palace proved a great success. On he last day (Friday) there were nearly 27,000 persons present, includi Prince Albert and several of the Royal children. The last number of the Religious Tel- "escope, the organ of the United Brethren, _coutains two long communicatious urg pr the duty of establishing the washing of one another's feet as an ordinance of 'the Church. A very wholesome, if not oly, practice, to say the least. A young Swedish singer, Mademoi. soille Andree, i is making a great gens. ton at St and would seem, to be another Jenny Lind. - Ata concert given some weeks ago at the Royal Theatre, and attended by all all the ok and fashion of the court and city, she was received with the utmost enthusiasm. ~ She is about to make her pp the of stage. Swith O'Brien says: "Let such of our countrymen as have made America nent home frankly and fully ope fusion with native born Ameri- the inevitable destiny of their children, aud niay the result of that fu. sion be a permanent alliance 'in interest aod affection between North America aod Ireland." During thunderstorms persons are wecommended 10 sit or lie as far distant ws possible from the chimney, and the most exposed parts of the wall--the mid .s roomy-if it- is large, is the saf. est locality. Sailors on the sea, should keep as far as possible from the masts and farmers in the ficld should never seek for shelier under trees. Horizon. tal strokes of lightning take place some times, and several persons have been wtrack while sitting at open windows during thunder storms. The windows 'of a room in which persons are sitting, in such cases, should be closed ; a flash of 'the fluid which would pass through an 'open window into an apartment might be conducted down to the floor and wall to the earth, if the window is shut. Everything curious and ey A the Times, Cblihed in that city, says that a gentleman living there, and well. 'to-do, married about ten yeers ago, and after living with his wife some five years he concluded to get a divorce on ac- oount of the unhappiness of their domes- THE MARKETS, PRINCE ALBERT, JULY 20 J cts. wh H saesas g8.588 goss; PCC ONNOOC 88s5888388y NOCONT OOmm® WHITBY MAR 0) Shr lal = S. wo wEsccusamsenre ¥ g8BE E8888 hand 1... 02520 'TORONTO MARKETS. WebxEspay, Jury 20, 1859. $ cts. $ cts. Wheat, per bush, prime 140 a 150 Spr inferior 10 a 1% pring, " " a Flour, Superfine 1% a ea 650 a 675 675 a 750 080 a 085 . 05 a 050 . 075 a 076} 0124a 015 012ja 013 450 a 500 . 0253 a 028} . 100 a 110 2000 a 2600 GENERAL AGENT, Paisce Avsert, C. W. T== SUBSCRIBER begs to inform his a Mmierous finds, and the public game aly at he is st pared to execute al orders intrusted to his Yi y Agent for Hall's Thseshing an and Massey's Reaping and Mowing Machin Insurances effected on -- most liberal terms with the best Companies in America. TE (ADVERTEMENET To the Editor of the Ontario Observer. {ERTAIN parties in this vicinity having C circulated a report with the intention of damaging my character, as a Medical Practi- tioner, that Tam not a legally licensed Physi- cian, I beg to state I hold a License to practice Medicine, Surgery, and Midwilery in Canada West, which may be seen at my office. 1 E WARE.) M.D. Prince Albert, July 15, 1859, NOTICE oTIeE 1S HEREBY GIVEN, THAT application will be made to the Munici- pal Council of the Township of Reach, at their first meeting to be held afier the 1st day of ber, next, for the of having a d, and he pplied to the Court and was snccessful. year passed, and he concluded to ven- once more in the mantial market, see if he could not find one who pl his home happier than the In this he was successful, and a afterward his divorced wife to him for work in his family in ty of servant girl. The situa- work ;, 'her, and she now does the Thistreg, ® house of which she was once Tia "\ announced that the Victo- + mB ge 18), far advanced that it may 30 be open_{o, pds Lawrence : would be CY Fo yoda banish all laphegpd 4 Mymanly speaking regarded as certain that the pn in a position to be opeasd upon as being certain of Nav od he cpeicg water of By-law passed by the Council to stop up and close a'tertain road now travelled, of the width of 40 feet, and known as being part of the Brock Road, and which Road so intended to be etop- ped up and closed may be described as fullows: namely, running through Lots 8,9, 10, and 11 in the 9th oF Re ing at COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROCK STREET WHITBY, (Opposite Hien & Roberts' Store} J. CROCKER, Propriotor. TT Largest and best fitted up House in the County of Ontario. No pains will be spar- ed to make this ~pacious and airy house equal to wi * in the country, Whitby, June 3, 1858. 20 i OF LETTERS remaining in the Reach Post-Office, July 13th, 1859, nat previously advertised. Bedford, Thos 2 McFarlin, Thos Brant, W 0 McGill, John Bleskéy, Elias © McMillan, Burdell, F J Moore, W A Briney, John Milne, John Currey, Geo Munro, James Carswell, John Me Intyre, John Christie, Peter Nichols, Chas 4 Collins, Geo James Coffee, P No sas Gideon Clark, RP Orser Sam'l & Andrew Ewe y , Wil Day, Julia Peat, Andrew , Jos Mary Duffy, J S Real, Wm Deveney, John Ric! , R Eddy, RH Randal, John Foy, Hen Sims, Robert Gubam, / % Spuith, Francis " osep! Shaw, "Wm Re pein Goff, Wm RS, Irvin Robert Simpson, Rev J 2 Jamieson, W Tyler, Esther Johnson, W Vansickler, Henry James, Robert Vansickler, Phazbe Lemmon, John Ward, R Long, J 5 Way, DS c , Angus Waggoner, John McLean, FH R Wadill, Mrs Matlimode, T= 'ood, Geo McCallum, Peter: * X35" POST OFFICE CLOSED AT 7 O°CLOCK. .£3 M. G. ROBSON, P. M. 28-3t = = eam 2 e _-- oe. 3 > == = gr 0 -- i i, = ig Ya =3 = HLIM i: , Of m= i: 8 =F == ii 0 RIE -- Fh < Sw bo ==! : 3 pi cH fo File) HE oes fro, Qe "4g CO EEO nr BE pd UE Be ui 532 e= 2: | BZ i WATCH MAKER, JEWELLER, &e., OPPOSITE THE GLOBE HOTEL, BROOKLIN, AKES this opportunity to express his hearty T thanks to the inhabitants of Brooklin, and surrounding vicinity, for their liberal sapporr daring the past, and would respectfully solicit a of p: , feeling confident that all jobs entrusted to his care will give 'entire satisfaction. Watches, Clocks, & Jewelry, Constantly on hand, Cheap for Cash. FLUTINAS &c, REPAIRED AND TUNED! _ Brooklin, June 29, 1859. 29-1f. the distance 'of 14 chains 46 links, on a course Sek 74 degrees west from the south-east an- gle-of Lot No. 8, in the 9tl'concession of Reach; thence north 35 degrees 25 minutes, east 9 chains 87 links; thence north 34 degrees, east 9 chains 60 links, 10 the limits between lots 8 and 9 ; thence in the same direction, 9 chains 27 links ; thence north 38 degrees, east 9 chains 30 links ; thence north 45 degrees, east 8 chains 13 links ; thence north 49 degrees, east 8 chains 61 links, to he limits between Lots 9 and 10; thence north degrees, east 7 chains; thence "north 31 orth 28 . chams 15 links, to the limits between lots 10 and 11; thepce in the same direction, 10 links, to the southern limits of | of the road allowance, between the Sih and 10th Dex: {ovacessions. "The above described line being the centre of the present travelled road. Wx. POWSON, 'Township Clerk. Dated 16h July, 1859. Manchesier, cach % 32-4. rg Sf Novesaper. vy Damaces.--In the prema a Julliial Court, Boston, on Saturday, of Shah oe J: _the case of E. Shaw gs. . the Baton aod W. p 1 was killed on the ars on - he, company. ie) Hasan --It is aid "that the ~ person the dut; pm ay of ane. "Belleville 1s an Eogtu English farmer of | means, who lives a short -of 'Toronto on Young: by Rp | Brince Albert, doy 30, 10. Note of Hand Lost! Ohi Cifhteen months since, a Note of Hand dra; hrisiopher Sheshey, agamst T. ay 4 logs. This is to he EST Son thir aa Se a3id wore, gy I have pA no for CARLTON CARR, Lot No. 1, Ist . Mari 3 Mariposa, July 20, 1859. a PUMPS! PUMPS! ROBERT SIMS. 1859. 324f. Prince Albert Brass Bandl | fd bd PRINCE ALBERT BRASS BAND RE Pp Mme & Tress. 324 a Ee Baits, Parties, Pic- -ah9ry ~ noticé"and.veasonable | H. GO AND SEE THE MONSTER !! (x. L. ROBSON, & Co., havé just nada. He can be seen at his own Stables, Lot 12, 20d Concession of Reach, 0. . L. ROBSO! Reach, July 5, 1859, 0 oN WOOL. WOOL) 20,000 Ibs. ANTED.--For which the highest + CASH PRICE will be paid, at the Stores of, HAMILTON & ROBERTS, Warrsy. purchased | ; amlabdid GALLOWAY BULL, fiiest Al 1Vdvd3s | | EE ---- Bp er - =r AND TORSE POWERS ¥ MANUFJCTURED AT OSHAWA, CW, Br JOSEPH HALL, Or Rocmxsres. CAST / STEEL P » SHO IRON BEAM AND WOOD BEAM PLOWS, Cultivators, Straw Cutters, &e., $ Address Orders, JOSEPH HALL, Oshawa, July 12, 1859 [39-4] Oshawa, C.W Im ad Patent Washing Machine !! MANUFACTORY, BOREIA, C. W. AMES HILBORN, needed to convince the most sceptical of its vast ATENT WASHING MACHINES, at present in use, kes this that be is now to receive orders for the above article, which will be at a cost of 12, 14, and 15, dollars, according to the sive He ie alvo prepared 10 sell RIGHT TO MANUFACTURE To parties living in any part of British North America, upon liberal terms. Borelia, July Gih, 1569. NEW STORE!!! NH. DAVIS, AS COMMENCED BUSINESS AT PRINCE AL BERN ki 30-1y. , cent. on all 712, SUBSCRIVER Leu giviag evict attention vs tie EMANEY &° Carriage, Wagon, and relia Sagat Makes. MILLWRIGHTS AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHS, 'PRINCE ALBERT, C.W po N B.--orses Shodon Improved Principles: Prince Albert, Jane 23, 1859. n-Sm HURRAH FORFRAZERRIVER. TAI LORING! » HE Subscriber would leave TES eth beg 20 tours the ithhitantsof Met Pouy: Buwslia, Lh TAILORING DEPARTM y next door to Mr. McMichael's 2 on 8 to see his old customers. Morchants and others can have their own materials up 10 order on the shortest notice, most fashionable styles. Cutting Dene 'a8 Usual---Terms Moderate. Sune Prt Perry, July 20, 1858. REMOVAL REMOVAL! HE SUBSCRIEER ope public generally, that NEW AND. CONMODIORS 'ON KING STREE 2 Doors west of G. & M. CUR he has ened out a LARGE fb RIES, where jos BRY GOOBS, GROCERIES, Crockery, EE Harieare, Ee do 6 STS BOOTS AND SHOES, &c., &o. And having imported largely from ths ENGLISH MARKETS, ho is proyared to sell {at . LOW PRICES FOR CASH, Or on his usual terms of Credit To do latico 0 £-a5t1 PAVING A BOTAEIS, ho will deduct, for Cash, 10 pee purchases over $1. ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE TAKEN i EXCHANGE. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, June 8 1859, WANTED 5,000 Ibs. OF WOOL. of the above ar- Sicje, amd will at all Vines pay the: highest price in © H, and has on hand TWEEDS SATINETS AND BLANKETS TO EXCHANGE FOR WOOL. : T. C. FORMAN. Prince Afhert. Inna R 1850 STOCK WOF DRY GOODS; Replte with every variety and « Jo. Which he will sol fs: CASH at to Te ate CAST 9 privet equal > FAMILY GROCERIES, And receives fresh arrivals every week. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING cut and made 0 order, and REABY-HABE CLOTHING II 5 Go at once to DAVIS' NEW STORE, and secure bargains. N. H. DAVIS. Prince Albert, July 5th, 1859. "a toe Avast, Joy 33 ; / MANUFACTURES, MECHANICS > & INVENTORS. SCOT'ISH PROVINCIAL ASSURANCE he Scidutific American. COMPANY. TO BY, ENLARGED! »¥ remus scr or ] Capital One Million Sterling. Caxava--Head Office, Montreal. Instead of 416 pages, es, the Yearly Volume, } A. DAVIDSON PARKER, Secretary. Enlarged Series, will emtain Eicur | Houxpreo axp Tarrr-rwo Paces IFE ASSURANCE ° TRANSACTED IN| of Valuable Reading Matter, useful and instructive SOMETHING NEW. G. & M. HY" RECEIVED THEIR USUAL FULL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT! CURRIE The stock is large and very Tory, Complete, and offered to the public on the most iberal terms. Prince Albert, May, 1859. WOOL! WOOL! to all classe. together CASH PAID FOR WOOL, Tee A Sr 'M. G. ROBSON, 1659. ' G6. & M. CURRIE. in ¢ SE Th infomeiion xa Agent for Fines May, he. = in regard to New achinery, a . Acxzw, Medical Prince Albers, June 15, 158 = 'To Hotel Keepers. THE Seb Firing upthe | lit 48 pion, 24 can sell out their : sovee om that purpose they offer the whole xt LESS THAN COST. BACK LARKS, {SIRE Croatia Seb ok wil" a sain May, 1859. Tm G. & M. CURKIR: THROUGH ROUTE FROM BRIDGENORTH TO PORT PERRY ! Passing through the whole chain of Back Lakes. THE STEAMER "SCUGO0G' AS been refitted, and i now ome of the fastest, Shueste 3 won 'comfortable For Freight or passage. apply Reto a DAYS OF SAILING. Lindsay 4pm. WEDNESDAYS Leave Lindsay 10 am. Arnold, a Jilnes Boynton, ames Robert Lamb, J J Munro, Robert McDonagh Robert Pike, F FLIZABDTH JOWSON, Post Orrice, 'ostmistress. July 2, 1859, } 30 her trips between Port Perry and Lindsay, and lg on JEN ~ -d Peterbors' every Monday and Testor ss om pre-pay - postage. io a Eoceioen oped pope ed pp | cies let of information x of rs ry a pron in peo MUNN & CO, Publishers of the Scientific American, 37 Park Row, New-York. WHITE FISH. Subscribers have reccived a lot of Tenis ard G. & M. CURRIE. your wants, both as to quality snd BOOTS AND SHOES! Ta rate a erdlnd in Bh Tou jo po oy Of Superior Style and Workmanship, AND pera TO THE SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE. Arrive at Port P. | SR have been engaged i and glen my whole attention to, manufacture of boots Ni ery 4pm As in, up , the 1.4 3 Tis Black, ®t FRIDAYS --Leave Port ¥ and shoes for the last twelve years, I feel ry he fo i iy ea aie of bose Brock . ! at . neatness and durability. In conneon vik long expen. baw rie - ae MONDAYS--Leave Lindsay at....... which are not surpassed by any other establishment in the County. Iam prepared to offer, a8 IST OF LETTERS remsining i Southeren, Western and Canadian money ea Bil y : ANS RETA} : 4 MANCHESTER POS POST OFFICE on the Es - a A hain Apa, WHOLESALER | $9 ist , 1859, ple to remit he - ; oF of J 1899, and net pr y adver | ¢ bes sven. will call at Cmsarea and Port Hoover on At less prices than those of equal quality can be procured in the County. I have, ale, ATLARGESTOCKOF LEATHER SHOE-FINDINES! will 1 hope you Se quiy and pice. 0 TOU 00%, Ring sare ih T un mest AARON ROSS, !dvertse TY ice Alert un. 19,5658. oi Prince Albert, March 9, 1959. b%]

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