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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 May 1862, p. 1

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2 os A POLITICAL. LITERARY. COMMERCIAL, AGRIC] JLTURAL, fh N97 Bon rif Hsia? Dhar 2 AND GENERAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER AND COUNTRY." no -------- 0 : DOLL AR A A YEAR IN A ADV NCE, LOYAL 10 OUR Qu (TWO DOLLARS AT THE END oF THE YE AR VOL V. No. 981 PRINCE ALBERT, ¢ COUNTY OF ONTARIO. C. W.. THURSDAY. MAY Y 22, 1862. (WHOLE No. 230 --_----T he Outavia @userver, IR PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, JAMES HOLDEN, Prince Albert, has of Ontario, C. W. mt} -- TERMS PER ANNUM. $1 00; atthe end of one month less period than sis months. nl arcears are paid up 110. dise This cule will be icy adh Remittances mailed in a etter (registered) and ad- SN HOLDEN, Prser ALBekT,! Whe Punhisher, catiie, addressed to the Pub- must he post=paul. Gen lisher When peapleses a man advertise, they knot that he ds @ busi cess uh, and his advertising prociauns that he is not only willing, but ancious 10 do business. ers 0 01 8) 00 4 7 rere @erms of Advertising : Six lines and under, first insertion. .. $0 50 Each subsequent msertion. ........ 0 12} From six toteu hnes, first wnsertion | . 0 87§ Each subsequent insertion ......... 0 20 For every live above ten . 008 Every subsequent insertion. re 002 3 ivy earding 10 th Al advertise swims ats Whe dismayed are charged ac vilera to discontinuing advertisements must be left at the office in writing A lihernl disconnt ailowed to Merchants and others ho advertise by the year or halt-year. ernest 08 01) #04 pvr Book and Job Department. EF Kvery lescoption of Book ax Jou Printive ed inthe best style, and at the cheapest ones Hg-- Pa MPHLL BY LAWS, eal ARS, Set MMES, SIN HOW BILLS, 1); ERS HAND 1 BLANK Arn EROMISSURY Nore INDENTURES AHNIS SANK DEFDS Arb FORMS, Ne GOLD, SILVER AND BRONZK ZF Phe ntmost despateh will uniformly be observ The execution of all orders, Prince Albert, Apnl 16, 1861. PINTING IN COLOURS, "Business Div ecto ve. re rn ar CAMERON & MACDONELL, 1 ARRISTERS and Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitors County Council Outasio.-- Oi Jourt House. JOHN BILLINGS, ARRIS TER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, Couvey- ancer, &e., Prince Albert. Office two doors west of T. C. Formau's Store. P. A HURD, ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor m Chaneery, Notary Public, Convey- ancer, &e, Price Albeit. Oifice in the " Victoria Bi ' Wwo doors south of N. HL. Davis® Dey fs Store, and over T. C. For nii®s Tarn Wirciuo us, adj he Observer oflice. W. H. IREMAYNE, ARRISTER and County Crown Attor- ney, Odico--In Avaold's New Brick Brock-- 2S cond Floor, S. H. COCHAANG, L. Lo, AR UISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor wn Chancery, Notary Public, Convey- weer, &i Odice --Bigelow's New Build- ng, Dundas Street, Whitby. JOHN LEYS, (OLICITOR, &c., Church St, Toronto, C.W. Oilice, east side, first door south o! King St, up stairs. MILLER & TILL, TTORNIES, Conveyancers, Notaries Pablie, &e., corner ol Clwreh and King Btivuls, Toronto. | if. DARCNELL, R, Solicitor and Conveyancer, Deputy Regi y and Master i Chan- Odie mn Wallace's new Brick Build- ings, over J. S. Donaldsou's Hardware Store, Brock Street, Whitby, C. WV. GED. W. JONES, M. D;, YSICIAN, Surgeon, aud Obstetrician, Medici] Adviser of the Life Associi- tion of Scotland, King street, Prince Albert {7 Residence and Qifice, three doors Last of the Anglos American Hotel, JOSEPH BASCOM, M. B,, HYSICIAN, Sarizeon, and Accoucheur, Alam Street, Usbiidae ViHag pi 9 South of Plank's Hotel, 1" w. u BY wa, oi Public, Cuveyuicer, Land Agent; &e., Uxbridge, C. Wm. DECKER, Ww ATCH Maker and Jeweller, one poo west of Mackie's Store, relia A large assortment of Watches and Jew kept Susp on hand. All repairs war- ranted, 4 JOHN HEAL r AILOR, Prince Albert, C. \V., begs to 'annonnee to his enstomers, and the in- habitants: of the neighbourhood that he is prepired to execute "orders. for Tailoring. bing for cash. (= Cutting done on tie shortest notice. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, ROCK Street, Whitby, 3: 0pposite Hamil- 1 obert's store Crocker has the Tarzést and best fitted up house in the County of Ontario, No pitins will be spured to nuke this spacious and airy house equal | to any wn the country "' 7 JOHN CHRISTIE, T owNSHIP Clerk for 'Reach, Convey- 'ancer, Commissioner of the Court of Qaken': Bench, &c. Offire--Nuar « Tot- ness (Mills? between Manchester and Uuica. Business carefully attended to. Law, Chancery & Conveyancing F. OAKLEY, Mo r HYSICIAN, Surgeon, and Accoucher, Port Perry, C. W. Office and Rew- | dence--The late residence of R. Lund, Esq. Drs. MARTIN & TWEEDIE, M ANCHESTER,~ Office, at the resi- dence of Dr. Twe dive, in the pre- nuses known as the Powson Property, where Dr. Tweedie may be consulted at ail hours, aid Dr. Martin every alternate Wednesday. | Entiance to the office, 2ud door south si the buiiding. E. Martin, M.D, | G. Tweepie, M.D, Lindsay. | Manchester. JAMES BAIN, M.D, MANILLA, C. 'W. (= Orrick --Conweay's Hotul, 5-1 Mg. J. JOHNSTON, Masinra, (5 Agent for the Liverpool & London Insurance Co. 11, 1861. 35- ly | Manilla, An, DRS. FOOTE & WARREN, DPROOKLIN, CANADA WEST. J. Foore, M. D. | H. Warren, M. D. NOAH WINDSOR, I "OUSE and Barn Builder, Carpenter and Joiner, &e. Shop five doors north of the Post Otlice. (= Sian of the Cabinet and Chair Shop, Prince Alber. WILLIAM BEALL, SSUER of Marriage Licenses, Commis- sioner of the Court of Quogin s Bench, Fownship Clerk, &e. Office, Corumpus. ALBERT SPRING, } ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE 4 Township of Reach, Brock, Uxbridge and Scott. Orders taken at this office and days of sale appointed. R. J. TYLER, {3B "GS leave to inform the public that hel Is ready to wait upon ail, both 1 and small, mm Shaving Hair Dressing, &e. Shop-- Queen Street, Borelia 3-6m Victoria Hotel, AND GENXRAL STAGE OFF 1cE, SIMCOE STREET, PRINCE ALBERT, WM M_. SCOTT, Ld - ONTARIO HOTEL BROCK STREET, WHITBY. VHE Subscriber desires 10 inform lis many fiends throughout the country, and the pubhie generaliyy that ne has pur- chased the premises lately occupied by Mr. Jacob Biya, m Bock Stréet, and known as the Oatanio Hotel. The rooms have been newly fitted npand renovated, and the Louse has un ergone a thorough change in order to atford the best | nuwodation 10 guests and poasiie an vistors, I'he stabling is of the hest description, wid the prop: lly careiul 10 have none but prompt and attentive ostlers | about the premises, | The bar will besupplied with the bust | { Liguors, Wines, Cigars, &. Care wil | be taken to keep the sitting rooms res {or private parties. C. DAWES. Ha Hori espe 7 ved _ Whitby, Fob. 4 « 186 $10,000,000 CA vi AL! ! Unity Insurance ssociation, OF LONDON, WITH WHICH IS AMALGAMATED THE | EQUITABLE FIRE OFFICE. CHIEF OFFICE IN CANADA: Merchants' Exchange, Montreal DIRECTORS FII DEPARTM EN Ww. Lunn, Esq. lackenzie, Eq. i Lsq. A. Larooqutf, Hi JVERY description of Fire Insurance 4 business hausacted at the most moder- ate Rates ol Premium. M. G. ROBSON, Agent. P. 8.--Office at the Post Office. Prince Albert, May 8, 1861. PROVINCIAL INSURANCE COM'Y . OF CANADA. 21-1 Incorporated in 1849 CAPITAL, -....... $1,743,528. PRESIDENT--Han. J. Hintvarn CaMeros, (VICE-PRESIDENT--J. &. [Huwarp, Esq. DIRECTORS. fin J H Cameron, George Pugean, Jr, Faq. Hon. George Crunwloid. JS Howard, bsg. toi. M_ Cameron John Cannie ke Lewis Moffat, BE A AM. Smith, Esq. A. Mon Chins. Robinson, Esq MPP. W. J. Macdona d, Esq. Manager and Secretary -- lus Sidney Cracker, Esq. Assistant Secreliny-- Duos O'Biien Esq. HEAD OFFICE,............ TORONTO. JRE AND INLAND MARINE IN- I 3s ek transacted at fair rates, Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. The numerons and responsible Stock- holders of this Company, and the laree snb- scribed Capital, afford an amcurt of security to the assured unsurpassed by any Company transacting business in this Province. A. ROSS, Agent, ! > Paynes ALBERT. Toronto, Nov. 13, 1861. = 48-1f ~ Portrp. ] ANYBODYS BUSINESS. Is it anybody's Caimi, If a gentleman should choose To wait upor a lady, It the lady don't refuse ? Or, to speak a little pla ner, 'That the m 1g all may know, ds it anybody's business Ifa lady has a beau ? Is it anybody's business But the lady's, if her beau Rides ont with other ladies, And dues'il let her know ? Is it anybody's business But the gentieman's, if she Should accept another's escort, * Where he doesn't chance to be ? If a person on the sidewalk, Whether great or whether small, Is it anybody's business Where that person means to call ? Or if you see a person As he's calling anywhere, Is it any of your business What 1s business may be thee ? The substance of our query Simply stated, would be this: Is itanybody's busines Whit another's business is ? Ian as, or il at isn't, We would like to know, For we are certain if i isu't, There are some that make it so. If it 1s we'll join the rabble, Aud act the noble pat Of the taitlers and defamers Who throng the public mart ; But if not, we'll uct the teacher, Unul each meddier learns IU were better mi the futare To mind their own concerns. b bites ate, BA BY'S CA CARRIAGE. BY EMILY HUNTINGTON MILLER. "Such an ugly old ark as this haby- wagon is," exclaimed wy pretty cousui Clara, as she arranged the pillows in the capacious willow wagon, preparing to give waster Harty an airng-- 1 declve 1 am ashamed to go tito the street will it.-- Where did you ever pick up such an oui- wandish affaie 272 © Pek tug indeed," said 1, with an in- riage being satisfi my husband's wish, pet so [ found myself] lor it ole shall uve it every al 1001 a8 | " Provincial fal Paviixinent. soon afterwards knodkit at the door of Mr, | long as you want it 3 and without w nitingto] 0 rn Neal's little brown house. Such a keene as there was when [ ented! Six claldren, | all under ten years old, beside the deaf and dumb boy, who looked noise and confusion see] any one distracted 3 a mother, who stood at t Tier buby apo one arn the iron with the ot drop with exhaustion, {Fhe ell st boy was washing the dishes, ant® the mother told me that the chilidrén mandged 10 amuse the baby very well most © the time, but now He had the measles al woul stay with no oue but her. I remembered my 1 petted baby, and the days of sickness shen no place but mother's arins would sansfy the litifa suf- ferer. Did she not lowd her moaning baby as well as [my "ona ditla chick 7 [ be- lieved she dud. the pale, nervous ironing-table with while she moved Meanwhile a very intelligible pantomime was going on between'the deaf and dumb boy and his mother, b§ which he was soon made to nnderstind that I was the wife of | 3 out fourteen. The | ed enough to drive | lars for it; so there will be something saved | | . seemed ready to | hear the list of the grateful mother's thauks, I hurried away. « Now," thought I, "for Jimmy's go- cart, He will be very glad to get five dol- at any rate." But a moment more bettered that thought, by s ting that 1 should give Jimmy the ten dollars which had in- tended to pay for the cab, and thus bestow a charity upon a needy and deserving finily, | encourage the industry of the bog, and at the same time supply my own wants. dumb boy when made to understand that 1 had really purchased his wagon and that gave so much forit. He took the money, | turned it over ina curious way, then he | Then he began a series of rapid gestures by It was beautiful to see the dehght of the | would elap his hands and laagh ontright.-- | bound Legislative . Assembly. Quesec, May 12. The Speaker took the chair at 3 o'clock. After 1outine busines: Mr. Bachanan moved that Messrs. Simp- {sony White, Bell, [of 'Russell,] Bell, {of | Lanark,] McLachlin, Smith, Portman, Con- | nor, and the mover, be a select committee 10 enquire into and report upon the best method {ol relieving the distiess of certain munici- i | palities arising from debts contracted in the | constenction of railways with power to send Hor persons and-papers.--= Carried. Ii reply to Mr. Foley, Mr. Cuntier stated that it was not the in- tention of the vermnment to consider atsell by the weport of the committee, or | quer to the rescue of | bring the pubic exe Alter he recess-- Hon. Mr. Drummond moved an amend- ment, striking out that portion of the motion, expressing a legal opinion, and leaving it simply a discharge of Mr. Cassidy fiom fur- ther attendance. Mr. Dufresne objected to the amendment because it was similar tothe one which pre- ceeded it, The Speaker decided the amendment to be mn order, Mr. McGee thouglit the gentlemen on the opposite side of the House owed an apology id Mr. The mor cefully they {et Lin -- the better. The leaders in this matter hadmade amoral and a legal m «ake. Let them see that their fall was as easy as Cassily. possible. As they dared not to move a vote | ot express censure on Mr. Cassidy, he hoped [the House woul not record an kplied cone | sure. | Pwlieh he wtended to tell me that it would | mumeipalitios in difficuny (Heir, hoa]! Hon. My. on replied. buy elothes, and food, and coal 3 and then in| My Dufresne moved that inasmuch as nn | Hono Mr Alleyn endeavored to explain {most amusing way he put his hands in hi fiom an explanation of Francis paway Any. Gen. Macdonald's vehement ! pockets, and strutted about the room, teah-4 i deputy retuming officer at poll | {langnage during the first niglt's debate, to | 0g, his mother expanned, that ho wa [great many and had earned money. He in- | a1 No, + Louis wand, eastemn division of | Montre, -- at the last election held in July, his father's employer, aud that would like | sisted upon drawing the wagon home for me | (861, and by other evidence laid before this to cee the wigon he had made. His eyes | sparkled with pride and pleasure as he diew it from another room, and began with expressive language and signs *o point ont 10 me how strong it was, and how well made in every part. 1 could oy wily sce that i | od fully made and it was n tinish- ed¥With nothing to offend the taste ; bit then it was so large, and so very, very plain. It was clearly fit for "nothing bunt to send om parcels from the store as my husband had | suggested ; so [ said as much to Mes. Nal, and she mn torn translated it to her son. -- His eye fell, and he seemed disappointed 5 | but he omy shook his head, patted the w ina consoling way, as ong would a child, and drew it away fiom the room. It was but a short walk (0 the well-stoek dil | i farniture rooms 3 and if my taste had not | been met by poor Jimmy's attempt at car- with its easy rocking motion, its damty pro- | 4 surely could not fl of | 1 by the variety of elegam | styles that were displiged 10 me 1here.-- 4 Lam ales . there was not one that so pleased me 4s a minature cab, | | tiumselt, and when he left it he patted it in | the same way he had done before. By this time I was fully satislied with my purchase, and could bear very well my husband's | [4 good-natured ridicule of my ambulance » avoidable i wagon," as he styled i. | very quame for i Jammer itowent on Hs daily mission of | mercy. There was room- enough in ity cas | pacious lap tor both the sick alter the fresh air had covered their Jittle | | skeletons with solid mascie ; and as for my own little boy, he never missed the more dainty tarnish | so near owning. answers to go to market with; no jolting av Itis a eapital wagon. It the rough pavements have shaken th | ness of screw or nail; by chiidish hands 5 its not to nice to lewd ; Land bids fair to descend as an hen-loom to another ge Hmm em -- eee Doa'l Croak. No, no, (ri Cand unmanly things you do don't croak. IPs a bad habit, a useless habit, a pernicious babies, even | sof the carmage he came! tirm- | Honse, that he was prevented, by an un- ecident, from assuming the iy of deputy retarmihir officer at said poll; dy that, although im voting at sand election, the | sand Franers Cassidy acted contrary to law, That wus the | yet, as this House is of oprion that he acted | : | . ng thi » - and all the spring and | | without any evil intention, and from a mis- | Quebee Chronicle, showing that the lan conception of law in that behalf, he be dis- cha aed from further attendance at the bar. Hon. Mr. that this House, mn interest of liberty and purity of elections, must eeratinize with vigilance the conduct of all returning offi- cers: and, while maintaming that right this Hou [by e returning officer, and by other witnesses » considering from facts established mination of Franeis C assidy, deputy | He assidy acted in good faith, orders that the | said Francis Cassidy be discharged, Mr. Joseph Dufresne and Hon. Mr. Cau- Lotion areued wo support of the main motion. | Mr. MeDongall said the point at issne Liga ar whataver nther wenk | T18 whether Kelly or Casculy was the De- | puty Returning Officer, | disqualified by Mr. Cassidy was reason of his absecence, portions, so frail to the ee, but so strong in | habit, and in a period like the resent, posi- | and Kelly became the Deputy. The fup- reality, the salesman assured me. "Ouly ten dollars, madam," eaid the smooth-tongned cleik, "and the somest thing of the kind we have ever got up." Before I left the rooms 1 perfectly decided | in my mind that baby shon'd have that car- | viage, bot I wouid not allow at 1a be sent home, giving as a reason that I wished my | [tively sinful, | won't better them. | If business is dull, | hand- | work the harder, and smile the more. = Your neighbors will thank you for it, you | | wile will thank you fori, your ehiuldien | | will thank you lor it. It is hopossible 0] rnin a man who works hard, he 1s always | Leheerlul, and wont believe himself ruined LI a man imagines every st aw that lies in | » 1 the N fren ding of the Raily If times are hard, eroaking | porters of the motion wanted to affiem that | when Cassidy came back from Three Rivers to Montreal he {turning Otficor. rain became Deputy R He (Mr. MeDongall) was not prepared to go that length, Hon. Mr. Alleynan reply contended that | Mr. Cassidy remained Deputy Returning | Otlicer and that he should have assumed the duties of the office the moment" he ached Sicotte moved in amendment | f which Mi. o had alluded. Mr. [ mi tilesty talked against time. Di. Counor thought the Provincial Seere- tary was the last maa who should talk about House, when he hal Alleyn the privi'ezes of the held his seat on the stiength of an election | which was one mass of pegury and falsifica~ [ tion. [Hear, hear] Di. Connor read fiom | a report of Me. Macdonald®s speech in the | * he used would not a the interpre- { tation put aponitoy Mr. yn. [Hear] i Mr. Rywal confessed X had been mis- (taken in voting to bring Mr. | bar of the House. | of the hou, gentleman opposite had lim. He should be very earelul in future how he believed them, Mr. Joseph Dufresne following, spoke AVien le had done, the Cassidy to the The strong statements misled Arunst time, jit will bear andi | heard at the bar of this House, that francis | | House divided on Mr. Drummond's motion. | Yeas 50 ; nays 51. | The mam motion was then passed on the Cassicty was | same division, and My, jh wed. Mr. Dufresne offered to shake {bands with Lom amid Lisses. Sume piivate bills were advanced a | stage. THE GRAND TRUNK. | Mr. J. 8 Maeda td moved the second 1y fusion bill. He was He asked to be {allowed to send it to a committee, not committed to detaiis, | Mp Sicatte was willing the bill should go Lo contmiitee, Me. Notman denounced the measure as ; wist, Cluke seconded the six months' tous, wid moved the six montlis | a | i ah { hoist, i BLANK DEEDS AND MEMORIALS WITH AND WITHOUT DOWER, (7 For Sale at this Office. the aan get out of a cabat the court door," and should not have been given. dignant tone. You will please 10 under- y . . Ye sotifosse as | Atty. Gen. Cartier supported the second - i HS : J i I asband to call and see it: for in spite of all | is-way an impassible tarrier, or when his | the poll. © He (Mr. Alleyn) confessed it was } J suppor a) stand, Miss Clara Antes, that [ paid th > . # a small matter, reading of the bill. any hing were wrong w chiole of ia de i I could do, I conld not help feehng that it | path becomes really dificult, sits down on | ive 2 4, 8 whole of ten doliars for that wagon, and | Mr. Dinmmond acknowledeed it was a (the Radway Committee would look alter ¥ consider it was cheap at thats for it has | 980 ¢ stravagant sum to ay out, even for | the neinest earbistone, wand goes blubbering | RRs Eo nes Li ; side as cheap a at; as , all matte svertheless it was in con- | that, 3 ohn ine serilas andi ding ! Hiore reat baby, and yet with the beautiful carnage | over lus © bad fuck,' instead of exerting | small matter, but nevertheless it was in con ET tod th ; this? ; ee r service, a ore re ) : g { = souaticn wi si the Govern-| Mi. Morris supported the six months x 1 than haifa d ys { your dainty, vel- | before me, Leould not feel satisfied with a [ himselt bravely and cheertully to surmount | Stance with the mode in Whe tthe Govern- | 4 ppore . : a apis PL JE dutty YO | tai one {ihe of the luck," he (Ment had been conducted for some years [hoist The second reading was the proper i vet lined cabs conid endure. ids i . Bol : | pa or 3 Pro stage for the of sts of ameasure to ey . UY cail © Z Ou my way home it occurred to me to] cannot of conrse expect to succeed. Such | PAst Twas a smail thing for the Premier erik Ee ti ' «believe ity"? said Clara, laughing. -- | Fof'the Province to sock, upon such a pre.) tlouver ts defeat at. [Hear] He pointed Why its: Justthe size for my Shetand peall and see what had become of the poor | a man not only fails iiimself, but discourages | : yr Uf t apre-! utol Jections to the nicasite, o" Bl 3 stati . k 2 . . oy | tence % wick a brother barriste . only. to dr 3 with had bins hate: row. i | woman who uséd to corge to me for plain bis neighbors, aud felps to put them down, | : nee to send back a hratis barrister to thie Mr. Mackenzie opposed the bill. Allad- Jt AW == Wis F re | oi 3 amped uw + eonsire inet olin > 2 he soi he "| sewing, but who had not made her apy Croaking 1s as contagions as the mbasles, |! Toutreal bar, stamped with the censure of fing to Mr. Beis me sure he soid 1 had ' would harness him im and take the Manny ; iis A | i he Hovse. He (Mr. Drum 1y muintain-1 nostited to day tia al concgrned wie . p 4 . «bh : 5 . % th vse. e (Mr. ummond) maintain ont." She dumped the biby down anon ance for some time. This took me into a | and twice as destructive 1o manly vicor and LRM C NC hinty tisticd, melniing tie Bank of Upper ' o sed the by 7 pi ! ! ad 1h aahiv Ye dischi s oz i the pillows, m ale a pretence of standing or 'miserable part of the eity, whee it seemed | fealin. No man has any more tight to in- | i i i Tgluntd he dine bas ed; jo to The eluet manager of the Bank Ny il il Hence SH x ' a 7 S H i]s are FH S- sd " lip-toe and looking in "to sen if he had | 1% the sweet breath of spring-time could | troduee the one malady than the other. So- 4 v r A tm. Wilson argued i Mr. Cas- |; Al stuce said he did net know cnything . A stom ver and the started vif. oi hot ex | never find its w Up three flights ol instine tively shuns a sonr face, and 3 y onght to have assumed the il of | Aba the measure pe Sout fie rock F en started o or ex- dn a o dul no > y | con Wi cer of the Bank ing ' Wisi oe ? stairs, in a low, dingy room, I found the ob- Is kindly towards a pleasant one, eputy, Li aw he did not, therefor " he had a 4 tt ih " . ot i . y to px 4 aie cusion. : # acte 4 ine a ~ of members t ' i iit : oy cet of my search busily sewing, while a fand society is nueht-- Carve Cancin-- Be- not acted illez yi He (Mr. Wil Je oovernment to assime certhin lala tes While she is gone I will tell you the |' o ' i con] should support the amendment, and | wre i thi litifien wirdof that' willow. wage, that. vad. mas dttle mii was trying to guiet two puny look- | ware of the Croaker. } ; Bp : ' { It was beneath the dignty of members of A story of that willow wagon, tha « b 5 a o y re o " de To . at A . » y itit was oot cl tien d 3 © | ing babies. I had olen hewd her speak i tr i i would be wad to see an addition made to " jie Lowisiatute to sian sueh a document, oi it was not cheap at ten dollars, 2 3 7 i Leensaring 3 Wouy ass 'y s Sa ' of her twain babies, but had never seen them (= Good order is bread, disorder is star- censuring hose who brought Mr, Cassidy ((Hear) ' \ Vid ting near spring-time ; the blue - 4 . to the bar. + Mr. Galt hoped the Honse would not re- birds | come, and here and there the tefore 3 and their pale faces, sunken eyes, | vation. | Mr. Rykert, if 1 y +1 ! fuse gu mend sin oll bos wort, ld ty : 5 hi 2, 3 » . Rykes ad bo seril. : $ wi i on. 1 watched jt ali 214 ittle bony bonds, made my leat ache (Z~ What is the greatest curiosity in the ; Sider. ie had "heen presei ve parties a chance 10 sav what they 5 «rags Was growing green, watched it ali | * 1 Lin hermal rv of nealoct; hut would not have voted to brine Mr. Cass anted, I was a weak thing inthe Ley \ with defight, and ane of my first though. | °F retd them gh story of hepleet, hans | yp iy7 A woman's. he b H ul Ini ¢ ri sight, a ay firs ghis 5 4 . 8 ar. so . py reo refns ik sels e- HE 5 2 ver, and sickness. Sickness! Wio wouldnt [101 a har. e could not now vote to luturero refnse to look into the ¢ Him, be 2 was, now baby must have a carringe, an te sieht { mdty Boul wight in that 02 Modesty=-A beautiful flower that | pay illegal which he did not think illecal. use there wis an vu'ery agaist the Giand i we sick, to spend a cay and night an tha A 1 iy 4 d a0 oot every day to get fresh color into Lis . i or flourishes only mn secret places. a " ' = ak t 2 { oe, HL 11 0 8 ot, close air. I felt suffocating io it, and wi / Wd I : wiliet jie condemned the Dppostion for making RE His Saietrkn ; ale cheeks, s - 9 » male sex avoid lette a pity ques 7 3 | Al Yiha lirst Sritliny dog, 1 inehtinned ooked ma restless way toward to window. (= ; ys ad K dil hbiodiiiany vs P oy quot i h full : « e one. It wasn N Almost the hrst sunshiny day, 1 r el ¥ A SCRE sakes me an. v c acquittin 'as- > \ ) fi 2 H ar . ii a y 2 RHE lie poor woman saw my glance and said, A? Becavse it rgukes men mean | Mr ; bolt, t i h fully aequi i 2 " ( rt nt Gi 1 y Public Bill. [Hear] ile ) ta subject do. my husband at the dinner dol = The kitchen 1s the scene of many | stly of international wrong, wonld vote for | was opposed to the measne 3 § > gable, and he proposed [should go that very 1 kuow ihe air isn't) gootd foroney x a events {the motion of the member for Montealm. Mr. Burean fin French opp reed the bill, h 2. ma'am ; but it costs So much for coals, thar | SFOHE events. | Mur. Sherwood wonid vote for the second . afternoon and select one, saying fie had 1 ¥ ' i. ; | \ ticed hand : al the | when I get the room warm in the moming | (Z~ This is my bridal day, as the horse | Mr. Mowatt apne that the apparent al- reading, reversivg the tight to oppose the oticed some vi dso ones ig = 2 Tar HW was i . ) ut re- nolived sume very nav ine onus 8 it can't afford 10 lose any heat by airing in.-- | sued when he felt Lo bit going into lus | feration of the law was to disfranchise per- | hil o any clan ul it. He «l onl not re furniture stores. hy ® 1 sons: acting: as deputy i a tuse to give the Grand Traunk fae play, be- Ye 3 x y mouth sons acting as depniv returning offleers, Justas he was leaving the house he Ux good that sumer is coming, when | mouth. IBN Covsidy hind I © Leanse there was a prejudice against wed back, saying, « By the 'way, Mary, | he Lord will warm the world for us." She | (= One of our writers asks what sort of | OW CisICy vot £0 meted, Hence Ly Nacdunwall sand This see ol & Gove ack, 0 y Mary. : i arose i ~ Lp vhiie % % > + Mo v f my men toll me the other day |< this with a sad smile, and glanced at | anmals are the laziest 2 Oysters of course; | A10S¢ # most doubtiul point, upon which it arnment bill inthe hands of 4 private mem- ne ol y told e other da) hor Lables us dhe k culd ba improper to express a strong [ber He objected stiongly to the proposi= that Lis son had been making a willow | 17 Lables as she spoke. they never get out of their bed till they are {apinon, especially as the matter would Ye ton to inerdese a monopoly, Already dig = wagon this winter, and wis very anxious to| ** A1e they sick ? Lasked. pulled out. [pun She So tvalter oval In gerons members call it cowardly 10 obey i 3 1 : «QOunly the cough ma'am," said she, ; | brought before an election committee, w let ha sell at. It as that deat and dumb boy of | ] y = thin i '1 (ZG The Grave--An ngly hole in the z | Ly vtmons oulapde su Foi Neal's. He is very ingenious, and with a |" but iv's « earmng them away, poor things. "ground, which poets aud lovers wish they | Mr. J Maetanah! bad not altered Lis fare use sen sen i Wm tal als. g ' : shot! Sieh 4 on ALR sub h he av p " opmion since the matter was first before the ublie upiuion at a genersl elec. little help from his futher has made the | Ihe doctor says the fresh air would CUT | were in, but take uncommon care to keep 1 co. Perlinvis' thes vodt 11 tion in Upper Cimada was expressed nonin wagon to amuse himsolf, and in the Fope | them if Tkept them out two or thre: hows | =o onse, erinns thee proceedings tnd on liatitinn ne HHS tira tant af of earning a trifle. Lam afraid it will Le | every day, but 1 ust 'sew, ma'am, or we [ heen instituted by certain pati becanse | ji constituencies. He conclinted his goad on clmsy to answer your purpose; but it | Must all starve together, aud litle Mary (5 Scott says thats every man that lives | they knew legal proceedings would fail. | speech by. savin that he won'd vote for the : ans Se ; : * hi y » 5 . , + will do no harm to call and look at it, Don't | Here is not strong enouzh to carry them, -- | His his i and Stes : We we nol | rear, hear.] i id of tie member for North Went : : * Y . ae . . | certain about the shades, but there is no hver 3 . : ; arty ; feel at-all obhred 10 buy if you don't|! Leonld borrow a wagon she could draw Fithont lights. ° ? Mr. De Cages spoke for the main motion, | yy." pai [Rossel 1 wonid 81 for the like it3 T can take it 'of him to send pack- nicely, but nobody around here has one,' | Without lights. and Mr. Joly for the amendment. second reading thongh he would oppose the aes around: mo? ¢ Mrs. Merrill had one made for her| (= We understand the at a certain Mr. | Mr. Rankin pointed out that if Mr. Cas- thir l unless the Hill wire amended. He re= Now. fiom the very first thought of a car- | Wits," said 13 «you sew for her, don't | McAdams is about to wed a Miss Street. - { xidy continued to be depnty returning offi- phed 10 Sone of the arguments of the oppon- Ln ' 4 s - tl pa a ps eut's bil riage my mind had been made up as to just | YOU » . him i this Happens, she will then be mac cer, the election of Mr. Cartier was involved. | My. Street thongh he contd not support 3 what kind of one it should be. A vision of | * IUs to nice to-lend ma'am,? was the | adamized. ~~ | He read a petition relative to the Essex elec- [the House depriving creditors of their my darling's happy face looking out from only reply. (= An indigent person who was perpetu- | joy frauds fast Parliament, and contrasted igi ow Torlteless wae Ww, as that the . " . : i My allv H 3 " " H a " hill shook! go to a com pe, r= * the silken curtains of a stylish little cab with | To nice to lend !--yes, and so would | ally boasting of his ancestry, an industrious, | the conduct of the Government when the | 0° Vit iy pH tee, Te or v its cushions of crimson velvet, was always my elegant ten-dollar cab be. Only care- | successful tradesman, of humble origin, ob- | returning officers and depoties were brought {1hat a commits shonht in=estigite these. s : ey saw; and that awkward wil- | ful hands must touch it; only well-dressed served, "You, my friend, are proud of 1, the bar of the House and admitted those | He did not think it possible for the House to 3 low wagon, with its elumey proportions and | babies could sit on ita velvet cushions. My | your descent, I am prond of my ascent." trauds, with their conduct now, when they Hpetien the Sopneintion of debs, : 5 i v 9 - hl Ry Mr. Rywrso ade a strane i { probable stripes of red and green, thrust it- | on was made, ak resnived fo eam-{ pa « May it: please your honor," said a | were forced to admit Mr. Cassidy was iuno- the bill. i Sy 5 ne Ipeeeh agninal 3 sels into my fancies in a most unwelcome' nt myself. at ence, wil ne poor litle Tawyer, addressing one of the judges, «1 cent. i alarmine evil. and trembled at the prospect : " babies before me, so as lo leave no room | hroyght thie prisoner from jail on an habeas| The House then divided on Mr. Sicotte's | of a railway wonopoly. = # There is no use in looking at it," Ijsaid | for relenting. corpus." « Well," said a fellow, in au nn- | amendment: Yeas, 52; Nays, 53. Mr. Rs anki os sya to vote for the : to myself, as | was dressing tomo out; «of | -"I shall have a wagon by to-marrow," | dertone, who stood in the rear of the court,| Hon. Mr. Foley remarked that Mr. Car- Al Nou Srey ihe S conse T'shall not buy such a thing." Still | #aid I, « that will earry a. dozen such litle | "these lawyers will say anything. I saw [tier's vote was that of an interested party, After some discussion the House adjuurns I thought it hardly right not to comply with ' creatures as these ; and if Mary will come ed a few minuies befora midnight.

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