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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Feb 1865, p. 4

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tore pry le insolvent are noti- a the above Act und from this' iis with their a spesifying the security they hold if any and value of it; and if none stating the / fact 5 the whole attested under onth™ with the vouchers in support of sueh claims, Dated at Prince Albert, in' the County | to ari this 23rd day of Jatvary, A.D. ¢ "JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee. DEPARTMENT oF CROWN LANDS, ucbec, 23rd. December, 1864, Noes, 18 hereby given that the lands in the Township AF Wollaston, in the County of Hastings, U. 'C., will be open for sale or and alter the 20th of January "next, on the usual conditions of 'actual set- tlement thereon, and subject to current tim- ber licences, at 70 cents an acre cash, or ; 1 dollar, if paid by instalments : upon ap- a suiion to M. P. Hayes, Esquire, Crown d Agent, at Madoc, in the townslip of Madoc. '3-8w A. CAMPBELL, Commissioner ©G00D NEWS AT LAST! The never ring DL TarmATL is the best. He ALL WiI0 ARE IN TROUBLE, 11 who have been unfortunate, all whose fond hopes ih "been disappointed, Srusto dd, and blasted ; "all whio have been seduc y false promises and de ceil § all who have been deceived and trified with, al. write to him for advice and to get satisfaction, f He makes your misfortunes pass away, he makes HA fe slander and envy of your enetiies fall harmle ns, and he sustains your character and respectability in ite of evil reports and rumors. All who are in doubt ort the affections hen they love consult him by let- ter, to relieve and satisfy their minds, and to find out Af their bright and warm hopes will be realized. IN LOVE AFFAIRS XIE NEVER PAILS. 9. 'ha the secret of winning the affections of the "Tie giides the single to a wealthy and "Pappy marriage, and makes the married happy. His nid and advice have been solicited in innumern- ble instances, and the result has always been A SPEEDY & HAPPY MARRIAGE Dr. Raphacl is, therefore, a sure dependence. MORD GOOD NEWS!!! DR. RAPHAEL will east your Horoscope or write our nativity. Every man, through the length and 4 44 land, who has bad roadth of t nck, and who can not get on in the world, should be in pessession of Dr. Raphnel's Written Opinion of Lark Future Prospects h, A, and honor. unfortunate and men who worked hard, and ee Kit adversity and mis- fortune the greater part of their lives, and who found the more they tried to get forward in the world, the more things went ngninst them : These men got Dr. Raphael's written opinion upen their future pros- - pects in life. All those who wisely followed Dr. Ra- phael's advice are now RICH, HAPPY, AND SUCCESSFUL fn all their undertakings; while those who were blinded by prejudice wi "imotance, neglected his advice, are still laboring against adversity and poy- erty. Be assured WEALTH, EMINENCE, AND GOOD » LUCK are within the reach of i ir Jou wish fo be rich and happy you will consult him also, Terelore we say, write one | write all} e=s consult DR. RAPH ASL, The » Astrologer «r the 15th Century. t 0 ie BENTIALLY rep A distance ma) nY of ommuni ate coxvy pTLA BL Private nd onfidential, No answer will be given to letters un eas one dollar is inclosed as a Consultation Fee, and all otters must be prepaid. 8a all letters as follows : D. R. BOX 1657, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Let it be Slensty | inverstond that the price 6 named) asa inf be fora oon not pay for on e Doctor's written opinion of your futaré prospects in life. It does not pay for winning the affections of the opposite sex, for for the con- summation of a huppy marriage, nor for doing an; other iness named in the above advertisemen The Dus Doste has a fixed price for doing each separate CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. Dr. W. Raphael, the Astrologer, has no connection with PROF r Dr. W. Bl. Raphael, or with say other, Eentiomun TARA ade an uasignment of | PIANO-FORTEx Manufacturers; 499 Broadway, NEW YORK. HE attention of the Public and the trade is invited to our EW SCALE T Octave' Rosewood PIANOT'ORTES Which for volume and purity of fone are un- rivalled by any hitherto offered in this mar- ket. They contain all the modern 1m- provements, 1 French Grand Action, Harp Pedal, Iron Frame, Over-Strung Bass, &o, And each instrument being made under the personal supervision of Mr. J. H. Grove- ~TEEN, who has had a practical experience ol over 30-years in their manufaclure,is fully warranted in every particular. The * Grovesteen Piano Forte" re- ieived the highest award of merit over all others at the Celebrated Worlds Fair. Where were exhibited instrnments from the best makers of London, Paris, Germany, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Boeton and New York ; and nlso at the American Institute for the last five years, the gold and silver medals from both of which can Le seen at our ware-room. By the introduction of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano Forte and by manufacturing largely, with a strictly cash system, are enabled to offer these in- struments at & price which preclude com- petition. Pricrs.--No. 1, Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood plain case, $275. No. 2, Seven Octave, ronnd corners, Rose- wood heavy moulding, $300. No. 3, Seven Octave, round corners, Rose- wood Louis XIV style $325. Terms : Net Cash, in Current Funds. Descriptive Circulars sent free. [17-1y THE SINGER SEWING MARHINES Ax NEW YORK PRICES. Our LETTER A FAMILY SEWING MACHINE 1a fast guining a world-wide reputation: ftis beyond doubt the best and cheapest and most beautiful of oll Family Sewing Machines yet offered to the public. No other Family Sewing Machine has so many useful dp- pliances for Hemming, Binding, Felli Pi cing, Guagius WAHT RT ra great variety of work, ne with all kinds of thread. Grem ments make our Family ¥ewing Ma- chime most relinole, and most durable, and most certain in action at nll rates of speed. It makes the interlocked stich, which is the best stitch known. Twill sew much capaci ail kinds of cloth, and recent impro of the most ord nary enpacity, 10 use the lever A Family Sewing Machine, Our Fam- ily Sewing Machines aie finished in eliaste and exqui- site style. "Phe FoldTug case of the Family Machine is a piece of It pro- tects the machine when not in use, and when about 10 he operated may be opened as a spacious and substan. tial table to sustain the work. While some ofthe Cases, made out of the choisest-woods, are finished 1 the sim- plest and chastest manner possible, others mre adorned conning workmanship of the most useful ki d. BY -) NEWS FOR THE LADIES. Hear hat the s Cineiamnti Weekly Press says on the 6th of Marc About iy ii slier marriage, a lady of our Sequaintatce gave birth toa duughter, but her suffer- reat that her physicians despaired . This made her dread the very in becoming a mother. Bhe tried every to prevent a re, petition of her sufferings, Ep but BS Seeding, er marrige she was again confine but | hel sufferings were ho great that the child died, and her own Tio spaired of. She wa told od her family physi hy ih that if she had any more children he wind her life would Hy he Torta As ull the remedies she had tried be. fore. id filed, oh she applied to Du. RAPHAEL, the i yom ris ® PREVENTIVE TO HAVE CHILDREN, His remedies had the desired effect; they not only Jrovented er from having children, but they also proved ber health. *T0 THE PURE ALL THINGS ARE rv "ihe Botanic GP tic ow 's remedies can be recom- use they are innocent and safo. They porate without CAUKIN sickness oF exposure, They do not interfere with the diet or occupation. They Bok injure the health, but they & are cerlain 'in 5 M. D. M. HEicus, M.D. BF Persons at a distance may comminicate Cox. FIDENTIALLY hy or, ir thay ine ose ONE DOLLA for ultation Fee, in each etter, All letters and communications are strictly Hg and confidential. Ee -- Me er will be be given 10 titan unless one dollar a tio $n isioned ang ro, 'we, und the postage of Address all as follows: | and lished in dhe most costly und superh manner, It is absolutely necessary 10 see the Family Machire in operation, so as to judge of Its great capacity and beauty. It is fast becoming as popular for family sewing as our ing are for i ~Alaemaps For Maxvractukine Purrosks.--Our Nos. 1 and 2 Machiues ure of great capacity and appli cation for manufacturing purposes--tailoring, shoe fit- ting, and so forth, Our No, 3 Machines (with Vibrating Presser, which is indispensable for heavy patent leather work) are es- pecially adupted to all kinds of light and heavy Leather Wok, in Carriage Trimming, Boot and Shoe Making, Harness Making, ete., ete. They are of extra size. with ain arm long enough to take under it and stitch the largest sized carringe dushes. There is scarcely any part of a Trimmer's stitching that cannot be better done by them than by hand; so, 100, the saving of time and labor is very great. The table of these Machines is 24 inches long, and the shutile will hold six times as much thread as the shuitle of those used for tailoring pur poses. The large mac work ns fust as small ones. The publ mide Teirhitution of ours. 'The metal in them, from the jron casting to the smallest piece, is of poor quality. It is only by doing a great husiness, and having extensive manufacturing , that good ines can be made at moderate prices. 'The best designed Ma chines, BADLY MADE, ure alwnya linble to get out of order.nnd are sure 10 cost considerable trouble and mo- wey to keep them in 1 'The qualities 10 he Toad for in a Machine are: cer- tainty of correct action at all rates of speed. simplicity of construction, great durability, and rapidity of eperation, with the least labor, Machines, to combine these ess sential qualities, must bo made of the best metal and fin- purposes, SAVE MONEY ! . RAYMOND'S IMPROVED FAMILY SEWING MACHINE x THE BEST SMALL ONE on this continent. Price only $12. Suitable for peveta) family work from the finest to reest Silks, Cottons, Linens and Wool- hes Warranted for one year. For beauty of slit hing and SHeigih of sewing the 'un- domigned willing to test them against any her Fami y Machine. They are very rable, portable, and easly worked by gir 1 In ot age. Persons need not ve to for. ane, here at a ib ¥ a aso and of per imi= : ih Jespest- JX ng them. They are offered ind will soon prove useless ai { There is no maker's NAME on are brotight from the 'States.-- r and gennine ones are: made by Raymond, Guelph, C. W., and 'name on the | ped hear the needle. Orleraitetlés ismnd sent express east of Toronto, on re- Fa T8nrd 10 ® have he we and means, on a grand scule, to do this, The purchasers of Machines, - whos ily bread it may concern, will find that those having the above qualities not only work well at rapid as well as slow rates of speed, but last long in the finest possible work ing order. Our machines, As MADE BY vs, will earn more money with lexs labor than any others, whether in imitation of ours or not. In fact they are cheaper than any other Machines as a "gift. All genuine Singer Machines will be repaired (though it seldom happelis that the; require if) atthe offices of our ngenls. The branch Offices are 'well supplied with silk, twist, thread. needles, ail, &e., of the. very best quality. Eend for n PAMPHLET, THE SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 458 Broadway, New York, x3 Buffaln Office, 253 Main Street. G+ W, FOLTS, Agent in Hamilton--Office 17 King St. Aleo in Toronto--Office 34 King St., East T. C. FORMAN, Agent in Prince Albert. Delays are © Dangerous. Di HAVE YOU HAD_ YOUR. LIKENESS "TAKEN YET? For, 1 would tecommend you to] I call; at the earliest. opportunity, and 'Secure the £ ere the Substance {if yon afl : ™ 3./A CLARE AMBROTYPE pi A I if you can get as a likeness as can be : ; Roied wn Canada. ~Whithy; Jan. 20,1864 2.11 TERMS CASH, gran oie Arid No. 1 uli y Pegged 'At ; Misses', , Boys,' Youths' (At the Red White and Blte. - the Red White and Bi, FR MILLER'S Waterproof. Blacking. Save your Leather and' keep your feet TERMS CASH, v the Red White and Blue, ADIES? and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes made \o order in the most fashionable styles--Sewed and Pegged, TERMS CASH. Highest Price in Cash paid for any quantity of Hides. | Prince Albert, Dec, 21, 1864. At e Red White and Blue. JAMES BAIN. SELLING AT COST AND NO ag i OR want of room in my present premises, I have determined togive up the Dry Goods, and Boot aud Shoe' Department In my business, and I am now offering my entire Stock in the above line at COST.-- The Stock is large and of the newest styles, being mostly this~all purchases, and have fi 1i i} s may rely on get- been bonght on the most favorable terms, tl ting GREAT BARGAINS. My Stock of Boots and Shoes 18 very large a best 'material, and purchasers may depend on getting a good article. el nd have been manufactured out of the variety of Ladies and Children's Boots and Shoes. My Stock of Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps, Lamp Chimneys, will be found as Cheap as the Cheapest. He "has a great CASH paid for Wool, Sheep Skins, and all kinds of Farm Produce, or taken in exchange for Goods. Port Perry, Dec. 7, 1864. J. W. GAMBLE. 48-1y MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST, FOR A TERM OF FROM FIVE TO TEN YEARS ! A FROM $400 TO $4,000. HE subscriber begs leave to inform the public that he has made arrangeménts to loan any guantity of money, as above stated, on good land.d security, on the most reasonable terms. ance with a large portion of the "nha Parties wanting any must apply al once. itants in the Cointies of Ontario and Victoria, I From my long ncquaint- flatter myselt that they can depend on being honorably dealt with. Also, a large quantity of Cleared and Wild Lands lor Sale very Cheap. OFFICE---Over the Store of T. C. Forman, Esq. Bnnce Albert, March 9, 1864. JOHN ADAMS. 9-1y , TIERS 1 \l Een EE ai Prince Al ert COOKING STOVES, Parlor Stoves, Box Stove, STOVE PIPES, BATE TROUGHS, TIN and JAPAN Jem of every description, s FUR SALE BY A. E. MCCAW. (= Particular attention paid to all kinds of Jobbing. Prince Albert, Oct. 19, 1864. 41 Mi. O'Donovan, (LATE DONOVAN, WALKEY & €O.,) CARRIAGE BUILDER! AND MANUFACTURER OF BUGGIES, SLEIGHS : CUTTERS. BROCK STREET, WHITBY, C, W. _ 0Snor--TForp's OLD STAND, NEAR THE Bask. Whitky, J Jan. 20, J86% "RR. WILSON, DRUG GISTY OPPOSITE sCOTT® HOTEL, . JPRINCE ALBERT, EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines,! Dye-StuTs, Prints, Oils, Perfumery, D Trusses, Hair Tocthand Nail Bruehes, Combs, Sponges ami Soups, Leecher, &e. and d Special attention given to the (= Medical gentlemen will please call and examine li goat, Prince Albert, April 6, 1864. prescriptions. als NEW GOODS ! $10 W 'ATCHES - - 7 -FOR $7. Clocks ip great, variety on the best wiakers. GUINEA Go Gold | Weilne i Wiarenrie Ware Jewelry, Spectacles, &o., se. 3 EQUALL Please call and examin the Rai ny REGULATOR Warcr before purchasin, elsewhere, - ALL KINDS OF WATCHES § CLOCKS REP ARE ® G8 al L381 SO lel wwsd p AND WARRANTED. w. INSTALL, Brooklin; & H, T. ANTHONY 3 MARUFACTURERS or Photographic Ma © WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 501 Broadway, N. v. 4! RIALS, wy ure re dlchduutt ies for ie Folly |premzoscoess AND STEREOSCOPIC War Seees, American and h Foreign Cities and Land- scapes, Groups. Suary, &e. Also, Revolving Sento for public or e exhibition. Our Catalogue will be sent tans ui Jini on receipt of stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, We were the first 10 introduce these fila the Uhited States, wal we manufacture immense quantites in gieat 60 cents to $£0 ench._ variety, 1anging in pi ALBUMS have Lieauty and dura : nail. pi Ld MADE T0 ORDER. £5 CARD PHOTOCRBAPHS. Our Cutnlogue now embraces over FIVE THOU- SAND su jecis (to which additions are continpally being made) of Portrans of Eminent Ameticans &c, viz : about 100 Major-G: 1 550 200 Brig. ~Ge: 180 Divines, 276 Colonels, 125 Authors, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, 10 Briists, yg 250 Other Officers, 125 Stage, 75 Navy Officers, 50 Prom'at Women, 150 Prominent Foreign. Portraits. 3,000 COPIES OF WORKS OF ART, including reproductiqes fab cataloged Fei on Wk, for. One Dazen $ICTURES from onr Catalogu I be filled on the reecipt of $1.80, and sent rh mn "hot ogiuphers et thet ole ring goods C. 0, will pl remit twenty-five per cont of the 0D with their order. E. & ll. T. ANTHONY & CO. Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, 501 BROAD WAY, NEW YORK 55 The prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. L. LYONS' PURE OHIO CATAWEBA BRARDY, AND SPARKLING CATAWBA WINES, Equal in Quailty and Cheaper in Price than the Brandies and Wines of the Old World, For Summer Complaint, Cholera Infan- tum, Bowel Oomplaint, Cramp, Cholic, and Dirrrheea. A sure Cure is guaranteed, or the moneyacill be refunded, N support o the above statements, are presented the Certificates of Dr. Jas. R. Clinton, Chemist, New York; Dr. Hiram Cox, Chemical Inspector, Ohio; Dr. James R. Nichols, Chemist, Boston; Dr. N. E. Jones, -Chemical Inspector, Circl eville, Ohio; Prof. C. T. Jackeon, Chemist, Bos- ton; Dr. Chas, Upham Shepard, Charles- ton, S. C.; and J. V. Z. Blaney, and G. A. Mariner, Consulting Chemists, Chicago, all of whom have analyzed the Catawba Bran- dy, and commend it in the highest terms, for medicinal use. Analysisof the Massachusetts State Assayer, Jan, 25,1858. When evaporated throngh elem linen it left no ail or offensive matters every spect itis a liquor. The mid aroma prtakes of 1 prod tion of the mnnufacture both home and abn A. HAY to hgh f for Cognne Brandy will do away wifi firtatious spirits, sold under this name d. Respectfully, M.D.. Assayer to Ste Mass, 16 Boyleston St, By the same, in 1864, 'ONS' PUR CATAWBA hart pros ofiered the ly mereased ani vor depends was detern + snmples, "Ih nro ann by th ihe in ported A randy, Hi ALI \YNEs, M.D. aha only by H, H. Jatob & Co, (To whew all iit J should be nddressed,) 47-8m Depot, 81 Liberty St, New York. BULL'S RUN, NOR ANY OTHER RUN CAN BEGIN WI'H THE RUN AT A. A. GREEN'S CHEAP GALLERY, Over Lowes & Powell's Store, BROCK -ST., WHITBY ! £54 HERE you eay get your Likenesses k in Photograph, Cartes de Pr Leather Pictures, Let- bi graphs, Letter Stamps, Ambioty pes, or any other types, in the very latest style of the att, plain or colored, Mr. G.'s pictures are finished in such a manner that they can vever lade. Minia- tures put up im Lockets, Brooches and Rings in the neatest manner. (JG Please call and see specimens, Remember the place--Green's, Cheap Gallery. 2-1y Whitby, Jan. 20, 1864. Farm for Sale. FUE Subseriber offers for Sale the west half of Lot No. 22, in the 14th con- cession Reach, containing 100 Acres, 60 cleared and onder a good state of enlniva tion, There is a wood Log House and Log Barn on the premises, also a good well of Site Assnyer, an eau £1 water. The above lot is all hardwood lad. For further partienlars apply to AL McILREAVIE, On the premises. Reach, Oct. 13, 1864. 40-3m A GREAT BARGAIN FIRST I CAT S88 Farm for Sale. HE subscriber offers for gale the East hall of Lot No. 22, in the 10th collcus- sion of Brock, containing: gi 100 Acres---70 Acres Cleared, And mostly free fiom stump-. There 1s on the premises a good Log House 22 X 36; an excellent Log Barn 30 X50; a splendid Frame Stable and Driving House 32 X 36; a thriving Orchard 5 and a good well aud spring water. The premiges are situated on the main leading road from Cannington to Manilla--one mile and a quarter from the former, and three miles trom the latter place. The title is indisputable. For further particulard apply, if by letter, pre-paid, to M. G. ROBSVN, POSTMASTER, , y Prince Albert. P. 8. -- Also for sale 120 acres firet, class i} Na ion 10 our ho Ineo tsofl PHO TOGRAPHIC Of these we have an immense nssortment, including pri | Bpavins, &c., on Liorses. el ara show that this Brandy is | * Ee of which, i 2 Hes ailments a5 Bie _ This method of application should be resort: od to in all cases of SPINAL AFFECTIONS, OR WEAR NESS, REEUMATISN, NERVOUSNESS, NEURALGIA, - LUMBAGO, + SPARMS, | SCIATICA, Qour, Paralysis, Numbness, Discascs of the Kidneys, Bladder, Urctha, Difficulty of 'Pas sing. Water, Pain in the Small of the Duck, Cramps and Spasms, PAIN in the Hips, Back and Thighs; Weakness and Lameness in the Buck or Legs. And 1a all Female Complaints, euch as Leu- corrhepa, Weakening Discli gus, Qhstructions, Retention, Weakness, Pht Utenl, Hyste rics, Headache, &e., &e. In tliése cages, the entire length of the Spine should be ribbed for 10 or 20 Mitten, itee he disease or pain is seated, with the ve cases ont of one hundred, the ns will cease by ons Rubbing TAL ®3 or Sone T TERIA, I) APPLE {IITATION A Let the 1 ner for the fo! HEUMATIS: HAE DY LEADA MATION OF I teaspoonful or uss of water One dose ALLY. --~One 3 3) or VOUS LIE: ADAU io YoU fink BREATH, ny Let 4hoso seized withit give it a trial, IEF. e a tenspoonfal of RI Jue it as follows LIEF in a wine every half hoar. nerally sufficient. and bowels with t For all the purposes of a Liniment or Opo- dildos, RADWAY,S READY Ri LIEF, diluted with proof gpirits, will make the cst Lini- ment in the worl nd of proo. Rpirits, mixed with ono bottle of Ready Rehet, give a superior liniment to. an, mixture is used by the most ing gentlemen in Burope and A treatment of Swellings, Gals, Sprains, This ica, in the ins, 10084 OF 2 bi RUBBING THE SPINE. Pic iN piel il ard immine 1" times per day: In many Instances. the most sevaro, and agonizing pains will ceage: during' the process of the FIRST RUBBING; Ita con- tinued uso a few times will cure the patient, the most aggravating and long standing dises. 808, ella Persons suflering from either of the above named lai should not hesitate a ment to apply the Ready Relief, se d Tt will surely cure. aa The Rubbing should be, eontiiedl anitid senso. of leat and: irritation or burning, is" fenced. If you si d in ring action on the skin and back, you may feel per fectly satisfied of a curo--it is a sure sign. -, po) QPAONT) METHOD OF Or AECL ; ins RAD THIRD METHOD OF CURE. ! APPLIED EXTERNALLY. By Rubbing the part or parts of the body KIDNEYS, SPEAR. & TRAINS, CUTS NDS, oh AMPS, BURNS, BUALDS, PIPL BLOT HES, MCSQUI- To BITES, 1INGS OF POISONOUS IN- Cn BEANS, DigEnIes: SUN > X, 4 "IC 'FITS, BRUISES, Wo £1, JOINS, &c., i, SWE I L NGS of the KNEES, ce, SORE EYES, and in all cases wher is pein or distress, the Ril: DY YR *, if applied over the part or parts, will afford immediate ease. There 13 no other remedy, Liniment, or Paio- Killer in tho world that Sv yiistop pau 80 quick "JAY'S READY RELIEF. T ics, WORMS, Srna MORBUS, 1H0.1C, ASME, PURGING, ! A SICKNESS, DY. BRY, Ad VOMITING, SOUR TOMACLL, IESTEILA, CONVULSIONS, BAD DREAMS, An immediate enre of this esmplaint.is go-| of il Persons desirgus. of CANADA CHOLERA. lannel soaked in RELIEF across the bowels, cured by ths use of RADWAY'S READY RE-| This wil be found an effectual and speedy L cure, in 1819 and "54, RADWAY'S READY I" eured The worst cases of Asiatic Cho- ull other ro medial agents failed, It ared thousands of Dinrrhoen, Painful Discharges from the Bowels, Cholie, Cramps pnd Spusins by O2E dose. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF AS A LINIMENT. a good liniment, try it. RADWAY'S R DY RELIEF is sold by s and Medicine venders everywhere 20 Cents per bottle. In all cases, sec ilo fignature-of Rapway & Co. acl of egeh label, and the 2, Rapway & Co, blown in the is on the fr letters BB. RL glass, DR. JOIIN RADWAY.& CO., 220.8¢. Paul Street, Monireal | FROARTEN AA bi i 3 of this Remedy : liree times per dny for an adult, Ono bottla of RADWAY'S RESOLVENT possesses more of the active cure of disease two teadpoonfuis THE KIN &'S THE 'arEAT SORE MEDICINE. [ATER i | i RESOLY no person, however, Sores, or Eraptive ( -- improvement in I 1edy for xix days. any hopeless cases, where, DR. J, RADWAY & Go R20 BT, PAUL STRE! MO TR EAL. Ona ald Price One Dallar, T. C. FORMAN, AGENT, PRINCE ALBERT. BRYANT, STRATTON & CO's Commercial College MECHANICS INSTITUTE, TORONTO. Established in connection with the Bryant & Stratton's & Co's Chain of International Commercial Colleges, OCATED in 22 ol the chiel Cities of the States and Canada. Under the management of M. W. Cook and A, W, Smith, resident Principals. A SCHOLARSHIP issued from this College is good for an unlimited time any of the f olleges of the Chain, and entitles the holder 10 the advantage of instructions and influence in obtaining situations of all. THE DESIGN of these institutions isto 'impart to young men and ladies, a thorough burmess education, Bookkeeping, Penman | ship, Commercial Arithmeric, Commereinl Law, Telegraphing, , Phianography, English Grammar, Annly sing &e., are: taught mr the | most practical manner, ACTUAL BUSINESS 1s here introduced by the use of Bank and other Offiges, as in business honses, SPENCERIAN PENMANSHIP taught by A. W. Smith, W. P. Spencer and other first class penmen. A Telegraph Inatitnte under the manage- ment of a practical sound operator is con- nected with each College. We received a ean of commendation fori our Text Books at the Provineial Exhibition at Hamilton, and first 'prizes' for Penman- ship: at the ~Provincial rand York County Exhibitions this Fall, »» : For further particulars éend for circulars and Coilege Montnly,.. enclosing fever stamps Addre BRYANT "STRATTON & co. land, being east part lot 85, 4th of Scott, mostly hardavood timber ; 1wo miles from Udora village. Tenns,-- One. third cash, the balance in one and: twp Joarg Enquire as above. * Prince Albert, March 30, 1863. J TTORNEY at Law. Solicitor in Shan ti Conveyancer, Notary Public, A &e. te to' Lindsay, Co. Victoria" Building g Lot for Sale. | VALUABLE Building Lot situate he- tween J, Wright's Shoe Store and Wo, | H. Park's Furnitnre Store, in the best busi- ness part of the flourishing village of Prince Albert, For terms enquuro,of. H.GRIST, EPARTMENTAL, Parliamentary, kA Patent Avent, QuEBEe, transacts busi= ness with the Crown Lands and other Gov- erngent' Departmeits 5 takes" ont Patents {; nhions 3 Deafis wind takes charge of & Bills ddriii the Session, &e., for ities resuling in Upper Canada, or else- | where. Lana Script and Land Claims botght. and sold. © Rerereyces.-- Hon. A. Campbell Com- miss oner of Crown Lands; Jusan, E«q., ,Hamilton ; Messis. R. Lewis & Son, To=- ronfa ; W. *M: Wilson, Esq Simcoe ; F. BH, ¥ Lynch "Staunton, Fsq., Savgéen ; Hon. Carline, London; R. Bull, Esq., Inspector 'of Agendrsg, Colonial 'Life Assurance Cou' : Addggsy post-paid, to "HENRY GRIST, 'NOTICE: inios a indebied fo the Government on account of certain lands in the n= instalments of the purchase money in ar-; rear 'before the first of March ext, to john ; 'Alekander, Esquire, Crown Laud Agent, a "Barrie. "In 'default of ayment, the land' willbe fesumed, aiid disposed of at pibie TN EateoF the Lande can be 'procured' at * "this department, or fiom the Agent, can be sean at theseveral Post Offices where lands' are sitnated, audin the Office of the Regie ¥ Arar of ihe! Conny CAMPBELL. Connisionst. 3 5 Depa 'of Clown Lande, Quebocy 16th 'December, 1864. " Short Form Doods." £r BL READY any any guaniy of an y | & {Form Deeds and Memorial fice. Pp EVIL. ii 344, P. 0., Quebec... _ ty of Simeoe, U. C., are required to pay, the, i

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