t : Saree TN 3 0 4 ce -------------- os - pr wy m_-- i i iti -- If aud three 1 The question wow arises how will | them. It was the glorious achievement of | tities, and $4,061,86 of assots thus | ew for the prosecution, Betea : LATEST NEWS From ey act in a ns 2 Will they |one cf the youagest nations of Europe-- showing a surplus of $1,489,862 i. e. sup-| others, who all testified that the prisoner M ANCHESTER lay aside their torpid shiftlessness which | the noble Prussia--which 150 years ago | posing the asdots were all good, and that the | was with the Fenians and took part' with bas charactensed them during the Austrian | bad so existence 88 a nation, notwithstand- | real property. when sold, will realize as | ther to a greater or Jess extent. 4 29° Fresh Arrivals. ot rule 1 So far indications of returniog en- ing that ehe is now one of the most power- much ass # valued at. The Directors ate | The defence brought on five witnesses, all al ATriva Ee re creny wir bognwin 0 masien [nations of the carb. Lhe brllaney of of opuion Waly if the se re Rpel af whom ees SVCnECy hat the _prisouet Directors of the N. O Goods Chea i tthe themselves. 'The suddenness of the tran-| ber late victories wade the | ged, &° g& surplus will remain after | was drunk, se much so that he did not know | A. Society, which appeared in your issue Pet than ever sition, however, seemed to take the whole | powers stand smaged, while she complote- | gying offall liabilities. Bo that as it may] what he was doing. The prisoner's coun- of last week, doubtléss your readers will or Wi ho by surprise, and silence deep as|ly prostrated her foes and brought them 101 oon Las passed into the hands of the | sel made an o a "rothe jurss Jldte aokiced a 'retalation moved-by A. ADAM GORDON death ieigned on the first announcement of | her feet. 'Ihe European bullies make all a eg OR lode: appes) fan. espostilh . tbe welcome tidings. baste to secure her friendship and form al- | Assigned whose business it 18 to. wind up| Mp, Harmison replied for the prosecution. | Sherrard and seconded by the Treasurer, Neupoutils woken Bie Visio nies iit "The morving of the 19ih ult., was the |liances with ber. "Fhey are completely | the affairs ia whatever way may seem 10} After his Lordships charge, tho Jusy soticed, that {| prize ona Leicester Shear. 10 which 'he invites the attention of parties in want of | time ronier for the Austrians to evaeu- | bewildered at the rapidity with which she | them mos advantageous tothe shareh ion in eight minis returned with ar ling' be withheld from me, on the oad valos for their inoney. His immense Stock is |ate the territory 5 by 9 o'clock, a. m., the | has vanquished er engmies and brought | The Auigaees are R. Cassels (cashier) Aof # Guilty." Whereupon the prison- grow iat he ia cross-bred, notwathstand- Erlote with, almost every sricle, required for Wiser | Austrions were to be entirely out of the [them to terms of Ler oh dictation. y | a salary of $10,000. per annum, and T. U. | er was sentenced to be hanged ou the 13h the Tae 1 re Tuten Thad ith Wear und wee, clung: 8 Sensiy lot of Ecuret: | slate and the Venetians were to mex at the |are fairly puzzled, but all at once they im | Suset, P, Patterson, H. C. Barwick, and|prox. . : " g the aw a ; iuney, President, Seal-Skin, and Ladies' Black, | oo nica] at the same hour, and celebrate the | agine that they have discovered the secret | P, How{add, Esquires; at an ahinual salary | Patrick Donoghue was next placed in the contrary. to both law and wsage, where Plain, aod Figared Mantle Cloths. As prices are cut | g Loorpnce of the nation, but the ardor of | and found a solution in the * needle-gun." | if $5,000 'each. dock, but as no evidence could be brought judges bave awarded a It, or any prize on ill and Caldoon, two Imperial hiet- hive submited 1 the nalipual govera- An official report of Guneral Diaz. sia at flere gran Victory ho, obtained t xaca, On ult a amr Oaxaca and invested'it for down 10 the lowest notch--intending purchase: 4 . : . : 10: Soviet 10 tke a -- oe Ton ar. [the people old not be festiained,, (i an ve submit, Jowerer, that a Jle oe The more responsible Bank Officers are | to convict hie, he was discharged. ga veluth--where 0 posiprse ke ole viewed t ". A be wh a. felting adie ivals, &e., will be found another lot of the unri inted ti ore | time, mew! r investigation wi 5 a ee ee use. . " comi p ectory Goto eit dhe sissied | bate before The apjoime, UE: 35 , a Sloat Bra 50 sinecures, and a failure in the perform wie QUARTERLY FAIR. | fimsy pretext tlat the animal is not pure of LO men, ere abe Juetesh Je. 2 o ; wide Print ut fr i i Boy cy En Ft me Ad eld | ble LS red pte a1 i EL x wie Tomer ur 104 eg | breeze, and thousands upon thousands were | in their admirable: system of education.-- A large lot of French Aerinos und Thibet. Clothe-- | collected in the public square, impatiently | A system which makes it unperative on 1 A ho ! " Sxcelient value. A magnificent lot of Bounet Velvets, | waiting the appsinted hour to give such a those wh have the charge of youth to see {oven to the particular focalities "Where the | iq place at Wick, on Monday, Deo. 3.|Prize had been awarded on some other ani- 8 lke and Ribbour. Au un aally huge assortment of | welcome to thewnew state of existence, as | that they are properly educated, thus ren. | business of the Bank is conduciod 3 201 10 & | mo cr nete aud stock breeders in that lo- wal, but through an error of the jodges Ladies? Cape, in slegunt siyles from 75 caus 10 '$2 | ogly a regenerated nation can give. 'Fhe | dering it impossible for any youth of that | very great extemi 10 the commereial T0pUa- | oie having always on hand a large num- while placing the number of the numerical wach. A beautiful lot of Ladies> Silk and Patent Velvet : 3 in i Their | . being of strict , ticket on the prize list, mine--by mistake-- Bonnew---newost Hho oh Wy towering red flag stalls of republican | community to grow up in ignorance. Their | siom of the nation,' As well ing ber of excellent stotk; buyers may rely on 1 the § ) ine " : Diets A ot yin: memory, bearing enormous tri-colored flags | system of military traiviog is equally 3s {honor uuimpeachable utegrity, they ought getting stock to suit, while sellers is bad gob urudit for he pm, west, : The [Bei0e sins i bi be 295,74. otal nw mber ol ndians 0 Ladies Clouds from 15 10} 10 11s 3d cach. 4 large lot | are planted in the most conspicuous places | far ahead of that of other countries as|y possess first. rat business talent aud | guy their stock will have the satisfaction of | pot the bona fide otwaer of the animal ; r . bred, any more than it is for a solvent) 'meet the column, Sud disastrous consequences --aat 10 the share-| The regular Quarterly Fair for the pur- debtor to refuse payment of his legitimate Siege and meu to § 11 «. 'ut. on 1 . holders alone, tet to the depositors, norf lase and sale of Farm Stock, &e., will liabilities. Could the Board show that the | The battle lasted until 7p. m. Gen. Dinx shining + semplety Tel on ustrian ih and Hun pris four in A guns, over oi carbines » ~ very large supply of munitions. § wir of Liagies' Fars, Boss, Tippets, and Mulls--very cheap. | and as the sacred hour of nine approaches | their system of education is. We in Ca- ; 7. Whenever such of- ; I A 4 Another report _caunects hie | ame 'ot Another Jot of Cin} Yoois we ig fora within seconds of the time, not a sound, | nada, would do well to. copy the example of rr _ deficient, or wanting faving it cowseniad -- ol the « Wick thirdly > bed the Bod adportiand Fries Gort Stedman with the Hie of Secretary Yanks obses from $510 419 each, i ia i te jally in the}. y ali . J on certain animals wit igree, 'an of War. vei ' : nn or Sune ET hee got & word he Be ar Frame od very wal 1s " . be in eith Afieteiiaivies, 'any Bw of House," comes out iu a handsome mauner {was found, after the Re bad been| The Herald has u te im from Groen- or #7} cents per single gallon. 5 lbs Plug Tolmer > waiting the fist stroke of nine on the city | have an excellent school system. No one Diss : shold be fndict ©3 | in oftering premiums.--(See the Posters.) awarded, that vo pedigree wis fortheom | wich sbaervaors: England, detailing & On a tend to of Over Conte from $3 to $18 | clock Joshi in the res arrection of theit | at aif acquainted with the system ! ug y dicted. There 'is perhaps nothing more beneficial | mg,-- my claim would be forfeited, but only: TelSH eon 00 MATING. 'eachother Clothing in great variety, long lost but dearly cherished freedom. -- | pute Lhe fact (bat itis good so far up MA . or hs Ga toan Agricultural community, in way of |i suchga cap the board forbid payment. he sgeiibe Robe af otha banidy Am 'The subscriber waits ull the Pork, Peas, Wheatrand | Te Ve fee correspondent of the London |goes--but it does not go far enowghy Wis| RYALE. | | Fairs, than Regular Quarterly Fairs -- Farm- Therefore tHy course purswed by the Board apd A topsand inslle Duss, that can be got, for which wi 8 8 i ' y : ) one hour and ently twelve thopsand i got, for which will bo paid the high- | "ines ¥ who witnessed the sceme, says | not by any means all that meghs d= desired ; - ers and Stock Breeders, know just when and [15 certainly nota very commendable one ; ' ) -- . ! ---------- A -- a price in Cash. _ Also in exchange for Goods atCash |; 4 ¢ she feat stroke of nine o'clock there fand until the compulsory = dem [under| Ryal the Feuian who toned Qneen's| (yoo thoy can get cash for their surplus mere especially when we take tins fact On Sunday last while a man named ple: I Pricos--all the Tallow, Furkey : Poctall ; : le Tullow, lad, Butter, Gogee, Turkess, into consideration--wkich was obvious 10 | Marchicon, was walking quietly along the and all poultry, which ean be offered. was such a clapping of bands, at the second | proper restrictions] is, d it will al- |evidence, has made another wrm--he is a 4,0 = la conclosion--don®t forget the Regular Quarterly |it was shouted ¢ hoist, hoist away the flags | ways lack a very, japortant--I bad almost | slippery villain, add unfortunately for the 7s iat St icc changed ZU. ss every sheep breeder on the grovad--a fact | pon) of the river St. Lawrence, at Montreal, Fair to bo held at Manchester, dih December. io the name of vated Italy." : said on indispe- ble--prosision, a couatry, he has this time terned himself at| Shy valsour boi an an W which I assert, fearless of centradiction, a gust of whirlwind eae, raisech hime from x ADAM GORDON. possible for a single child in large; dogbtless with the 1ntention of euter- p ithout being necessitated 10 | hat not one pure bred Leicester sheep of the ground, earried him oves the river aud we render > Manchester, Nov. 22, 1866. «Bravo! bravo! Thank God !" ory the wg ren [of sound body and' wid} to travel all over the cotntry to find it. Of |any kind was exhibited at the late exhibi-- orm , y i LL ing int other i le near me. Our maryters are with |". up in ignorance, we are not per g into some other cut-throat expedition i th ite bank 'at Laprai- with theexpectation of getting off by lying placed him on the opposi prai vie. The man sustained no bodily injury.--~ © cose it would tot do for every village 10 | tion--: beld iu the village of Port Perrg-- m= | us this morning," said a white-haired gen~ £¢ ©. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. i i duty to the rismg gen:ration.-- i i v idi i {leman, turning aside 10 conceal his sobs [Ing our uly rismg gen 2ration. : : atiempt to establish such Fuirs. To have | by any person residing outside of the Town- = Norham ey oped up \helr capp and | Free schools, to be just, must pre suppose himself put of the difficulty » Nisa sad them too frequent ok teo meas to each a. ip of Reach, any of whoa got prizes. Le Pays. ¥ Latest News--A. Gorlon. shout, * *" Loug live the King !'h) rs " that every child shall be educated. In misfortune for the community, that such at uid entirely defeat the purpese for which "This being the ease the question may arise Wintes dT a: Verona, it ee old forks whoare CL) ag every School Section there is sufficient mscal has got loose upon society. Of course they are established in the minds of some parties, hew much of MARRIED. i Lie oo os ed. Wave oul upon the breez~ ? Nontad id cir . * : : A » On the 21st inst., at the residence of' Manchester Quarterly Fuir--B Plank. and assure nt ii a vant, But Roney Sele) Ye Tole gr A, Hg ey ui tas ibo fs We would here call the attention of our a o mists will be el a brides nce Wat. Bai, Esq, by the Bey. Dr. y 3 n exultan 2 . "Q. a i = | Ormiston, Mr. W. Mauro of > they need 00 assury readers fo the Manchester RegularQuarter- | qo py, question is easilyfanswered. That Perry, to Miss Abbie ios Gocunare, a Town . der of | Te has drowned the | they, (the children,) all get the advantage | His turning Quoen'sevidencu u was gene- i Ele Fntario Hhgerber ne mia aud presently those w- fof the schoob all is well ; but for every |eially expoctad, would couse a mutigation of ly Fai for the purchase and sule of Farin | y jj) the judges are willing to accept. -- of Wiithy, No Caria Io val hich sre awaking to 1e- | hild in th tion that does not attend |p; < : i Stock &c., which will be held on Tuesday, | Tis js th tole. T bel The young couple are starting life under very --_---------- on - ir Flite cehos back the still louder & iy the gestion 8¢| his punisfiment--such as solitary confine-| 4, nocomber. It is almost needless for us is is 400 puncip'e, . belieye, adopted ll | ¢ coroble auspices. We wish them a long, Official P f the Cor=ty thund _xanillery. 1 may be fanciful, but school there is so much wverchar ed 16] mont for life or someibing of that nature ; Fi } Stock Breed rover the Province, snd precisely the same | 55 and prosperous career. -- Spor © © Cortty | es 10 sew the winged lion wilh lose of | cach rate=payer. For instance, I there| 1 whoever dreamed that the punishment 10 say that Farmers, Stock Breeders, Buyers | with all othr ammale. For instance, in| yy he residence of tho bride's uncle, Joh -- ad 9 and Sellers of Stock, will find it to be to | drought and general purpose horses, or any Wocerdge, Hag, Anglo-American Hotel, Prince Wi Rev. zh int immness about his aspect he |i® 100 children, of school age, in a section, Jibs i JANES BARD, non. welohes fe arrival of an ay ay and 10 of them do not aiterd school would be etitirely taken of hum and laid 'oni it mutual advautage to be present. This | other class of liorses, the judges nfake their Albert, on esday, 21st inst., by % Mr, Forneri, Mr, Cuaruzs DaLLYX, of Hamilton, to Miss Lettie Marnews, of Prince {he departure of the last remaiving barbarian | every rate payer in that section will get| the publio by having him eet down in our| i Tol understood by both Buyers | selection of the animals most suitable for PRINCE ALBEP:» NOV: 22, 1866. |ieels. An Lillian floet is sleuthing up the 10 per cent less for bis school tax than he|Yery midst. The turukey says that about ly, gs, jiare, as both classes largely patrouizo the class in which they are competing, and as) 3 o'clock 10 the morning of the 15th inst, (hese Fairs. : (See the Posters). Mr. B- award the prizes accordingly. Therefore ee it TORONTO MARKETS, Lettie Ora = haiber right galtautly, Flash after is- | ought to receive. Besides such childeen * Froegzi® J tile onde begun sues from the dark sides of the vessels, and | being deprived of that which never can be [he went to Ryal's apartment where he was , the action of the Board iu this ease is with- ! #iJich baffled oft is Coding site toaon, while slaoks gees surlie RX hy bis thelr 8 etd and for which no circumstances | confined and ie lie saw prisocer a shot Plesk o ro se ied Maw oul presedonto id shone sith = Frese Money - Gold [4I}. Greenbacks buymg Lhe news of the rclinquishment of Te a Seal aire yang (he | iv after life can fully compensate. "To | me previous. The fellow liad been allow-| bite iy offering premiums HY judges ret ; an Jack | at 70¢ selimg at The rer 3. Silver buying Venetia, by the Austrians, bas been fully | Popular enthusiasm to a frenzy of delight, allow children to run about tbe sireets | od greater privileges than the other crimi- J #ollerng Preminms, of common uey, in endeavoring toclas- | at 33 selling at 3 per eent dis. Bank of confirmed. This oace powerful state and promises ample protection tothe com- whe they should be at school, and while | nals, being alfowed to sleep with the WINTER GOODS. sify animals of which, tobably,théy remain | Upper Canada Bills held from 6010 GSeper / merce of the city. Every one betakes him- | the rate-| 1s aré providing for their : fin . - Ls wn happy ignorance even of their existence p & has thus been rescucd from the cruel op- |self to the id Te oY oors ring long and J ber ratejayua RNs dag, ruthie tarakeys in the fourth story of the bui'ding.| twill be seen ir out advertising columns, | 0 nf Yopoit. At the time the Doar | 8» no demand. Sterling exchange on Eng i i ." |loud when the cannon has cease] to fire 8 b »| Onthe morning referred to it- appears he | (hat a full supply of first cluss winter goods | haned the resolution complained of they [ land at 3 monthe 208%, for eash. pression and degrading yoke of a fo eainon las ce fire | apd unjust to the community, to the rate- a di passe Pp! y despot, who fi. 8 ¥ relgd | and flags are dipped in token of salute. Oae |, an but principal, We children | lipped down to the third story. He found | has just been received at Mi 'I. C. For. | certainly were aware thal inawy eres Lied | Froes--No. I Supeifine held at from despot, who or many yer bus led by enh ela gh, wt gondlt vc, capoiog them to eco 4 TLL Faaned | mass Brosdway Epona, Princo Alban | sheep hud abner Vez U1 46 81a 86° nyu fring fom 88 68 i 1 im= La eo ery ' sol % ee ~-- d ¢ mering of former 3 t . jo Sh them as so many spirits of the lagoun wel- | laminating influences o idle habits, and di- th m together like u rope and by Hus let Latest News yom Mancuester,--We of the awards thus made and endeavor to to $6 65 per bil. 4 A greatoess bas been al | coming the mightier spirits of the sea. My [minishing their chances of future. useful. | hiloeeis down a distance-of 80 feet no &| yy siention of our sealers to Mr. A. [MOE out equal justice to all, Then and not Waeat--Fall from $1 6510 $1 72. §;ving most completely extinguished. For a |gondolier is very happy He surveys the |ness in the world. back yan, from which he could easily | : : . * ill then ould they appear sumewhat ein- | held at $1 42, buyers ofier $1 40 per bus. ed. is . hs G ) 2 hey » buy pe of space of more than 300 years, from the Jussuipatitivelly toi od mols ------t------ escape --and thus goes unwhipped of justice Sarto *hev Srarigmet os Sure vere withoutevisgiug a much persouidy Oate-- From 80s to 3te. No transactions. . ye o} is satislaclion. 10) Fill do, ey are flue --- : . es Ig hoy=--noiwith- LE, § beginmiog of the 12th till the middle of | craft and there is no lack of nag or | FERIANS BY THE WHOLESALE |gciigunal of the deepest dye. The sooner| ooo cheaper than ever. standing the injustice of the bp Banv.ey-- From 550 to 660 per bus. 15th century, Venetia was the most weal- | board them. 'He ought to know something A PRECIOUS CARGO, ho crosses the lake the better tor us if not et Ev apni quitly. But, 'oir, F will wot | Puas-At1 76 per bus. No ecripts, i "| about thet, for he has fought against the wl for himself. MORE VOLUNTEERS. trespass any further on your valuable space ; petri ret thy, and greatest eo | i E 3 i ommercial state io | jalan fleet. + Against them 2" said 1.| Ou Saturday, 17th inet., 39 of the Feniuns et -------- me ~~ [for the public will cledily understand the REACH MARKETS. Nati " Ba uw ie eu ol Sho en el piri on "You Siglore: then confined 10 the old jail, Torouto, were ThE FENIAN TRIALS. Among the new Infantry Companies Jom re do onl wad n hs ioloumation 7 Nov. 22,1866. ional Bank that the world had ever |3/DAPPUY 2 My go sot at liberty on the ¢ No Bill" _arrange- 27 hen Gazetied is the Cavuinglon Companys | oho paid by the Treasneer, Bre | Fall Wheat, $1.25 @ $1.05 bush, * - : a rave for a moment, but conlinues with seen, and from that time (ill now that id smile to tell how ha was Po ment. The matier was kept exceedingly bank has maintained its Lonor and con- |inio the Austrian service, and how little he.| quiet not a whisper of it was heard without tinued to'do business. Jo 1480 Vasco de liked it. The Venelian conscripts Were | lq jail bounds; even their Fenianships Spring Wheat, 8130 @ $1.40 ¥ bush. Barley, 40c /@ 50. Peas, 60c @ 65¢. Oats, 25¢c @ order of ile day'; and as they proceed both | cian, Jr, Lieutenant, and N. F. Paterson, | Hoping it will be a precedent for future The cis trials still continue to be the | with M. Cowan, Eeq., for Captain, M. 1 anther 'pr lugs to recover the same the prosecution and the defence seem in- Eusign. There is an abundance of exvel- | guidance. : ¥ Gama, having found a passage to India by ry Be eh whe but! knew nothing of it till within an Tour of stacy bo a a. gi was ilauod leut material in and around Cannington, i ARs trol ey. Bir 106.4 Ire th. doubling the Cape of Good Hope, caused for any ane who faltered: ¢ There were | their departare. Between 9 and 10 o'clock a - Fait od i hat be =p oi young men of the sight stamp. Officered Samtfield, Noy. 17h, 1866. Hay $1 $8. c & doz. the Fast Todia 'Trade, which bad hitherto military creatures on beard, who keew | on Saturday nighta especial han was brought randy Tor al The posecotion insted by such men as those above 1 les Jpn te 5. Deco cotirclyin ib i y bathing of salt water, or of aay wale: all { 4p to the jail, the prisoners were put aboard enly for wml, I Ro they caonot fail to form one of the best BY ATLANTIC CABLE. Potatoes; 30¢ & bush. een eolifely in the hands of the Vené- for suatimatior, aud they ke) quar Br of it, conveyed tw the Suspension Bridge, that the wial should go.on--but the puson-| gompanies in the service. Eight more in- --- Timothy She §2 4 bush. tians-- [passing from Alexandria to Vene- | ,u of such a service, nang hoped that iit | and placed on the South side of the lines ; er's, counsel, Mr. McKeuzie, said that 80] 1 companies besides the above were | . Loxpow, Nos, 17 --The Times says the Clover Seed, $6 bush. . tia] --1o be carried to Portugal. When | brother would soon get home. Seven years | each man in the mean Wma, having a five] 181 from being ready to go lo lial he meant | g zane on the same day. Gosurnmen! hag lg lleution wo Yeler ihe Pork, $6.00 @ 700 $8 100 Ba. ey the Venetians perceived that this lucrative in an enemy's ship was no slight penance. | gojjur bill (Greenback) placed in his hands, 10 challenge the whole array of the Jurys fas ue claims lo The durign is 10 reen ins Foo) The Grand Cunal, at one o'zlock this as he objected to the manner of impavelling ST, ANDREW'S DAY. power such a commission to iustitute en- Cordwood, $1.25 @ $1.75. trade was about to leave them, they made | afternoon . 18 | py us giving Bim a chance at le st to make : . 3 : » presented a kceuo which you gong then. The prosecution requested hus -- uiries In regard to the neutrality laws with- » frantic but fruitless effort to cut through wight. peatch over te world an rain loan honest statly by gett a woul' bard Lordship not to allow the challenge. After Pursvant to public notice-- the annual a ii to the Alabama claims. the Istbm [8S : d equal, The varied architecture of the pala- | in advance. We hope they will stay away Pp 8! ! 2 us of Suez in order still to arguing the mater for the greater portion of | general meeting of the North Ouotario and | Lonpon, Nov. 18.-- Telegraphic despatch- 7 '2 | ces on either side, with flags, carpets, and i secure the trade for Venetia, 'When this [tapestry hung out from the windows, en- and 'uot eall at ur publio' boariing hoes the day, the challenge was refused, aud the | Mariposa St. Andrew's Society, was Leld | #8 from Bombay report the gratifying wtel- Ter AnGectisements. i i i @l- | Loon; we have done more for them than i i' ed the ent ut fe rcpt doe 0S! CSOT Sy deat In le poi tv wiparoed. ies wary in Ron Hall, Matches gu" Mo: a Te wate MON BY, plunder the Portuguese fleet ; iu this 100 | size, daring forward in a many colored | may have dune much less 3 bus bp thal, 8 Ou the morning of the 14th Whalen Web| dy 19th inst. ravain, Capt. Alton, whic left Moutreal on (RRIVATE FUNDS) ? } they signally failed, as the Portuguese | squadron, Jed the way. There were crews | may, the chances are that we have shut | again placith iff the'dock. The prisoner's | © 'I'he President in the chair. the 8th, has arived. fleet was too powerful for them. 'I'bey in carival cos uma --rel an) blue and | gown on boarding the'n for nathing in future ted bis Lordship tof mi np : : To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent interest. e reen--wilh straw Lats, laced jackets and a : Smt : he reasurér submitted bis report| Lonpow, Nov. 19.~-Great floodaare dovas- o n rms, at 8 per cen! next attempt to purchase from the Judian go. pantaloons. ore wo 14 a and should they requite anpther « special'? | quash the jary list, or grant him a rule on which was duly received and adopted. On |'a ing the counties of York aud Laucashire. LYNAN ENGLISE, merchants all the spices sent from Europe |and blue sashes, veivel saps, aud silken | train they will pay for it. ihe Auciuey Geusn do hae eause. His motion of Mr, Gordon, three new mem Many lives have been lost by drowning. rfister, Ee streamers, tri color scarfs, ir - olor cockad Ishi refused thie ap) ion, whereupen . hy I x + hie a . To iB they sn faired, " Abe trade Was 4,4 velvet cushions uimmed with silver DIRECTOR'S REPORT. counsel dated that the prisouer being an bers were admitted. a ee he hi i Novepber 21, 1868; opie 3, 1008, te en away from them in spite of every Jace, Tbe va bladus gland Ng Je spark - he Share-hald American citizen, one: hall the jury ought The Constitution and By-laws were | large numbers of Fenians ate arnving in M ANCH KSTER effor: on their part to retain it ; and thus pin Bins gil, . aihoathy Sharp. bows The general ineling, the 3 are-hol on 10 be American ciuzens. The prosecution read and confirmed. Ireland weekly, and is well prepa red 10 " r many successful and powerful rivals soon Tis passed the head of ths procession, of tin B Sauk of aby es a pa a plea that the prisoner shoutd| On motion of My. Guede, Je pest meet any tebellious movement. J arose and put i i i d handkerchiefs were waved and cheers | E750 © y est when he. pleaded, annnal meeting was appointed to ey lip re/ $0 3 share of oe her cléims, for "their oi out ia honor of so fine a show, 'Then victimized shareholders, many of whom are bare madp ag sequen ho a ghar " at the Town Hall, Prince Albert. James Mack, the artilloryman who took a . : there was an mterval of silence until the | just beginning 10 realize the full extent of appl for st. now. His Lordship Sik that It was moved by Mr. Gordon, seconded. tbe life ol Corporal Smith, is 10. be executed a ' 'enetia was a wealthy state while as | main body hove in sight and then the | 1g jpteresting position in which they have ly ; ow. 1 Ha suid re by Captain Sinclair, that St. Avdrew's day on Friday next at Montreal, and the gallows - i i: 1 the Austrian ie had . hand cerchicls, were waved with redoub- : 3 though he agreed with Mr. Cameron, yet he |b oop prpied by a publi M is now being erected iu the jail-yard." He is E Regul r of Manchestet, re empi;e bad no existence-- || orgy, The cheering swelled into a been placed by the combined na enend of was willing tograat the request. Prisoner's | op el : 8 by, hy are at Nr. by 95 years of nge, and is a naiive of Eng- will be in t Village, : and the house of Eapsburg had not yet continuous roar from window, wharf, and incompetet:ce and recklessness in the run- | oo) hen ry the Hompeors eh rg Walker, pa fand, but of Trish exteaction, He seems to On Tuesday, December ah touched a regal sceptre. Tn 1274 Rodol- balacony. Venice was. receiving her in- | ning of the institution, The meeling took ek Ur of" Ar alker, sa ! | and resig Ig ; i outs. The main body consisted of trial proceeded. 16k ext; 25th inst, was' appointed for 'the |ing ihe justness of hie sentence. He wi phus a hed of Sawin bese Bpos Te) wi ian welder, place at the Banking House, Toroute, on the | op 0 prosecution called two witnesses. Sonat erimon 20d collection in behall of DISughi' up ara Roman Catholic, Mle is was elec rmany, as mu- | which weie ni y 13h inst. The Hon. G. W. Allan, 'M. L, x a a , 1 ; + M. Lol ru estimony ol both went to prove that | the Fund of Benevolence.--Sermon ta be | stated, te ig a Presbyterian church tual jealousy prevented the electors from fom he ailusy ploy, bs Nags Sa 5. Dal " Whalen was at the fight at Lime Ridge, | preached in - the Presbyterian Church, yiirhubstniy,_ He) a bhi 4 by par electing an emperor from among themselves. | follo adement of the same crops, b . i 180 Of und was' thete wounded in the neck. «| Priuce Albert, by the Chaplain of the So- ation. ? . he 8 followsd by a de \ pss by | shareholders is about 1800 not one-tenth 'of Rev. Gc. e300, td ' Adolphus, soo after his elevation, quar- bumagilen, and by Jusouy of he be. whom were present at the' meeting, the |. The defence called tw, witncasss (Fe- oe following officers were elected for The Times says the general result of the yeled with the king of Austria, drove bim |, a a ii the. Venetians |? | great majonty being, doubiless, satisfied | 11%" prisoers) Lynch, whois uw Dnder Inte experimental raise of the British iron- ~ ; : 2 = | the ensuing year: i ! 5 from his dominions 5 and thus established | was answered. from te recs of hombupging airsedy age (ssuienaa of dupihs 2d J. fn Tv Pasa ro Archibald Sinclic, Era Solod all he atin. % ie" i ie dam Gordo, | they ully ¥ the barges. 4 ) the haughty louse of Hapeburg, which bas were tows by, fair, bands, Whieh often | perienced, concluded, nol wisely. we 4 Oe Balialo, had ' -- ager wae 17 1on- ESIWENT--. he opt the sen for a mont fr, sod wilh te nr host ofee boa Bg a hrm sui tonv th oe o manage, 00k DAES RM | Be Vis Papi Bober Sp | daring thpatomnat eins, shoving good The A foundly, agsome bright house front showed or mismanage the affairs as they pleased. io thomadit he jiry ti Dohall| cx-d r--Reobert Spe: weallie live 8 i rates of spewed, Avstrian empite. usirian emperor : of waving handker=| Mr. Cassels, Cashier, submitted, the re=' io thon; , ba Hint the vorsels ih, Hd , a. pease - more i 5 Zo. 00m begai to cast a Jonglog eye {owards | chiels, or of flushod. cheeks and sparkling | port of the Diregtors--in which they - of the prisoner, dwelling strongly: on the - s p ] Veasia, standing up in ls defence against ces: Now the proevion pete' Lule ou tne messes of euling the share. [EA "beigdraak a thotime, | Prvscien-- N. McCiatook, M.D, | 20 C00 WTC Tork 297, | the bridge of the Rialio, and the siash fy, heh} 'tie Fenians, and | Brocka 1 © TT Tia Moniteur de Arnie poblishied $1 Turkey, France aod Prussia. Tn 179%,{ yy voices was well nigh deafening, holders together, and then prosesded lo siglo || C the prin | SBORETARE 43D Tnsasunsn--James |UCIS BIEL the feien while Austria and France were at war, | Now it was waited for by the light poi 8 the chief causes which. compelled them 10 EE ya urn ls relaire to ho po the army, : ie Eduard Moller Coad wil raver anythin ne Nn " J Che, pub Munro, tha Above all it is necessary yo, aio ny France ocimathd to vh Vesiaa that thy |i advan, wich bas snipes 0b) J [aumpeut spec BEVIS, Foose wate ho |, am : i ! of a m ga depressed stato of the business of wished to enter the Venetian territocy for used, and there was a strugzle againat 8). Tyg garly part of last summer--the dhe purpose of preventing the Austrians eud- wind ae the n fie 3 o w {ho prisoner "confession, vo Motosif, | I before the fo Sie pus ar beaniiful was | Guancial measures of tho Government, {o- byt > n.confeseion, My TANI- RDS; -- Mark strength of 0 ina peue | "2 from taking possession of it. The Vene- i aah v1 fiw and happy onion 'wands the olose of last session, aa the pas that he came with (he Fuuighs athe Jute Carsio, LA ST bi wd il ne therelors be. ol. ay i Are 3 ; ei Ge "3 oF AY 2 Aran "tians consented; France, took peaceable | with tri-colors everwhere disp ly dato hintvesls: The i A oot wit at ah ot 10 Saal of nA 1 | mosey ml cot rn ' 1797, at the treaty of Compo-Formio, tbe |The flags, the. sunshine, and (ue molie bued influences materially affected the in- Perf tious Frank delivered up Venetia into crowd vers worthy of the by-gone Duge's | erate of the Banke, mors gspecially of the : he baods of {be Austrians, and from that p---- oh el ang Bank of Upper Semana i He or Ja mre "ey ae Tg, ppl ok bien CLE ol wan ror sear | ees under the giliog yobt of + Ju Ja all this shouting, glitter, and show of | able--bot the deepest out ol, given | A ST aTTONLG : Me ge OE aah | FAtomed pation, a regenerate people, by the Buuk of Montreal, In Yelasing 73". THOS. PAXTON &Co., has sot fled to Jag a8 196 Wh [Cl oreriook the means by which sive the sotdad the Buk 4 Ups | tle mor temperate. Fis EAN Share de. 1 bok count Smirk x the pomerdbat Bn to shu he poriuts. Tie report wets |ibey. ptired, and in een 1 i retuned | "pp, hero . at soareity mioiaors ition pone Ar Aa hol or 4 our | Neil Sinclair, snd Joba Taylor. £ CREDITORS. AL prreosiebid he ji Sm of Qube, No L ich © ron a, vu a ought i about. ~~ Their ow vais 22 1 hat fhe coitiolon sent fo Some I on soni ahr hi ds little to do with it. A% I was neither the the Direcioré had : 0 \ "tn MIT en] i if E & CO Vig BE i Brevery of thai ou bestia Te vig satusfusiory wrinngomente with» a _-- [babi secured their free- dom. 1 was gained for them and vot by The ropoit exbibits $2,872,007 of liphuli, wy , > : aii : . > 4 : ' 2 Yaniirene, dey - Port Pueye - = Qeuberasileon, he pls crit spl ers dtd ap id a AS LR