». oe we " » Pp "ufavio Thserber, SUITICAL, ABRIGULTURAL, ae FAMILY NEWSPAPER, "YS PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, +4». COUNTY OF ONTARIO, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, 4 BAIRD & PARSONS, TE RM ~ $1.60 per oF And: ;t wi uin fix nthe 4d 20 er that tim 2. Hi By scrigtie an six moat 8 5 an; pevit eo AT in ure pu ww i 'discontinued uw ie! Sorin istered, will be at bur risk. ["RATHS OF ADVERTISING. Zor eschilinas: first insertion Subsequent insertions, per line Lc da, vader G lines, per annum in the space they occupy. pa; dv cis ie ructions, wi charged acomdinglys 'out until paid for. © Alibéral Sifcoans Wiowed 10 Merchanis gud others the No advertisement v will he taken ir half ye byes ithe eh Cat rybenefil bf A an adyeisan ing fl liege terms wl, in all cates, be +ricily ad- hered to. The consinntly inerenits importance uf the North Rid ofUntariarendersihegubligation ofthe OBSERVER a necessity. 'Ever advocating right, aud conden weong, it will constant] take the lead' J for wai the general interests of the counly «floeal and genneal news given, ny logul pupes publistied in Can in Canada. a ich ig jo promote ividual 6r company, to be wast passed by" 'Jos DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets, Hand Ho Posters, Programmes, Bill Hewine lank Po bi ican Ca andéolof, pox Books, Check Dudks, IL Cards, &e, &o., of promptly, afd nelower this county &e., printed em, Gat: Bh ene "have them doue to inkg ht J. BAIRD. Bi | " p------ Business Divertory. DR. JONES, ORONER. for 'the \y of Qntarid) Prince "Albers. Pony Pet. fuacié, C : "DR. WARE, CP EoRER for the Couiity of Ontario, J) Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Prince bert JI. PARSONS. money, Wren addressed 10 80.08 - = 0.02 5.00 il, and charged isements received for publication, without spe be inserted until forbid, and nd charged acgord- H. 'Burnham, CLERK THIRD DIVISION COURT, + Office over Mr. Bigelow's Store, PORT PERRY, Cc. Ww H Ine call. king and any disease that Chnrges moderate. R, W. trimming ; Ti ALSH, ORSE. Farrier, is always in readiness || to attend td all who nia: Ie is well acquain body, health." ones, SURG A competition. L instructions. F. H. BRATHWAITE, M. D, C. M,, G RADUATE of the University of McGill X College, Montreal la Surgeon and Accoucheur, Prince Albert. Office and Resi- Ae the house lately by Dr. Agnew. 'Brg. MoGILL & RAE, HYSICIANS, Surgeons, &e., ke. Residences, Ki ing 'street,' Oshawa. WM, M'GILL, M. D. FRANCIS RAR. M, B. JOHN BILLINGS, ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Fh , Prince Albert. Office over . C. Forman's Office and COCHRANE & COCHRANE, ARRISTER>, Attorneys, &c.' Prince B Albert office--opposite the Town Hall; ort Perry office--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. . A" RevErENcEs.--Rev. Dr. Griggs, Port Jos. Gould, Bsa, aad J. Bolster, M. B, Ux! of the County. Charges moderate. at the Onserver Office. pio) pérly nddcessed tp the Uxbridge Post Office, will receive the Prempissratieniond rofession examine Without teeth in food for {he be B041 J.D. C. is prepared to execute all operations connected with his digpateh. Call an with neatness ani bis favor him with ted with tho mode of and GAR treat success orses are subject 10.-- |. Residence, Prince Albert. J. D. Cottingham, FR, DENTIST, FER, BORELIA, CW By a New Process, Teeth can be Ex- tracted without pain, at his office. rt | MACKIE'S HOTEL, Walton. Street, Port Hope. (LATE BRODIE'S,) Wit. MACKIE, Proprietor. ONTARIO HOTEL, C. DAWES, ' BROCK-ST., WHITBY. PROPRIETOR. T LOW RATES OF S OF INTEREST. MESSIEURS COCHRANE & COCHRANE, MONEY TO LOAN. Apply to Prince Albert. Nove! To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent interest. MONEY, (RRIVATE FUNDS,) LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &c. 4 Oshawa. mber 21, 1866. 46 Single Ceeth Inserted--parts of sets, og whole sets--Cheap, and warranted. UNDERSTAND. --Attention to the i preserves the health, order it is impossible to inasticate and cousequently there cannot ceeth 00 J you have decayed tecth, get them filled. If you have any out get them replaced by new Prices low, and all work warranted. If the work is not satisfactorily done, the money will be refunded. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p.m. Borelia, Jan, 15, 1867. 2-1y English Pink Dental Ru Rubber; New and beautifal Vulcanite Base for Arti- tificial Teeth! Sl Hope; Rev. J. D. M. CARD, ICENSED AUCTIONEER, Collector of Accounts on Commission, whether in or out Remittances made according to attended any- where in the County, on the shortest notice. "bays for Sales appointed on All letters Sales punctual oO. DD. . WATD, EQON-DENTIST, PRain==t., Trbrivae. LL Dental operations performed® with the utmost skill and care, warranted to give sat- isfaction or no charge, and at prices which defy hort, and A. D. T. Barns, lity s 11 SE ~ Totels, &t. HAAG furnishe and cigars, B, PLANK,... Stages to.and from Whitby call daily. ostlers always in attendance. * REVERE HOUSE," » MAN CHESTER ! ! PROPRIETOR. G+ purchased the above hotel, and has ed the Bar with the choicest liquors JLEvery attention paid to guests.-- Careful h i Osha Money to Lend 8300 and Upwards, IN SUMS "OF Ata low rate of lulerest. FAREWELL & McGEE, Solicitors, &c. wa, Nov. 14, 1866. 45.9m ru '| tary No Silv Whitt HALF A MILLION Money to Lend. ments, $500,000 of Private Funds, on good mortgage security, a low rate of inferest. er can lu av his own time to pay the prineipal. 1am also Agent for two of the largest mone- Apply Jj2reonally ig Orrice--NeMillan's Blogk, Brock Street. E undersigned has complefed arrange-| whereby he is prepared to lend The Worrow- institétions in Canada, that lend mozey froin 3 to 10; years, at six per cent interest. Cownmission ver and (freenbacks bought and sold. Charged. | JAMES HOLDEN, OFFICIAL ASRIGNFE, Notary Pustic, Land Insurance, General Agent, §e., §e. yy, Oct. 3, 1866. Rrr throug} NORMAN F. PATERSON, (Xiate of Miller & Patersin, 'Coroifa?) TTORNEY-sLaw, Solicitor in Olisncery, Ostiers. "Bonveynncer, &c.; Beaverton. Sn "ihe building occupled by Dr. Wilson, Simeoost, Greed P, A, HURD, TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chan- eery,' Qonveyancer, Notary Public, &ec. Y say, bw. FAREWELL & MGEE, BARIEIERS Attorneys, Solicifors and otaries Public. Offices, in the Post Office Oshawa. R. M'GEE, B. A. Lin Building, Simcoe Street J. E, PAREWKLL, LL.B, | CAMERON & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, Soficitors Oounty. Council Ontario. Offices: Uourt House, MM. 0. CAMERON. i ¥- J. FAGDONBLL. ANDREW F. McPHERSON, tor in Chancery, &c. _ OFFICE--Dundas street, 3 , doors west of the # Sa Office. 'Whitby, July 4, 1806. * R, Jt WILSON, ARRISTER, Atorney at Law, Solicitor |. Hie in' the Victoria, Bi Ghinery, ke; 5 Of ding, Beack-st.; Whitby: LYMAN ENGLISH, L. LB, OLICITOR 'in Chandery, Aftorney, | Oonveyancer, &¢., Datawa: coe | Frreet, opposite the Tost offi 3 C.N. VARS, RACTICAL Dentst,, Oshawa, C.W. ARRISTER, and Attornay-st-Law, Solici- ¢ tra Simooa TE the pos out.' remises are pleasantly situated, op- "af the De nk. senls 998 HOFER | posite: i © Post Office, in the centre of the town: T OR oO N T OO, C. IW. - The Haituny | Duk calls at the Hotel, and waaay © A Staues for Ush can Beaverton leave the (NCORPORATED, on Em TI TH +H akd gd Convey- | - IF Gatefu] Gites aya in atend : A an Ee al. ! apee. / * bud OVE 4 a Vikhach | fe GEO, Lh Capital, - - 13400,000. me RE 3 EVR 2 VikeTORRT coc GED BEER. | PEAVERTON ow. (FHA rsh AA 1 Gaba Auctioneer for dhe Toor TEs ery that he hag "JAMES BRINGLE, ips of Hoye | ' rt office, and > of oR FR Jk fix Thee 4 1y » : Ti A Srinsio} : 'b "willbe fur<| ~ "E. MAJOR, pri Sell Ge death of fr THE CoMMERG AL UNION J.C ATOTIONEER fir the Coty | a or ARKIN Prophatar urance ompany, known, nd 'days of abe ae the, OpsRRYER. Offic "THOS. H WALSHE. 3 ICENSED: Anctionéer for 'the Town- 43 "in ships of Brock, Thorah, Mare R Sea on, Bred will 5 Dette Soilastia in Can- traveling above hotel, w } Feb'y 13, 1666 Jewe tt's KENT STREET, LINDSAY. R. iy COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK, Sri YHE subscriber wishes to inform the Julie that he has taken the hich he has fitted and furnished t, and where the best accommodation, with careful attention, can always be found. -- Good stabling, enclosed yards, and attentive Al _MURTA, cy "Hotel, Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendance. Free Omnibus to and from the Cars oad Boats. TRY Saintfield Hotel. Thi house being new, ew compiodipus, and well furnished throughout, the public favoring him with theif custom may depend on finding éyery convenience necessary to their comfort at- tended to. Good Stabling, and attentive Ostlers always in atte .'€AMPBELL, Proprietor. Sengoy Malco "proprietors "THE LIVERPGOL &LONDON& GLOBE Insuramce Company. FAR Uric Aoi ATOR FIOUSE, L ¥ cigars Good stabli GY 4 Careful to the : tequirements of travelers and guests. The bar i Xith 2 best wines, liquorg and Eig} ATQE, Proprietor. the claim GEORGE ROBSON, TIE bk Deg' tod to announce leased the Dating fy ly known #8 Scrip- | tures Hotel, for a tenn of yea and and that be has Xupvaicd and re-furnishe uilding through- ne HOBSON HOUSE! 3 © LATE SCRIPTURE'S HOTEL, DUNDAS STREET WHITBY, C, w.,| Fag LL PROPRIETOR. t he has bo; ath G. ¥. MONEY TO LOAN! $106,000. NE HUNDRED Tj to suit borrowers, al a veiy moderate rate of interest. y Apply Warchouse, 0 son, k. Brethour, Manchester, INVESTED FUNDS, INVESTED IN CANADA, INSURANCES EFFECTED ON ALL CLASFES oF Property' AT CURRENT RaTES, No EXTRA Charge for MILITARY SERVICE o Life Policies for the benefit of Wife or Children System cosbs at age 30, $24.70 a year. Should it become wayable after 5 years, one- fourth of the Prem ums are return re the sum assured ; turned ; after 30 yp ars, three-fourths ; after 51, Li Claims pays} leone 'month after proat of {OUSAND dollars to Loan on Mortgage security, in sng the far-famed Manchester JOHN HODGSON. at permitted to 7. N. Giblis, Faq A, C. Camera. WwW artell M wrENCrs kind qs Tue ANY bal ib L B Cadwe rapcicror of the Mi McKindly, ¥sq., Bo Joseph Reeder. ta; Jopathon ¥ Zo gd *q i ; Col y ran, Esy Fm i oth 1666. 39-3m $15,000,000 $250,000 Five epaviniesnt. M RISKS ar Seectaivy Repucep Rates. gLite Department. in defence of the COUNTRY. are Secure from Seizure by Creditors. Policy for $: 1000, by the Guaranteed Bonus if aj ver 20 years, one-half are re- um assured 5 doubled, 'and the Hees Tony, $2,000, c- SM ITH, Resident iowa ONTREAL. M. G. ROBS Agent, dh Albert. \Benyertony ay Ny 1864. :' PARKIN: reptiotirs him, an HE undersigicd mi iy ity ofl hich bay ae newly Jurnis commER AL HO x EL, is where the . ih with careful | a tteniton, ou well or tionally ping fon, or other WLS 2" Me North On- Jevio Auctioneer. i 23-1y tive Ostlers. "Chnrges extremely moderate. JOHN MILLER. ALE that he known premises hed and renovated ccommodation go- n always be found. yards, and atten- tual T-1y WESTER. HBA URANCE COMPY as & 281 Sr. Pa st, MONTREAL. CAPITAL £2,500,000 OR $12, 500,000. HIS Company affords onde perfect sectirity to the ! assured, ] and offers the 39 & 2 Cons, ONDOY ant iges of 'a mu- office, with freedom he ad hi Liability, JOHN H. BRROWN, 'on farms, within a mile of eagh other, and '|inlo great commotion by each of them re- ed men in livery, who announced, them- AN BOCENTRIG NABOB. Some two or three ile from the litle town of Aylesbury, England, there once lived three cousins, of the family name of Barrett. They were all pastied aud settled you!" mghed the | old man, as he turned and disappeared in the darkness, and storm. Some half an hour later, he knocked, Al, the door of Step n Bi tell, anojer of the cousing, and aske | fog fol ood and lodging. « fiien"t 'convenient fox us {0 keep you to-night," sRid, the master of the 'Doose, i ina mild, dignifisd tone, " Besidos we don't like 10 encourage beggars. - Il you are poor and rot able to work, the parish where yon belong is Bound to support you. No one nged starve in this country, which the Lord, praised be His name, has so bountifully blessed. I tiust Iam not wanting in chari+ ty --as a humble follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, 1 hope [ am not--but what with taxes for the government and the poor, donations to benevolent societies and heath- en missions, 1t is as much as 1 can do to live and give my family a respectable main- tenance. No, my friend, if you are poor and not able to work, (though {I don't see why you may not work as well as travel,) you had better throw yourself-on the parish where you belong." « But I am tired, wet and Lungry," said the old man, "and all the parishes in the world can't do me any good to-night." « But you shoukl have thougut of that before you started from home," now himed the good housewile, with a sancufied air. « Its sinful for any one to tempt Providence, as it is culled ; and whoever sins, must ex- pect punishment. I never go from home withgut proviling for my journey, and of course I don't pect anybody to feed and shelter me for nothing. [tis a sin, too, to ve idle when one is able to work and it is againstiy principles, as a true Christian, tc encourage any one in sining."' 4 Then I suppose Pm to understand thal you refuse me both food and lodging 2? said fhe old ran. 14 Why, as to food," said the Didus dame, glancing at her husband, '¢if you're . very hungy, 1suppese we can do ho i for you in that way ; but lodging is out of the question--fof two mounted couriers have been here, fo say that a very rick nucle of ours, frorn India, "will be here soon; and he wrote, gomo time ago, that he didnt like beggars about where ha was, and we wouldnt like to do any thing to offend him. True, we hawlly expect he will come to- night ; but then he might, you knw, and wi wouldn't like to run any risks." « Well, then," said the old man, with a sigh, « I will take the food, if you please, and go on, even il T perish.' «Put your trust wn the Lord, my friend ! put your trust in the Lord!" said Stephen barrett, solemnly. « Yes," echoed his wife, ¢ put your trust in the Lord !--that is what we always do when in trouble. Surah Jane, go down cellar and bring yp a couple of those cold potatoes for this old man-- they are very good eating when one is hungry--1 like them myself. Yes, put your trust in ihe Lord ! and don't lezva home again without meant. By-the-by, now I think of- 1," added the good woman, laying down a cap- frill, on she had been busily at work while each of them had children growing wp around him. They were not. rich but in comfortable circumstances,and each had ex- peclations. An eccentric. uncle had gove out to India when quie a young man, and rumor told them be had "begome - very wealthy and would probably diea baghelor. Who then but themselves would heir his property ? they being at the time the nearest of kiu, ' One day these three families were thrown ceiying a letter, which contained, besides date and siguature, only these words : «am nch. Fools here call me a na- bob. 1 wouldn't give such a title to a cat. No matter--1 shan' live always--and when L die, my property musi go to somebody. 1 am coming to England to tind an heir. I shall come and see ¥9u, and 1 hope you will please me. I hope you are not troubl- ed with beggars. I don't like to see them about.' One dark rainy night about three weeks after the reception of these letters by the cousins the family of Moses Barrett was thrown into a state of the wildest excitement by the appearance at the door of two mount selves as the avant couriers of fis excel- lency Joshua Barrett, of India, who would claim their hospitality for the night : saying which, the messengers pul spurs to ther horses and dashed away, without giving the astonished listeners time to ask a taizle qnesticn. Now Moses Barrett wasa hunks, his wile a shrew, and has three children ¢hips of the two blacks ; and all undertook to change their natures for the time--or, rather, to be oh to change them on the appearance of the neh uncle~for w bat wag the uee of uct- ing with the adrigin down ? Q «Now, Moses, you stingy old brute," said his wife, ¢ I you know on which side your bread's buttered, it'stobe hoped you'll have some chickens killed for his excel- lency's supper, which more'n you'd do fur Christmas; and some of that wine fetched up that you've had mn the cellar smee the year one ; and a fire made in the best room, that hasn't been there this ten years ; and all our nice clothes put on, that ain't much, for yo'd never allow us nothing decent." "Aad it's to be hoped, eld woman," re- torted the angry husband, "that you'll soften down that screeching voice of yours, and tw ist your wiincles into smiles--and that'll be 'something I've never seen done since the first week of our marriage !"? Creat activity was cisplayed by all the' parties concerned in gelling ready to give the rich uncle the belt reception possible ; and all rejoiced, as much as euch a hopeful family could rejoice, that they would be the first 10 receive a visit fiom him--hoping, of course, "that-threy might forestal the other relations of his good graces. Ti would have been a siranze time a a sthiange way for any one else 10 have made bis first visit ; but then they Lunew the uncle and looking up Ww ith a Trig ght twinkle of her eyes, ¢ I do believe you can get a good mght's lodging at Henry Bar- ret's, who lives only half a mile liom here, an the road sauth. iis sa great hand for taking in strangers.' She looked at smiled knowingly, for both were thinkir that, in case the rich uncle sh sould find the beggar there, 1t might increase Stephen Barréit's chances of being the fortunate heir. Sarah Jane now returned and handed the old man {wo tittle cold potatoes. He took them, tarned them slowly over, examined them on all sides, and mutiered : " They haye eyes--but can they see? 1 think not--Tfor if they could, they'd blush red, stead of keeping such a dark color. Lid Then glancing slow ly around the eat tidy, cheerful room, taking in three prim girls and their pious parents, he quietly tossed the potatoes into the lap of the astonished mistress, saying, as he did so: «I beg your was very eccentric, and his being so very wealthy made it all right it their eyes. He, might coms and stand on his head, provid-' ed he paid for hus antics. In the mudst of their hurried preparations, there appeared at the doar, an old, feeble- looking, white-haired man, thinly clad, and with his soaked garmants clinging to his shriveled form. i" will you be kind enguglt, good folks," he guid, ¢ to give me something lo eat and a place to sloop. to-mght {2 « We'vo got nothing to spare! and, if we had, we don't harbop beggars!' replied the master of the house, in a coarse, brutal tone. 4 "But I'm old, and fegble, and hungry, and wet, and ured," said the aged appli- cant, in a pleading tone, and if you drive me away, | may. perish. io «Well, that's what you ought to have A done; long ago!" put in 'the cross dame. « When, people get tao lazy to work for an hones} fiving, andl start opt a-begging, it's my opinjon they're better dead par alive 1] Besides, we expect company sQon--a ich geutleman from India--and Laint got no room for the likes of you I" | «Well, then," retorneg ! the old man, with n sorrowful fook, ¢ since you can't keep me over night, please give me something tq eat, [and Dll go further." he dame caught up a piece of brown fbread, with an. angry look, and was abput to had it fo ihe medicant--mox for the pur- pose, As il seemed, of gelling ud of him, than from any feeling or com assion--but pe husband, and both ng you I'" exclaimed the good dame, in holy horror, asthe disgusted mendicant turned and went out and shyt t he door with a slam. house of Henry Barrett. « Come knock. daughters--seated 3 aroand a with a bright light on and all looking cont seeing | his | visigr was and so, travel on ! Lid wl sat the dog on you, if you don't, yuu old beggar!" cried a lad of ten. "My rich nnele's coming here to-night, and he can't bear beggars; 80. you'd better , be ofl while your bones are who'e ! iid plageat the fire. night » Agent; LY anchester. " Muy Hoavey, b be more merciful than pardon, 1 madam--but I didn't tend {o 'rob « Oh, you sinful, wicked, old creature ! i dn less. than' balf-an- hour the unfortunate way farer was trying his chances at the inl? said a_ strong, baniv, . chee fal yoice, in "answer to his timid He entered a large, plainly- -fugnished apartment, and beheld a 'group of ax per- sons-- futher, mother, two sons, and two I leasapt fire, iw near them, and happy. On ih yy: and a 0, the master of the' hopse arose and' her miserly hustangd uferpgred and sand eran sharply : iny ia | him, to walk fosard and take a seat, il told you we hada' nojbing ad yoo! aud o pibers" drew back respectfully, to enlarge the circle and give | him 'the best have called said," the old man, stop- ping and 1 removing his hat from his white bead, " to ask if you will be kind enough to give me some food, and lodging for the eli ! ios Henry Barrett, ina frank cor- dial tone. «Sit down and ¢ diy your wet garments, and make yourself at home! Here, give me your < Come, gils, hurry up something warm for this old gen- tleman, who is wel, tired, and chilled through, as I can see. You ought 'not to have been out so late in this storm, father !"" "No Lknow," returned the other, hol- ding his trembling hands to the fire; « but ihe persons I applied to wouldent take me mn? «What ! woling Lging to an old man like yon, on sucha night, in this Christain community !" exclaimed the indignant host. " Who were the inhospitable wretches?" The old man described the houses and people where he had 'called. «T see!" said the host, with a grim smile: "I understand ! The first family kicked you out {*' : « Almost." « The second family prayed you out 7" " Almost again," smiled the stranger. « Well, they are both Yelationg of mine, but I am ashamed to own them, * « They said by way a pursued the old man, ¢ that they" were expecting a rich uncle from India, who wouldn't ike to see a beggar about." ? « Aye, my friend, and we are expecting that same rich uncle teo--an eccentric old baichelor who says he wants to make one of us an heir to his vast possessions. Two gaily mounted messengers .atrived this evening, to say he would be here to- night, or to-morrow, probably the latter. But whenever he does come, he will find us as we are ; and if he don't like our looks, or the eoinpahy we keep, he can take himself off agai " Nuys my friend,' said the aged stranger rising 1 some trepidation, ¢ don't for the world, let my presence jeopardize your in- (rests with your rich kinsman! I will merely get Ao ling to eat, and then travel on till I find another edging? ' «No you won't}" eaid Harry Banett, bluntly, You woii't leave this house to- night, for all the uncles that all the Indies canturn out! Sit down again, sir! sit down, and make yourself at home! I know the duty of a man who has faith in God, and I'm a going to do it. What is money lo me? | can't eat it, nor drink it, nor wear it, nor carry it into the other world ; and I'm sure it woulden'l bring me any happi- ness I don't now enjoy, and [ know it coulden't ever compensate me for one mean act. No! let Joshua Barrettsettle his money as he chooses--I"ll arrange my con= cience to suit mysell!" «God bless you!" murmured the old man, in a trembling:voice ; and towing his head upon his hands, and wept in silence. He renfained at that hospitable house dur- ring the night, and was entertained like an honored guest. The next day being fair, he took his leave. "As he was about to de- part, Henety Barrett puta a crown into his hand, saying : FE « Take it my friend, Nl not a word! 1 don't know who you are, and ve not felt it my business to inquire ; but this I know-- from your appearance, manners end lang- uage--that you are nol a common beg- gar, and that you have seen better days, which 1 sincerely hope that you may see again. Its litle 1 give you, but it 1s as my circumstance will justify, as itmay per- haps serve 10 keep you from' Starving some night, or sleeping on 'the wayside." «God will repay you !"" sad the old man, solemnly ; ; and he walked slow: ly uway, wi- ping the tears fiom his eyes. « He bas already ! mused Henery Barrett, placing his hand upon his heart. *¢ I have it hera-- principal and intrest." Long in vain did "the selfish families of Moses aud Stephen Barrett ook for the ap- pearance 'of their rich uncle frem Indfiaina carriage and four, and great was there dis- appointment and vexation thereat. Then came the intelegence that he was sick in Condon, Next came the news that he was dead and had left a will." Whatan intense desire to know the contents of the will. What a 'wild and furious excitement when the coiitents became known ! To Moses Barrett he had. devised one pound, to buy a coffin foc the, dog hat 'his precious son had set upon a beggar. : To Stephen Barreth he. _bequeathed one pound three pense--the pound to bo devoted to the parish 'poor--the" three pense 15 buy cold potatoes for beggars--with the nope {hat he and his] pious family 'would all put their trust in the Lord. he willed' all the jemainder of his vast wealth, soma olla million pounds sterling, Pp no captain? A courtship. --Have I strength ? Am-izable. + heart saying--¢ There is nota To Henery Barfett. and his heirs foraver, willy 8 Lope that he and they would, some- What kind ot a What single word will ask this A dogma is dignified as an 'opinion' said down with w snarl. A bachelor arithmetician says & girl is a sum when she causes one to sigh for her: Young women should ret good examples, for the young, men are nlways followlog; . them. Which is the strongest day in the week? Sunday, because all the rest 'are webk-days. Why is a prosy preacher like the middie of a wheel? Because the fellows ataund him are tired. What 'fs' the difference between the de- sert of Sahara and an ancient shoe ? One i$ all sand, and the other aand-al. i Why isd Hebrew 1a pétfect health like a diamond 7 Because he'is a Jew well, What celebrated convention would you, be reminded of, on liearing a young lad. giving advice to her uncle? Nice. Counail of What is that by Josing an eye has no= thing leit but nose ? A noise. What thing 1s that the more we cut it he lorger it becomes 7 A ditch. What secret is that which may be war ranted to keep in any climate ? A win, hge. 'The diflerenco--¢ I wish you would not smoke cigais,' said a plump little black eyed girl to her lover. as wall as your chimney?' Because chime neys do not smoke when they are in good order." « Why not I smoke, Money and time have both their yalue. He who makes d bad ue of the one wil} notmake a good use of the other. _ A yonng man recently wrote 10 his sweet- globule of blood in my heart which does not beat, your photograph.' An Indiscieet man confiled a secret, ta another and begged him nol lo repeat its « It' all right,' was the reply, "1 wilk be as close as you were. ° A publisher says he will believe in \g: theory of cpintuaism, if the dead author an unfimshed stofy on his hands will dictats the rest of the story by spinal telegtaphe « One hears animmense deal ubout 'legal= tenders,' suid Lord Brougharo upon one oo= casion ; ¢ but, upon my word, ] never heard of anything legal that was not hard instead of tender." A dentist presented a bill for 'The tenth time to a rich skinflint, "It dtrikes, 'me? said the latter, ¢ that this isa pretty Troup! bill." ¢ Yes' replied the dentist, «I've wb it round often enough to make it appear and 1 have called now to get it squared.? A wag tells of a landlady who made, heg tea so weak that it couldn't get up theigpotit of the teapot. To make a girl love you, coax her to love somebody else. I[thére be anything that women relishes, 1t is to be contrary. Sinful habits are the channels of sinful If we would VHave the thouglits thoughts. ceas 10 flow, & must close up 'THe chal" i: nels. The field for sowing righteodsness 18 so large that you can never get out of if. Whese ever you go, you are in itstilk Direction in speech is greater and better than eloguence. It is easier to performa moral deed. which the would must wilngss, that to crush 'thé small templation, which comes in our private hours, inciting lo a' little sin which the world can never' know.' Why is the punishment of the. birch adopted by some pedagogues? Because they are 'of the opinion that it makes doll boys smart, « You are welcome '! as the emply pe said to the shilling. What is the sweetest,it not the atest thing in bonnets? The ladies face lo be shire. b hant's advice in selecti a wife is Get bold supies of calico that will wash. It was a happy sentiment of 'rome writer {hat God carries his peaple gly when they 'canot walk. He pities aur weakness, bu not our slothi Life 1s like a theatre : during the pliy we take tr and lower séats's but when it is all over we mingle with te Sommer stieatn aid go home: 5 n 'The youth who'eal tue, need' 'only wait for age and ® to become a Consumate nates i's The old fogy w od bin be ¢ behind 3 ay wha pik ad it = soundly, by a strange ¢ paseiels vases A clergyman on one cdasion no fee formurrying a Paisim ivan kindly entertained." imac limes recall with pleasure ile visit of 'the old. white-haired man they had Site soy The alg beggar of that dark, rainy night, was no other than. Joshua | Barre -------- A ---- Why is a Freuch frano of no value com « pared with a Canadian dollar ? Booasee " and meelj then i social Si "hay amt uxelaiue Nha Hl on this His © ou ha 101m, Gr i ling » a not 10 be afraid § that we 1d ur is' ines; ant would riot'! BL def sud bi ai, + IX he i Is worthi- 1. 4. 'the ruil 1