slanderers lies : The foul mou [refer totruth { kuows vernelty of He servant will doutiess LIVING BEYOND THEIR MBANS:| Ve then advised these parties to 1n8oetial Jarier rogard, it ab wignifivint of CESSION OF RUSSIAN AMERICA. » 4 % fo ----- a mn, aro- " --- Clear Grits and Tories Beneath i er always found to tion it so well mer AB Our Nova Scotian friéntls séer to imitate log ou a ee Yori pean complications on the Ensiorn estan. Wenn Mus I= id pen x changes wo * | Russia cedes her Ametican terri or 1 i ; i ' ARE ADVISED TO 4 Jang sucne deadly Tan the Ouhar's tooth, | JAMES BAIRD. us in ie Jatidably practice of spending mote |, '; military movements of Russia [same reason that induced Nona 10 sell Favicly discisted in Cabinet Cobol], sn ag pers able delight stongue;| Will any unprejadiced person say that [than they earn. At the opening of the mean any thing, they mean that snother | Louisiana. Iu thie event of a war Russia | peseeior was ravervel ob ie So pat. Take Matters - Cool ! wil slander sate hele Spetite, we gave any Just cause of either Chambers the Leut.-Gov. congratulated the aflempt to drive he Turk from Europe is | Would proiabiy i logs this teratory, sdb man, The 'negofiation was broaghy fo a comin mur ERE ce Baio pn a 0 pi a Te ES fn en Se NEW AND FASHIONABLE GOODS | be oui cli rs swoey ou bh vious | They go to work to search the pages of lok in he Hevenue cng 1866, hia ub | wi, vauly improved chances of succos, | pisenisive is sop chagrined, aud it is ina , nid_both the Houses of Con. * : oar; 1.the tale aad th wish | Ftory with the same spirit and design wn ny i ay. 10/ing . \he | having & much more powerful force at her said hat ie te 4k Broo w olegraph gress must concur in making an appropria- Are arriving daily, and being opened out at the And those who tell o Flow with which they search their much neg- wed By interests are ighored. command, and very likely fewer powers to kw iy y site ls pion tian Lior Lhe payion o the purchasesmonoy Are apt Confederates in the work of lying, lected bibles--either to find fault with the poopjes screws ; | °0ntend against. England got her fingers | "This acquisition more than doubles the ¥ Jo 2 Sceompl , Manchester Warehouse | fia: cowardly mean, miimant; fo desire | ected biblee--either to find fau I ix valy ndoassary 1 put on Yeetows ; | Nc 0 tin the Tule Rotors jas ey the Pacific, which | VA "MINGToN, April 1. ~The present tom- ? Of rendering Otbers wretched ha themselves author, or Satan like, to use its noble |but the great, the almost insuMhountable | °° Norovghly burned in a! hy ol ae. nile Cahforma to] P2° Of the Senate is against the ratification -- The Stock comprises all that is New, Fashion- able, Substantial and Cheap in Ladies' Dress Incites them to encoun lying elves Lacking both soul and rh not infernal those wretches thrown logs do gnaw a bone." ro Thus a fair fame am 3 gnawed by them as truths for some unholy purpose. The pre. cious trio having mumbled and spelled their way into Macauley's England, stumbled difficulty seems to bo to kvep the expenses within the income. ' It ds true aa the Gover- | nor said that the revenue has largely in- war that she has made up her mind to keep out of the next j and as for France she is with Prussia to have men and means to 00 busy training fof her approaching fight Behring's straits, with the exception of the comparatively narrow strip comprising prises the wholé of the continent of North British Columbia. The territory ceded com- of the Russien American tre ty, whole sul ject, however, will be thoroughly discussed. » EY Tte RAILROAD CONSTRUCTOR. y a Ri pe © A broad Scotch ™ . eased h - increased 4 : Saw Francisco, March 31,--The trial of . Goods, Shawls, Oapes. Parajols, Bonnets and The Port Pony Slanderer of last week [UPD 8 ¢horacter-- (we don't say this was Se SUA I hi Psi: spare. The coming struggle with France {America west of Iaghais Jus, phi the new oi un coneiracter was a complete Hats. 4nd fn Gentlemen's Olothing, Cloths, | fries 1c" Lon oon 0 0 from the | O0 8 Sunday) the very worst character the empty. Ofthls howeverthe Governor made |" Prussia will doubtless introduce still i y lon ni bia Jueitic La The machine levels the track, lays » OCassimeres. Factory Cottons, &c. malignant inspiration of the inquisitorial book contains, it is true, but a perfect no nenition, 'as' it certainly whould have further changes. islands and 1s of the highest importance as tion Jepssiis rails, al 4 gd Sheu Y . 3 . PA Aes. . t. 53 Particulars next week. Great Bargains | clique, For this we do not blame the |208¢! When compared with either of the | 030 matters more unpleasant ; though To the D dent Ele AVN] ova Sd Tas mruaggetic res au Hose meh work in a day as 200 without + < tobe given, mewing, mawkish hypocritical editor fur. | trio: This character they conceive will | perhaps a little mors secure, as it would |TO the Dependent 00tors | |! section of territory the possession of | Ie aid of the constructar. ther than bis lending to the rubbish his | 208"er their malignant purpose well, and | end to check the wasteful expenditore of of North Ontario. which will influence in our favor the vast| special despatch 'from Quebee fo the - ADAM GORDON. ditorial we, and giving 'his advice and | °F they fly to preas with fiendish haste, and | the government. We suspect the theory of -- trade of 3s Pacific," Leader, contains the text of the telegram Nests. vat Aust 1807 editorial y nd git 8 t. Neither do|bead the article "A Sketch by Lord |that Government closely resembles that of | Gentiemen,--Finding that I must| It won'tdo for ua now (o adopt the fox and sent by Hon. Wm. Macdaugall, to Hon. Sir ; : council to (he satanic plot. Neil ! 2 Macauley." wf our own, viz: collect all you poseibly can, | bring myself out as I cannot got a baker's | 873pe logic as seems to be the practice °'I N.'F. Bel'eau: = | QE ------------------ | blame poor Mundy--the editor's Salon oF upeatles Horgive thei profinip | and spend it all and a litle more. It is | dogen of those who know me either fo some, It is undoubtedly a valuable acquisi- ¢ London, England, March 29--Her ¢ . b i "devil." The only roll he plays in this | A sketch by Beeizebub would be the trathiul heading. expected that an additional tax of 5 per cent bring me out; or support me whes I am tion. The value of this country was well Majesty, has given the royal sanction 10:the E nkarin ALT Et. is the scape goat, They have placed him | The front of the oftence of that unfortunate will be put upon the imports and exports of dscidin set forth by one Mr. Roche of Quebec, who | British North American bill. The guaran- pe y p ! put upon po po out, notwithstanding that I have long tee of the Intercoloneal rai' h s=c==-------- | there, a man of straw--the scape goat for | character which, like an hovest man among | that country early in tha present month; 1 | °°" d ate ntoresie ot the)" the year 1855 'wrote a pamphlet on its re ora) Jarway pasied 1 pi JAMES BAIRD all the sins of the inquisition. The cant- | thieves, fell into tha unhallowed hands of | is expected by this means to make the ends | *"76 MY Own private interests a merits, for the British Government, who at rbd ' y a ot fun Cy f the little ¢, the |that awful trio--is that he was Scotch by | meet. ny \ public expense and succeeded better than | that time contemplated its seizure. The "WM. MACDOUGALL." poi oir rT -- i Sapo cl fre ) ters | PIth--2 crime of no ordinary magmtude, rere A ------s any other man in North Ontario in render- | author' dys few people neither England Tits Reyer ~ : or editor ; he sordid avarice of Lis masters and one which may be easily avoided at the TO CORRESPONDENTS. ing myself ridiculous and my office con. |or Canada have any idea of the value and HE RiciiArDagN GoLp .Mine.-- A tole- a -- tall fall on fhe head of Abe. Poor un: A Bg y 9 ye.any . . | gram from Belleville states that $30,000 was The Coming Elections oes > 3 » ots | iY ditors| TL of the party, Their model eliaracter, a tol ti y i temptible. 'I acknowledge that I am imporsuce Mo Ratsisn, nrerica --srsieling aid over on Thbtaday, to Richardson & 5 " ortunate Mundy--the luce: €or' | hey say, had-been bred a Presbyterian. In uero takes vs to acco for our silence | =... triot triot--of this I | 88 it does mi'es along the Pacific const. | Powell by! Lombard & Hardin, Bankers, veli Tat} od of Canada? "devil." Doubtless they think they have ae he had the advantage over the trio for | regarding the North Omario Reform Meet- re a a 2 PY oy For two-thirds of ils whole length it is Chicagy, on the Richatdson Mine. The We believe that in io period of Canad' done a Bic job, but we feel convinced hem was bred an infidel, and is so | ing noticed 1a the Turontd' Globe. We have . . ; nearly 1,000 miles wide; and the remain. | ®1a%0¢ 1810 be paid as goon as a pending i have tha hy t the gift of th Job, one of them was y 8 very least observing of all the_ electors y svit is decided. It 1s the intention to open history have ths noma ) e git.0l the that whoever reads the rigmarole will trace | still; white the other two are worse; for they | only to say that we know nothing of said ry. ng . > ing 80 miles 1s about 30 miles wide, and work the mine at one pe people been more highly prized than they the hand of Shylock in Ey re vuning hypocrites. Their celebrated | meeting further shan reading that notice | MUst be thoroughly convineed that I am stretobing between the British p ; 8 v are now, and certainly they never were so anxiously sought after as on the present oc- casion. The late municipal honors were battled for with a vim which entrrely casts into the shade all previous contests of a similar nature; but if the number and weight of candidates which are being brought out, together with those that are bringing thameelvea out; if large and power- ful armies preparing for battle be any indica- tion of a fierce conflict--the hottest Muni- cipal conflict we have had was a peace con- vention compared {0 the coming struggle. Whether from - choice or necessity party lines are being drawn with a c/parness and distinctness never before surpassed, and both sides seem overstocked with materia: almost every second man one meets 1s either in the field or about to enterit. As might be expected a large number of Candidates are attracted by either the name or novelty of the position--a position, by the by, for which many'of them are not at all fitted neither by nature nor education. The misery isthat such men are often most anxious to foist themselves upon the elec- tors, while the best men are often very re- Shakepeare's Shylock only asked Lis pound of flesh-- but the inquisitorial Shylock is mere exact- ing still, he must bave his pound of flesh and blood to boot. We say whoever reads the trash will find as much Low as Big in it. But Bic-or-Low we care not which. Why it is that the inquisition should so frequently fulminate its anethe- mas on our head is more than we can un. derstand. We cannot for the life of us see what Las brought the malignant spirits to bear upon us m this instance ; what has kindled the ire of the inquisition so fiercely | against us. We don't know that we bave offenJ2d any one unless it be that Joseph Bigeiow feels offended because we refused to patron.7e a publication of which he sent us an advanced copy. Its possible that he may not be the sole author, or perhaps not even part authos of ik preci- ous document he sent us--but aJthor or character they say lived among libellers and false witnesses-- the poor fellow must have got into an inquisition similar to their own. Mark the righteous indignation of the vir- taous trio when they learn that their ehar- acter was the keeper of a secret purse and they had held the purse no matter where it come from they would not have parted with their idol to_angel or friend. After laying to the charge of their fancy character all the baeeness, treachery, meanness, and villany with which they are most familiar; they go on to describe in the most intelligent and refined manner the personal appearance of their would be character. ¢The first trait in huis personal appearance,' they say, ¢ is a broad Scotch accent.' numekulls ! what has the accent to do with the appearance. Then follows a whole string ol bodily deformity. These of course like the land of our birth never fail to bring disgrace upon us,and very proporly so ; be- cause we have these things entirely under not author he is publisher at least as far ut we know--because the second and only our control. We can be born just where we please and our bodies have all the paid it out lo agents, they know well that if What a batch of which appeared in the Globe. We believe some of the party, for reasons best known to themselves, have been making them- selves busy calling together such parties as they in their wisdom deems convenient, or such as they consider may assist them in accomplishing some pet scheme, giving them an opportunity fo have some grinding done. Of course as far as the results go, we have no fears ; for if none but the clique attend" said meetifg it will be sufficient- ly ridiculous of itself to kill anything they nay wish todo ; and should there be more present than the @lique, they will take pretty good care thal nothing shall be done at a meeting got ug by a party who have only personal ends to serve, who are only anxious to forward their own private inter- ests at the expense of the whole community. Tho majority of the reformers of North Ontario, are made of sterner stuff, than be humbugged into giving their support to the | nominee of any, clique. The few wire-pul- lers in this combination will scarcely suc- ceed in making cat's paws of the majonty of the reformers of this nding. They will have abundant proof of this when they coma an egotriot to the very core, represented part of the riding in various ways. ment, but you have yourselves to blame for that. but nove of you knew enough to vote for me. ning on then; whether it was Conserva- tive, Reformer, Rad, or Annexationist.-- It does not matter a great deal which it |, wae; for I do believe that neither party at that time knew enough to take ad of my valuable services. As far as prio- ciples go I cannot be objected to on that score for every one at all acquiated with me knows very well that I never had a principle about me, that I am entirely in- nocent of the charge of ever possessing any principle. at least than my adhesion to the party bringe grist to my own will. aware that overlegislation is a besetting sin of new members, but I can assure those I have mis. 1 never represented you in Parlia- I offered you my valuable services I forget which ticket I was run and the ocean. of valuable islands, and important harbors along this coast. There 1s also a very im- portant tongue of land (Paninsnla of Alaska) 60 miles wide stretching out into the ocean above 300 miies.. That contains an ers of 900,000 square miles all well watered ; an large portions of itcover- | | ed with valuable forests. open it up. The price paid to Russia for about a ¢ent and a quarter per acre. There are large numbers whole territory Our cousins will his territory was $1.21 per 100 acres i. e. THE STEAMER COTINTHIAN. -- A despatch from Port Hope states that the steamer Co- rinthian came out from her winter yesterday, and is to leave this morning for Cobourg arid Rochester, and will continue her regular season trips. She has been thc- roughly refitted dnd pamted, and precents a very fine abbeararieh, ley cleared quarters The schooner Wes- for Charlotte this morning, oaded with lumber. These are the first veseels out this season. -------- tte Partie wishing to purchase a good farm will please read Mr. John Chambers' ad- tin this day'siseve. He is offer- In polities I am every hing betimes and nothing long ; not longer T am well "The wind still blows f:3m the North-eastern quarter, Let pocis sing of April's balmy breezes, Too fond of dabbling every day in water; The earth's old clothing--suds around her dashing ! The veering winds be- times tari 10 the north Hin eyelids { inged with diamond drops; when, lo! And blow the clouds directly in his face, APRIL, i All charged with chills and coughs and sniffing meezes | "Tis my belief that £pring's a wayward daughter, Or she is nature's washer-woman, splashing At all events I wish her reign were shorter. The long imprisoned sun comes weeping forth The winds retarn 10 thetr occustomed place, This spills the watering-pots on hapless men below 1 rr A eet ATLANTIC CABLE, ng a snug and convenient farm at a very moderate price. ste Mbertisements, Aaa. ; we desire. But (f the noble B I 4 hi) re ee gti: pl Ag heated Shylook, the] virtuous (0 develop their plot, they will then find um, PA ay i ind- | that they have reckoned without their host. that he is the guthor of the precious non want biganid SHE i It will only biing disgrace upon themselves, sense; but as unlikely things have often hap- that which serves them for a soul the; woud and injury on the cause. The most un- pened, The base Nero of ofd set fire to find a greater amount of spiritual leanness | woihy man. in he iting witha Jui soe Rome--Dbis own city, the capital of the | and moral deformity than can be predicated | 1:8 u Aige aravatol imps i . empire--not that he wished to burn the | of the body of even their fancied character. | bY a inlle eas omy logs Re city--but be would even tisk that in order | One circumstance we think musf appear | gelling up 8 meeting who don't know me--those who know me are already aware of the fact--that I have no relish for the duties of office, the emolu; ments and casual advantages have ever been my only concern ; my only motive in seeking office. With regard to party, as T never had a principle [ am not bound by Juctant in allowing themselves 10 be brought out. Candidates for the ¢ Commons'? fight rather shy--bat those forthe ¢ Local"'-- and their mame is legion--are rnshing in pell-mell. In South Ontario the only name #0 far mentioned in connection with the Commons is that of T. N. Gibbs, Esq., M. P. P. A. Farewell, Esq., we understand Lowpon, March 30.-- Ex-Governer Eyre of Jamaica, who was recently arrested, was acquitted aller a short examination. Lospon, March 30, (p. m.)--=The early sale of the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg to France by Holland 1s probable. Paris, March 30.--Count Walewski has resigned the Presidency of the French corps To all whom it may Concern: NOW all men by these Presents, that it having come to the knowledge of the un- dersigned that there are certain individuals resi- dent in and about PORT PERRY! refuses to contest the riding. But for th ¢ A if thy ting | any such restramt. I will take my posi. > fer uy oder ech gt eo i sly mS mon 7 nL Vk op Cl LP TING them fire} rate ability such as Drs. [--his enemie: that Le might 1o_thosé acquaiuted wi " i i i . i N fed- [Prussia favoui Ili j EREC ING men of first rate ability such as Drs. |,--his s--30 (hat he might accom. their cluiAghet Bae. tot bis friends 3 amd-he of these frienos of bis|pays me best. I will go for Confed Yow od Favotung, allionss with McGill, Tocker and Gunn, and C. Draper, W. H. Gibbs, C. Campbell, J. Dryden, J. Rateli#l, T. P. White, and P. Taylor plish Ins fieodish purposes against them -- Are there no modern Neroes? We lave more valid reasons for charging Joseph Bigelow with getting up these squibs than he has for eharging us--in as much as he has been scattering them broad cast while we hever had one of them in our possession except those that came from himself or his friends, We have been told that the reason assigned by the inquisitors for again kindling the inquisitorial fires is that our correspondence on that mailer. was not satisfactory. 'We shall here give the cor- respondence, and'leave others to judge.-- Stating at the same time mest emphati- cally (hat we koow nothing of the squib referred 'to except what we heard from Joseph Bigelow and bis friends. should hava the dole control efinviting to ~raion-- Annexation, disorganization, or said meeiings justsnch partigs as they chose, any ower dtion that will bring money to and consequently only those whom they be-| 0 1 take my seat on the side lieyed would make things pleasant for rheir bonch a Don ches, or even on the bogus candidate, This might all do very | Penches, ero 2.8 pactuiy well if they could. elect him; but a ean- foor if J can thereby securs 2 "CH didate brought out in any skh way has a advantage. If Iam elected I wili jutro. much betfer-chanee of getting to the moon fduce the system of National Banks, I will than to the hall of the Jegis'aure. No can- | enforce all the business of the County to didate that chose lo prasent himss!f in an|pe done at a' particular bank ; and if any honest upright manner be who he may bi | other bank charge more than 7 per cent would carry the day against such a trick- it wil! forfeit principal and interest§ and os, if a bill from gay other bank dares to show its face in the commanity it will be seized forthwith and returned to ifs owners for gold. * The National bank however will be allowed carte blanche, it will be laws! for it to charge two interests, one direet and | another 'indirect ; it may also shave notes been | wi cheating the Qrphan--wronging the father- less, and robbing the widow--swindimg the ignerant out of their farms or-dwellings, and driving them to the street to perish if they may ; defranding the hireling of his hard earnsd pittance ; uforéing pay twice of the same account ; and a nuntber of other qual- ities that their character wants to make him complete. But perhape it i¢ just as well not to mention these things. Zes images toujours flatteront dans mes reves, SCNOOL EXAMINATIONS. The Quarterly Examination of the eom- mon school in achool section No. 8 took place on Friday 20th ult. The attendance 'was not nearly so large as one might reasonably expect. We were glad to find three peighbouring teachely Messrs. Luxemburg. The Prossian Comrander of the fortress of Luxemburg has complained of the insult off-red to his Government. LonpoN, March 31.--A Despatch from Belgrade states that the. Prince of Servia left thatcity yesterday for Constantinople. BrusstLs, April 1L.--The appearance of anti-Prussian placdrds in the sirevts of LAxwmbuig crestes much 'excitement in France and Germany. Naanswer has yet been made to the complaial of the Prussian commander ; and pending the saltlement of the affair, the irritation is increasing on both vides of the Rhine. LonvoN, April L--Advices from Rio Janeiro state that an American man-of-war had gone up the Paraguay river, bearing a proposition from the gilied South American wers containing thh basis of negotiations I" pence - to be shbmitted to President Lopez. LuNooN, April i= Regret expressed hv the pres and in DWELLING {Th HOUSES, &.C. In the aforesaid Town of Port Perry. Now this is "herefore to motify the aforesaid residents of Bortpdore tery, ea to BUILD, ERECT AND COMPLETE, In a' iautial Ri a such buildings, Wood, Brick or Stone. . s And Whereas having Leased the Sus & Boor Factory, I am prepared ta furnish Sash, Doors, Mould Scroll-sawing, Wood-turning, Face-Planing, an Flooring on the shortest notice and at reason- able rates. : . In North Ontario M. C. Cameron, Esq., M.P.P., is the only party fairly broaglt out for the Howse of Commons ; other aspirants seem to bang around the deor and look in, But no one kaa yet gone in to ask a seat. This may only be a matter of time. With the " Local" matters are widely different ; large cumbers are crowding around ready to burst in. We bave many names men tioned in connection with the Assembly, J. H. Thompson, M. Gillespie, T'. Paxton, Joshua Wright, Joseph Gould, A. Ken vedy, Esqe. Some of the best material in the riding has been kept back such as A 'I. Button, Esq., Geo. Wheler, Esq., J. ------ 8 ~G---- BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. We are pleased 10 see that that most cruel of all practices--bratalizing and debasing alike to the administerer und the is generally recipient--flogging-in the army and navy, Ben] oid Given under my hand at Port Perry in the Township of Reach and of is 4th So oN nan om apart ear TT Me Rime) usa. on. Langdon, Marsh and Wilson--the Rev, Mr. | has got its final blow. While othet nat 08 | de® ns oles abAhe propasedshle of the Russian pos- | aa 1h WRG, Bi &. Gordon, BI ar hai he te at Ae and a muorly of Tiuseet: The [lave long ag Tadashi ha Tol Desc | with te inde: = TWF go-foF Perfect and | Sons a North fmerica To the Uiied | =~ pr 280 " a whole host of others. It may be that ieFins al that no apolo Jd be | Yorivus classes were prety throughly ex- | has just come to haye it snutghed from her |untranmmeled freedom in the exercise of | States. iL (Signed) they refuse to run. It is needless to in- offered for ng! ould ir es amined in thevarious bragches and acquitted | reluctant hand. B thie mgans tlmt dis- | the franchise for all parties who give me The fi ures of the Buia] ald Selore Jue GEO. ROBINSON, form our readers that nothing bas yet becn : » themselves well. This. schbl is going | gusting remn barbarism has'jdst been | {heir votes, but should any cast their votes | House of minghs sion [hat | ase : BurLoer. done regarding the Reform Candidates. -- uo iy Hed Crepe 16 he Sieadily wa) evissing Somidetable ips ge A re fig io bows for another candidate they cannot blame me Geant Briain for A : Chinel 2, wy eA few Waousaud fost of med Floor - proficiency in the various branches in |of. © sul 8 \ he | h deprive them of bread and let | 500,000 sterling. v tem bi Budgistand pics en regular be author ; being well aware at the same that | which they have been taught during the | British House of Parliamen onthe 15th i shunt] Gegeive 1h hr 3n rn ry April 1.--The. steamship Valuable Farm for Sale. orm meeting is to take place soon. Ti we koew much less about it than he did. | past quarter. 'Fhe result of the examina- |Februrary. It was well handled, turned I will af once introduce a bill for the | Sorawa, from the Clyde, bound: far Boston, after that of course nothing can be known both talent' and fight were ofthe side of who the Reform Candidates may be. er ---- mercy, and, btwithetanding, the fact that the Secretary of war, Gen. Ppel, and a host of other Military Officers--those who order the flogging but receive nome--even the Commander in chief, lent his aid to the parties who wished fo retain the horrifying sunk at sea during a severe storm on the 20h tion gave universal satisfaction to all present. ult. ' The 'ipitors expressed themselves to that effect.. The services of Mr. Meredith and the two lady teachers Miss Bongard, and Miss Marks, are well received jn that sec- tion, The Quarterly Public Examination of the IE umienignsd will sell the N. E. part of Lot 22, in the 9th concession of the Town- ship of Reach, County of Ontario, containin, acres all cleared and moderately well fenced. -- Improvements--Frame Barn, Log House, Well, &c. Roads good and markets convenient, bein, situated on the west side of Lake Scugog nd about 3 miles from Port Perry. Terms $1800. At least $800 down and the balance in annual instalments to suit the pur- To this we. made the folfgwing reply : " OnsEnven" Orpice, Prince Albert, 14th March, 1867, Mr. Joseph Bigelow, . 8ir,--Your insolent communication with iteprecious contents has been duly received and I hasten to return them to theirlegitimate owner, and I believe, author. You state that no one is settlement of the question of usury. 1 shall make it unlawful to charge more than 8 per cent from the rich, or 75 per cent from the poor. It will always be in order to cluse a mortgage against a peor man and Tax Mancuester Wargnovse sTiLL GOING AHEAR,--Mr. A. Gordon's New Ad- vertisement, will be found in this day' issue. Lots of New and Fashionable AMERICAN DESPATCHES. --- MAXIMILIAN IN A FIX, A Herald's despatch of the 29th ult from San Luis Potos: says that there was reason to Goods arriving daily, and be d ili fathe! i 3 " drive him from bis farm and leave his wife | San 8 108 , Fgh py. (So bo Avan | ASE TEC PA 4 rE Common Schein schol section No. 13 rahe, bai wa of sovi, Bonny Fn 11 uh umtns au sede, | PHS Boman Gnd Hina | Con, Trt ope Lo U1 meme: timaty Sarap, Jontsty fa het it yourself if a8 #p. took place on Saturday 30th ult. The pupil, | veiled. When put tothe vote before a house will not go in for making it a capital crime |and rear Tes and bis main dependance JOHN CHAMBERS, Proprietor, WELL POSE BROWN & CHRISTIAN | FEM 16 0 Ta Ye now as We [turned ont well--the Trustees were all | of 316 members mercy triumphed by one 8 to bo thle to & + | for supplies being on the meagre corps in y Walkerton, Co. Bruce, C. W. --- are not, lgnorant of the parpose intended to be | present with the Teacher of No. 8 and sev- | Yole--there beiug 108 for abolishing the for a poor man not to be able to transact |, netghbourhood has offered to surrender, or JOSEPH GOULD, First Spring goods in the Market. It | Served by this jbut it won't do! You y 3 and 107 for ing the 0 his own business, but it will be a misde- | The answer was a refusal to treat with trai- + .ue(Tenant) onthe Farm. . . have overshot the in getting it up, it ap- | eral other visitors--not quite so meny, cer- | lavh, ing lisgrace. Fv oe Rawer Was a re'nsa' lo Ue will be seen irom \heir_advertasment, | posto io un of ens ba thse wl nig, a0 we-soukd wih wbeve sour Ph | +o Toa, |memmor for Mm 16 complain whew boa [for Co fas Walkerton, April 2, 1867. 12 {tile daye'fiiue, fhat Brown & Christian are would have sanctioned | various classes did exceeds well. The x a - cheated. / ELING IN 73 SOUTH, ¥ : . on hand with a Jarge arrival of Spaing Goods | the getting up of such a geurious: Eogluh History class gy class that gil Shonld I have the honor of your suff. | The Herald's South Carolina. correspon- Annual Meet in hich have just opened and then tarn cooly tell us no y Bool "| The London C. W. of the Bank | brid ¢ dent who has recently made a trip of some a name ya Los #04) apology is gece shall babel be notept} veads in tho Bi bettet that wus, of British North Ameries was victimized [Pages I will give special attention to the length through the Siate,_ Je the people -- . ul A * H of - - a te Semen.) Joss we the names of who penned] 1 a a to SAttce Tak walt hous 34 some time ago by the- algiraction of $100 currency. T will make sawdust and slabs is gnetilly dispored io loel rocklons in os THE Aunual Getieral Mesting of the Stock $LAVTION 8 - hat the s sy wail aad vy : ge from a parceldust being ont away. Sus-|a legal tender for a week's wages--and | EUV Cn (Cniel ey ine a fit of passion | Ontario Pine Grove Cemetery Company, i A pe from our afice. The SACK io wenspaseni| "Ubjocts that wero taken up. After the ex- | ER BUCH CECB EN SL LE shingles for a higher amount. when talkyng about it. He believes thal | Wil bo held in the Public Hall, Denes 11 Parties in want of anything in the farming | try "| ercises of the school had been gone throngh N idapout however. , ishing | there is some sly artifice concealed beneath | on Monday the 8th day of April next, at 1 a ne will consult their own interest by attend- Youn, sonte of the Trustees and visitors addressed ment, thing was owever. | 1 can't hope to be returned, but wishiog the conciliatory professions of Wade Hamp- | o'clock p. m. eo ? i 3 i AMES BAIRD. ; : y Agein on Saturday last the same party was to be so fortunate ton and others at the recent coloured muss | Parties owning one or more lots are considered ing Mr. Wales' Great Auction Sale, which the school. After which we had a pleasing of Ni wi gy ¢ | ad Hesdwning one. - takes placeon Tuesday 9th inst., on Lot No.| Alfew days after we received from John time in addressing a very sitenhiye and observed tampering with 8 tes I remain in agonizing suspense, meeting. They talk very differrently m Siavic-holders a8 weil ss those who have sub- : theiud Concession Rosh, Shaw--Mr. Bigelow's. 'hired man-- : "Mr. Brown is doing wel} | '® Was at once charged with having ab- Yours véry truly, private; conversation. y A full attendance is urgently solicited as bsi- i 1%, in the Bud Consus i: (Su the oy odaily gohwol. Ms & wit, | stracted somo of them, red to turn' The Herald's Richmond correspondent | ness of much importance will be brought before Posters.) Me. E. Major Auction. a communication Iecosing another copy of and the section is Yery rel Swiss mith ont the cotitents of his forthwith or A CANDIDATE. | i era? Virgina reconowrcclion. 1) be Testing. 7.C. BOM pe We wold call the tention of partic 1° "wpe secre 8 | he manner in which iho school Jo 290% be handed over te the ambories. Ho| A YALA ACE ION, (esse rons PINS Aber, March T1060, | phi wishing 10 get dwelling houses, or buildings ity To Whicliws i d Mare Som to vs to find an onward and upward adoph od the former oui Wed ont vu Another field added to Br. Jonathan's | lo co-opdiate with Gen. Schofield. ; - TTT ry put vp, lo the Proclamation of Mt. Mr. John ae Alba, dy 1867. movement going on in our varous school hie Pookie wives Sug Mow: itis that farm. A telegram to the Leader, says that ADJOURNMENT OF CONGRESS. DIVISION COURTS : ao foot 0 Hie days So sections. In. mayt inslanaes the towsles | "cy, wil' creep ino there institu- | ® 7eaty has been made between Russia and | = (11 nqron, March 29.--Both Houses of FOR THE »< issue. Mr, Robinson has first rate facili- Tahite are giving a large measure of satisfaction, | wit, 'when they know thet Weir lust for America, "by which the former cedes to the | Congress will meet at ten o'clock to-morrow County of On tario ties for erepting buildings, and the vast num- and most of the schools are making a very | "'*""? A United States, all Russian. Americs, with OE in order 10 close up their business oe s ber of hases Built by him, in and around {state i hich | 801d won't let them be henest--knowing | = = slands. Par of thie new ter- | by noon at which time the secass. will be [0 yo. > theve villdges, are the best guarantees of hi | & or Qesison fiogievoujest a every hing x also, at least they ought to know, that their tos agjuecst *irotohos along the constfor's distance | taken til Joly, : 0. 1; Whitby, wus. . #fficiency an skoll as» builder, eit i ant on §o dolomid, hf of 500 De adh 8 Tut tings large. portion). . DUELING fo wb wp : 1 rs : DRILL SHED NOTICE. semi. |of the western of British America. | Nzw OnLzans, March 29.-- A duel occur- = WAIT A LITTLS LONGER." |Thus forming a fence ta keep Jonny Bull, or [red this morning between the mana, ofthe Parties indebled for subscription to Drifi| "WATT & la x any of his little ones from falling into the | National theatre snd the i] it we | Sbed, must pay within ten days, or they | = Some time ago cerlain puriies urged ihut | ocean, or from getting into it either we sus- probably fatally shot at the third fire. ~ The anew map of Europe should be published, | pect, The telegram says : weapons were revolvers. The cause of the will be sued in first Division Court. hd : 7 ©, BORMAN. embracing the changes introduced by "The cession excites intense interent. encounter was an actress eis Whitby, Mar 13, 1867, ew al ase 02 fe tk --- ------ TE 7 ' : o ,