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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Aug 1867, p. 4

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Ottawa on and after the FIRST JULY, The Department of Crown Lands for the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario will be opened alQuebec and Toronto as soon there- after as possible of which due notice will be given. ' A. CAMPBELL, 26-6w] Commissioner. -- OY SATURDAY the 4 THIRTEENTH day JULY A.D. 1867, at the hour of Twelve o'clock noon, will be sold hy Public Auction, at my office, in the Court House-in the Town of Whitby, in the said Gounty, all the right, title and interest of the undermentioned lax.ds seized me under and by virtue of a writ of Fieri Tacias issued oyt of the County Court of the Uounties of York and Peel, and 'to me directed, at the suit ROBERT JONES, - County of Ontario, To Wit: Plaintiff, vs. WILLIAM C. McMULLAN, Defendant, VIZ: One quarter of an acre in the Village of Atherly, being composed of village lot number three, fronting on Fitzroy Place, and lying between Mountjoy Square and Winchester: Street, as elicws in an engraved plan of the said Village ol. " NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff, C. 0. Per R. H. TomvrinsoN. 23-3w Bheriff's Office, Whitby, 10th June, 1867. TEE ibscriber, hol a Tieence for the 3 Bi imag Ontario, i Fownslop of Mariposa, wonld beg to state to Farmers and others, requiring services, that whatever a trated to his care, will be prompt- ly Sud carefully attended to. mode . : srg, Days 4 Sule, ho Eo arranged at the 2 - E. MAJOR. Belin, March, 27th, 18067 Hair Tooth and Nail Brushes, Combs, Sponges, and Soaps, &c. Special attention given to the Prince Albert,Jan. 22, 1867. EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines, Dye-Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Trusses, preparation and dispensing of Physicians prescriptions. NEAR THE TOWN HALL, CARTWRIGHT S ENCOURAGE - : Local Industry and Home Manufacture, THE subscriber begs to nform his numerous customers that he has HE Subseriber having fitted up and [lately occupied as a hotel south of Mr. thoroughly repaired the Amboy Woolen Mills! Begs to announce to the inhabitants of Cart- wright and adjacent Townships, that he is pre- pared to do Carding, Fulling, Cloth-Dressing, and Dyeing, on the shortest notice, and wit the greatest promptitude. From his long prac- Revolving Horse Rakes tice and experience in the business, he flatters | | Sucking ufich Tngt year. himself that parties entrusting their work to } manufactured lng him will have the same done to theirsatisfaction. LIST OF PRICES: For Carding 5 cts per 1b, cash--6 cts credit. '* Fulling 10 cts per yard, cash. with first class AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. tore Carriages, &c., while under repairs. . JAMES PARKIN. Manchester, April 18, 1866. wanyuns REMOVAL removed from the shop lately occupied wy him to the premises 8 jordon's Store, where he is prepared to supply the public Wagons,Oarriages,8.c. Constantly on hand a large supply of those cx- cellent : Good Sheds on the premises under which to iD $0) iD I ILD BR REET WHITBY nes. () -- GOOD assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from best material. Work A made to order with neatness and dispaich. Particular attention paid to repairing [5 ALL WORK WARRANTED. . x Sta ---- Se u -- + Pax av THE Post Ox rick.--The following . J «coloquy actually took place at an eastern ( ' A t J I | 1 : | ! post office :~-- Fa a he ! i Hy I say Mr. Postmaster is thore a letter for ae ; . me ? f he Who are you, my good sir ? A / ; '. Pm myself, thats whotn I am. . WARREN: HOLTON, Proprietor. H Well what' the name ? a ; i . Say i : we " P 8) Hi ' do youu 1 e? HEREBY notify the public g lly and I p y, to be oent,--Brooklin . O. 2 can $F nk vd ho nae? is I y cautious with whom they conclude Bargains, before they cal at the GEO. B. FAIN I, Ag ' ' Z b -- one. 4 s Well, Pat Bryne, then, ave yo must have ONTARIO CARRIAGE F A CTORY The Stock of Fruit Trees in these extensive Nurseries are Jory H 3 at i i department. Particular attention is paid tof. . Le : Where they will find on hand a quantity of first class > complete in every dep 1 : I : 3 Pie , sir, there 18 mono for Pat Bryne at n 3 WW raising HARDY Varieties of Winer Frott, i 0 pasties favousing (0) g Pp Hines A Thert | A ( - : f : A od i y Is there no way to get in there but thre' arriages * agons, us with their orders we gurrantce to bring t ELSE Orders. or 4 q [otean. ; that pane of glass ? ; } NURSERY PRODUCE and NOTHING . rde =| Call and examine Specimens. at pane of glas! Manufactured on the premises of the choicest material and first class workmen. Call and see op 1 ded Go. = Jv: Bo? 0 No, sir. them. 7 1 would also jpimats to my, numerous friends that this is the Cheapest House in Communications careful y attended to. b & ©. MASSEY. 10s well for yo here isn't. 1°d teache | Prince Albert to get your Horse Shoeing done. : . {nz Froit G h 4 = : . iy ruit Growers to the April 17, 1867. i 1 ye betthre manuers than to insist on a gen- Work Warranted or mo Pay. We would call the attention of intending Q oc [2 'ene} ; "get i JAMES EMANEY. | substantial Testimonials below. = tleman's name. But yo didn'tgetit after all--so I'm even wid yo' anyway--my| Prince Albert; May 22, 1866. © 51 Brooxur, Jan. 9, 1867. East Wainy, Jan, 5, 1867. name isu't Brive, sure! Y stay some very fine Fruit Trees. fc-frors the Fame | 1 Wave no Sesion i recommending suchiPrait H I a ! B E R T "| ilton Nurseries, delivered at Brooklin, by the Agent, Eid Bd esa y Two young ladies have been court-mar- P Vv Mr. Geo. Bi¥uint. : . HENRY GRAHAM. d tialed in Florida fot putting flowers on con- ; J. B. BICKELL, Reeve'of Whitby. Witrrey, Jan. 7, 1867. . federate graves. 3 . A 2 1 r= JOARRIAGE FACTORY. | vecurtiuuim som |i some impos doin | There is a man out west, who" drinks so i LL A he Frat hens Vie a gueurp in wating that | Kamil fo ir. Fat reprosntcd le atid PORT PERRY tl mE he mest fe Somes Cup og term te Fei SESE EERE RR) 2 : en remens. i ot I especia ams in sl i ©, @s the roots are in excellent condition. [ . er -- 4 ~-- ol Clie at having on 27 years" experience in the business, he is prepared to MOSES SMITH. Bice THOMAS ARUSEY. = WoolenFactory Ifthere is any radical difference of char- supply superior TY or Frui Ir Fi ; Agen i ario o acter between the two sexes, the women Ww C aes o & 1 lements ig N, Jan. 8, 1867. fort Tro Nurseries, aid ave meh essute in Borelia, C0 Ont of THE Suiseriher, in refuiming hanks 32 hus I . G. B. Pui le! ed v Fruit | statis IT Vi vell satisfied with vay in which i i 4 » ' us! and not the mea have the advantage, A agons, ar riages mp Tres Hoel Brkin. hf They ware irmaicd Tho Frees were very nie, well formed, Borelid, May the Te Jishes 10 inform them an 7 : cer name. ?atki ic TIO py o , i + carefully packed, and scemed to give general satisfac- | healthy, aud in good growing condition, the public that he Lriden maker named yak us Gn AT SHORT NOTICL: AND RESSONMILE PRIGES. dnd tion whi vmerosnomomin. | EXANDER HENRY DEARBORN. Yolunteers ordered to Now Propuven to Execute all Work n beat her anything in his i el tting' a handsome and substantial article the « ALE ER. : . : ghearly te death with a piece of lead, and So in vant ins in his Tine ay re iy ag ee contrary notwithstanding, +Corumpus MivLs, Jan. 4, 1864. i the Frontier | Entrusted to him, on ths shortest possible notits Yo ?hor i : : i ohy eertify ived 1 her o and in ®abbed her in fifleen places. The poor | Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing, and General Jobbing. Aa ARITA is i) Po, 1 er & ko AND 9 wb IL OE TE. | rites ins eye rl | ugh he Xpeot, Go. . i ht v J. BULLLN/|'"E BEST STYLE try so that she could not be forced to appear | t'1ince Albert, Apnl 13, . [3 | uses in every ospuety - | Trees of the very best quality. « As a recommendation for honest dealing an EY -- ROBERT GARDNER. JAMES GOODMAN. d workmanship, he would state this fact that agamst him. The London papers publisha | ---------- -- = we 1148 Fot8es he carded onl : -- ns ¢ ly 8,000 lbs of wool, and in pathetic letter written by her to the brute 1866 over 14,000 Ibs. He hopes by strict atten il Pi 3 V i i al Increase after his arrest: ¢{ am wailing anxiously J ST R E C El E DD y R tion to business to merit an addition i V LJ \ WwW \ in 1867. in the hope of hearing that you are free, and HARRISO MA & SO : Sta Pi :--For Carding, per Ib--5 tents, if paid Lam looking for the time when we shall re ior Iot of ' From. hig O10 Stand to ong door befor the Tt of January, 1668, I uot ga paid, § tl + i ts wi h ulling and Pressin| wind and happy onco again, for without A superior lot o South of the Red White & Blue. pews will be dn a Fulling and Dressing 12 ji C. 2 i - » cents per yard, i i the lst of January, Tos Fix a py: if All She past a : ~ AH Garments made in the 1808, ol jp gy of 10 per cent per got." For the girl's sake it is gratifiing th Latest Styl and a Fit war-|2onum will be charged. to know that she will never have an oppor- i | Rey yes : als Quen Dresses, §ec., Colored and Dress tunity again of trusting herself to the mercy J ranted. . . ed on moderate terms. ofthe man who so cruelly injured her. : : ' ' I~ Spring and Summer Fashions just ree YorFens Navi: ites CT yovse. Watking was sentnenced 1920 years penal | Which will be Sold Cheap for Cash ; also on hand a large Stock PORT PERRY! ceived. J. BULLEN, | Perper, May 1, 1867. : servitudo.--N. Y. Paper. of Spanish Sole Leather, which will be disposed of on RE prepared to Contract for and put up Bafldings of all kinds, whether Wood | Prince Albert, March 28, 1866 12 Rn Pr BE O RE A s an a the most favorable terms to cash purchasers. Having a large Brick or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, with all the most modern improve- ° 9 th Dapoesn. Tie 3 oronto papers relate number of men constant employed in manufacturing ments. Parties requiring good work done will do well to cally (Z=Plans and Specifica-- The most Popular Remedy ever SADDIL " ha ason, the celebrated whiskey detec. tions made to order. Ii tive, was * dosed" b; us HARRISON MAW, JOHN H. MAW. offered to the Public. AND ives vis 4 Jo by some Jaleo Port Perry, Dec. 5, 1866. TOMLINSON'S Harness Maker been rendered insensible his system was L JINN L considerably shook up by a committee TH Thomas' New Building, South of Gibbs suming to render friendly aid in conveying " H . Block, Simcoe Street, OSHAWA. Lim home, but who purpose! dropped hi . i of anv carcas upon the kL EP I am prepared to offer inducements equal if not superior to any = : FJHE attention of farmers and: others is. in« with as much force as his weight would | house in the trade. Also an immense Stock of Boots and Shoes 3 0 R n v ) H R ' asad to his stock of heavy nd Tight hue erat Tie notorious individual is be- | purchased in the best markets, which will be sold at a slight > . Alia there will be found a choice selection of iev t p proof aga . = mm --------r-- 4 whips, general saad ey trunks, portmanteaus, ful rie Trout sgsiost themes power, vance on the cost. : 1 : FYHE Subscriber takes this method of re turning thanks to his numerons customers for For the cure of Fain both External se eying in Ue trade age jor order on . 2 ' 1 1 tH * i i Ld S i hidthieg ie shortest notice, epairin one neatly ah Ie mixture of laudanum, prussic acid, or 1 You vi find it to your advantage to come and examine their liberal patronage for. the past SIX YEARS, and begs to intimate that he is and Internal, cheaply. byes J R ren ike pacifyimg drugs with bis potation,-- | the Stock. constantly prepared to furnish them with : : . A . << Hanitlion' Times. © foams Cash for Hides, Tallow and Hemlock Bark. pe . ) The greatest Pais Luring Remedy yet, ; vn son, 231501. 3-ly ---- wwuanr. | WWagons and Buggies! : PTC TORIA . AnEcpore or Eueenig.--A French | priNCE ALBERT ano MANCHESTER, Pain cannot long exist where this 5 Journal tells an annccdote of the fidelity of October 24, 1866. 2 | And that he is now preparing FIFTY Sets of his PREMIUM IRON § WOOD SEED HAR Remedy is faithfully used. ; ; a porter to his charge. The Empress Eu- HOW made in the latest improved Scotch styles. i . . 3 CL : Sewing Machine. genie recently presented hoesolf at the Parties desiring to Parelinte woula do well to call and inspect his Stock before purchasing else- Give it one fair trial and you will use Isthmus of Swez gate of the exhibition il Y Nir luvin bougiit his Sick for Cash, he is determined notsto be undersold by any other no other. AGENTS WA N ED | t LT . 4 beforetlo i Fhe Doeiee tal All Work Warranted. WM, STEEL, It is acknowledged by those who have used ---- named M. de Lesseps as hor Triend. 5 A) m-- Manchester, April 10, 1866. 1-13 | rnost valuable of any knows or toe disesscs or | S10 to: $15 per day. they all say that,' retorted the gatekeeper. I Which it is recommended, CTIVE Agents wanted to canvags and sel 1 "my ; A : #5 Sold by all medicine dealers, Fi i i tavin Toe sTonpress ingisted tint the great A S I N C A 1 R PRICE ONLY 253 CENTS. Sid unl a ro ii Bales ould instantly admit her were . : 3 * 5 It Is the largest bottle of medicine of the kind | est invention on a jiew prin: le, is the Tost ie there, but could not prevail. She then EGS to inform his friends and the public generally that his FALL STOCK has : in Canada, : simp ¢, and warranted for three years, being the . played her last eard--¢ But if I were to B arrived, consisting of FIRST CLASS TEAS aud a 1 3 WwW T § H M K IE R Manufactured by the proprietor, to July fist sins cheap ficuns sver tive tell you that I am the Kmpress 2° «| 3 ~ q A Ep A Uy ris > ust of Moggridge's Hotel, Prince i some cheap Worthless machine, ro : ) ab 2 ert, C. I, ¢ the Victoria yo ve tainty witl Kindy of ton tort erdgeter (CHOICE LOT OF GROCERIES. AND JWELER, Fiera A J ngth con- 5 " chine to be compared with it ; in fact t is n vinced the porter that (he pant was WAT ines Brandies, and other Liquors of the best brands = 1MFORTER AND DEALER 1¥ 0 high priced machine ean excel i in al inde of the Empress 5. and then the gate opened 5 J) ¥ i dics ! Y D r | Ml work. Sample Machines sent on receipt o . ros j oa 0S > , edical purposes. ; . fil eRtaed lotr Day ceny Dn rec Some elicons person propose to miss | 1 ONCE ad Ales, Wincs, Brandies, &e., for medical purposes. (HOLD AND SILVER WATCHES ay || in eee oir, We mil vs te above the faithful man, but the Empress interven 05 Ho would say to HOTEL KEEPERS that they have only to call and examine CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C. &C. €O i Jil penses, ne a terms address (With ! Stoc 1at they can do better by buying at his establishment than at » : ? ? 9 > stamp, ed and saved him his Stock to be convinced tl y y buying 2 . fo» 7 DP) Sabo i . any other in the County. or out of it. Come, see, and be convinced. King Street Bast - ~ - - OSHAWA. y= -- GATES & CO., I = A large assortment of FISH will arrive next week. ai a -------- 3m sg by + i No. 14 King Stree Bod, Prince Albert, Oct, 17, 1866. =1y = Wo > . 2 BE = ly 'ORONTO. atches and Jewelry Neatly Repaired. PL 5 Pag Ze } a) 0 Oshawa, Jan 25, 1865, 3-1y r= i TIE Psd R. WILON Lt = fou F A enn a [} 9 aan a eee Fos, | vs ir ; A © Erm ha Boy. Dirt * ) CCIST M. 0. DONOVAN, fxm 8 2 SILVER \ Department of Crown Lands, 3 Bn 3} 3 5] 9 PRACTICAL i wm ; : meng Si Orcas, 280 Jae, 1607, orrosizn scores morn, © Carriage FF Maker || mmematgnl [row ronan ii bio 3 FEYHE-Bophrtment--will * tis closed "if PRINCE A LBE RT | = NM 1 MORE ELASTIC it IMORE GRACEFUL! And will keep its Shape and retain its Place better than ang other Skirt. This new and beautiful style of Skirt (Patented March 7, 1865,) was awarded by the Great America InstiTeTe FAIR, held in New York, BORELIA Cabinet Warerooms !! HE Subscriber is still working at his old place of business, manufactnring every- T thing in the CABINET LINE, such as Sofas, Centre, Dining and Brenkrast Tables, Cupboards, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, &o. ~ (= House and Sign Painting and Paper Hanging done on the shortest notice. (= A choice lot of STEEL ENGRAVINGS for Sale and Framed to order. Special Notice.--A FIRST CLASS HEARSE. A number of COFFINS of all sizes, ready-made--eztra finish. ALSO, AGENT FOR TOMB STONES, Good Lumber and Produce taken in exchange for work. Borelia, Oct. 24, 1866. . JOHN NOTT. rate. | quested to settle the same forthwith to the "_ Fulling a d Dressing 13. nts per yd, cash. te Fulling, Drssang iD ing 25 cents per yard, cash, THOMAS STINSON. Cartwright, May 22, 1867. al 19-3m Brandon Brothers Manufacturers of BISCUITS, CONFECTIONERIES, &C. wi Retail Dealers in all kinds of Biscuits, jestig any Confectioneries, &c., CANNINGTON, C. W. Cannington, April 17, 1867. NOTICE! All persons indebted to the late firm of CURRIE & BROWN, Prince Albert, either by note or book account, are re. 14-1 = W. I. PRINCE ALBERT, any oOvnanental undersigned, in order to save costs. J. H. BROWN. Facey? Painting, &c. rs Prince Albert, April 24, 1867, Manchester, June 19, 1867. U house, Sign, Carriage, PAINTER. LACE of business at the ** Ontario Carriage of . Paper lunging, Flagandlianner |, "A1) kinds of Watohes and Clocks neatly repaired and WARRANTED, 51 15 NEW WATCHES! New Clocks! New Jewelry & Silver-plate, W. HEPINSTALL'S "BROOKLIN. - BROOKLIN, Dec. 26, 1866. ¥ Grovesteen & Co., PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 499 Broadway, New York, October, 1865, a Silver Medal!!! The highest premium ever given for a Hoop Skirt. The Steel Springs are wound with a fine plated wire (in place of a cotton Sovering) Which will not wear off or become soiled, an the whole skirt may be washed without injury or fear of rusting, and will be as good as new. TEESE PIANOS received the Highest Award of Merit tat the World's Fair, uver the best makers from London, Paris, Gi T fermany, the cities of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston; also, the Gop Sng Mena at the Mechanics! Institute, for FIVE SUCx THE COMBINATION SI | T CESSIVE YEARS!!! Our ontain the Frencl Grand Action, Harp Pedal, Ove g Bass, I on ii -- Prame, and all Modern Improvements. Every Instru- ment warranted FIVE years. Made under the supers vision of MR. J, I ESTE y who has a practical experience of aver thirty-five 'years, |S and is the maker of over cleven thousand piano Jortes,-- Our facilities for mmnnfacturing enable us to sell these Instruments from $100 to $200° Cheaper than any first | class piano forte. 29-1y Good News for All! J, IEE-LIKE PIOTURES taken in all kinds o weather, at J. A. CLARK'S PHOTOGRAPH CAR, UXBRIDGE. The subscriber is prepared to execute, in the best style, Photographs, Ambrotypes, Melenco- types, Carte d' Visites, and all kinds of pi known to the Prglession, at his Car, west of Crosby's Store, Uxbridge, cheap and warranted to suit customers. Pictures copied and photo graphed, or enlarged to any size desired, J. A. CLARK. 40 "This invention combines with the ordinary cotton skirt, the advantages of our SILVER K IRT ; the bottom hoops are the same as those used in fthe silver skirt, the covering of which cannot wear off, while the upper ones are covered with cotton. No lady, having once worn one of our Skirts, will be willing to wear any other, as the lower hoops of all other kinds are soom injured and soiled. he best materials are used in their construc- on, and, from their durabili d are destined to ri fy snd ueatuens fey (A FAVORITE SKIRT. £9 Manufactured and sold by the Silver Skirt and Wire Manufacturing Company. 30 & 32 Barclay Street, New York T. 8. SPERRY, Supt. 32-I-y. : BARBER & PYE, Architects, Tailroad, Building and Land Surveyors, VALUATORS, &C., &C., OSHAWA, C, w., RE prepared to furnish Plans, Details an Specifications, for public buildings, privat ces of every description or in any style of architecture. Plans of all kinds of stairs bridges, tombstones, patent rights, mills an mach inery, can be had on the shortest possible Mr. Pye is recently from Manchester, England, where he has had experience in designing, sur~ veying, and superintending. pecimen Designs may he seen in the Reading Room, Oshawa, or may be had on applicagion to H. R. BARBE W. Hl. PYE, Uxbridge, Oct. 11, 1865, : MR. A. BARRETT, Photographer King St. Oshawa. JPHoTosRAPHS in- the very best style are id manufactured in our gallery. Entrance through Mr. Carswell's Con- fectionery Store. Oshawa, April 17, 1867, 14 Oskaws, ng, 30, 1866. 34 din TE -------- a it a, RRNA. EE a SRE

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