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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Aug 1867, p. 3

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» the Porn Mer - x . | On motion of Mr. Gordon it was read a first and second time and the Council went into committee of the whole thereon, MF. Campbell in the chair. - ,. The Committee having arisen and on mo- tion for the adoption of the Report without amendment Mr. Campbell moved that the Report be not adopted but that it be returned Lo the committee of the whole so to amend the same asjthat the estimates for the current ear shall not include the money arising rom the Municipalities' Fund, but that the said monty shall be distributed umong the various School Sections for sci.ool puposes or otherwise. , On the yeas and nays being taken the yeas were Campbell and Munro. Nays all the rest so the amendment was lost. Again on motion for the third reading of y-law Mr. Campbell again in amendment moved that the money be given to the school sections, and on the yeas and nays being taken the yeas appeared as before Campbell and Munro. Nays--Gordon, Major, and the Reeve,-- so the amendment was lost and the By-law was passed through its third reading and signed and sealed. n motion of Mr. Gordon a By-law was introduced and carried through its vaiious stages toraise $295 being 3 ceuts on the $100 for the poor of the Township. It was moved by Mr. Major that the Clerk grant his order qn the Treasurer for the sum of $29,50 1 favor of George Ewers for repairs upon the Town Hall.--Carnied. Mr, Major moyes that this Council petition the Department to have the line at Lot 16 in the 6th Concession Reach, surveyed under the statute in such cases made and provided for, aud that W. EK. Yurnoll Esq., P. L. 8. be recommended as the party to make said survey.-- Carried. Mr. Gordon moves that the Reeve be and is hereby structed to commuincate with Mr. Alexauder Leask regarding the pur- chase of a gravel pit for the use of the Coi- poration, and repoit at the next meeting of Council.-- Carried. On motion of Mr. Major a By-law was introduced and carried through its various stages for assessing the various school sec- tions,--for school purposes as follows. Section No. 1, $190- 6, $320--7, $5008, 8650-9, $250--10, $550-12, $230-13, $175--15, $175-16, $250--17, $175-18, $190 19, $265. 'The sections omitted had not put in their amounts. Mr. Gordon moves that the Clerk grant his order on the Treasurer for the sum of $54,50 in favor of E. Mundy. On motion of Mr. Campbell a By-law was introduced and passed through its vari- nus stages, appointing J. H. Perry, Esq, as Arbitrator in behalf of the Maaicipal Cor- poration of Reach regarding the amount of compensation which ought to be paid to Mr. James Piles of the aforesaid Township in lieu of the damage sustained by said James Piles | Ly having a public highway pass through tis property in lot No. 1 in the 20d Con. of Reach. The Assessor Mr. Win Rail presented Messrs. Thomas Love and John Rail as lus secutities to tha Corporation, for the faithful discharge of his duties as Collector. > Ou motion of Mr. Gurdon the Council ac~ cepted the Assessor's securities, Mr. Campbell moves that Mr. Burkholder Le appointed a commissioner to expend the snm of $10 on the 6th con. line wert of the Centre road.-- Carried. . Mr. Gordon moves that the Clerk grant an order on the Treasurer for the sum of 84,50 in favor of Alexander Leask in licu of gravel taken by the corporation liom a pit on his (Leask's) farm. -- Carried. Mr. Monto moves that the sum of $15 be expended in gravelling: the 7th con. line |, opposite lots 7 and 8 and that the mover be appointed to expend the same. -- Cauried, On motion of Mr. Campleli the clerk was instructed to noufy Mr, Piles that the Council had appowted J. I. Perry as Arbi- trator regarding the amgynt of damage that would be done to his (Pos) propeity by the establishment of the proposed road through a part of lis (Piles) property 5 thai he may govern himself accordingly. On motion of Mr. Gordon Baird and Par- san's account of $51.90 was ordered to be paid. On motion of Mr. Campbell the Council --ihe 1st of October Carleton, 26 and 27th August. Ouawa, 26 and 27th. Toron0,29th and 30th. South Ontario, 26 and 27th. South Wentworth, 30 and 31st. Hamilton, 3rd and 4th Sept. iE . MANCHESTER QUARTERLY FAIR, The Regular Quarterly Fair of Manchester, will be held in that Vil- lage, on : When the following premiums will be awarded by the proprietor of the ** Revere House :" For the best Fat Ox, Steer, Cow, or Heifer $2 2nd do do do 1 13=No Butchers or drovers allowed to coms pete for thé above. The MERCHANTS of Manchester will give the following 'premiums Best Tub or Firkin of Butter, not less than 25 lbs 2 2nd $1 Best 15 1bs Butter in Rolls.... 3 Best 10 1bs Cheese (Dairy). 1 "30c In all cases the Butter and Cheese will be re= quired to be entered, and the premiums com- peted for by the manufacturer. DINNER AT THE REVERE HOUSE. B. PLANK. Manchester, Aug. 13,1867. Insolvent Act of 1864. In the matter of Andrew Cowan, of Uxbridge, in the Province' of On tario, an Insolvent. FPHE Creditors of the above Insolvent are notified to meet at the Royal Hotel, in the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, on Monday the Nineteenth (19th) day of August nst., at nine o'clock in the enoon, for the ic Examination of the Insolvent, and Ii: order ing the affairs of the ate generally, H. T. JOIINSTON, Assignee. Uxbridge, 8rd August, 1867. | re - er | HOUSE PAINTING. ITE subseriber is prepared to undertake House Painting in all its branches, and by attention to business and moderation in arges be hopes to receive a continuation of that patronage which has been so liberally be- stowed upon him ia the past. v WILLIAM JAMIESON. Prince August 1, 1867. 30 Insolvent Act of 1864 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO. N the Connty Court of' Provinee of Ontario, ? the County of Ontario. County of Ontaiio. § In the matter of THOMAS BODEN, an lusolvent. ber, 1867, at one o'clock in the afternoon undersigned will apply to the Judge of Court, for a discharge under the s¥id Act. THOMAS BODE re, July 13, 1867. Uxbridg THE ONTARIO FARMERS Mu ual Insurance Company. NHIS Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept rizks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School House d Churches. Those wishing to insure and th support a Home Insurance Company have 1 an opportunity of doing so either by ap) to the Head Office, or to any of the local A 3 of the Comp Our rates will be found as low as those of v;rosponsibleMutual Insurance Company in Canada. . Head Office--The old Registry Offide Build- ings, Broek Street, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr. A Gentlem Debi'it fund, seid for i dy | Sule h profit by the can do so by addressing, iu perfe 17-1y JOHN B. OGDEN. 42 Ced vears from 1s Negrous ifn ihe "LOST "LT ug "uaq(y eoung adjourned till Teus next. - = ti ----- \ NOMINATIONS. oe ° South Ontarto, Monday, 19th August. Carleton, 14 19th do. a O'tawa, 4 19th do. 23 = Toronto, East and West, Thursday, ° = \ 22nd August. > ~Humilton, Monday, 26th ree AOA psn = : +15 "South Wentworth, Friday. 23cd do. = Norht Renfrew, Tuesday, 27th do. = ~ London, Wednesday, 21st do, Z Kingeton, Monday, 19th do. oO © East Darham, Thursday, 220d do. » ---------- POLLING DAYS, 3 Np North Renfrew, 4th and 5th do. London, 28th and 29th Aug. Kingston, 26th and 27th. Last Darham, 29.h and 30th. -- A -- Quorr Mareu.--An interesting game at quoiis took place at Princa Albert on Tues- Jay 13ihiinst. The same was according lo Luglish practice. There were five compe- titors and each man for himself. The stakes did not amount to $25. The following 1s the score : Geo. Gimblet, 21 ; Wm. Scott, 19; John Lowman, 13; Thos. Coates, 11; Neil Stevenson, 11. So Mr. Gimblet was declared the ier. ee et ee AMERICAN DESPATCHES, Aveu-T 7. Anpy Not YET ImpEACHED.--A card of compliments has been sent by AndyJohnron 10 I3. M. Stanton, secretary of war advising Mr. Stanton to take Mr, Johnsou's igh consideration into account (spleen we sus- pect) and resign his Secretaryship. ~ Mr. Santon takes Andy Ly the ear and admonishes him to mind his own business, as he does not by any means contemplate ving up his office just yet, as he intendsto wait the decision of congross. Wood, a Navy yard boarding-house keeper at Memphes, shot his wife through the heart, winle trying to shoot a fellow called Kough. The Jury on Surrat's case could not agree and are therefore dismissed. BIRTH, In Reach on the 11th ist., the wife of Mr. Edwin S. Briggs, «f a son. 5 YT pIED, In theeity of Quebec, on Monday niaht Jast, 5th iste, Rev. Jouy Crime Pastor of the Congregational Church at Belleviile,. aged 60 years. At Millbrook, on Tuesday, the 6th inst, Mary, twin danghter of Mr. Thomas Brown. aged fifteen months and three days, 'LEILTV AONIUJ INI) 40 8 OF NYT 6 COE TTS Money to Loan. A NY qnantity of Money to hoan at 8 per cent interest. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS, Office over T. C. Forman's Store, PRINCE ALBERT. oit To JOHN ADAMS, 'Toronto Street, TxroNTO. Prince Albert, May 1, 1867. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE Insurance Company. INVESTED FUNDS,;.... INVESTED IN CANADA, Five Department. INSURANCES EFFECTED ON ALL CLASSES or ProrErTY AT CURRENT RATES. FARM RISKS ar Seeciarry Reprvcep Rares. Bite DMepavtment. No EXTRA Charge for MILITARY SERVICE in defence of the COUNTRY. are Secure from Seizure by Creditors. System costs at age 30, $24.70 a year. Should it become Pebatle after 5 years, one- fourth of the Premiums are returned, witn the sum assured ; if after 20 years, one-half are re- turned ; after 30 years, three-fourths ; after 51, the sum assured is doubled, and the heirs may claim $2,000. 33 Claims payable one month after proof of death. . G. ¥. C. SMITH, Resident Secretary, 3 MQNTREAL. M. G. ROBSON, * 2 Agent, Prince Albert, TUESDAY ,Sept3rd| «1 Athery.. On Monday the twenty-third day of S¢ptem- | t Life Policies for the benefit of Wife or Children |<! Policy for $1000, by the Guaranteed Bonus s . FOR THE County of Ontario. No. 1, Mhithy, " 2 Pickering, . « 3) Prince Alber " 4, Uxbridge, ... ow. 20th, "5, Cannington,.. Aug. 1st, * " 6, Beaverton, ., oer hoy " Bh, Z. BURNHAM, Judge C. | Whitby, Mar. 27,1867. PROCLAMATION | To all whom it may Concern: I NOW all men by these Presents, that it Saving come to the knowledge of the un- at there are certain indivitluals resi- dent in and about PORT PERRY ! 'Who contemplate ERECTING oweLuwe TR, wouses, ac In the aforesaid Town of Port Perry. Now this is 'herefore to notify the aforesaid residents of Port Perry, that [ 'am prepared to BUILD, ERECT AND COMPLETE In a substantial manner all such buildings, whether of Wood, Brick or Stone. And Whereas having Leased the Sash & Roor Factory, dersigned t | Tam prepared to farnigh Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Seroll-sawing, Wood-turning, Face-Planing, and Flooring on the shortest notice and at reasons able rates. Given under my hand at Port Perry in the Township of Reach and County of Ontario, this 4th day of A) 867, (Signed) GEO. ROBINSON, BuiLpir. Note.--A few thousand feet of Seasoned Floor ug for sale. Farm for Sale! y YOR Sale that exellent Farm consisting of { 4he south-halt of Lot No. 8 in the 5th con- | cession of the | Township of Reach. A Mouse and a good Frame it supply Coftveniently situa Utica. Apply to MORRISON & SAMPSON, Corner of Church and Colborne Sts., ToronTO, April 17 135 14-tf CANNINGTON CORNET BAND. FPYHE members of this Band embrace this op- portunity of iuforming the inhabitants of North Ontario that t will hold i eadiness for en nics, Concerts, 8. B. FAW T, Late of Dodswortl's Band New Yugk. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO, cC.w, INCORPORATED,. Captal, - = $400,000. EO, MICHIE. 1'sq ON. J. McMURRICI RNARD HALDAN, Esq PRINGLE, Travelling Agent; 11 County of Omario nptives. fered so that diend Kuown to his fello ac , with the which 11 Bronchitis ern sone will try his rem Try proves biessmg FREE, by return of RE IN, 17-1y \ ew York. Brooklin Brue Store. pa} JOHN DAWES, EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines Paints, Oils, Dye-Staffs, Groceries, &c Best Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, . ("7 Horse.and Cattle Medicines always on hand. \ 5000 APPLE TREES FOR SALE. $25 per . Hundred. T. BJURNHAM, Lot 31, Tth Con. Whitby. WB June 24, 1867. MONEY TO LOAN!! $100 000. NE HUNDRED THOUSAND dollars to Loan on Moilgage security, in sus to suit borrowers, at a very moderate rate of interest. Apply at the far-famed Manchester Warchouse, to JOHN HODGSON. Kindly permitied to T. N. Gibls, Fsq © AL. C. Cameron MEE J 1 Worrell, M. A. Tncum! ent, Osha hills Rev. L 13. Cadwell REFERENCES P. Osha 110; Res wa ; Win Lain Myrtle; Adam y Trester Warehouse ; Rol bert McKi Sinclair, Exq.. Port} regs dose Reeder. Ek: ongog ; John Clark, Eq, Manilla ; Jouathan Ho con. Faq Oakwood ; George Brabazon, Feq., Wi Malcolm Gillespie, Esq. Brock; Col: Yroom Brethour, Keqy James Spieran, Esq, Viooma: Mauchester, Sept, dth, 1866. « J. HEAL'S Celebrated Itech Ointment HE subscriber keeps constantly a large qnan- T tity or his Celebrated Itch Ointment. A cure warranted. Price 25 cents a box. J. HEAL. Failor Henry 3m Prince Altert,Dec. 5, 1866. eee ~o-- DIVISION COURTS. Dew AUveviisements. MORE INTERESTING POLITICS! We prefer minding our own business just now, and have pleasure in announcing the receipt of the first of our Fait InportaTions Recently bought by MR, ROSS while in England and France, consisting of fine Broad Cloth, Doeskins, and "ancy Trouserings, Plain and I"ancy Dress 'Goods, Shawls, Prints, Shirtings, Grey and White Cottons, Hollands, Carpetings, Oil Cloths, &ec. Call and SEE these Goods. 0 We have also received a lot of Dundas Cotton Yarn and Cotton Bags,--much superior to anything sold for some years past. Also abundance of SUGAR, Rice, Raisins, Currants, Coffee, Tea, &c. CURRIE & ROSS. Prince Albert, August 1, 1867. x wd \ i GRAD CLEURING MALE R&I CANPRELLS MANCHESTER. 0 e-- They now offer the balance of their Summer Stock at a Great Reduction in price. SPECIAL BARGAINS In Dress Goods, Parasols, Prints, Shawls, Factory Cottons, Mantles, and in Millinery Goods, in Bonnets and 1lats, and a large Stock of Ready-made Clothing, in Mens and Boys' Coats, Pants and Vests, of their own manufacture. | 1 | 1 a. 0% Also a complete Stoek of Groceries, Crockery, and Hardware. 0 LIQUORS. A largo and choicelot of first class LIQUORS consisting of BRANDIES and WINES, OLD RYE, MALT and COMMON WHISKEY, of the best biands. First class Wines and Brandics for medical use. pet. The highest price paid for Butter and liggs, for at cash prices. which Goods will be given RR. & J. CAMPBELL. Manchester and Whitby, July 25, 1867. lt tle Hatten fT th m Candidates in the rictd. ¥. Cabinet Maker and Undertaker,= PRINCE ALBERT, ll OULD embrace this opportunity of returning thanks to his numerous friends for the liberal share of patronage lie has received. He would gogmat further state that he purchasedsa First Class W.. PARI, ce an carne, HEARSE, decorated in the latest style, with double Sets of Plumes A large and choice Tot of COFFINS kept constantly on hand. A large and i complete Stock of COFFIN TRIMMINGS of every description always on hand, and for sale, Cheap jor Cash. wow 3" FUNERALS attended to with dispatch. Charges moderate. The highest price paid in Cash for Butternut Lumber, Remembet the Place--Opposite Scott's Hotel, at the Red White and i | emeinza Prince Albert, May 22, 1867, 19 ne ac. ERS! ATTENTION ee le OPPOSITE SCOTT'S HOTEL. PRINCE ALBER 18 SELLING MENS' GOOD COW HIDE BOOTS AT $1.90. To make room. for Spring Stock. Women's and Children's wear also very low. @ Cash Paid for Hides. Prince Albert, Feb. 13, 1867, i oe | TORONTO urseries will be placed i lection. Port Perry, July 10, 1867. Be op ' The 'Subscriber would beg: to inform all parties indebted to him either by note over due, book ac- count or otherwise, that all must be paid immediately, otherwise they n Court for col: J H EK. HOGG, Box 75, Port Perry, C. Ww. The Subscribers have ju PLASTIQUR- & MANCHESTER, June 19, 1867: rm beeriber would embrace this oppor- T tunity of thanki ig many friends for the ved upon him since He would informa t he has erected a ' MEAL MILL WRING MILL on Manchester very liberal Patronag he started busine 1 1 all whom it, m v FIRST RATE O, In connection with his the 5th concession Reach and Utica. He has got his Flo first rate te of repair, Gristing done on the shortest notice. First class Oat Meal always on hand to exchange for Oats. Flour and Feed constantly on hand. 13" Parties ordering Flonr, Oat Meal &c., in the neighboring villages, can bave it delivered at their residences. ANDREW PAUT Reach, June 5, 1867. MACKIE'S HOTEL, (LATE BRODIE'S,) Walton Street, Yort Hope. Wn. MACKIE, Proprietor. Farm for Sale, YOR Sate that - First-Class Farm berg tic F North-half of Lot No. 10, in the 12th con- cession of the Ta : ~ - Township of Reach. 90 Acres cleared and in a high state of cultiva- tion, and well fenced. There are two good Frame Houses on the property with good out- buildings. There is n capital young orchard of choice fruit tr and an abundant supply of water on the premises. For further particulars apply to the proprietor Aaron Bagshaw--on the premises--if by letter pre-paid. ; AARON BAGSHAW, Proprietor. 20-tf . A ND AROUND ! stably located at the hriving Village of t MANCHESTER Where he intends carrying on the SY aed . (Tailoring Business In all its branches. Garments cutrusted to his care will be made up in the atest styles; and nothidg will be left undone by him--in way o neatness of fit, moderation in charges, and care- furl attention to orders--to obtain and secure a large share of public patronage. The Latest Styles received promptly and regularly. JAMES SQUIRE. Manchester, Oct, 18, 1866. 4 Greenbank, July 3, 1867. FUE subscriber hy I has got limself Flour and Feed Store. HE Subscriber begs to intimate fo the in- habitants of PRINCE ALBERT, And surrounding Villages that he has opened a Tlour and Feed Store, OppositeCowan's Store Where he intends to keep constantly on hand a quantity of - OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, RAN AND SHORTS. Wheat, Oats and Corn taken in exchange. FLOUR, B can have them delivered at, the 1eSIACNCEs. pm Terms - - Cash. THOMAS PASCOE. w Mill inn fj 7% Parties ordering any ili above articles Prince Albert, July 9, 1867. a! FRESH ARRIVALS ! st received a large lot of EXHIBITION SKIRTS! Which they offer very low. Also a new lot of Ladies' Hats, Bonnets, .Borders, Parasols, &e.; Grey Cottons, Muslins, &ec., which they offer at Greatly Reduced Prices. Brown & Christian. T LOW RATES OF INTEREST. Apply to MESSIEURS COCHRANE & COCHRANE, Prince Albert MN MONEY, (RRIVATE FUNDS,) To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &c., Oshawa. Nover ber 21, 1866. 40 RCYAL HOTEL, WHITBY, C. W, r most eommodious Hotel in ] ecinl conveyance to the Rail- Ww ¢s depart from the Royal 1 daily to all places north, Attentive hest- ers always in attendance, JACOB BR YAN ore: "HE LT 1 I Marriage Licenscs: (BY AUTHORITY.) SSUED at Port Perry. Offices the Scvaoa House. HENRY CHARLES. HALF A MILLION JMoncy to Lend. rE under od has completed arrange- ments, whe + he is prepared to lend £500,000 of Private 'Funds, on good mortgage security, ata low/rate of interest. The borrow- er can have his own time to pay the principal. | 1 am also nt for two of the largest mone- { tary institutic n Canada, that lend money from 3 to 10 years, al six per cent interest. Ro Commission charged. | Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. Apply personally to \ JAMES HOLDEN, OrFiciaL ASSIGNFE, Norary Public, Land Iusurance, General Agent, &¢., §e. Orrice--McMillan's Dlock, Brock Street, Whithy, Oct. 3, 1866. PRINC AND MANCHESTER Bakeries ! RE the places to buy your BREAD, AA FLOUR, OAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, SMALL BREADS of every description. First class Confectionaries™ wu : Toys in great variety "For Spring and Summer vse; and Fruits in their reason. Wedding Cakes made to order. He is also prepared to furnish Soirces, 'Tea Meetings, &c., on liberal terms. Ci1AS. HISCOCKS. Feb. 13, 1867. HENRY GRIST, DP an OTTAWA. Rees Ds a es rc ER A pa

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