| ---- - Tug Prussian Foor TRAMPLING UPON THE . Press.-- Three more curious press trials are reported from Berlin. The first was direct- ed against the writer of an article in the Ez- change Gazelte, who had presumed to cnit- ticise the military qualities of General Von Manteuffel. The accused was found gurlty 'of having aftacted the reputition of the Gen- eral by insinuating that he had not done his duty, and was condemned to four weeks imprisonment. In the second case the 'editor of the Post, who had complained in a leader of the "petty and vexalivus,"" mea- sures taken by the government against the press, was condemned lo pay a fine ot twen- ty-five thalers for having "disturbed the public peace," by so doing. The third case shows thal thé Judges of Berlin are as zeal- ous In protecting the state religion as the civil or military officials. A story entitled « Mana Dolores," which casts ridicule on some of the ceremonies of the evangelical church, have appeared in the last « Calen- dar of St. Boniface for 1866," the publisher was sentunced lo be imprisoned for a fort night. re THE AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST The August number of this valuable monthly is now before us replete as usual with first class reading and valnable infor- mation on every department of Agriculture. Woe are pleased to know that this excellent publication-while it still continnes to in- crease in useluiness 1s also increasing in public favor. Itis not at all wondered at that thousands upon thousands pationize it ; but itis a matter of some wondar that there eholild' be a farm house in the land that does not subscribe for it. There is not a single number 1ssued that does not contain fufor- mation of more value than the years sub- scription ($1.50.) re 8 -- I don't believe its any use, this vacoina- tion, said a Yankee, I had a child vaccinat- ed, and he fell out of a winder, a week arter and got killed. Insolvent Act of 1864 AND AMENDMENTS THERETO. Province of Ontario, } County of Untatio. | the County of Ontario. In the mailer of THOMAS BODEN, an Husolvent. On Monday the twenty-third day of Septem- ber, 1867, at one o'clock in the afternoon, the undersigned will apply to the Judge of saic Couct, for a discharge under the said Act. THOMAS BODEN. Uxbridge, July 13, 18 MANCHESTER QUARTERLY FAIR The Regular Quarterly Tair of Manchester, will be held in that Vil- lage, on MITTEN AV Sant 3rd 'When'the following premiums will be awarded by the proprietor of the ** Revere House :" For the best Fat Ox, Steer, Cow, or Heifer $2 2nd do do do 1 3" No Butchers or drovers allowed to com- pete for the above. The MERCHANTS of Manchester will give the following premiums : Best Tub or Firkin of Butter, not less Best 15 1bs Butter in Re Best 10 Ibs Cheese (Da In all cases the Butter and Ch 1 .%50c I will be re_ quired to be entered, and the premiums com peted for by the manofacturer, DINNER AT THE REVERE HOUSE. B. PLANK. Manchester, Ang. 12,1867. Ontario ITotel, BROCK-ST.,, WHITBY, 3 ProprIETOR. Insolvent Act of 1¢ 864. In the matter of Andrew Cowan, of Uxbridge, in the Province of On tario, an Insolvent. pus @reditsrs: of ihe -above-Tnsolvent are An notified to meet at the Royal Hotel, in the Town of Whithy, in the County of Ontario, on Monday the Ni uth (10th) day of August inst, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, for the Publie Examination of the said Insolvent, and he ordering the affairs of the estate generally. H. T. JOHNSTON, Assignee. Uxbridge, 3rd August, 1867, Oxrawa, 28th June, 1867. HE Department Ottawa on and after the FIRST JULY. The Department of Crown Lands for the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario will be ned atQuebec and Toronto as soon there will be closed at T alter as possible of which due notice will be given. 2 A. CAMPBELL, 26-6w] Commissioner. THOT Licensed Auctioneer. " Subscriber, holding a Licence for the ' County of Ontario, and the Township of ariposa, wonld beg to state to Farmers and others, requiring his services, that whatever business is entrusted to his care, will be prompt- ly aud garepily A1snded! to. Charges Hegerate. 'erms, 8 of le, &e., &c,, arranged at the Observer Office, Prince Al rt. E. MAJOR. Borelia, March, 27th, 1867 Psorocomium. THE GREATEST JTOH KILLER Sth eentury. It cures in halfan hour.~-- nly 25 cents. ! W. A. TOMLINSON, "holesale Sole Agent for Canada, PRINCE ALBERT, 4 Lo . N the County Court of CAUTION. ya . 1 HEREBY notify the public generally and intending purchasers particularly, to bs cautious with whom they conclude Bargains, before they call at the ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY Where they will find on hand a quantity of first class Carriages & Wagons, Manufactured on the premises of the choicest material and first class workmen, Call and see them. X31 would also intimatesto my numerous friends that this is the Cheapest House in Prince Albert to get your Horse Shoeing done. Work Warranted or mo Pay. JAMES EMANEY. ALBERT FACTOPY. PRINCE CARRIAGE HE subscriber at the commencement of the Summer Campaign, begs to inform the ublic that having taker especial pains in securing the best material the country affords, und having had some 27 years experience in the business, he is prepared to supply superior Wagons, Carriages & Implements AT SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLE PRICES. Parties in want of anything in his line may rely on getting -a handsome and substantial article the contemptible and childish hint at counterfeiters by a jealous rival, to the contrary notwithstanding. Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing, and General Jobbing. GEORGE WHITE. JUST RECEIVED! FRENCH CALF SKIN Which will be Sold Cheap for Cash ; also on hand a large Stock of Spanish Sole Leather, which will be disposed of on the most favorable terms to cash purchasers. Having a large number of men constant employed in manufacturing Boots & Shoes I ain prepared to offer inducements equal if not superior to any house in the trade. © Also an immense Stock of Boots and Shoes purchased in the best market$, which will be sold at a slight ad- vance on the cost. You will findit to your advantage to come and examine the Stock. . Cash for Hides, Tallow and Hemlock Bark. J. WRIGHT. 2 Prince Albert, April 18, 1866. PRINCE ALBERT ano MANCHESTER, } October 24, 1866. NOTICE! A. SINCLAIR EGS to inform his friends and the public generally that his FALL STOCK arrived, consisting of FIRST CLASS TEAS and a CHOICE LOT OF GROCERIES. Wines, Brandies, and other Liquors of the best brands --Porter and Ales. Wines, Brandies, &c., for medical purposes. (5 He would say to HOTEL KEEPERS that they have only to call and examine his Stock to be couvineed that they can do better by buymg at his establishment than at any other in the County or out of it. Come, see, and be convinced, A large assortment of FISH will anive next week. Prince Albert, Oct. 17, 1866. R. WILSON, BRUGGIST, OPPOSITE SCOTT'S HOTEL, PRINCE ALBERT ¥ 4A "Iv EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines, Dye-Stufis, Paints, Oils, Perfumery, Trusses, Hair Tooth and Nail Brushes, Combs, Sponges, and Soaps, &e. = Special attention given to the preparation and dispensing of Physicians prescriptions. Prince Albeit,Jan. 22, 1867. TA RM ERS CARTWRIGHT Local Industry and Home Manufacture, has REMOVAL TITE subscriber begs to nform his numerous customers" that he has removed from the shop lately occupied by him to the premises lately occupied as a hotel south of Mr. Gordon's Store, where lie is prepared to supply the public with first class s Wagons,0arriages,8.c. AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE. Constantly on hand a large supply of those ex~ cellent Revolving Horse Rakes! Such as manufactured last year, Good Sheds on the premises under which to tore Carriages, &c., while under repairs. JAMES PARKIN. Manchester, April 18, 1866. NE Subscriber having fitted thoroughly repaired the Amboy Woolen Mills! Begs to announce to the inhabitants of Cart- wright and adjacent Townships, that he is pre- pared to do Carding, Fulling, Cloth-Dressing, and Dyeing, on the shortest notice, and wit the greatest promptitude, From his long prac- tice and experience in the business, he flatters himself that parties entrusting their work to him will have the same done to theirsatisfaction. LIST OF PRICES: For Carding 5 ets per 1b, cash--6 cts credit. '" Fulling 10 cts per yard, cash. '* Fulling and Dressing 12} cents per yd, cash. '* Fulling, Dressing and Dyeing 25 cents per yard, cash, THOMAS STINSON. Cartwright, May 22, 1867. 19-3m up and Brandon Brothers Manufacturers of 4 B SCUITS, CONFECTIONERIES, &.C. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Biscuits, Confectioneries, &e., CANNINGTON, C. W. Cannington, April 17, 1867. ? r NOFRICE! All persons indebted to the late firm of CURRIE & BROWN, Prince Albert, either by note or book account, are re. quested to settle the same forthwith to the urdersigned, in order Ie save costs. W. H. MARSH, PRINCE ALBERT, House, Sign, Carriage, any Ovwamental PAINTER. LACE of business at the * Ontario Carriage Factory." Paper Hanging, Flag and Banner 14-14 a swiss . . - a - : . WARREN HOLTON, Proprietor. GEO. B. FAINT, A gent,--Brooklin, P. O. Tu Bs The Stock of Fruit Trees in these extensive Nurseries are very complete in every department. Particular attention is paid to raisiig HARDY Varieties of Winter Fruit. 'l'o parties favouring us with their orders we gurrantee to bring them FIRST CLASS NURSERY PRODUCE and NOTHING ELSE. Orders or Communications carefully attended to. We would call the attention of intending Fruit Growers to the substantial Testimonials below, » East Wiitny, Jan. 5, 1867. 1 have no hesitation in recommending such Fruit Trees as I received from the Hamilton Nurseris,-- 'They are fully as good as represeiied. HENRY GRAHAM. Wharrsy, Jan. 7, 1867. TI received a quantity of Fruit Trees at Brooklin, which I had ordered from ren Holton's Nurseries, Hamilton, C. W.. and [ must Ray. that_they were just what his Agent, Mr. Faint, reprosented them to be. In fuct all the 'I'rees that | have seen from these Nurseries are file speciniens of the different vurieties, THOMAS ARKSEY. East Wurrsy, Jan. 3, 1867. I gave my order for Fruit Trees to Mr, Fuint, Agent for the Hamilton Nurseries, and have much i stating that I was well satisfied with the way it was filled, 'The Trees were very large, well healthy, and. in good growing condition. HENRY DEARBORN. sCorumsus Mints, Jan. 4, 1864. 1 hereby certify that I received a number of Apple, Pear and Plum Trees. from the Hamilton Nurseries through the Agent. Geo. B. Faint, and have no hesia- tion in recommending them to intending Planters, as Trees of the very best quality. JAMES GOODMAN. BrookLiN, Jan. 9, 1867, I saw some very fine Fruit Trees, &c.,from the Ham- {io Nurses elivered at Brooklin, by the Agent, r. Geo. nt. J. B. BICKELL, Reeve of Whitby. RacrLaN MiLts, Jan. 8, 1867. Mr. Faint, Sir,--I have great pleasure in stating that the Fruit 'Trees, Vines, Ehiubs, received from you are the the best | have received from any Nursery vet, They all seem to have been taken up with great care, as the roots are in excellent condition, MOSES SMITH. BrookLin, Jan, 8, 1867. Mr. G. B. Faint delivered several boxes of Fruit Trees at ny Hotel, Brooklin, last fall. They were carefully packed, and seemed to give general sutisfac- tion to his numeérons customers. ALEX. ALEXANDER. Waitsy, Jan. 5, 1867. T do hereby certify that I received a number of Apple Trees from the Homilton Nurseries ; they are fut class (1ees in every respects ROBERT GARDNER. HARRISON MAW & SON, IRACTORS & DEILDERY PORT PERRY! RE prepared to Contract for and put up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood Brick or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, with all the most modern improve- ments. Parties requiring good work done will do well to call. (Z=Plans and Specifica- tions made to order. HARRISON MAW, JOHN H. MAW. Port Perry, Dec. 5, 1866. THE OLD STAND To Subscriber takes this method of returning thanks to his numerous customers for their liberal patronage for the past SIX YEARS, and begs to intimate that he is constantly prepared to furnish them with Wagons and Buggies! And that he is now preparing FIFTY Sets of his PREMIUM IRON § WOOD SEED HAR ROW made in the latest improved Seat siates, 2 bia Stor her 3 cas ts dowd Tips 4 pumehase wonln do well to call and inspect his St : chasi - where. Having Bought his Stock for Cash, he is ER pd oo Dejbre Pchasing else: manufacturer in the County, All Work Warranted. Manchester, April 10, 1866. WM. STEEL. 14-1y WATCHMAKER, AND JWELER, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &C., &C., King Street East * OSHAWA. 05= Watches and Jewelry Neatly Repaired. Oshawa, Jan 25, 1865, 3-1y M. 0. DONOV A PRACTICAL N, : ; Soar THE TOWN HALL, Lo : BROCK STREET ,WHITBY I A GOOD assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from best-material. Work made to order with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing f= ALL WORK WARRANTED. 4 BORELIA Cabinet Warerooms!! ~ HE Subscriber is still working at his old place of business, manufactnring every- thing in the CABINET LINE, such as Sofas, Centre, Dining and Breakrast Tables, Cupboards, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, &c. (= House and Sign Painting and Paper Hanging done on the shortest notice. (= A choice lot of STERL ENGRAVINGS for Sale and Framed to order. Special Notice.--A FIRST CLASS HEARSE. A number of COFFINS of all sizes, ready-made--eztra finish. ALSO, AGENT FOR TOMB STONES, Good Lumber and Produce taken in exchange for work. Borelia, Oct. 24, 1866. NEW WATCHES! New Clocks! New Jewelry & Silver-plate, W. HEPINSTALL"S ; BROOKLIN. ----T ry $C -- N.B. All kinds of Watches and Clocks neatly repaired and WARRANTED, JOHN NOTT. \ Painting, &c. 24 prince Albert, April 24, 1867, : . H. BROWN. Manchester, June 19, 1867, 15 BROOKLIN, Dec. 26, 1866. 51 Carriage 2% Maker! Money fo Lend IN BUM{ OF $B300 and [Upwards Ata low rate) Interest. - FAREWEL & MCGEE, | Solicitors, dc. 45-2m Oshawa, Nov. 14, 1 VICTORIA Sewing Machine. AGENTS VAN ED ! $10 to $14 per day. A CIE Agents warted to canvass and sell our new and beaftiful Victoria Family Sewing Machines. Pric{only $15. The great- est invention on a new/principle, is the most r three years, being the only first class cheap michine ever introduced in Canada. Do not bd humbugged into pur- chasing some cheap worhless machine. Ifyou buy the Victoria you hale a certainty with all the late improvements. Fiore is no cheap ma chine to be compared wilh it ; in fact there is no high priced machine canexcel it in all kinds of work, Sample Machinei sent on Sedeipt of $15 in a registered letter, Ve will give the above commissions or will pay a Viberal salary and. ex- penses. For particulars and terms address (with stamp), GATES & CO., No. 14 King Street East, ToronTo. simple, and warranted 8-1y Volunteers ordered to the Frontier | AND J. BULLLN HAS REMOVED From tis Old Stand to one door South of the Red White & Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. ¥3 Diving and Summer Fashions just re- ceived. J. BULLEN. Prince Albert, March 28, 1866. 12 The most Popular Remedy over offered to the Public. TOMLINSON"S PAIN-RILLER, For the cure of Fain both External and Internal, The greatest Pain Curing Remedy yet discovered, Pain cannot long exist where this Remedy is faithfully used. Give it one fair trial and you will use no other. It is acknowledged by those who have used other remehies of this kind, to be the best and most valuable of any known, for the diseases for which it is recommended. 3 Sold by all medicine dealers, PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS. _ Tt is the largest bottle of medicine of the kind in Canada. Manufactured by the proprietor, two doors east of Moggridge's Hotel, Prince Albert, C. IV. Valuable Farm for Sale. ersigned will sell the N. E. part of 1 the 9th con sion of the Town- ship of Reach, County of O i acres all cleared and moderately well fenced. -- Improvements--Frame Barn, Log House, Well, &ec. Roads good and markets convenient, being situated on the west side of Lake Scugog and about 3 miles from Port Perry. Terms $1800. At least $800 down and the balance in annual instalments to suit the pur- chaser, with interest at 7 per cent. Apply to . ; JOHN CHAMBERS, Proprietor, Walkerton, Co. Bruce, C. W. or JOSEPH GOULD, (Tenant) on the Farm, Walkerton, April 2, 1867. N.B. The farm is now rented at $120 per annum. It would be difficult to invest $1800 to better advantage. 12 PORT PERRY WoolenFactory rue Subscriber, in returning thanks to his * numerous customers for their favors yung the past two years, wishes to inform them-an - the public that he is Now Prepared to Execute all Work Entrusted to Lim, on the shortest possible notice and in THE BEST STYLE. As a recommendation for honest dealing and good workmanship, he would state this fact that in 1865 he carded only 8,000 lbs of wool, and in 1866 over 14,000 Ibs. He hopes by strict atten in 1867. Prioks :--For Carding, per 1b--5 cents, if paid before the 1st of January, 1868, if not so paid, 6 cents will be charged. For Fulling and Pressin 10 cents per yard, and Fulling and Dressing 12] cents.per yard, if' aid before the 1st of January, 1868, if not so paid, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum will be charged. Shawls, Capes, Dresses, §¢., Colored and Press terms, ed on moderate C. T. YOUNG. Port Perry, May 1, 1867. 16-3m R. THOMAS, SADDI.E AND Harness Maker Thomas' New Building, South of Gibbs Block, Simcoe Street, OSHAWA. ~ TE attention of farmers and others is in- vited to his stock of heavy and light har- ness, all of which is new and of superior make. Also there will be found a eholce sclection of whips, general saadley. trunks, portmanteans, &e. Everything in the trade made tor order on the khortest notice. Repairing done neatly and hy ry Sheuply. R. THOMAS. Oshawa,Jan, 23,1867. 3-1y tion to business to merit an additional increase | | Hoitt's Phtog raph Gallery, OSHAWA. Either Plain, finished in India Ink, Oil or Water Colora, Also at the Prince Albert Gallery Of G. MASSEY, of any size or style of finish know o the Arts Call and examine Specimens. a J PE. HOITT. G. MASSEY. April 17, 1867 wt i o PROPRIETOR OF THE Ottawa Cancer Iniiriary, STARKS STREET AND MARIA STREET) OTTAWA, C. W. By a New, but Certain, Speedy, and near. ly Painless process, and without the use of the Knife. The cure will be guaranttecd, and, as & proof of this, no pay is required, until the cure is com- plete. The moment a cancer is discovered, it should be cured, as it will cost less and is inore speedily cured than when of longer standing, and there is nothing to gain, and everything to Jose by delay. What now scems a harmless lump in the breast, neck, eye-lid or elsewhere, or small wart or sore on the_ lip, may, in a few tort short months, become a hideous, disgusting, destroying mass of disease. If required, 'refer- ences can to given to parties who have been cured many years siece, and who are now sound and health All communications promptly answered. No money required in advance, an done until the cure is complete SILVER SKIRT MORE DURABLE ! MORE ELASTIC !! JMORE GRACEFUL! 1 .| And will keep its Shape and retain its Place better than ang other Skirt. This new and beautiful style of Skirt (Patented March 7, 1865,) was awarded by the Gredr AxericAN Institute Fair, held in New York, October, 1865, a Silver Medall! The highest premium ever given for a Hoop Skirt. teel Springs are wound with a fine plated re (in place of a cotton covering) which will not wear off or become soiled, and the whole skirt may be washed without injury or fear of rusting, and will be as good as new. THE COMBINATION SILVER SKIRT This invention combines with the ordinary cotton skirt, the advantages of our SILVER SKIRT ; the bottom hoops are the same as those used in {the silver skirt, the covering of which cannot wear off, while the upper ones are covered with cotton. No lady, having once worn one of our Skirts, will be willing to wear any other, as the lower hoops of all other kinds are soon injured and soiled. he best materials are used in theim construc tion, and; froin their durability and neatness they are destined to become mA FAVORITE SKIRT.) Manufactured and sold by the Silver Skirt and Wire Manufacturing Company. 30 & 92 Barclay Street, New York 32-1-y« T.S. SPERRY, Supt. Grovesteen & Co., PIANO-FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 499 Broadway, New York, TEE PIANOS received the Highest Award of Merit ! at the World's Fair, uver the best makers from London, Paris. Germany, the cities of New York, Philadelphin, Baltimore and Boston; also, the Gown MgvaLat the Mechanics) Institute, for FIVE § CESSIVE YEARS !! Our Pianos contain the Frenclt Grand Action, Harp Pedal, Overstiung Bass, Full Iron Prume, and all Modern Improvements, Every Tnstrile ment warranted FIVE Tous Made undef thie supers vision of . J. H, GROVESTEEN, who has a practical experience of aver thirty-five yeas; and is the maker of over dleven thousand piano fortes.-- Our facilities for manufacturing enable us 10 sell these nstruments from $100 10 $200 Cheaper than ny first 29m class piano forte. 1v C= Good News for All! FLL PICTURES taken in ali kinds of weather, at Ji A, CLARK!S UXBRIDGE. The subscriber is prepared to execute, in the best style, Photographs, Ambrotypes, Meleneo- types, Carte d' Visites, and ali kinds of pictures known to the profession, at his Car, west of Oroshy's Store, Ixbridge, cheap and warranted tosuit customers. Pictures copied and photo graphed, or enlarged to any size desired. J. A. CLA Uxbridge, Oct. 11, 1865, BE MR, A. BARRETT, Photographer King St.» Oshawa. PHOTOGRAPHS in the very best style are manufactured in our gallery. Entrance through Mr. Carswell' ~ fectionery Store. 2 3ell's Con Oshawa, April 17, 1867, 14 CANCERS CURED PHOTOGRAPH CAR, oe