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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Sep 1867, p. 3

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wa him. Starting from his lethar fait stapes by the OF im, 1h how eats pistol from under his pitlow and fired twice at his'mother, under the belief that shie_wa a (burgular. Due o he balls Sivitey the caroted artery, and the unfortuuate soon bled to death. "Sho exclaimed « Son don, did not mean it. God bless you." Crazed by the deed, the 'unltortunate man Tushed out of thé tionse, and has nét Deen - seen since. bot . | CAUGHT IN THE ACT, We call "the attention of the Electors to Mr. Paxton's contradiction of a malacious falsehood which is being circulated through- out the country on purpose to injure that gentleman's eandidature. We are not a litle surprised to find the Whitby Gazette being so lar imposed upon as lo believe and give publicly tosuch stuff. INSULTING THE POUR DISFRAN. CHISED, According to the Globe's Hamilton corres- pondent, when John S. was holding fourth at Hamilion, on Monday last, in speaking of the Franehise he declared against lower- ng the amount of qualification to what it had formerly been. He said if the people now used well the privileges they have the Log- islature night extend them by time. Well now that is refreshing-- privileges their very biithright--It ie true that it is a privilege to live in a free country, and under justand equitable laws us we now do ; but to talk of the franchise being at the mercy or caprice of one whose political ex- i ten ve could be wafted into everlasting ob- livion by the simple breath of those very men whose franchise he imagines that he holds suspended by a ministerial hair is too much of the good thing. The humblest class of Electors, aye and eyen those whom the Confederation act has disfranchised have nights to maintain and characters to defend as well as the most wealthy in the Domin- nion. ! The New Premier seems to ignore that oll yet none the less forcible proposition ; ¥¢ A man's a man for a that"'--and the poor- est man who pays his taxes, however little and conducts himself in a becoming manner nas as much right to the franchise as the ery primest premier amongst them. ---- = ---- eee THE PLAGUE SFOT. The colored population of tne United 'States is emphaticptically the plague spot on the fatare of that nation. Between three and four millions of ignorant turbulent, law- less individuals of any race would be suffi- cient to awaken the anxieties of any nation, * bat when 1118 considered that these are Ne- groes, just let loose from a Slavery of the 'most debasing kind, how much darker morg the prospect be ? The Herald's Nashville special says that in Washington, East Tenessee, on Wednes- day, the blacks and whites got into a fight, when the negroes were driven fiom the town, Getting assistance from the loyal {eague, the blacks returned to the town and renewed the fight with varying success. A number of persons were wounded. Fears were entertained of a general colision in that quarter. A St. Lonis special says it is rumoured that two promihent German physicians have left town tg fight a duel. New Haves, Aug. 30.--A German nam- ed Mutach was shot and instantly kiled by another named Gansehaner. The 'latter 1m- mediately shot mimself, inflicting a fatal wound. i St e---- ~~ -- PUBLIC BENEFACTORS: That there is a vast degree of sullering and hh isery on the earth no one will attempt to deny 3 and in proportion as any man or party tend to alleviate this suffering, to lessen the amount of misery, to lighten the burden of hfe, to a corresponding extent do they be- come public benefaciors, and deserve well of their fellowmen-- But those are our greatest benefactors "who do most to . remove the chief causes of suffering-- and crime beingthe procuring cause of all our woes--those who do most to stem the torrent of iniquity, stand in the front rank of our earthly benefactors, and here we would notice with pleasure a -somewhat imposing eeremony about 10 take place at CanNingToN on Wednesday next 1th inst. We refer to the laying of the Corner Stone of a New Brick Church for the New Connection Methodists at Cannington A most pleasant and instructive tine may be ivokad for. The Rev. J. H. Robinson Toronto will conduct the ceremonies, Sev eral other Riv. Gentleman will #ssist. A good time may be expected. (S20 Posters.) ee ~~ ---- The Herald's Mexico sy letter, dated August 9, says :--Lopez had published three letters in" newspapers, denying that bis betrayal of Maximilian was act of treach- ery. Marquez is still at large. Salm had been sentenced to seven years imprisonment with the other generals. = Lezado had given his adhesion to the Government. A care- sully estimated list of the number of persons executed since 1865 by Maximillian's oder show a total of 9,244 which is considered a low estimate. Omana, August 22.--Ten indian runners were sent yesterday from North Platta with peace offerings to the hostile Indian camps . south of tne Plata. Spotted Tail, with 950 friendly Si>ux, have promised to meet the Commissione.s in 20 days at North Platia. WHEAT FOR ENGLAND. The reports of California, wheat are in- creasing. Thirty-four vessels are loading for foreign ports, mostly England. ox The cholera is reported to be raging in a malignant form in and around Shawneetown lilinois. The city eases are numerons, and 20 deaths have already occurred. |RINDERPEST. A Long [sland paper states that the rin- derpest has raged in the vicinity of Hunt- ingdon during the past week, several horses having died from 1t in a fow hours atier the first attack. me et ~e----. - WON'T TAKE HIM AT HIS WORD. The Emperor Napoleon has bden holding forth at Lille the other 'day in presence of Bankers,money brokers, Manufacturers and Merchants. "Be laments over the fact that public journals so magnify the threat- enings of the hour as to be hurtful to the best interests of the country. He said busi- ness would progress better if certain jounals did not exaggerate the situation. hope the 'commerce will improve wilh the cer- tainty of peace, and I shall do, everything CABLE NEWS. : \ ".% Aug. 29th. "There is mow a terrible splutter on board the Admirality, everyitiing is being burried around, ull seem in a sweal®i dat of the active preparations for the, inige Ex- pedition. The War Office has imbil o fire, and 16 Sly wate are being chartered to 'convey troops. It won't amount to anything mote than a fracas. His Barbarous majesty knows when to yield. REACH MARKETS. Prince Albert, August 29, 1867. Fall Wheat, $1.50 @ $1.55 % bush. ' Spring Wheat, $180 @ $1.40 4 bush, Barley, 45c @ 50. Peas, 55¢ @ 6c. Clover Seed, $8.00 4 bash. Oats, 40¢ /@ 45c¢.. X Butter 12c. @13c. Bb. Eggs 10c. Wool 200 to 30c. Jef Adhevtisements. NOTICE. PPLICATION will be made to the Legisla- . ture of the Province of Ontario, at its next session, for an Act to construct a Railway from the waters of Lake Ontario in the Township of Whitby West or Whitby East, through the County of Ontario and the County of Simcoe to Sturgeon Bay or some other point that may be convenient on the waters of Georgian Bay on Lake Huron, Also to i Municipalities to give a bonus or take Stock in said Railway, and for a grant of wild lands towards the construction thereof, JOHN FOWLER. 35-2m August 29, 1867. Winslow's Mrs. SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR SHILBREE TRETHING, Greatl; facilitates the process of teething, hy softening the gums, reducing all ivflammation--will allay Art Paix nnd spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS, Depend upon it, mothers, it will give 1est to yourselves, wd » \ Relief and Health to your Infants. We have put up and sold this article for years, and Can. Say in Confidence and Truth of it what we have never been able to say of any other medicine~ it Failed in a Single Instance to Effect a Cure, when timely used. Never did we know ot an instance of dis- satisfuction by nny one who used it. On the contrary, atlare delizhied with its operations, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical effects and medical irtues, \We speak in the matter * WHAT WE DO KNOW." after yenrs of experience, and Pledge our Reputation for the fulfilment of what we here declare. In almost every instance where the infunt is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes afer the syrup is administered, Full directions for using will accompany ench bartle None genuine unless the facsimile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside winpper. Sold by Diuggists throughout the world, PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. OFFICES 215 Fulton Street, New York. 205 High Holborn, London, England. 441 St. Paul Street, Montreal, Canada. REFORM COMMITTEE MEETING. The Central Reform Committee, and the Com- mittees appointed in the various School Sec- tions of this Township, will meet at PLANKS HOTEL, MANCHESTER, ON Monday next, Sept. AT 7 O'CLOCK, P. M. Ajfull attendance is particularly requested. The Reformers in the locality are invited to attend said meeting, T. MUNRO, President. G. W. JONES, Secretary. Prince Albert, Aug. 22, 1867. Insolvent Act of 1864. In the matter of ANDREW COWAN, an Insolvent, 9 th. "TE undersigned has been appointed As- signee in this matter, and requires claims to be filed within two months from this date, Uxbridge, 20th August, 1867. JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, 31-2w] Wairsy P. O. FIRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE. "Tiot No:*11; inthe Sth-concession of the - Township of Reach, Containing 108 acres, 85 cleared and mostly free from stumps. This farm is situated half a mile west of Manchester and is certainly one of the best farms in the Township of Reach.' For further particulars apply on the premises. 4 PETER CHRISTIE. Reach, Aug. 21, 1867. 33 STAND AROUND ! PE subscriber having returned to Reach, has got himself comfortably located at the thriving Village of MANCHESTER Where he Intends carrying on the (0G-Tailoring Business In all its branches; Garments entrustefl to his care will be made up in lates! eg ; ahd nothing will be left utidos him--i eatness of fit, moderation in ul attention'to orders--to obtain seeurd a large share of public pa Sid The st Styles ved promptly and r ly. el - JAMES SQUIRE. Manchester, Oct, 18, 1866. 4 PRINCE ALBERT AND MANCHESTER Af the Places to boy Jou BREAD, FLOUR, OAT MEAL, SMALL BREADS of every description. First class Conlectionanes. Toys in great variety For Spring and Summer use; and Fruits Es "in their season. Wedding Cakes made to order. He is aleo prepared ta furnish Soirees, Ten Meetings, &c., on liberal terms. in my power to reestablish coufidence. by / vray awieac CHAS. HISCOCKS. Feb. 13, 1667. ; The subscriber offers "or Sale the west-half of Bakeries |": ORN MEAL, | - TO THE INDEPENDENT TO THE INDEPENDENT Business Education. ractical business education has now be- ) Trastionl, baal every young man contem- plating a business career., ~~ - Without this educa! young men are desti- tute of the first requisites of success. c This business Sucation the Seis American 'ommerc ollege of Toronto, imparts, and i 18 a source of Jolloge to the propriéters, that their fraduaiss are at io present fine Ping Rost, ons nor and respon n some: of the highest Mercantile To bt Banking In- stitutions of the country. Stronger testimony to the thoroughness of this education could n be given than the following letter from J. G, Worts, Esq., President of the Board of Trade :-- Toronto, Dec. 19, 1865, Messts, Musgrove & Wright, i Dear Sirs,--[ cannot express jonstrongly my es ciation of your efforts to establish a model house wees, | consider that such a system as yours is of the greatest importance Loth to the employer and the em. ployed, as it saves the former the time and lal of teaching every new hand.aiyl the latter the waste of time tv ina long enti€eship. Your admirable sys. tem of real business isa complete remedy for this de- feet, and your great success i department 1s made clearly manifest by the air of y that your students display in their model iransactions, and by their down- dy when they fail to meet their engagements, 1 ean testify to the excellency of your sys'em fiom per sounl experience, having at ihe present time in the employment of the firms | belong to, three young men who were educajed at your establishment. Wishing you every succebs in your lauable enterprise, 1 remain, dear Sirs, yours, &e,, J. G. WORTS. The first prize for Business Penmanship was awarded this Commercial College at the late Provincial Exhibition in Toronto. Graduates are examined and their diplomas signed by a Board of Examiners composed of practical busi- ness men. Graduates are also assisted to situa~ tions, if required. A circular is regularly published, giving a de- tailed account of aysiem, regulations, terms, &ec., and may be had by enclosing stamp and addressing. MUSGROVE & WRIGHT, Toronto, Ontario. ANDERSON'S UNRIVALED HAIR DYE. The manufacturer of the ahove Dye takes pleasare in informing the public that he has suc- ceeded in discovering a Hair Dye far surpassing every other Dye ever before offered to the pub- lic. "It pGsscsses several properties not possess- ed by any other Hair Dye. 1st. It can be so used as to make the hair al- most any required shade, up to the most beauti- ful black. 2nd. It will no color the skin in the slightest degree. 3ed. Tt communicates a beautiful gloss to the has | hair, and renders it soft and pliable. Agents wanted in all parts of the Do- minton. Apply to WM. ANDERSON, GnEENBANK, REACH. Greenbank, Aug. 4 3 NO IC County of Ontario, 15 hereby given, that the Court of General Quarter Sessions of thie Peace,and County Court, in and for the County of Ontario, will be holden at the Court House, in the Town of Whitby, on TUESDAY, SEPT. 10th, 1867, At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, of which all Justices of the Peace, Coroners, Constables, and all concerned, will take notice, and govern To Wit: {themselves accordingly. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff. Per R. H. Tomlinson. Sheriff's Office, Whitny, August 12, 1867. "L981 "LI &(nr'ueqy eoulg (SANNA JLVAING) 'NOSH0Y 9 I INID 40d 8 LV NOT 00 Yaag1y ZoNTE ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suflerered for years from Nervous Deaility, Premature Deeay, and all the effects of youth ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free 10 all who need it, the receip' and directions for muking the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser 's experienc can do so hy addressing, in perfect confidence. 17-1y JOLLY B. OGDEN. 42 Cedar Stregl, New york To Consumptives. The advertifer, having been restored to health inn few weeks by a very simple 1eniedy, after having sof- fered for several years with a severe lung nffection, and that drend_ disense Consumption--is anxious to make knowi to His fellow-sufferers the means of cure, To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the pre- seription usetl (free of charge), with the directions for preparing und using the same. which they wil find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung Affections. The ouly in announcing the receipt of the first of our FALL TMPORTATIONS Recently bought by MR, ROSS while in England and France, consisting of fine Broad Cloth, Doeskins, and Fancy Trouserings, Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Shawls, Prints, Shirtings, Grey and White Cottons, Hollands, Carpetings, Oil Cloths, &c. Call and SEE these Goods. I7 We have also received a lot of Dundas Cotton Yarn and Cotton Bags,--much superior to anything sold for some years past. Also abundance of SUGAR, Rice, Raisins, Currants, Coffee, Tea, &c. . CURRIE & ROSS. Prince Albert, August 1, 1867, GRIND CLEARING SALE B & J. CAMPBELLS. MANCHESTER. ff erp.nrpy¥, zL They now offer the balance of their Summer Stock at a Great Reduction in price. SPECIAL BARGAINS Tn Dress Goods, Parasols, Prints, Shawls, Factory Ccttons, Mantles, and in Millinery Goods, in Bonnets and Hats, and a large Stock of Ready-made Clothing, in Men's and Boys' Coats, Pants and Vets, of their own manufacture, =F Also a complete Stock of Groceries, Crockery, and Hardware. 0 LIQUORS. A large and choice lot of first class LIQUORS consisting of BRANDIES and WINES, OLD RYE, MALT and COMMON WHISKEY, of the best brands. First class Wines and Brandiey for medical use. t..] pes. The highest price paid for Butter and Eggs, for which Goods will be given at cash prices. R. & J. CAMPBELL. Manchester and Whitby, July 25, 1867. === rem meena =ll=li=l=l=) Candidates in the Field. | x. Cabinet Maker and TUndertaker,---- ° PRINCE ALBERT, OULD embrace this opportunity of returning thanks to his numerous WW. PARI; =i . friends for the liberal share of patronage he has received. He would commas further state that he purchased a First Class HEARSE, decoratedin the latest style,withdouble Sets of Plumes A large and choice lot of COFFINS kept constantly on hand, A large and seeesss complete Stock of COFFIN TRIMMINGS of every description always on Charges moderate. hand, and for sale, Cheap for Cash. The highest price paid in Cash for Butternyt Lumber. -------- Ri Prince Albert, May 22, 1867. 19 =i "| Cai n House of Co We prefer minding our own business just now, and have pleasure|. "ELECTORS oF THR INORTH RIDING OF THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, » 5 £ 3 20 3 =e 4 3 {; TLEMEN BE IE In soliciting yonr support at the com: ing Election to represent you 'in 'the 'af Comions, T deem if proper that 1 should 'state my views upon some of the matters. which may occupy the attention of that House. As regards the important subject of Immigration I'shall, if elected, endeavor to use all practicable means to render Canada gcse home for the Tmmi- grant, belleving that the prosperity of the Dominion vety much depends upon an increase of its population With the con- sequent occupancy and clearing of its, at present, unproductive territory, I shall advocate trict economy as essential in the management of the af. fairs of the new Dominion. And al. though desirous of seeing all Dominional improvements entered upon with as little delay as possible, yet the revenue and resources of the country should. be well ascertained before undertaking any large or expensive works. hy A Reciprocity Treaty with the United States based upon equitable terms would [ believe, prove advantageous to both countries. ~ And generally I should ad- vocate as much [freedom in trade be. tween Canada and other countries as practicable, persuaded that an increased consumption would, in many cases,muke up.any less that the revenue might sus. tain from lessening the Custom dutiss. I view the Confederation of the Pro. vinees and the ultimate addition of the Western Territory as tha foundation of a most important Dominion, eapable of supporting a very large population; while the local control given to each Province will, I believe, be the means of removing many of the difficulties here. tofore existing as to sectional affairs and improvements. " 1 have always regarded a party gov. ernment as best calculated to carry on the affairs of the country, under all or dinary circumstances, in the most satis. factory and economical manner; yet | shall not, if elected, feel disposed to offer a factious opposition to the presznt ministry, but shall judge them by the measures they may introduce. As the nominee of the Reform Con. vention I claim the support of that party ; and from my long residence in the Rid- ing [ have also the promised suppprt of many parties of all shades of politics, who are willing to trust me as their re-- presentative, preferring as they do, a candidate resident in their midst, and whose interests are identical with those of his constituents. Assured that I shall receive (rom you a liberal support, I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, JOHN HALL THOMPSON. Uannington, Brock, Aug. 6, 1367, i inform all partic either by note ov will be placed i lection. Port Perry, July 10, 1867. count or otherwise, that all must be paid immediately, otherwise they ELEC It OF THE g NORTH DING 5 oi OF THR fl a County of Ontario: GENTLEMEN :-- : Having bEen requested by a Convene tion of the Reformers of this Riding to allow myself to be put in nomination fog the Legislative Assembly of Ontario at the coming io Loy to announce that I shall, in accordance with' the wishes of my friends thus expressed, offer myself as a Candidate for your suff- rages. Tn polities T am, and always have been, a Reformer ; but, as we are now entering upon a new era in the history of our cova- try, I trust 'that former party bitterness may be laid aside, and that true and loyal then will unite their influence to secure the election of such Representatives as will best promote the successful working of our new Constitution. I cordially approve of the Act of Cone federation, and consider the establishment of the separate Legislatures one of its best provisions ,as each Province thus se- cures the control of its own local affaire--a change which past experience proves ta be { very desirable. | Should you honor me with your confi= dence 1 shall do my utmost to promote th efficient and economical adwinistration ol | the affairs cf the Province of Ontario, b favoring the employment of a sufficien number of assistants, at a fair remuneration for services rendered, and by discounten- ancing any ubnecessary multiplication of oflices. Though opposed to the principle of Coalitions , yet, in view of the peculiar situation of public affairs, I am prepared to give the present Government a faw oppofe tunity to announce is policy, «by which alone 1 will judge of its claims to support. All measures really adapted to promote the public weal will receive my approval, without reference to their source, while those of a contrary character, | shall on the same principle condemn, from the con- viction that the future welfare of ouk Province will be thereby best promoted. I shall, if elected, advocate the deviop. ment of the vast mineral rescurces of the Province ; and the encouragement of immi- gration, by free grants of Crown Lands to bona fide settlers in the new Townships. The passage of a well considered [Homestead Law--permitting any perspn to apply money honestly his own to the purchase of a limited amount of proper-- ty, which, for the benefit of his family shall be exempt from olaims of future creditors--I shall also endeavor to ob= tain, I shall give my earnest attention to all matters directly affecting the inter< ests of this Riding, and will act upon the principle of justice to ail--partiality to none. Respect fully solicting your votes and influence in the coming contest. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, Your Obed't Servant, TORONTO Nurseries The Subscriber would beg to ss indebted to him er due, book ac- n Court for col: J H E. HO 5 Box 75, Port Perry, C. w. wee ¢ 15 FUNERALS attended to with dispatch. Remember the Place--Opposite Scott's Hotel, at the Red White and Blue.™ 3g I === object of the tdvertiser in sending the F nis lo benefit the afflicted. and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as ft will cost them nothing may prove a bless Parties wishing the prescription, ¥REE, by return of will please addre ss EDWARD A. WILSON REY: 1-1y Wiiliamsburg, Kings Co., New York. FOR THE 3 County of Ontario. " 4, Uxbridge,. " 5, Cannington,. Ist, * « g, Beaverton, wT and) <n "7, Atherly.... oo th, Z. BURNHAM, . Judge C . Whitby, Mar. 27,1867. ' es 5000 APPLE TREES FOR SALE. $25 per Hundred. T. BURNHAM, Lot 81, 7th Con. Whit June 24, 1867. JURAERS! ATTENTION J. Cox PRINCE ALBERT. MENS' GOOD COW HIDE BOOTS AT $1.90. To make room for Spring Stook. Women's and Children's wear also very low. rr Cash Paid for Hides, Prince Albert) Feb. 13, 1 Va had N tye 2 ve' 3 : Grey Cottons, Muslin, MANCHESTER, June 18, 1867. 5 The Subscribers have just received a large lot of PLASTIQUR & EXHIBITION SKIRTS! : Which they offer very low. Also a new lot of Ladies' Hats, Bonnets; Borders, Parasols, &e., &ec.; which they offer at Greatly Reduced Prices. Brown, & Christian: HR Aedh ay ETORS T. PAXTON: a Se Re

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