" Pew $73,000. ---- § CE -- AUDertigements. - Placed at the disposal of the undersigned to be VHE above large amount has been ¢ arm Security at the low rate of Joaned upon good SS PER CENT Interest, payable annually, in sums from $500, upwards--for 3, 5, 8, or 10 year. +g "NO COMMISSION CHARGED, < - -~ --- » - v v ed { aks » -. ".- 2 Yearling Calves ! PAV-AIELLR, As the money is obtained from a resident of the County of Ontario, no delays occur in obtaining the funds and ail transactions ean be completed within oNe WEEK from the time of application. Borrowers will find it MorRE coNvENIENT both in recelving money from as well us paying interest to a resident of the County, besides the advantage of dealing with a neighbor iu case of default. Apply 0 W. M. COCHRANE, Solicitor, Queen Street, Port Perry. Reach, Cet. 23, 1867. 42 CREDIT SALE,WN. DECKER Public Auction On Lot 12, in the 2nd Con R rach, on Wednesday, Nov. 6th, The following Farm Stock, Implements, | Wood Land, &e., belongiig to | WATCHMAK ER ! G.L.ROBSON JEWELER, &C., 1 Bay Horse eleven years old, 1 Sorrel yur | E YinCE Albert, Ont., eight years old, 1 Brown Mare eleven years old OULD beg to announce to the public, that in foal by ** Wallace," 1 Cream colored Mare in he has just received a splendid Stock of foal by " Wallace," 1 Grey Mare six years old "Lapidist" 1 Span of Filles two rs old by dWatcnes, Clocks, "Kennett, illy one year old by "Star Davis," 1 Colt one year old by * Jack the Bars Jewelry, &c., Which he will Sell VERY CHEAP, ber," 1 Spring Colt by * Young Bruce," 5 Milc Cows, 20 Sheep, 8 Spring Pigs, 3 Calves, 6 Tons of Hay, 2000 Oat Sheaves, 3 Double Wagons, 2 Pair Bob-Sleighs, 1 Long Sleigh, 1 Cutter, 1 7" All kinds of Watches, Clocks, and Jew- elry, neatly repaired and warranted. ce Albert, Oct. 16, 1867. Buggy, 2 Plows, 2 Pair Harrows, 1 Horse Rake 1 Pea Thresher and Horse-Power complete, ) Cutting Box, 1 Reaper, 1 Roller, 2 Fanning Mills, 2 Sets Double Harness, 1 Set Single Har ness, 1 Set Double Light Zfarness, 1 Saddle, 1 Side Saddle, 1 Cultivator, 1 Gang Plow, Forks Rakes, Chains, &e. 10 acres of Woodsgin lots to suit purchasers. 0 Sale to commence at 12 o'clock. £3) TerMs.--For the Farm Stock, Implements, &c., all sums of $10, and under, cash; over that amount eleven months credit will be given by furnishing approved joint notes. Interest charged from date if not paid when nue. Wood, Hay, and Oats, cash. i. B CAMPBELL, Auctioneer. Roach, October 29, 1857. ! 43-1w "ONTARIO BANK. Dividend No. 21. NOT is hereby given that a dividend of four per cent upon the paid up Capita) Stock of this Institution for the current half- year, has, this day, been declared, and that the same will be payable at the Bank, and its branc hes On and after Monday, 2nd day of De cember next. The transfer books will be closed from the 15th to the 30th of November, inclusive. By order of the Board, D. FISHER, Cashier, | ls "L981 'LI &|nf 'uaqly eoung 'NOSE0Y "9 'IU O66" HTS INE) 8 8 OF NNT 0 'LEILTV AINIH Ontario Bank, } Bowmanville, Oct. 24, 1867. STRAYED. 43-bw |= gpretal Dotices. ATRAYED fromm te protuises of the o GLEE Se Ee a +) subscriber, Lot No. 11, in the 4th T 3 concession Keach, about "the 1st of The Contsssions an Nenerience of an nvalid. June last, Published for the benefit and asa Cantion to Young Men and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, &ec., supplying at the same time 7%e Means of Self- One a red Mully Zeifer ; the other a red and white Steer with yellow horns, gray face and | (ype " By one who has cured himself after un- white nose. Any person giving such info = | dergoing considerable quackery. The applicant tion as will lead to their recovery will be suit- | by paying postage on his letter, will receive a ably rewarded. copy, free of charge from the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esa. WM. HOLTBY. 42 Brooklin, Kings Co., N. Y. Reaoh, Oct. 23, 1867. iw 25-3m Executors' Notice. - LL-persons to whonr the-estate of -theslate William Rook is indebted either by hook account, note, mortgage security or otherwise, are hereby required to give notice to the execu- wrs of the said estate,stating the amount thereof, and the particulars of the claim, within two months from the date hereof, otherwise they will as cost them nothing, and may prove a be barred from any relief against the executors blessing. : Please address " for want of a due administration of assets. > "Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Also all persons indebted to the said estate | No. 165 South Second Street, Williimsburg, New York are hereby required to make payment forthwith, a i INFORMATION, ELLI JONES. HENRY WAGONER. Information guaranteed to produce a luxuriant JOHN GEORGE ROOK ! growth of hair dpos 3 bd end) ot ig i vs Ci b] . J a recipe for the remoyv: of 'S, aah dss Attsttioyy Connmbe & Conan: Se Si Eruptions, ete, on the skin, leaving h, Oct. 9, 1867. S9-4W: | the same soft, clear, and beautiful, can be ob- o "or 1 = a+ |tained without charge by addressing. THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Cuemist, 823 Broadway, New York. esire the prescription ie directions for making and using the simple remedy by which Le was cured of a lung affection and that dread disease Consumption. -- Mis only object is to benefit the affiicted and he ery sufferer will try this prescription, The most Popular Remedy ever offered to the Public. TOMLINSON'S Pain-Cure, FORMERLY ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman wha suflerered for years from Nervous Peoility, Premature Decay, and all ihe efleets of youth. ful mdiseretion, will, for the sel fr sake of suffering humanity, 10 all who need it, the receip ad directions x the simple remedy by which he was cured. wishing to profit by the ad r by uddressing, mn perfect confidence. ¢ JOHN B. OGDEN. 42 Cedar Street, New york Mrs. Winslow's SOCTHING SYUP, FOR GRILDRRN TERETLIAGC, Greatl, facilitates the process of teething, by soflening the gums, reducing ull irflammation--will allay Aut 7 Pain and spasmodic action, and is + SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. ourselves, For the cure of Fain both External and Internal. The greatest Pain Curing Remedy yet discovered. Depend upon it, mothers, it wil give rest Relief and Health to your Infants, We have put up and sold this article for years, and Can Sayin Confulence and Truth of 11 what we have never been able to say of any other inedicine-- Never has it Failed in a Single Instance to Effect a Cure, when timely used. Never did we kiuow of an instance of dis- satisfiction by any one wha u he contrary, a lure deligh'ed with i1s operations, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical effects and medical virtues, ve speak Jn dhe matter ** WHAT WE Di KNOW. after years re Reputation for the fulfilment of what almost every instance where the inf uffering from pain and exhaustion, relict will be Jin fifteen or PRICE ONLY R235 CENTS. twenty minutes after the syrup is administered. t! ed] ull directions for using will accompany each bottle. It is the largest bottle of medicine of the kind { Fund welions for seing wiliSecoinpny sah bude, in Canada. None ¢ i : PERKINS, New York, is onthe outside wrupper. Manufactured by the prof etor, Prince | Rold by Druggists throughout the world, Albert, Ontario. 7 ONLY 25 CENTS . J. B, CAMPBELL, OFFICES : "215 Fulton Street, New York. Licensed Auctioneer, cos nigh Holborn, London, England. FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Pain cannot long exist where this Remedy is faithfully used. Give it one fair trial and you will use no other. S Itis Mlnowiedged by those who have used other remehies of this Kind, to he the best and most valuable of any known, for the diseases for which it is recommended. 13 Sold by all medicine dealers. experience, and Pledge our here declare. 'n 441 St. Paul Street, Montreal, Canada. son will send (free | New AVvevtisements. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED prices with his, knowing we can compete most favorably with him, or ¢ny other dealer in the Dominion, with the means we have of | urchasing. " Be sure not to buy a stove before seeing Hatch & Brother, it will pay. Wethave other Stoves of heavy metal not here advertised. Furnace 1, Li. and 2 brls. B&~ Very cheap. Hatch's Patent Dumb Stoves, Stove Pipes, &c., always on hand. Also a lot of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Coal Oil Lamps, &c., which are being sold very cheap. HATCH & BROTHER, Cheap Hardware Store, No. 4, Brock-St.,, Whitby, 42 Whitby, Oct. 23, 1867. IMPORTANT NOTICE The subscribers take great pleasure in informing their customers and friends, that their STOCK OF GOODS Is now complete in every department, which for Quality and Cheapness, Cannot be excelled in the County of Ontario. A splendid assortment of Crockery just arrived. Hardware, Groceries, and Boots and Shoes, always on hand. Cash paid at all times for Wheat, Barley, Peas, Oats, Pork. &-c. The highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. BROWN & CHRISTIAN, MANCHESTER, Ocf. 23, 1867. r BSO0 ONLY ! Mok ANY QUANTITY OF MONEY T0 LOAN The subscribers are in a position to lend any quantity of Money, (Private Funds,) 8 per cent per Anbum. Interest payable yearly and no payment required in advance. SOO 2005 L20Q5 "They are*also Agents for the Targest money loaning institution in Canada, which loan money from 2 to 156 years at 6 per cent, and payable by equal yearly instalments. 0 Mortgages Mought and Sold. .o) {z= Wild Lands and Improved Farms for Sale and to Rent. ArPLY TO DAVID J. ADAMS, LAND aND INSURANCE AGENT, VALUATOR, &C., Office over T. C. Forman's Store, PRINCE ALBERT. or to JOHN ADAMS, Toronto Street, Tanonto. O\ S SOO Prince Albert, October 16, 1867. 2005 Now is the Time to Replace the Under- standing. PEOPLEY' BOOT & SHOE MTORE, PRINCE ALBERT. EGS aga to call the attention of the inhabitants of Reach, and adjacent Townships, 10 his superior Stock of BOOTS and SHOES, particularly those of 'his own manu- facture, which he is selling at nearly the same prices as Siore Boots are selling. J. C. would also call particular attention to his Oak Tanned English Kip oots. He has also on hand a large and varied assortment of Ladies' and Children's wear. w@ Cash Paid for Hides. Jyoreeas, Mr. PEDLAR, of Oshawa, 'having challenged Stove dealers to compete prices of Stoves. We here annex our : ; We prefer minding our own business just now, and have pleasure HATCH & BROS PRICE. MR. PEDLAR'S PRICE. 10 inch Protectionist,. «.. $20 00} 10 inch Protectionist, redransseres $21 00 9 « Fortune, ceueas 3 1900f 9 « Fortune, ........ area 20 00 3 " Young Dominion, 37 % None advertised. " " 15 00 " 1 " Queen City, re a Lw ¥ inch Queen City.............. 22 00 ommonwealth, . 23 00 Ivertised. . . : Jo ': 19 500 5 reo Ce alti. . 20 oo| Recently bought by MR, ROSS while in England and France, « Clarion, ....... ... 1600] 9 « Clarion, .... isti i i ? \ i oo Ts Elan, : 17.00 consisting of fine Broad Cloth, Doeskins, and Fancy Trouserings, 2 " = : 480 % " " Bh 140 Plain and I'ancy Dress Goods, Shawls, Prints, Shirtings, Grey 18 ¢, " 280418 « So ihe 300 and White Cottons, Hollands, Carpetings, Oil Cloths, &ec. at cash prices. A ---- THAN ---- t in announcing the receipt of the first of our Call and SEE these Goods. 0Z= We have also received a lot of Dundas Cotton Yarn and Cotton Bags,--mgnch superior to anything sold for some years past. Also abundance of SUGAR, Rice, Raisins, Currants, Coffee, Ten, ec. . CURRIE & ROSS. Prince Albert, August 1, 1867. LARGE ARRIVALS DIZECT THPORTATION MORE INTERESTING POLITICS! ellis Business Education. HE IMPORTANCE OF A THOR OUGH BUSINESS EUUCATION is pressing i1- "elf on the artents commerciul circles more und more Jet) duy, a adviitages are perhups more emphatically show nothing more than by the vans tage oy which it pluces the fully trained clot ahove the imperfectly trained owe, When looking for a Situation, THE BRITISH AMERICAN COMMERCIAL COLLEGE has in full operation such a course of ins struction as 10 give it practical fitness 10 do the woile proposed. An important characteristic of this Institution i ite | maturely organized ACTUAL Sy dINERs SYS. her he College is made n type or model not © busiiiess house, but even of a lige Another distinctive feature of this College is that it at- temp no extraneous teaching. [18 work is ong, and to the nccomplishment of that work every effort is directed, Justa the University and Grammar School must sepa shiution-. so the Commercial Coll'ge and "lerientnry School most Le distinct, Comu.on seqse and experience alike show that such a combina- tionvis not compatible with efficiency. 'The time required to complete the full course vesies considerably, according to ihe utidndance, afentom, " ility of enc! nt. Yemig men, Bowever, are met the injnrioas practice of ie (rom he mistaken idea thas they will thus be by the saving of money wi ihe item of bowrd. Jn ly 'more advaniageons would 8 be to the student, since his full evurse of 1uiion is ale ready paid for, 10 incur the comparatively small addi. tional expense of u few weeks bonrd in order 40 make himself comptetely master of the course ; and thus, by wsmall present ouilay, qualify himself for some lucrae tive situation. The crudeness haste entails in highly detrimental, not only but ulso tothe College where hi earnestly' cautio hurrying through duates ; and, besides, Colleges y. of holding ou ine 10 students is mousy FIRST PRIZE at the , Kingston, for the hese PHENMANS] ar en of BUSINESS HIP, snd EXTRA PRIZE for our SYSTEM af WRITING. For Penmanship, Circulars, &e., address MUSGROVE & WRIGHT, Toronto, Ontario, specim; ~ WANTED. GOOD Servant Girl,--one capable of doln, general house work. None other oy apply. Good wages paid. Apply to JOHN H. BROWR, Mcrchant, Oct. 23. 1867, [42-3w] Manchester Life-Like PICTIRES Can be had at R & J GAMPBELL, Beg to announce the arrival---ot their WHITBY and MANCHESTER STORES ---of their I"all Stock, having been purchased--for Cah --by one of 'the firm, in the Biitish aud French Markets. They feel satisfied that they are in a position to offer their customers and the public The Cheapest Goods in the Market ! They would direct attention to their Stock of French Merinoes, Empress Cloth, Paplinetts. Black and Colored Silks, Winceys, &c., and to a special lot of Fancy Dress Goods. esi. Also to their Stock of Prints and Factory Cottons--wlhich are extra cheap--Fiannels, Blankets, Counterpanes, Carpets, Window Curtains, Gloves, l1osiery, Boots and Shoes, &e. (7 10,000 Cotton aud Linen Grain Bags--cheap. "They would call the special attention of Cienslemen to their immense Stock of Cloths, Tweeds, Ifats, Caps, Collars, and READY-MADE CLOTHING,--the largest and most complete Stock they ever bad the pleasure of offering. Clothing made to order in the latest style of Fashion. Alsoa large assortment of Fresh Groceries. A Fresh Stock of Teas, Sugars, Fruit, 'lobaccos, &e. A large Stock of Crockery and Glrssware, just received from the Staffordshire Pottenes. LIQUORS. A large and choice lot of firet class LIQUORS consisting of BRANDIES and WINES OLD RYE, MALT and COMMON WUISKEY, of the best brands. First class Wines and Brandes for medical use. . pei. The highest price paid for Butter and Liggs, for which Goods will be given A call is respectfully solicited. Remember, R. & J. CAMPBELL. Manchester and Whitby, Sept. 25, 1867. MONEY TO LOAN! 0 The Subscriber is now prepared to lead any amount of Money, -- PRVATE FUNDS, On good Mortgage Security-- or Debentures, at a Very low rate of Interest. The borrower can lave his own time to pay the principal, T also represent three of the Largest Monetary Companies jn the Douinioe: that lend money at low rates on Farm and Town Property. . 05 Several good Improved Farms for Sale--at extremely low prices Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. Apply personally to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Laud, Insurance, and General Agent, Whitby. Office-- Mec Millan's Block, Brock St. 38 | | \ t 'Whitby, Sept. 25, 1867. Ne IN PRICES OF HORSESHOEING Wagons, Carriages & Implements AT THE Horseshoeing, &. CALL AND SEE. (= All work warranted. sold cheap. Particular attention paid to Horse Shoeing. and General Jobbing. . GEORGE WHITE. Prince Albert, Oct. 1, 1867. Prince Albert, Oct. 1, 1867. HE Subscriber begs to announce to his patrons and the public generally that he has wade a great reduction in the prices of Carriages, Wagons, Cutters, Implements, Ile would also say that he is now. manulacturing 40 Cutters, gool style, which will be Hoit's Phtograph Gallery, OSHAWA. Either Plain, finished in India Ink, Oil or Water Colors. #0 ul the Da . Prince Albert Gallery Of G. MASSEY, of any size or style of finish known o the Ait. Call and examine Specimens. J. E. HOITT. G. MASSEY. 14-1y RUYAL HOTEL, WHITBY, C. W. THE largest and most commodious Hotel in own. A special conveyance to the Rail- way Station. Stages depart from the Royal Hotel daily to all places north. Attentive host lers always in attendance, JACOB BRYAN, Proprietor. April 17, 1867. Licensed Auctioneer. FPYHE Subscriber, holding a Lécence for the County of Ontario, and the Township of' Mariposa, wonld beg to state to Farmers and others, requiring his services, that whatever business is entrusted to his care, will bé¢ prompt- ly and carefully attended to. Charges moderate. Terms, Days of Sale, &c., &c., arracged at the Observer Office, Prince Albert. * E. MAJOR. Borelia, March, 27th, 1867 Tusolvent Act of 1864, AND AMENDMENTS THERETO. In the matter of William Dudenhofer, an Insolvent, I Y Virtue of the Power vested in me as Offie cial Assignee of the Estate of the above vamed Insolvent under the provisions of the said Insolvent Act, I shall offer for sale by Pub- lic Auction at my office in the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, on £ Friday, the Twentieth day of December next, at Two o'clock in the afternoon, above named Insolvent of in and to the follow- ing property, namely :--Village Lots numbers five und six in the Village of Atherly, being part of the north-west quarter of lot number twenty- nine in the tenth concession of the Township of Mara, County of Ontario, having eight rods or two chains frontage on the concession line divid- ing the tenth and eleventh concessions of said Township ; thence parallel with the side line of said Township five chains southward by said two chains in breath--containing Te ad- measurement one acre of land be the same more or less--upon which there is erected a frame dwelling house, formerly used as a hotel--and a frame stable, Dated at Whitby, this 8th day of October A. D., 1867. JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee. Brandon Brothers Manufacturers of BISCUITS, CONFECTIONERIES, &C. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in all kinds of Biscuits, Confectioneries, &ee, CANNINGTON, C. W, Cannington, April 17, 1867, Ontario Hotel, BROCK-ST., WHITBY, C. DAWES, - ~~ Profrreroi. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO, C.'W. 14-1 INCORPORATED,..... .......... ween 18810 Captal, - -_8400,000. VrEsiDE ...GEO. MICHIE, Fi Pick-I'n ON. J. McMURRIC] Sgc'x a NARD HALDAN, Esq JAMES PRINGLE, Travelling Agent, 1 : County of Ontario First Olass Sheop for Sale. HE Subscriber offers for sal T excellent prize bred » Saver of By Tmiported Rams. Terms Cash. JOHN BLYTH. Reach, Sept, 25, Teor >: 1% 1468 Con. é AIL the right title cstate. .and-interest-of the LEICESTER EWES.