Lae " Cag ener omy feos or haa Tow L 4 pm---------- Su "i ch RR Sap | MANCHESTER NEWS!! THN RENGNATION OF THE FI * JUSTICE, three momentous hours, from 'nine o'clock DISASTERS ON THE LAKKS. the laurel in" two rai beats. It was a io hoi a | a NANCE MINISTER. Fo | till twelve at night, during which time the 3 - good race, We ate noljawire how the judges Atixwigock on Monday soriagy Ath | publit'are respectfully notified that the I The first phase of Government or ruling | jury are deliberating upon a verdict. Mark During the storms of the latter part of last decided regarding the first heat of the first Hirt. 10 Pupal woohn. supported by ibe 4 Subsetter has received large additions of : The Seasonable Goods ho AT THE : © MANGHESTER_ WAREHOUSE. Comprising, Ladies' Dres§ Goods, Coats, Jack- ets, and Mantles ; Straw, Velvet,and Plush Hats and Caps. A fine lot of Velvet Bonnets. Furs in Boas, Muffs, Coll Cuffs, and Mitts. A splendid lot of Shawls, Olouds, Hoods, and 'our new Prints and Winceys. ~ 'vantage to call as SREAT BARGAINS ARE OFTE + Eggs 6d per dozen. in exchange. * ' ge ADAM GORDON. 3 Manchester, 30th Oct, : he Hutario Bhserter, +7, 1867. THE p IRST MEETING OF THE ¢ ©' coMMONS. ' - 4 Oar Commons Houss of Parliament, and "also ibe Senate, pursuant to notice met yes- staidy for thie dispatch 'of business. Of + .foourse a formal opening, and nothing farther + would" be done on that day, bat to-day, x idoubiless, thé speech will be delivered --this will necessitate the presence of the Gover- "aor General, Tor these two days at least, and + 'mowtiikely nothing further than the delivery of the spéech will be attempted during this day, so hat it 'may be said that the real work of the Parliament will commence to- morrow; © * 4 fran . In ordinary times nothing further would " be done during the week ; but time is 100 ot precious, and matters too pressing 10 afford wo holidays at the start. No body of men that ever met on British American soil, had more reaseu to feel the weight of responsi- bility thai rests njion them, than the mem- . bere of the present Government have ; their best, their entire energies must be directed 1) the proper solution of some of the most difficult problems that ever came before a Legislative boly, while individual ease and peravnal comfort must. give plsos to the pressing demands of the Dominion. The "uture of our 'country at least, for a long time to come, very much depends upon the action of our Government during its first session. The financial interests of the country will claim the early and serious at- tention of the Federal Parliament. This Question will require for its proper solution the undivided attention of the best minds "the country can furnish ; for it cannot be de- nied for a moment that just in proportion 10 the perfection of the financial system of a nation is the maierial wealth of that nation «secured, and if ever a pation more than -another required wise legislation in that di- rection, it 1s the Dominion of Canada. We -are starting on our new system of things in -considerable debt and our revenve must be rather limited for some time to come, while there are public works --works that must be put through which cannot fail to entail an ex. pense of 40 or 50 million dollars. Doubtless avery member of the government will ask himselt, where is all the funds to come from oven (lo pay the interest of this large sum. That is the rub ! here is where the difficulty lies, and a proper practical solu- tion of this difficulty is exactly the problem -tobe solved by our legislators-- a problem -- We are [ree to admit, ~ of no ordmary mag- mitode ; but one wiih which the master minds of our leginators are abondautly ~eompy-lent-to grapple kuccessiulty if Hones- ly and fairly met. Of course the solution canaot be looked for in increased Taxation ¥ shat may go a little way but not fan; legis- , Jation has already been carried in that direc- tion wearly'ns far as it would bs safe to go. 'This is where the d.nge lies, tax! tax! 'seems to be the only word in the reskless Aithancier's vocabulary while the word eco- \"6m3 with him'is a dead fetter. No such » {hancal legistation however will suit us in N| Pi€ient condition ; rigid economy in department is the chief source to whith our laauciers must look for deliver- ance kom the nresent gmbarrassment 'and "tis a cansolatin 10 know that .a very large amonntmay be dyed in this way, without ~n the leaut defraciv, from the efficiency of the various departmeyg, . + Mo Government eve: a100d more in need of the hearty support afiLgo-operation -- we bad almost said the prayee--of the whole Peeple in the painfolly reepusible position * which they occupy ; and a fra, generous, Waly support will be sécured 10 them so Z poy they continue faithul to th grugt re- © Posen them, sg long as they conrnue. to 192i late for the, best 1wierests of our rising | mounuy, This is but eves handed jugice ad they, ati] have it inthe fullest sensoef oe Jong aw: they are worthy of it. hide oc, of the: copniry will, . Tngubied) 88 among the first questions dont with by tie . i evd By the Py ty it will only be py ct mparldint subjects which; «mus? Lome up. before oar legisiators during the first session. . Othe iupportant subjuets | iron sch. ss. Foblic Works-- Militia," Thérgowers and privil- ; bovlies, &o., 'Fancy Wincey Skirts. A large lot of the finest Oarpet--colored and white Cotton Warp--very . cheap. Two bales of Factory Cotton, best value . in the County. Ladies, come and see it, and A large lot of gentlemen's Over-coats, fine styles, and very cheap. Other Clothingin great variety. Cash buyers will find it to their ad- INS ARE OFFERED, 3" Present' price "of Butter 9d per 1b., and Goods given at cash price « "Wheat, Barley, Oats, Péas, and Pork Wanted, ;haotil the villaga wonld soon pnt on a mach, cember for the dispatch The intimation given in the Tuesday's Leader of 1he resignation of Mr. Galt 100k the entire community by surprise ; it was 8 move alfogether unexpected, never dreamed of by uny ony except perhaps himself or his oconfidents 'I'he position ot Finance Minister is;one of the most diflicult, critical, and responsible of the whole government ; an office which very few met can fill to perfection, and no other office biings an equal amount of mis trust, suspicion and obloquy op the 'head of its possessor; bul it 1s at the same time a 'position in which superior talent can be bet- terdisplayed, has a more favorable opportu- nity of shining than in any other position in the equotry. And a superior Finance Minster 18 the most important acquisition that a Government can possess, and sooner will they part with any other member than with their Finance Minister, when he is thoroiighly competent for the duties of hie office aud honest in the discharge of these duties. And uo man in the Government can afford to. be more independent than he ; fiom ihe fuct that the whole nation stands at his batk ; and but compasatively few men have superior talents in that direction, Meals abilities'as a Financier we think '| will séifcely bg called in question. If that possessed that indispensible qua- lity" catfibn-- indispensible ina Finance Mirtister=it would be "difficult to place a more suitable party at the head of tha Fi- .nances;bui hie waut of this necessary virtue not anfreqdently places himeell in an unen- viabte pusition and entails no small degree of mischief on the country. We do believe howéver hat the gentleman has chosen a very: awkward time to throw up his porto-- lio. By maintaining his position till after the Meeting of Parliament he might have had the opportunity af fully explaining: his scheme on the 'floor of the House, and the cointry. would kave'got the benefit of said explanation, We 'cannot but think' thut thie yeliguotonfias been untimely both' fur 'he gentleman himselfand the public. We do not conipRin'ol the act, dll we complain of is tlie ime Nat has been: dhosen for it; plainly a radical change of policy or a res ignation were the only alternatives. How- ever the explanation will soon be forth coming. Either Howland or some one from the Lower Provitices will likely obtain the posi- tion. THE MAIN ARTERY OF NORTH ONTARIO, The chief Commercial artery of North Ontario is the Centre Road which forms the main channel for the conveyance of the 1mn- mense productions of a very large extent of us good land as ever was cultivated. This road passes through a country, rapidly im- proving in everything which goes to consti- tute 8 truly prosperous and happy commus nity ; while the village of Manchester is the natural reservoir into which thuse vast quantities of our valuable products priaci- pally flow. And the importance of this position 1s preducing ite legitimate fruits on that village. Already there are three first clase Stores doing an excellent business, two Hotels, two Carriage Factories, several Blacdsmith's forges, two Boot and Shoe Factories, one ortwo Tailoring Establish- ments, a Tinware Factory and Stove Shop, and a Grocery, witha Town Hall and a very neat Church, lately erected by the Primitive Methodists. . The large anrount of business done, and the vast quantities of grain purchased in this village, is quite astonmhing. We observe two or (hyde new buildings. now in the course of erection there. Leaving the yllage by the Centre Road we have Mr. Ewerp' excellent farm on the East, and a farm belonging to the Christie Estate on the West, Mr. Ewers has planted arow of yowng Maples along his western boundary. [tis a:pitythatall proprietors along ovr public roads do not see fit 10 plant trees along, the roads, And North of these we_have the, Vernon property on the West, and the Luke property on the East, We next come to what seems designed to be an important feeder-- fhe line between the 61h land 7h concessions. This goes 1ight through the village of Epsom aad on te the village of Uxbridge. The village of Epsom is beantifully sit- uated on arising ground. This village once saw better day's ; it has certainly been re- trograding, at least as far as business is con- verned, for a considerable time past The reason of this is obvions, viz: the changing of roads the altering of the means of com~ munication... This is sufficient to account for its progress being arrested, or it may be eet back for a time ; but it cannot fully as- ovunt for the backward perition that village has assuaied. 'Let the villagers themeel- ves take hald of the'tnatier--ihere 1s an abundance of talent and energy in the lo- city if ft were only brought to bear in... a , proper direction. Let rome party' of nergy and enterprise be induded to opens good. general store in the 'village, aiid let the people of the loculiy give him a.genérous gupport'; there is nig the ihtesrd bt but the oe alacton would prove ere long reciprocaliy beneficial noy alone fo the villagers but to the entire local~ ity. One undertaking would follow another more animated appeatance. In fact there 890 reason why the village should remain an the position inte which it has drifted. We rtvglit Gracerthis feeder by Sirettonville, 'Usbodpe, &o., &b, but this would carry vs 100 far [row the main arterya--the cent Road our chief fell of exploration, -- ern Our Local Government or Legislatins of Ontario. is to meet on the 13th day of De- of business. "PAnu--Parties desirous of possessing ab ex- at farm on the most moderate terms vi do it in ane " 'young men associates A crime, but by no on tno 9th prox. Though only one struck thie fatal bow, yet in law they are all mur- dererny and sight have shared the same awful fate; Win.ipss the anxiety, the tor- tare, the agony ewperie. 19d bY these guilly power in a community just emerging from a state of barbarism 1s that of patriarch or |phiefiain ; and this ruler 1s generally made responsible for the conduct of the whole tribe or ¢lass ; so that whatever Jepredation is Gommitted by any member of the class Ynust be made good by the chief. Our 'indulgent rulers when framing the Dog act, must have had an eye to the good old times, with this difference, that when one or twa dogs in a locality evince a rather strong desire for mutton chops, all the other dogs iif the neighborhood, 'or their owners; | which amounts to nearly the same thi,' must put their hands into their pockets and pay for the midnight revels of these glut- tons. Not unfrequently will the owners of dogs, fork over iu a single year from $200 dr $300, fof the mutton bill of those canine thlevés. Thus the matter goes on from yeut to year, the innocent paying; and the guilty reaping thie harvest. It is more than likely that there 1s not a cent of dog tax paid for one of these deptedators, they gen- erally belong to parties twho find it conven- ient to have the dogs away on g visit, when a certain party comes tound. Tuey ute kept principally to anndy their neighbors, and allowed to feed dt the ptiblic table, where the expenses are defrayed from their reighbor's dog tex. Of course if those paying dog tax don't complain we'heed tot, but really we would like to see a better use made of that money than to supply mutton to a few abominybly glationous biutes which ate only pablic nuisances and should be destroyed at once. Parties paying this tax would have some satisfaction were the proceeds devoted to thé mamienavee of the poor or any other woithy object ; but to have them worse than wasted in propogating a villanous race of useless curs sect» somewhat hard. Sooner or later this matter will be attend= edto! Why not now 7 SERIOUS BUT, WE HAVE REASON TO MOPE, NOT FATAL ACC T. "We are sorry to state that our worthy ex- M. P. P., Joseph Goild, Eaq., Uxbridge, the maddening suspense, the piercing, agonizing gaze with which they eye the jury as they return with their verdict ; and as the foreman stands up, see the blood has left those youlhful cheeks, it has been dashed back upon the heart, the pulse dies away and the heart ceases to beat, all the senses are concentrated in that of hearing, and every word uttered by the foreman rings upon the ear like a peal of thunder j and when the momentons words guilty, aye or even hat giilty is tiered, 146 pent up blood fiys 10 the surface ani the heart that had almost ceased lo bet, daskes on as if to break from its confinement. These three interminable hours alone brought more real misery 10 the culprits than a fifetidte of at! the miscalled pleasure of crime. Tie ver- dict against Allen was Mmurder--against Howard and Gimmel, manslaughter; and Whelan, the Crown Witness-- perhaps the deepest died ln-crinme of the four, escaped 10 a tertain extent, the reward of hid crime. Allen has been sentehiced to be hung on the 9th prox., Howard gets nine, and Gimmel ten years in the Penitentiary, and Whelan gets five years of the Penitentiary. Let our youth beware of bad company. A -- ANOTHER STRUGGLE FOR SWEET LIVE, Out teaders are-awatd 'ihat a chattated batik ray suspend specie payments {or one month without forfeiting its charter; but shonld the suspdtision be prolonged b:yond that period ' tne bharter is' forfeited. The Commercial Bank has given the tequired notice that she intends to apply 10 Parlia- ment at itd coining session fdr a special act 10 enable he: td' edtend tHe period of suspen- sion beyond the prescribed limits withont forfeiting her charter. The act is also 10 pro< vide for the reduction of her oapnal stock, and for the admission' of aditoua! éapital, and als¢ 16 unthorise herardalgamation, with other bank or banks ; and slsu 'if necvssary 10 facithate the ling of the bya general assignment, &o. ROME AND ITALY! 1. met with an accident of a very serious na- tute, or Thorsday Slet alt. That gentle- man true to his instincts for public improve- ments, perseverance and industry, was putting an addition te his woolen factory, and, while the building was being raised. Mr. Gould being one of those genuine active spirits who say to their workmen come (not go) at once ascended the post of danger on purpose to sledy the plate that was being raised ; but the stick on which he stood had uot be propetly fi { and In ag the frame 1n raiding, the tenuon slipped and the end of the stick on which Bir. Gould siood sunk precipitating him to the ground a disttncd of 1welve feet, breaking three of his ribs, one of which en: tered the lung. Fears were at first entertained of his recovery, bol we are happy 10 state that lhe is doing well; wih every prospect of ere long being again around to pres forward the public ifiptove- merits of Nort Ontario, by his nobl¢ ex- ample as well as by hié precept. WILD APPREHENSION, a The Ottawa correspondent of the Torohte Globe says, * that thete seems lo be a fear there that arf' eflort #ill be made to abolidh the Local Government of Ontario," We fancy that there is pretty liitle chance of the Government attempting anything of the kind, The constitution was lately changed without asking the consent of fhe people, we | believe that the attempt wont be soun re- | peated. Take away the Local Government ! as well might they tear the entire constitu- tion to 'shreds aud cast them to the four winds of heaven! Take away the provis- ions for unfuttered logal control from our constitution and the rag that would be left would not deserve a moments consideration, a meaningless sham which no one would regan or respect for an instant, a piece of fla: deception which without a moments hesitauey would be trampled under fool, as utterly worthless. But why enlarge on a grovudless surmise! There ie no power in existanee that could peaceably deprive, us of our: Loeal Government, Our own Govern- mont dare not make tbe aitempt, were it desirous of dowig so--we do not believe that it desires anything of the Kind jand no other Government would be mad enough 10 Iry so dangerous an experiment. lu fact no' Gov- ernment could live arupngst us a single day that would seek to deprive us of the chief, if not the only part of the copstitation: de- sérving a moment's couwderation. ( That part to protect which we woald not hesitat a moment lo use force to repel the asssulls of any party or Government whoever they might, be sop dom whatever quarter vhey might come, No Government deserving the elightest respect would atlempt sny- thing of the sort--but shoul any ene ever be mad enpugh to make the attempt, it will learn by sad experience that it has been playing a rather hazardous game. et ~ --ee. THE KINGSTON MURDERERS, The danger, thie folly, the madness of youth associaung with bad company have nt been more strikingly illustrated for a long time past than it has been in the case of the Kinkston murderers. There are four meacs equally depraved. All four of them hewever came preity near meeting ine same. awful fate-- public execution as murderers, One of the most depraved saved himself by ming crown evidence ; wo. of inem were only saved by the clemency of the jay, and the fourth is sentenced to be hung witnesr-tae ay.ortion of coun- iifterfurenee in this instance. Napoleon has e¥idently a great deal more in contein- piation than a combat with a few hundred Gunbaldiave. the troops designed" for the expeditionary atmy fof Italy 10 embark at once on board the French tramdport# lying in the harbor of Toulon. Ten thousdnd troops of thre Alger ian army have just been brought home from [ Aftica, and fhe Imperial Nontirl! Flot are hourly expected at Tovlon, of Rome, and' an ombréak is looked for al any moment. ' said to have arrived pt'Civita, Vecdhiay om the 29th uit. The French éxpect to drive the Ganibaldiaus over the frontiers and the Italiun army is to meet therh there and dis- 'vm them, i frontier and the General has ordered the Garibaldians 10 disarm. made no reply. R was reperted the French army had entered Rome. ernment that he will not allow France to make war on Italy regarding "the Roman complications. softly, France would just as soon as not take a drive at Prussia ; we. think French lipy i Noble, the otter two bystheir;owners.: preparations point to that iseue. by thdusands, and going over to Garibaldi. Roiondo but succeeded in carrying it. General displayed the utmost daring, he captured all the' Pontifical forces.' farce, and tells the King to keep his forcds at home, she dees not require their aid. borhbod of Toutun. * watets--a force of -Auilleiy has gone with it. tion, and the impérial conscription for sailors for with'vigorl' Rome with twehty-two battallions of-the flower of the count of the Goverriment' m opposing Garibaldi. gether'to'defeid Pope. for thevdefeiice of Rome. The lallian froops are marching towards Rome. the Garibaltian's on Friday last. ' Italian government changé'iis action wiih regard to Rome. © A rE leave the settlement of the 10 the Roman people. Rome if Victor Emanuel will drive Garibal- di from the bi ange # land oaisman run 5 miles We resurne the Roman contest were we {eft oft in our last issne, viz: with the latest telégramy before going to press. Thdnews of the following duy sistes hat the Pope bad sought refuge from the confasion in the castle of St. Angelo. ™ Victor Emanuel, Kingof ltaly, has de- nounced Ganbaldi aud declares that be wil) defend the Pope. A very large body of Garibaldians are said 10 be in position u few miles from Rome, aad all Telegraphi , the city 1 cat off. A host of Garibaldtans attacked the town of Bagnara but were Lo pulsed with consideraole loss. iar with Whatever may be the result of French Orders have been issued to Insurgents wre said 10 be active in the éity, The first French fleet is The ltalian army has crossed the' Roman Garibaldi has Bismarck bas informed the Dalian Gov- Biemark had better sing | Victor Emanuel's proclamation couched in that ehildish yague style which | has ever been thé chief charactbiistio of all his movements. It is said that tHe royal epmy is deserting Garibaldi had a severe fight at Monte The France looks upon laly's assistance: as 3 v Great activity still prevails i the neigh- Another fleet has just suiled for Roman Troops are pouring'ili, in every dired« ih Navy has been resumed RT 1t is asserted tit Garibaldi is in front' of ry. ? The Halians spinel at thet action The Catholie-powers talk of nniting' to- hig' temporal power 'of' the The Pértifieal troops Have conventrated The Pope's forces were expected to attack Garibaldi 'refdses to disarm unless the lly, France and Prussia have agreed to Roman quéstion Napoleon is willing™o 'withdraw from v Gop Runntio.-- Walter Brawn the. Port- £4 his | tenance, and trace: oe down those, ihe big rolling tours » | w is | week and the beginningof the present a considerable amount of damage was done to the shipping ; but hitherto we have only hard of two lives" having been sacrificed. The Schooner ¢ Admiral"' sailing. from Toronto to Oswego with a cargo of lumber was driven ashore on Sabbath evening and went 10 pieces about midnight There were in all seven hands aboard and one of thew famed Kelly lost his life 10 attempting to land. i The Schootiet " Orion? of Hamilton, was driven on a sand bar, she may be got off. The Yacht * Gorilla" had a hole driven 'through her side. Tlie Schooner ¢ Mountaineer' from Tole- do was driveu ashore. The Propeller ¢ Achme" founderd and sunk 20 niles ftom Dunkirk, THE TURF, According to announcement the patrons of the turf lad an interesting meeting at Jones's Corners, Bruck, vir the Ist inst; the wind blew prety high sometimes, but the day wus al! that could Ue wished, About ten o'clock, a, m., the faster portion of Brock atid the neighboring townships be- gan to muster somewhat freely and the va- rious racers as they arrived ondeiwent a pretty thorough inspection, and were com- merited ori preity freely, thir good points were warty Uiscanted on while their de- fects wero thu subject of undidreitul eriti- ciam. D. Campbeli's racer, « Sie Tatton," was much adrhired, Jos, Shaw's irotier was the stbject ol favorable comment. D. Me- Kituon's Racer, ¢ Nelly," is certainly not very preposseasing in appearaiice, but the worst side of het is out ; she fs hard to beat, M. Cowan's frotter, Mouse," is trot all ovet, sho, is said to be very ruliable. Noble's recer ¢ Viminia" in a fine mare. and can measure lng ground wilh 'considerable rapidity. G. O'Leary * Tam" 1a a capital annmal but racing is scarcely in his lines Mr. J. Tahanuey's # Grey -------- gp- tered for the second running race, isa sn- perior auimal, bul we believe she would by more af home in trotting than running. Towsirde one o'¢lock the attendance fad increased fo about a hundred including ten or a dozen ladies who seemed to take a live- ly interést in fhe proceedings. After a rather tiresome wait, the judges, Messrs. Conway, Malone, and Matibwws, began tv stir about; and the call for first racers vronght out: D. Campbull's « Sir Taon," and PD. McKinoon's "Nelly," These were the only two who entered for thie race. The race wae for a $10 purse, distance 4a mile, best 2in 3 heats. * Bir Tanten® was rlden by Gilpun anid " Nelly? as ridden by her owner. The first heat the start wap capital and | away they dashed Ney" leading. "Sir Tatten"' overhauled her and cave in first without any seeming difficulty. The secund heat was alec » good start | "Sir fatten? 10d ; but rather uoaocovntabl y he seemed to s/acken hie pace abont third way from the winning post und « Nelly'! | slipped in before Liat. * Sir Taneiy™ seumed lame at the end of the second heat. And now comes the tug of War--the thir: heat. "In starting this hea, *" Nelly got the advantage about a length ; tive bell rung for them to come back, but oft they dashed, +¢ Nelly" leading. * Sir Tatton' soon shoti- ened the distance between them and passed her, and ¢ontinued 10 lead her till within 8 or 10 rode off the winning post; when « Nel- ly? pressnd hiny aud finally got in five feet uhead of him. A consulerable amount of money changed hands in way of bets though *¢ Sir Tatton" was certainly the favorte. One don't ofterw see a better heat than the third heat was. Fhe second race was for a $4 purse, dis- tance 4 a miley best 2 in 3. in 3miauies and trotting race won by Shaw's Bay. This isa good animal and Fred can make hiin mea- sure the ground in quick time. DEAD, i ; 5 Bishop Strachan-- Anglican Bishop of Tp- ronto--departed this . life on the Ist inst., having [crept over by 9 years that noted boundary of human life four score--esteem- ed, lamented and respected. That rather ptosy adage The bigger the man the better the mark"' holds good witha min intellectually big, as well as one physi- cally big; and in the history of very few men has this been more stnickingly exem- plified than in the case of the deceased pro- late. © The decéased was a man by name, nature and practice. During his 66 fears residence in Canada he has displayed more than ordinary intellectual light. His star has dhowa abobe the Cana- dian horison since His first debut in this country as school teacher at Kingston over 65 years aga. His star was pethaps uot one of the first tnagnitude, it upprodched pretty closely to it, however. It is trae that lis light was sometimes obscured, not un- frequently eclipsed, butnever extinguished ; the temporary obscurity duly causing it to shjue more briiliantly when it burst fiom under Ate clon, Being a mau of more than ordinary energy and determination, he took hold with giant grasp of all those more 1n- portant subjects which elui.ned the attention of the Catiddiau mind ovet 4 period of more than fifty $édte! but matters in connection with the Church secured his special atten- tion and secured his warm advocacy. ' He intimately identifiel himsell wuh every wovemen! tending to advance the interests of his laverin ehureh. eee . FENIANISM, The British press not being overcharged witl work 1s giving to theFenian movements a position and importance far beyond their impoflance. : The supposed Fenian émissaries who were lately arrested ut Manchester have been indicted for high trduson. We ima- gine that low treasdty Would Be a more be- firfing term. } Those just examined in Dublin have also been convicted for a similar erime. Liverpool is in a perfect stew on aceon nt of Feuian reports, The volunteer armories Fare gnarded and the gun-shops are carefully walched. Of evurer there isa good deal 'more fear than dauger. Two policemen were shot and instantly killed in Dublin op Wednesday evening last. Of course the Fenians are blamed and $5000 1eward 1s offered for their conviction. Col. Kally who was rescued at Manchester lian escaped from England: Buckley, ohe of the Feniars captured at Dangarvin, has tirned Crown Evidences and gave what he asserted 'to be a complete' account of the expedition. It may bs true, but it is more likely to be false, as Crown Evidences are not the most scrupu- lois abont dhatthey desert. up Oh Friday last Allen ard four of his fal- low prisbners who' werd engaged in the Munehester riots have been found guilty of murder and sentenced to be hung. General Warren has just been ined in Dublin and found guilty ¢f Treason aud |i Felony. J Itia thought thatoef all the Manchester rioters who were sentnanced to be hanged the sentance of only three, viz: Allen, Sonld and Larkie will be carried out. "a Irishman Newspaperand the Nation Newspaper, assert that the action of the the commission on the case of Warien is a casug belli against Britain. SALES TO COME OFF. Wm. Gordin's on Friday, 8th Nov., 2 Lot No. 12 in ike 6th Con. of Brock. McPhaden, Auvcuoneer. Russel Lawion's an Saterday, Nov. Oth, Seoteh-, French forces attacked Ganbaldi nearTivola. No fewer than 3000Ganibaldians were either killed, wounded, or taken prisoners. Gans baldi and his eldest son shared a similag fate, both haying been taken after the fight, and sent as prisoners of war to Florance. A reinforcement, disarmed and sent them home. : It is said that the result satisfies Napoleon and now he condescends to receive Mar- mora the lialiag Ambassador. : CRiDrr Save. --Our readers will please observe that Mr. A. Spring, Lot. No. 8 m' the 11th concession of Reach has advertised for sale his Farm Stock and Implements. The sale takes place on Wednesday next, 13ih inst. This is an excellent chance lor purtivs wislung rst rate stock and imple- wieuts cheap. (See his advertisement.) , i ratte | [ }, We would direct (hie attention of our read- ers to Mr. J. Bowman's Patent Swing Pump advertisement 10 another column. em ----------------s 4 14 CLEAR THE TRACK. { J. E, Gould, Esq., the enterprising manager of Mhe Whitby and Seugog Gravel Road, is about to anply to the Legislature for an_act_to enable that Company to run Traction Engines on our leading roads. etl Rr Teern.--Parties whining from toothache or attempting in vain. to chew with a few old stumps no two of which ever approach nearer to eachother than half an inch will bi glad fo, Jearn that relief is at band. John L. Watkis; Surgeon Dentist from, Whitby intends giving North Ontario the benfit of bis skill. (See his advertisement in this day's issue.) | - BIRTH, At the Anglo-American Hotel, Prince Albert,' on the 31st ult, the wife of Mr. Joseph King, (just arrived from England), of a son. On Scugog on the 3rd inst., the wife of Mr. T. Curley of a son. The members of Prince Albert Lodge, No. 183 ot A. F. & A. M., are hereby notified that the . Regular Communication of "the Lodge will be' beld on the evening of Friday, (to-morrow) the 8th inst., at balf-past seven o'clock. GEO. W. JONES, Secretary. 45-w St. Andrews y SOCIETY. pre Annual Meeting of the members of thes North Ontario and Mariposa St. 'Andrew's Society will take place On Monday, the 11th inst. At TY o'clock p. m., at the PUBLIC HALL, PRINCE ALBERT, For the purposes of sanctioning the Comsti- tion snd, By-Lan We Jveclving Applications or membership, a A mem receiving {| Treasurer's Reépon, Acting pe for the ens suin, yur for deciding upon the manner in which) £t. Andrew's Festival shall be cele- brafed and the place where .guch celebration shall be held, and for transacting any other business proper to be brought before said meet- m Nov. 7, 1867. ng. \ By adder, JAMES BAIRD, vy . x Bec'y and Treas. Prince Albert, Nov. 6, 1867. 44-1w JUIN L, WATK, Surgeon Dentist, Office 22d Floor of MéMillian's Block, * WHITBY, ONT. WILL BE AT MANILLA. 20! Tuesday of every month. | CANNINGTON, 2ud Wednesday of every There werd'3 entries for this race. D. |, Lot No.8 in the 8 Con. of Brock. N.| month. } Campbell's + Black Virginia," George | MoPhaden, Auctioneer. YROOMARTON, 2ud Thursday of every O'Leary's «Tum antl J. Tahaney's ul Grey Patnek McGrail's on Tuesday Nov., 12ih | Gps iN BANK, 20d Fr iday of every month' kk .? «Black Virginia," was ridden Jn leiis the 2b eon Brogk, (ALSpnpg. HANH 3 Bygud Bunge ty all: % ¥» cer. iithy, Nov. 6, , ' The three came to' the scratch and started | Baiton, Austin & Olver's on Wednesday | "7 TIT DV Co TTrvn, well,but only "Black Virginia" ad "Tam?' | oo, Nov., lot 9 in the i eon. Mariposa. Ww H [ I'BY & SCUG 0G' came through. ¢ Tam? led the whole wiy | E. Major, Adctioneer. $ and came in first. Notwithstanding that T nv Vi GRAVEL ROAD. "ws, a hh Fier Abie) oe p examin; applicauts for certi- #Tam'* came in fitat, Virginia," was the fork A iki) mthe Co OTICE is bereby given, that application' favorite sand odds were oflered'on her. of Qutario, took place at the Town'ol Whitby | +\ i be Indete the Losisintine, ik ity nest | Fu thé'second heaty only thé two came to and the Village ot Cannington on Thurs gran OF vl Road Comair to Yuiy Ma) ¢ ! 'the scratch --they made a capital start + Vir- day and Friday 24th and 25:h inst. more Traction Engines, for the purpose of con- | ginia"" soou began to lea « Tam' and she | The number that presented themselves ae Frei Passugers, between the fol- { continued to load him over the course and [at Whitby was 34 -the hall of Who Wir Whitby and Port Perry; also between Min- came 1n abont three lengths ahead of him, (females. There were 27 applicants for 1st | o)gier, Prince Albert, and Port Perry ; 'nlso etd fost | C188 certificates, and 7 for 2nd. between Manchester and. Wick; also between The betiing now run two to one agitnst There were ¥7 presontbil therselven, ut | Manchester and Uxbridge, : »> * Tam." Canningion. The e were 7 females and T0 J. E. GOULD, The third heat was a splendid"dtie Vir- | males with 8 applicants for 1si eiass, and reteiid ok 1507 Maman, ginia" evinced her-superior raciiig powers | 9 fdr second class. Sa TO I nit over ¢ Tam," leading him thé whole dis- | Minnie Rowe, First Class A, W Win » Fl : tance and* éoming in quite a bit ahead of Soruaiid: Kinveys us Brosklin. a! lim. This'énded the munning' races. The William Muitay, do Whitby. trotters for the first trotting race' were cdlled | jon Mt Gale, do' do TO BE SOLD BY out, - Johtt Elerke, de' 4 do Fy ° ° : The first'trolting race was (or #n $8 preg Dunigh Mea oo dd I ublic Auction : 3 ; ; i do i : A tigance' § a ile, test 31 31. 'There TronrP Taylor, = do Prince Albert. | Oh Lot 7, inthe 11th Con. Reach, on were only'two enirtes for this race, Jos. | Cjixein Campbell, * do Whilky. | ¢ + ' Shaw's * Bay Gelding," and Matthew | Julia Wonder, Fist Clady 4 Plekering. Wednesday, Nov. 13th, Cowan's Roan mare * Od Mune" P. C.| Nandy A. James, to o; The folowing Fann Stock, Implements, Golden dive the'+/ Bay," the » Old Mouse | Annie Bustos % Whitby &o., belongingle ? was ridden by her owfer. A" good start Toy MeCullough. do do / . was made' the first heal, the * Bay" led | Loves Tuliner, do Biooklin. A > SPR N ° the "Mouse," the whole way coming in | Fanny Woodhouse, do Whitby. , ' s ! " fad of her, The jadges demurred svgive | Thomas Bryus, do Atherly. | 1 Horse 8 years old, I Florey 11 yenta olds Hiend of bet, $ Jucies comy 8 s | Hogh McQuarrie,' do Cannington. | { Span of Team Horses, I Mare in foal \ ing 'the heat on the plea that the Bay" Sarah Bugharl do { Usbndge. | «« Canadian Chief," 3 Cowsin Calf, 11wa¢ 3 had broken--cettainly he did brea A. W. Camptell, do "Whitby. | year oll Heifer, 1 Steer 2 years old, 20% + Mouse" broke 100 in fact they be enry ShephaidiSecond A, + Whitby. | Ewe¢-- Leicesters, 2 Ram Lambs, 1"Sbw i ) i t hristain Fraser, do do laud eight Prge, 1 Lomber Wa on = siearly § parte} the wayy 2% 5 L rancis' T. Thomas, 'do Brook lin. | new, 1 Revping Michine, 1 Culivaor, 1° The betting now became somewhat SESE jcabeih Purvis, do _ Cannington. | Raller, 1 Ibn Plow, 1 Pair Hurows, 1' mated and stakes were pretty fieely [Ducal Nisbet, do ' iol). Cutting Boe Luseet xe 1 Set Double \ 4 Aljug"MePhadyen, do | wnilia. | yg t" Breaki Ha 1 Pai | Tho sont Nom go» got afl) lew Betimro Lop LS| ae LS1 Brskvg Hao, 1 Fu "Bay" again' look, the lead and'! 'Wm. Wilkinson, do ickering. | and other uiticles 100 numerous to mention: + Mouse®" throughout coming in quite a bit |'Ajbert Puters, do do, (= The pioprictor having rented bi ahead of her. The "Mouse" broke badly | Alfred Wicks, do : iby. farm, the above property must be sold, us she came towards the inning po 1. jared W. ievine, Ye Wcteria Enfield, | Sale to Commence at 12 o'clock: Sharp. The contestants for the second Tioltiog | yiz beth Lean, do; Hamilton ad ERMS al Sums Pg vider, i h ; 'hilby 3 monn nibnths eredi Match being called. Mr. Noble's ¢ Black | Fidelia Aue, Je Pr » pithy, will be given by furnishing approved joiut irgmia" and Mr. Tahaney's * Grey | Victoria Nutting, do nee Albert. / : Virgmia"? a r y's * Fran's Tewkesbury, do 4 notes. Interest charged from date il not ~--------"7 came lo thé scratch. This race | y ancy Beebee, ib Brooklin, | Paid when due. 8 pet.cent dis, for cash, was for a $4 purse-- J mile heats --best 2 in | Ppobe Groat, + do do. . J. C. PILKEY; Auctioneer. ~ 5 Tahaneys "Grey --------" carried off | Sarge Johnsion , do" Miliord. { Reach Nov..1,1867! ; >