- AB LTS I] . oe S ugog and Outario. The first--destined to run through the centre of the garden of the provinco---will at once set forward those western counties helf a century, and pour into Toronto the inexhaustible riches of that festile section of country. The second will open up a large tract of valua- ble country--open up a new home for a large and industrious population, and run- ning through the north and west of this county will give to some back villages es- pecially Uxbridge and Cannington an im. The report was then adopted, and on motion the Warden was instrocted to grant his order on the Treasurer for the amounts contained 10 the report. Mr, MeCreizht seconded by Fairbanks, introduced and carried throug a By-law to confirm By-laws 263 and 269 of the Township of Pickering. 4 Mr. Fairbanks seconded) by Mr. Smith, (BE. W ) introduced and "carried through a By-law tofepenl sections 1, 2, 3 for tlese ncomers come in with their goods, sell hem for cash, und are at no ex- pense. J Mr. Gillespie is opposed to the change as Me [ ing ply which wonld be in- Jurions to the people of the County, he would therefore oppose the change. Mr. Holden would go for the change. On motion of Mr. Gibbs the committee arose and reported the report without amend:- ment. . : ried forward from every country. It not unfrequently happens under similar circum- stances that a super-abundance is forced upon them. Take for instance the destitu- tion in Manchester and other manufacturing towns during the American War. ~~ Assist- ance came in so plentifully that there is now £10,000 of surplus funds which they scarce- TS tee Spt a" : THIRD DAY. he may explain it tothe Conneil, and » ? + yl they may vote intilligently upon it. How Warden took the chair at ten o'clock. can this Council ask ihe Legislatare not to Members all present xcept Mr. Rowe grant an Act, while they neither know what Minutes of the previous meeting read ant | he Act contains nor why it should be ro- | moves that the Treasurer bo and ho is confirmed. tused. He (Mr. Fairbanks) knows that hereby instructed to pay the above amounts. The Clerk read a communic the repeal of the clause joibidding the sale --Carried. i & Macdonell fi of haqnor on the Sabbath day will not be one sR 8 \ Til clauses of the Bill. The principal Mr. hi seconded by ii ik or 4 know how to dispose of. Look again al aim of these men in asking an Act of Cor- | M°V08 tat His Sorpera) \on gr Aurion. | the retieffand of the sufferers from the Que- poration was to protect themselves against of $200 eaih;to the. Sout nlarig Hu Ac bec fires, they got so much that they : tural Society, and to the North Ontario Ag- were fighting over itand scarcely knew unlicensed grogeries, for it is a well kuown | or! fA X 1g 3 tact that 2h cities of Hamilton and To- ficuitural Society, and the sum of $40 to what to do with it ; it seemed to bo a bone Mr. Higaing' Tender be aceepled, it being $60 under any of the others. Report f= ceived and adopted, Mr. Gordon seconded by Mr. Sinclair ion from i ig the ap- peal against the decinion given in the suit of Harrold vs. the corporations of Simeoe and Ontario, said appeal having been dismissed, Oor readers will remember that three 2,3 and 4 of By-law 178 appointing a County Engineer and defining his duties. Ou motion of Mr. Gibbs seconded by Mr. p rears azo during a storm on Lake Simcoe : each of the following Agriculfural Societies, Otani i : it i . High > 0 Ah n swing bridge at the Narrows not being | ronto thare are more unlicensed sellers than (5 Thorah eh] Society, and of vonention, He ro rd wer The standing committes on County pro- Holden a i oy way fons aud eai- | 5orance and position of which few ha ve properly fastoned gave way and canted (those that have licenses. The former the Mara & Rama Agrieultural Society. : perty brought in their report. oagh, anihonzing the Treasurer to uny conception. I'he third, should it cue. | enough, Mr. Holden thinks charity shonld begin at home ; he said we bad plenty of poor in our own municipalities, poor who were suf- fering for want of the bare necessaries of life, A man had como to him the day before and told him that he had hud nothing to eat for two days, Lie could not send him away without assisting him, in fact he always gave away one sixth of his income to the poor aud he could find plenty of applicants for a good deal more. He considered $200 was quite enough for this corporation to grant and if they granted any more than that, they were granting too mach, He 1ssue licenses 10 allow parties to exercise the functions of Auctioneer in either South Ontario or North Ontario. The license for South Ontario to be charg- ed $30 and for the Norh $20. Fine for selling witliout licenso $20. On motion of Mr. Dryden the account of Mr. Margach amounting to $3 was ordered to be paid. Mr. Dryden, seconded by Mr. Gillespie, introduced and carried through a By-law to appoint Grammar School Trusteds and Local Superintendents. 5 Mr. Gillespia brought in the report of the halt way round which left it pafily open and | When detected got off by paying a smally Mr. Harr l coming along at the ime did not | fine, and allowed 10 go right back to the see the opening and pl I nght throng! traffic ; whereas if any of the latter is found He entered a suit for damages against the | violating any of the restrictions, he is at coanties of Simeoe and Ontario. In the [once fined $20 for the first crime; for the meantime the engineers of the two counties | second $40, and for the third imprisgnment, mel Mr. Harold in order to arrange tho mat- | Making provisions for the widows and or- ter, und succeeded so far, that they eonld | phans of the members of the sueiety he un- have settled the affair with him hy |dersfands is also contemplated. [le con- giving him $100 or $500, © e., $200 or $250 | sidered hat if the laws which we now have for each county. 'Ihis the corporations | Were properly carried out, the traffic wonld would nat ed to, and the consequence | Not be the source of one hall the evil which was that Harold put the thing thronch and t now is; and he believes that were the aot jadument against the two corporations | Council to ask the islature go to amend to Magistrates full 'The Council went into committee of the whole thereon. 4 The Report was reported without amend ment and adopted. The stabding committees on I'neation brought in tkeir report and on motion the Conneil went into committee of the whole thereon, The following were recommend- ed to supply the places of the retiring Grammar School Trustees : Whitby, J, H. Perry, Bsq. ; Oshawa, F. W. Glen, Exq. ; Uxbridge, Jos Gould, and J. P. Plank, Lsqs. 5 Manilla, re-appointed ; Port Perry, Rev. Go Jamieson, and ki. Major, Esq. ceed in diverting the trade of the upper lakes by way of Scugog will place Pont Perry in an' enviable position, and give a powerful impetus to the business of tLis whole section of country. Now we have Mr. Cumberland bringing: in his Bill for Traction Engines with a view fo the same great object ¢ go a bead." The Municipal and Assessment Bills are: moving aleng'; they may be tinkered, but cannot Le remodeled during the present: session. Mi. Gillespie would suggest that the sum of £30 euch be also given to the Secie- ties of Scott and Brock. Mr. Wheler would object to giving any- thing to these Township Societiedy as they are sufficiently near to take advantage of the County Shows, and with regard to giv- ing Brock tho Conuty Fair-there was not suflicient accommodation. Mr. Brethonr would like lo understand how the Reeve of Uxbridge jomps at that conclusion, the fact is that many of the people of Brock are go far from ihe locali- O Agius judgment, or [the law as to give ies in which the fairs are held that it would , 1 ] iim a SS NE ay rower in dealing with these pests--the nnli- es Je for them to go and re- saul it was a eimple matter for people to 2 For Local Superinten Jents.-- I. Whitby, special Jamnmitiee Jo whom as polstted ibe On Monday Sir Harry brought forward! i ton appealed 5 the appeal has not been censed tcllers--the evil ceald be cured -- | 0 e. one day to go and one to return | liberal with the poblie Danes: bot ib C14 Rev. Dr. Thoraton 5 V . Whitby, Rev. Mr. [T jo * | bis Game Law Bill for its third reading i sustained, and the two corporations will | No member of this Council would he said, | yn. one to attend the show. This | not consider thin asl he tig t sort id i pera McLevean ; Pickering, Rev. J. Baird, DM. © Report récommends. and the simple reading of the Bill infused have to onsh up, instead of $400, it will be be mate ready than ho to do away with the would be the case at least when the show lity, while he refused to grant A Joely A; Uxbridge, Rev. Mr. Dou zlass ; Scott, Ist. That Mr. Carnegie's amendment-- Sih degen of 'gime. into os. mem. nearer $4,000, evils of intemperance, still he would not set | is held at Reach, and as for accommodation from the publ ® Cliest, as so.ne others i Rev. Mr. Clelland ; Mara and Rama, Rev. forbiding the raisirg of money by way of Vers that. Sud ero, of that nd A'communication from Mr. Dicey. Clerk quietly by aud suffer any man or class of they had an abundance and ample means he was ns ws ing as any man to pet bia Mr. Campbell ; Thora, Rev, Mr. W ison + | loan, unless first ds~ented to by the rate- be. follows 4 py Pe ofthe Division Coin Usbridee, was also| M10 bg assailed in their absence. He | to provide more. . hand into his ow . pocket pad utve us fibers | Brock, Rev. Mr. Currie ; Reach and Scu- payers--as highly desirable and "should re- | the followlnz sneasure--/: {reg gran(s'-. § shea Division © ro rrdge wus alan would suzgest 10 the mover the propriety of Mr. Gillespie, seconded by Mr. Brettiour, diy iceording to hus means as any oie pre- 8g James Baird. : ceive the sanction of the Legislature of On- | some rather sharp shooting wasindulged in. Dr. Todd, vs. Whaler. This suit was got ayug this mater to the select Sam mies: moves that the motion be amended by add- gots : Tha third clause of the report recommead- | tario. -- re ---- up at the instance of Dr. Todd. It will be | asap or the purpose of sonsideping the ing that the sum of $30 be aranted to each ; Mr. Gibbs said he felt somewhat aston-| od that the sum of $100 be granted to each 2d. That Mr. Tiow's amendment of the THAT SOIREE remenibered that two of the Uxbridge | 2M ia 8 mn the Munisml ii or post- the Agncaltural Societies of Scott and | ished at the discussion which had arisen | of the Grammar Schools on condition tha Assessment act changing the mode of enter- i --- § Volunteers on their way fo the frontier dur- pone further action till more information Brock. The mover sail it had been in- [on ts subject, he expected that motion | suid sehonls be free ; on the clase being [ing names on the iss essient rolls from the The Annual Soiree in connection with would have bec! carried without discussion ~he said that $570, not even $1000 was anything for this rict County to give; a may be had. Mr. Wright said that he had listened with some attention to the remarks of the gentlo- put, Mr. Fairbanks moved in amendment that the giant b + given on the same puinei ple as it was last year, viz: that each Alphabetical orer to that of lots and con cession, and recommend its adoption by our legislature, simuated that Brock had not rofficient 2c- commodation for a Coumy Fair, bat he could tell. these parties that Brock had as ing the Feman troubles, got badly hat in ssina nnder a bridge on the Grand Tonk. lavas called and put in his bil at 'be Prince Albert Presbyterian Church, will be held in the church on the evening n fzaré, that 1 was refused, how- [M21 who had just taken his seat, but he good accommodation as either Roach of | people whom God so abrodantly bles + | school will offer fieo tition to 10 pupils liv |g, qu the amendment proposed, vi : of Friday 7th instant. A good time may ever the Dr. sued, and gained the sait, so | had entirely faried 10 find from thee re- | xbridge. In Cannington they had a first | Some people had said that the peop'e We 2 10g nol neiver than 4 mules feom such |, "te personal property and imecomes at | be looked for, if excel'ent addresses, first marks whether that gentleman was in favor | rate Dill Shed, a capital Towa Hall, and | not so buily ofl as had been represented, school. Tie mover suid ho desired BIOS | theirreal values instwad of the mode lormer- | class music, and the very best tea and its the bill was paid, but the costs were left unpaid, so a seeand suit was instituted, in order to recover the costs, as a matter ol course the plaintiff gained the suit and the corporation has to foot the bill, The following petitions were then pre- sented, From tho Board of Trustees of the United Grammar and Ccmmon Schools, Uxbridge, ple to be established aud afterwards let the amount be fixed. So tie amendment was then put and eared j and the question of amount coming vut he hal been informed: by their corres- pondents fiom that quarter that their festi- tution hal not been exaggereted that the | were quite as badly off' as had been repre- sented, they were really in want of imme- diate assistance ; and whatever the Couneil was willing to grant he would, if desired, telegraph to their agents to place the amount in the hands of the proper parties for the ol the motion or opposed to it--as far as he (Mr. Wight) was concerned it is enough for Lin to know that this Association wishes an Act of incorporation, an Act which he would not consent to grant on any'terms. Mr. Brethonr did not see how we could get wlong without taverns, he would not consent to do an injus'ice lo tavern keepers, as good Hotel accommodation £5 could be found in the County. Mr. Gordon, seconded by Mr. St, John, moves in amendment tothe amendment that there be no grant given to any town- ship society as he believed from what had taken place at the last meeting of the North Ontario Agricultural * Society, if to judge ly adopted is a decided improvement and | should be adopted. 4th. That each manicipality should have the collection of its non-reswlent land taxes, up . : and would therefore recommend the enacl- Mr. WW. sler moved in amendment that | ment of clauses, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 o! the sum of g1. be inseited instead of 8100. | the proposed bill. --Carried. | 5. That no chang be made regarding the surroundings contribute in making things pleasant. The Uxbridge Wesleyan choir will be in attendance. Tea will be served at 6 o'clock sharp. Tickets 25 cents each. MORE MONEY. We refer our readersto Mr. Hodson's : : : but the terms of the memorial do not con- s of these societics i : st sats A) , praying for a continuation if not an angmen- template depriving them ofany rights which fom the ith Some oF hose dis ele relief of the sufleaers and they would re-| On motion the comniitee rose and re- restrictions on thesals of intoxicating lignors : i Shd : tation of the grant to Grammar Schools. they now posess, they only reswnt them Sonia dit By eo prop A hos to | ceive it from the Treasurer when crdered. | ported the Report as amended, from 7 o'clock on Saturday evening, ull 8 Advertisement in this days issue. He i This was 4 i ; yl , Posess, t of'; and [ . Ie As0; : . 5 soc , ~nriva 4 w This was accompanied by an excellent re from obiaining increased powers ; ho will assistance. it'wis very slizht indeed, asthat | Mr. St. John said it is hard to teach a] On motion for adoption Ar. Gordon [0clock on Monday moreing. lots of cash -- private funds--to loan at lo port from the head master of the Grammar rates of interest. -- (See his Advertisement.) School department there ore go for the motion. § artment. i tir x . Mr. Holden would be willing to grant ai ain) Yom Jasepls Lind, i 204 in play io Luvern reper, as well as = all 3 A al Q Tertiss . | others, but he would not be a party to plac- Douglass appointed Local Superintendent ing "too. much power in the hands of either of Schools for Uxbridge. tavern keepers or any other class of men. The petition of J. H. Thompson M. P.,| He would reluse an act of incorporation not 6. That a change be made inorder to se- cure mote easily a conviction agaist par- tes selling without license, and that the powers granted to counties, cites and towns, be extended to villages and townships. moved that the report be not mlopted, but that it be referred 10 the committee of the whole with instractin 10 strike off' $150 and insert $100. The amendment be- 'ng put there appeared 12 yeas and 10 nays 80 the amendment was carried, and the re- portreturned to committee of the whole,and man to do lus duty, it often requires severe hsciphne to bring him 10 lend an ear to the ery of distress-- for his part he cannot allow the needy to call in vain, he would go for $500. Mr. Brethour eays that they were gent here for the parpose of protecting the inter- township returned only 7 members to the County Society. The Warden ruiled that an amendment to an amendment was inadmissable, but should the amerdment notearry-- this might come in as an amendment to the original motion. ---------- WICK QUARTERLY FAIR: Our readers wll observe by the Posters thatthe Regular Quarterly Fair of Wick 7th. That the clause recommending the ; takes place on Tuesday, 11th inst. Let doing away with Deputy Reeves be not and 126 others praying to have Mr. A. B MeKechnia appointed Local Superintendent of Schools for Brock. The petition of Mr. Donald Carmichael and 36 others praying to have the Rev. Mr. only to vie'n.luis or tavern keepers ; but ho would otjeet to dry goods merchants or any other class of dealers obtaining a similar Act. + sel vhole township. Mr. St.John said it had been admitted by feuton for the whols lywnship Mr. Wright has considered Mr. Gillespie replied that Brock had nev- er got justice done her by that society, for one thing they were only aliowed one Di- for a number ests of their people and of their poor too, and while they were willing 10 do their pait for the poor uta distance they must not for- get their own poor nor give more than they can afford without wking away from their amended as instructed 5 and on again com- ing before the Warden for adoption, it was moved by Mr. > Wholar, seconded by Mr. Wight, that the Report be not adopted, bit that at be referred to the committee of the adopted. 8th. That the amonnt of statute labor should be in prop®tion 10 the amount of asaessablé property owned by each rate- payer. all who desire the prosperity of the locality and who wish to see those convenient and useful fairs prosper lend a helping band. Own poor or burdening the people. Mr. Wixon thinks $400 quite sufficient for this County to give. Mr. McRae says this is a special case and he would be willing to give $500. Mr. Sexton says that he 1s not a little astomshed at the extreme length to which this discuseion has been carried, almost every speaker has pressed the urgent ne- cessily there was for immediate relief still itappeared to lum that these poor people were 0 be allowed starve to death while | they were giscussing how much they should | that the amuadme dts | send them, ho would go for voling "$400 o | Th the amendment was in onder, | once. . Mr. McRae moved that the Rule requir- Mr.Gillespio spoke in favor of the small- | ah Wain oo luke Val 10 per sum and sand if each corporation gave as | oa Fen etly a morning at 9 i ky 3 much, it would make a very handsume | Canicd og a J o'clock. -- sum i Sin " ; Lot Oa motion the Council adjonrned. Mr. Wright wonld like the smaller sum os y to be withdrawn and make it $500. FIFTH DAY. The Warden says he was willing to take| The Warden took the cheir at 9 o'clock. County Society and out of these there are | the 8500 but he would rather have it made The Standing Committee on Finance and anly 7 from Brock, wonld it be at all just 10 | 31,000, the Connty would never miss it, and SSESSIMO| 2 Iit i i y r ' j Ik: y ' Assessment brought in the Report, and on cause the 293 to follow the 7 into Brock, m- | it would be acredit to them. motion of Mr. Gibbs the Report was re- «tead of causing the 7 to follow the 293. On motion of Mr. Fuitbinks, the com- ceived'and the Council was moved into The amendment being put was lost on a | mittee rose and reported the report without | ns : division, yeas were Fairbanks, Gibbs, Gil- | amendment. guises oi the whole thereon, with My. lespie and Brethourd,nays 18, Mr. Gordon moved seconded by M. | "A i y . The Warden asked Mr. Gordon if he | Wriaht that the offer of Mr. Gibbs to tele- I'he Report sets ferth that the Finances wished to press his amendment ? he said he | 2 aph to their agents to pay over the amount | are ia a most satisfactory state, and that did not. gauted be accepted.-- Carried. all the liabilities of this corporation up ull The motion was then put and carried. The standing committee on Roads and June next can be met without diflicuity. Mr. Gordon seconded by Mr. St, John | Bidzes brought in their report with the fol- The costs of the suit Dr. "Todd vs. moves that it is the opinion of this Council, | 1% 108 recommendations : Wheler were erdered to be paid. that the Reeves ot this corporation should | 1st The confirmation of By-laws 263 T'heCommittee recommend the payment of the zmount of the judgment and costs many that the drinking usages 1s an evil, why then give it mote encouragement. He would not go for doing away with taverns, as he considered them indispensible for the travelling community ; but he wonld use every means.in his power to curtail the ef- fects of the abuse of these places. Mr. Gibbs said he would oppose the Act to the utmost of his power if he found that it was sought to do away with tha Sabbath restiictons 5° but from the entire absence of information on the subject they could not vote on it with any 'degres of intelligence, he woul! therefore go for leaving the matter in the hands of the select committee. Mr. Gordon came down pretty heavily, he said tiie Reeve of Oshawa had stated that one of the objects of the proposed act was to make provisions for the widows and orphans of the members of the Associution ; but he had not said anything of making provisions for the numberless widows and orphans made by the trafic. The motion was then put and carried, 14 going for it and 8 against it. On motion the Council then adjourned till 10 o'clock Friday moruing. FOURTH DAY. The Warden took the chair at 10 o'clock. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Warden submitted a communication from Mr. Sheir, Connty Engineer, regarding Si amounts pad by hin since the, June Mr. MeCreight seconded by Mr. Fair- | session of Council, and also containing his banks, introduced and sarried ihrough 11s | resignaiion of the oflice of County En- various stazes, a By-law to confirm By-lnws | gineer. The document was, on motion, 263 and 269 ol the Municipality of Pick-| referred to the standing committee on roads The L. O. Association of B. N. A. held its annual meeting in she Public Hall Prince Albert on Tuesday 4th inst. This was a large and influential meeting, up. wards of 100 being present. The follow- ing ofllicers were duly elected : | Win: Scott, C. M., Prince Albert P.O. Carne appointed Local Superintendent of Schools for Brock. REPORTS. The report of the commissioners for the Talbot Bridge was submitted. Amonast other things an mereasa of salary 1g the keeper to the amount of $10 was 1ecom- mended. Mr. Robinson gave notice that on to-mor- 10w he would move for leave 10 introduce a By-law to repeal By-law No. 78 of this cor- poration The commintee rose and reported the Re- port without amendinent,-- Report adopted. ~ On motion of Mr. Dryden the Clerk was lastiueted to forward a copy of the special coramitiee's report to Mr. Rykert. Mr. Gillespie introduced a By law to appoint an Inspector of Weights and Mea- sures, and moved the Council into com- | mittee of the whole thereon. Mr, Mc-- > Conway; 1. N, Maniia; f " i ant i ty Creight in the chair. Mr. Gillespie mov. | + Vcd adden, Sec., Vroomanton, What principle the motion was railed ont, : Te Quai in- | Semuel Baird, Treas., Prince Albert, *¢ Rete) : 1 ine | €d that the name of Mr. Speria be in-| . v 8 were just stupid enough to imagine : a S. Benson, Chaplain, Borelia 4" [serted, urging his claims on the ground of "tind A ! fs health Win. Kennedy, Co.I roxy, Pt. Perry ¢ Mr. Brethour tok similar grounds in b The Business of the eeting katiog urging bis claims, cen completed by six o'cloc e breth- play Wright opposed the change urg- | erm repaired to Seott's [Totel and sat down ing that the present occupant, Mr. Camp- f1oan Txesliont Ser Rligipcid credit to bell had done his work well and no ore] the, est, ol the Victoria, liad any complaint to offer against him ; be ET did vot think it wise in the Council dealing | PITY THE POOR. so loosely with their servants. . : x : Scarcity of food fa b On motion of Mr. Wright the so) vr ood Is very far from being wiles 5 ot wiilion: : | confined to™ke fishermen of Nova Scotia. i arose without report, T i ion i Mr. Faibauks, seconded by Mr. Gordon, | rent lg Anat of feration 0h introduced and carried throngh a By-law to | i i i x amend By-law 98 of this corporation people in the north of Prussia are iz actual i 4 : e starvation, and from American papers we Hawkers license for parties travelling on learn that in Tums, in the north of Africa, foot $5 for a resident of the county and $10 f people 1 dying of starvation in for a non-residest,and $5 to be added to the | scores 1. peapleare dying, Narva licenee for every horse employed to draw | tie open streets ; and in the French Pro- the goods, and parties coming into the vince of Algeria during a period of six County to locate themselves ~not b 'ing [months, 17000 people bave died on an houseliolders--in any shied or building for a average every month of disease and starva- short time, on purpose lo sell goods shall jug, This is a colony of Za be'le France. pay $20. of years that Brock should have got the Canuly Fair every thind year, provided that township took a sufficient interest in the society lo warrant its being taken thero. Mr. Wixon opposes all grants to township societies, thinks it is only a drivelling away of public money. Mr. Holden feels a little surprised to find the County Council drifted into an Agricul- tural, meeting, what right he would ask had this Council to discuss the holding of Agri- cultural Shows, why cannot the mombers of the Societies settle their own aftfaiss, he would much prefer seeing the Council go on with its legitim to business. Mr. Fairbanks thinks that in justice to Brock she should either get her [ur propor- tion of the fairs or her share of the grant, Mr. Dryden said ho did not ses how Brock could lay claim to any of the shows being held in that township, suppose he said that there are 300 members in the whole, with instruction to amend the same by striking out $100 and mserting $150, on condition that the schools bo free. Mr. Fairbanks oljected to the motion ag being out of order, and the Warden rulled tout of order. Mr. Wright appealed from the decision of the Warden and the ques- tion being put, the Council sustained the Warden ; so the motion rulled out. We cannot for the life of us see upon Mr. Wheler enquired why it was that the Jonmals of the June session wore not dis- tiibuted til January, a day or 80 bLeloie the election, The Warden repli d that he had been conversing with the Clerk concerning that matter, and found that they had been dis- tributed 60 soon ax they had come from the printer, On mation the Warden left the chair till two o'clock. AFTERNOON SESSION. The Warden took the chair at two o'clock and laid before the Council theAuditor's Re- port of the non-resident lands. Mr. Waight seconded by Mr St. John in- troduced and carried through a By-law anthorizing the payment, by the corporation, of a reward of $20 to any one who shall apprehend any party guilty of the crime of horse stealing, attend the next meeting of the Comt of | and 269 of the township of Pickering. ering. and bridges. Quisigr Seenions to be hod dy Match pes), 200, an epi of a ii] not ex- | 1n the suit Uarrold vs. the corporations of On motion the Council adjourned to meet | ' Mr. Gordon moved seconded by Mr. | pM: McRae, seconded by Mr. Sinclair, | \¢,2"¢it the accounts then presented, and to | ceeding $2 onthe Narrows bridge as! Ontario snd Simcoe, according to the find- [on the 3rd Tuesday in June next. NaRRIER, Siucly . | ibid vy SINC | uke the necessary steps to place the salary | found ~necessary--tho Treasurer to grant} Lo of the Master On the 20th ult., at Jewett's Hotdl, Borel Sine nly Hi the Warden of Hus Conuty bol moves that the messenger get $1.50 {or each of the Jailor on a proportionate footing with | payment of the same on the order of the 05 0 We dlaster, {ny ty ike pH ag "Phos Bilonrae, instrue % Legislati 9 . F ™ Ad dy Ll iil T 3 y the Rev. U, Jamies he J fight structed to memoralize the Legislative | days attendance on this Council , those of the Treasurer and Engineer. Commissioners. The Committee recommend that the! Fenclon, to Miss Elizabeth Courtucy, of the Assembly of the Province of Ontario pray- | ing that honorable body not to grant the Act \ of 'Incorporation songht lor by the Licensed Vietualers Association of Toronto. Township of Ops. She Dukavie Poser, : - On Thursdag-moraing the 23rd-ult., at the re= > sl EBITOR [sidenee ofthe bride's. futher. hy the Rev, A. x. Smith, Wesleyan Minister of Brighton, Mr. Ralph sum of $100 be appropriated towards the erection of a suitab'e monument fo the memory of the, -wolunteebs who fell in "June, 1865, in defending their country | = Mr. MeCreight moved in amendment that $1.50 be 'struck ont, and $2 be inserted. Amendment carried, 11 yeas and 10 nays. 3rd. That according to fie suggestions in the Report of the Commissioners for the -Favlot River bridge, the planking and rail- inz-be repaired at aseost notexceediig $50 Mr. McCreight considers the motion un- necessary as all the Reeves are notified of the meeting. ; : Me. "Goxlon- replied that he was well JAMES BAYRD rs The mover said fhidtin moving: tliik -re=| - Mr. Fairbanks on rising said he held in : T | Wellington Purdy, of Trenton, to Miss Sarah = soiution he was pa pecfarming a duty 1 hie hand a resolution which he believed | aware of that fact ; but the meeting he re- | The Report also recommends, the removal against the Fenion invaders. PRINCE ALBERT, FEB. ®, 1868. | Melissa, second datghter of Wilson L. Palmer, . which he owed to the community ; he con- would meet the approbation of every [ferred to was ihe only one at which the of ie scow and saw-logs lying nea the The clause being_ moved Mr, Gordop|m¥------""T--7-----""+------ Esq, of Murray, Ont. sidered it an important part of the duty of | member at the Board, that he dil salary of the jailor conld be handled. ndge, J s {said that whie he was pre ared to give all We need scarcely claim the induluence | == this Council to use every effort m ia power [NOt anticipate that a single member of Ath, That tho keeper of the Narrows prep 8 ' by The motion was put and carried. Mr. Robizson seconded by Mr. Wheler, moves for leave to mtroduce a By-law to re- peal By-law No. 78 of this corporation, ex- tending the time for the payment of taxes in the Townships of Thorah, Mara and Rama. The By-lawswas carried through its various stages. . Mr. Fairbanks shid that in accordance with the notice which he had given during the morning session, he would now move that the Council 1esolve itse)f into commit- credit to the brave men who stood forth in defence of our country in the time of her need, and while he was prepared to do everything possible to lesson the privations of the nob'e fellows while ont on duty ; For repairs on the Narrows bridge, 1.75; Still be conceived that the apprepriation for to WV. Bolton, commissioner on said bridge, [2 Monument was not the most judicious $12; to Robert Hodgson, Care taker of the | expenditure of the funds of the corpora Tablot bridge, $12; to Mara & Rama, $400 tion. Those brave men, he said, lived in to build a bridge over Black River--said | (e grateful remembrance of the nation, a amonnt to be paid when the work is com- far more enduring and valuable of our readers for taking up so much of our ! space with the proceedings of the County | ouncil ; there are very few in the County | ho do not feel deeply interested in these proceedings. 'We gave the first days pro- cecdings in our last issue, and commencing on the 1st page of the present issue we give the entire proceedings of the Council. We must however claim the indulgence of lents--the crowded state of bridge have his salary raised to $50. 5th. That By-law No. 178 of this corpo- ration be repealed. 6th. That the following accounts be paid :-- Conneil would demur for a moment at carry- ing the. motion--he would thereforo move seconded by Mr. McCreioht that this corporation grant the sum of $----. in aid of the poor fishermen of Nova Scotia sand the Treasurer is hereby authorized to transmit, without delay, whatever sum may be graut- ed fer that purpose, to the Lieutenant-Goy- ernor of Nova Scotia--and that the matter come up before this Council in committee of the whole in the afternoon. to prevent the demoralization of the people, by protecting them against the inroads of vice and by doing what it can to raise (he moral standard, not of the County alone but, of the country. He «aid he did not know what the provisions of the propased bill might be, but from the significant feelers that have been thrown out, enough may be gathered to cause a feeling of anxiety, and 10 ronse to action every one who wonld stand by the best interests of society, and Wy AMbertisements, | T= undersigned is prepared to loan, in sums to suit the convenience of the borrower, prevent the flood gates of iniquity fiom be-| Mr. Bretheur woild like to inquire I our Corres) z i F RN IE ie . ; tee of the whole on the motion for givine re- | pleted. than ever was d i i e Bini To al fos Bl: Wome son | it he Cotte was pot gang ia 15 2ibe Selene at reso mo fn of Roh bunnies." TP) Afar Tow emarks fom. Ber pane 0 mi ead ur excuse. gy AMOUNT OF MONEY, aint om tha<e oh 'ohetiv Be) are : Scotia. He believes that there are no few- | of Reach be not confirmed. : Te nificant, and from the<e it might easily Be hi Shs jets my of oo !% | er than 15,000 of these people in the utmost | §h., That of the 8210,77 ordered to be hake we clause in carried, THE COUNTHY ON THE Movs, (Private Funds, x pality, #88 Must be pro- destitution, some hadalready fallen viclims,, at tke prayer of the petiion of Messrs Mm ? inferred that seme of the very best' provis- ions of Foils MeKenzio's Act are about to] vided for by the several municipalities, and be aesailed ; such as that prohibiting the | this they were perfectly willing to do ; but sale of intoxicating liquors on the Subbath it must also be admited that there are a day--a prohibition which has done a vast | namber of renters und vilier parties assessed paid over to the engineer in June last for repairs on the Nurrows bridge, has been paid{ aver by him to The pailies who did the work and that $156 has been pail to the ance we possess, we ought to be ready isgi q g J. B. Campbell, T'. Myers and others, for an alteration in the By-law regarding Auctioneer's licenses be granted, and that On good Mortgage Security, at a very: Low Rate of Interest. Act which gives to this province the man- i Tt cannot be denied for a moment that the excellent provision in the Confederation and no one knows how many may perish ere relief reaches them. While we had great cause for thankfulness for the abnnd- amount of good. The speaker next referred | for large amounts, but whose property is : 3 nt | s for the | 1on of the | in future licenses be grantod for either . pery pointedly fo the vastly increased in- | encumbered, and exira taxes press heavily ee Tr ey iiigly sro york on the Contre rand In Thorah as auth- | South Ontario or North Ontario only, and | agement of its own Local affairs, has infus. Ho lik evan Lobo fluence these parties wonld have by being |on these men. He wonld prefer privage | "3 y-la e100 that township licenses be dune away with, © has several Lots of . wise providence for some good purpose has ed a life and vigor into our institutions to incorporated. Their influcuce in elections | subscription, he would rather put his hana | ¥8% i h On motion of Mr. Fuirbanks the Council | Mr, B th Id lik IMPROVED D D iniingice | x I prived 'even. of the necessaries ot life. 5 : f Wir. Drethour would like to know how |. d AND WIL LANDS Rosemarie is fo sory Ngnilican, bot ha into his own pocket, : Other Connties have come to the rescue. in ostivel itself intg Committee of the whole tlis change is to effect the public ; he is which we were formerly total strangers and A ELA | oul ue wit» wow compared to] Mr. Gordon said that he desirod to have | a praicewerthy manncr,some giving as high |" the Kepost. rather suspicious that the effects may be to [in this onward progress, our Legislatures : i what it would be if these men were joined { {ime 10 consider the subject. The motion | $400, such liberality was well worthy oft| . On motion [for the adoption of the Report, create a monopoly and leave the are leading as fast at least as the people | Apply at the well known Cheap Store of: ate ag solid pha aos v3 Act ot incorpore was carried. imitation and if other Counties can give so Mea, Secondel by Mr. Sidon, moy- nity at the it of one or two ami can follow. Our whole political system is of Messrs. R. & J. Campbell, Manchester, to, 4 3 le uence ; y uly Mr. Wright moves for leave to introduce liberally what is to prevent Ontario one of | ed that the report not adopted, but that ir | : jog 1 d i a JOHN i b> gs in, Anther Sim a By-law a By-law No. 427 of thw the richest, most prosperous and most en- be referred to the committee of the whole to Jill; jeliree fpet. bs mush us- they Pleise, Seivg. Jodsied i ET pduand thay ; ON ol Wiel Lo rte an yw of Re No. 431 of tHe terprising Counties in the Dominion, from | insert $100 to be expended on the town lino and there will be no means of preventing | dreary p a ble | Manchester, Fab. 4, 1868, ? 5.3m 4 the over fo col el gop by =. He Sau 2 ed for the introduction of this By-law, not | being at least equally liberal. He said he | between Reach and Uxbridge opposite the | it---he wontd go for allowing any township ang around wrapped in the impenetrable ' or fy ie rst sight this seemed only just anc nght, [1 he desired that the By-faw referroll to | had 23 the blank unfilled up 1n order to| 9h and 10th concessions, and $100 in the that chose to have an Auctioneer, and if cloak of some great granuy, lifting its H PUMPS! By the thousand For the inhabitants of the County of" ONTARIO! that they should do so ; but when 1t is con- sidered that a man in a state of intoxication may contract debts while he does not know what he is doing --debts for which he gels no equivalent--the case 1s altered. Mr. Fairbanks would like to ask the mover of the resolntion whether he had seen the Bill or knew anything of its provising, il so he ought to bring them before the Council as he (Mr. Fairbanks) when voting on this or any other measure would l:ke to understand what he was voting for. Mr. Gordon replied that he had already informed the Council that he bad not seen big marsh in the 141th concession Reach. The yeas were Wright, Gordon and St.John. On motion again for adoption it was mov- ed by Mr. Gorton, seconded by-Mr. St.John that the Report be not adopted, but that it be relerred tothe committee of the whole with instructions to amend the same by n- setting $200 to be expended on each of the roads, Centre, Brock and Simcoe. The mover strongly urged the elaims of these roads asjbeing Corse thorough, but on a divieion, the yeas were Gordon, Holden, St.John and Wright. Nays--all the rest, 50 it was lost, hands in pious horror whenever one at. tempted to lay a finger on any of our ste- reofyped disjointed institutions, exclaiming, " Woodman spare that tree," has been very properly driven to the wall, and the car of progress is being pushed on with a vigor, and activity proportionate to the youth and rescurces of this fair province, The important changes proposed in our Municipal Assessments, antl Agricultural Acts; in our eleotion laws and free grants of lands, all indicate clearly in what di. rection the policy of our country is tending, leave it to the liberality of the Council, he would now move lowever that the blank be filled up with $500, a sum which would be nothing compared to the wealth of (his County and therefore he considered that there would not be a discussion over it. Mr. McCreight would go for mergasing the amount to $800, he felt satisfied that not a rate-payer in the county would say it was too much, Mr. Gordon would be the last to sesk to curtail the bounty of the Council or withhold bread from the hungry, but we South Ontario or the township of Reach wished to have a County Auctioneer, let them have him and let the license for a township be $8 or $10. Mr. Fairbarks considers that the object of the change is to do away with township licenses and as things now stand, he says a man can get a township license for $4 and sell all round the township, while the men who has a county license are deprived of the. work, : Mr. Gibbs says the object of the change shoald be eonfirmed,as he had strong doubts of the legality of the By-law. 1st. Be- cause the Council which passed it had vest- ed the property in certain parties who did not own the contiguous' property, and further that "the proposed by hw shuts up a party from the road. Should this Council confirm the By-law, then of course in the avent of its being quashed the corporation wquld have 10 bear the expense, and the case was already given into the hands of a lawyer. The By-law was read a first and second time and referred to the standing committee on roads and bridges: : » A 3 iG h + had poor at home, whose wants must be at- A o > : 3 « the Bill,but it was easy inferring what some | The Report of the Standing Committee on tended to, and ho was glad to know that the | 1 farther mation for adoption, Mr. Gor- [is to protect the resident Auctioneers, who | and if they are not all successful now it is| 1 oio,C3ccllent Fire Extinguishing, Frost . i : # i ! s rs, fp ; of its Iiovigione ets liom seifal ha bron Printing was presented (by be » | poor did not require ta sek in vars: bi sto don seconded by Mr. St. John moves that fare deprived of their work by parties who ly Ber of i esl nu jt bs Kilow anything of them. cog aged bv dh --~ By Ms dbo am 4 SOR Om, ivan 1 very laige proportion when compared | be not adopted, but referred to the com-| 000 "in with their goods and bring their | (apt, Another important feature of these | 65 Most durable, and' easiest worked pump ever made. Send your orders to the Manufacturer JAMES BOWMAN, Barglia P. 0, mittee of the whole toamend the same by inserting $100 to be axpended on the centre road north et the Sth concession. yi The following aceounts were recommend- ed to be pai, viz : Messrs. Higgins, 84.12; Cape 1, rg Luke & Lark, $14 46 ; Ys to $5000, the amount granted by the House of Assembly, om) were pouring in from on of 1] all parts of the Dominion, there was a nni- 'with the lead- | Mundy, $10.04; Baird & Parsons, $33.94. bri sympathy awakened in behalf of This 100 was lost, yeas, Sexton, Holden, so that | The Committee further recommended that these sufferers, and assistance is being hur. ! Wright, Gardon and'St. John, Auctioneer with them, Mr, Wright says that these men who come in with their goods get an undue ad. vantage over those who remain amongst sus times is the eager desire for increasad fa. cilties for communication, we have on sthe tapis the Torcato, Grey and Bruce Rail. way, the Toronto und Nippissiog and the ' Boyolia, Feb. 5th 1868, m-- a Teams