¢ -- in ap Prince Albert, to MESSRS, WILL He would also embrace this last opportunity of sincerely thanking the numerous customers who have so steadily and extensively patronized him in the past, and hopes that the same confidence and support will be extended to his successogs--Mr. W. M. WienTmAN having conducted the business since its first opening. Busi Ch 3 simess ange ! : : Prince ALBERT, 2nd March, 1868. The Subscriber begs to intimate that he has this day disposed of his Stock and business in IAM M. WIGHTMAN & C0, William F. Cowan. Referring to the above the Subscribers beg to state that they will continue the business as before, having completed most ad- vantageous arrangements for importing the dence in asserting that their facilities for buying are second to none; and they hope by offering their Goods at very small profits to merit a liberal share of public patromage. The Store having been closed on the last for the purpose of marking down all the old stock ; customers may depend upon obtaining goods at much lower rates than those at which they have been previously offered, Winter Goods. READY-MADE CLOTHING, BLANKETS, SHA WLS [SHADES IN Fine Douste Wipta Arpaca Lustres, ar CLOTHS, TWEEDS, &e. &e., which will be sold at LITTLE MORE THAN HALF THE USUAL RATES. $4 Coats! for $2, and $2.25. $6 Coats for $3.75. A LINE OF WOMEN'S AND CHI AND SHOES at 25¢. A LINE OF LADIES' CONGRESS BE CLEARED AT 75 cents. Prince Albert, March 2, 1868. bulk of their Stock from the best markets in Great Britain direct ; they have full confi- The Subscribers would also call attenion to some very CHOICE NEW GOODS! which they have just received, being the first installment of Spring Stock, comprising BeauTiFuL two days of February, Many classes of] 11d. Fine CoBrurGs A YARD AND A Quarter Wine ror QuarTER DoLrir. Some Bargains iN Brack ano Cororep SiLks, Brack CoBourcs, WHITE AND Grey Cot- roxs, Stripe SHir™INGS. Tickives, HoLLaNps, MARsIELES, LDREN'S BOOTS[anp Aruampra Corrox QuiLts, Dress Burroxs, BroocH es Hair Nets, &c., &c. Groceries, Crockery. Room Papers, Coal 0il, &c., &c. At very low rates William M. Wightman & Co. SUCCESSORS TO COW ANS. GAITERS, WILL NOTICE County of Ontario, ¢ S hereby given, that the TO WIT: Court of General Quar- ter Sessions of the Peace and County Court, in and for the County of Ontario, will be holden at the Court House in the Town of Whitby, ON TUESDAY. MARCH 10, 1868. At the hour of 12 o'clock noon, of which all Jus- tices of the Peace, Coroners, Constables, and all others concerned, will take notice, and govern themselves accordingly. + NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff, C. 0. * Per R. H. TomriNsoN. Sheriff's Office, } Whitby, Feb. 18. 1868. 8-2w OTICHR | County of Ontario, } IE hereby given, that the TO WIT: Court of Assize, Nis Privs, Oyer and Terminer, and General Gaol Delivery, will be holden in and for the County of Ontario, in the Court House in the Town of ' hitby, On Thursday, April 9, 1868, At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, of which all Coroners, Justices of the Peace, and all others eoncerned, will take notice and govern them- selves accordingly, NELSON G. REYNOLDS, { Sheriff C. O. Per R. H. TomLINsON. BheriT's Office Whitby, Feb. 13, 1808. 8-6iv Interesting to Stock Breeders HE Subscribes begs to call atten- tion of Stock Breeders and others fgg to his superior Bull \ "DUNCAN A He is of the pure Durham breed and is judged 10 be the best in the County. Terms:--For the seas_n $1 50 to be paid at the time of service ; and if not so paid and booked $2 will be charged to insure a calf. W. H. HAYES. Lot 14, 2nd con. Reach--second farm east of Payne's Tavern. 8-3m i ty Feb. 26, 1868. J. C. PILKEY, Aicensecy Auctiosweew County 2Eont ario. J. C. PILKEY, Er-om P. O. ~ spreial otices. Mrs. Winslow's SOOTHING SYRUP, SRILBREN TRETHING, Greatl; facilimtes the process of teething. by softening the gums, redecing all irflammation--will allay Arn Pax te action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS, Depend upon it, mothers, it why give 1est lo yourselves, a Relief and Health to your Infants. We have put up and sold thie article for years, and Can Soy in Confidence and Truth of n what we have never been able to say of wny other medicines Never has @ late deligh'ed with 118 operations, and speak in ter his al effects and medical ter * WHAT WE DO virtues, We speak in the im rience, and Pledge owr KNOW. afier years of «x Reputation for the fulfilment of what we here declare "nt almost every instance where the infin 1s suffering from Pau povpid Bling relief will be found in filteen or Lwenty minutes fier the sy np is administered. Full directions for using will accompany each hottle, None genuine unless he fac-simile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wiapper. Sald by Druggists throughout the world, PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. OFFICES 215 Fullon Street, New York. 205 Itigh Holborn, London, England. 441 St. Paul Street, Montreal, Canada. INFORMATION. Information guaranteed to produce a Juxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless face, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc, on the skin, leaving the same soft, clear, and beautiful, can be ob- tained without charge by addressing. THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Curmisr, 823 Broadway, New York. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suflerered for years from Nervous ity, Premature Decay, snd all the effects of youth iseretion. will, for the sake of sufleving humuvity, ree 10 all who need it. the receip aml directions fal bhi the simple remedy by which he was cored. Sufferers wishing to profi: by the adverticci'~ experienc cun tlo so by uddresemg, mt perfect confidence. 7-1y JOHN B. OGDEN. 44 Cedar Street, New york CHALLENGE ACCEPTED Hipceeas, Mn. PepLar, of Oshawa, having challenged Stove dealers to compete prices of Stoves. We here annex our prices with his, knowing we can compete most favorably with him, or any otherdealer in the Dominion, with the mears we) have of purchasing. 'MONEY !| The Subscribers are prepared to make *AOVINCES OF How ON GOOD Farm Property, At very reasonable rates, from PRIVATE SOURCES, Re-payable by equal yearly instalments, or interest payable yearly and the principal atthe end of the : term. - 200% L L005 ---- 1000 Acres of improved farm lands, and 2000 acres of wild lands for sale cheap and on easy terms. S 7 A good Farm to Rent. APPLY TO DAVID J. ADAMS, LAND AND INSURANCE AGENT, VALUATOR, &c., Office over T. C. Forman's Store, Prince AvLperT. or To JOHN ADAMS, 'loronto Street, 'TunonTo. 3 L0Q5\ Prince Albert, Jan. 23, 1808. LOS CURRIE & ROSS [Mave received per Steamship " Nova Scotian," HATCH & BROS PRIE. MR. PEDLAR'S PRICE. 10 inch Protectionist,. evn. aan $20 00] 10 inch Protectionist, .. ......... $21 60 9 « Forwne,......... 1001 9 "Fartoud, lL. ovis Va 20 00 9 « Young Dominion, .. 17 00 f None advertised. 8 4 4 va 15 00 LA) 10.4. Queen Cityycovm vo vane 21 L0L10.0nch Queen City, . vues arse ennis lo 004 10 «Commonwealth, ... . 23 00 None advertised, { 9 « " 19 50] 9 inch Commonwealth ......... . 2000} 9 « Clarion, ..... 16001 9 « Clann, .... vr 17 00 30 « Black Giant, 6 15430 « Black Giant 6 25 Bu " . 4 50]25 « w 4 60 2 wu " 3 s0f2a « " 315, 18 " 280f18 « LE ea 300] Be sure not to buy a stove before seeing Hatch &| Brother, it will pay. We have other Stoves of heavy metal not here advertised. { Pistting 1 ay : r Farnace 1, 13 and 2 brls. {&= Very cheap. | Hatch's Patent Dumb Stoves, Stove. Pipes; &c., always on hand. | Also a lot of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Coal Oil Lamps, &c.s which are being sold very cheap. iN HATCH & BROTHER, Cheap Hardware Store, No. 4, Brock-St,, Whi by. | Whithy, Ost. : 8 hereby given, that the Council of fhe Cor« ; : ei oration of the Township of Reach at a iG hereby given that the Council of the Cor- Fok a Fi he told in hiv 0 na poration of the ig T n hi of Q Son TOWN HALL, MANCHESTER, wnship WCUROZ, | om he 14h day of March, Ata meeting to be leld in Mr. Isaac Finley's) now next, propose to pass a By-Law to stop up Hall, Seugog, | Aud sjoss as a public highway, a certain postion of the allowanee for rond between Lots Nos. 12 On the 21st day of March, now next, fond i in the rear of the 4th Concession of the 14 | said Township, discribed as follows : Commenc- Propose to pnss a Br-law to change the Road | {hy 'ie Norih East angle of Lot No. 12 in the proposed to be mad " os 4th Concession, then South 16 degree East 2 titra A No. { chains 74 links, more or less to the gravel road, | thence Easterly along the imit of the gravel | road 1 chain 54 links, thence North 16 degrees 2, in the Tth con ; then south, 16 deg just now. ssion | east; 21 chains 58 links. to the north limit of' the Pine Point Road, the line described being the west limit' thereof ; then commencing at the north-east angle of Lot No. 4, in the 8th con- cession, then south, 16 degrees east, 45 clisins more or less to the Pine Point Road, the line described being the west limit thereof, JOHN FOY, Township Clerk Scugog, Feb. 18, 1868. T-4w | | | i { | | "L981 "81 9a 'uoqy edung 'NOSE0Y 9 IN ANID 4d § I °NVOT 01 (SAN FLVAIYA) OE FT 'LEILTV AONITd West 1 ehain-37 Hinks to the-rear of the Con- cession, thence South 74 degrees West 724 links to the place of beginning ; and slso to pass a By-law to sell the said highway go to be stopped up and closed to the parties next adjoining whose lands the same is situated, and in case ties respectively refuse to hecome the r at such price as the said Couneil sonable,then for the sale thercof to any other person; and also toy a By-law to open and establish as a public highway Lot No. 1, on the registered plan of the Village of Manchester. JOIN CHRISTIE, Township Cle;k. Reach, 8th Feb., 1868. 5-td Sherifl's Sale of Lands. Sixth day of June A. D. 1868, at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold by Pub- lic Auction, at my office in the Court Hous in the Town of Whitby in the County of Ontario, all the right, title and interest which the under- mentioned defendants severally possess in the undermentioned lands and tenements thereon, seized by me under and by virtue of certain Writs of Fieri Facias issued out of the ouity Court of theCounty of Ontario; to be directed, viz: WELLINGTON MAYBEE, + Plaintiff, County of Ontario, N SATURDAY, the To Wit : vs. ROBERT BRADFORD, Defendant, The East half of Lot No. Thirty-five 'n the Second Concession of the Township of Seott; containing about Sixty Acres. THOMAS BOLSTER, Plaintiff, 8. ALEXANDER MUSTARD, Defendant, The East half of Lot number Sixteen in the Seventh concession of the Township of Scott. TAKE NO OTHER THAN Grout & Co'sy B15 FIRST PRIZE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE! This Machine: was awarded First Prize and Diploma at the Provincial Fair held at Kingston in the last week in September, 1867. It sur- passes all other small machines in simplicity and durability of construction, superiority of stitch, while the needle--the great annoyance in most machines--being self adjusting, cannot possibly get out of order, The subscriber is Traveling Agent for the counties of York and Ontario. All orders addressed to James Dale, Uxbridge P. O. will be punctually attended to. JAMES DALE. N.B. The subscriber repairs machines, and gives instruction how to work them. THOMAS BOLSTER, Plaintiff, . vs. JAMES CONWAY, Defendant, The West part of Lot number One in the Thir- teenth jon of Reach ining about 75 acres. NEESON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff, C. 0 Per R. 11. TomLINsON. Sheriff's Office, Whitby, 6th Feb'y, 1868. 6-3: "Furst published Februarg 13. 1863. Servant Girl Wanted. WAS a good Servant Girl, one who understands general house work. Good wages paid. Apply to W. H. PARK. Uxbridge, Feb, 18, 1868, 7-3w Pl Prince Albert, Feb, 27; 1868. 8 150 PIECES STAPLE Direct from the manufacturers in England, which will be Opened up next week Aud offered at lower prices than ever before. The depressed state of trade in England enables us to buy VERY CHEAP (&~ Cash paid for all kinds of grain. Prince Albert, Jan. 8, 1868, GRAND Clearing Sale! DRY 6000S, GROCERIES HARDWARE, &ec. The undersigned have determined to dispose of the Balance of their FALL & WINTER GOODS By the first of March, and in order to do so, have Reduced the Prices Of the whole Stock. We do not quote the prices, but take the liberty of saying that the Gaods will be found equal in quality-- at a lower in price than in any other house in the trade. 07 Sale each day to commence at 7 o'clock a.'m., and close at 8 p. m, ; Coal Oil 17¢. per Gallon. Cash paid at all times for Wheat, Barley, Peas, Oats, Pork, &ec. i Salt and Plaster kept constantly on hand. BROWN & CHRISTIAN, MANCHES1ER'Feb. 183 GREATICLEARING SALE R. & J. CAMPBELL Have commenced to seli off the balance of their Stock, at avid under cost price, FOR CASH, in order to make way for their SPRING IEPORTATIONS I Mr. R. CAMPBELL has just started for the British Markets, to purchase their Spring Stock. Owing to ther arrangement on the other side they are in a position to offer customers the cheapest Goods in the country. GROCERY DEPARTMENT.--A large stock of fresh Teas and Sugars just te hand. - CROCKERY & GLASSWARE Imported direct from the Potters, and under cost a LIQUORS. A large and choice lot of first class LIQUORS consisting of BRANDIES and WINES OLD RYE, MALT and COMMON WHISKEY, of the beet brands. First clase "Wines and Brandies for medical use. »m. The bighest price paid for Butter and Eggs, for which Goods will be gives at cash prices. A A cal} is respectfully solicited. R b . R. & J. CAMPBELL. Manchester and Wlithy, Feb. 20, 1868." A DOMINIO STORE, PRINCE ALBERT. The Subscriber begs to intimate to his, customers, and the public generally, that be has Commenced Business AGAIN at bis old Stand ; and has laid in one of the largest and best assorted Stocks of Goods to be found anywhere in the New Dominion. Having purchased very largely at the lute Trade Sales in Montreal, at prices for below regular quotations--he is pre pared to offer every advantage to purchasers, und can confidently state that the prices will be found to be such as dely all competition from any quarter. PLEASE EXAMINE THE FOLLOWING LIST OF PRICES, AND COM- PARE THEM WITH WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN PAYING: All wool Canadian T'weeds, cuaranteed the very best, for 90c a yard, sold elsewhere at $1.25. And a first rate article at 80c a yard, sold elsewhere at $1.12. Very heavy and wide Factory Cottons for 10c a yd, sold elsewhere at 12}. And the best in store, yard wide, for 12}c a yd, sold elsewhere at 15to 17c. Wide fast colored Prints, 10 and 12} a yd, sold elsewhere at 15¢. And the best for 15 and 16¢c a yd, sold elsewhere at 29 to 23e. Beautifnl Plain and Check'd Winceys for 18 and 20c a yd, sold elsewhere at 33¢. Real Aberdeen Winceys, very best, wide and heavy, for 85c, sold elsewhere at 50s. Beautiful French Merinos at 50¢c. . Beautiful Cobourgs and French I'wills,for 18 and 20c 2 yd, sold elsewhere at 35 to $0e. Black Lustres for 17¢ a yd, sold elsewhere at 27c. : All wool Canadian Check'd Flannels for 50c, sold elsewhere at 89 and 90c. Beautiful White Blankets $2.50 per pair, sold elsewhere at $3.50 to 84. Very fine White Blankets $3.50 per pair, sold elsewhere at $5. Beautiful Filled Silk and Wool Pailsey Shawls 88, sold elsewhere at $12. A large lot of those beautiful Velvetine Mantles $5 to 86.50, worth $10. Biack Cloth Mantles, beautifully trim'd, $2.25, worth 84. Very [leary Seamless Cotton Bags. $4.50 per doz., sold elsewhere at 86. A lot of beautiful lined and trim'd Buffalo Robes for $15, sold elsewhere without Iiting or trimming for $13. A large lot of the best Cotton Yarn at $1.37], sold elsewhere at $1.75 to $2 buadle. = Wiih a complete assortment of every thing in the GROCERY, HARD. WARE, sud CROCKERY line at prices equally low as the above. Soliciting a continuance of that pa'ronage hitherto received, and an early visit from his old friends and customers with many thauks lor former favors. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, Jan 7,1868. bo ers nt AAI TO L.LO AN! The Subscriber is sin memtiotnd any amount of Money, PRIVATE FUNDS, On geod Mortgage Security--or Debentures, at a Very low rate of Interest. The borrower can have his own time to pay the principal. 1 also represent three of the Largest Monetary Companies in the Dominior that lend money at low rates on Farm znd Town Property. (ZF Several good Improved Farms for Sale--at extremely low prices Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. Apply personally to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Land, Insurance, and General Agent, Whitby. Office--McMillan's Block, Brock St. Whitby, Sept. 25, 1867. 38 Money to Lend! The undersigned is prepared to advance loans of money in Large or Small Sums Or fivst class improved farm security--as the rate of interest is very low and charges are modereiey the best securities must do offered. 07 Several first class farms for sale on sasy terms of payment. Apply personally,or by letter pre-paid with a descrition of the security offered, to "a W. M. COCHFANE, Bigelow's Bloc! Tort Perry, Ont. bo, 3 Port Perry, Dee. 4, 1861, It