Pm XY dbl rau coda A UR, ST VOL. XI No.2L] PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, C. W. THURSDAY. MAY 98, 1868. [WHOLE No. 541 ele ntavioe Yhserber, A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 18 PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BAIRD & PARSONS, TERMS : --81.50 per annum, 1f paid within six months; if not paid within that time, $2.00. Nosub- wseriptiontaken Cor less than six months ; and no paper discontinued untilallarrears are paid. «7 Letters ini money, when add: d to this Office, pre-paid and registered, will be at our risk. RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion - - - $0.08 Subsequent insertions, perline - - . 0.02 Cards, under 6 lines, per annum - , 5.00 Advertisements measured in Nonpareil and charged according to the space they occupy. Adverti blicati ith received for p N outspe- cific instructions, will be inserted until forbid, and charged nceordingly. Noadvertisement will be taken out until paid for. . Aliberal discountallowed to Merchants and others h istopromote fit al or company, to be consideredan advertisement, and charged accord- mgly. ; 94.3 These terms will, in allcases, be sirictly ad- hered to. The constantly increasing importance of the North Riding ofOutariorendersthe publication ofthe OnsERVER a necessity. Kver advocating right, and condemning it will constantly take th d in forwarding alinterest dd in the amount of local and general be unsurpassed by any local paper publis il din Canada. JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro: deads, Blank For Receipt Books, ( Circulars, Business rds, Ball Cards, very style and color, executed promptly, and at lower rates than at any other establishment in this coumy. Partie€ from a distance getting hand bills, &e. printed ean have them done to take home with them, J. BAIRD. | H. PARSONS ammes, Bil Business Divectory. Drs. Jones & Jones, PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, &C., OULD respectfully advise the public that they have formed a partnership for the practice of their profession, | All calls received at their respective places ot! "residence will be promptly attended to. G, W. JONES, M.D., R JONES, M.D., Coroner, Co. Ontario, [Late residence of Dr. Prince Albert. Qakley,--Port Perry. DR. WARE, ORONER for the County of Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur Prince Albert gd F. H. BRATHWAITE, M. D, C. M., NY RADUATE of the University of McGill College, Montreal, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Prince Albert. Office and Resi- dence--the house lately oceupied by Dr. Agnew. " \M. YOUMANS, M.D. Physician, Surgeon and A 3 PORT P ERR Drs. McGILL & RAE, PHTSCIANS Surgeons, &c., &c. Office and Residences, King street, Oshawa. WM. M'GILL, M: D, JOHN BILLINGS, Bis Caner: Attorney at Law, Solicitor FRANCIS RAE. M, B. in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyancer, & c., Prince Albert. Office over T. C. Forman's tr. COCHRANE & COUHRANE, ARRISTERS, Attorneys, &ec. Prince Albert office--opposite the Town Hall; Port Perry office--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. (Late of Miller & Paterson, Toronto ) TTORNEY-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery; ! A Conveyancer, &ec., Beaverton. Office in the building occupied by Dr. Wilson, Simcoe-st. y P, A. HURD, A TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chan- cery, Conveyancer, Notary Public, &¢., indsay, 0. W. ~ ~CAMERON & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: ourt House. A. C. CAMERON, I N ANDREW F. McPHERSON, Basen and Attornay-at-Law, Solici- tor in Chancery, &c OFFICE--Dundas street, 3 doors west of the ost Office. 'Whitby, July 4, 1866. . R. J: WILSON, Birth Attorney at Law, Solicitor ui H. J. MACDONELL, rs in Chanery, &c. Office~in the Victoria ilding, Brock-st.,, Whithy. LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B,, OLICITOR in Chancery, Aitorney, Conveyancer, &c., Oshawa, Office--Simcoe itreet, opposite the post office. C. N. VARS, RACTICAL Dentist, Oshawa, C. W. Dental Rooms directly opposite the post Sfice--entrance Simeoe street, third door north of the Ontario Bank. JOHN CHRISTIE, OWNSHIP Clerk for Reach, Convey- ancer, Commissioner of the Court of Queen's Bench, &c. Business carefully attended 40. Office--Manchester. THOS. H. WALSHE. Lise Auctioneer for the Town- ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in orth Ontario; Mariposa, etc., in the Connty of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Or- ders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctually attended to. Debts collected in Can- nington, or otherwise, and prompt remittances 'made. Remember-- WALSHE, the North On- tario Auctioneer. Untario Hotel, BROCK-ST,, WHITBY. J. B. Cottingham, SER DENTIST, FER BORELIA,C. W By a New Process, Teeth can be Ex- tracted without pain, at his office, J.D. C, is prepared to execute all operations connected with his profession with neatness and dispatch. Call an ine his i Single Peeth inserted--parts of sets, or whole sets--Cheap, and warranted. UNDERSTAND. --Attention to the Teeth preserves the health. Without teeth in good order it is impossible to masticate food for the Yodr, and consequenfly there cannot be good ealth. If you have decayed teeth, get them filled. 1f yoy have any out get them replaced by new ones. Prices low, and all work warranted, If the work is not satisfactorily done, the money will be refunded. Office hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m, Borelia, Jan. 15, 1867. English Pink Dental Rubber; beautiful Vulcanite Base for Arti. ficial Teeth! C.D. WAID, SURGEON-DENTIST, Faint, Tebrivge. LL Dental operations performed with the utmost skill and care, warranted to giv isfaction or no charge, and at prices which de competition. Rererexces.--Rev. Dr. Short, and 17. D Griggs, Port Zope; Rev. J. T. Burns, Whitl Jos. Gould, Esq., and J. Bolster, M. B., Uxbri fy Diotels, &. ie {| REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER ! PROPRIETOR. AVING purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors very attention paid to g d from Whithy call daily. attendance. COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK, B., PLANK,.. oI HE eunbscriber wishes to inform the traveling public that he has taken the above hotel, which he has fitted and furnished throughout, and where the best accommodation, with careful attention, can always be found.-- Good, stabling, enclosed yards, and attentive Ostlers. R. A. MURTA, Proprietor. Greenbank, Feb'y 13,1866. G-1y Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendance. Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. ROYAL HOTEL, WHITBY, C. W. HE largest and most commodious Hote! in Town. A special conveyance to the Rail- way Station. Stages depart from the Royal Hotel daily to all places north. Attentive host- lers always in attendance. JACOB BRYAN, Proprietor. DAFOE FIOUS UTICA 00D" accommodations. Careful attention TX to the requirements of travelers and guests. he bar supplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars Good stabling. J. DAFOE, Proprietor. THE ROBSON HOUSE! LATE SCRIPTURE'S MOTEL, "| DUNDAS STREET WHITBY, C, W,, GEORGE ROBSON, - - - PROPRIETOR. r IE Subgeriber begs to announce that he has leased the building formerly known as Scrip- t s Hotel, for a term of years, and that he has vated and re-furnished the building through- out. The premises are pleasantly situated, op- posite the Post Office, in the centre of the town. The Railway Omnibus calls at the Hotel, and the Stages for Uxbridge and Beaverton leave the door every morning. 1.3 Careful Ostlersalways in attendance. GEO. ROBSON Brooklin House. C. VICKERY, - - ProPRiEToR. BE most respectfully to inform the inhabi- tants of the County of Ontario, that he has leased the above premises lately occnpied by Sandy Perrie, which he bas newly furnished and d, and he is prepared to ac: date the travelling public. The bar stocked with the choicest liquors and cigars, and an at- tentive -ostleralways in attendance. Marriage Licenses» (BY AUTHORITY.) SSUED at Port Perry, Offiea the Scuaoe House. HENRY CHARLES. oa 23 1867. rg VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. HE undersigned will sell the N. E. part of Lot 22, in the 8th concession of the Township of Reach, County of Ontario, contain- ing 64 acres, all cleared and moder- ately well fenced. Improvements--Frame Barn, Log House, Well, &c. Roads good gud markets convenient, being situated on the avest side of Lake Scugog and about 3 miles from Port Perry. Terms $1800. At least $800 down and the balance in annual instalments to suit the pur chaser, with interest at 7 per cent, Apply to JOHN CHAMBERS, Proprietor, Walkerton, Co. Bruce, Ont. or JOSEPH GOULD, Tenant; 'Walketton, Nov 28, 18 AT san) on gh N.B. The farm is now rented at annum. It would be difficult ® avest aot ¢. DAWES, ~ - =~ ProrriEToRr better advantage, THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company [HTS Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as Jow as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--The old Registry Office Build- ings, Brock Street, Whithy. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Secretary 27-1y Pa 2 § § HP ; 7 Licensed Auctioneer. WHE Subscriber, holding a Tfechee for the County of Ontario, and the Township of Mariposa, wonld beg to state to Farmers and others, requiring his services, that whatever business is entrusted to his care, will he prompt ly and carefully attended to. Charges moderate. Terms, Days of Sale, &c., &c., arranged at the Observer Office, Prince Albert. E. MAJOR. = Borelia, March, 27th, 1867 Brandon Brothers Manufacturers of BISCUITS CONFECTIONERIES &C. Wholesale and Retail Dealers inall kinds of Biscuits, Jonf neries, Ke CANNINGTON, C. W. Cannington, April 17, 1867. 14-1 MONEY, (PRIVATE FUNDS) To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent eres . LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &c., Oshawa Novert Ser 21, 1866. 46 : Ta Tr Tt HIOUSE PAINTING. FPHE subzegiber is prepared to undertake House Painting in all its branches, and by strict attention to business and moderation in charges he hopes to receive a continuation of that patronage which has been so liberally be- stowed upon him iJ the past. WILLIAM JAMIESON. Prince Aughst 1, 18GT. 30 7 WwW. H. PRINCE ALBERT, Fouse, Sign, Carriage, any Ornantenial PAINTER. EGS to return thanks to the public for past favors, and w 1 beg to state that he has opened a Si + opposite the * Prince Albert Carr "where he will be able to execute all work of the art in the best style. Prince Albert, Nov, 26, 1867. 47 Volunteers ordered to the Frontier | AND J. BULLEN HAS REMOVED From his Old Stand to one door South of the Red White & Blu. ~All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. x3" Spring and Summer Fashions just re- ceived. . J. RULLEN. Prince Albert, March 28, 1866. 12 J. C. PILKEY, Aiccnsey Auctioneer FOR THE County of Ontario J. C, PILKEY, Epsom P. 0. J. HEALS Celebrated Itch Ointment i subscriber keeps constantly a large quan- tity or his Celebrated Itch Ointment. 'A cure warranted. Price 25 cents a box. J. HEAL. Tailor Pineo Albert,Dec. 5, 1866. NOTICE! S hereby given that tho first sitting "of the Court of Revision to revise the Assessment' * Roll for the Township of Scugog, For the year 1868, will sit at MR. I FINLEYS HALL, §CUGOG, ON SATURDAY, THE 23rd DAY OF MAY, Atone o'clock p.m., of which all persons inter- ested are hereby required to take notice ani govern themselves accordingly. JOHN FOY, Township Clerk. Scugog, April 23, 1868. 16-td t| Life Policies for the benefit of Wife or Children _| erdents of the day. MAIL CONTRACT. EALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post- 0) master General, and marked ** Tender for Mail Service," will be received at OTTAWA, unil 12 o'clock, noon ON FRIDAY, THE® 20th MAY For the conveyance of Her Mujesty's jMails, six tims per week, each way, Between Beaverton & Oshawa, On and from the 1st July next. The Conveyance to be made in a wagon, sleigh, or passenger stage. The route pursued in conveyance of this Mail to by via Cannington, lla, 'ort Perry, Borelia Prince Albert. Ragla 1 Beaverton and 'The rute of t 10 be not less than five miles per hour including stoppages for all purposes, "Phe days and hours of Arrival and Departure to be as follows, subject to a vight of the Postmaster Genenal » alter ihe st should he consider it udvisable to ¢ ve to at 10 80 ive at Ox], I v <hawn as soon ux possible afier the artival of the mori- ing mail from oniofand 10 wrnve at Beaverton in 10 hours afterwards, ci, of satisfactorily executed, will con- wa term not exceeding four years : The to terminate th e hie expiration of the St. in his opinion res r thee months pre- should the publi ipa giving the cont vious notice of hs intention. All expenses on tins route for tolls, ferries, &e., mus be defrayed by the contractor, nder to state the price asked per annnm, in wlength, oid to be accompanied by the wittien guarantee of two responsible | in the event of Tender by shall be duly ex price demande with the Contr lars for the due performance of der and Offices at Be Albert and Oshawa, or atthe o Manilla, Prince the subscriber, J DEWE, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Tnspector's Office, "Toronto, Apiil, 20, 1563. rif 's sale of Bands. N SATURDAY, the | Sixth day of June A. D. 1868, at 12 o'clock noon, will be sold hy Pub- lic Auction, at my office in the Court House in | the Town of Whithy in the County of Ontario, | all th «ht, title and interest which the under- | gnentioned defendants severally possess in the | undermentioned lands and tenem n s,thérpon, | seized by nder and by vir ue f certain | Writs of F i Court of the Viz: WELLINGTON MAYBEE, Plaintiff, County of Ontario, { To Wit : panty of Ontario, to be directed, ra. ROBERT BRADFORD, : Defendant, | ast half of Lot No. Thirty-five n the Second Concession of the Township of Scott, | containing about Sixty 4 5. : THOMAS BOLSTER, Plainiifi, The rs. ALEXANDER MUSTARD, Defendant, The Fast half of Lot number Sixteen in the Seventh concession of the Township of Scott. THOMAS BOLSTER, Plaintiff, 8. JAMES CONWAY, Defendant, The West part of Lot number One in the Thir- teenth con sion of Reach containing about 75 acres. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff, C. O Per R. H. Tomvixsox. Sheriff's Office, Whithy, 6th Feby, 1868. 6-3m First published February 13, 1863. MONEY ! HE undersigned is prepared to loan, in sums to suit the tonvenience of the borrower, ANY AMOUNT OF MOREY, (Private Funds) On good Mortgage Security, ata very. Low Rate of Interest. He has several Lots of IMPROVED AND WILD LANDS FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. Apply at the well known Cheap Store of Messrs. R. & J. Campbell, Manchester, to JOHN HODSON, Vavvaror, &c. 5-. Manchester, Feb. 4. 1868. 3m Centre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, ; D. CAMPBELL, Proprietor, THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE Insurnce Company. INVESTED FUNDS, .. $15,000,000 INVESTED IN CANADA,....$2350,000 FFive Depavement. INSURANCES EFFECTED ON ALL CLASSES oF ProPerTY AT CURRENT RATES. FARM RISKS ar Seectairy Repucep Rates. . dite Depaviment. No EXTRA Charge for MILITARY SERVICE . in defence of the COUNTRY: are Secure from Seizure by Creditors, SOLVING THE GHOST QUESTION. About the year 18-- business had called metoa remote part of B. county, Tennessee, and [ was staying at the house of a Mr. Roberts. The family consisted of Mr. Roberts and wife, one eon and two daughters. The son's name was Austin ; he was about twenty years of age, and seemed to be very intel- ligent. The girls were no less intelligent than Anstin. Adela, the eldest, was about seventeen, and Julia, the youngest about fifteen. Prettier girls I never raw. I loved them both as soon as I had seen their faces. We were sitting by a blazing fire, 1alking and laughing as if we had been acquainted for years, when a sudden noise as if some large building was falling mterrupted us. ¢ Ugh, ugh !' said some one, as iffrighten- ed out of his senses. All of the family rushed to the door, ex- cept Julia, who sat still, and remarked, ¢ It is Bill Jenkins ruouing from the ghosts again.' Scarcely had the words escaped her, ve | when in rushed a tall, gawky, almo t beard- less fellow, pufling and blowing hike a lo- comotive. ¢ What's the matter ?* cried Mr. Roberts. ¢ Matter enough," said Bill, his eyes looking almost as large as two common tea- cups. ¢ Ont yonder,' he continued, throw- ing himself on a chair, ¢ out yonder I heard a baby crying, and then somebody a groan- ing and snuffing, and [tell you I just got away from there." At this I could not repress a laugh. ¢ You needn't laugh, old hoss,? continued il . he, turning to me ; * ycu needn't laugh, for I'll swear 's no fun ; Pll swear it." 1 turned to Austin and said, ¢ Let us ac- company him back to the place where he heard the noise, and solve the ghost for him.' Austin was eilent, ¢ Will you go ? I asked. Austin began to stammer out something. ¢ Darn me," interrupted Bill, ¢ darn me, if you get me back there any more see il you do." « Then tell us where it wae," gaid I, ¢ and if we can.solve it we will." ¢ Austin don't care much about going, I believe," said Adela, ¢ You're not superstitious, are you?' 1 " {asked hinf™ ¢ No, I am not superstitions, but 1 am afraid of catching cold, that's all," he re- pled, «I propose," said Julia, who had been silent ull now, ¢ That we all go, Mr. Ma- rion, Austin, and mysell. now up, and it will be a pleasant walk for us, besides we might have some real fun.' After some hesitation on Austin's part, this proposition was accepted. Bill told us where he had heard the ghost, but would not go with us. Off we stated, When me got to the spot we found that Bill had knocked down about twenty panels of the fence. ~ We had gone two or three hundred yards, talking very lively, when wo entered a low, dark place in the road ; the timber was very tall and thick, which caused 1t to be darker than any place else. When atvanced a lew steps into this place, our conversation stopped. Scarcely had we ceased talking, when ¢ Boo-woo- ugh," went something near us. ¢ What's that ' said Austin, hauling, I advanced, and Julia stepped to my side and said, ¢ 1s Bill's ghost, sure." ¢ Ou-hoo-00-wugh,' came forth again. I could suppress my laughter no longer. It proved to be nothing.more nor less than a hog, which was not sleeping comfortably, and was thus complaining. ¢ What is it 2' insisted Austin, who ha! not yet found out what it was. Just then we came to the hog bed, and the hogs all ran off, as trightened as badly as Bill was. ¢ Humph,' said Austin, ¢it's hogs, I'll swear, that caused Bill so much running.' We turned and went back to the house and had a fine laugh at Bill about his ghosts, but Bill would not give ap but that his were real ghosts. - Iearned that there were but few persons in this neighborhood who were not super- stitious, I was informed that the place where Bili had heard the ghost was really haunted. Among other stories that were told that night congerning the place one was as fol- lows :-- Some time ago a man was coming through this place ; it was very dark, he heard something by the roadside ; and turning 1m the direction of the noise he perceived something white. It looked, he said like a woman dressed in white. He spoke to her. She raised her arms above her head, and said :(-- . ¢« John Kinsler, if you will ba happy, you must marry Jane Merton, and have the Roberts family at the wedding. Remem- ber, Jokn Kinsler. So saying. she dropped ber arms and as- cended elo wly upwards, until she was out of sight. John married Jane, and the Roberts family were at the wedding. 1 expressed a desire 10 see or hear such ghosts, but Austin thought I would repent of my wish when [ saw them. Bed-time came, and we retired as the clock struck twelve. 1 lay awake in bed, thinking of the in- A Policy for $1000, by the G d Bonus System costs at age 30, $24.70 a year. lo after 5 Jo, one- Should it become payab WITH the fourth of the Premiums are returnes turned ; after 30 years, three-fourths ; after 51, the sum assured is doubled, and the heirs may claim $2,000. death, G. F. C. SMITH, Resident Secretary, MoNTREAL. M.'G. ROBSON, Agent, Prince Albert superstinous as ever. I thought of Adela and Julia; which 1 loved best I could not tell. Nothing else took place worth relating sum agsured ; if after 20 years, one-half are re- during my stay at Mr. Roberts. I left next morning, living and loving. ' Two years after the above-mentioned, in- |X" Claims payable one month after proot of | cident took place, I was passing through that couctry again and of course, called on Mr. Roberts. Lr I found that the neighborhood was as The place where Bill Jenkins had heard the ghost was still The moon 1+ N haunted. Many things had.been heard, sights had been seen,--from an Angel to Beelzebub. I was very anxious to come across one of the ghosts, and aunng ns stay at Mr. Roberts' I passed thiough the haunted place at all umes of the nighi, but saw and heard nothing. [I finally came 10 the contlusion that it was all imagination. One dark night in July I was passing through this place, and heard something make a noise in the dry leaves near me ; wrning towards the noise I beheld some- thing, I thought, very much like a woman. There was no waist in her dress, and it was very long. All this I could make out not- withstanding the darkness. I stood sull to see what she would do. I must say I did not feel exactly cool just then, but | managed to appear so. ¢ Marion,' said the ghost, ¢ if yon will be happy, you must marry Julia Roberts. Re- member, Marion.' Judge of my surprise and horror when the ghost spread out her arms and ascend- ed until she was lost in the timber. What conld I do? Scared as [ was I did not run, knocking down the fence, as Bill Jenkins did, . I started on slowly towards Mr. Robert's ; and wfter I had gone a few paces I heard a distant roaring behind me that continued more than two minutes. [did not lok back, for I did not care about coming in contact with another ghost that evening. At an early hour I retired. Next morn- ing when I came into the parlor, Julia was there alone. When [ entered she greeted | me blushing and trembling. After I had looked round and saw no one was near, I said, ¢ Julia, at last I have seen a ghost." When; I said this Julia again blushed and turned her face away fiom me. ¢ What kind of a ghost was it?" said she. I told her all I had seen, but omitted what the ghost had' ead. Julia told me he had seen one just like it two or three nights before. « suppose,' said she, ¢ yon have become superstitions." i I could not deny, yet I would not ac- knowledge that | was superstitious Limplored Julia not to mention it nti! 1 could find out something more about the ghost, and she promised. I determined to pass throngh this place every night during my stay at Mr. Roberts, which was 10 continue about two weeks from this time, For several nights I heard nothing, nor did | see anything like a ghost unnl the might before my departure, when walking along | beheld the same ghost, at the same standing aboat twenty feet fiom where | first beheld it. Tstopped, and the ghost said, -- ¢ Manon, to-morrow you leave this place, | and you have not asked Juha to be your! wife. Go and ask her ai once. Remember, Marion." : Instantly I rushed forward and threw my arms around the ghost, She shrieked and started up ; I held fast, and up we went. No pen can describe, no longue can tell, in'lact, no one can imagine, my leelings al this moment. Up we went. Still I held on to the ghost. But I was becoming sick of my situation. [ had my whole weight to hold up, by hold- ing to the phantom. ¢ Let me down,' shouted I. ¢ Promise me one thing,' said the ghost. ¢ Promise that you will leave the spot ax soon as yeu touch the ground.' "1 piomise anything to get down from here," eaid I. Let ns down," she shouted, as loud as I had dou. Down we then went; but as we went down, I was busy trying to find out some- thing more alout her. [found she had a very laige rope around her, and was drawn up by it. loop was made lor her feet, then one for each hand;<and she could stand upright with the greatest ease. Just as we touched the ground, I took out my knife and cut the rope, just above the head of the ghost. She shrieked, and fell to the ground ; I raised her up. € 04 I" said she, ¢ Beelzebub will be here in a moment. See ! there he comes now.' Hero she tried to leave me, but I held on to ber. I heard a terrible noise tn the dry leaves just behind me. looked around and something was approaching. As near as [ could discern in the dark it resembled a very large man. It came up very close to me, and stood «till for a moment ; then ittapped me on the shoulder, and said in a rough hoarse voice : ¢ Come I' 1 put my hand down to the groind, and as luck would have it, I put it on a stick about as large as a man's arm. I snatched it up, and gave ¢ Beelzebub' a blow with it which bronght him to the ground. My ahostly companion agun ghrieked and fell. 1 caught herup in my arms, and retreated as fast as my legs would carry me. Presently I ran against the fence, and knocked as much of it down as Bill Jenkins did. But I did not stop but went on 1uto the house. Isat the ghost upon a chair and called for alight, After a considerable struggle the veil was removed, and lo! it was Julia Roberts ! She shrieked and fell to the ground, and was carried to her room. Just here, in came a negro girl, a slave of Mr. Robert's, looking as if she was frighten- ed out of her senses. ¢ Massa! Massa ! ran into the kitchen right quick, cause Sambo come in dar all bloody an' a bleedin' yet ; he says he got his head broke." Avstin and myeelf went into the kitchen to examine Sambo's head, There was a very large gash, cut to the bone, just above' hia left temple. : a To be brief, Julia had employed a negro man, Sambo, 10 assist her. He had pro- cured a long rope, and fastened it around Joha, already described, and then elimbing a very large iree, put the rope through a fork, and then descended. B this he could raise Julia as high as the fork of the tree, where she would be entirely out of sight to any person below; owing to the thicknesa of the timber. Julia waa the ghost that had told John Kinsler to marry Jane Merton § and Sambo had always acted Beelzebub when neces= sary. But after he had acted Bee'zebub with me, he swore he ¢ nebber would be de debi! again.' I bore no grudge on account of Julia's manner of courting me--on the contrary felt rather pleased and complimented. In about 81x months from that time we were married, Years have since rolle| by. A robust boy and a pretty litle girl have blessed out unioti, and never have I repented for one moment that | kaw the ghost, or that Jalid became my wife. re ctl --e. > ANAGRAM. Eht detpis reaws a nilap wornb serds, Dan esh si a teadsy hipsren; To ese reh, tiequ sa a suome, Ginog touba veh rvelis sohue, Oyu loduw reven, vener, evern suegs Het yaw esh tegs reh nidner. 3 Answer in two weeks. hn", . PUNSHON, A few years since P. T. Barnum wrote this distingnished man, offering him $10,- 000 per annum if he woud lecture for him in America, in reply to which Mr, Punshon referred him for an answer to ihe 13th chap- ter of Acts and 10th verse : +O fall of ail sul tlely and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thon enemy of all 1i:-hieonsness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the ways of he Lord." ee "Ian't there an awiol strong smell of pigs in the air 2 asked Smithy of Jones j + Yen"? replied Jones; that's been the wd's fiom sow west. RR --Y™®MS§.Y P A young luily siting with a gent'eman shouid quit him imme diately af she finds him putting out his feelers. ES «I came near setting my boots the other day," said Suitles 10 * How eo 7 ¢wWell © iad them Lat salted.' Ee A lady 'who had aefused to give alter hearing a charity sermon, hed bee pocknt picked an she was leaving the che, Oa waking the y hie CG could not find the way 10 my pocket, but he devil die? et eee When a priuter manes pt can he be eal. led pi-ons 7 cd rin Misco and § Depr.-- Hun cold, rags, hard work, CONEIPL, SOSpIeIon, tijust n wel we disagreeatie, bot ded fo anti ey worse toa them alle And il at had ple we i Gol to spate either or ali of my sons 10 be the support and solace of my od ching vers, tue lesson which I should (ave most a rests ly souzh' to nnpress upon t em is: - Never we anto delt. Avoud pecuniary obligation as you would pestilence or famine. It you have put filly cents and can get no more for a week, buy a peek of con, patch it and live on 11, rather than owe any man a dollar, = Greeley. Anna Dickinson is gowg tv England to lecture, Coal mines are to be worked rear Pekin, Chi Stad are running up North River in great numbers. Mr. Jesde, the British naturalist, is dead. Chicago streets are being re-baptized into avenues, Sugar erop prospect in Louisiana are en- couraging. Goat Island, Niagara Falls, ia tobe lights ed with gas, St. Paut's Church, Boston, is to be sold for $400,000 A woman 72 years old lately gave binh to a child in Berlin. California grape growers are studying brandy manufacture. A monument to the rebel dead of Bull Rou 1s being talked of, Mantona expecta 10 raise grain enough this year to feed itself, Over twelve hundred million tons of ice are stored in New York. Iron curbing is being tried with stccess in the streets of Pitsburg. Mrs. Kit Carson died suddenly in Color ado Tertitory on the 26th ult. The American Antiquarian Society of Boston has a fund of $61,503. The New York coopers have struck to stave off a reduction of wages. Wheat will be ready for harvesting irl Georgia in about two weeks. Thee is a thrifty peony plant in Collins= ville, Conn., over 100 years old. A new tabernacle at Salt Lake holds 10;- 000, and is already too small, Celedon, the latest color fashion; is a mixture of pea green and orange. There is an extraordinary rush to Ameri= ca this year from Electoral Houses. The rebel dead on Johnson's Island ale to be removed to the mainland: New Orleans claims the most miles of street railway of any city in the world, Vermont has a copper mine at Versl ire which raises annually 5,000 tons of ore. Report says an iron-clad mowitor is to be built in New York lor the Cretans. A'tich vem of iron ore has just been dis= covered on the Garret Monainy N. J. The Baltimore Common Council has exe pelied three of ite members for brite, Napier's elephants became so fool sore that they were obliged 16 wear be ots. The labors of the Mississippi Recons'ruge tion Conventioti are about comp eled. Davy Crocket's firm in Gibson County Teun., consisting of 1.800 acres, ws for sala. A man in New Humpslire cawled' a quarter ol a mije io satluction of an eloo< Hom Bob, oo oh honiiii 8 gEe-Piden Bucket is believe! to ba on ns death- Pprosirat Plewses poeamonia, sisi Jl