| ys > HE EXCURSION ON THE LAKE, We learn that the Excursion to Washburn's Island, on the 25:1, was not so largely patronized as might have been expected ; sti'l those who availed them. selves of the opportunity (about 100 in all) had a capital time of it, and no reason to regret their taking part in it. It was rather early in the season, at least many people thought so. ] tf i . Gen. O'Neil has fixed upon July for the invasion of Canada; he is to attack Mon- treal with 15,000 men and Toronto with 8,000 and 7 areserve of 10,000. So says their o . BIRTH, In Reach, on the 25th inst., the wife of Mr. Donald Christie of a daughter. MARRIED By the Rev. A. B. Demill, on May J1th, in] Oannington, at the residence of Mr. J. Graham, Mr. Wesley Brandon, of the Firm of Brandon brothers, to Miss Maria Graham, On the 26th inst, at Borelia, by the Rev. G. Jamieson, Mr. Thos. Wilson, to Miss Martha Nott, both of the Township of Reach, DIED. On Seugog, on the 22nd ult,, at the residence of her son, Ada, aged 58 years, relict of the late 'Wm. I. Foy, Esq. At Borelia, on the 23rd inst., Louisa, the be- Tove] wis ot Daniel Woon, aged 26 years and 11 months, NOTICE S hereby given that the Court of General Quar- ter Sessions of the Peace and County Court, in and for the County of Ontario, will be holden in the Court House, in the Town of WhitBy, on County of Ontario "Mo Wit '{ Tuesday, June 9, 1868, | At the honr of 12 o'clock, noon, of which all Justices of the Peace, Coroners, Constables, and all others concerned, will take notice, and govern themselves accordibgly. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Shenff C. O. Per R. H. TomriNsoN. Sheriff's Office, Whitby, May 21-2w , 1868. Cannington Nrass Band, PROFESSOR FAWSITT, LEADER. JORTGAGE SAL ITERE will be sold by Public Auction, at the Law Office of MESSRS, COCHRANE & COCHRANE, IN PORT PERRY, ON Saturday, the 4th day of July, at 12, o'cLock, NOON. Pursuant to a power of Sale contnined in a certain Mortgage, bearing dae the Twenty-gixth day of April, A.D. 1867, (which nid mortgage will be produbed at the time (f sale), the following Parcel, viz: Lot number Tienty-six, in the First concession of the Township of Uxbridge Inthe County of Ontario, save and except Fif- teen acres thereof heretofore sold for Taxes. -- The saidiparcel of landjcontaining by admeasure- ment One Hundred and Eighty-Five Acres, TERMS - - CASH. For further particulars apply to COCHRANE & COCHRANE, Soricitons, : Pout Perry. Port Perry, May 27, 1808. 21-td ER MRS. DECKE 3 Na WATCHMAKER ! JEWELER, &C., Prince Albert, Ont, The Subscriber would embrace the, present opportunity of 'returning her sincere thanks to the inhabitants of Reach and the surroundiig townships for the liberal patronage bestowed upon her deceased husbamd--Wm. Decker nl wonld further stata that she intends carrying «m the business in all its branches. Parties indebted to my late hnshandrre o- {ested to pay up said isdebtedness without fur- ther delay. Prince Albert, May 27, 1868. Insolvent Act of 1864. In the matter of James Barbour, of lhe Vilage of Atherly, an Insolvent. The creditors of the Insolvent are notifi. 12 ed that he bas made an assignment of his estate and effects to me, the undersigned Assignee, and they are required to furnish 'me, within two months from this date, with their claims, specifying the security they hold, if any, and the value of it; and if none, staing the fact : the whole attested ander oath, with the vouchers in support of such claims. JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee. Whithy, May 23, 18(8. 21-2w, *L981 g1 on "19qIy edung (SANOJ SIVAN) OO0& FITS "NOSE0Y '9 I INED 4d § I "NYO 01 'ITYILTY AONIEL Dress < Our usual care has been used in the selection of Prints, for which the public give us the credit of keeping the best assortment to be Manchester; April 22nd, 1868, New Advertisements. 7 Loyal Orange "Association of Medical Hall, &@ | PORT PERRY. | ¢0} .N. A: NORTH _ONTARIO_CO._ LODGE. The Subscribers, having purchased the Drug Business recently carried on at Port Perry by Mr. J. Hl. BACHE, beg to advise the public that they have made large additions to © COMPLETE And will be disposed of at the Lowest Remunerative Rates. the Stock, which will now be found Lh 20a HE Semi annual yoetng of the above Lodge {PBELL'S HAL IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, sutton ayo bi: The Stock consists, in part of 1868, at the hour of 10 o'clock, forenoon ; for transacting business connected with the order, and receiving report of Local Grand Lodge. All those entitled to a seatand vote in the above brethren will be admitted. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Toilet |e resto sind smd ail visting and Fancy Articles, School Books, Stationery, Albums, Garden & Field Seeils, &c. As the business will be under the constant supervision of one of the firm, the public have every guarantee that it will be con- dueted in such a manner as cannot fail to secure their entire confidence and merit their liberal patronage. ° DRS. JONES & JONES. Port Perry, May 6, 1868. Ww. Scoth, Prince Albert. M. McPHADDEN, Sec'v, ° roomanton. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! Prince Albert, May 14, 1868. 19-2w 3 Bales Hoyles and Butterworths Prints, 1 Case Plain Cobourgs and Lustres, 1 Case Cotton 'I'rousering and Gambroons, 1 Bale Striped Shirting, I Bale Cotton and Linen Tickings, JUST RECEIVED ! AT "JE DORINION STORE" The Subscriber has new to hand the LARGEST and | FINEST SELECTION OF GOODS In every department, which he has ever had the pleasure of offering at the « New! Dominion Store," the prices for" which will compare favorably with the same class of Goods in any City or Town in Canada, and will be sold either for Cash, or Credit to the Ist of October next. PLEASE EXAMINE THE FOLLOWING, ViZ: Beautiful Dress Goods in DeLaines, Tus- kinds in Lisle, Silk, Cotton, Beilin, tres, Popplinetts, Bareges, Alex. and French Kid. andna Cords, and Stripes of all kinds, | Ap extra lot of T'weeds, and the Cheapest from 12} cents per yard upwards. in the market. Some of the very finest French and Enz. | Itis a well lish Prints ; also Hoyles'. Bailey & [the Che 1" 7 Gravel's. and other mokes of Prints; fos hi : Brilliants, Muslins, &c., from 12}e| An immense Stock of Grey Cottons at old prices, 10,12} and 15 cts per yard. nd he is prepared to per yard upwards. The finest selection of Ladies' Montle | A large lot of gentlemen's Hats in Felt, Cloths to be found, in all colors. | Straw, Silk and Wool. A large assortment of Parasols, from 50¢ | \ fine and complete assortment of ITard- to $2.50 | ware of all kinds. Ladies' Hats and Bonnets of all sorts and | Anda fine assortment of Groceries, Pain's, sizes, { Oils, &ec., good and Cheap. | The finest lot of Ribbons and Trimmings| x gra and complete Stock of School m Ontario, | Books, Slates, Writing Paper, Copy A beautiful assortment of Shawls of ull] Books, Envelopes, Pens, luk, &e.-- kinds. Ledgers, Day Books, Cash Books, A splendid assortment of Gloves of all' Pass Books, &c. (7 [ shall be prepared to furnish parties who intend building, with Timber of all sizes, Shingles sawn and spht, Nails, Glass, &Ke., very low. (77 Scliciting an eaily call and examination of Stock. ! T. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, April 30, 1863. ONY & CHRISTA pring Goods Which will be found complete in every de- : partment. ] 0 We would call special attention to, 150 PIECES found in a General Store. . ©" BROWN & CHRISTIAN. Goods irhiman&Co's. Late SPRING INF Cowans', Prince Albert. ORTATIONS -- R. & J. CAMPBELL Will be prepared to show their large Stock of Spring and Sum- mer Importations on the fair day, 51st March. Mr. R. CAMPBELL has been purchasing in the British and French Markets during the last two mouths OUR COTTONS Waore bonght when they were at the lowest point and we intend giving our customers and the public full benefit of the low prices ut which we are enabled to sell by importing "| direct fiom the manufacturers. LIQUORS. A large lot of choice Liquors always on hand, which will be sold cheap. {7 The highest price pail for Butter, Eggs, &e., &e. A call is respectlully solicited. R. & J. CAMPBELL. Manchester and Whitby, March 26, 1868. MONEY! TO LOAN! 0) The Subscriber is now prepared to lend any amount of Money, PRIVATE FUNDS, On good Mortgage Security--or Debentures, at a Very low rate of Interest. "The borrower can have lus own time to pay the principal. 27 also represent three of the Largest Monetary Companies in the Dominion that lend money at low rates on Farm ond Town Property. 0% Several good Improved Farms for Sale--at extremely low prices Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. Apply personally to . JAMES HOLDEN, Oficial Assignee, Land, Insurance, and General Agent, Whitby Office--McMillan's Block, Brock St. Whitby, Sept. 25, 1867. : 38 ~~. Yai y FAREWELL & McGEE, Court of Revision t | J3ARMSTERS, Attormers Solicitors, Con= # veyancers and Notaries Public, Oshawa.-- Office, one deor North of the Post Office ; and at Bowmanville, office Mr. Feeter's Block, oppo- site Town Hall, 1. E. FAREWELL, R. M'GEE, B. A. ONTARIO BANK. DIVIDEND NO. 22. TICE is hereby given that the: Court of Revision'tb revise the Assessment Roll of oTIcE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a DIVI. the DEND of four per cent. upon the Capital Stock of this Institution for the current half year, has this day been dechred, and tht the same will be paveble atthe Township of Reach, Bank. wud its branches. on and afier MONDAY, the FIRST DAY OF JUNE next. For the present year will sit at the Town Hall| The Transfer Books will be closed from the 16th to Manc] ry 31st of May, inclusive, Shue ja slo given that the Auntal Genera) Meeting i of the Stockholders, for the election irectors for On Friday, (the 2th day of May inst. | il) ensuing sear, willbe hed at the Hankang Moree chi + Bowmanville, on MONDAY, the FIRS' A : Atha gpk eA AY puts infers JUNE nex, the chair ip be taken at ai 13 o'clock noon, govern themselves accordingly. Precisely By oad ( the Board, f JOHN CHRISTIE, a D. FISHER, Casmer. Township Clerk. 5 % Reach, May 12, 2868, BD ioraw) OntavieBank, Bowmanville. } na mien -- LAD Ladies' Polish Boots, Balmora ever offered in Prince Albert,wh IES' SUMMER BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE PEOPLEY' BOOT & SHOE STORE, Opposite Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert. J. COX Has just teccived an invoice of the most fashionable styles cf Is' Gaiters, and Children's wear, ich will be sold at prices that will DEFY COMPETITION. Prince Albert, May 6, 1867. PiE Fine Black Br Fancy Tweeds, DIRECT FROM THE CURRIE Prince Albert, May 6, 1868. CEN oad Cloths, Silk Miked Coatings, Black Cassimere& Doeskins, MANUFACTURERS. & ROSS. Special Sotices. ERRORS OF YOUTIL, aered for years (rom Nervous ony, anil all the effects of youth- A Gentleman who Debility, Premature ful discretion, will for the sake of suferng humanity, ew York, ence, ean d JONN B.OGI INFORMATION, Information guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon d bald head or beard face, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, ete., on the skin, leaving the same soft, clear, and beautiful, can be [3 tained without charge by addressing. THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Curis, 823 Broadway, New Yo Mrs. Winslow's SOCHNG SYRUP, FOR SHILDREN TRRTHIAS, Greatly, facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all whimmation--will allay At Pain and spasmodic actin, aud is cond freetoall whe need it, the recipe and diections | ( y 1. AE NIGHT IN SCOTLAND. "| " Kennedy is Dickens in Song." ' -- Philadelphia Post. Songs of Scotland ! MR. KENNEDY WILL GIVE ONE OF HIS SCOTTISH EN TERTAINMENTS IN THE Town Hall, PRINCE ALBERT, Tuesday, J one 9, 1868. VEDY prefaces each song witha intending to remove any diffi- SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon it, mothers, Wd give test 1o yourselves, Relief and Health to your Infants. article for years, nnd h we have it Failed in a e Ins tine ly need. ver did we kin _atis, y one who u . K in the matier ** of experience, iment of what we herg declare. In where the iunt 1s suffering from " of will be found in fifteen or Twenty minutes after the syrup is administered Full directions for using will accompany © bottle. None genuine unless the fac-simile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggisis throughout the world, PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. OFFICES ¢ a15 Fuwlion Street, New York. 905 High Hotborn, London, England. 441 St. Paul Street, Montreal, Canada. To Comsumptives. The Rev. Edward 'A. Wilson will send (free of charge) to all who desire it, the preseription with the directions for making and using the simple remedy by which he was cured of a lung affection and that dread disease Consumption. -- Ilis only object is to benefit the affiicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nitiihgy and may prove a blessing. ease address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, No. 165 South Second Street, Williamsburg, New York Mortgage Sale! Tse will be sold by Publis Auction at MESSRS. COCHRANE & COCHRANE, PORT PERRY) On Monday, the 8th day of J une, 1868, AT ONE O'CLOCK P.N, t wer of sale contained in a ig uate : iti date the og March, eet. (which said mortgage will be pi duced at the time of sale) the followi and prem viz: Village Lots 106, 107 an 108, hn the Village of Prince Albert, For terms and further particulars apply to COCHRANE & COCHRANE, May 51868, . a + | Domestic * lands d Solicitors for Mortgagee. | Princo Albert and Manchester, } 18-tf May 14, 1868, culty sseurity arising from peculiarities of the national language, or allusions to local cus- toms. MISS KENNEDY will preside at the Piano- forte, and each evening play a selection of Scot- T1sH REELS. PROGRAMME --PART I. When the Shey hors Song. Kyo comes ham, There's nae luck aboot the * Auld Robin Gray." * Hame cam our Guidman at erent Highland Dancing Song, Auld Wife's Sony Euglish Sea Song llster McAllister." ~ = ohn Anderson my Jo." I'he Bay o' Biscay, 0." PART IL Kathleen Mavourneen." Trish Song. Pi ** Auld Lang Syne I" Finale, sss y --, hy aren PIANO FORTE; .... MISS KENNEDY: Admission, 25cta., Doors open at Seven and commence at Eight. Whats the News? Just Received at DAWSONS', (Late Wilson's) DRUG STORE, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Varnishes, Turpentine, a large assortment at the lowest prices. HARD'S FOOD (FOR INFANTS! 7 Mothers try it. Just the thing for yout babes. Tis ee leis and har, ROYAL WASHING CRYSTAL. Housekeepers don't be without it. Clothes, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes ; 4l- bums, Dye Stuffs, and host of useful things. dug ot| of the purest Brands 'medicinal pur- hil ¥ poses. TEAS. Just to'hand part of a direct impor- hh to rate the first ever . Growth of season 1867and 1868. Better ever at the same low prices. Please give us s call. 18: by le b i on ¥i ¥ EN A