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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Jul 1868, p. 3

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NE i bone "sign Dickie, Mrs. Ri E. Perry, Mrs. Mac- | and carried it in their favor. | ing diseases of thie BI; | tery as employ PEDAL + The firet 'meeting of the- I'be held at their office in the town of Whitby, or' sexi, when the officers for the elected, a ¥ RCH DEDICA' BS a 5 ik git We would remind our readers of the Ded« ation of the Christian Church near the entre' Schoyl House, . Services menoce at. 10 o'clock a.m., Sunday next, Gth ingt, Elder J. Tattan will preach the dedicatory sermon, after which several other gentle will discourse to the peo- ple. A'collection 'will be taken up in aid of the building fund. (See the posters.) $1312 . ok out for the Advertisement of Tom- linson's New Drug Store, Prince Albert in our next issue. ' Communications. (To the Editor of the Observer.) The Pie-Nie in with the Utica Common School, took place on the 220d inst., in Mr."DeGeer's. woods south. east of Mr. Currie's Steam Saw Mill, It was a grand affair. The children were arranged in order at the School House by Mr. Campbell, Teacher, and marched in procession to the woods headed by Free. an's Brass Band. The children were then called to order by the teacher, and Mr. James Richards was called to the chair. He made a short but appropriate address which was followed by a beautiful piece by the band. The dishes were now beard to clatter,the cloths were spread and covered with delicacies which are not very frequently met with on occasions of this kind. While some engaged in devouring these luxuries others were enjoying them- selves in swinging and various other amuse ments. After dinner was over tlie chair- mar: again took bis seat. Geo. Currie, Fisq.,. was called upon to speak, which he scemed to 'do with pleasure jto himself and those who were listening to hin. He was followed by Mr. D. Jennings, Calvin Campbell, Esq , Brooklin, and Mt: J. B. Campbell, who gate excellent addresses. Several" dialogues and recitations were spaken by the children, and several pieces of music sung by Mr. J. G. Rook, and his choirs The Freeman family are too well known.to think we wuld get anything but extelleat music from them. The proceed ings. were brought to a clos¢ by the Band playmg Gad save the Queen. The success of the Pic-nic may be #e- tributed to Mr. Campbell, as his friendly disposition seemed to cause a great many to-take part init. which otherwise would vothave done. And above all we must uot forget thanking the giver of all good gifts who favored us with such a beautiful dap : " A Frisp or Pic-Nics. Updea, July 1, 1868. "VOLUNTEERS AT 'WHITBY. Dein OpserVER.--Have neither time hor opportunity to send you full particulars of our Hattalion Drill here, but knowing you feel'a deep interest in our boys, allow me 10/+by that they tre all doiug first rate, Officers all well pleased. They are now learning Battalion Drill as' you are aware, and the marching, today in the forenoon pecially and yesterday was capital, few battalions of regulars could beat them, and [ bave abtindant means of nowing.. -- "lo-day we had a gtand ceremony of pre~ sentation of Colors to the Battalion. The presentation took place at balf-past three p.m. After the Battalion bad formed in the proper positions, -a number of ladies] " came forward amongst whem we observed the good lady of T. N. Gibbs, M. P., of Col. Fairbanks, of Major Forman, of Capt. Michael,of Capt. Burk, of Capt, Billings, of Capt, Donovan, of Capt. Dartnell, of En~ donell, Mrs. J. H, Perry, Mrs. Cochrane, Mrs. ; Watson, Mrs, Draper, Mrs, Lock- hart, Mrs, Lawder ; the Migses Hyland, McKay, Warren, Beal, and #8veral others of the [air and generous daughters of this noblecounty, Mrs, I's N. Gibbs stepped in front and read a beautiful address, ad- dressed to Col. Fairbanks, officers and men of 34th Bait. Ont. She did this in good syle. The Col. replied with capital effect, (a enpy 1 cannot get in time for this paper.) Strength of Batt: is about 494 officers and men, 2 field officers, 5 staff officers. -- Communicated. COSTLY VISITORS, A Melbourne letter states that the visit of Prince Alfred to Australia cost the Austra lian Colony one million six hundied thon sand dollars during' bis six weeks visit, that is over thirty eight thousand dollars a day. -- Ouce in a century would be often enough to Teceiva a viel at that rate. Fresh meat, poultry milk, fruit and vegetables had to be sup- plied dnily. to the 800 men on board his »bip, and a ton of ice every morning for their "¢ cock tails," &o. Lr --n: A PITCHED BATTLE. pThe one is the South-east av be emir eR vtigem ents. § Rew i AT LESS THAN Cost Price ! In order to Clear out the balance of Stock. NEW M From $1 to Manchester, June 25, 1868. Foods: USLINS IK SOTTED GREMAOIN $2 per Dress. 0 JUST RECEIVED! 100 Bundles Best American Cotton Yarn, at lowest Market price. BROWN & CHRISTIAN, REACH MARKETS. Prince Albert, June 25, 1868. fall Wheat, $1.36 @ $1.45 ¥ bush. Spring Wheat; 81.25 @ $1.30 ¢ bush, Barley, T5¢ to Peas, 65¢. 70 Clover Seed, $4.50 & bush. Oats, 50, 60c. Butter 14c. 4 Ib. Eggs 10¢ ford Wooa---dry $2--green $1.50. ool, 24c@ c per tb. Jams 124c per Ib. Bacon 10¢ per ih. Tew Fbertisements, KLCTION SALE! OF A' VALUABLE Improved Farm IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BROCK, IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Bs virtue of power of Sale contained in a cetain Mortgage, which will be produced at the Sale, on Saturday, the first day of August, 1868, at JAMES THOMPSON'S, Brock House Hotel, Jones Corner, Township of Brock, at 12 o'clock, noon. The West Half of lot No. 15, in the 5th Con. of said Township, containing 100 acres, more or less, about 70 acres cleared. There are suitable arm Buildings erected on the Premises. TERMS :--One-tenth of the Purchase Money to be paid on the day of Sale ; for Balance, tarms will be made known pn the day of Sale. For farther particulars apply to DAVID J. ADAMS, PRINCE ALBERT; MRS. COL- JERAN, Lot No. 13, mn the 9th Concession BROCK ; or Messrs., JONES BROTHERS, VEeNDOR's SoLICITORS, Toronto. 4 w. Two Capital Fifty Acre FARM FOR MLS. TS Subseriber, wishing 'to retire from farm» ing, offers for sale his TWO FARMS CONTAINING 50 ACRES EACH. uarter of lot 14, in the 14th concession of Reach. There are excellent frame building on the premises, consisting of a welling House, 3 Barns, a Driving Shed Driv- ng Barn; Stables and Wood Shed ; with two excellent Ore and gadabundunt supply of good water. The land is all cleared, and in a capital state of cultivation. The other is the South-east quarter of lot No, 11, in the 14th concession of Reach. There are 20 acres cleared, 8 acres cedar and 22 acres wdod, A never failing stream of good water runs through the lot. Terms easy. r further particulars apply to the subscribe; on the premises lot 14, in the 14th con, Reach. JOHN WILKINSON. 26-3m Reath, July 1, 1868. PUBLIC NOTICE ! t application will Jory ven tint 13 Whitby and Port Perry Rail to the Com The deputation from the Wellington,Groy | noes Semsiob. or an act se dale ation from | ol ,Grey | next n, act ame: 4, and Bmce Rwlway Company had a railway | 1260F Joris the For a a mY ry battle with the deputation from the Toronto, lan 8 and suthorkty of the Grey and Broce Railway company before laying s the County Council of Bruge on Friday last. Sout tion. of Dn top ed ik he ARer batli hail been heard a commiltes was further power ti authority to lay out and con- batiotted for fo report on the mater. The | struct such rail Somtinuing and Yoliding the Commuttee. brought in gheir report recom. | tame to_such point upon Shard 4 oF I Sake mending. the Counetl to t $220, 10 the Toronto Grey Du 0,000 payable during 20 years. Two members of | said Rail Council being absent, 1t was carned unani- mously that uo action be taken on the re- port till the members ure all in their places. Afterwards the two delegations met in the drill shed; Paisley, and went into each verton as ey A ut and con- al h ay oh point upon think best to the ET al hast eorire and under to the same Eo ae gm a os fo abe oh on = others reimas with ai I and afr 3 ROBERT. Ji WisoN, |} rather protraci® stand up fight, the Toronto "PB. W.&P.P. Rails OF bays got their opponent down and the meet- lt. ytoy. - 0 oie nwa Tor thot arene oe h Whitby, 2ath June, oe ¢ 26-2m Chronic Liver affection and fon stand-} ir of Kimara wonderfully improved by the Galvanic Ba:- by Dr. Brathwaite. See Advertisement, * : Bo DIED; i On 'the 2ud con. of Reach, on the 20th ult. Ladiidatal L ¥. i. BRATHWAITE, ¥. D., C, M., GRADUAL of t Duivarsity of McGill XT College, Physician, n and, Accoucheur, trician, cal Ex aminer to th Sn Trova and tna Assurarioe Companies, Prince Albert. DR. BALDWIN, Physician, Surgeon, and. Accoucheur, 'Ann, daughter of G. Hayes, aged seven months. At Prince Albert, on the 20th ult., Mr. Wm. Boynton, aged 72 years. . ; ' \ 3 OF at Plank's Hotel; MANCHES- TER. ia ELECTRICITY IN DISEASE ! I BEG to inform my many friends, and the public generally, that I have procared for myself a powerful and very superior Electro- Galvanic Battery. I consider Electricity to be a power, but little appreciated and understood, and as a curative agent in many diseases, I con- medicines are of no avail, the Battery, if seienti- | fically and Judiciouslifapplied, will in numerous instances bring about a perfect recovery. Of course, I am very far from desiring it to be imagined, that Electricity will supersede medi- cine, or that it will answer in every case. claim for it no such power. But 1 do apprehend that in many disorders, some of which I subjoin, it will produce the most desirable consequences. The diseases and ailments in which 1 consider Electricity to be most serviceable, and as most certain of preducing good, are the following : GENERAL DEBILITY, " NERVOUSNESS, CHRONIC AFFECTIONS of the LIV- ER, BLADDER and KIDNEYS } AS 7 A. DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA. ON ; PILES, RHEMATISM, NEURALGIA; PARALYSIS, CURVATURES, and other AFFECTIONS of the SPINE; CONSUMPTION in its early stage ; DISEASES arising from IMPURE or IMPOVERISHED BLOOD, &c. ° N.B. Imayadd that there is no pain or un- pleasantness experienced during or after the use of the Battery, and that it contains six different currents of Electricity, differing in their effects, and applicable to the several disordered states of the system. FRANCIS H. BRATHWAITR, MD, CM, Medical Electrician, Prince Albert, June 10, 18C8. 23-1y ANOTHER CARDING MACHINE PORT PERRY. pas Subscriber in again returning thanks to his numerous customers for the very liberal patronage which he has reecived during the past three years, would inform them and the public generally that he has leased the PORT PERRY WOOLEN MILLS For a term of years ; and ns the increased amount of work required it' he has purchased ,another first-class Carding Machine, with Bowerman's Patent Roller Finisher attached, and having put the old machine in a thorough state of re- pair, he will guarantee that parties intrusting po with their work will get it done 'in as goo style, and on shorter notice than at any other Mill in the County. He would also say that he is this year prepared to take any amount of Wool in .the Fleece, And manufacture it in any way that may be desired, on short notice and at reasor.able rates, Also, on hand a good assortment of Full Cloths, Tweeds, Flannels, &o., Which will be sold Cheap for Cash or in ex- change for Wool. TAKE NOTICE.--Parties bringing their Wool from a distance will get all or part of their Rolls home with them. C. T. YOUNG. 28-3 Port Perry, June 10, 1868. NORTGAGE SALE! fuses will be sold by Public Auction, at the Law Office of MESSRS, COCHRANE & COCHRANE, PORT PERRY, | Saturday, the 4th day of July, AT 12, 0'cLOCK, NOON. Pursuant to a power ' of Bale he -sixth April, A.D a vl of ril, 4.D. -- wil be produced at. the, tle of sale), the Yollowing Parcel, viz: Lot number 'wenty-six, in the First concession of the Township of Uxbridge he County of Ontario, save and execpt Fif- ns Er ry heretofore sold for Taxes. -- the ich "\ The said parcel of land Soutaining BY admendire TERMS - - CASH. For further particulars apply to " "COCHRANE & COCHRANE} = SoiciTors, Pont Perry. 21+ : 3 One Hundred and High Bivé + Acres, Port Perry, May 27, 1868. 000 POSTPONED The above Sale fs Postponed until = * Saturday, | 25th July. tend, that it will produce the most astanishing | and satisfactory results. Indeed, in cases were { 'contained | * TORONTO, C. W. INCORPORATED .... : sree 185 1, Capital - - $400,000, RNARD HALDAN, Esq. JAMES PRINGLE, > GENERAL AGENT. } STRAYED MARE. 000 Strayed mare came into the premises of the A Subsbriber, on Lot No. 12, in the rear of the 1st concession h, about the end of May-- an aged 3 Mare with black tail and mane, and a small white star on the forehead, stands 12 hands high, The owner ean have the mare by proving property and paying nses. If not replevibed on thirty i sold to pay JAMES VERNON. Reach, June 10, 1868. y 23-4w WESTERN ASSURANCE. COP'Y] EAS JAR On JOHN McMURRIC HY C. MAGRATH, Esq. = ) Paints, Oils & Varnishes. Albums. The CHEAPEST ane Port Perry, June 25, 1868. The Subscribers beg to announce that they have again thoroughly replenished their STOCK. Dye Stufls--in abundance--a great variety--the best colors, and at the Lowest Prices. Stationery. School Books, Works of Romance. Toys and Toy Books for children--a large ion For Fresh and Reliable DRUGS and MEDICINES go to the MEDICAL HALL, PORT PERRY. A full supply of the best quality. best selection to be found in North Ontario, DRS. JONES & JONES. wr Gent's CURRIE Prince Albert, Jnne4, 1868: 2 Cases Men's and Boy's Felt Hats. 1 Case Ladies' & Children'sSteelSkirts. s 2 Cases Room Papers. RECEIVED ! AT Wighiman&Cos. JUST Lat Hats! A large assortinent of the newest styles in Silk, Fur, Wool, and Straw. LADIES' BONNETS, Trim'd and Untrim'd--Re Newest and Nicest. LADIES STRAW HATS All ng New Shapes, selling at' and under cost. Ribbons, Flowers, Plumes, Dress Trimmings, Shawls, Silk Mantles, Jackets, &c. a A fresh supply of all the above Goods just received by & ROSS, The Subscriber bas new to Dominion Store," the prices for which will Beautiful Dress Goods in DeLaines, Lus- tres, Popplinetts, Baregés, Alex. andria Cords, and Stripes of all kinds, from 12% cents per yard upwards. Some of the very finest French and Eng- Prints ; also Hoyles'. Bailey & Gravel's, and other makes of Prints ; Brilliants Muslias, &c., from 12}c per yard upwards. The finest selection of Ladies® Mantle Cloths to be found, in all colors. A large assortment of Parasols, from 50c to $2.50. Ladies' Hats and Bonnets of all sorts and sizes. The finest lot of Ribbons and Trimmings m Ontario, : Jota hg 4 A bagull usin 'of Shawls. of sll "NEW DOMINION STORE; band the LARGEST and FINEST SELECTION OF GOODS Io every department, which he bas ever had the pleasure of offering at the " New compare favorably with the same class of Goods in any City or Towa in Canada, and will be sold either for Cash, or Credit to the Ist of October next. PLEASE EXAMINE THE FOLLOWING, VIZ: kinds in Lisle, Silk, Cotton, Berlin, and French Kid. An extra lot of I'weeds, and the Cheapest in the market. ali a well noun JSact fat iis Julteriber id "he 3 i bate Ful ad oe rapanes set Ao immense Stack of Grey Cottons at old prices, 10, 12} and 15 cts per yard. A large lot of gentlemen's Hats in Felt, Straw, Silk and Wool. A fine and somplete assortment of Hard- ware of all kinds. . Anda fine assortment of Groceries, Paints, Oils, &c., good and Cheap. A fine ond complete Stock of School Books, Slates, Writing Paper, Copy Books, Envelopes, Pens, Ink, &c.-- A splendid , assortment of Gloves of all iH AH Prince Albert,April 30, 1868. ° 05 I shall be prepared to furnish parties who intend building, sizes, Shingles sawn and split; Nails, Glass, &i a Soliciting an early call and examination of Stock. vs Rall 7 v Ji wl i v dgers, Day Books, Cash Books, Pays Books, &ec. with Timber of all &e., very low, T 8 T. C. FORMAN. I -- e Cowans', Prince Albert. SPRING IMPORTATIONS R. & J. CAMPBELL .show their large Stock of Spring and Sum- {2 ortations on the fair day, 31st March. pb { L has been purchasing in the British and French Markets during Will be prepa me Mr. R. CAM the last two months "OUR COTTONS fi Were bought when they were at the lowest point and we intend giving our customers ¥ wd the public full benefit of the low prices at which we are enabled to sell by importing vs firect from the manufacturers. LIQUORS. A large lot of Choice Liquors always on hand, which will be sold cheap. (5 The highest price paid for Butter, Eggs, &o., &o. A call is respectfully solicited. R. & J. CAMPBELL. Manchester and Whitby, March 26, 1868. | / i TO LOAN! i . i remit The Subscriber is now prepared to lend any amount of Money, ai PRIVATE FUNDS, ; On good Mortgage Security--or Debentures, at a } Very low rate of Interest. The borrower can have his own time to pay the principal. I also represent three of the Largest Monetary Companies in the Dominion that lend money at low rates on Farm and Town Property. (5 Several good Improved Farms for Sale--at extremely low prices Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. . Apply personally to . JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Land, Insurance, and General Agent, Whitby . Office--McMillan's Block, Brock St. Whitby, Sept. 25, 1867. 38 LADIES' SUMMER BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE PEOPLE DONT & SHOR STORE; Opposite Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert. J. COX Has just received an invoice of the most fashionable Ladies' Polish Hoots, Balmorals' Gaite: nite ever offered in Prince Albert,which will be sold at prices £ DEFY COM Princé Albert, May 6, 1867.

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