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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 Jul 1868, p. 1

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y BY = "i: ° ci 0 Neve \vkrisemanis =H ad seo edly to so GYAN BNGLISHL L. B,, Lo. -h ancer, Comm £1 AAR Boneh NC \ BAIRD & PARSONS, "this fre. pre-paid sid registered will Be al our isk a1 VOL. XI, No. 30.} A fs 1868. I" . mee a a era * (WHOLE No. 59 PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, C.W., THURSDAY. JULY 30. (A fntavio Yhseher, A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER, " 18 PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, bot COUNTY OF ONTARIO, EVEY THURSDAY MORNING TRIMS =~ $1.80 per Whnim| 10 guid within six months Cot paid within that time, $2. No sal %eriptioWiak en for less than six mwonflis § Wild 10 paper , discomtinded unpiledinrrears ure paid of vou & Jesters comining, money. whe addressed to mult RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion - - - 8008 Subsaquant insertions, perline - - - 0.02 Saris, aadsr 8 lines, per annum - , 5.00 ured in Nonparell aud churged hey weedy ed (ov alientiin. without spre. cifie istiuct mg, will be iuserted, will toghil, and Nuddve tidementiwithe kil ont wil paid fury s mid vee 1g vi Aliseral liseount allowed to Merchants and otliers ih Life Sear or nil y oan vigertiseme Acorfiing fot 1omote ingly. # Cliese ternis williin aticases, be srntly ads hered to, ring importmiee of the North folie Oncer¥en Wve Ung gin, wand endemang ati take tne fead i forwarding Joomd in Ue anion ville unsurpassed by Taegan' of Iara end gene aay [hdalpaper pubilishec mn J. BAIRD | H. PARSON: ¢ ABusinresy Pivectord., Drs Jones & Jones, PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, &C., OULD respectfully advise the public that they have formed a, partnership for the practice of their profession. All cells received at their respective places ot residence, will be promptly attended to. @. W. JONES, M.D. Coroner, Co. Outario, Prince Albert. > DR. WARE, ORONER for the County of 'Ontario, J Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Prince Albert, Drs. Brathwaite & Baldwin, PRINCE ALBERT, Physicians, Surgeons, and Accoucheurs. M. YOUMANS, M, D. Physician, furgeon ard A ccoucheur, PORT PERRY dens coi ribet ts Drs McGILL & RAE, PaSisiars, Surgeons, &c., &c. Office and Residences, King street, Oshawa, wa We "MD FAANCIS RAR. M, B. JO:HN BILLINGS, Bau TER Atomey ot Law, Solicitor Din Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyancer, fra Piiuee Albert. Office over T. C. Forman's ore. COCHRANE & COCHRANE, ARRISTERS, Attorneys, &e. Prince Albert office--opposite the Town Hall; Port Perry office--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. s FAREWSLL & McGEE, J ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Con- veyancers and Notaries Public, Oshawa.-- DAs: me ioe Forth o fhe Post Office ; and at Bowmanville, of . Feeter' . te Town alt ice Mr. Feeter's Block, oppo: J.B. FAREWELL, LLB. | __R.J: WILSON, ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chanery, &c. Office in thegVictori ing, Brock-st., Whitby. Se) sion R. M'GEE, B. As "7 NORMAN F. PATERSON, £40 64, (Late of Millar & Patersan, Faronto i : Wi Solicitor in Chance EYEE Br de aug BRiude Sl DAL - Foi ergs Gn Rk Jha & MACDONELL, A YTERS and Alloppays al an mt Actors Counly Shunt Stari. Offices: ®. 0. CAMBRON. . .. (ih ¢ 'H, J. MACDOSELT,. ORAOLICTPOR in Chaneery CC Atarey 1.) Conyeyancer, tei Oshawa. OfficeSimcoc street, opposite the pogt office. wait qaranll to i0 0 oVARS oH i PRAGEest Deana Oshawa, CW 3 antal Rooms directly' opposite the post 38d Lantenstes Simcoe street, third door north 5 the Ontario Bak, «(0 Gk HCH IS fo, for Reach, Lanvey- ner of the' Conrt of Business carefully attended 4 YRen--Manehestep~: @ 748 HEC! 1p > oHO ki? (TATE BRODIE) CL ! ireet, Port Hope. Wn. MACKIE, Proptietor. tre tel, SAINTFIELD. ' : D. UXMPBELL, Proprietor. ppp mm a iv aos, H. 'WALSHE CF ICENSED Auctioneer tar the Town- *1.23hips of Brock, Thorah, Mara '& Rama in North Ontario : Mariposa, ete., in the Connty of Victoria. Reside: Cannington, Brock. Or- rat Left at this offi is resid il b ell al ol oy | ty Atanded 16. Some eopiectad in Gane '| REVERE HOUS ---- "5 J. D. Cottingham, SEER DENTIST, FAR BORIYLIA, CW tracted without pain, at his office. J.D.C, connected dispatch. Call an examine his specimens. sets--Cheap, and warranted. preserves the health. Health. : If you have decayed teeth, get tiem filled. . df you have any out ones, Prices low, and all work warranted. motley will be refindéd. Office hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Borelia, Jan, 15, 1867. beautifal Vuleanite Base for Arti. wait vano- fia) "Peeth!' i ABT { wo Se IDs WA TD, SUR'S EON-DE NTIS Tt Tainsst., Trvvivge. LL Dental operations | utmost skill and care, wi dio give n or no charge, and at prices which dety ition. Grigus, Port Hope; Revd, T Jus. Gould, Esq., and J. Bolster, M. B., Uxbridge Dotels, Si. ... PROPRIETOR. B PLANK, furn Stages to and from Whitby eall daily. € ostlers always iu attendance. COTTAGE HOTEL, GREENBANK, Ta enbseriber wishes ta inform traveling public that he has taken the above hotel, which he Las fitted and furnished R. A. MURTA, Proprietor. Greenbank, Fel'y 13,1866. 6-1y Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendance, Free Omnibus 'to and fron the Cars and Boats. RuYAL HOTEL, * WHITBY, C. W. rE largest and most commodions Hote! { Town. A special conveyance to the I way Station. Stages depart from the Royal Hotel daily to all places north! Attentive host- lers always in attendance. JACOB BRYAN, Proprietor. DAFOE HOUS urncec A 00D accommodations. Careful attention The bar supplied with the best wines; liquors and cigars Good stabling DAFOE, Proprietor. HE ROBSON HOUSE! LATE SCRIFTURE'S HOTEL, DUNDAS STREET WHITBY, C, W,, GEORGE ROBSON, = = - PROPRIETOR. TE ture posite the Post Office, in the centre of the town The oor every morning. 3 Careful Ostlers alwas in attendance. GEO. ROBSON Brooklin House. C. VICKERY, - - Paopuisron. tants 'of the County of and renovated, and he is prepare tentive ostler always in attends ce, "laskonsty, Auctionge: iil iu FOR THE, § tim 'County of Ontario: sii x J.C. LE tw io JEWELER, &C., 1 "Prince Albert, On, Bn ed : Pprorogrars in the very best style are The Subscriber wonld embrace the presh townships for the liberal 0 tronage bestow upon ber de d Tasband Wn. D ecker--ar the business in all its branches. a Parties indebted to my late husband are "ington, or otherwise, and prompt remittances uv emember-- WALSHE, the North One ario Anctioneer, ther delay. Prince Albert, May 27, 1866. ~ By a New Process, Teeth can be Ex- prepared to execute all operations ith his Profession with neatness and Single Peeth imserted--parts of sets, or whole UNDERSTAND --Attention to the Teeth Without teeth in good order it is impossible to masticate food for the jody, and consequently. there cannot be good t' them replaced by new If the work is not satisfactorily done, the 2-1y English Pink Dental 1ubber; New anc JAR Me formed with the 1 sat- rt, and 7. D. urns, Whitby MANCHESTER! AVING purchased the above hotel, and has hed the Bar with the choicest liquors Every attention paid to goests,-- reful 8 the thronghout, and where the best ac@mmodation, with careful attention, can always be found.-- Goad stabling, enclosed yards, and attentive Se "| Ostlers, g X to the requirements of travelers and guests. Subscriber begs to announce that he has ased the building brmerly known as Scrip- a Hotel, for a tern of years, and that he has renovated and re-furnished the building through- The premises are Jleasantly situated, op- Railway Omnibus alls at the Hotel, and the Stages for Uxbridge ani Beaverton leave the di BGS most respectfully to inform the inhabi- i, utario, that he has lensed the above premises lately occnpied andy Perrie. which be has aewly furnished to accommo- arly date the travelling public. Tig "bar stocked with the choicest liguors and czars, and an at- MRS. DECKER: WATCHMAKER ! opportunity of returning her sincere thanksto the inhabitants of iedeh and the surroun: y would further stat that she intends carrying o: nested to pay up said indebtedness without fur' THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company HIS Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--The old Registry Office Build- ings, Brock Street, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., 27-1y Secretary do Tiicensed Auctioneer. rE Subseriber, holding a L.oence for the Mariposa, would beg to siate to Farmers and others, requiring his services, tha: whatever business is entrusted to his care, wil. %¢ prompt ly and carefully attended to. Charges moderate. Tews, Days of Sule, &e., &e., arracged at the Observer Otfice, Prince Albert. - E. MAJOR. Horétin, Marcpy2 7th, 1867 Brothrs | Brandon Manufacturers of BISCUITS CONFECTIONERIES &. Wholesale and Ret Denters in nll kinds of Biscuits, Confer ioneries, Kea, : CANNINGTON, C. W, Cannington. April 17. 1867. MONEY, (PRIVATE FUNDS) To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent LYMAN ENGLISH, Burrister, &e., Oshawa 46 eres Nover "er 21, 1866. FUE subscriber is prepared to undertake House Painting in all its branches, and by strict attention to business and moderation in charges he hopes to receive a contintiation of that patronage which has been so liberally be- stowed upon him ia the past, "ILLIAM JAMIESON. Prince August 1, 1867. 3 30 PRINCE ALBERT, house, Sign, Carriage, any Ovnaniental PAINTER. EGS to return thanks to the public for past favors, and would beg to state that he has opened a Shop nearly opposite the * Prince Albert Carriage Factory," where he will be able to execute all wark of the art in the best style, Prince Albert, Nov. 26, 1867. 47 Volunteers ordered to the Frontier! J. BULLEN HAS REMOVED From his Old Stand to one door South of the Red White & Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. 3 Spring and Summer Fashions just re- ceived. c. J. BULLEN. * 12 Prince Albert, March 28, 1866. ' edd bl Se Marringe Iicenses. (BY AUTHORITY.) Iu at Port Perry. (ffica the Scucoa House. : HENRY CHARLES. '=a 23 1867. ,, ae rep Money to Lend IN: BUMS OF 8300 and Upwards, Ava low rate of luterest. MEGEE, Solicitors, &. 45-20. FAREWELL & o Oshawa, Nov. 14, 1866. MR. Ae BARREIT, Photog: apher . King St.» Oshawa. mauufactured in our gallery. Sectionery Stare. Oshawa, April 17, 1867: 0 BROCK-ST., WHITBY. 2 C. DAWES, - = County of Ontario, and: the Township of Entrance through Mr. Carswell's Con- Ontario Hotel, BELA NO | Dollars. | ' conftructing, and finishing a Grayd Trouk Railway some convenient point wil Act. » Perey! Railway Company in terest oum, payable bh If-yearly. ment riolis thereof, is nine creases that the of not less THEREAN 2 Cowpany havirg by an \ Act SFL Parhament of the Provine: of Quiario been duly utcorporated unde: the pame of the PortsW hutiy and Port Perry Railway Comjuty sith the pi pose, power. aw autho ity nudes such Act, ol lnying out Rutway from witllin the lirits of the Corporation of th {enced that * the sum of Ten thouan Town of Whitby or the limits of the Pott Uiollars of said debent res, be forthe Whitby Harbor in the direction of el wien: banded Canady mo ax Wf je said Railway Compony 5 that whew secufe a favorable connection therewith a the said hin Town, thence through said Town the Town - «hips of Whitby or East Whuby or both, and th Township of Reach. 10a pot on Like Scugog at or near Port Perry, has gone into operation under the provisions ol the sand And whereas by By-law No. 417, of the Municipal C uncil of the Corporation of fe 'Pownsbip of Reach, the said Rail- way Clompany has been uutlorized and em- powered to cons.ruct a Branch of their Railway under the provisions and subject to the conditions contained in the Railway | Act. And whereas the Municipal Couneil of the said Corporation of the said Township of Reach bas resolved to substantially aid | and assist the said Port Whitby and Port the construc! ing and equipping such Railway as by the said act of Parliament they are empowers d to do. by granting and contributing a bonus to such Railway Company to be used and employed by the sud Railway Company mn and aljout the construction and equipinent of such| Railway ; the Debentures ot the Corporation of the said Township of Reven for the total sum of Forty Fin lars to pe issued as her=inafter provided io sums tjot less than One huadred dollars, nor more than Five Hundred each, the in: at the rate of six per cent per an- nd dol Aun whereas the total amount required fo be raised annvally by a special rate for repay ment of such Deben ures. and the in- terest thereon, thereby to be created and incurs ed, is the sum of four thousand, four huni cd dollars j und whereas the aimount of the whole rateable property of the said corporation of the said Township of Reach, being afeording to the lust revised assess- hundred and seventy-two thousand four hundred and sixty- wo dollars irrespective of future ic. And whereas there is no debt of the sail corpot a tion of the said Township of Reach erther tor principal or interest. Anil whereas the annual special rate in the dalla r foi ying thie witerest and iosta wents 'of pri Eipal falling due each year or for creating an qual yearly sioking fund for the payment of the prin ipai of the saul debt heieby ipiended to be incuied a= cording to the Act respecting the Munici pal Tnstitwvions of Upper Canada is four mills ard sx-tenthy of a mill. Ist. Bel it therefore enacted und it is here: by. emac td by the Municipal Council of the Corpora tion of the Township of Reach bentures of the corporation of «aid Townhip of Reach to the ahount of the sum off forty thousand dollars, w sum than one hundred dollars nor sre than five hundred dollars eich, bear ing, interest ot the rate of six per ¢ nt per anogm, ppysble ai the Royal Cavadian Bank, in the city of Toronto, shall forth with after |the passing of this By-Law be wade aud ¢gecuted by the Reeve of the said corporation, and by him duly sigoed and sealed) with the corporate seal of the said corporation, or by such other person being a mepuber of the Council of the said corporation| 48 wey by any By Law of the said corp oration hercofier mide and passed for that pur pose be appointed to execute Prorrrzro' and sign ib ne ; said Debentares to be ' ' 18, A BY-LAW to aid and assist the Port Whitby and Port Perry Railway Comyany in the consti uction and equipment of a. Railway commencing | at' the Town of Whitby within the limits qf the Port Whithy Harbor and | terminating, at. or near Port Perry | on Lake Seugog and to make and | grant as a bonustto the said Railway Company {herefor the Debentures of | the Corporation of the Tnoaship of | Reach for'the sum of Forty Thousand s0 made and executed that the sun o' two thousand dollars of the said sum of loriy thousand dollars, for which Debentures are to be issued as aforesaid together with the interest on the whole amount of Debentures s0 issued and no more shall becom payable in any one year thereafter, and the whole of such sum of forty thousand dollars for which Debentures shall be issued shall be made payable in twenty equal annual in- stalments of two thous«nd dollars each, with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum payable bali yearly on the whole sum remaining unpeid nthe first day of January, and the fir-t duy of July in acl and every year, and no part of "the sane principal or interest shall be nade payable at a tie moce than twenty years from the time this By- Low shail take effects 2nd. That when One hundred thousani dollars-of the capiinl stock of sail Railway has been subscribed, and Ten per cen thereof paid into one of the Chartered Bauks of this Province and the a ting Eo ginver of the sain Roud certifies that th line of Rai'way has been located 8 herew after mentioned, and the yeading bas com over by the Reew the Road is cert fied to by the Engineer of said road as beg graded to the xtent of one half of the entire grading required. (10 prepare the road for receiving the ties) + further sum of Ten thousand dollars ol th sar] debentares shall be handed over the said Railway Company ; and that tle further sum of Ten thousand dollars of the said Debentures shall be banded over to the said Railway Company when the grading ol the said Road is completed 5 and the remain wg 'Ten thousand dollars of the said Deben be handed over to the said Railway Company, wien Three miles of Br direction of the village of Uxbridge have tures shall ch or extension of sai! Rariway wn the been graded and the ties laid down 3idy That an equal annual special ra e of Four mills and six tenths of a mill in the dollar, in additon to all other taxes, shal be levied and raised upon the whole rite able property of this Mugiewpality over 1 nll extent, limits aod bounds as it now stands at thetime of the passwg of ibn Bj law in each and every year during the period of 'Twenty years after this By law "hall take effect for paying the said Deoen tures aud the wicest thereon. 41h That this By-law shall take effect and come into furde cn the 'Lhirty first day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty eights 5th. That commencing at the Village of Port Perry in the Township of Reuch, the said Railway shall run in sucn a direction as to cross the Fifth concession hue be tween the centre of lot oumb-r seventeen and the centre of lot number eighteen of the said Township of Reach that a Freight and passenger station be built and maintained where the said Ruilway crosses the said fifth concessicn shall line or where the said Railway intersects Simcoe Street. thence in a Sou bh Westerly direction erossing the Gravel Road at a point inthe third concession, "aid point of intersection of said Grivel Road to be North of Charies Thompson's present residence and South of the fourth econces- sion, at whic' point of intersection a fr ight and passenger station shall be er cted and permanently wajotamed by said Railway Company, theuee to a owt in the fis Conees ion between the. Western himt ol Lot number «ight und the western limit of Lot number Giteea of the said 'Fownship tw Reach. 6h. That the of th qualified Electors of the Township of leoeh on this | By-Law, shall be taken on the mueieenth day oi August, A. D. 1863, cammenciog at nine o'clock. A. M.,-at the following; places. viz ¢ in Blectoral Division puitberone a the Scho | House in the Village of Utica. wn Division number two in the Hotel lately occupied by the late 'Thomas Eoglish in the Village of Epson. in Division number three at the Temperance idali in the Village of Greenbank, iv Divivou number four wn the Storehouse lately occupiea by Wilimw Mackie in the Village of Borelia®and in Divisi n number five in the Public Hall ia the Vi lage of Prince Alberiy and that the following peisons shull be the re urn ng of ficers for the several Electoral Divisions of fhe soid Townsnip. Charles Edgar lor Division number one, James Allen, for vi tes fie R turning Officar; in E ectoral Division Division number four, and W. E. Yarnold for Division number five. JOSEUA WRIGHT, Reeve. Reach. July 21. 1868. JOHN CHRISTIE, Townsuip CLERK. TAKE NOTICE That the avove 1s line copy of a pro- posed By-law which will be taken to con- sideration by the Council of the corpo of the Township of Reach witer the same shall have been fist published at least fou ime moeach of the newspapers prigted vithin the Limassol tne ~anl eorporanon, the Port Perry Standard and the (mtiario Observer, and wm the firs pathication thereof, the date van alter une aionth twiieo fist publication thereof was the caenty-thnd day of Joy A.D 1868, and inal the votes of the E ectors of the san! Corporation will be taken thereon, on Wednesday, the 19th day of August, A.D. 1868, allowing places, viz: in Electoral Division amber one at the School House in the vi lage of Uiea, for when Charles Edgan umber two an the hotel larely oceipied by he late Thomas Enghsh mn the village of Epsom for which James Allen is Returning Offi ver 5 in Electoral Division number three 1 the ewmperance Hall an the village of steenbunk, for winch Francis Holmes is Retomog Officer ow Electoral Division number four an the Storehouse lately oe copied by William Mackie in the village of for which Hams Burnham is Re- emg Officer 38nd wm Electoral Division number five at the Public Hall in the wil- lage of Prince Albeit, lor whieh William IX Yarnold 18 Rewrning Officer, = JOHN CHRISTIE, Towns. 1p Clerk 29-4w Borelia, Reach, July 21, 1868. (Written for the Observer.) FORGET Mi NOT, BY CONA Forget me not, "ns ali Task, nts lone world of thee Tuough now apart to ply our task, 0. somem s think of me! Al Dthink of me when bright'y shines, The moot ou hill and vil; For iu her sheen im mystic jives, Foy form 1 pice stil When in the lap of Thetis, Sol Kirke gentin down 0 test, The evenin: 2 phys gemly eall Thy 1nage to my Lieast. E eh dinmond, gli tering, brilliant star, Rens me of iny fac | Thy beanty tion Aurora's car I never fai totrace . Meet E blem of the purling brook, Is thy enetaning voice, The fon tw of my love 1s shook, Responsive 0 1s envice. Ax mirrors from the chrysial stream The aun=be 0's golien crest, So, pute and ge Uy was the gleam Of luve from Jeante's breast . In M.rpheus'® arms | dream at night. Thy tay torn 1 clasps But, ob! ow sad at morning Wight, An empty space 10 gasp. Oh! to thy bosom lay my hoa, To throb aud languish there, Tha thy vadorgn td irue love may keey My anguish liom despair, Foroet me not, though fate severe Fotbids onr nuptial knot; But sometimes shad for me a teary When nearinee 1 am not. Canuiugton, July. 1868. AN ELOP MK T ANP ITS RE- : LTS. From the Washington Star. About fon weeks ago a youog gentlom in, who uve his name as Nye, appeared a tie boarting house of Mi, Park on Co-- tively between Second wad Third strects, Aiton young lady whom he represented as we wie, nod naked 10 se his wom, The Keeper of the house showed the pair severn! roomisg und they finally chose "he back par org ite whieh the young man had a plano placed for the lady, and soon they were wr oeon fortably, The ng man, we well as the young lady, infdrmied the athe acetpnits of the honse that they w re 1e- cently marred, and that he being a mail agent, could' be home dung the day -- ippeared 10 be very regular im his bab: ve, and was at home every evening, amd tn short tine were looked upon by their fellow boarders us quite an acquisition. Christmas wine come and the couple mixe | with the others a the amusements which were got up ni the louse, and seemed to enj y the fan amazingly, but on New Year's eve were nme a change. The o oupants of the house had mostly tepaiced about 10 o'clock, vot feeling inclined io watch the New Year in but were destined to have but precions little sleep, the jingle of the duor bell awoke some of the ocenpnats, and ihe servant found al the Hy an able bodied young mun. They formed the ser ant that the Indy was mother and the gentleman was the brother ommencing at nine oc ock a, m. at the. | tedy 2=1he willianous Aboni 11 o'clock | © door a stout mi dle aged lady, aceanp med) question, avd stated up stairs, bt had no gone muny steps before screams of ¢ mor- der fiom nbove the hoose, The propmelor, Mi. Park, sprang out of bed and hastily at- tempted to change his mght srt for thick- er apparel, but the fiepuency of the ects and din from the wom nuduced him ta din- regard all laws of etiquete, and down stai's he went 10 the room in question, fol= lowed by some of the boarders. Hoa th y found that Mr. and Mra. Nye had been hauled fiom bed, the former by the big bro lier aud the utter by the mother of the lady. The young man was walking into Mr. N with a sont sjck, which ue used mostly on his victim' head ; and he inning discretion the betier part of valor, mude a break for the window, earrvaine th he oe part of the window-sash with him, and took refuge nt @ table. While this was going on the mother had her davghier over ner kpee and was applying raw-huie, to raw=lide ; giving her; the Ingppme ofa witness, * Hal Columbia?' he "specta= {ore thinking that there stould be moderas Hon a all tings, Interpised wud sh ped lis caxtigation, and heard the explapations of the parties, fiom wineh au red hat the daughter had been recently married wa gentleman in New York and tad ren aw. y [rom him and came here, taking np with Mr. Nye, who had been a former luv- or, The mother and son were induced 10 re- {ire to bod, suffering ananly fom tha effects Af the cowhiding, Mr. Nye came out of his hit ng place in the stable alter the coast was clear, The touble was not all over yet, how= ver, and in about an hour th Sa Was un= other ring of the door bell. The servant wan admonishod 10 be careful who elie eb m, and open the door ajar, when the former visitors pushed foreibly past her, and imme= diately went to the room 0} Mr. and Mrs. Nya, when the brother drazged the former from the bed and gave him anothet tremen- lous whacking, continuing lo apply the ~tiek notil he was stopped by the propri «tor of the houss and the boarders, who | went to the rescue, ' At this visit the mother did not use the hive, ut while the son was attacking Nye, gave the duoghter a terrible tongue lashing. As hefore, the boarders requested them lo leave the house, which invitation they finally complied with. On turning ther attention 10 the mjuied man, they foand that he was badly out, and took him to 8 apighbaring drug store, where his wounds were dressed. The following morming the yoang couple. loubiless thinking their quarters were gets 1g too hot for then, quietly leit the house, wid the next day their bagunge Was sent or by the porter of a hotel 3 the plano being Jolt as seentity for the board bill, et ee A certain daacon,on oveasons of mission= ary collections, was wont to shut his eyes wid sing -- + F'y abroad thou mighty arnpely! with aneh an earnestness and anevon that he would forget to see the plate come ar= ound, #4 Oh, yes," said the plate hearer, but Jost you give something 10 make it fiy."' et eee An exchange wisely says 1-- When you fd a min weiting his own wilye tinement aid sticking it up atthe post officer, or in hotels, of on the Steel posts, of on the hale trees, instead of publishing iin the town piper, look ont for him 3 the vary net + ows that he is 100 closefisted to deal with to advant ee A yonng lady - a sensible girl --gives he following eutalogue of diffsrent kind. of ove: ¢ Tha swe La mother's love § the erongest, 8 woman's love 3 the dearest, a man's love 3 and the sweetest, longest, <rongest dearest love, a love of 8 bonnet." . ee -- A Trury LamentapLe OCCURRENCE -- A very damentable affair took Cp ace at Locktowt, in the township of Alot, on Wednesday fast. It appears that Tennc Iiylor, a son of Henry Taylor, challenged (nother yonng man named Thomas Squires o fight The latter was unwilhng to do <0, but beng taxed with cowardice, he ar- yanged 10 mest Tayior on Wednesday. The r sult was, that alter a very short wens Taylor, 'ke challenger, received juries of which he died almost immediately. The parties have teen on bad terms for some 'ime. Both parties havea wile cirefo of connections in the township, and a deep ~en=ation has been caused by the fatal ter nation of what. was probably atiivial diss pute. It 1s sad that the quarrel was fo- mented by nischi-l mukors, whose moral rexponsibiliny for the sad result is probably greater than the blame to be attached to Squires.-- Champion. Mi "Who were the real cowarda fn thia jtra- misclned-mukers whos brotal propensities led them so wsti~ sate a lizht; but whose cuwar ice. kept them too tar oft to be hurt, We eutiely \gree with our cotemporary that the moral q rexponsibibity rests on the go-betweens. It aa pity that the legal responsibility' dant be placed there also, This oniht to fie a warning to young men'; here one young nan meets an untimely 'death and another 1s rutned for hey partly through a spun of revenge, and partly from giving heed to ihe Sstame counsel of miserable tylebeprers. Fighting ought to be avoiddd ag mi as possible 3 but when it nus to be lone fet the busyboly, b'm that stirs vp mi-chiel and induces othefs to fight, be himself bronght to the * scratch." obs oi § gi) ls FATAL CARELESSNESS. iy, avoid: handejling may not follow the do follow of wh oftheir o Paities should withou waushin: of Mr«. Nve, whom tiey wishe! 10 see, Division umber two. Fraicis Holmes for and urked whieh was ihe comm of the (oy. Division number three, Harris Butnbam for plo. Tuo servant desiguaied ihe room in Ter. "all erm, and did Mosq arr | Te 0 bey frovived Yann te hor hagidu, and died yrmcdintely, 2 1 } pi Te TR SET AEE ra . ERs es . ¥ f i {

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