- sre BUTTER fm FOR SLE Bad LL v A nel The Oral Examination of the Prince Al- bert Common School takes plase to-day.-- 4" Let us see-how many parents can be present our school. tee -- ee. Remember the Grand Entertainments at Greenbank to-morrow, Friday 31st inst.-- We are pleased to know that this locality will be largely represented. Doubtless a +. « toredreat will be enjoyed. eer COMMENDABLE LIBERALITY. | The City Council, Baltimore, have just voted $50,000 for the relief of the sufferers, by the flzods--$150,000 to repair the damage done to the streets, and $20,000 to clear away the rubbish. WELCOME HOME. "The Halifax Recorder of the 15th current tells us that the delegatesihave arrived from England, they came by the steamer © City of Cotk" the delegation consisted of the Hons. Howe, Annand, Troop and Smith. A large assemblage of people met to wel- come them on their return, "Tupper was alsoa passenger on board the "City of Cork? but as soon as that infamous traitor " 'put foot on shore fie Wis siluted by a tem= pest of hisses and signs of disapprobafion, cries of throw him overboard, were shouted . by his enraged countrymen ; but fortunate- ly in the interests of law and order, no one attempted to injure that miserable being." This shows how far the union sentiment prevails even in Halifax where it was said td predominate. If Confederation oan't gel on without the aid of a province which has been {ied haud and toot and thrown into it, and which 1s only lying kicking to get free, the sooner the bauble burets the better for all. What right has England or Canada, or any other power to drag an unwilling ' province to a distasteful and hated con- PROP Ly BOOT 4 NI ATORE nexion. What advantages is it to Ontario . 10 be huddled up with so many selfish and S discordant elements bronght together by stealth and held by promises and bribes, while the conglomeration is dignified by the misnomer of Confederation: Must,we PAY the muclt larger proportion of an ex- pensive administration, build at an enor- mons cost an Intercolonial Railway, the 'benefits of which to us at least, will be of the smallest diiencions, and still be twitted as impos'ers and (yrants. Let the mal-con- tents go be kicked il the confederation should cramble to atoms. ---------------- FIRE AND WATER. These dmportant elements have been ex- hibnting theie devastating poweis in a rather 'extended scale since our last. Our London has had a big fire, burning seventeen build- ings at a valne of $50,000; while Baltimore U. S., has suffered by floods, occasioned by excessive rains, to the extent of $1,000,000, and the lives of ten or a dozen human be- iugs, while the number drowned in the city of Ellicott is upwards of 37. « The rain ston at New York was so violent on the 27th inet., that the liule slreams were swollen ito rivers fierce; and rapid and much property destroyed, the extent of which 1a not easily ascertai nod. i * Chronie, Rheumatism and Lambago, cured by a few applicatiots of Electricity. See Dr. Brathwaite's Advertisement. Debility, caused by impure or impover- , ished blood, soon removed by electricity. . Applied at Dr. Brathwaite's Office. See Advertisement. MARRIED At the Presbyterian Church, Harper's Corners, on the 28th inst., by the Rev. Archibald Currie, M. A., Thomas , Esq., Manilla, to Marjory Thornburn of Mafiposa. Prince Albert, 20th July, 1868. To the Directors of the Home Insurance Co., New Haven, Connecticut, Gentlemen,--aving had the musforiune of having my property destroyed by fire, which was insured in your Company under policy No. 8, Prince Albert Agency. You will please ac- cept my _thanks fos gending your Agent, John Agnew, Esq., of Whitby, to investigate the loss, and for the clear and satisfactory manner in which he has adjusted wy claim--by payment of the full amount. Yours truly, our SORGE URIAH WHITE. Prince Albert, 26th July, 1868. "Tolthe Directors of the Home Insurance Co'y, © 2 New Haven, Connecticut, Gentlemen, Having been somewhat interest- ed in the property owned by Mr. George U. "Whi he his place, 1ately destroyed by fire, -- duty to express 1 you my thanks for your action in reference to the loss. And - algo to testify my hearty approval of the course ursued our Agent, John Agnew, Esquire, Pe the 8 ent and payment of the "claim. ! Yours tral ours YS HN OOURTIOE. TA Ten il oounmion. School Notice ! yy : TIOE is here t the Trustees of Ont giehy oo this Township, who may be rou that sie Schoo And t be ay their application to the the Council at a A 'meeting hoo held at the TOWN HALL, MANCHESTER, on FRIDAY, the Th day of AUGUST Assessment cannot be ins next, otherwise such werted on such Collectors Roll. JOHN CHRISTIE, TownsHiP CLERK. Reach, July 7, 1868. 27 4w so yw PUBLIC NOTCE.! that application will Yen ne port. Whithy i fh A Pore Perry Rail to the of Ontario at its Paslinment - ae amending -the " Act to ; Session, for ort ee the Fort Whitby an Railway Company," and extending and a power and outhority of areing , 0 ony n the 1 out end construction of their proposed Railway un- der y y the "act by giving the said Compan: dor the seid oy vin ih to lay out and con~ struct such railw contin and building the to such nt upon shore of © Simeoe at or near Beaverton as may be consid- ebrisable, And sl 015 01,00 hon c 8 struet and finish 3 run on best. 10 ow de with the same rights, powers, privifeges, and under and subject to the same Provisions as are now given and made bythe said The Subscribers will pay CASH for any quantity of good Butter. R. & J. CAMPBELL In order to affect a clearance, ofter the balance of their Stock at Until the 20th day of AUGUST. % Mr. ROBERT CAMPBELL has left for Britain, to purchase their FALL & WINTER STOCK, which will be found much larger than asual. Wines & Ligu os, Wholesale and Retail. sar Due notice will be given on arrival of their Fall Importations. \ (= The highest price paid for Butter, Eggs, &o., &c. A call is respectfully solicited. r and Whitby, July, 15, 1868. LADIES' SUIAMER BOOTS AND SHOES CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE R. & J. CAMPBELL. Mancheste Opposite Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert. mata Lod Atm J. COX Has just received an invoice of the most fashionable styles of Ladies' Polish Boots, Balmorals' (initers, and Children's wear, ever offered in Prince Albert,which will be sold at prices that will DEFY COMPETITION. Prince Albert, May 6, 1867. THE WHITBY VGRICULTURAL WORKS! sess 00 PDQ OS Por SPECIAL NOTICE! mrt () GS---- Single Reapers and Mowers, and Mowers Combined. and Reapers The subscribers would call the attention of the Agriculgural com- munity to their Stock of Implements, where will be found almost everything the Farmer may require, and especially at this season of the year, to their Stock of Reapers and Mowers, Of several kinds, and of the Latest Make. To which all the Latest Inprovements found necessary by practicable tests during the last season have been added. Ball's Ohio Reaper and Mower combined, Cayuga Chief Reaper and Mower combined, the Manney Sinale Reaper, the Cayuga Junior Mower. "Of any and ali of the above Machines, we invite a trial. They are maunufactared with care, of the Best Material & P#orkmanship And can be guaranteed to the purchaser to give satisfaction upon a fair trial, or no sale. BROWN & PATTERSON. WHITBY, April 1, 188. 13-4m Special Notices. = LECTRICITY of Port Perry Mrs. Winslow's IN DISEASE | SOOTHING SYRUP, I BEG to inform my many friends, and the public generally, that 11 have procured FoR {ot myasiza govern] and oy Sen, Sleatior n 4 Galvanic Battery. I consider Elect city to be SHILDREA T RR T i H By a Tower, but itt appreciated i andersioed, i : . | and as a curative agent in many iseases, I con- really foc ates o process of uelbing, by to | tend, that it will produce the Tost astonishing Paix and spasmodic action, and is spd fat stactory Josulis, 1pdend, case? Jor medicines are 0 no aval © ery, 4 scienli- SURE TO REGULATE THE BO | Really and judicioustylapplied, will, in'numerous fic J app Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, | instances Dring about a perfect recovery. and gourds, I au wy Jax fom desiring it to be y imagine y supe! medi- Relief and Health to your Infants. clus, or it il newer in every case i i claim for it no such power. But 1 do apprelion Cy Co i and sold Wis sriice er sate and that in many disorders, some of which PE abjotn, neverbeen alia to say of muy other welel e Ne as it produce the most desirabl it Failed in a Single Tsien a Gwe, whe | The diseases and ailments in which [ consider timely uted, Nevet 4 welkiow 00 ar ustunee of dise Electricity to_be most serviceable, and as most u lare delighed with il operations, aud 'speak in'terms | certain preducing good, are the following : mY pak "Al gE'SS GENERAL DEBILITY. KNOW." after years experience, je our I E. OUS. 'SS., sition for the fulfilment of what toe ere declare. In , att ely instance her infant iswuering (rom CHRONIC AFFECTIONS of the LIV- uslion, rel or Piveuty minuien ater the syru ER, BLADDER and KIDNEYS ; ree | ASTHMA, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA- pper. TION ; Full directions for sng it bla ot J PILES, RHEMATISM, NEURALGIA; None genuine unless PERKINS, New York, is onthe outside 'Sold by Druggists throughout the world, PRICE ONLY 96 CENTS PER BOTTLE.) PARALYSIS, CURVATURES. und OFFICES: : other AFFECTIONS of the SPINE; 21s Folin Street, New Jat oy CONSUMPTION in its early stage ; 205 High Holborn, London, DISEASES ansing from IMPURE or 41 St. Pa Street, airy Canada. TAPOVERISH 'D BLOOD, &c. N.B. 1 add that there is no or un- pleasantness 'experienced during or after. the use of the Battery, and that it contains six differént ucrents of Blectricity, differing in their effects and applicable to the several disordered states o the systein. FRANCIS H. BAATRVATEE, MD, CM, ical Electricipt. 23-1y ERRORS_OF YOUTH A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Deeay, and all the effe¢ts of outhi- ful niflssrerion, i for the ie of suffer i Boamiry, 1 send freetoall who need it, the recipe afd diredions i 3 for making the simple remedy by which hd was cited. Prince Albert, June 10, 80s. Suflerers wishing to profit by the adyertifer's expri- ence, can do so by addressing, in petfect confidence JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar Sireet, New Yoke To Consumptives. Tho Rev. Bdward A. Wilson will send (free Y of charge) to all who desire it, the prescription with the directions for making and using the simple remedy by which he was cured of a lung neorpo fi Company for laying cut a neperetive heir railway. ROBERT J. WILSON, : p. P. Railisay 00) PW. & + Rail ik Whitby, 24th June, 1868. 8am INFORMATION, i a ion and iscase Information guaranteed to produce a luxuriant) ection snd tint dread oe A torte glowti( of hair lpon, s bald head or beardless! hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, face, Also a rec r removal of Pimples, i it will cost them nothing, and may prove & Cost Pricel: Capital Fifty Acre HE Subseriber, wishing to retire from farm- T TE es for sale his Ji TWO FARMS The other is the South-east Garter of lot No. 11, in the 14th concession of Reach. There are 20' acres cleared, 8 acres cedar and 22 acres ~TST RECEIVED AT THE Medical Hall, PORT PERRY! (EX) A full assortment of Dye CONTAINING 50 ACRES EACH. The one is the South thetidtn en heat unler of Jot 14.0 INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING VARIETIES : frame buildin on the premises, Song ofa MADDER, CUDBEAR, : ANNATO, ing Bac, Sables ind Wood Sed; with two LOGWOOD, COCHINEAE, LAC-DYE, d water. The ldnd is abundant supely of Eatract of LOGWOOD, INDIGO, : capital state of cultivation. REDWOOD, FUSTIC, , CAMWOOD, COPPERAS, for dyeing any color will be given to those purchasing dyes. hardwood. A never failing. stream of good water rung throngh the lot. 3 easy. The attention ot For further particulars oe 0 the subscriber on the premises lot 14, in the 14th con, Reach, Port Perry, July 30; 1868. JOHN WILKINSON. Reach, July 1,1868. 263m Painters and others is called to our large Stock of PAINTS, OILS, TURPENTINES, and Varnishes. 36. For Fresh md Reliable DRUGS and MEDICINES go to the MEDICAL HALL, PORT PERRY. MADDER COMPOUND, INDIGO CoNPOTID, ar ; . LIQUID BLUE, &c. The above have beeti selected wilh the greatest care and will be warranted the best quality. A pamphlet giving full ia JONES & JONES: Thousands of Bo; _ Thousaads of Gilt, Jett, Crystal and Bog Oak a -- 000 The following lots will be offered for Sale at the Stores of the Subscribers, at Prince Albert; this day and the following days of this month, . 1 Case 54 pieces Printed Dalaines, nice goods, 6d pet yatd. 1 Case 22 pieces Striped 1 Case 43 pieces A few pieces French 17 Pieces fine Black A lot of Ladfes' White Lawn Handkerchiefs at 2d and 3d each. A lot of Lawn Handkerchiefs with colored borders 3d each. A job lot of New Kid Gloves, Black and Colored, 1s 3d per pair. A lot of Ladies' Enameled, Marseils, and tucked Paper Coll 42 Dozen Ladies' Steel Skirts, new style, at 1s 104d each. #4 Dozen Ladies' Skirts, very stiperior, with 20 and 30 hoops, at 2s 6d. Thousands of Ladies' imitauon Jett Belt Buckles at 44d each. 75 and Gent's Paper Collars 3 41d box. Cheni Lustres 64d per yard. 'double width mix'd Lustres 6d per yard. Mushns, very fine goods, 74d per yard. and Steel Grenadine Lustres per yard. , one copper each. . rooches and setts trom 3d to 1s 104d a set. FINN WIGHTMAN & GO] Late J. & W. Cowan. | FINEST SELECTION OF GOODS Q July 15, 1868: S\ Wat. WIGHTMAN & Co., (tate J. & W. Cowan), Importers, Prince ont 8 J a cw @Ubertiscments Currie& Ross Wish to inform their numerous customers, that our Mr. G. OUR FALL STOCK Of Dry Goods and Groceries, which we Spit ds 1oisnu OLSEN =a Lut ouk-vend Ver brought into Reach, by any one house in the trade. 'Their arrival is expected about the 20th or 25th of month, of which due notice will be given. In order to make room for this MAMMOTH STOCK We have concluded to sell the balance of Summer Coods at Greatly Reduced Prices. We wish the public to call and inspect our goods and compare prices. The highest price in cash paid for all kinds of grain. Prince Albert, Juily 22, 1868. --_-- "NEA DOMINION STORE The Subscriber hes new to hand the LARGEST and Tn every department, which he Bas ever bad the pleasure of offering at the ¥ New Dominion Store," the prices for which will tompart favorably with the same class of Goods in any City or Towa in Canada, and will be sold either for Cash, or Credit to the Ist of October next. PLEASE EXAMINE THE FOLLOWING, VIZ: Beautiful Dress Goods in DeLaises, Lus- kinds in Lisle, Silk, Cotton, Berlin, tres, Popplinetts, Bareges, Alex. and French Kid. andra Cords, nod Stripes of ll kinds, | An extra lot of Tweeds, and the Cheapest from 12} cents per yard upwards. in the market. Some of Be very ust Eroneh i) Eat. i lt Lia a well nner on that "ihe subteriber old lish Prints ; also Hoyle', Dale he ase t Twee ose in t Gravel's, and other rakes of Prats Sra RGA, ad fea preplrst to 49 to ati: Brilliants, Muslins, &c., from 12}c | An immense Stock of Grey Cottons at old per yard upwards. prices, 10, 124 and 15 cts per yard. The finest selection of Ladies' Mantle | A large lot of gentlemen's Hats in Felt, Cloths to be found, in all colors. Straw, Silk and Wool. JUST 1100 Bundles Best American Cotton Yarn, at lowest Market price, "Straw Goods AT LESS THAN Currie, left on Saturday, the 18th inst., by steamer 'Nova Scotian' o for Glasgow, Manchester, and London, to purchase ON PPICe In order to Clear out the balance of Stoel NEw MUSLINS OTTED GREVADINE From $1 to $2 per Dress. me RECEIVED ! BROWN & CHRISTIAN. Manchester, June 25, 1868. itm -- MONEY! TO LOAN! ------ The Subecriber is now prepared to lend any amount of Money, PRIVATE FUNDS, On good Mortgage Security--or Debentures, at a Very low rate of Interest. x : The borrower tan hive His on time to pay the principal. I also répresent three of the Largest Monetary Companies in thé Dominio that lend tioney at low rates on Farm snd Town Property. (2 Several good Improved Farms for Sale--at extremely low prices Silver and Greenbacks bought abd sold. Apply pesonally to JAMES HOLDEN, Officitl Assignee, Land, Insurance, and General Agent, Whithy Office=McMillan's Block, Brock St. Whitby, Sept. 25; 1867: 38 A large assortment of Parasols, from 50c | A fine and complete assortment of Hard- to $2.50. © sizes: | The finest lot of Ribbons and Trimmings in Ontario. | A beautiful assortment of Shawls of ull kinds. 5 A splendid assortment of Gloves of all h: | { the same soft, clear, and beautiful, can be © DWARD A. WILSON, Blotclies, Eruptions, etc., on the dein, oar lossings Please address 1 Ev. E tained without charge by addressing. fo. 165 South Sccond Street, Williamsburg, New York Prince Albert, April P 1868. ware of all kinds. Ladies' flats and Boonets of all sorts and | And a fine assortment of Groceries, Paints, Oils, &c., good and Cheap. A fine and complete Stock of School Books, Slates, Books, Envelopes, Pens, luk, &e.-- Ledgers, Day Books, Cash Books, Pass Books, &e: 125 I shall be prepared to furnish parties who intend building, with Timber of al sizes, Shingles sawn and split, Nails, Glass, &c., very low. (> Soliciting an arly call and examination of Stock. \ TT. 0. FORMAN. _ (PRIVATE FUNDS) Writing Paper, Copy - PrincaAlbert, Dec 18, 1867. B14.900 10 OI, AT § PER CEA, M. G.ROBSON, PRINCE ALBERT, i) r b | ae ---- 1 1