'% go TIRE a * VOL: XI, No. 44.) PRINCE ALBERT. COUNTY OF 0 A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER, 4d. 18 PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORIA BL COUNTY OF ONTARIO, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING x BAIRD & PARSONS, nam, 1f paid within six hat time, $2.00. x months ; and no paper ears are paid. CF" Letters containing money. when addressed to this Office, pre-paid and registered, will be at our tisk. RATES OF ADVERTISING. For each line, first insertion - - Subsequent insertions, perline - - Curds, under 6 lines, per annum Advertisements measured in Nonpareil and charged according to thie space they oecupy. A i ived for i cific instructions, will be inserted until forbid, und charged accordingly. Noadvertisement will be taken out until paid for. Aliberal disconntallowed to Merchants and others the year or half-year. otice, the object of which i benefit of any mdividunl or ¢ wiio advertise bh A the peeuniar, ¥ be consideredan advertisement, and charg hered to. . 'I'he constantly inereasing importance of the North erste publication ofthe Ops Rr voeating right, and condemning he lead in forwarding Ridingof Ontariorend: ntly take the eralintere: any local paper published in Canada. JOB DEPARTMENT. + Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Programmes, Bill Haads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books. Cheek Buoks, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c , very styls and color, executed promptiv, wid at lower vates tha at any other establishment in this Parties(rom a distance getting hand bills, an have them done to take home with them. H. PARSONS, J + BAIRD. | . in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &ec., Prince Albert. Office oppogite T. C. For- man's Store. COCHRANE & COCHRANE, ARRISTERS>, Attorneys, &e. Albert office--opposite the Town Hall; Port Perry office--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. Spencer & Ebbels, ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Con- veyancers, Notaries Public, &e. T. H. SPENCER, LL.B., | HUBERT L. ERBELS, 'Tonto. Port Perry. > FAREWELL & McGEE, veyancers and site Town /Zall. fntaria Uhiserter, ; ALBERT, These terms will, in all cases, be sirictly ad- g of the coffuty ; and in the amount of localand general news given, will be unsurpassed by Vavvistery Cards, } r. JoHN piLLINGS, ARRISTER, Atiorney at Law, Solicitor Notaries Public, Oshawa. -- Biers Attorneys, Solicitors, Con- ) ce, one door North of the Post Office; and at Bowmanville, office Mr. Feeter's Block, oppo- D. V. DAILEY, DENTIST! PRINCE ALBERT. PERFORNS all Dental operations with neat- "ess and dispatch, He has procured Cod- man & Sheriff's latest improved Double jet Spray Apparatus for the Extraction of > Teeth without Pain. + V. DAILEY Prince Albert, Aug.'5, J. D. Cottingham, BOBELILA,CW By a New Process, Teeth can be Ex- tracted without pain, at his office. J.D, C. is prepared to execute all operations connected with his profession with neatness and dis h. Call and examine his specimens. Single Ceeth inserted--parts of sets, or whole sets--Cheap, and warranted. UNDERSTAND. --Attentionr to the Teeth preserves the health. Without teeth in good orderit is impossible to masticate food for the body and consequently there cannot be good health. If you have decayed teeth, get them filled. If you have any out get them replaced by new ones. Prices low, and all work warranted. If the work is not satisfactorily done, the money will be refunded. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p.m. Borelia, Jan. 15, 1867. C. N. VARS, RACTICAL Dentst, Oshawa, C. W. Dental Rooms directly opposite the post »ffice--entrance Simcoe street, third door north of the Ontario Bank. 2-1y Sa Aurctionecre, J. C. PILKEY. icone Q[ucsisnweey FOR THE County of Ontarvio J.C. PILKEY, Epsom P. O. Licensed Auctioneer. VIE Subscriber, holding a Licence for the County of Ontario, and the Township of Mariposa, wonld beg to state to Farmers and others, requiring his services, that whatever ly and carefully attended to. Charges moderate. Terms, Days of Sale, &e,, &c., arranged at the Observer Office, Prince Albert. E. MAJOR. Royal Oak Hotel, | business is entrusted to his care, will be prompt- | § 4 MILES SOUTH OF MANILLA. HIS hotel has been completely renovated and fitted up in I style, The bar is constantly supplied with first class Liquors and Cigars, and under the personal care of the pro- prietor who will do his utmost for the couveni- ence and comfort of his guests. ; C. F. SMITH, Proprietor. I'HE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company mas Company is now fully organized and is prepared 10 accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Company in Canada, Head Office--The old Registry Office Build- ings, Brock Street, Whitby, L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Secretary 27-1y WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO. OC. WW. INCORPORATED ... Capital = = $400,000, JOHN McMURRICRH LMAGRATH, Esq RD HALDAN, Esq. 5 PRINGLE, JENERAL AGANT. Secretary... Cards of Thanks, Lot 7, Con. 6, East Whitby, September 3, 1868. To the Managers and Directors Beaver Mutual Fire Association : Gentlemen, --I hereby acknowledge the payment of Four Hundred and Twenty-five Dol- lars, being a very prompt and honorable settle ment of my claim for Joss of my dwelling house, insured under policy No. 19897, and burned on the 17th August, 1868. JAMES GRAHAM. 5, Mariposa, mber 4, 1808. Received from the Beaver Mutual Fire Asso- ciation of Toronto the sum of Four Hundred Dollars, being the full amount of my insurance on house and contents, burned om the 12th August, and insured under policy No. 20482. MURDOCH MeDOUGALL. EE RIVIEINGY Lot 5, Con Sey th Prince Albert, Sept. 1868. Received from the Beaver Mutual Fire Asso- ciation of Toronto the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars béing the amount in tull for the ildings, insured under policy No. 10372, gs been burnt in consequence of being struck by lightuing, on 14th August last, said insurance settled second day alter claim papers were made out. M. G. ROBSON. The above Association also insures against HE Subscribers | prepared to make ad urity of vances of money-an the sec ImprovedFarm PFT a interests, Also wanted to purch gages. Yo " eer IF A number of good Farms, and2@00 acres of wild lands for sale cheap. APPLY TO DAVID J. ADAMS, Rear ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AGENT, VavLuaTor, &e., PrINCE ALBERT. or To JOHN ADAMS, 'Toronto Street, 'K'unonTo. Prince Albert July 14, 1868. we Money to Lend! IN SUMS oF B8300 and. Upwards, Ata low rate of Interest. FAREWELL & McGEE, Solicitors, &c. Oshawa, Nov. 14, 1866. 45-2mv MRS. DECKER, WATCHMAKER ! JEWELER, &GC., Prince Albert, Ont. Begs to unnounce to the public that she has secured the services of First Class Watchmaker. All work entrusted to his caré Will be warrant- ed to give satisfaction. She would also embrace the present opportunity of returning her sincere thanks to the inhabitants of Reach and the surrounding townships for the liberal patronage bestowed upon her deceased husband--Wm. Decker--and would further state that she intends carrying on the business in all its nches. Parties indebted to my late husband are ea- nested to pay up said indebtedness without fur ther Pr Ibert, Sept 23, 1868. i a8 ¥.HEPINSTALL PRACTICAL ATCH MAKER, Village Property,' In this and adjoining Counties a loy rates of n thi d adj 8 ho 0000 Vd ' "IuE DEATH OF BUMMER. \ - \" Bihe lenath'ning twilight heurs ; By Wo clill and fragrant showers ; By tlie flowers pale and faded 5 By the leaves with russet shaded ; By the gray and clouded morn § By the drodping ears of corn ; By the meadows overspread With the apider's wary thread By the sok and shadowy sky ; "By the thotand tears that lie roy Kinory,wedpingtbow beneath --, Summer, We [rroeive thy death ! Summer, 'all thy charms are past ; Summer, thou art Wasting fast; Soargely one of all thy roses On thy faded brow repoes. Thrush and nightengale have long Cussed 10 woo thee with heir song; And on every lonely hight Swallows gather lor their Hign; While the wild wind's dreary one, Sadly sighs with mournful brea. Requiume for sweet Summers ath. -- Chamber's Journ, BY ANGES MAY. hold for so many years, ns gen over to the enemy. --1t was the strangest thing that he shouid surrender at last He had outhve his ver- nal season, passed through the avtumnal first brisk wind that blew; fizntauvely speaking that is, for Uncle Fred is by no life, looking as if they thought it were pre- sumption 1 them to be alive--as indeed it stalwart man, fair and rosy, with the moet magnificent whiskers and moustache you ever saw. Don't you adore moustaches? 1 do-- black ones especially. I think if men only knew" the valve of a fine beard tliey would not go with such smooth faces. Why, I kuow hall a dozen young gentlemen whom the girls adore, who havu't au attraction in the world except their whiskers and "eon- commitants ; and those are glorious. Bat 1 was telling you about Fred Tt ia a little curious how he was corquer- ed. My sister Jeasio was his favorite neice, She teasad, vexed, soothed and scolded him Uncle more. He used to say he wanted 10 make her Lis heiress, * if he didn't get married." Gel marrivd indeed! One would as soon thought of My geting manied, as I was only sixteen last bithday. (Harry Gray says, | look full eighteen.) Well, Jossia's wedding was appointed for Christmas night and nothing would do but Uncle Fred must go. I unght as well have asked Louis Na- poleon or the Czar to My wedding, but Jea- +f ediingb-the {gos together, and' UNCLE FRED'S WEDDING, Uncle Fred is married at !ast-- positively abdicated the station he has been prond to al-1n-chief of the batcheior furces of [KKvandale,and gone Poor dear Uncle Fred! The standing joke for a quarter of a century; Il the regular toast of ali our merry-makings changes, and clung like withering louves to the shivering trees, to be taken off by the means one of your puny old batchelors,iwho glide ubaut wo meekly ir the by-ways of 1 in the pagan way they live; but a fine just ag-she liked, and he petted her all the | glimmer in the sunshine ; and the gloves, and the flowers, and everyiung, and Uncle tered "fripperies" and ¢ nonsehse," and then Jessie - whirled around afd begged Rose Garland to go and #iress gp in her white satin dress and veil, just the bride would be. Rose wouldn't at Ee) but Jes- sie teased 1 -- 1 Iw « Now do, Dear Rose. 't to sce how I shall look." And I put of my dress, and Jessie, Rose's pink one, aii@we parad- e looked so sweetly in the bridul Vail yi! ®te went up to Uncle Fred and dropped a courisey with such a cunning air, that Lieut. Gray and Harry cried, " bravo !" and Jessie clapped her hands and cried charmante. 1 Thought Uncle I'red looked glum, though Jessie declared there was a twinkle of satisfaction in the cortier of his eye. | don't anow about that ; but he was uot misanthropic any more, and was as gallant as possible till Christnas-- holding skeimns of silk for Rose to wind, and helping to trim the house with holly and eyer- greens. Christmas morning came, and a tine 'augh we had at him. Harry bad put some huly boughs over the door ; and you know they ray whoever goes under first will be the beat 10 be married. 1 kept away, I as- aure you 3 but what should Uncle Fred do, but come blundefipg in at tial very door. When Jessie wash dressed, she was the loveliest bride I eversgw except one ; and now I am going to tell You who that one was. A little while before we just at the last moment, she came trippin from one of the other chambers, wrapp i great, grey cloak, that covered he ¢« Why, what in the world have that for 7° 1 said. \ She put her fingers ou her lip, and shidgk her head. Just then, Jessie came out | such a glow and tremble, I didu't notice Rose any more ; and it wasn't until we were goiug down stairs that I saw Rose wae dressed in white satin like Jessie. was perfectly bewildered by that, and the novelty and the crowd, and 1 listend as if i: a dream, while the minister said over the words that made Lieut.Gray and Jessie one ; I only woke when he began to perform the same ceremony for Uncle Fred and Rose Garland !--yes, actually, 1 never was so amazed in my lile. Jessie always said it was her wedding dress that did, in. Any- how, Uncle Fred 1s married at last. P. 8.--That evening, don't you think I ran under the holly, I was so vexed. _P. 8, No. 2.--Harry Gray has proposed. en How 10 Make Hogs Extra Far.-- Hops well ted and kept clean will jatten rapidly true economy be-gensunlted, the grain.will be ground and ee Ts have good appe- tites, and a powerful digestive apparatus. lt i well known fact that the ap will usually fail, long before the hogs ability Ao digest well is impaired by suifiering. Though swine in thin fAesh fatten rapully, fat hogs increase 1 weight slowly, often greatly to the disappontingut of their feeders. | This is due usvaily 10 the fwluie of their Fred ¢ poon'd"' and " pruawedtt and mut- | [WHOLE No. 524 sme, AUTUMN PLOWING. "A cotrespondent sums up the more prom ment advantages to be derived from over the soil 10 autumn, oder the following heads: -- 1. August and September is a good lime to run over boond out sod land, and manufe it amd reseed 1t at once to grass, obtaining 8 crop of hay the following year. 2. October and November is ao excellent time to break up sod laad lor the following spring. ""The'Weather is then cool and bracing, and the team strong and hearty for the work; while the weather in the spring is more ve- laxing and team leas abl nd epring work being always hurrying, it saves time to dis patch as much of tha plowing as possible during the previous autumu. 4. Sod land broken vp lute in autumn, will be quite Iree from growing grass the following spring ; the roots of the late over- tarned sward being so generally killed by the immediately succeeding winter that not much grass will start 1 spring. 5 The frost disintegrates the ploughed land, so thal il readily grombles into find particles in spring, and a deep, mellow seed bed is easily made. The chemical chan and modifications resulting from atmosphe- ne action during the winter, develop lstent fernlity in the upturned furrows, which, to- gether with the mellowing influences, ma- terially increases the crop. 6. Most kinds of insects are either whol ly destroyed, or their depredations maleri= ly checked, by late fall ploughing, espe= cinily the common white grub or out worm, , 7. Corn stubble land may be ploughed late in the fall, and thus be all ready for early sowing in spring, therefore going far to inenre a good eatch of grass ; the roots of the new sod getting hold well, or being well established before the droughts of sum= Jnet came ou. . . 8. A great deal of land needs deeper - lopghing than has generally-been practised liete the subsoil is fine grained, and unetiong, and elose, or where there » hard pak of goad guahity deep plowing may be at one resorted to, with decided advan= tage. Whgre the subsoil is poorer the ploughing y sul be advantageous! deepened by \Jegrees, say an inch at eac breaking up ut in by far a maj of cases, deep ploug\ng may be prav at once --indeed, 1t tay be the rule, with safety, while shalNw ploughing may be the exception. Nough, - say nine, ten, eleven, or twelve inthes in November. The subsoil turned up Will grow severat shades darker by spring. frost and ate mosphere fluences of wintekwill mellow the soil. The inorganic elemdqts and all latent fertility will be made more Neti bendfitting the crop. In spring epNad the manure and plough it in or Mherwi itn or mingle it with®the soil 10 the J say four inches, or a litle more or less 3 you have the very best attainable condition for realizing good crops. Deeper plowing times Le safe or expedient, if the ploughing is delayed ull sping. Boston Courier. eet eee A DANSHUSE WATALLY BURNED may thus be practised thin would st all y Borelia, March, 27th, 1867 ap ites 3 in cd y . J.B. FAREWELL, LL.D. | no =, By 2, 186 loss by the death of horses or cattle from suy AND JEWELER s10 wheeled him into a promiss 10 go, theugh Appeliine sin cues We wantnons, very fut, SHOCKING SOENE, R. J: WILSON, T8205. H. WALSHE. Rsk M. G. ROBSON ? 1ahonid grumbte and Fcald sil tial ly oe Tes rye == A * is, LENSE oti Town- . G. b . human Vesuvius, the whoie month of De. . Jes . in avi ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor TCENS D0: Anatinneer for the Town Agent at Prince Al 2D i LS | various ways feeding hittie and olen in order | From the Louisville Journal, Oct 31. k ' ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in g rince Albert. 5 cember. I was to be one of the bridesmaids y | T.ast evening the p s de boquet w v Din Chanery, &ec. Office in the Victoria io; Mari ete, i e County v . Pred Ww ; 10 make the "animals eat an much as pos- | Test eveateg when Whe pas ded ! 3 eo North Ontario; Mariposa, etc, in the Connty of C. W. MADDER, and Uncle [red was to dnve me home | b { od at the Met lit. Hall ¢ 3uilding, Brock-st., Whitby. ~~. Vicon a lenco--Cannington, Brock. De Agent at Raglan ------ from Aunt Fauny'sin the city, wher we sible. A good story was lately tld us of | iy Jor ormed at the he So i iin al, ¥ oft is office is residence wi oat i 4 : o . vera o cear alter year vied | on Jefler street, near Firs > LYMAN BNOLISH, LL. B, | Soviet he or HATCH, KL | sot. 7s |The American Tovere Tull Coles at ban rpg to roars stan | evel neighbors wis eur sar yar wd an olin Cont he EU Ha CLT OLICITOR in Chancery, Attorney, | nington or otherw and prompt remittances . ere - brated and other styles of did trosseau too, it was, with uo end of pret- Hla oil ' 3 8 0, pro ug, he | one of the balle girlsadvenced tao near t 3 v vk shaw co--Simeoe | made. Rsmember-- WALSHE, the North On- n ly dresses, two weeks before Christmas, -- | [lest 10S, EACH ono 1akIng u Pix fiom the | foot lights, iler very wllammible dress of J +.) Conveyancer, &ec., Oshawa, Office--Simcoe o T ' "ry a - x { same litter, of o Way sts i i! ; street, opposite the post office. tario Auctioneer, Janey to Fos, \ It had been snowing in the night, and the | *3(0e liter, OF In some Wdy statling faie unc ip, hy ganzs nme ely took fire, ond she M ee mm -- Arua ARA Ara rer did h H | wind was bitter cold. 1 knew the internal | Ute With pigs, ol the same age and S40 1 was almost immediately wrapped w flames. ROSS, LAUDER & MULOCK, hates : a < forces were in a state of agitation, for Uncle doing hin best to make 1t as fat us possibie Four other girls were he stage at the t py SR iahaals PL 5LCin, ? Kept con: tantly, Als6a great variety of Fred pat me into the sleigh rather nore before Christmas. One of the farmers ju- | Four atlier girls were upon the stage at \ ARRISTERS and Attorneys, Solicitors in| oon ool vin nn LOM] TT : = Io Bh hp variably beat the others out and out, so | same time,but were tov much paaic stricken ua » Chancery, &e. Offices--Masonic Hull, | « p py ERE HOUSE," MAN "TER ! u CLOCKS, JEWELRY, & OTHER GOODS, vigorously than was cutirely necessarily, ) 3 ' | : x : 1 Toronto Street, Toronto, aud N lan's Block, ' ANCHESTER ! ° Port tats wav thio Fo his ine 1d do| and tucked the buffaloes around me with thoroughly that his good luck could never | to afford as<'stance ; indeed, from the li_ht $ adjoining Mr. J. Holdeu's office, Whitby. ' il RT Toe elie more energy than gentlensss. | knew a fit be accounted for as accidental. The secret | material of (heir utiire it wouid have been ! Ton J, Ross, Q.C. Lauder. | W. Mulock. 8, PLANK;.......... PROPRIETOR, IIE undersigned is prepared to loan, in sums | Where. J of his matrimonyphobia was coming on, he kept to himself, but being watched by | dungerons for them to have done so, A § NORMAN ¥ PATERSON, ee i ---- : to suit the convenience of the borrower, = All kinds ofghVatches and Clocks | and a preity time I expected to have of it: roms Jus deterdlined lo fi tory J gies | gentleman in the audieuce bad the presence Fo (Late oF Millar & Paterson, Toronto ) AVING Melissa is shove Hatelia Jus ANY AMOUNT OCF MONEY repairen and WARRANTED, for you see 1 was quite at his mercy Off Se Yr ish x Ay Tis eof mind to throw kis overcoat about the ' Mille son, " o Ir wi » choices! i ! : . . ara ¢ CAE "TTORNEY-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, a Every attention paid dr su h y| Brooklin, Sept.9,)868., + ,.., 5 f+ Ve slated Wiha oprings od Shap yas monster was allowed to fill hmastt 10 po | unfortus ale woman, which in some measure Lo Conveyancer, &e., Jleareston, gore in | 8 to nd from ela call daily, Careful (Private Funds,) Seer rer iment f ghee TE rod. the traces, and snap, loo, woul Unele | | isg iat, aid when lus appetite wis | suppressed the fice. Miss Hayden was re- o ding occupied by Dr. itd Teas -- 2 Pia ashing : On good Mortgage Security, ata very. PRINCE ALBE i ' " Th i oH of going 10 aw di satisfied, a half starved snout was let 1uto the | moved to the green yoom, and the medical 5 Me e £ ) . : k his comes of g elding-- ; { 5 pen by a side door. The fat one wouid be- | assistance of Dr. W.T. Owen was called in. gin to fizht at off, and meanwhile, to gorge | to requisition, who promptly did all that his iments, eiopiy fo ike vain tha poor sani: {art could do to alleviats her sufferings. He stim o 8 , piling g Vic of unsalisiad cravings goitiig lg .oypped thu she bad been dreadfully any food, This was a dmley program nw, "| Lurned on all parts of her person, and was and the result yas as stated. Tio fact is | 8 worth bearing in nnd, when in preparing but a scorched and withered relic of her AMERON & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, B Solicitors County Council Ontarie. Offices: Court House. ' AL. C. CA! N. Christmas weather, too, Catch me ever having anything to do with such foolery again--guess I shall be older than 1 am now 1 was silent, not exactly seeing how I could controvert this assertion; so Uncle Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. a Low Rate of Intorest. Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive a ostler always in attendance. He has several Lots of IMPROVED AND WILD LANDS | H. J. MACDONELL. ( Fcnieal € Drs. Jones & PHYSICIANS, wt the o > practice of their profession. All calls received at their respective places of residence will be promptly attended to. R_JONES, M.D., Late residence of Dr. Oakley,--Port Perry. G. W. JONES, M.D, «Coroner, Co. Ontario, Prince Albert. DR. WARE, @ (~ORONER for the County of Ontario, and Accoucheur, Physician, Surgeon Prince Albert een Drs. Brathwaite & Baldwin, PRINCE. ALBERT, "Physicians, Surgeons; and Acoouch urs. Drs. MoGIEL & RAE, 8 Lath Surgeons, &c., &e. Office and Residences, King street, Oshawa. AVM. M'GILL, M. D. J. B. OLVER, M. D,, [CTORIA UNIVERSITY, and Accoucheur, GRADUA * iow; Greenbank. ~ pentioton, Be y NT BL Enelish Pink Dental Rubber; New and eh Vuleanite Base for Arti- ficial Teeth! rr @. D. WAID, Sargon Dentist, Uxbrid ) {A LL Dental operations performed with the arranted to give sat- utmost skill and care, : ranted 1a Bi i jsfaction or no charge, and a Wi 3 competition. a x Rewpursces--Rev. Dr. Short, and IZ. D. Bey Dr 2, Burns, Whitby : G Port_Hope; il Re Jos, Gonld, Esq, and J, Bolster, M By Uxbridge Ears. Jomés, SURGEONS, &C, * OULD respectfully advise the public that have formed a partnership for the FRANCIS RAK. M. B. Free Omnibus to and™rom the Cars and Boats. ~ DAFOR HOUS URNICA 00D accommodations. Careful attention to the requirements of travelers and guests. The bar supplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars Good stabling. \ J. DAFOE, Proprietor. Brooklin House. 'C. VICKERY, - - PRopmrton. EGS most respectfully to inform the inhabi- tants of the County of Ontario, that he has lensed the above premises lately occupied by Sandy Perrie, which he has newly furnished and renovated, and he ide he to accommo- date the traveling c. The bar stocked with the choicest liquol d cigars, and an at- tentive ~ostler always in attendance. MACKIE'S HOTEL! (LATE BRODIE'S,) Walton Strcet, ort Hope. Wx. MACKIE, Proprietor. aE at Centre Hotel, . SAINTFIELD, D. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. THE ROBSON HOUSE! LATE SCRIPTURE'S HOTEL, DUNDAS STREET WHITBY, C, W,, GEORGE ROBSON, « - - PROPRIETOR, HE Subscriber begs 1 that lie has T leased the Ee Lo Oe Serip- ture's Hotel, for a term of Jom and that he has senoyaisd and re-furnished the building through- out, The [remiss are pleasantly situated, op- posite the Post Office, in the centre of the town. The Railway Omaibus calls at: the Hotel, and the Stages for Uxbridge and Beaverton leave the 53 Garelus Osters r always in attendance. ° GEO. ROBSON FOR FALE ON EASY TERMS. Apply at the well known Cheap Store of: Messrs. R. & J. Campbell, Manchester, to JOIN HODSON, - Vavvaror, &c. Manchester, Feb. 4. 1868. 5-3m A MILLION AND A (QUARTER or JMoney to Loan. THE Subscriber has received instructions from a gentleman who has a large amount of money invested in English securities, to in- | vest the same for him, in this and joining Counties, on good Farm Property, or Deben- tures. 1 #till continue to represent three of the largest Monetary Institutions in the Dominfon, that lend money on most advantageous terms. 5 ; 3 Also a large number of well cultivated Farms, and any quantity of Wild Lands, for gale cheap. For further particulars, apply to . = JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, :Commis- 50. Notary Public, &¢, &e. " OFFICF--Second Floor, McMillian's Block Brock Street, Whitby, Sept. 2, 1868. 34-1 N.B--I am also prepared to invest in all kinds of Debentures. _Greenbacks bought and sold ; also a large quantity of Silver for sale. JAS. HOLDEN. M ONEY, #5 (PRIVATE FUNDR,) To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent LYMAN ENGLISH, arrister, &c.. ; oe 1 1 Novembsr 21, 1866, GALLERY. = The Subscriber would in J form the inhabitants of Prince Albert and vicinity, that he has opened the above Gallery over the Store of Wm. M. Wightman & Co. Having spared no pains in fitting up the Gallery he prides himself that he ean give entire satisfac- jion to all all who may fayor him with their patronage. p Pictures of all kinds and sizes, finished with water colors. . 1% Pictures enlarged to any size desired with the Solar Camera.) ey Photographe'$2 'per dozen. Lettergraphs 28 cents each. 33" Call and examine specimens. 5 » G. BURCE, ARTIRT. 30-2m AVING decided apon' going to Dogan 1 H beg leave to inform my patients, and others that I have left my practice in the hands of my friends, Drs. Brathwaite and win, feeling satisfied that every attention will be paid to it. | Prices will be the same as if T were at home. CULLING EARDLEY KNOWLYS, M. D. Greenbank, Sept. 8, 1868. 35 To Blacksmiths. HE Subscriber wants a journeyman PBiacksmith. None buta good steady workmen need apply. Also a stout boy as an apprentice. i The subscriber would further stato that he is just commencing to fill orders for Bob-Sleighs Parties wishing first class Bob-Sleighs, cheap will do well to give their orders in time.' WILLIAM DAVIS. Manchester, Sept. 8, 1868. 68 "7 JOHN CHRISTIE, ancer, Commissioner of the Court Queen's Bench, OWNSHIP Clerk for Reach, Convey- &c. Business carefully attended 46 ©. NQffice--Manchester. Fred eulkily mended the broken trace, and we started again. But the stinging cold ex- asperaied lim into another explosion. «Going to a wedding, are you, Guy?" Le said, sarcastically addiessing the old horse. « Don't you enjoy 1t oll fellow? Fine isn't it--driving twenty miles, mercury below zero, ears tinghng like blazes, fingers freezing, to go 10 'WEDDING --10 820 LW ig- norumuses stand up and promise to by two iz- noramuses for the 1est of their lives ? | don't see is people'wiLs make fools of themselves, why they can't do it quietly, without com- peiling all the sensible people who have the misfortune to kuow them to witness ther folly." I was glad whon that drive caine to an end. . 1 sprang ou} as quick as I could, and Uucle Fred followed, muttering and grum- bling. But Jessie wasn't afraid of him. -- She used 10 say, "his bark was worse than his bite, 1 fairly shuddered to see her throw her arms around his neck, and kiss him as if he were a pet kitten. I wouldn't have dared for my life, and Lient. Giay--that is Hairy's brother, aud the bridegroom that was 10 be-- looking on as jealous ae a Turk. Unclu Fred bore it patienily enough,though as come surly, old mastiff might. 4 After tea, there were ali the wedding things to be looked at, aul Jessie made Un- cle Fred examine them every on Lieut. Gray's sister, 'Rose Garland, waa then a sharming hitle maiden, with the most rogu- ish black eyes in the world--and perhaps Uncle was afraid of her, for he did not growl quite so fiercely as he had done. Jessie brought out the white satin dress, and the tulle over skirt--1t was double with the outside one in the sweetest puffs. Rose Garland had a pink silk, and mane was blue : because [ had golden hair and a fair complexion, and she was a brunette. Witere was 17 Oh! the w and the tulle skirt, and the vail--it was long, and it shimmered in the gaslight just satin dress as the spider-webs all covergd with dew son, wa are desirous ot expediting the fai- teuing process, -- American Agriculture. A correspondent of the Morireal Witness says: | would suggest the use of carbonic acid 1n ull cases where paper-hanging 1s done. It will be found to mix well with paste or mize, will prevent it from becoming sour and offensive, and wiil be a thoiough bug-killer. When walls are papered, the accumulation of paste or size renders the rou in damp weather unwholesome and offensive, and it is often the cause of fevers. the uae of carbomie acid will prevent this, Two oz of carbone acid is sufficient for a bucketlul of size or plaster. nin --e id ore Cure rorRNEURALGIA.-- Hall a drachm of saleammoinia in an ounce of camphor- water, to be taken a teaspoonful at a dose, and ithe dose repeated several mes, ut intervals of five minutes, if the pain ba not relieved at once. Half a dozen different persons have once tried the receipt, and in every case an immediate cure was effected." In one, the suftorer, a lady, had been affected for more han a week, and her physician was unable to alleviate her saffurings, when a solution of sal-ammonia in campor-water relieved her in a few minutes. i Jo : In 1866 there were 1,890 denths from snake bite in the Madrus Presidency. Trains are ranuning 325 miles east of Sacremento on the Centia: Pacific Road. A late Quarterly Review estimates thy population of the world at 1,350,200,000., hgious newspapers in the United States. bot France won't sing a hymn to him. two perfectly formed feet on the same le; with Frank Lealie a ivy dollars a week. | hogs for the exibition, or some cther tea- | former youth und grace. She was subse- quently conveyed to her boardivg house her prereing groans' avd heart-rending crice | piercing the cool mght air. Tt was thouy' scarcely possible that she would survive yf moruing. It was scarcely a moment after the d read- ful calamity when the audience had © .yymed its composure, and the merry play'y, light dances and jolly bull nery were proceeded with. In one room lay the poo ¢ girl suf- lering from the to: tures of des (ly, "while the next the wnusic aud re velry wet on with undiminished ardour. -n Fifty negro and mulat! o families are am= ong the wealihy fies! cir clo of Paris. An old Batchelor 5° ,0c a published under the margests UN Birth bs ---- An Inshman, ¥gtiging a woman passing along ihe streets, es pied two strips depend- ing from under 'we ¢ cloak. . The Hibernian not knowing Voar, these were styled sashe and hanging, in the nght place, excla + Fauth a' am, your gallaces are voti Tr ------ 4 ---- ee ' Atternn 4 Ward » executor being unable 10 disrover the the fortune bequeathed to, him 10 found an asylum for worn=out pnn-- There mie three hundrad and sixly re Napoleon wants a new Natanal Hymn, Fayette county, Ky., boasts of a calf with Thos. Nast, the artist; began his c reer ters; itn suggested | is reported | wos On Wants last nly ar nea being that : appendage --¢ his Jake etal A Massachusetts farmer, Allen, h 0 the stamp mn the ry of i when Le spake at Dedham, Tnesdny, his di res and jokes had ruch an efect on tl hman - ©o thet he could TEER not' ral hi pr