i 7 Amos sr "Rt once th f the hardened . once the receptacles of the hardene onder gd the oid in crime, gen-- - iy hiddled together without regard 'tol ig ication. 'The latter sure]y ..ou ey be exposed to influences i fo to stifle, the disposition to. re-- . form when again atliberty. *The objec- _. Non to the present system is still more obyious in the case of untried prisoners . whomay not be found guiliy of the crime for which they are committed. Still more is it clear in the case of females of « alike elass.' [ recommend to you strong- ly the erection of institutions in central «* localities; 'to: which the sentenced for periods' Téss than two years, may be transferred from the surrounding gaols, "v10'andergo their term of punisiiment " "under a system of rigid discipline anal-- agous to that of penitentiaries, and where "Meir 1abor can be utilised towards de-- " fraying the cost of theif own mainten- _ ance. i I shall direet the Public Accounts, with the Estimates for the coming year 10 be. laid before you, and I have no «doubt that the appropriations voted dufr-- ig the last Session, will be found te have been expended thus far with care and a'due regard 10 economy. . |: rely on your readiness to grant the supplies necessary for the public service. In legislating gti these and other measures which-fave for their object the promotion of the moral, intellectual ..and material well-being of the people wiof this prosperous Province, you will find me ever willing and anxious to co- operate with you. Enjoying a constitu. "'tion framed,l may say,in accordance with 1 : our expressed wishes, which secures to wug.the great boon of self-government, to which we are daily becoming more at-- tached 3 with no burdensome taxation "10 oppress us, and shielded by the power. * 'fal nation, whose liustory and traditions are justly cherished by us, and to which we can at all times appeal for protection in the hour of danger. Ontario may well.exult-in the enjoyment of great and singular advantages. es Let us trust, under God's providence, ihat our legisiative labors may conduce 10 the realization of the peace, happiness and coptentigent of our people. i -- "A VISIT FROM THE COLLECTOR Perhaps on no previous occasion in the history of our township were the peo ple as well prepared fora cell from this annual visitor as they are on this. Many reasons might be given for this, but one important reason is that the taxes are uhusually low this time, the county tax being only 42 cents on the $100, and the township tax 9 cents on the $100. so that for cvery $100 ofassessed value, 51 cents will pay the county and town. "ship taxes, or $5 10 for every $1,000 of assessed value. This is considerably y lower than last year. * EE WORK ANEAD, Of 43 piivate Bills awaiting the action of the Provincial Legislature, there are eight bearing on Railway matters. . + 1 ¥© "° Government will have to lock sharp or they will be found jf their places on Val- entine day. (5 If a man warned of danger (oes not heed, and suflers, for instance, a broken limb, that in no reason why he should be hieedless still and "not favor the healing process. Nor because a man is heedless, and from exposure suffers disease of the "I'hroat, Lungs, Liver, Kideys, or Diges- | tive Organs, &ec., is that a reason why he should not seck for help. And for the real cure of any of those diseases, were we asked for an opinion,we would say by all means use the Great Shoshonees Remedy. MARRIED, At the residence of the bride's father, chester, on 218t Oct., by the Rev. James Mr. Wm: Lyle, to Miss Jane Daniels, both o above named place. At the residence of the bride's fatlier, Green- bank, on 29th Oct., by the same, Mr. Henry Abel Love, to Miss Hannah Cragg, both of the above named plage. + At the résidedce of the bride's father, on tle 3rd inst, by the Rev. G. Jumieson, Mr. Robt. McMichial to Miss Haldah Stotenburgh, both of ach, evs. pe meh haa ph REACH MARKETS. Prince Albert, Oct. 29, 1868. Fall Wheat, $1.25 /@ $1.30 & bush, Spring Wheat, $1.03 4 bush. arley, $1.30 Peas, 80 @ 85. Clover Seed, $6.00 & bush. Oats, 45¢., Butter 22c. & fh. gs 12c Cord Poder $2 en $50. 1 Wool, 24¢ /@ 26 ¢ per 1b. Hams, 12} ¢ per ib. Bacon, 10 ¢ per zr 3 MNO TICH. w | Ja 23 1867. 5,000 HOGS. T= Subsetiber is prepared to pay the High- cst Market Price for any quantity of Good Pork, delivered at his store CANNINGTON! IF Also Cash for Barley, Peas, Oats and Good Tub Butter. GEORGE SMITH. Cannington, Oct. 26, 1868. Heifer Strayed. 43 ROM the premises of the Subscriber, lot 17 in the 11th con. of Reach, about the - begin- ning September Yast, A red and white Heifer. Parties giving such information as will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. ' ALEX. LEASK. Reach' Oct 28, 1868. 43 Facts are Stuborn Things. : AND IT IS A FACT THAT GEO. FLINT AKES this opportunity of returning thanks T to his numerous friends for their liberal sup sort since his commencement in business. And itis also a fact that he has been refitting his Factory and putting in NEW MACHINERY ; And he is now prepared to furnish anything in his line as good as the best and as CHEAP as any establishment in Ontario. He continues to fi ls furnish the following articles, first class material and patterns : Cutter Bends of every.description ; Bent Shafts; Bugzy Seat Kails; Bob-Sleigh Runners-~-heavy and light ;% Iron Bow-handle Rakes; Fork, Rake,' Hoe, Broom, and Mop Handles of every variety ; Barley Forks of superior make. He would particularly recommend his justly celebrate Revolving Horse Rake For which he was awarded the FIRST PRIZE AT THE PROVINCIAL EX- HIBITION ! Against a host of competitors. lle ean furnish Testimonials of the superiority of these Rakes from above 400 farmers. CHEESE BOXE Of all 8 and superior make. A large supply of superior Sawn Shingles nstantly on hand and for sale. CABINET MAKING in all its branches ns good as the best and cheap as the cheape co VS kept constantly on hand and a | Job work, such as Planing, ing, Sawing, and Turning done on the shortest notice, and at RSE in readin els confident that with his facilities he can st stully compete with any nianuf ing establishment in the Province of Ontario, 0%= OrpErs SoLICITED, ' AGENTS FOR FLINT'S HORSE RAKE: Mr. THOMPSON, Hardware Merchant, Uxbridge Mr. BAILEY, Blacksmith, Greenbank. Stouffville, March 11, 1868. Marriage ILicenses: (BY AUTHORITY.) SSUED at Port Perry. = Office House. id HENRY CHARLES. -gJ the Scvcoa NOTICE. Nun is hereby n that applieation AN will be made to the Parliament of Canada, at its next Session for an act to Incorporate the Dominion Bank. WILLIAM MULOCK, Solicitor for Applicant. Whitby, 15th Oct., 1868. 42 STAND AROUND! 4 BIL subscriber having returned to Reach, has got himself comfortably located at the : thriving Village of MANCHESTER Where he intends carrying on the (0G Tailoring Business In all its branch entrusted to his beg leave to state that the . A e to between Dr. Knowleys and our- selves as to charges shall terminate on tbe pub- * lication "of this Notice. Des. BRATHWAITE & BALDWIN. ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY HE Annual Mecting of the members of the Ontario and Mariposa St. Andrew's North Society will take place on on FRIDAY, 13th inst. At 7} o'clock p. m., at the TOWN: FALL, MANCHESTER, care will be made up in the ldtest styles; and nothing will be left undone by him--in way of neatness of fit, moderation in charges, and eare- ful attention to orders--to ol and secure a rarge share of public patronage. The Latest Styles received promptly and regularly, eguiarly. JAMES SQUIRE. Manchester, Oct 18, 1866. Mrs. Winslow's, SOCTHING SYRUP! FOR (7 CHILDREN TEETHING. .5y Greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all inflammation--will allay Art Pan and spasmodic action, and 1s SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon it mothers, it big give rest 10 yourselves and Relief and Health to your Infants. * aanetioning the Constitution For the purpose of "VICE Lions for 1 and By-laws, rectivin, - "receiving the Treasur- ship. e wisich St. Andrew's ; no place where = celebrated and tnd Pl ¢ Fesnvalsball vs hall be held, and for ih fng other business proper to be brough oi meee JAMES BAIRD, Prince Albert, Nov. 6, 1868. Secly and Treas Valuable Lots for Salo. k Lots within ten minutes SEER te vusiness part of Port Perry.: "hr the present year, | it We have not put up and sold this article for years, and Can say in Ci and Truth of it what we have never heen able 10 say of any other medicnie---Never has it fai jin a single instance to effect a Cure, when umely used. Never did we know of an instance of dis« satisfaction by any one who usedite On the conary, all are dehghted with its operations, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical effects and menical vittues, We speak in the matter ** WHAT WE DO KNOW." ufter years of experience, and pledge our Reputation for the abe of what we here declare, In alnost every msiance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief was to be found in fifieen or twenty minutes afier the syrop is administered, Full directions for using will accompany each boitle None genuine hihi hy Hl Beam of CURTIS & PERKINS. New York, is onthe outside wrapper, Sold by Druggista throughout the world, PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. ly to a ABNER HURD, Dot. 211868. © ince Albert. Pri OFFICES :--216 Fultoii Street, Ne O\ Canadian Tweed W™ I Oue Hundred and Thirty Three Pieces Who ot OF ag s, Full Cloths, and . Salinetts. NTST OPENED AT AGHTMAN & COS. Late COWAN'S, Importers, . J PRINCE ALBERT. S& wre DIRECT "255 IMPORTATIONS ! PALL & WINTER GOODS. be equaled. HARDWARILE, lwanted fo which the 18. Piince Albert, August 1, 18 "THE LEADING PUMP IN AMERICA 1S POIV- ELL'S PATENT SWING AND FORCE PUMP! -- J. BOWMAN MANUFACTURER, BORELIA, These Pumps are the most useful, most dur able, easiest worked, frost proof, and not liable to get out of order. The its cost in one year ; while being available in two seconds of time it forms a most reliuble fire engine. Try one, All work warranted. When ordering please state depth of well or cistern.-- All orders must be sent to the manufacturer, Wells dug on the shorrest notice. Parties wishing to manufacture the above Pumps cen do 80 by making ar ts witl fs turer at Borelia. STRAYED MARE, 4d TRAYED from the premises of the subscriber Columbus, on the 17th day of Oct. A BAY MARE, 4 YEARS OLD, About 14 hands high, a white nose, and white on her hind legs extending about 7 inches high. Any party giving such information as will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarde JOHN CRUSE. 'Wagonmaker, Columbus, Columbus, Oct 27, 1868. 43 A Lad Wanted JEDIATELE to learn the Blacksmithing. . Apply to G. U. WHITE, ear Sh Toul Street, « High H wn, London, ; 41 81, Paul 1 : Nivea Covad bag : Port Perry Carriage Factory. Currie & Ross Have just received by Steamship ¢ Nestorian" the balance of their Stock. Every department js now complete with the CHOICEST AND FINEST GOODS That can anywhere be found, and will be sold fully TEN PER CENT LESS Than last year's prices. Factory Cottons Tels per yard ; Winceys 123cts per yard; Fancy Dresses from %1.50 to $20.00; Fancy Wool Shawls from $3 to $0; Canadian Tweeds T0cts--sold last year at 90c. Carpeting a splendid assortment from 50 cts. T00 Bags, Cotton and TwiLLep Linen, for price and quality cannot IN GROCERIES We have New Fruits, Bright Sugary \ NEW CROP, from Gocts to £1.25 per Ib. in Caddys of 101bs. AND DY HR -- > -- (= Any quantity of Wheat, Barley, Peas, Oats and Butter highest price'will be paid. B14.200 (PRIVATE FUNDS) | ~ 10 LOAN, AD § PER CENT. M. G. ROBSON," "oree Pump is worth | rs, and a choice lot of Teas, PAINT STUFFS. Ol L$, PRINCE ALBERT. ELECTRICITY IN DISEASE ! ------ BEG to inform my many friends, and the public generally, that 1 have procured for myself a powerful and very super Galvanic Battery, p or a power, but littie apy ited and understood, and as a curative agent in many diseases, | con it will produce the most aston ry results. Iudeed, in cases were of no avail, the Battery, of seienti- cally and jugliciously applied, will in numerous nstmcees bring about a p recovery. Of esiring it to be course, imagi will supersede medi- erin every case. | But 1 do apprehend that in many disorders, some of which i subjoin, it will produce the most desirable consequences. The diseases and ailments in which I consider Electricity to be most serviceable, and ns most certain of preducing good, are the following : GENERAL DEBILITY, § " NERVOUSNESS, CHRONIC AFFECTIONS of the LIV- LR, BLADDER and KIDNEYS ; ASTM 1, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPA- 110N ; PILES, RHEMATISM. NEURALGIA; PARALYSIS, CURVATURES, and other AFFECTIONS of the SPINE; CONSUMPTION in its early stage ; DISEASES nsing rom IMPURE or IMPOYERISHEED BLOOD, &c. N. B. I may add that there is no pain or un- pleasantness experienced daring or after the use of the Battery, and that it contains six different currents of Electricity, differing in their effects, and applicable to the several disordered states of the system. FRANCIS H. BRATHWAITE, MD, CM, Medical Electrician, Prince Albert, June 10, 18C8. 23-1y FARM FOR SALE. IE Subscriber offers for Sale that excellent Farm being the North-half of Lot No. 2, on, B. in the Toxwnship of Maiposa 100 Acres, 85 cleared and in a good Containing state of eultivation ; with suitable Buildings, and well watered. For terms apply to the proprietor on the pre- mises, 1C or that it will claim for it no such power. ALEX. McLEAN. Meriposa, Sept. 29, 1868. 39-tf' 's be 15 Cases IN THB ESTER, Sept. 3, 1868. DO FULL 68 'g to advise their friends and ¢ generally of the receipt of oots & Shoes, {. Shirts and Pants, Ee ALUE eas $08 0 0 4 PP 35 Stand unequalled, for durability, simplicity, easy and quiet run- ning, quality and range of work, and everything ne in a' first class (family) Sewing Ma- chine. og (= For Samples of Work, Pri call on, or rr ng abi E. HEAP, Utica, Agent for Reach. 42-3w PRINCE ALBERT AND MANCHESTER Bakeries! RE the places to boy your BREA & FLOUR, OAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, SMALL BREADS of every description, First class Coufectionanes. Toys in great variety For Spring and Summer vse; and Fruits . in their season. Wedding Cakes made to order He is also prepared 10 furnish Soirees. Tea Meetings, &e., on liberal terms. ages CHAS. HISCOCKS. Unca, Oct. 20, 1868. Feb. 13,1867. er () ---- BEST Madde ract Lodwood, Biue 1 Vitriol, Coch and all other Dye Stuff: + + 3 for coloring with rgeiepts how to use thors given in. Purchas® your Dye Stuffs at the MEDICAL HALL, Adjoining the Store of T., ©. Forman, Esq.. p} TAVERN hl r PRINCE ALBERT My stoek of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Per- fumery, is complete and will be sold at the Towest remuncrative prices. Lvery article waranted pure aud genuine. W. A TOMLINS Prince Albert, Sept. 10, 1808, TLINSON, 36 Volunteers ordered to the Frontier | of cit Stand to one door "Red White Blue. MINION STORE! The Subscriber AYATTCTY QT hg A, QE Tei, 9 WN , 4 4 4 FINEST SELECTION OF GOODS Tn every department, which he has ever had the pleasure of offering .at the ¢ New Domivion Store," the prices for which will compare favorably with the same class of has new to hand the LARGEST and Goods in any City or 'Town in Canada, and will be sold ¢ither for . 4 . Cash, or Credit to the Ist of October next. on fad. PLEASE EXA Beautiful Dress Goods in DeLaines, Lus- | Bareges, «andra Cords, and Stripes of all kinds, | Ap extra lot of T from 12} cents per yard upwards. tres, Popplinetts, Some of the very finest French lish Prints ; «so Hoyles'. Gravel's, and other makes Brilliants, Muslins, &e., from 12}c | An immense Stock of Grey Cottons at old { | prices, 10, #24 and 15 cts per yard. per yord upwards. The finest selection of Ladies' Mantle | A Jarge lot of gentlemen's Hats in Felt, | Cloths to be found, in all ¢ 1 A large assortment of Parasols, from 50c | A fine and complete assortment of Iard- | | | to $2.50. | | Ladies' Hats and Bonnets of all sorts and | And a fine assortment of Groceries, Paints, | | sizes. mn Ontario. A beautiful assortment kinds. : | of Shawls of ull A splendid assortment of Gloves of all (= 1 shall be prepared to furnish parties who intend building, with Timber of all MINE THE FOLLOWING, VIZ: Alex. | and French Kid. in the market, [ and Enz- | Fix a well known fact that the sub Bailey & | the Cheapest Tweeds of any House int of Priuts 3 | 14st Fath and leis prepared to do eo stil. olors. | Straw, Silk and Wool. ware of all kinds. Oils, &e., good and Cheap. The finest lot of Ribbons and Trimmings | A five and complete Stock of School | Books, Slates, Writing Paper; €© Books, Envelopes, Pens, luk, &e Ledgers, Day Books, Cash Boo Pass Books, &ec. sizes, Shingles sawn and spht, Nails, Glass, &e., very low. (ZF Sehiciting an early calla Prince Albert, April 30, 1868. und examination of Stock. T. C. FORMAN. kinds in Lisle, Silk, Cotton, Beilin, | | S weeds, and the Cheapest | will ai the nest mi sold Trade | Manchester, Oct: 14, 1838, ory | Aly, b Latest Qrmeh. i ates les awmade in the ranted. "Fit wi i it war- ceived. Qummcr | \ | . 1 Just re- | Prince Albert, March » | Brooklin JOHN DAW EALER in Drugs, Patent Pai Best Wines and Liquors for me purposes, = llorse and Cattle Medicines alw b NOTICH. HEREBY giv the Constit Society of t otice that in accordance with Beaneh Agricultural ach & Seugog, | the society eof. ISTIE. 41 3m wnsh in | move to amend the constitution JOHN CHR { . ® ' VA aly Ww. H. M ARSH. PRINCE ALBERT, . Foust, Sign, Cavviage, ANY Srauctal PAINTER. 3S to return thanks to the public for past vors, and wor eg to te that he has opened a Shop the * Princo ks, | | Albert Carriage Facto here he will be able J HPORTATION, xETS, and imported direct. A large and excellent varity of R. & J. CAMPBELL Are daily receiving at their Stores, Manchester Large quantities "all and Winter Staple and ancy Goods. Ladies' and Gents' BOOTS & SHOES. A lot of cap ROCKERY, and a full stock of All of which will be sold cheap In order to meet the demands First class Wines & Liquors, Photoz: apher for cash. An early call is respectfully solicited. a large add 10 our Manchester, Sept. 8th, 1868. of our steadily increasing business we are about fo make PrCToRArs n a Tanch R. &1J. CAMPBELL, &Whitby New Goods! Purchased by R. CAMPBELL. on the most advantageous terms in the Britr-n Mar- The Stock consists of a choice selection of Newest Styles of ry," w ¢ | to execute all work of the art in the best style. | Prince Albert, Nov, 26 47 Tailor, PERRY Fashionab! SHOP Over Paxton & Jones Stare PORT U ital, R. A. BARRETT, King St.. Oshawa. unis Si Ay. Dest Sle od rance through Mr. Carsuell' JSectionary Store. joi s Gon : ¥ bY 2 B y 4 i 4 r ry i 8 4 §