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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Nov 1868, p. 4

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4 « Age 'by ik into the Composition of 'SARSAPARILLIAN | Sarsaparilla wherein all the Curative properties of the root reside--all ph wg the root are inert and useless.--This important Curative gen y Dr. Radway's new process, extracted from the root, and enters ~~ Dr. Radway's Sarsaparillian--Resolvent. A rowdy I. E J] ordinary Skin Diseases, ~ = ONE TEA SPOONFU. a Sores, Ulkers, and Eruptions ; Diseases of the Glands, Nose, Eyes, Mouth, Ears, Legs, &¢., &5¢.; and Kidnzy and Bladder » Complaints, TWO TEA SPOONSFULS. Sarsaparillian RR. RR. RR. A GREAT SENSATION. A GOOD SENSATION. PAIN CURED IN AN INSTANT, TIME AND ITS LESSONS. Twenty Years Experience and Study In Porfocring @ rad Medicine aa a new source of Happiness 10 Millions | | WONDERFUL IMPROVEMENT Im RADWAY'S READY RELIEF. Dr. Radway's newly discovered proces peeuring medicinal extracts (in vacuo), from vegetable substances, adds greatly to the im- provement of the Ready Relief. IN AN INSTANT ft stops and eures the most violent PAINS, ACHES, CRAMPS, SPASMS, with clectrical velocity. Xt removes every Ache, Cramp, Spasm, or Pain that may exist in the INSIDE or OUTSIDE of Man, Woman, or Child. HOW TO APPLY IT. Tb the part of the body where pala exists freely win the Ready Relief; soak a flannel in the Relief, and Jay It across the parte where there is a pain or Inflammation. If the parts are too sensitive for rubbing, bathe the body with the Relief with a sponge. Pai noes excruciating will subside in a MINUTES. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder,--and in all cases whero Sine 1s influnmation, the Relief should bo applied Jruuiy ei) ae with the hand by rubbing, or a sponge by bathing, or by A aflannel soaked with Relief, and laid across ihe pl parts, In a fow moments all pain will cease, cause that occasions the pain removed. © TAKEN INTERNALLY. ps Ten to 50 drops in halt tumbler of water, will inve changed 'and minutes, stop Pain, Cramps, Spasms, Colic and inte' LL 'his tion gf the mucus membrane of the internal cons d repeated every 15 minutes, will cure the of Canada Cholera, Cholern Dysentery, ni rt disehargos £10 the Bowe FEVER & AGU, CHILLS #7 If exposed to the malaria fa take 20 to 30 drops of the LIEF, in water, two otding If seized with it, rub tay hands, head, fect, §4° 8, 1 ind oar. of Rudway's Dil r or prevent it--by this is a eertai °C ot, and ono or two It is better + night. taking the © of Rade B~TLE, 25 Cente € R-dy Relief, 25 cents, con- 6 {ha 3 bottles of tho 15 cent | cu iller--one-third more than the 25 Bottleof Liniments, Pain Killers, &e., will do more good in less time, and iswer tar better purposes as a family re. meds for it can be used with the assurance of ding good, in all cases when suddenly sazed with sickpess, or in case of accident, orb sh » N Lk da {ie back, argo doses night,-- and its Associates. Sarsaparilla, illian is on the label of ea TB. R, Resolvent, eet 8 for The Properties of ila Ingredients, 'wond ingredient (w 4 agTdiont, ae cleanses she blood of v Sion--rapidly removes ll A tei oth, Sei Vink IPIRINCIE AVBER'E and other fiuids. spoonfal In ordinary eases is a Phas 1 pia in chronie discases that have afflicted the patient for years.-- Itis a powerful Remedy, but is innocent of harm.--It is unlike all preparations of 'herefore, always ask for Dr. Radway's oy lia, et no other--see that the TT8 GENIT OF MEALTH BOTTLED UP IN RADWAY'S BARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT, o=TTht jon of his SARSAPARILLIAN, is adi curative t the systom the taint of eorrup- { M EE eaoves rom. the £oh PIMPLES, BLOT- cE NORTH oN Tay, i DAWS i: LATE WILSON'S--SIGN OF THE } HE FOUNTAIN HEAD (for PURE Di PAINTS, BRUSHES, OILS, VARNIS, CINES, and every thing conneeted w trade) for quantity, quality and price ' In all its departments st Toronto ice variely. ~ An] nt cash PERF MERy Aujelegst gical Insiruments of every make. Trey ithe ive Food? Infants. The Royal Unrivalled Washing ar COSY Crystal. . Ale Brandy, Port and Sherry Wines, Gins, Old Rye, and 0 The utest Fondo floinal purposes only. ? ? / Cosmen 'cians pffCriptions earefully and personally prepared. N.B. Phy for tpgery liberal patronage hitherto accorded us we would state that DAWSONS' itinted 3 Prince Albert and Manchester. S, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, 5, the most reliable PATENT MEDI- including a choice assortment of cheap Albans. Joa vor to anticipate your every want iu our line, and to give the "4 A. " Life on the Ocean Wave." oI (5 Wines, Brandies, and other Laquors, of the best brands, which can be had at the lowest possible price. Prince Albert, Dec. 18, 1867. . , for Medical Purposes, 50 'The Chloago Post says the Wickedest Man?" in that city is a newspaper man. Two weekly papers, wholly conducted by ladies were started at Chicago last week. A young lady recently flogged a who I rin a Now York street Jove The tailcrs of New York have received an advance of len per cent on their wages. A Boston house lately received a dispach from Calcutta in less than twenty-four as' just received hi i hous." h 5 J eve his » Winter supply of Three hotse thieves, two white and one Teas, Porter and Ale, Olard's Brandy, black, were lately hung at Giayson country Quiles, Whisky, x Shles Robtin% Co's Brandy, | Texas. Sugar, Scotch Whisky, artell's Brand i i Currants, | Old Rye aud Toddy, Chomsy _ do. | as Jopiritae lo Raisins, Port Wine, Jamaca Rum, Gazelte. ¥ ow gs, No. 1, Sh sry Wine, Pollut Sine A catile butchering match for the sham- Codfish, ° Ginger do. Old Tom Gin, p TD 3 among the: White Fish, Champagne, of new York, . Nino young gentlemen recently made the trip from Lyons to Paris on velocipedes in eleven hours.' KS, PU: Sonus AND INSECTS, imparting is extraordinary LIXIVE FULT prong A ingredients in the possibility of & doul BRAVA, Thighs medical world as to cass m Sho sie Te, ropert| n the to possess similar rope FEW eminent practitioners alterative, Jighrentaiptic, vg Juni Tarpon 0] hdd gi ot Xid Blakd jo : fects in Gave ieves 1stani J iva nf Cine, DID? bivg pasos: {ustont] Inflammatia of the Bislirine, te association wi and in eeies Ww Ctr (ingredients, restores fun peocur® quick dischioting vessels of th 1 harmony 10° Persons whose fine from thew] pure Paroira Bi PE, to expel rotained Fritating the ekin, cause sores, pi © ulsion of all humors frou the waste and dec; og ons; to clear t oll rom the Sopadtet matter that obstructs and lis air-cel 1 the wonderful efficacy of th wonderful. Tho ingredients are so com. « W rial cures are daily r THE GREAT PHLEGMAGOGUE, A CULE FOR DISEASED LUNGS, Jaw Jeremg but are tronbled, moro or less, with dim. enlty of mulation of this matter! adsto tal TEITERS, ACNR, BLACK SPOTS, tifu to hue of health aud besuty to the Oe Ed few doses will make # remiarkeble change. agent, ually, " . Carey Sona, hi + jrdiach ho kidneys rsaparillian,{ of the proper constituents of tachn urine {ia thick, secuves the 8, depositing brick dust, albumen, 1 after m fow doses, witness the 'cloudy, morbifiese slzas of terror, and tholr water and other dar amber and healthy color. Boar fn disappearalosolyent is the only remedy that contains the ravi. Eras Y DISCOVERED ROOTS. The of these roots excite a powerful action en tho 'menting the action of tho excreting erifices and excrementitious humours that, ples, spots, &o, owbined with other agents, secure a quick ex- Rysbem, ITS HEALING PROPERTIES, ts tonte If | And healing properties, nourishing tho blood so that the 7 of the body 1s supplied with new and Sound (orial, {3 the best praservative of lifo and strength clogs up + Persons who wero supposed to be dying Dtion, years azo, ar mow enjoying good odicine, Pounded sud associated 81 to harmonize and assist each o i Price §! rating Plleym, a thick humor or matter that sho alr passage and glands of the Bronchi, &c.-- ber- DIVISION COURTS IN THE OUNTY OF ONTARIO, FOR THE YEAR 1868. o ARE EENE 3/3 HEE No. 1--Whitby,.. 2 [110] 1 1 1 1 No. 2~-Pickenng,................ 3 2.19 2..13.. I¥o. 3--Manchester & Prince Albert, [1 ..113]30!.. [14/20]. .[. | 4 9/30 No. 4--Uxbridge,................ ..115{30]..1..] 5]. 11031 No. 5--Canningten,.. ey NE Pf IR TR I "ils No. 6--Beaverton, . ~J280..0..1 60..192..0.. vi No. T=Atlierlry.........c....... LET ER Fa RE pe th Z. BURNHAM, December 26, 1867. Judge C.0. .- o PORT PERRY on 5 CARRIAGE CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS THE Subscriber 18 now manufacturing a large quantRy of the above artic'es, of th best material, style and finish. Having made a good s:lection of matefial in th . | materjal market, he is prepared to manufacture any article required in his line. Done with neatness and dispatch, for cash or approved credit. (= All'werk warrand. Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing be paid. Borelia, Sept. 14, 1868. n in exchange, 05 A call is solicited. --o0%-- The undersigned would respactfully announce to the inhabitants of Reach and eurround- ing townships that he has just opened up his New Gocery, Provision, and Liquor Store AT BORELIA, Where everything in the Grocery, Provision and Li hand, of ihe very best quality; and at prices which All kinds of Farm Produce take F. NEALE, PropuieTon. quor Tine will be constantly kept on cannot fail to satisfy the purchaser. for which the highest market price will The average life of New England minie- ers who preach twice on Sabbath 1s shown visit to paris, Queen GROCERIES, PROVISIONS & LIOUORS 5:5 cms Purchased at the best Markets and on the most advantageous terms. --------e eee. STRANGERS WHO ARE WELCOME, Emigration from the Old World to this "" land of promise" eontinues to be as brisk as ever, but with considerable difference in the character of the inflowing tide of popu- lation. In formet years the irish formed the great bulk oP the immigrants, but in 1867 the Germans exceeded them by more than fifty 1k 1. The sup ity 'i general appearance of those lately arrived over the immigrants of former times is very marked. The degraded, stolid peasant, stupid as the brutes, gives plice to bright, well-dressed wall to-do farmers and mech- anics, who bring money and intelligence to the laud of their adoption. Such men ana Women are an addition to our population of immediate value. For, having intelligence and ambition, they learn in a short time what the old style immigrant acquired only aller years of trang; and baving the power and the will to work they supply = Ladies' Polish LADIES' SUMMER BOOTS AND SHOES " CHEAPER THAN EVER AT THE PIOPLEY BOOT & SHOR STORE, Opposite Scott's Hotel, Prince Albert. mata 1) LE PPP J. CO Has just reccived an invoice of the o come ER ne 1 distross until 16 fs romoved, to expsctorate with ease. Every person tron Cough, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Tightness of tho Ehlegm, Infammation ef the Lungs, Congestion, &e., should take a tea-spoonful of the Barsaparillian at once, and batho tho chest with Radway's Ready Relief. It the Cough is constant, take tho Rewolvens regular--thres or. four times » day--or whonove. & fit of spasmodic cough seizes you, In cases where there fa & constant wasta of the lungs, bled with Chest, Burns, Scalds, Sprains, Straius, Bruises, Bites, in fact whenever some accident or illuess takes place--uso the Ready Relief at once--it will always do good.-- Price 25 cents per bottle. R. R. R. SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT. People who have to take medicines for a length of time, to remove Chronic diseases, like to know the ingredient, they are taking, the formula of Dr, Radway's Sarsaparillian Retolvent is published in Tull, in FALSE and TRUE (a new medical publication by John Radway, M.D., that may be had free of charge on sending one 8 cent stamp to pay postage to John Radway, M.D. 439 St. Paul Street, Hontseal In this advertisement we give a brief explanation of the ingredients that enter into the com sition of DR. RADWAY'S SARSA- PARILLIAN RESOLVENT. The uniting of medicinal substances so as to securc an harmonious action, and as sist each other in their curative range over disease, is of tho first importance to the Chemist,--Many p question the cu- rative powers of one remedy for so many dise1s2, not thinking for a moment, that the cure of all Chronic Skin and OIganic | s; that can be cured onl urifying the Bisa y by purifying We here give the chief ingredients that | me fo pas water, form this wonderful remedy--with the pro- perties of each ingredient, so the intelligent reader may at once see how perfectly it is adapted to the cure of the diseases named. The moment Dr. Radway's Sarsaparillian is taken, it commences its work of purifica- tion, it enters at once into the circulation, | J *AGENTS --A." D. Weeks, Uxbridge, Drs. Jones, Port Perry ; Dawson, and Tomlinson, Prince Albert. ne in isenses, tho arrests this waste, and repairs the diseased parts with sound material made from pure, rich blood, 1t secures a good appetite, makes sound and healthy flesh and fibre, gives strongth to tho weak, and repairs the waste with healthy material, Lot not the Consamptive neglect this warning, nor reject the hope held out. siva direct remedies, that act. only on the langs, will never cure; they my Fmooth and soften the path to tho grave, but never will' they restore the patient to health, It foolish for people to roject a remedy that cures so man; diseases. It 6 not tho remedy that makes tho cures--it is the BLOOD, and Pure BI will cure the Consum just ad certain as it will remove Pimples, Blotches, and Pustules from the Kiin--and those who wish to have their yates invigorated with Rich, Pare, and Blood, Suis soy Dr. RADWAY'S SARSAR, VENT. Price, §1 por Bottle, Six Bottles for $5. <4 B Bold by all ste. Persona who are unable to chade this remedy at the drug stores n their respective towns or villages, will address Dr. RADWAY & Con 439 St. Paul Stroet, Montreal. On tho raceipt of $1, one bottle d consumption, and thy patiens snffors groat l Ono tea-spoonful of the Jiosolvens will loosen tho Fhiogua and enablo the patient Prince Albert, Dec 4, 1867. === === . GG. U, WHITE, pin BA D D Pot Lolets Got 31 1568, By 1 GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF | LFURNITURE 5° FOR FIRST CLASS T oir | pS Prince Alberts YstenerPustasior Feri a: pina ----330s& ------ / J \ : Common Chairs - -- - - 45¢ -- ae NJ Flush Top do. - - 50c --- : -- Bent Back do. u - 70c | | 2 Slat and Spindle do. - -.. .75c - : M. L_And all other Cabinetware at very low prices. "i ly J ] a COFFINS of every description lept constantly on hand. | GO TO THE The best Hearse in ! " ny North or South On- : | 1) 8 I tario. Charges as FU Reese Are Manufactured on the premises of the choicest material and oy first class workmen. Oall and cheap as the cheap- Zi see them. 1would also intimate to my numerous friends that this is the Cheapest House in = est. "5 pa ZI 4 hy Prince Albert to get your Horse Shoeing done. N] ~-- en INR po, Jy Work Warranted or mo Pay. i W. H. PARK. --- JAMES EMANEY. bain July 15, 1808. Prince Albert and Manchester. {i 48 N. B~ASK FOR DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILIIAN RESOLVENT--TAKE NO OTHER, Important to persons advanced jn Years, Troubled with Constipated Bowels, and difflonlty of passing Wator, Imperfect Di is Food Converted to Water, Lather trom 8 well-known citizen of Ohfo, 3er, 7, 20. f droth, agod 68 years, io] 3 EO EA ANSPIBLD, 0. Saber 21, 1868, DR. RADWAY t--Enclosed yra will find ono dollar. Send by mail as many of your Roy using Pills as you can afford, I wish yonr Fills and Resolvent, I liko the very much, and recommend thom to others. Our gista have none ; they say the run isso great they have old out. fam foeo tomy, my: ySicy hoe any gee f SH07 eee Sor ne 4 an; hey aro in of time, b; ening for & drug- | 2 OWS made in the latest improved Scotch styles. THE OLD STAND FOR BVER. FHE Subscriber takes this method of returning thanks to his numerous customers fi their liberal patronage for the past SIX YEARS, and begs to intimate that he i constantly prepared to furnish them with Wagons and Buggies! And that he is now preparing FIFTY Sets of his PREMIUM IRON & WOOD SEED HAR Parties desiring to purchase woula do well to call and inspect his Stock before urchasingelse- wha des Sesion hd ht his Stock for; Cash, he is determined, not to be undorsid by any other manufacturer in the County. a os ih of tn, aa hare am many ny good hdicines tha 32 Work Worm WH. SEE o length , 868 Ler mont yore hk (Ou 1th ost venom cheeioy even in not waa all tho timo fn more or less from the flatuency, with large discharges of wind. "At tho same time I was afticted wit ab or four, enc] without pills. All gt one bottlo of SARSAPARILLIAN am OTICE is herel iven that ion will be Nii St a BX mon of 1! ice, by George Prince Albert in the Counts tio m the Province of Ontario, Doctor of | ly for a Divoree from lus wife, Ann Ca iaouat by mad on tne hnoten us Ann Tea EX SURDON BloLLOW. i Toronto, Aug, 10th, 1668, y e of 1860. ? 1868, HENRY GRIST. PUPENT SOLGTOR AND DRATGHISUAN, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transacts business with thie Patent Office and er ds of Government, Copy- rights and the tration of Trade Marks and 8 pi . Drawings, tions, other Documents necessary to secure Pa- tents of Invention on receipt of the Model of the Invention. a BROCK STREET, WHITEY I ARE prepared to Contract for M. 0. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL Carriage 2% Maker ! NEAR THE TOWN HALL, GOOD assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made from best material. A made to order with and di h. Particul, paid to f% ALL WORK WARRANTED. HARRISON MAW & SON Contractors & Builders, PORT PERRY! Work and pat up Buildings of all kinds, whether Wood Brick or Stone, and finish off in the latest styles, with all the most modern improve~ will be sent ; on tha receipt of 85, sent, =i ery eo Hed nt 00 Of Ela nf k with a copy of Dr. JOUN RADW£ T'Snew medical book, if - i y k i "Illustrated," called * FALSE AND TRUER" CT a === ==] amma: | §enmosaces § | annum TE Subscriber takes this method of returning thanks to his numerous liberal support for the last cig] CABINET clags Hearse in attendance at Fur WORK will be made Hard Times disappearing, Special attention paid to Undertaking ! Coffins of all sizes kept constan and gold as good and as Ch ment in North Ontario. erals when required. offin Teh i Business Reviving ! = -- and Better Times Coming ! ! most fashionable styles "0 Boots, Balmorals' Gaiters, and Children's wear| | ever offered in Prince Albert,which will be sold at prices that wil JIDEFY COM Prince Albert, May 6, 1868. PETITION much needed element in our population. 'The exodus of this valuable material from: Germany is believed fv be due mainly to: tne political changes wrought by the Pius-- sian arms. Dislike of the Prussian gavern- ment, fear of a general European war, high taxation, and the promise of freedom and prosperity in America, unite to urge them. from the fatherland to seek » home among strangers. They are heartilly welcome- among us.--New York EKzraminer. t) -- SEE. T HE following remarks on Testimonial's of mesy wonderful and extinordinary cures in Canada by gt m Remedy. They are stern, undeniable mesiille facts, sufficient to convince the most ptical that the Great Medical Compound yearned ages is now accessible in the Great. SHOSHONEES REMED yr For Drsense of the "Throat, Lungs, Liver, Digestive Or- gang, Kidneys, &e, us well ns Serofula various skin Diseases, Hamors, and all diseases x from fim. purities of the blood, we haldly state is great re. ['medy has never been equalled. Where was there ever such acire ns that in the verson of Wilson Storms of Brighton,.C. W._ af Consumption, or that of Peter C. V. Miller. of Lrenstown, C.W,,' of Consumption, or that of Ambrose Wood, of Coukecon, C, W,, of Dys= pepsin and Liver Complaint, of that of John Hosey, of Napanee.of;Rheumatisintwho had actually been ches for years. in spite ofall treatment heretofor . now well. Scores of such cases might be mentioned had we space. Call at the Drug Store and get a Ciret lar of unques- tionable certificates on: the Great Shosl onees Remedy and Pills, and satisfy yourselves, Price of Remedy in large Pints, $1.00. For sale ly all druggists and dealers it, decine.-- Winlesule Agents for Monweal, Henry Simson &Co , Lymans, Clare & Co. ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE OF : CONSUMPTION IN CANADA. Messrs. YouNa & Cuamsrnraty, Sins, I feel it a du~ ty Towe to you, us well ns to the pnblie 10 inform you of the most wonderful cu ¢ of Consus ption, accomplish - ad on ny person by the usr of the great Shoshonees Re. medy ond Pit's. I coughed a great deal day and night, expectorating large quantities of matter, and had a great pain about my left lung. had cold chills every day, and severe Night sv racking cough and g of sleep; by these n, 1 was so reduced th 1s every night, and between the al sweating, | was almost deprived cries ne well as the Joss of lite i could haydly stand alone. | wus under the care of i 'hysician for a length of time, but finding no if. 1 tiie ferent receipes, but all without any good ge t e Peterson of Bath, re - mended me to oshonees Remedy ; I pro-. thi q cnred three bottle th the Pills; so soon as I (i win SAT5) tly on hand consisting of Walnut, Oak, Butternut, &c. A first Charges very lo EL Just a large q All kinds of good Lumber take: Borelia, Nov. 13, 1867 nin exchange for work. N.B. Agent for Monuments and Tomb Stones. WwW. (latest styles), and will be sold cheap. JOHN NOTT. In Larg sums of payment, security offered, to Hon. A TERENCE, w. c|ments. Parties requiring good work: dona will do well to call, (Z=Plans and Specifica- Sage, Bild a Comp | in, mal 10 ter, JOHN H. MAW Wade: Baa Monae A on Ce RRISON 3 . g «MAW. ing, Miss of Pablo Work, roviobs siOmums™ | Port Perry, Dec. 6, 1868 Port Perry, Doc. 4, 1867, MONET 70 LENT! The undersigned is prepared to advance loans of money e or On first class improved farm security--as the rate of interest is very low and charges are moderate, offered. « _0™ Several first class farms for sale on easy Small Sums the best securities must be * Apply personally,or by letter pre-paid with a description of he "W. M. COCHRANE, Bigelow's Block, Port Perry, Ont. cap as any in otier establish- and W. A, Tom! ors for the |v us egan to get better, and when I hieen years, and would say that every thing in the line of | hn? finished this ¢ ment the Cough, expectorations of mater, pain ak he lung, chills, sweatirg, &e., left me. und by continuing its use, I became Sirong and heal. thy, It ishow over two months since I quit the remedy and there hve be: ymptoms of the disease return ing. and I hyve been, and am ow healthier a thin I hiave bees: "or many years. I trust yon wi ° this known to the Public, at they may be aware of the peculiar virtues of th,s (ruly wonderful Indian Remedy. 2 PETER C. V. MILLER, Earnestown, Co. of Lanox and Addington, C, Wi To all whom it may come.--Tlis is to certify that have been acq with the aboy gen. teman. Peter C. V, Miller, Esq., for mai)V years, and have known him always 10 be of the very re~ speciability amd a very candid and creditable person ; and I can safely vouch for the truth of the above, or any im. other statement made by hi Rev. W. F. S. HARPER, Rector of Bath, J & Ji Port I Da AcenTs.--Jones & Jones, Port erry eon Cy of son. Prince Albert, EK. auilla, Geo, Douglass, -

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