OT -------- VOL. XI, No. 45.] LBERT, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, C.W.. THURSDAY. NOV. 12 . 1968, i ------ [WHOLE No. 665 : hr utavio hsertier, A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL 7 FAMILY NEWSPAPER, I8 PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BAIRD & PARSONS, TERMS : --$1.60 per annum, if paid within six not paid within that'time 00. Nosube i d no paper A discontinued untilaliarrears are paid. «= Letters containing money, when nddressed to IR OR ore Ste ral ro reared 10 RATES OF ADVERTISING. Advertisemants measured in Nonpareil and charged acgording to the space they occupy. : : "" Advertisementsreceived for publics ion, withoutspe~ eifie' instructions, will be inserted until forbid, an ciyrged wecordingly. Noadvertisement wili be taken out until paid for. Aliheral discountallowed to Merchants and others who advertise by the year or half-year. AuySpecial Nolice, theobjec the pecuniarybenefit of nuy ind; ual or company, to be considered un advertisement, and charged accord- health, ingly. i 4 EF These terms will. in all cases, be sirictlyad. | Ifyou hared to. If you | 'The constantly increasing importance of the North | ones, Ridi orenderst ablientionofihe OBSERVER g right, and condemning © the lead in forwarding constantly i ty; and in the amount ness and dispatch, man & Sheriff's latest improved Double jet Spray Apparat us Prince Albert, Aug. 5, J. D. Cottingham, Ge DENTIST, ER BOLRIELIA, CW J. D. C. is prepared t body, and DENTIST! PRINCE ALBERT. ERFORMS all Dental operations with neat- He has procured Cod- for the Extraction of Teeth without Pain.|- . V. DAILEY Call an bis Without teeth in goo have decayed teeth, get them filled. have any ont ot them replaced by new Prices low, an If the work is mot all work warranted. t money will be refunded. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p.m. | | { erests of th loeal and gensral news will be unsurpassed by | pororin Jon 15, 1867. 2 | any local paper published in Canada. JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets, Mand Bills, Posters. Programmes, Bill Heals, Blank Forms. Receipt Rooks, Cheek Books: Circulars, Business Cards, Hall Cards, &e , & very style and color, executed promptly. andat | ates (han at wiry other establishment in (his county. Partiesirom a distance getting hand bills. &e, , printed | an hare them done to take home with them, J. BAIRD. ' | H. PARSONS, JOHN BILLINGS, ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor i in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &c., Prince Albert. Oilice opposite T. C. For- ( man's Store. ! : "COCHRANE & COCHRAN ARRISTERS, Attorneys, &e. Prince Albert office--opposite "the Town Hall; Port Perry office--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. & Spencer ibbels, ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Con- veyancers, Notaries Public, &e. re T. H, tPENCER, LL.B., | HUBERT L. FBBELS, Toronto, Port Perry. > FAREWELL & MoGER, oth PArsTERSy Altorneys, So i: veyancers and Notaries Public, Oshawa. -- erms, Office, one door North of the Post Office ; and | Observer at Bowmanville, office Mr. Feeter's Block, oppo- site Town /7all, J. E. FAREWELL, LL.B. | R. J: WILSON, Botha Attorney at Law, Solicitor « \ Borelia, R. MGRE, B. A, | ---- in Chancery, Office in the Victoria , &e. NorthOa ng, Brock-st., Whithy. Victoria. oor ea ide « LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B., punctuall OLICITOR in Chancery, Attorney, | nin A.) Conveyancer, &c., Oshawa, Ofice--Simcoe | Made. R street, opposite the post o ¢ AUDER & MULOCEK, Solicitors in ARRISTERS and Attorney: Chancery, &e. Oflices--Masonic Hall, Toronto Street, Toronto, an: MeMillan's Block, adjoining Mr. J. Holden's office, Whithy. Hon J. Ross, Q.C.| A.W. Lander, | W. Mulock. NORMAN ¥, PATERSON, gh (Late of Miller & Paterson, Toronto ) TTORNEY-at-Layw, itor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c., B erton, Office in the building occupied by Dr. Wilson, Simcoe-st. CAMERON & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, J ¢ Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: K Court House, i AL C. CAMERON. | | Irslcal Cavs, en gr Drs. Jones Jones, PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, &C.,° . LD respectfully ndvise-the public that 3 TL Tove fed a partnership for the practice of their profession. . All calls received at their respective places or residence will be promptly attended to. 3 Rk JONES, M.D,, Late residence of Dr. Odkley,--Port Perry. st Good stat .- IL. J. MACDONELL. @, W. JONES, M.D., | ... Coroner, Co. Outario, 2 ari, RACTICAL Dental Rooms directly f | Hflice--entrance Simcoe street, of the Ontario Bank. 5rd Rurctionee J. C. PILKLY, Bicenney Auctioneer Licensed PEE Subseriber, holding a Licence for the County of Ontario, and the Township of Mariposa, wonld beg to state to Farmers and , requiring his services, that whatever € u iness is entrusted to his care, will be prompt- | struck by lightning, on 1ith Angust last, saic licitors, Con- ly and careful y attended to, lin C's of, or otherwise, and prompt remittan I tario Auctioneer, "REVERE B. PLANK, ostlers always in atten Jewett's Hotel, C. N. VARS, Dentist, Oshawa, C. W. FOR THE County of Ontario J.C. PILKEY, Epsom P. 0. Auctioneer. ly attended to. Chargea moderate, Days of Sule, &e., &e., arranged at the Office, Prince Albert. E. MAIOR. , March, 27th, 1867 THOS, H. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Town- 4 3hips of Brock, Thorah M a, ete, in th Cannington, | office, or at his reside; Debts collec smember-- WALSHE, the North On- Fntdin HOUSE," MANCHESTER | PROPRIETOR. I 1 AVING purchased the above hotel, and has furni. ished the Bar with the choicest liquors Every attention fed to guests.-- and from Whitby call daily, ~ Careful nee. 8 ENT STREET, LINDSAY. ble and shed atfached, and an alton tive ostler always in attendance, Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. DAFOE HOUSE TIC A accommodations. Careful attention 00D Gt to the requirements of travelers and guests. The bar supplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars Good stabl ing. J. DAFOE, Proprietor. Btrooklin House. C. VICKERY, - - Proprietor. furnished ADR. WARE, JB GS; mast respectfully to Inform the inkiabls i tants of ie Count, ntario, at he On forthe County of Ontario, has leased the above Ts lately "occupied Physician, 'Surgeon and Accoucheur, AL "| by Sandy Perrie, which he has newly © Drs. Brathwaite & Baldwin, [wip oo PRINCE ALBERT, Physicians, Surgeons, and Accoucheurs, Drs. McGILL & RAE, HYSICIANS, Su H&c. Office and XL Residences, King street, Os i WAL MILL, M. Bag FRANCIS RAR. NM, b. + 4. B OLVER, M. D, UATE VICTORIA UNIVERSITY, © Jie and. Accoucheur, | } aban a : Dentistry. : Ch vv ud English Pink Dental Rubber; New and "beautiful Vuloanite Base for Arti- : ficial Teeth ! 0. D. WAID, Surgeon Dentist, Uxbridge, ; : tal operatio formed with the ig AL Dent, persiions periormed. ve sat- " isfaction or no cha pon: Rev. Dr. Short, and A. D. =| . r. an . . os Gri De Foner Rev. J. T. Burns, Whitby ; ~~ Jos. Gould, Esq, and J, Bolster, ML. B., Uxbridg¢| with the choicest liquors tentive ostleralways in DUNDA! Y, GEOKGE ROBSON, . . . PROPRIETOR. -- HE Subscriber begs to h ™ ] pcr Eugene that he has d at pri h di + The, Railway Om , and at prices which defy for 0: ted, and he is Prepared to accommo- travelling public. The bar stocked attendance. MACKIE'S HOTEL! Walton (LATE BRODIE'S,) Wu. MACKIE, Proprietor. Centre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, ~ D. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. THE ROBSON HOUSE! LATE SCRIPTURE'S Horr, 8 8 Cw, erton leave 'the 0s rs always in attendance. GEO. ROBSON 0 exccute all operations connected with his profession with neatness and dispatch, i i il Single Peeth inserted-- sets--Cheap, and warranted, UNDERSTAND. -- Atte preserves the health. {which istopromote | orderit is impossible to parts of sets, or whole ntion to the Teeth masticate food for the consequently there cannot be ;ood satisfactorily done, the Mara & Rama in . Sept. 9, 1803. TM and cigars, and an at- | tw Street, Port Hope. | -------- Royal Oak Hotel, 4 MILES SOUTH OF MANILLA. THIS hotel has been completely renovated and fitted up in good style. The bar is constantly supplied with first class Liquors and Cigars, and under the personal care of prietor who will do bis utmost for the ence and comfort of his guests. C. F. SMITH, Proprietor. ~ Ensurance, THE ONTARIO FARMERS Mutual Insurance Company rpHis Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now. an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the loeal Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found ag conveni- a a ? . low as those y ibleMutual Insur: Toruass fas, ro Sarin $002|BY a New Process, Teeth can be Ex. Company' Copan, A thsequen y oma ac i i i Head Office--The old Registry Office I ild- Curds, under 6 lines, per annum . , 500] tracted without pain, at his office, ings, Brock Street, Whitby, © iis L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Seceretary WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO, C.. WwW. INCORPORATED 27-1y we 1851, Capital = - $400,000, President .... Vice-President. Secretary... BERNARD HALDAN, E JAMES PRINGLE, GENERAL AGENT, opposite the post Cards of Thanks, , third door north Lot 7, Con. 6, East Whitby, September 3, 1868, To the Managers and Directors Beaver Mutual Fire Association : Gentlemen, --I hereby acknow [Ayment of Four Hundred and Twen e Dol- ars, being a very prompt and liono e settle- ment of my claim for loss of my dwelling house, insured under, policy No. 10897, and burned on the 17th August, 1868. JAMES GRAHAM, Lot 5, Con. 5, Mariposa, September 4, 1868, } Received from the Beaver Mutual Fire Asso- ciation of Toronto the sum of Four Hundred Dollars, being the full amount of my insurance on house and contents, burned on the 12th August, and insured under Policy Ng, 20482, MURDOCH MeDOUGALL. Prince Albert, Sept. 1868, Received from the Beaver Mutual Fire Asso- ciation of Toronto the sum of Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars being the amount in full for he | outbuildings, insured under poliev No. 19 2, having been burnt in consequence of bein insurance settled second day after claim papers | were made out, ; M. G. ROBSON. The above Association also insures against loss by the death of horses or cattle from any cause, M. G. ROBSON, Agent at Prince Albert. C. WW. MADDER, Agent at Raglan. 36-3m te LONER (0 Loa, ONEY ! T= nndersigned is prepared to loan, in gums to snit the convenience of the borrower, ANY AMOUNT CGF MONEY, (Private Tunds,) On good Morigage Security, ata very. Low Rate of Interest: | He has several Lots of IMPROVED AND WILD LANDS FOR FALE ON EARY TERMS, : Apply at the well known Cheap Store of Messrs. R. & J. Campbell, Manchester, to JOHN HODSON, VaLvator, &c. Manchester, Feb. 4. 1868, 5-3m et ee Co at lt A MILLION AND A (UARTER Si oF Money to Loan. PEE Subscriber has received instructions from a gentleman who has a large amon nt of money invested in English securities, to n- vest the same for him, in this and joining Counties, on good Farm Property, or Deben- res. I still continue to represent three of the largest M ry Insti in the Dominion, that lend money on the most advantageous terms, IF" Also a large number of well cultivated Farms, and any quantity of Wild Lands, for e cheap. For further particulars, apply to " JAMES HOLDEN, * | Official Assignee, Money Broker, Commis- sioner, Notary ublic, &c , &e. OFFICF--Second Floor, McMillian's Block Brock Street, Whitby. 34-tf -- Sept. 2, 1868. N.B.--I am also prepared to invest in all kinds of Debentures) Greenbacks bought and sold ; also a large uantity of Silver for sale. gy JAS. HOLDEN. the pro- TO LOAN ! HE Subscribers are prepared to make . vances of money on the security of sages. of wild lands for sale cheap. APPLY TO : DAVID J. ADAMS, REAL ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AGE VaLuaTor, &c., or To JOHN ADAMS, 'loronto Street, ToroNTO. Prince Albert July 15, 1868. IN 8UMS OF Ata low rate of Interest, FAREWELL & McGEE, : Solicitors, Oshawa, Nov. 14, 1866. 45. "wwnraner MRS. DECKER, Bie WATCHMAKER JEWELER, &C., Prince Albert, secured the services of a First Class Watchmake All work entrusted to his care will be warra, ed to give satisfaction, She would also embrace the opportunity of returning her sincere thanks the inhabitants of Reach and the surrounding townships for the liberal patronage bestow upon her decensed husband--Wm, Decker--and would further state that she intends carrying the business in all its branches. Parties indebted to my lafe husband are quested to pay up said indebteduess without fur ther delay. Prince Albert, Sept 23, 1868. WHEPINSTA ATO NAKED AND JEWELER, brated and other styles of Watches Kept constantly, Also a great variety of Parties wishing any thing is his line would where, repairen and WARRANTED. Brooklin, Sept. 9, 1868, PRINCE ALBERT PIOTIRI GALLERY, The Subscriber would in-§ orm the inhabitants of #¥3 i Prince Albert and vicinity, zs that he has opened the above Gallery over t Store of Wm. M. Wightman & Co. spared no pains in fitting up the Gallery patronage. i Pictures of all kinds and sizes, finished wil water colors, 3 Pictures enlarged to any size desired wi the Solar Camera. Photographs $2 per dozen, Lettergraphs 25 cents each. EF" Call and examine specimens. G, BURCE, ARTIST. Prince Albert, Sept 30, 1868. 30-2 HE Subscriber wants a T Blacksmith. None buta good kteac workmen need apply. apprentice, + The subscriber would farther state 'that he arties wishing first class Bob-Sleighs, will do well to give their orders in time, id WILLIAM DAVIS. Manchester, Sept. 8, 1868. Tm ---------------------- ee JOHN CHRISTIE, OWNSHIP Clerk for Reach, ancer, Commissioner of the Jueen's Bench, &ec. V fice--Manchester. MONEY, + (PRIVATE FUNDW,) To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent ? LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, 'y y eres NOTICE. I HEREBY give Notice that in accordance wil Society of the Townships of Reel' ugog, will at the next annual meeting of the gocie move to amend the constitution thereof. - JOHN CHRISTIE. hawa. Novemb:r 21, 1866, 46 Manchester, Oct: 14,1868, i EmprovediEarms Village Property, In this and adjoining Counties at low rates of inferesis. Also wanted to purchase good Mort- I= A number of good Farms, and 2000 acres PriNcE ALBERT. Money to Lend! 8300 and Upwards, Ont., Begs to announce to the public that she has present LL BROOKLIN. The American Lever; Russell's Celc- CLOCKS,JEWELRY, & OTHER GOODS, | heat and then slid rating off into the count well to cali and examine before purchasing else- (= All Kinds of Watches and Clocks Having prides himself that be can give entire satisfac- tion to all all who may favor him with their To Blacksmiths. journeyman Also a stout boy as an fost commencing to fill orders for Bob-Sleighs cheap 63 | throw my rope accross, when, jast as [was Convey- Court of Business carefully attended the Constitution of the Branch Agricultural -41-3m | THE STORY: OF A HERO. is out of the question. have a setsin' with the " broke out. ready. trimmed fire, an of sparks flying out behi and the steam's getting up, horses. Ay, ia ¢ Hi! hoi! h clear the road for us and away\we down the street, with the Tot hoots striking fire, the crowd shouting, od the running mob increasing at every ep. There's something in it as worma o 's blood ; and as tothe danger-- well, of cour han, with a train gallop NT, , Now, there's only last, late on in the night, and the were clear, and away we tore at &c. | boiler. 2m as we got nearer we could sparks, and being a heavy, head. Two engines wero there, and as it hap- pened so late there were not so many peo- ! ple as might have been expected ; but ma, soon as I got there, [ saw as something particular was the matter, and this is what 1 was: h, ¥ The fire was in quite a narrow court, where they couldnt get the escapes, and there wera people burned 10 death 3 while above the shouting of the mob nnd clanking of the engines hard at work, you could hear their awful cries for help. 1 runs up the court, nye in hand, and soon seen the state of affairs was in a blaze from 0p 10 bottom, and the r. nt- One. house to ved and were attackimg che one opposite, while, with their escape regularly cut off, there were half a dozen people at the upper win- dows of the second house, and no way of getting to them. There wan no duck door 33110 the place, being in one of those crowded city places. The door in front of the stair- CARE Was ow geting into a state of glow, off which the watter spnttered and steamed without making any impression. on re There was no tima for ladders ar any- thing else but the sheets, an! them we got stretched out fot the people to jump iato, but, poor things, they dare not, and what to do [conld not tell. There was the fire § blazing up higher and higher, and lighting up two of those city churches that yon sce loat down those old counts and log as if they' heen put there ont of the wa s becanea people didn't have any use for them now. There they were, lit np and alowing, and the pigeons that lived up thote seared and flying round and round the fire ; there was thie rush and roar of the wind alonz the canrt as it set towards the ¥ fire 5 and there wera the lames leaping up. Be( the clonds of sparks rising, the clonds of smoke rolling away," and tha crackling sputter of the slates, as thev flew with the beneath, sash upon the pavement. Every now and then came a glonder roar, and a crash as a rafter ora heam fel] in, and sent the sparke up in a whirlwind, And there all that ime were those poor creatures niter- ing the wildest, most piercing cries tor help yon ever heard. Now, I've heard so much of that sort of thing that yon'd expect | shouldnt mind it, bat 1 do, thongh 3 and as L said about fires, 1 don't think [ shall ever gel to take it as a ma'ter of course, for there is something very awful in sering a fellow creature stiong and hearty and yet dying before your eyes, and you not able to save him. But I waen'tidla ail this time--not a bit of it--for every minvte 1s worth something at a firey and if yougive it too moch time it will beat you. Under the circumstances, he | the frat thing waa to rave hfe, and winilet them that had the branches did their best 16 keep tha fice back from them at the third floor windaw, I got hold of a rope, and went in at the Youne appasiie, and mado my way th | np stairs to the third floor, which was used as a warehouse, end erammed almost as full th | ae possible with packages. 'Being a shange house, 1t wasn't easy to find your way, but I got np at last, and op- posite 10 tha room where the poor things were huddled together at one window, for the fire was gaining on them, that unless they were soon helped they wouldn't want m | it, do] he 'Crash J crash! Didn't T let my axe play ronnd the sashes of that windo » ? and soon had a clearance, for it was natled up 4 and then, when the poor things heard me, ly [and saw the light shining on my Lelmet, how they did shriek for heJp. - Just then 1 looked down at the depth, and I saw one fellow standing below with a sort Indder in his hand, which might have been of use 7 the pu things had been on the first floor ; and then I made ready to is going fo let go, and them going to try and cateh it, a thonght struck me, and I let the coil of rope fall down nto the court, all but one end as | kept hold of, and when the poor things raw it let down, they shrieked again, and one of the wonien fIl back from the window. ¢ Tie on the ladder!' some of you come np.? And one of my mates soon tied (he rope to one of the rounds, and then, with two or three more; 1un into the honse, while 1 hauled away ti!l I got hold of the bottom of the ladder, for they sent the heaviest end I shouted, ¢and th -- y And I'don't think I ever shall get to take: it as a matter of course, sir--taking it coolly Here we are living about as exciting a life as a man can lead-~ always on duty und ready at apy moment to worst fire that ever t No! I shall never get to take Has a matter of caurse, forit's dark, rush across on the bridge [d rigged up. It red it's dangerous ; but when we feel that we're doing our duty, and krow what's before us, | thei why, somehow, wo-don't remember the Blongiy 0 piea danger, but go ut 11 in kurnest, Howyy week, sitting as 1 thought" was, waiting for a call--there it came at the cour streets | minute | wi romething | hoy, with 1 like a pace, up Oxford street, Holbon, dow | me. the Till, up Skinners street, and Newgate-- whoop! and away full gallop, with the horses enjoying it, bless you, and lashing on till 1% hard 10 say whother they didn't all-tanti 4 make moro sparks than the fire under the | ® hall-famting weman a We wanted no more instructions, for there was the red glow on ahead, and almost see the | then I hauls more of the and at lust we did see them come makes it fast aronnd the pouring and rolling along with the smoke, hot might, hanging like [and those on the other side hauled, and ve a thick, star-spangled cloud just over our | held on to the rope this end, and so we go *[ how they trembled and: tinued to push it across and into the window of the other house across the court, and eo made a sort of bridge, only it was all arkew, for the houses were not quite opposite to one another. Just as I done this, in comes my mate with two more men, and [ sets them to work to hold the ladder, while I took hold of the rope, and then made ready to crawl and excitement, and 1 love ii, sir. Flash | on the alight bending! wood ; for though a v lively; | jndder 'set nearly 'ph may be eirong ont rush the horees ; Were' light put to the enongh, it makes itw deal weaker to. lay it down level awl go.and crawl along it. 1 as the fire roars | knew how it would be, though, so I tied the way gallop the | rope around my body and made my mate oP and they | hitch the other nd round & big hook in the wall, used fora pully, so that, in the event of a fall, if the rope held good, I shouldn't have gone all the way. They tied one end of the ladder for ta keep it steady, and then, there 1 was, sorambling accross, with the ladder bending and. qui and the ing and clapping s if [ was doing a bit of them, hat ladder did bend! eo that T must give way, and go crash into But it didn't ; and the next a" the window of the burning \rembling women clinging ¢ Now then,' I 8 creep across,' and [ 'I can t leave my w 10 one man, ¢ you can inted to the ladder. where the smoke wasn't qu " You're a trumy, you are,' rop poor waist ; and then we laid her on the inks : and 'er, and 'nan® Javier, her half across, when she slipped off the there arose a. regular shried of horror, But there were people, you see, at each end of the rope, must have burt the poor thing terribly. Then they loosened the we sent another woman | she was insensible with fear, her over all night, though she, 8d off the ladder. Then thers one after the other, d ok--too much frightened to ory, as well* (hoy might be, ave a will ery, dashed o flames hail \worked through into the Hex lor the heat was awful, and | knew that om sped my th Bodin J Ame ® * [another quarter of an hour would find the & : ! room we were in red hot, We got another over--a young man-- "| everything else but ladder, and bung nght over the court, while Mths. and we loosened as the others Jay Vly hauled, andso they socn had her at the other | ha he dread my wife always had of windows though thie rope was sotight that it | What the Cyjey frightful business. again, and | \wanty, and sys, -- ee ------ was quite blinding. Then I tried through the hot vapor in the room to see if | could get out of the door and reach the roof ; but Just at that moment there came a foll flash through the smoae and I conld see that the back of the honse was all on fire, while from the way the flash rushed again in front and filled the court/] knew that there was no help to be had trom the opposite, for they must be beaten from the window, Id been in danger in my time; bat til} | now there always seemed tn be a road, and | as I tore furiously around ihe place, with the sweat dripping off me, and the horrible fear of death so close at hand, I seemed to be regularly unnerved and fell 10 shrieking and crying out hat my mates has deserted me; when they were on the roof and let a rope down, and tried to get into the window but the flames beat him back : and a groan came from the window, as they saw all that had been done, As Told you, I seemed quite to Jose my nerves, and ran about shrieking for a few minutes, and then fall down on my face on the floor ; but directly ofter my mind egem- ed to come again, and I felt that if I must die, 1 should have done my duty, and I must die, I should have done my duty, and have saved poor creatures ; and as I thought of that, I rose on my knees, and some words came 10 my lips--worda that came to my heart as thought of those who were once caved from the heat? of the burning, fiery furnace ; and I prayed that I might be saved, And ah lit was hard to pray there--to keep your thoughts in the midst of the fierce suf- focating heat of the smoke and steam from the water pouring into the room. And how the words of prayer come into ones' mind ; and it was of devils --despuinng, blasphenung devils--1were hissing in my ears to curse and shriek "hen, too, came the thought of those at OM and the little golden curls that 4 should no more; and now I could un- had d Yes; 1 tay Saved 8b.uy that night, but it was hard lo die, hard il, ive "yp lift my eight and *r the death from which I had saved so many I couldn' help i,iaat thew; fora rim smile came over m face us 1 theo iH was my old enemy, the fi. bein op od on me; but directly after Fagg 2 rn hgec more, and then inthe midst Oo hiding 1 'v hemlet, off ny boots, half suffocated, and had off 1. thick coat, too, and then, with my hear Lyjing with hope, I thanked God for the thot ' and he was dragged over, too, for he dare and the next moment I was over the gn. not try to crawl across --and | suppose to a man as ain't used to such thingsy to creep ' honge, over a plac: like that, atl those feet from the pavement, and when you've been frightened to death, nearly, by waking out of your sleep to find the next place to your own on fire, 1s rather trying ; and now there was only that chap whose wife was sent over first, and who worked all he could to help me, aud another ternible cowardly | chap that I'd bad quite a set to with to keep | back, s0 as to save the women and children | first, . And now this chap as I've spoken about, © (made a rush to get to the ladder, and he was in such a light that I Joy't believe he'd got over sale, and I thought there was lime | for all of us 10 get away if things wern 'one quietly ;- so consideriug as it was not his turn, | bell him back for to the married man 10 20 to his wife, when the other ong almost shrieked with rage and fear. ¢ Let him go first," says the married man, Pll wait." Taint his tarn,' 1 says, rather obstinate like. ¢Over you go!" and ak such atime one can't be interfered with, and h ving made my plans so far, I didn't want them altered, So, 'over you go,' I says. ¢I think I can crawl,' he says, and he got | ont ou the ladder ; but instead "of crawling, he got aside of it and*worked himselt along with the erowd hurrahing and cheering im tuemendously. Up cama the flame and smoke, aul the roaring and crackle and falling 11 of timbers was getting teriible. Every place was holt as day, while, as"to heat, | declare it sosm- ed to scorch you tertibly. ¢ The sooner you're across, and mo with yon, the better I shall like it,® | says, and then I.took a look around to see how. mat- ters were, when therecame a crash and a puff, and, wm a moment the flames came wreathing and twirling up from nnderneath where I etood and, just ay the lust chap had his legs on the window sill, and I was go- mg 10 tie the rope round him, he pave a yell and fell back, or rather, I pulled him back into the smoky room, and lie fainted away. He must have gone down"crash nto the court, if I'badn't have dragged at him ; but therd was na.time to loose. | made the rope fast and got him on the ladder, with the flames darting thiongh the rounds and burning his hair, and then 1 shouted tothem to haul, and haul they did, with me trying to steady him with my end of of the rope, but before he was quite across, something went snap, and I'staggered back into the room, holding on the piece of burnt through rope, and with my heart sinking as I felt that my own salvation was partly gone. Just then the flames were wafted on one tide, and | saw that they were dragging in the last one of the seven, and row felt as if I'd done a good night's work, and it was time 10 eave mysell. = I'm not ashamed to own that [did feel lrightened, Lijiew down that piece of rope, and it mustHave been something like u cry of horror I gave when I got hold of the ladder and felt it burn my hands, and 1hen as I tris 10 bear upon it, felt it crumble away, and that I was without a way of escape. For above the noise of the fire and water came the shriek of dhe croud, as the burnt ladder fell and hung blazing by one end against the oppomite house, while tliere came up a rash of flames past the window that J could not look oat; but direetly after | hoard the fierce rush of the water, aud conld cee the four branches wera deluging the window and all beneath ; - for my mates knew what a danger I was in. 1-7 up first; and then dragged it in at the win- dow, aud balancing the other end up, con t and in the big chimuey of the ol. It was full of kmoke, and I could hardly breathe; but it was a sure way lo gets to the roof; and though I could teel that I was that I was teating the «kin off my el- bows and knees, I managed to climb slowly and painfully ; but soon 1 could feel a cur- rent of sweet, refreshing air, settling down tome, and every breath gave me strength tll Lreached the top, where my heart sank, when I found it would be impossible to get bars any farther on account of the chimney pot. To shout wag useless, and for a while I was in despair ; but ot last | got my hands well above and tried 10 move the pot. tried aga and again, and then to force my self throngh till T'was so wedred in that could not back--but I found that I had loesod the pot, and at at Jast completely forcad it oft, and raised myself panting to a sitting position on the chimney stack, bat afraid to move, for my head was wedged to the pot, which was fixed down upon my shoulders, I knew that I could not stay where I was tor long, and tied once more to get rid of my awkward helmet ; and now, having both hands at hbenty, I loosened it, and at fell, with a erash, into the count beneath, Just then thers arose a cheer, for some one had seen me from below, and sick and faint as [ was, I managed 10 wave my hand and tried to cheer, but it stuck in my throat and I could not get down withont help, I Sup pose English people must be fond of cheer~ mg, for how they did shout when I gotdown through another house, and was thers am-, ongst them, and after all, it was only doing one's duty. rr ---------- There are 210 miles of paved streets in N. Y. city. : : The mucrel catch is light this year. Prim is one of the richest men in Spain, Isabeila cost Span $4,500,000 a year. Roston pays annually $50,000 for church music, . Texas has a.larger cotton crop than it ex- pected. hs Great Britain taises 120,000,000 bushels of wheat this year. : : Broughum has written a new drama for Barney Williaa. : A man in New York has been stabbed with an umbrella, A pair of Muin towns Grant and Colfax. Ninety locomotives are the Union Pacific. Coal has been discovered road track in Nevadun, » Thirty-two bushels to the acre is the Euglish wheat average. y : London spends $500,000 andually to lay the dust in its streets. f . Half the territory in the United States is drained by the M 881ppi, is The inventor of. Pianchotte is said '0 have cleared $50,000 already out of lhe toy. In Paris hoops are no lon, r skirts are very lang or very xhol A $3.000,000 Catholic Cathe built in Canton," Pekin. have been named now running on near the rail ES - Chicagh has par for an the last niue r.onths the sum. ~The Cliff i is now 1,6 lake. I ran to the window and was beaten back by the water, while the emoke that came up of low the b About ane million' ain vatious denominations wily Uaited States, o' ?