. * - Nov. 12, 1868. STRAYED COW TRAYZED into the premises 150" dry oF Octobers a black tol and White. ney f oy gE owner can have the animal by proving property and paying expenses. a JOHN BOYNTON, Lot No. 19, in the 3rd con. Reach. : 45-4w A BY-LAW to aid and assist ' the TORONTO AND NIPISSING RAILWAY COMPANY, by giving £58,000 to the Company'by way of bonus, and to issue debentures _ therefor, and to authorize thelevy. ing of a special rate for the payment _ of the debentures and interest. HEREAS, by the Act of the first session of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario,paseed in the thirty- first yearof Her Majesty's reign, in- corporating the Toronto and 'Nipissing Railway Company, it is provided as follows: ¢ And "it shall further be lawful for any Municipality or Muni- _oipalities through any part of which, or near which, the Railway or Works of the said Company shall pass, or be situated, to aid and assist the said +Company by loaning or g ing, or giving, money by way of bonus or other means to the Company, or issu- ing Municipal Bonds to or in aid of the Company, and otherwise, in such man- ner, and to such extent, as such Muni- cipalities, or any of them, shall think expedieat; provided always, that: no #uoh aid, loam, bonus or guarantee shall be given except atter the passing of by- laws for the purpose, and the adoption of such by-laws by the ratepayers, as provided in the Railway Act." And wheready seventy-seventh sec- tion of the way Act, chapter sixty- six of the Coneolidated Statutes of the late Province of Canada, it is provided that no Municipal Corporation shall subscribe for stock, or incur any debt or liability, vader the said Railway Act, or the Special Act, unless and until a By-law to that effect has been duly made and adopted, with the con- sent first had of a majority of the quali* ed electors of the Municipality in the manner dstermined by the By-law, after public advertisement thereof con- taining a copy of the proposed By-law, inserted at least four times in each newspaper printed within the limit of the Municipality, or if none be printed therein, then in some one or more newpaper printed in the nearest city or town thereto, and circulated therein, and alo put up in at least four of the most public places in each Manicipali- ty. And whereas the Municipality of the Town- ship of Brock has determined to aul and aseist the said Toronto and Nipis- sing Rulway Company by giving thereto the sum=of $58.000 by way of bouns, under the suthority conferred by the said Act first in recital. And whereas, 10 carry the last recited object into effect, 1t is necessary for the said Municipality to rae the said som of $58,000 in the mauner herinafter mentioned. Aad whereas it will require the sum of $6,380 10 be raced annually by special rate for paying the said debt of $58,000 and interest on the debentures to be issued therelor as hereinafter mentioned And whereas the amount of the whole rate- able property of the said Municipality, irrespective of any fusure increase of the same,and also irrespective of any in come to be derived fram the temporary investment of the sinking fand herein- after mentioned, or any part thereof, according 10 the last revised assess- ment roll of the said Municipality, being for the year one thousand eight hundeed and sixty-eight, is according to the- following statement, four hun- dred and eighty thousand five hundred and nineteen dollars. And whereas the amount of the existing debt of the said Municipality is the sum of $0 for principal, and for interest the sum of $0. And whereas, for paying the interest and creating an equal yearly sinking fund for paying the said debt of $58 000 as heieinafter mentioned 1t will require an equal annual special rate of one @ent, three mills and seven twenty- fifths of a milLin the dollar, in addition to all othee rates to be levied in each year. * ._ Be it therefore enacted, by the Municipal Coun- cil of the Sowushif Brock that it shall and oat be lawful for the said Muieipali- tyson and assist the Toronto and Nipis- . #ing Railwa; Company. siving thereto y thousand dollars by way of bonus. That it shall be lawful, for the Jurys afore said, for the Reeve of the sai anicipality 10 cause any number of debentures to be made for such sums of money as may be re- quired for the-said purpose, rot less than twenty dollars each, apd not exceeding in the whole the amount of fifty-eight thou- sand dollars which said debentures shall sealed with the seal of the said Municipality, nington Town Hall, on the FOURTH day of December, 1868, at the hour of nine o'clock a. m. and that the following will be the Returning Officers for taking the said tion No. 14 ; " Murdoch McPhaden, at the School House, Vroomanton ; for Electoral Division No. 3, T, H, Walshe, Cannington Town Hall. MALCOLM GILLESPIE, Reeve. T. H. WALSHE, CLERK. TAKE NOTICE, That the above is a true copy of a proposed By-law, which will be taken into consideration by the Oouncil of this Municipality after one month from the fist publication in the "Ontario Observer," the date of which publication was the twelfth day of November, and that the votes of the electors of the said Municipality will be taken thereon at the said Electoral Divi- sions on the Fonrth day of December 1868, at nine o'clock a.m. T. H. WALSHE, LERK. Valuable Lots for Sale. SEVEFAL Park Lots within ten minutes walk of the business part of Port Perry. Apply to ABNER HURD, Prince Albert. Oct. 21, 1868. Heifer Strayed. JrroY the premises of the Subscriber, lot 17 in the 11th con. of Reach, about the begin- ning September last, A red and white Heifer. Parties giving such information as will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. ALEX. LEASK. Reach, Oct 28, 1868. 4 Facts are Stuborn Things. AND IT I8 A FACT THAT GEO. FLINT Tis this opportunity of returning thanks to his numerous friends for their liberal sup- ort since his commencement in business. And itis also a fact that he has been refitting his Factory and putting in NEW MACHINERY ; And he is now prepared to furnish anything in his line as good as the best and as CHEAP as any establishment in Ontario. He continues to furnish the following articles, first class material and patterns : Cutter Bends of every.description; Bent Shafts; Buggy Seat Kails ; Bob-Sleigh Runners---heavy and light ;i Iron Bow-handle Rakes; Fork, Rake,! Hoe, Broom, and Mop Handles of every variety ; Barley Forks of superior make. He would particularly recommend his justly . celebrated © Revolving Horse Rake For which he was awarded the FIRST PRIZE AT THE PROVINCIAL EX- HIBITION ! Against a host of competitors. He can furnish Testimonials of the superiority of these Rakes from above 400 farmers. CHEESE BOXE Of all sizes and superior make. A large supply of superior Sawn Shingles nstantly on hand and for sale. L CABINET MAKING in all its branches as good as the best and cheap as the cheapest. COFFINS kept constantly on hand and a HEARSE in readiness. Job work, such as Planing, Matching, Sawing, and Turning done on the shortest notice, and at low prices. @. F. feels confident that with his facilities he can tully ¥ with any factur- ing establishment in the Province of Ontario. (5 OrDERS SOLICITED. AGENTS FOR FLINT'S HORSE RAKE: Mr. THOMPSON, Hardware Merchant, Uxbridge Mr. BAILEY, Blacksmith, Greenbank. Stouffville, March 11, 1868. Marriage Licenses (BY AUTHORITY.) SSUED at Port Perry. * Office House. . HENRY CHARLES. Ja 23 1867. - STAND AROUND! 4 Wi subscriber having returned to Reach, bas got himself comfortably located at the thriving Village of MANCHESTER Where he intends carrying on the (0G-Tailoring Business In all its branches. Garments entrusted to his the Scueoa © < be care will be made up in the latest styles ; and nothing will be left Sone | by him--in way of charges, and care- and be signed by the Reeve, and na Do the Aly of the'said Munici- palitys > : Tint the said debentures shall be made payable oo n! ears from the day hereinafter this By-law to take effect, at outa, in fle city of Toronto twen © me the Bank and shal ful attentjon to orders--to obtain and secure a 1arge share of public patronage. The Latest Styles received promptly and regularly. y JAMES SQUIRE. Manchester, Oct 18, 1866. 8 e them for the payment of interest at the rate and in the manner hereinafter mentioned. - That the said debentures shall bear interest at an after the rate of six per cent. per annum from the date thereof, Which intercst shall be payable yearly on the first day of Novem- Iber in each year,at the said Bank of Toronto That for the purpose of forming a sinking fund © for payment of the said debentures, and the interest thercon,nt the rate aforesaid,an equal special rate of one cent, three mills and seven twenty-fifths ofa mill in the dollar shall, in addition to all other rates, be raised fevied and collected in each year upon al the rateable pro] in the said-Municipali- during the said" term of iti | years 2 the coming into effect of this By-law, +upless such debentures shall be sooner paid, "That this by-law shall take effect on, from and ty twenty-first day of December, in the year of ourJ,ord 1868. "That the debentures to be signed "and issued as | "aforesaid shall be delivered by the Treasurer | or to the Trustess ap-- of the sald Municipali pointed (or to be appointed) in accordance with the eleventh section Sorpotetin the said Toronto and Nipissing way Company. 4 Tventy 'minutes afler the syrup is administered. Mrs. Winslow's SOOTHING SYRUP! 4 CHILDREN TEETHING. £0 Greatly facililates the process of teething, by softening the gums, red@icin, al inflam agun= wi allay ALL 43 Pax spasmodic action, and 1s SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon it mothers, it oil give rest lo yourselves a Relief and Health to your Infants. We linve not put up and sold this agticle for years, and Can say in co, ed Zyuih it what' we dnvy never h able to say of anv other it Tailed a instance to + a Cure, when aly sheds Never did we know of an instance of dis- Faatisfhction by any one who used ite On the contrary, all are dehghted with its operations, an speak in terms commendation of its magical effects and menical Yirluon, We speak in the mater * WHAT WE Di ENOW.) after yeas of experience, and pledge onr Sor the fulfilment o here In the said Act in- | Re we , almost every msiinge where the infunt is suffering from i houstion, relief was to be found i fifteen or each bottle nd itis further enacted, by the M: (A Council aforesaid, that the. votes of the electors of the said Municipality wi'l be taken on the said pro y-law at the Aoll g places, that to say : for Electoral Ta or ae-smie. of CURTIS & None Jone onless A PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper, Sold by Druggists throughout the world, PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. . Divisl 1. at Barker's School Hou School Section No.4 for Blectoml Divi: {1 sian No. 2, at the | Honse, Vrooman- yi i Electoral Division No.'8, at Onn | a Hoa OFFICES :--216 Fulton Streat, New For 210 i born, England ; §1 St, Paul Street, i 19 JUsT Q Soa 'One Hundred and Thirty Three Pieces . : OF | Canadian Tweeds, Full Cloths, and Satinetts. OPENED AT W™ MN WIGHTMAN & y Late COWAN'S, Importers, PRINCE ALBERT. ¢ £2 New avpertisenments New AVveriigentents. Toys in great variety PRINCE ALBREx_ AND MANCHESTER Bakeries! AS the places fo buy your BREAD, FLOUR, OAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, SMALL BREADS of every deseription. First class Confectionanes, For Spring and Summer use ; and Fruits in their season. : Wedding Cakes made to order Ha is also prepared to farnish Soirees: Tea Meatings, &c., on liberal terms. CHAS. HISCOCKS. Feb. 13,1867. ELECTRICITY IN DISEASE ! ------ BEG to inform my many friends, and the public generally, that I have procured for myself a powerful and very superior Electro- Galvanic ers. 1 consider Electrieity fo be a power but little appreciated and understood, and as & curative agent in many diseases, I con tend, that it will produce the most ishi isfi Indeed, in New Goods! Sant pI O Otten The Subscribers invite the attention of the public to their FALL STOCK OF GOODS Which will be found complete in every department. The greater portion of which were purchased in the British markets, and will sold at a SMALL ADVANCE ON COST ! The whole Stock must be disposed of by April next, and in or- der to effect a clearance, Great_Bargains will be given to CASH CusTOMERS. A large Stock of Fresh for cash. A large assortment of Ready Made Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, Ladies' Bonnets & Hats trimmed and untrimmed Victorines, Gents' Fur Hats & Caps, &c., at cost prices, for cash. Piles of Canada Tweeds, Scotch Tweeds, Overcoatings, Mantles Groceries constantly on hand, cheap & Mantle Cloths, at a great reduction, 7 Highest price paid for Wheat, Barley, Peas, Oats, Rye, Pork, Butter, Fowls &e. Brown & Christian. MANCHESTER, Nov. 12, 1868. 35.2 Prepare for Winter ! rn () CU-- J. c.0 XX BECGSto call the attention of the inhabitants of Reach and neighboring Townships, to the following prices of BOOTS AND SIIOES, FOR CASII, at the People's Boot and Shoe Store, Prince Albert. Men's Coarse Boots $2.50. Women's Balmorals from $1.00. Women's Balmorals, patch bottom, $1.50. Misses Skating Boots, Flannel Lineds from $1.20. Women's Skating.Boots, do. $1.50. Home made Boots, Warranted. COW HIDE teeeseensaress $3.50 KIP cecovsnsoesosesnsnanncs 4 00 English and French KIP ¢o000e 4.50 FRENCH CALF ..... 5.00 Women's Calf Balmoralsssseene 2.00 Women's English Kip Lace Boots 2.00 Women's Fine Skating Boots from 2.50 Prince Albert, Nov. 12, 1868. DIRECT INPORTATION, R. & J. CAMPBEL Are daily receiving at their Stores, . Manchester & Whitby Large quantities of NEW GOODS! Purchased by R. CAMPBELL, on the mos advantageous terms in the Brovin Mar- ey pi Taped direct. The Stock consists of a choice selection of Newest Styles of Fall and Winter Staple and Fancy Goods. ; A large and excellent variety of Ladies' and Gents' BOOTS & SHOES. A lot of capital CROCKERY, and a full stock of Pirst class Wines & Liquors, All of which will be sold cheap for cash. ly call 18 respectfully solicited. grr wy oat of our steadily increasing business we are about to maka | 72 at Manch a large addition to our p R. & J. CAMPBELL. 'Manghester, Sept. 8th, 1868. $2,000 (PRIVATE FUNDS) T0100, AT 8 PIB CENT. Apply immediately to a ~ M. G. ROBSON, IENSR STOCK OF KEW Goon AT THE DOMINION STORE! PRINCE ALBERT. The Subscriber bas now received a _ very large assortment of Dry Goods, & Groceries, Hardware, Ready made (1 ClotLing, &c., and has now deter- A 1 niined to coffer the whole at a small 2 advance on Montreal wholesale prices to cover charges, For Cash Only! Remember these Goods are almost sll new, the greater part having been laid in within the last month, and the quality is such as may be equaled, but cannot be ex- celled, and prices will be found lower than at any other establiskment in the Country. Manchester and Port Perry thrown entirely into the Shade, as to Prices JUST EXAMINE THE FOLLOWING. Sold elsewhere at 15 to 17¢ " First class Prints, (none else in stock), at 124c. Real goed Winceys, (no trash). at 124c. oy 15 to 25¢. All Wool French Merinoes, beautiful shudes, at 45 to 50c. " 65 to $1 A large assortment of Dress Goods, in Orleans, Lustres, Reps, Cobourgs, Alpacas. Poplins, Delaiaes, Victoria Cords, &ec., at a reduction of 20 per cent. Stripe Shirting for 10 cents a yard. positively cost 25 per cent more money. All Wool Tweeds and Cloths, at 60 to 75¢ a yard, Sold elsewhere at 90c to $1. Whole Suits of Canadian Tweeds and good Heavy Overcoat, at $14 to $16. Over Coat for $3}, just thepiice for making. Beautiful and fine Bed Blankets, at 82} to $4 a pair, being 20 per cent under prices char zes by others. An immense assortment of Breakfast Shawls, Crossovers, Iloods, Clouds, &c., &c. Cotton Yarn, (best Canadian), $1.75 a bundle. Heasy Twilled Linen Bags, at 30c each, worth 374c. Heavy Cotton Bags, for 85 per dozen. 12 Ibs beautiful Sugar and 2 Ibs Fice Green Tea for $2. 80c to $1.25. Good new Plug Smoking Tobacco at 30c per Ib of 10 plugs. Firat rate Cofiee, pure ground or in the bean at 17c. §L_2¢ J) Starch 12}c, Corn Starch 12}c, Corbonate or Baking Soda 6c per Ib. Best Mustard in one |b jars for 32)e-por jar. Shingle and Cut Nails 3c per 1b, by the 100 Ibs. Horse Nails 18¢ per ib by the bag. Lamp and Lump Chimoeys very low. The Doflar Lamp for 75¢, Chimneys 6c each, and all other things equally low. Please take the trouble to examine the abo ve list of prices and compare them with those you have been paying elsewhere, and call immediately after and secure bargains. At the fore_oing prices, I will take in exchange for goods, Wheat, Barley, Oats Peas. P'crk, Butter, Lard, Apples, Potatoes, Squared 'Limber, &e., for which I will pay the highest market price. 127 1 would-also take the liberty of informing all those indebted that. their ts are all two months past due, and every single account, without exception, must be paid at once. J T. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, Nov. 12, 1868. ure DIRECT 23% IMPORTATIONS ! F Currie& R Have just received by Steamship ¢ Nestorian" the balance of their Stock. Every department is now complete with the CHOICEST AND FINEST GOODS That can anywhere be found, and will be sold fally and tory results. , in cages were medicines are of no avail, the Battery, if scienti= . cally and judicious: applied, will in numerous 'nstances Co about n perfect recovery. Of course, [ am very far from desiring it to be imagined, that Electricity will supersede wedi~ icine, or that it will answer iw every case, lelaim for it no such power. But 1 do apprehend ithat in many disorders, some of which I subjoin, it will produce the most desirable consequences. The diseases and ailments in whieh I consider Electricity to be most gerviccable, and as most certain of preducing good, are ti2¢ following : GENERAL DEBILITY. . NERVOUSNESS, CHRONIC AFFECTIONS of the hIV= ER. BLADDER and KIDNEYS ; ASTHMA. DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIP TION ; PILES, RHEMATISM. NEURALGIA; PARALYSIS. CURVATURES. and othvr AFFECTIONS of the SPINE; kK | CONSUMPTION in ils early stage ; DISEASES arising from IMPURE or IMPOVERISHED BLOOD, &c. N. B. I may add that there is no pain or nn- pleasantness experienced during orafter, the use of the Battery, and that it contains six different currents of Electricity, differing in their effects and applicable to the several disordered states of the syste. FRANCIS H. BRATHWAITE, MD, Cf, Medical Electrician. Prince Albert, June 10, 1868. 23-1y Volunteers ordered to the Frontier | AND J. BULLEN AS REMOVED From his Old 'Stand to one door South of the Red White Blue. All Garments made in the Latest Styles and a Fit war- ranted. : YF Sing and Summer Fashions just re ceived. J. BULLEN. Prince Albert, March 28, 1866. Brooklin Drug Store JOHN DAWES, EALER in Drugs, Patent Medicines Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, &o Best Wines and Liquors for medicinal purposes, ("Horse and Cattle Medi cines alway on hand. y r nr A 4 W. H. MARSH, PRINCE ALBERT, house, Sign, Carriage, any Ornamental PAINTER. EGS to return thanks to the public for past favors, and would beg to state that he bas opened a Shop nearly opposite the * Prince Albert Carriage Factory," where he will be able to execute all work of the art in the best style. Prince Albert, Nov, 26, 1867, 41 TEN PER CENT LESS Than last year's prices. Factory Cottons 7cts per yard ; Winceys 12icts per yard ; Fancy Dresses from $1.50 to $20.00; Fancy Wool Shawls from $3 to $9; Canadian Tweeds TOcts--sold last year at 90c. Carpeting a splendid assortment from 50 cts. 700 Bags, Cotton and TwiLLEp LINEN, for price and quality cannot be equaled. . IN GROCERIES We have New Fruits, Bright Sugars, and a choice lot of Teas, NEW CROP, from 60cts to $1.25 per 1b. in Caddys'of 10lbs. HARDWARE, PAINTS OILS, AND DYE STURFS : 0G Any quantity of Wheat, Barley, Peas, Oats and Butter PRINCE ALBERT, Prince Albert, Nov:§13, 1868. wanted for which the highest price will be paid » mm, oa PERRY. SHOP--Ocer Paxton & Jone's Star H é 2 5) a 8 3 = PORT RD om the, day of Oct. A BAY MARE, 4 YEARS OLD, wR A r STRAYED MARE. TRAYED from the promises of the subscriber Abbut 14 har Y And as pds High. a ¥tite nos. and white