§ made Ww + that que tof. LSTOP AND SEE. on gndio wry in per * expectorating Se rg 4 FENIAN CONGRESS. A great congress of | Fenians is to bis held in Phiiadelphia on the 21st inst. Delegates from all parts of the the world are expected to be rate nt and preparations are being athousand of such--if the institu- "tian-does not fall to pieces ere tlien.. ee ---- ee i The Pnitadelphin Kvening Star says the rage for foreign styles and customs will work its own reform, and the time will come when the States will set the fashions for Europe, instead of copying them from In Philadelphia it. has been a peculiarity. of ¢ old families" for the las! Bix years thal they have a simplicity of 'manner and dress, in order to be distin- _ guished from those whose sudden riches are expended. in all kinds of extravagances. " Elegant Simplicity" is now the mode in . Philadelphia. : . 4 ~~ --e The following incident of the Spanish revolution is told :--One of the first revo- * lutionary banners hoisted in Madrid was displayed trom the masion belonging to the Countess Moutijo, the mother of the Empress of France. The explanation 1s, wery simple ; the conntess is in the coun- ry, and the fevolutionary Junta of Ahat «quarter, having installed itself in the house hung out its ffag from the balcony. A boy attempting to crawl throngh a hole in which an iron ehaft was revolving at the rate of 150 times a minute, at Province, R.1I., secently, it canght his clothes and stripped them fiom his body. He clung to the shaft unlil the engines was stopped, and escaped unhurt. The army of the United States now con- sists of five artiller, ten cavalry and forty- five infantry regiments, which, with the staff, comprise 59,938 enlisted men and 2,- 943 commissioned officers; the latter m- cluding one general, one lieutenant-general, five major generals, and nineteen briga- diers. While dancing a gallop, in a Belgian town, a few days since, a young lady died in har partner's arms. The latest wonder in the way of Yankee inventions is printing which can be read in total darkness. A citizen of Pittsburg has given $50,000 to build a home for shoeblacks and newsboys in that city. There is one missionery in China to every four millions of people. A Swiss has invented a watch which is wound by raising the cover. f A converted burglar is preaching sensa- tional sermons in England. 8ix thousand dollars 1s the price of a seat in the New York stock board. TE following remarks on Testimonial's of most wonderful wid extiaordinary cures in Canada by Indian Reme hey ure stern, undeniable: stible fae uflicient to convince the most al the Great Medien] Compound yearned ges is now ageessible in the Great. SHOSHONEES' REMEDY! ive Or- "the gre and ne For Disease of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Dj ys, &e,, us well as Scrofila, the in an. and all diseases arising from im. e blood, we boldly state that this great re r oeen equalled, Where was there ever £uch nenre lint in the nerson of Wilson Storms of ighton, C. Consumption, or that of Peter C, Miller, of ¥ town, C.W., of Cansnmption, or Yo of Ambrose Wood, of Consecon, C, \W., of Dys= pepsia and Liver Complaint, of that of Rrpunca, of Rheumatism who had actoall ehes for years, mn spite ofall treatment fo now well. Scores of such cases might be meson had we space. Call at the Drug Store and get a Citi lar of unques- tionable certificates on the Great ShosLonees Remedy und Pills, and satisfy yourselves, Price of Remedy in large Pints, $1.00. For sale by oll dinggists and dealers ir. decine.-- Wholesa'e Agents for Montreal, Henry Simson &Co., Liymans, Clare & Co, 'Hosey, of ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE OF CONSUMPTION IN CANADA. Missns. Youxne & CuaMsgnraiy, Sins, I feel it adu- 1 owe to yun, as well as fo the pnilic to inform you tthe most wonderful cure of Consuw ption, accomplish- ed ong J potsoirhy by the use of the great Shoshonices Re- medy ou hed a grent deal day and night, ities of matter, nud had a great 1 lind cold ehills every day, 1 was so reduced that I eonid badly standalone. I was under the care of a fussics ian for a length of time, but finding no relief, 1 trie: #, but all without any good effect. ath,recom- the Gre oshonees Remedy; T'pro- with the Pills; so soon us [ LI began to get Letler, and when I omple ment the Cough expectmations of matter, pain about the luug, chills, sweaticg, &e., efi me. und by continnmg its use, I heeame strong and hieal- thy, It isnow over two months since I quit the remedy and there have been 10 symptoins of the disease return | ing, and 1 have been. mid um now healthier and better than T have been for many years. I trust you will make this known to the Public, that they ma Jha, aware of the peculiar virtues of this truly wondeifulTudian Remedy. + PETER C. V. MILLER, Eunesiows, Co, of Lennox and Addington, ©. w. ni ---- "Toul whom it com isto certify that I 'have acqua oninien With 1 Fe aboss-ment ti ree | Chad leman. Peier CV. Miller, Ha years, and ve ki him alware 10 he a ghest re- special very candid and I Er rey vouch for the tiuth of th oy oe any other statement made by hun. "Rev. W.F. 8. HARPER, #4 Rector of Bath, a8 & J 1, Port P, i Dawson & C: a We A. Tolan: Fie Albert, B. ren Ce - 'Geo, Douglass, Manilla - ite R. R. R. PILLS, PURGATION MADE PERFECT. IN DR. RADWAY'S PILLS. Extracts from " FALSE AND TRUE," A New Medical Publication free to all, by sending one stamp to pay postage to J OHN RADWAY, M.D & '0o., 439 3 Payl Fieet, Montreal. THE DIGESTIVE: ORGANS; * Bhowing the course of substances taken into the stomach along the canal. The Mouth, "*" % The Trachea. 5. Zsophagus, 4 Inside Stomach, 6. Gall Bladder, 6, Dusdonum.' IMPERFECT DIGESTION. al lS above diagram shows tho conrsn of substances taken into the stomach, through the alimentary ca- and Bogwo mazromark tho importance of every ono_ desiring fo enjoy perfect health, to secure perfect 3nd b This d: ratemn will Toi accom; shen by taking ono of Radway n Pits every morning about ten clock, as a Dinner Pill. By ro doing, Dyspepsia, Hoadache, Foul Stomach: Biliousness will heavoided, and 0 food that is eaten contribute its nourishing properties for tho support of tho natural waste and of 7. The Annus ® Ympcrfoct Digestion froquently occurs when the bowels are regular, the constituents of solids that aro not ahsorbed in giroulation, from imperfect digestion aro frequently Sisecicd 1 the kidne; 3 for Hg escnpo; a eh cases serious damage is done to the kidneys, as tho urine recreted fr erfectly digested substan- r food, 4, e., those constituents not secreted by tho Liver or gall duc i Tishes n foreign sccretion ns io form of AiBumen, ugar, 1ren-1rie Acid, Lithio Acid, causing Bright's Disease, Lishenion, Dropsy, Jena Diseases of the Kidneys. Congestion, Degeneration, U leeration, Gravel, Bloody Urine, &¢. To prevent ie sorious and of en fatal difiowdties, tako one of Radway's Pills every morning two hours before dinner. gf Fait Od Tn bo known hy a voracious appelit © raving for food, great thirst, dryness in the mouth, dry skin, hot fetid breath, restlessness, swellings in tho abdomen, chest, le foet, frequent i ¢iro to urinate, varied colored urine, Vhere these symploms are present, t 9 SARSAPAR LLTA shonld be taken three times per day, 'and the Pills one tas as case may roquire. Assoon ag don becomes verfoct theso unfavorable symptoms will disapy A Great Medical Triumph. NEW PRINCIPLES IN PURGATION ! SECURED IN DR. RADWAY'S Perfect Purgative Pills, 1.~A Vegetablo Substitute for Calomel and Mercury. 2 -- Counter-Irritation, made perfect in Radway's Pills, that withdraws inflamation fram Congested Blood Vesscls, Nerves, Liver, Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, and other viscera, and purging all excrementitious, corrupt humors and diseased deposits from the system. *3.--In these Pills a nourishing and nutri- tious principle 1s secured, by "which the blood, juices and fluids of the s ystem, be- come invested with the vigor of life--they kin | are the only purgative 'medicine -- that strengthens during the process of purgation. These Pills act asa solvent and tonic to the gastric juice, enabling this solvent of the system to properly dissolve the subs- tances taken Into the stomach, and aid di- gestion, and the convertion of said substan- ces into the proper constituents to make pure, rich and wholesome blood, the deficicn- cy of which is the cause of Dy. spepsia, In- digestion, Diabeates and many urinary diffi- culties, etc. 4.--~They regulate the organs of the sys- toh; ; restoring functional harmeny and se- curing the secretion of the proper consti- tuents of each organ ; by their action the Liver secretes its allotted proportion of bi- Je--the Lungs, Carbon--the Skin, Sweat-- the Kidneys, Urine, &e. 5.--The aged, and persons subject to Constipation, Costiveness, Paralysis and Weakness of the Bowels, Kidneys and Blad- der, &c., that have to resort to injections Ho by {aking two or three of Radway's Pills, will enjoy natural discharges, and Dy the occa- sional use of them have regular operations. In these cases their szenmtining and nttri- tious principles are exhibited ; every dose willadd new strength to the bowels, Liver, Kidneys, &e., that may be worn or depleted by disease or age. ever failed to supply 1s secured, and that is Typhoid Fevers--when the Mucous Mcm- brane becomes ulcerated--now these Pills purge thoroughly, and heal, ulcerated and excoriated parts. 7~These Pills are male new in| grins axl Stperior in e pe respect to powders and substances of the ci a vertised Pills. Two of Radway's Pills will CXERCl Se drastic pills in general use, ELEGANTLY COATLD-NO TASTE OR SMELL. SCOURING THE INSIDES. Persons who take Pills for the purpose not aware that they are wearing away their intestines, irritating the Mucous Membrane ad laying the ih pupdation for Piles, i rs Ulcers, AKDRAKE, chiued ed by ne ut aibstitute for Mer: IL prodgce this effect; it Will'Scour bowels anyother drastic, an pe wilt os them out (sce page 666, Wood & |q Baches, U.S. Pharmacopia). © Mandrake, | sal as a constituent of a purgative pill, for Dr ge: neral or continued Saqip urtful, and itsin- uction into a pill secures no, new pri Mandrake i fs anferior to the same dradtic rinciple, in the officinal_aloctic pill of the pas ; 86 there is Pothing new in b te Oolebrated this agent, alibough its principal advocate presents it to the public, under Dr. Rad- 6.--In these Pills, a want that science has 5 a thorough purgative that can be given in | safety in cases of eruptive fevers; as Small | N Pox, Erysipelas, Yellow Fever, Scarlet and | 1} act quicker than half a dozen of the common | J) of getting "a good scouring out" are perhaps 5 Bo! 2 thy TOR BILIOUS DISEASES, Not one In a thousand would suffer from I3illous complaints,it Dr. Radway's treatment is ob- served, and all who may be seized with Billous Collie, Bie llous F¥'ever, Typhold IXever, Chills and Fever, IFever and Ague, Remittant and Intermit tant Fever. In fact all animal and vegetable fovers are preven- ted and cured by RADWAY'S PILLS, assisted when required by the READY RELIEE. TREATMENT. As a prevention, when cither of these maladies prevail, take one pill per diy, this will regulate the liver, and supply any defi- cency of the healtly condition of the gistric juice, the'natural solvent of the system, and secure healtly digestion ; Ten tut drops of Ready Relief, in water adi this will secure invigoration and strength where there is wi cakness, lassitude and lan- guor, 'and neutralize the poisonous acids, generated from the gases otindigested food, irritant and morbid humors, of the stomach, &c., and if seized with any form of fevers, take the pills in large doses 4 to 6, every six hours, a few doscs will ensure a cure. 1 have cured the worst forms of Yellow, T: phoid, Marsh, Ship, and Isthmus Fevers, in the West Indies, South America, and my treatment with the Ready Relief, and Pills, have met with the same success in the East Indies, --these fevers are all of one family, 1 more readily yield in their milder as they exist in temperate climates ; than in their more fatal types of the torrid zones. CR Ed A a f ¢ ablo King oth. od vor eh ofore w heso pills, In pi theists marked il ature of find b Tadway's De 0 alators pills in cach box, co- 25 ots., per box. Sold ants. | Dr: RADWAYX'S SARSAEARILLIAN ALi egteord} ge licino i: n Piieaient hen, 'l'et- up- dpd'e ho tilands, A [ Ling a Gs charges ine rea, albus, a «i argos on the Uterus, . it s the os poctignrativs Known r 0 concretions, white albumen, lik the whito of an eg; or the tine i¥ thick, elo 7 &c, end when the pationt hat rout troublo {0 hold waler wiih constant desire tc scharge, and it eomes away in drops, and hasan stron smell of ammoniae, and gharp daring pains are rienced along tho canal of th » Et ie HEE will eéon ehungo all ° rey Ay I "his rome hl br tL chu, Dj, bs, Copabia, Surjentine, br grove; 'ube Il other o ety aod in nse. andal g wo ha te Jlundreds of Porson "hell are oo fend io uso Lp togecuro a discharge of water, havo by the uso of rix hotles oe Hae: tely ow a" by ome teas) | thofeligity of passing 0 PE Kab day, aril- Had Elle BOL VENT, Price ono doliar per NAIEE or five dollars. UES JoHy RADWAY, M.D. 8 C0.) | way's original discovery, of a vegetable sub stitute for Mercury. TT Te OTICE is eh given. that aifisation will be made 10 the Larliament of the Dominion Cane atthe Session thereof next, afer the expiration six months ro the Jones of the Lt fo Su Sr LY Se nt Cola Sons on = oun ofadultr, a" nog. + Ns GORDON BIGELOW, f Ainey for Petilione tom, 1868. ids HEALS, Ttoh, - Qintment; hocks sonstantien large quan' | 1 Tiber or Bis Prince Albert, Dec, 5, 1866. i Jina ad) HEAL AGENTS. --A. D. Weeks, Dolan. Jones, Port Perry ; Dawson and hi Ftd Prince Albert. : HENRY GRIST 439, Y. PAUL 8T., MONTREAL, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ! | 1860. ~ PATENT SOLICITOR AND DRADGHTSMAN, Wi CANADA, ~~ Trapsacts business with the Patent Office and Drivin: Epeconion, ier avention. prepared on receipt of the Pore Albert to get your Horse Shoeing done. THE OLD Tay astonishing JHE 0 'Wholesale and Retail, DAWSONS' LATE WILSON'S.--SIGN OF THE PESTAL & MORTER, PRINCE ALBERT! HE FOUNTAIN HEAD (for PORE DR DRUGS, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, BRUSHES, OILS, VARNISHES, the most reliable PATENT MEDI- CINES, and every thing connected with the trade) for quantity, quality and price. STATIONERY In all its departments at Toronto prices, includiug a choice assortment of cheap Albums. PERFUMERY.~ An elegant and choice variety. Trusses, Shoulder Braces, and Surgical Tustruments of every make. c Fad 8 Anticostive Food for Infants. The Royal Un+ivalled Washing 74S 3 {5 The purest Brands of Pale Brandy, Port and Sherry Wines, Gius, Old Rye, and Common Whiskey--for medicinal pitrposes only. N. B. Physicians prescriptions carefully and personally prepared. Truly grateful for the very liberal patronage hitherio accorded us we would state that we slill continne to endeavor to anticipate your every want in our line, and to give lhe most entire sstistullion, DAWSONS' Prince Adbert and Manchester. July 15, 1868. ' DIVISION COURTS IN THE COUNTY OIF ONTARIO, FOR THE YEAR 1868. 122 == 32 No. 1--Whitby,.. [I] No. 2-- Pickering, Ho 3 Vo. 3-- Manchester & Prince Albert, 14{29] .. No. 4--Uxbridge,. ...... ........ 15(30 No. 5-- Cannington, 7, No. 6--Beaverton, ..... 5 Nor T=Athetley....... (.}.. L130 Z. BURN AM, Judge C.0. Trees PERRY December 26, 1867. PORT CARRIAGE! FACTORY ! @ CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS | rPHE Subscriber 1s now mab ine iY quantity of the above artic'es, of the best material, styleand finish. Having made a good selection of material in the material market, he is prepared to marufacture any article required in his line. Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing Done with neatness and dispach, for cash-er approved credit. [7 All work de GG, U, WHITE, 42 oon Perry, Oot, 21, 18568. TOR Fiiia Lit CLASS Ag GO TO THE ONTARIO CARRIAGE FA Are Manufactured on the premises of the choicest material and oy first class workmen CTOR Y Call and erous friends that this is the Cleapest House in them. avould also intimate to my nur Warranted or no Pay. JAMES EMANEY. Work Prince Aibert, Dec 4, 1867. "A. SINCLAIR has Just received his Winter supply of Tear, * Porter and Ale, Olard's Brandy, Coffee, Whisky, Jules Robbin & Co's Brandy, Sugar, Scotch NWhisky, Martelt's Brandy, Currants, Old Rye and Toddy, Cherry Raisins, Port Wine, Jamaca Rin Figs, Sherry Wine, Holland Gin, Labrador Herrings, No. 1, | Madera do. John Bull Bitters. Codfish, Ginger do. Old Tom Gin, White Fish, Champagne, 0 Wines, Brandies, and other Iaguors, of the best brands, Sor Medical Purges which can be hud at the lowest possible price. " Prince Albert, Dec. 18, 1867. WROCERIES, PROVISIONS & LIQUOR Purchased at the best Markets and on' th most advantageous terms. ly --ago-- The undersigned would respectfully announce to the innabitants of Reach and eurround-- ing townships that lie has just opened up his New Grocery, Provision, and Liquor Store AT BORELIA, Where everything in the Grocery, Provision and Liquor hne will be kc kept on: hand, of the very best quality; and at prices which cannot fail to satisfy the purchaser. All kinds of Farm Piaduce taken in exchange, for which the highest market price willl be paid. (= A call is solicned. F. NEALE, PagriieTon. Borelia, Sept. 14, 186S. SUMMER BOOTS 'AND SHOES -- PIOPIE BOOT & SHOE STORE, Hotel, Prince Albert. - esasss 20.8 8.0 EPSP reese J. COI [Tas just reccived an invoice of the most fashionable styles op Ladies' Polish Boots, Balmorals' Gaiters, and Children's wear ever offered in Prince Albert,which will be sold at prices that wil, DEFY COMPETITION. Pris re Albert, May r 6 1868, i! It £3 18 nn on] formar mel) gree || }§ i =z if | orn 1 ie i § ¢ GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF 1 T | FURNITURE I7 AT THE 1 }_Prince Albert& ManchesterFactories "I --rw -- a0 e& i Common Chairs - - yg 45¢ 1 : Flush Top do. - - H0c ~ ---- Bent Back do. © - T0c ' I nm « 2 Slat and Spindle do. . - 754, 1 And all other Cabinetware at very low prices. ve : ------ er COFFINS of every description Lept constantly on 1252, ll rir 1 The best Hezrse in 7 meme North or South On- i I tario. Charges as gr-- wim chicap as the cheap- (C fi Il Te. est. : ) § rst nen pein a | > yt ! ch oe STAND POR RVE i R. Tomo . their liberal" patronage for the past SIX YEARS, rd oi to intimate ik fred : coustantly prevared to furnish them with FS Wagan and Buggies! ad 8 - And that he is now preparing FIFTY Sets of his PREMIUM IRON § I 00D SEED HAR ROWS made in the latestimproved Scotch styles. Parties desiring to purchase woula do well to call and inspect his Stock before purchasingelse- where. Having ugh it his Stock for JCash, he is, determined not to be u sold by any other mg turer in the County. 7 ¥, ork Warranted. : 2 i "wr, STEEL. * Meychestey, April 10, 1868 14-1y CME QD. DONOVAN, PRACTICAL Canis #3 Maker! NEAR THE TOWN HALL, BROCK STREET, WHITBY 1 GOOD assortment of Buggies sorsiont ea on hand made from Best material. © Work =A, made to arder with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention paid to repairing f-% ALL WORK WARRANTED. HARRISON MAW & SON - Contractors ¢ & Builders, RK PORT PERRY! d to sn Sho i he up Buiklings of alt kinds, wither Wood Er ret nt test styles, with all the most modern improve~ ARE ) pre] A% or L REFERENCES. ny Cs General; w.! os dl A A Note. © 1s : om iy in. ing, Minister of Public Wore Province of Ontatjo. \ tio} 8 te rE | poy Perry, Dac. 5, 1866 | - + JOHN H. M Aw done will do.well te call, (Plans and Spesifioee i Bi Reviving ! me 0 3a Hard Times disappearing, and Better Tiimes.Coming ! ! HE Subscriber takes this method of returning thanks to his nuimérons customers for the support for the last eighteen years, and would say that every thing in the line of VOLK will be made and sold as good and as Cheap es auy in otier establish- ment in North Ontario, Special attention paid to Undertaking! Coffins of all sizes kept constantly on hand consisting of Walnut, Oak, class Hearse in attendance at Funerals when required. Charges very Tow. w3=Just received a large quantity of Coffin Triuningsy (latest styles), and will be sold cheap. al kings of good Lumber taken in exchange for work JOHN NOTT. . Agent for Monuments and Tomb Stones. : Borla, Nov. 13, 1867 MONEY TOLEND! 'The undersigned i is I ere to advance loans of money Im Large "or Small' Sums' On first class improved farm security--as the rate of interest is very low and charges are moderate, the best securities must be offered. 05 Several first class farms for sale on easy sums of payment, ; Apply personally or by letter pre-paid with a description of he security offered, to W. M. COCHRAN E, es Deo, ah 'Bigelow's Block, Port Perrys on, --- [Fd i I 5% 0d (ENS) Bed 2 2.4 HM! a Acs - a las Ee Flac) =