into- Lot No. 3, in ; ig hip of Li 4 1s " mark . Cartwright, Jan. 36, 1869. A CARD. Ua . To the President a nd Direc: Ontario Farmers Mutual dante Company » SENTLENEN.. G, to acknowl, § I full of my elim le 1 of the mo and find; so ing lm ty bat] 1 9st and uprig| ¢ Company, pn its settlements, and honor in feeommending thoso of my frm, Sreat pleasure insure j warmers who have not alread © v ly done so, threln oe Ontario Farmers' Mutual Ineuy: Respecttull, 43w] yo Propose to PASS A BY-LAW To stop up and close as a public highway is-A Hereinafter described, a8 1; i Commencing where a posto! that is to say : on the west limit of Lot No. 1, in been planted ocssion, and 3 chains 13 links fromi® 4th con- west angle thereof, then south, 71 degrd.$outh- 2 chains 50 links; then south, 84 degrecs ast, 3 chains, to road allowance between 3rd and 4t. foncessiony, then south, 77 degices east, 8 chains 70 links ; then south, 34 degrees cast, 3 chains 69 links; then south, 56 degrees east, 4 chains 17 links y then north, 67 degrees 10 minutes east, 7 chains 11 links; then north, 57 degrees east, 4 chains 6 links; then north, 78 degrees east, 5 chains 50 links ; then north, 64 degrees cast, 9 chains; then north,68 degrees east, 4 chains and 84 hnks; then north, 87 degrees cast, 6 chains, 39 links } then north, 44 degrees 30 minutes east, 4 chains 60 links ; then north, 51 degrees 30 minutes east, 4 chains 50 links ; then south, 86 degrees east, 2 chains 93 links ; then north, 58 degrees east, 6 <hains 54 links, to the allowance for road be- tween the 3rd and 4th concessions; thence in the same direction 1 chain 15 links ; then north, 64 degrees 30 minutes east, 6 chains, 39 links; to Road leading to Geo. Curric's Saw Mill. -- 'The road to be four rods wide, and the line above described forming the centre thereof. JOHN CHRISTIE, Township Clerk Reach, Jan. 26, 1869. 4-4w Apprentice Wanted. MRT ANTRR A Acive bov ahout 17 rears nef. W. H. PARK, Prince Albert Cabinet Factory. Jan. 20, 1869. 3 Don't waste Time & Money. THE SUBSCRIBER IS AGENT FOR HOWE'S FIRST CLASS SEI MACHINE Paties knowing the superiority of those machines will take no other. Prices moderate, Call and inspect them at my Shop, Manchester. JAMES SQUIRE. Manchester, Jan. 20, 1869, 3 THE CANNINGTON Woolen Mills FOR SALE! ------ riber offers for Sale the above HE, Subgort MLS, situated on the Beaver River (a never failing supply of water) in the esperous V. e of Cannington, Township of donb Couaty of Ontario. These Mills are in the very best order, and are i xtensive and profitabie business in ping an Falling, Cloth Dressing, &c., &c. et tunity of investing in a firs Ay ut rarely presents Ear The manufacture of Cloth may be carried on to al- most any extent. J The proj would not think of parting with the. Mills were it not that the state of his th prevents him from- continuing the busi- ness. n Mills, 8. W. CARD, Proprietor G Proprietor a an! Cannington, Jan. 20, 1869. AND MANCHESTER Bakeries! RE the places to buy yonr BREAD, A FLOUR, OAT MEAL, CORN MEAL, SM ALL BREADS of every description. First class Confectionaries. Toys in great variety For Spring and Summer use; and Fruits Jn their reason. Wedding Cales made to order Heo is also Wepared io fotuish Soirees. Meeti on li erms. Tor ons "CHAS. HISCOCKS. Feb. 13,1867. ; STRAYED STEER. | remises of the Subscriber, Cs ERLE White Stecr coming 2 years old. 2 d to come, prove Property, Te eascs a nk Dis Wa. ay. i ADAM GRAHAM. Reach, Jon. 9, 1869, Hy PrOvVag property was can have Je same by JAMES GRAHAM. Mariroga, Jan, 15, 1869, h Jromet EE meutin uraing of my Hop House, a sh, gf oy Je 1 rt fol lod my claim Dapers abou the fg month ; a few days aft, i the President of the Company, er Lickell, JAMES CRAWFORD. of February next, OAD then in the same direction 3 chains; : TAB ticulars apply to the NB Bor further pa oon w| BEDSTEADS, STAN, ANDS, ope WOOD § CANE SEAT OHAIRS,|GREAT ATTRACTIONS ROCKING CHAIRS, &c. A large number of Steel Engravings, framed NORTH ONTARIO DRUG STORE | y .'Bign of the Pestal and Mortar, 4-4w 0. a Pe disposed of A SPLENDID Stock of HE Annual Meeting UXBRIDUT On TUESDAY, 2nd Februavy next, at49 o'clock p. m., for receiving and disposing of t Annual Report, the Election of Officers, and t transaction of other business connected wi the Order. A full attendance is requested. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN, By order, pared to sell all kinds of Tan ep as any other orth 8 Establishm in Ontario! My stock consists of LES. BUREAUS, SIDEBOARDS, CUPBOARDS, either with wood or galt. QFE Special attention ing refitted my Hearse with a other party in North or South Ontario. 3 COFFINS hand, made of Walnut, Oak, Butternut, &c. A good selection of Coffin Tri ceived from the best markets. JOHN NOTT. Borelia, Dec. 9, 1868. '* JOHN CHRISTIE, ancer, Commissioner of the Ofice--MNanchestor, -- ENERAL GROCERIES at Lo ¥ G you will find the prices one as gue Prince Albeit, Jan, 26, 1869. Er SEE Loyal Orange Association of B, N. A, : 3) . Im PRINCE ALBE nq COUNTY LODGE, Consisting Hating takaet. will be held at ting glove Lodge Tre Subscriber begs to say that he is pre- WRITING DESKS, d lo Undertaking. Hav- | 150 Beautiful Albums, new style, very cheap. DOUBLE SET OF NEW PLUMES, repAre F 1s with as gi ladies. amin and Ale enn \evma_ no any | Lots of Fancy Goods for the dies of all sizes constantly kept on |g, pits Fnglish Wall Paper in 50 different just re- WANTED. --5,000 feet of good Seasoned Pine, Birch, Butternut, and Basswood Lumber. J N.B. 'Agent for monuments antl om tones Drugs, Dye a nd Chen vica is OWNSHIP Clerk for Reach, oguvey: Resolvent, and Qusen'a Bench, ke. Business carefully attended GROCERIES PROVISIONS FRUIT! Confectionery, Flour and Feed, Crockery and Glassware, §ec. IN GREAT ABUNDANCE AND VARIETY, AT E.CASH'S PRINCE ALBERT! SPLENDID assortm Lamp Chimneys and Burne, i F at the Lowest Possible Pray o LWaish wil be ent of Crockery, Glassware, Lam FINE LOT of FIN E LOT of FINNAN HADDIE ; A LABRADOR HERRINGS (oy fresh and nice, a.) -->-- "TAYLOR'S CELEBRATED ovsTERS, --_>-- TEAS ~best value in the place. Please call, fail to suit yon, y any 4 CHRISTMAS Gifts! A GREAT variety of th A Suitable Christmas Gifs np d50me, MES, DECKER'S suitable for aj] parties. A large an selected Stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES AND CHAINS, 1 hfe mow. Jashionable BROOCHES, PINS, §e. 1) wheat variety of Clocks, ang thing in Prin. line of the best quality and pr ok jn fail to induce purchasers, Drices ---------- Dec. 9, 1868, 49 *9P00Y 0730 PREV ALxromop 'S019 JO AjoLrva JUS B OS[Y ka W. SCOTT, Co. Master. a M. McPHADEN, Secretary. [A FIRS Secretary's Office, IF Aaa Vroomanton, 9th Jan'y, 1869. 3-2w arm Jor J el hm - Be T- ------ Tug of Price Albert ! = © here is a good Frame House witl, g 5 pm---- a good Barn, a Driving Barn, Jin) Stone Galins, = ------ good Wels Ro) a Oisern, jn 3 Sie A a 3 'hard. The soil is of the best quality, free from = ° 2 fam eens and well watered with a never failing = ® Ce spring. --- & This is decidedly one of the most desirable » 2 wit ~ places in the township, and well vdapted for a op] = ) private residence, * = = S. P. BARBER. a jm] E S. P. 8.9 > = Rn Prince Albert, Dec. 23, 1808. BLA = a ii = : oo = 33 GR = oO s SEE, re 7 Fiizg p= < sissies B w 3 pe read be n EH eo Ege id oR 3 4 2 = 8S greasy oe 2 -- "frEa wg? 0 EB == fe Bs 2 BS = NE. = ------] E88 g 9 plu - £8 2 = EY o 248 w | iil; OS STILL PROSPERING ! REE He 0h ---- = = = oda Reduced Prices) i; @ mB ecauc z ---- Efe ott SEE wo ped 3 e lr E g (i ! A 0d 2 eds 5 = . iE ized EEE a nu -seydand 2I0joq SUIWEX? PUB [UI 0} [[94 OP P| New Arrivals! AT THE \DAWSONS' LATE WILSON'S. rtments beautiful and useful Toys for 160 ee cheap and gi Gif Looks 5 Picture, Toy, an for 1000 heap er New Year's. and and Standard Lamps in Bronze and 200 Jan and importations, 30 per cent cheaper than formerly. § PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES. ful patterns--direct importation--will Std a proce of common Canadian. Concertinas from 6s 8d to $4, very fine. Violins from $1.50 to g5--very superior. A large additien to the former stock of Stationery in all branches. A -| FISH, 1 y. fine. i 1 Al 3%) wr J Agents for. Radway's Sarsasparillian, gee & eter reliable Patent {| Medicines of the day. Pout Perry, let Dee., 1864. | INEW CROP, from 60cts to $1.25. per 1b. in Caddys of 10lbs. PAINTS OILS, ait Ena se. Ta English 3 Scotch fancy Doeskins, Breakfast S hawls, Fancy Goods, &c. es ee T= Undersigned havin tario, is pre, § reasived the appointment of Offi ; pared to give Prampt attention to all matters i romissory Notes and Accounts s MONEY On good farm securit gociation of Loans, peadily collected, and re TO y a 8 per cent Interest, and borrowers can rely upon having promptly, and at small expense. Also, Lands, bot, Improved and Unin proved CONSTANTLY FOR SALE. » eh I i io F 05Insurances affected in the Outario Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company. E. MAJOR, Official Assignee and Valuator. r to the Royal Canadian Bank. Oryice.--Bigelow's Bleck, next doo, eS EE 48 ew Goods ! WL ii 3 he attention of the public to their lovc |] so Syery denartment, The greater isposed of by April next, and xn'u ein will be given to CASH MAe. B The whole Stock m*st a a clearance A large Stock of Fresh ciroueries constantly on hand, cheap for cash. wo" a ortment 4f Ready Made Clothing, Boots & Shoes, i es Ladies Bonnets & Hats trimmed and untrimmed Victorines, Gents' Fu: Hats & Caps, &c., at cost prices, for gas . Piles of Canada 'I'veeds, Scotch Tweeds, Overcoatings, Mantles & Mantle Cloths, at agreat reduction, 7 Highest price paid for Wheat, Barley, Peas, Oats, Rye, Pork, Butter, Fowls £c. Brows & Christian 35 MANCHESTER, Nov. 12 1868. IMPORTATIONS! FALL AND SINTER GOODA Currie & Ross . . z > 3 1 f just ed by Steamship "Nestorian" the balance o Hi Stock, : Ever department is now complete with the CHOICEST AND FINEST GOODS That can anywhere be found, and will be sold fully TEN PER CENT LESS 's prices. Factory Cottons Tets per yard ; Winceys Tin iy gy Fancy Trees from $1.50 to $20.00; Fancy Wool Shawls from $3 to $9; Canadian Tweeds 70cts--sold fast year at 90c. Carpeting a splendid assortment from 50 cts. Bags, Cotton and TWILLED LINEN, for price and quality cannot be equaled. GRO CERIES : We have New Fruits, Bright; Sugars; and a choice lot of Teas, BARGAINS! In Plain and Fancy Dress Goods, Heavy Cotton Ginghams, Mottled Lustres {G=Many lines of Goods greatly below thei Wn ML VIGHTHAT § Cheap Sale! cial Amsignee for North On- n Bankruptey or Insolvency mittances promptly made' LOAN, Special attention will be given to the ne- their applications attended to MOCK OF 6000S 'oominton Which will be found i Winceys, Paisley and°Broche Shawls, Plain Pop. nettes, r regular value, at 0s, Late COWAN'S, PRINCE ALBERT, TTT 0 eee. R. & J. CAMPBELL ave just commenced to sel] off the balance of Stock of ORY G00DS, READY MDE CLOTHING, CROCERIES, WINES an Boots & The Public Stock, as extr their Immense d LIQUORS, CROCKE WARE, RY HARD- Shoes, &oc, are respectfully invi aordinay re hii R ni! Amombay the Places, -- : nd exami i 8 will be given for Coming hel R &J. CAMPBELL, Whitby & Manchester, ---- MENSE STOCK 0F NEw gong STORE, PRINCE ALBERT, se--tt 4 Remember these ude Subscriber sen a within the last month, and the quan ~emgpy 4 celled, and prices will be found lower than a ai Manchester and Port] Perry thrown entirely into SHOES JUST EXAMINE THE FOLLOWING. ' First class Prints, (none else in stock), at 12}c. Sold elsewhere at 4 b Tre. Real good Winceys, (no trash), at 12}c. 4 e Sieg 3 All Wool French Merinoes, beautiful shudes, at 45 to 50¢. Cob a A large assortment of Dress Goods, in Orleans, Lustres, Reps, obourgs, Alpacas. Poplins, Delaives, Victoria Cords, &e., at a reduction of 20 per cent. Stripe Shirti , positively cost 25 per cent more money. Stripe Shirtiog for 10 cents a yard, positively p Lesnt More ONY re ta Bs Wool Tweeds and Cloths, at 60 to 75¢ a yard, A aan Tweeds and good Heavy Overcoat, at $14 to $16. Coat for $34, just the price for making. Or am 3 ba Blankets, at $2} to $4 a pair, being 20 per cent under prices by others. An i Bint of Breakfast Shawls, Crossovers, Hoods, Clouds, &e., &e. Cotton Yarn, (best Canadian), $1.75 a bundle. Heavy Twilled Linen Bags, at 30s each, worth 37}c. H Cotton Bags, for $5 per dozen. : 12 Ibs beautiful he and 2 Ibs Five Green Tea for $2. is Young Hyson Teas, very fine, 60 to 80c, as good as sold elsewhere at Hi 80c¢ to $1.25. 20 Ibs of Currants for $1. iA Good new Plug Smoking 'l'obacco 3 He er ib of 10 plugs. i > ound or in the bean at 17c. qo» J a 124¢, Corbonate or Baking Soda Ge per 1b. Best Mustard in one Ib jars for 32c per jar. Shingle and Cut Nails 3ic per Ib, by the 100 lbs Horse Nails 18c per Ib by the bag. Lamp and Lamp Chimneys very low. The Dollar Lamp for 75¢, Chimneys 6¢ each, and all other things equally low. . Please take the trouble to examine the zbove list of prices and compare them with those you have been paying elsewhere, and call immediately after and sccure bargains. At the fore zomg prices, I will take in exchange for goods, Whent, Barley, Oats, Peas, Pork, Butter, Lard, Apples, Potatoes, Squared Timber, &a., for which I will ig: est market price. : : ml Se bi toke the liberty of informing all those inlebted that their accounts are all two oaths past due, and every single account, without exception, must be paid i once. T. 0. FORMAN. f Dry Goods, Prince Albert, Nov. 12, 1868. Prepare for Winter ! ---- () WI -- J. Cc 0 X. PBECSto call the attention of the inhabitants of Reach and neighboring Townships, to the following prices of BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR OASZ, at the People's Boat and Shoe Store, Prince Albert. Men's Coarse Boots $2.50. SI Women's Balmorals from $1.00. il Women's Balmorals, patch bottom, $1.50. Misses Skating Boots, Flannel Lioed: from $1.20. . Women's Skatiog Boots, do. $1.50. Home made Boots, Warranted HARDWARE, AND DYE STUFFS. --a>-- Prince Albert, Nov, 26, 1868, A7 wanted for which the highest price will be paid, 0c Any quantity of Wheat, Barley, Peas, Oats and Butter Women's Five Skating Boots from COW HIDE ....cc0veeere $3.50 KIPue, iivaveeannans 400 4.50 5.00 Women's Calf Balmagalseesssee 'Women's English Kip Lace Boots Prince Albest, Nov, 12, 1868. ; g Rr Landau me Woy] A = ry a " oe)