"VOL. XIL No. 6. E ALBERT. COUNTY OF ONTARIO, C. W. THURSDAY. FEB. 1l, 1869. [WHOLE No. 678° C. D. WAID, Fonep to Loa. Splitting the Difference. Surgeon Dentist, Copy Main & BrockSt. Bie Hntwio Hhseoker, ULITICAL, AGRICULTURAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER, IS PUBLISHED AT THE PRINCE ALBERT, | 4/50 dealer in all kinds of Jewdry, Fancy DE-ONTARIOy DAY MORNING BAIRD & PARSONS, TERMS 3 --$1:80 per annum, if paid within six mrantha if not paid within that time, $2.00. Nosub- s:riptiontaken Cor less than six months ; and nopaper discuntinued until allarrearsare paid. 1 money, when addressed to (his Office, pre-paid aul registered, will be ut our tisk, RATES OF ADVERTISING. Yor each line, first insertion Sabsequent insertions, per line Cards, under 6 lines, per annum Advertisements measured in Noupareil and charged according tothe spuce they occupy. and care, warranted > give satisfaction or © JVERY 1 H U RS J. T. Byrne, Wane: Ji ht i Bolster, M. B., Uxbridge. Uxbridge, Dec. 17, 1868. Village Property, in this and adjoining Counties at low rates of RACTICAL Dentist, Oshawa, C.W. |{yterests. Also wanted to purchase good Mort Dental Rooms directly o) ifice entrance Simcoe street, _Jwsurawee, THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company or To JOHN ADAMS, Toronto Street, Toronto. Prince Albert July 15, 1868. A MILLION AND A (QUARTER OF : d for cific instructions, will be inserted until forbid, and a farged weeordingly, Noadveilisement will be taken pared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country Sehool He Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents Our rates will be found as low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Opn i Candtrd Registry Office iL. . ings DrOOK Bist Build L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Alibera) discountallowed to Merchants and others whoadyertiseby the year or hal- yen, oF" hese terms will, in all case 'Te chnstantly increasing importance of the North Ridintof Gutarin rendersthe publication ofiheOBskRVER a EP AN p y. Fver & right, an 8 wrong. it will constantly take the lead in forwarding erests of the county; and in the amount of localund general mews given, will be uusurpassed by any localpaper published in Canada. Money to Loan. HE Subscriber has received instructions from a gentleman who has a large amount of money invested in English securities, Ld fa oinin oo « How are you? You forgot that [ have not seen you for four days ; not since hat JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets, [lind Bills, Posies, Programmes, Bill '(WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO, C. 'W. y fo p, Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Car Counties, on good Fan Property, of very style and color, executed prompt ph a 1 still continue to represent three of the largest Monetary Institutions in the Dominion, that lend money on the most advantageous INCORPORATED ¥3" Also a large number of well cultivated Farms, and any quantity of Wild Lands, for For further'particulars, apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, Commis- sioner, Notary Public, &c¢, &c. OFFICF--Second Floor, McMillian's Block Brock Street, Whitby. a JOHN BILLINGS, ARRISTER, Attoiney at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Nosly Public, | RD HALD, JAMES PRINGLE, 34-tf N.B.--I am also prepared to invest in all kinds of ae Greenbacks bought and sold ; also a large quantity of Silver for sale, -M ONETY, Auctioneers. J. C. PILKEY, Biconsen Auctioneer COCHRANE & COCHRANE, \RRISTERS, Attorneys, &o. Albert office--opposite the- Town Hall; Perry office--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. Spencer & Ebbels, Attorneys, Solicitors, Con- County of ontario T H. SPENCER, LL.B., HUBERT L. EBBELS, To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent ppt Novembar2l, 1866. = 1... 46 Money to Lend! 8300 and Upwards, Ata low rate of Interest. FAREWELL & McGEE, FAREWELL & McGEE, ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Con- veyancers and Notaries Public, Oshawa.-- Office, one door North of the Post Office ; and at Bowmanville, office Mr. Feeter's Block, oppo- é. FAREWELL L.L.B. | HE Subscriber, holding County of Ontario, and the Township of Mariposa, would beg to state to Farmers and TER, Attorney at Law, Salicitor Office in the Victoria quiring his services, that whatever is entrusted to his care, will be prompt- ly and carefully attended to. Charges moderate. Sale, &c., &c.,arracged at the LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B,, WY Conveyander, &c., Oshawa. Office--Simcoe street, opposite the post office. ROSS, TAUDER, MULOCK & SMITH, ARRISTERS and Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery, and Insolvency, &c. Office-- McMillan's Block, Brock Street, adjoining Mr. J. Holden's office, Whitby. Oshawa, Nov. 14, 1866. _Borelia, March, 27th, 1867 THOS, H. WALSHE. ICENSED Auctioneer for the Town- ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario; Mariposa, etc., in the Connty of Victoria. Residence--Canningto: ders left at this office, or at his resi punctually attended to. nington, or otherwise, an: Remember-- WAL Debts collected in Can- Marriage Licenses Issued by Authority. SHE, the North On- NORMAN F. PATERSON, (Late of Miller & Paterson, Toronto ) TTORNEY-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, the building occupied by Dr. Wilson, Simcoc-st. ~~ GAMERON & MACDONELL, Attorneys at Law, citors County Council Ontario. Offices: D. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. 'REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER ! Pi P) AVING purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choieest liquors and cigars. Every attention Stages to and from Whitby call daily. ostlers always in attendance. Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good sable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendance. Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. DAFOE HOUSE UTICA" Marriage Licenses: SSUED at Port Perry. the Scveoa HENRY CHARLES. ORONER for the, County of Ontario, Bysioian, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Furs! Furs!! Furs!!!} - ©. CRANDELL, American Fur Buyer dai A Drs. Brathwaite & Baldwin, .» PRINCE ALBERT, , Sus and A Drs. MoGILL & RAE, of Fur delivered at Tesi- {3 of Ontario, Bring along nts of travelers and guests. with the best wines, liguorsand QLYER, M. D., bine 'DAFQE, Proprietor. ' -YIOTORIA~ 'UNIVERSITY | rolunteers ordered. Burgeon 'and Accouche the Frontier | : Dentistry. ee ee tpt, J. D. Cottingham, FRE DENT I ST, GH BORELIA, CW. Teeth can be Ex- ~~ Arag ont pain, at his office, J.D.C. is prebared to execute sll operationy 'dispatch. Call and examine bis specimens. e Pesth Or Susentan parts of seta, or whole * (LATE BRODIE'S,) Walton Street Port H Wu. MACKIE, Proprietor. Royal Oak Hotel, 4 MILES SOUTH. OF MANILLA. 3 using frst al Te . rls sup) plea wil ee id Eo Wik Pe nost for 1 the ido ente and. of his guests. C+ F. SMITH, Proprietor. THE ROBSON HOUSE! LATE SCRIPTURE'S HOTEL, From his Ofd Stind to ore ¢ South of the DUNDAS 8! Prince Albert, March 28, 1 GEORGE ROBSON, - - - PROPRIETOR. h, sible to mastieate food for the 4 wn bscriber begs to announce that a quently there cannot be a fo "Ifyou have decayed teeth, get them filled. 'you haye any out get them replaced by ne ome So aad wi work wamanied. | ou ,If the work is, not satisfactorily done, money will be refunded. "Office hours from 8 a. m, to 5 p.m. JBorelis, Jap, 15, 1867, OTICE is hereby given that ane otiee, by Geeree W | off 10 bel early. if ber i he, Co ty of | ©! 0 arly. ib te maid »n ame knows as Aun ~ NtGORDON BIGHL Toroaio, Avg. 10th, 1668, Os lars always ia atiepdance, BY 5. ANNIE FROST. M. 0 N E Y (Concluded.) T0 LOAN ! HE Subscribers are prepared to make vances of money ou, the security of Improved Farms missing entirely. mind the rein better ?° Walter, sitting up in astonishment. ¢ Nero! You nd Nero?' him ? i «Threw you off 7 Are you hunt ?? left wrist ; nothing much, I guess.' ¢ Let me see !' rather continne iu that belief." tone, and then said, quietly -- « I hope you will prove correct." blood vessel broke--it is meuded 7. « I am better." brain, I know ; but I wae terribly fnghten- « don't you think you would feel better you did something 7° thing ; I try every remedy--' «Oh bother! I don't mean that ; | mean something useful -- learned a profession, or went into business, or something 7° i 1 cannot. My wretched state of health 1s a bar to my continous exertion. I shall sigh. ¢ Dear me, anything new ? Brain feve: ? consumption 7? stand my case. He advises exertio ¢ pvery exertion is followed by AHA tration. I am convinced that my lungs are affected. Place your ear heie on my chest, Dou't you tear a rumbling noise 7 Walter, it's your shit front." rude, but' «1 provoked you, it's all right ! I believe {in reraliation. I laugh at you, and give you wietched state of health." . hand. me to-morrow.' «I am afraid.' mise.' « But your wrist 2 ¢ A mere nothing traying how ucute was tha suffering. p lips writhed with pain. 1 go | whan Waltar game, In, its. Swht Lit mobibar you sige,' he said. tol' «Hear mel stag oertanly. «of oy Sof I wall play your acca phuiment.' A! Doryou play lL sir 'Now, what will'you sing: Lo You t Yes. soprauo well? uid silt hasan: YAY 5 Contraliq:/. Su) ., we ry, the; prigo} ED duet from * H. Travataros ge gi AL fr fsore : Bi ALE D a A } why" of prelude, and tue [ba ELIA Ta . lt or, vooal ni Lm EG Ln gtmiaventallyy diisaivaical tala eltaved All Garments 'made in the | jih cultivation. Kaie's 019A, 1ioh. Latest Styles and 'a Fit war- ae glo : : ure thf He Shoter, who a pure, melow' thrill of pleastre thfoukh tH 0» next room. | listened'in | » dnst r&-|" yy ile his sousin's) olieerfulness during days of spffering wae silently rebuking his own desponding spivit, Walter opiiubat looking apd feeling, better hy months ; bathe day 1hat Kate fist p he that ¢¢ "The next fa but his fears' of | he had an attack of hea Tne. | brought him down 'again; Haulin Jones 3s | incipient inflammation, of the brain kept him very quiet tor several days. ined freedom of action. er high voice, the piano fairly the vigorous polkas and walizes she made 1t perform, and total anui- hilation was threatened to Walter's nerves, She nearly tormented him 10 death. a pin popped up from the sofa cushion to meet his cheek, und as he started a merry laugh informed him trom whence it came. Now the mixture in his medicine bolle was found to have been exchanged for a Ldoaw of molasses and water, while tasted marvellously like dough. du cologne was scented with turpentine,and his slippers filled with wax. was driven to his own room for refuge, and Mes. Hart, having sent for a doctor, inform- ed Kate that she was fearful that there was wflamation of the lungs impending. nervous cough, heard now and then from the sick room, was pointed out as confirma- tion of the melancholy fact. Dr. Holmes met the young lady on the porch as he went in. « Well," he said, after greeting her affec- tionately, ¢ what is the matter w-day « Oh, very rerious,' said Kate, pulling on a long face. ¢ luflamation of the duodinum.' aimless existance, 10 + Give the world assurance of & man.' Do you remember Longfellow 1o8% |, 05 | hecum eontimental and took hope< + In the world's broad field of bat Th the bivoudc of life, ey Be not Tike dumb driven cattle ; Be a Aeroin the strife I' The interesting invalid, feeling better, came down to the sitting-room in the after- noon. His mother arranged his pillows, and he was lying lazily watching the clouds _| when Kate dashed in, her habit draggled with dust, her hair disordered, aud at ¢ And then, when I vome to working man, you will-' 0 X0Ua the nqUired whe had hit me, the general opia- time, will comeing 19.150 nthe mesh , x pias deavour todo my part in the ¢ world's broad thay [ had gone crazed or broke a leg, the field of baitie,'and also to conquer the faults bogs younguus that didn't go in fits jumps that grieve you now." 0 Ahe_strest There was a tender parting, and Mate 4 a mile, then (hearin another note) took Z started to cross the broad Atlantiv, yout x aevery nite. Fhe Ist nite ¢ See here, cousin,' was her salotation, « why don't you reach that Lotsa of yours to ¢« Why, where have you been ?' said « I hav'n't the slightest idea. Over some of the roads round here. We bad a [eatful 13 A number of good Farms, and 2000 acre | fight ; Nero--' of wild lands for sale cheap. DAVID J. ADAMS, REAL ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AGENT ing weary of Persian hfe. ¢ Why not 7 Bat I wan't brag, for he had the best of it. Ho threw me off near the «até here, but Williaht Was in time to catch ¢ There's something the matter with the Cousin Walter has been inflamed all over since | came ; but now the iuflammation is wards ¢ Bother I" was the lauging reply ; then in a serious tone the. gypsy added: ¢ No! you are very kind, but I'm afraid you will discover a campound fracture with disloca- tion and inflamation] while I belivve now that it is only a slight sprain, and 1 bad ¢ Indeed! Perhaps his heari's affocted,' said the doctor, smiling. « Not bit of it ; hia heart is nothing but a cironlgling wedium for blood that ine ) ¢ Singe his retain Washington he has been quite" d | , The) i ahaa) ¢ Returned from Washington 7" You know he studied | medicine years ago, but dropped it from ill health, Yous maallys : : } years ago he resumed his Kolumbus Kontributor. studies, took His diploma, and commenced El -- a ---- ™ practice. * Last summer he went down' 10 A WICKED FHAUD, Washington to attend on the sick as nurse --- ' and physician, and has returned 10 meet the | HOW MARK TWAIN WAS SOLD IN NEWARK, honor he so farly sarned by his fearleqgen- -- . ergetio devotion tothe sutleters," « My: fiero in the etrile I' said f n h heart ; and ¢ My Cousin Walter!" ner voice | Wicked Fraud," perpetrated upon him du- cried,a moment later, as a tall, manly-look- ing gentleman held out both hands to greet 1t is neldom pleasant to tell on one's sell, Walier flashed white at the bantering or TR) its of a am afraid you are somethin of a mad- «lam afrmd I am.' And so the conversation ended. From his open window Walter had heard every word uttered by the two, and Dr. Holes, to his surprise, ¢ Don't look so grave. 1am a raltle- | yu gropted wan ¢ So you thik I sm a ed at first, [ assure you. Seriously now, Kate's : E i 5 D cousin," and she sat down beside him, «Ido and I don't," was the answer. « Not satisfactory.' 1 know you are notin robust healt ; but | think that if, you were 10 forget your own feelings for a tune, and not search so closely lor the meanmg ol every ache or uncomfortable sensation, you would really lose these sensations.' « How can man forget his feelings?' ¢« By having an interest in something « Did something 7 [am sore I do every- brings merriment 1 her eyes. difference,'wshe whispered. not cumber the eaith long," with a long « And you are mine b' 1 « You think selfishness 1s at the rcot of all tt <r +. Fhank you | Shake banda.' « You see you have the tight sipfl of you would be offended." "Pll remember what you say. then, what is the first step towards gelling ¢[ fear sos Dr. Holmes does not so . hen "t'yes, T hear it. Are you sure you have not swallowed a horse and cann--or wait, it sounds more like a rattlesnake. © Why, se in the open air, plain diet, and slepp from fatigue, not opiate. « Hang the shiti bosom," was the polite | ¢ Good ! Callan me when the prescrip- reply. ¢ Pardon, me ] do uot nean to be eux and and 'en- | for yoo. Kate was consmderably astonished 10 see her inflamed cousin coming down stans, an hour alter,iu his riding-diess, instead of the dressing gown he had worn every day since she eame to her ann'ts ; she was still more astonished when he invited her tonde with him ; and her surprise techod its cli- max when the York wagon was brought to the door, and, alter handing her in, her cousin sprang lightly after her, and whip- ped the horses to a full trot. ¢ Hurrah ! that's something like," she «That's a splendid team, Walter ; that off hoise is a perfect beauty ! ¢ You have been my doctor,' said Walter, abruptly. ¢ Now you must agree lo hear some wholesome advice rom me.' « Go ahead,' was the reply. «To begin, your manners w your movements are 100 abrupt, and your language partakes (oo much of the-- excuse me--1owdy nature.' ¢ Hey ! goin, cousin { You've walked up leave to ba rude if it is any relief to your « A truce I" cried Walter, holding out bis « Agreed I" was Kate's reply, as sho shook it heartily. ¢ To seal the contract, ride with «1 ain't. It won't kill you. Come j pro- At this june- up upon the ghuasred g vit oud and But the wrist proved the bar in the way, mag, sid pil 6 after all. Iu the morning it was so much inflamed that Mrs. Hart insisted upon send- mg for Dr. Holmes, and the old gentleman pronounced 1 a dislocation, very r@mch sg- gravated by the night's neglect. he pain- ful operation of bringing the Juints back into place was borne unflinchingly, only an ashy whiteness round the young girl's lips be- and lusty challenge asto be forced both their oppopesis, ga " A'wtiver medal, stracioby orier of Daptyn k, and [rantic and furious --bot I never Berkeley, was hung upon tue neck of the md wimjonoe--1 never Rano wok, and iv theparke and a a tear | Never a ghost of a smile, and Rate « Suppose we agree lo try to aplit the dif- ference, and while I try to grow more ener- to subdue your high spirits, to Walter complimented her upon her forti- tude, and was thanked by a smile, thal was intended to be cheerful, though (he white For several days the young lady had to submit to be waited upon by Hefty, while her arm hung useless in a siing* Not once did a word ot complaint come from her. She ran with lier [ree light step {rom one room 10 another, now tarning over pictures, now playing scraps of tunes with ove hand, ow singing gay songs, 'cver'cheerful und gay, 1ASH, | ever the life of the house. Fail she was sitting at the piano one afternoon, 'playing over an Sir with her right hand, et A -- ee, Ic takes three editors New Oileans--one to get from moruing til This was the first of the rides, but they e daily occurrences ; sometimes on metimes in the more sociable nings were passed with chess, and conversation, and the afternoons sometimes With a A thrifty Scotchman, travagance of Loadou, that he hadn's been th: when ¢ bang | went a w . i © pe CT A richly dressed young lady sto The terrible racking headaches became nent occurance, and when they alter had a new hand laid soft- on his forehead, a new voice softened for lis ear. Seeing how he sirave to throw off: | the old habits, all the woman in K re his teal suffuring, and no one was y to minieter to his wania al such times iban bis hoyden cousin. , She 'had been but three. mant aunt's when' her father, most unexpectedly, summoned her 10)0in him ab Rar dort 'was found, and L sked-- spur Hime berapse ho in : ! pdt: voli | and as blind as es fs %:No.ma'am Te gbisiigion To "Now, was that any way for that old ehan's got paiatoes."' | A' lsure way tolry 1akg one in your finger, odFey ULLEN the soprano? 1 ols] oldon | 5d « Contraku, Amy ftiéuds; T'oannot: sing ake qaick tracks lor | wan onoe told Dre Béki © last 'evening together had sted 'in the arity OF Zen: Hart left the cousins together and 10 Kates surprise, Walter asked het to give up her journey, lo ma Didn'® you'think' «{ cannot, cousin.' | was very fing fjasked + Batwhypot Se 1 sould ox be hap give me if 1 pain y « e Ld aim in lite, to object, wo' ation will ¢ ; day 1hat Kato fist played h "1 for him with both hands free for thé iano, t wn « What would you have me do? I have 16 oéeasion to go into business j I have as much money as 1 want." | ¢ you would have me do.' «1 Would Have you work, wor léurn@ profession and practice asperated wife, Tove Cate' spitic; kept in trading while eha {earn that one man is was _onppled, flaw oat of all boyads wilh Se (0 LD) lems y 1 would have you'leave this idle, tseieas, (Written for the Observer.) a #POUR OF MUSIOK." My infeokshuns arter office bin konfisti-" lessly 2 musik. fined a quire that wos' a goen I hev a koncert. My tort wos melonkoly stsains. 3 On an average I sung the strains 47 times' e boss of the anghusly house bust in on my seclusion ; wn of the natives fur } a mre rednd ad doun eeliar, the test run down the wads, a thinkin a0 oki man waa artes them hot fut witha bag. «= 11 7 The koncert oum off. My pathetic Mr, Arnold has come to Philadelphia to| oi s ] y trains went for the feelings ol the oddience live, having retired from business sod be in the shape of a drag. go of tha man sed parties given to the yich merchant od his - a Shur piyer kt barrens) op ine. duughier, was one at Mrs. Laweon's, the "le an Jones . mother of Kate's old schoolmate, and here we meet our heroine agam. She was stand- ng in un easy, graceful attitude neat one of the marble-topped tables, conversing with a French gentleman, whose ignorance of English threw him upon her tender mercies for entertainment, when a stir in the groups near the door made them both look to " I beeum careless of Ife and strained my vice further and besurm more melonkolyer.: It wakened a kihdredfeslin in the stearn busum of a konstabloy he oo me 2 2% cent peace if I wood shut up, (Wonderfu oy musik on the upper 10s.) He sed he'd hev me bound over Z keep the peace. I sed if he wos alludin 2 ihe 25 cent peace, I felt it my bounden duty 2 keep it, The konutable had me arrested fur koulempt of 1% [be Dr Bina Miss Lawson, a= | court and the singen adjourned. ury | wae arranged bd, found a ver- dict'of v« burgarly of the Ith degree," dnd véamgen wih nieation 2 kill and malace adihon."? : ES, FAINT, The Newark Presscontaine the following exposition of what Mark Twain terms ¢¢ & ring his recent lecturing visit to that city :-- but somnetrmes it is a sort of relief 10s man "« Miss Arnold,' said a voice just near make a sad confession. } wish 10 unburdep enou zh 10 be heard by the cousins, * from Paris its most finished manners. Kate Jooked at Walter with, all the old cause | desire fo pour balm vpon my woynd- ¢ We've split the | oi haar, (I don't know what baim is, ots my mind now,and yet I almosi believe that l am moved 10 do it nore because I long lo bring censuse upon another man than _be- I belisve it 1s the correct expression to use in this connection--meaver having seen any balm.) Yeu may remember that I leclurgd in Newark lately forthe benefit of the Ulay- onian Society 7 '[ did, at any rate. During Uno 1 dure ayy when | take You | the afternoon of that day 1 was talking wil n, «* Charlie, your mamma 'will | \ just referred to NE aredbt om: What would | 21S OL the Fon e's who, {fam 1} my -boy~a-dittle blother or | ome cause or other, ta Shaniy (afie; considers: permanently bereft of all emotion. And ell, it it makes no difference to |; i i thi ung man wa, Pd vither have « little pony . with tgate' in bis eyes Wis young fia i et tid uoele , who, from emed to bave grown said :-- : «Oh, if | could only see him laugh be ANECDOTE oF 2 Chu Cbd 29 the | more ! Oh, if 1 could only see him wee, memorable lat of June ( owe's vit. i tory) Captamn Berkeley commanded the I was tovohed. 1 could never withsland « Mariborough,"~and. broke through the French lince bptuvenp L Impetn Le Mutins, pach ol superior force, n bolt. On gong jute action the | « Oh, if I could bat do it ! If you could lored all the live stock to be [do it, all our family would bless you forev- board, but at the request of Lis | er more--for he 1s very dear tous. Oh, my mitted them to retain an old game | benefactor, ¢ . ich they had fought several | you bring soothing tears 10 those parched limes and always with success. . action the # Marlborough" was so severely 1 was profoundly moved, [I said:-- handled by her opponepts that half the} 4 My son, bring the eld party around, 1 crew were disabled, her captain was carried (ve got pli jokes in my lecture that will wounded below, her mainfmast was shot have g him laugh if there 1s any laugh in Avon andthe fomaipdsl of ler men were | pio "and if they iniss fire I have got some when the ¢¢ Marlborough' was on the one or the other." 12, the old game eock hopped v stump of 1th) main- trinimnphant flap- sent forth such a clear headin every One umversal heer from the broken crew y rememderod the indomitable dbat bind ha bol nisneyed him and peppered him fore aud aft withjred that could drag his limbs fo quarters te, qq him on the right aud left, ia front resumed iy Soilun Sud and behind; I fumed and sweated, and distress. | said: " Bring him to my lecture. I'l start him : : can you make him laugh? ean In the [orbs 7 others "that'll make him ery or kill him, Then the young man blessed me and wept on my neck; aud blew his nose on ny coal tule, and went after his unete. He placed him in the second row of benches that night, and 1 began upon him. [I tried him with mild jokes ; then with severe ones; I dosed him with bad jokes and riddled him with good ones j 1 fired old stale jokes "iito hot new ones; I warmed up my work and charged and Touted, till 1 wax hosred dnd a suspicion of a moisture {1 was astéuhded. 1 closed \bie lecture at last with one despair- ing shriek--with one wild burst of huaor, 10 start @ paper in 1 hurled a joke of supernatural altrogity killed in ® duel, foil at him. . never phased hii! Then I ollow fever, and one 10 write | gat down bewildered and éxhausted. © ** The president of the society 'eame vp dad bathed 'my head in cold water and snidy desciibing the ex-|. « What made you carry on sojtawardsthe related to a friend [jag . Latha NL; oro above half a day [1 (iy «| was trying to make that opn- i foanded old fool laugh, 1 the second row." 3 aboy| «Aud he said; 4 Well, to et | nephew to 1m on a siraoger and.ap or- phan like, me 2 1 mumply ask LA im amusages,-- Carefully | and a brother, if that was any way at the same lime | to do. i a! bd d sholild there hap- nt the suusage A tanner 1a & certain, Yiuginis lown, hav- opry" « med ing erected a building on the main Ihe sale of his leather, fhe* eh of -.' Fhides, etc. , began 10 consider what kind of BP hut B sign. would be most ailractive. i Al: yi N dost J ATRL st and stuck a cul('s tale into it {with the Dr end flauniing out. After & while he noticed a grave-look ' i person stand ear fhe olosd ofthe setmon | th , wath kn ising iy ogelina. | at the sign. So long did he gaze that Hnal- 1 was| ly the or itappe iothve of Kute' Lotimer | individual :--¢ Good morning 1%... ¢ Mem= hat I didntimouee the close ol ha sermon | jug," replipd the man, bow Roving his . © You want 10°Du: out and addressed: fhe eyes from the 0. leather 1 # No." ® Want fo sell hides athig {« No." Are you farmer?" 4 NeP=y 10 Fe 2. » at aying :--1've lived locg enough ta at one woman's just as good as an- And |, retarted the ex- 'stiobgh 10 as another | CN Sy Sy ee 2 Re