" isl wilt aller | tryed dakig "na9s nad £ riasm pg 3 ewoid pd, Wan saw (8k 2% Ia punt od of ue ft le oils bo 1aad adt mot awa aos ai Eom » Lise To 1200 sldude yo! ¥OL. XII, es 8.) "PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, © Toma nllal TTT Wi, THURSDAY. FEB) 25. 1960: di TIWHOLE yr on Hiw 2a big ET pita EE Pubaeio Hhserher, 0 '® + Offs MAAIET 2 TV. AA WREKRY POLITIOAL, AGRICULTURAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER, THEI 00 T {ig pUBLISTTED AT THE "uf viic@ RIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, radi ane oul cote OF ontario) a MORNING, i BAIRD. & "PARSONS, 41 50 er annum, WY; paid within six = IF wan Aoi wittfih that time. $2.00. Nosab- niakenlor Jessi han,six months ; and ho paper tiki ok edntil allarrearsure paid. Pape Lom Patera conidining money, when addressed {o ds Office pre-paid, wid registered, will be nour risk. RATES OF ADVERTISING. _ Por each line, first' insertion - - . 80.08 ' B1byequent insel ons, per line - - 0.02 ni » 'oi¥ 4, tnfdor 61inds, per annum 5.00 od® 5 Getisemanis measired in Nonpareil and charged sscariugiuii spcetioy ocoupy. Ive: mentsreceived (or publication, withovtspe- to ¢ ede sinst ouw, will be inserted until forbid, awl ' arged weordingly. Noadveitisement will be taken ot 'antil pa hos ' 0. nisi A liberal dis ouiftall owed to! Mivcintity and others h | wh padvertisaby the year ay halle ye Blin ale: Nia will, th! ver, be strictly ad 4 a i + Tho sonstantly is reIing importance of the North, "RidingorOntario | endersthe publication oftheOns kr Er <n JApeessilys, liver ailvecaring righ, and comlemning heang iL will consiang ly take the Lead iv forwarding he generalinterests of this oawty ; and in the ih olucaland gensral news given, will he unsurpassed by ny Inca paperpublishedin Canada. ii Jon DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets, and' Bills, Posters, Programmes. Bill ; Meads, Blunk Forms, Reeeipt Rooks. Check Books. Circulars, Business Cards, Ball Cards, &e , &¢., of wary aty le unit olor, executed promptly, and nt lower nat any other esiablishment mn thiseonnty. : om a listanee getting had, b coptited 4 hem done toiake home with: 34 BAIRD, 1 YI. PARSONS, Bavvisters' Carve. - JOAN BILLINGS, ARRISTER, Anomey at Low; Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyaneer, bens 6. Prines' Albert. - Office' opposite T. C. For- an's Siore. { COCHRANE & COCHRANE, ARRIYTE RS, &o. Prince Abed 7 , Roy Pacry Attoaneys, pencer & Ebbels, RRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Cons eyancers, Notiries Public, &e. HUBERT L. FBBELS, Port :Peny. Te HAPENCER, LL B., Toronto. REWELL & MGEE, i ARR ERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Con- Notaries Public, 03 ft Post, O11 hi Fecter's Block, Rr. MORE, B.A. torney w Taw! Solicitor Office in the Victoria, OLICITOR in LY i, oppase 4 H osite the pos str tra, enna Seine! " Antorney, Ofiice--Simcoe RRISTERS wid" Attor\, mrss, and Insolven' y Block, Brock Stres or s office, Whitby, itors in Office-- joining Mr. 1h (YAIR 8 Miller & Paterson, Toro I A PPORNE Veat-Law, Solicitor in A Conveyancer, &c., Beaverton. «the building oepupied by, Dr. Wilson, "IT CAMERON & 'MACDONEL ARRISTERS and Attorneys at 10 tod [Solicitors @omty Council Ontario. OK ge me ian | Wicenscy tet et ea eT te et rr CL C. D. WAID. Stoney to Tow, |, WILEMETTS WARD: evi Sargeoh Deritls, Co. it 8 3st Sein oe TN ToT aT = BY foL8. Tire | AL Dental opie 8 0 NF Y,. Yoteth lado ng perforr A merry compa Visitors it was, Te h § a the utmost 8: 1 enough, that" Los: "Taddidi Kote ast charge, aud at pri 3 \G#Y which defy i Js Hat tion. Also dealer i in alt kine dds Fh Jewelry, Fancy, a Tuts P, y= Port Hope: Rev. T. Byrne, Whitby : Jos. Gould, Es aud J. FR, Bi, Uxbridge., Uxbridge, Dec, 1%, 1868. oy C, NV VARS, 1 RACTICAL Danuist, Oshawa, C.W. Dental Rooms directly opp don the past yJice entrance Simcoe street, third, oor north of the Ontario Bitnk. © ¥nsuvamce. "THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company HIS Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or' to any of the'loeal Agents of the Company. Onr rates will be found as low as those of nny responsibleMutual Insurance | Company in Canada, Head Office--The old Registry Office Build- ings; Brock Street, Whitby, L. FAIRBANKS, Jr. ¥ Secre tary WESTERN ASSURANCE COM: 'Y TO RONTO. C.. WW. 2T-ly INCORPORATED .. .... we 1831, Capital - - $400,000, President r HON. J0nN Menu RRIC n Vice-Pre: r 0a feel cticncere, dO. PILKEY. @uctioneey FOR THR van 'gagés, APPLY To Prince Albert July 15, tures, terms. sale cheap. sioner, Notary Public, Brock Street, Whitby. Sept. 2, 1868, kinds of Debentures, County of Ontario J. C. PILKEY, Epsom P. 0 Licensed "Auutioncer. pn Subseriber, "holding a Licence for the County of Ontario, and the Township of Maiiposy, wail beg to state to Farmers and others, requiring his Joist ices, that whatever Business is entrust od to his care, will he prompt- ly and carefully attended to. © largess mode ate, Terms, Days of Sale, &c., &c., arraged at the Observer Oflice, Princo Albert, E. MAIOR. _ Borelia, Margh, 27th, 1867 THOS. H. WALSHE. Lito Anetioneer for the Town- « ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in srthUntario; Matiposa, ete. ., in the Conuty of Victoria. 'Re: ssidened--Carinington, Brock. Or- ders left at this oftice, or at his residence will be punctually attended to, . Dobts collected in Cans ning on, or otherwise, and prompt remittances made. Remember-- FALSHE, the North On- tario Auctioneer. hotels. 'Gentre Hote 1, "SAINTFIELD, D. CANPBELL, Propri dd RE HOUSE, " MANCHESTER! C. CAMERON. C Jedical Cards. DR. WARE, yon 0, wifi pavintol v i PRINCE ALBERT, i Phan, rons, TR Bre, MoGILL & RAE, YSIC I ing street, Oshawa. {WML RIL MD. cr l sshd aE Re 0B OLVER, M. D., hak Accouche GURL: JcTomi UNIVERSITY, TE Upentieten, fem i ~ 70.0. 1s p nm ofeasion with neatness isd lt op Raine his specimens.' RSTAND-- a1, ention to the "oo the heal i ithout teeth in prderit is impossible te ! Ifyou have decayed orth,' Ret them filled,' ve auy out, Seems replaced by one" ces low, an ug 'work warrant fo Abo work fo is riot satisfactorily! done, the ' hi will ded. Office hours from 8'a, m. to 5 p. mv. Berelia, Jan. 18, 1867, JER far the County of Ontario, fa Surgery, and Accoucheur, 19ae Drs. Brathwaite & Baldwin, 3, and Acc Accousheurs | Surgeons, &o., &e. LOffey and FRANCIS RAR, M, I oa J. Di 'Cottingham, v id DENTIST, FRR BOR: ELIA, O-W. #4 New Process, Teeth ean be Ex- : tracted without pain, at his office. ---- repared to execute all operations ted--parts of sets, or whole 2 i Peeth | inser pa 5 mastic and Smpaseible io there cannot be £004, ¥ LANK, a PROPRIETOR, hed the Har with the choicest liqnoge ¥ very attention ip 10 guests, -- and from Whitby call daily. Caref] Always in attendance. \wett's F Hotel, EN' r STREET, LINDSAY. , and an attentive 9 in attendance, from the Cars and Boats. Careful' attention ments of travelers and guests. ood AL the best wines, liquors and = HOTEL! Port Hope. IE, Proprietor. Rd 8 A x: st ned Li wor oF and 'eeth good{ LumoRG the ¢ | renovate new ht, % tho Mages { mol 33 Careful Nov Novemh zr 21, nn, 18¢6. Oshawa, Nov. 14, 1866. Jan'y 1, 1869, IY ED at Port Perry.' House. Ja 23 1867. he dl Brae id Borel; Dec. 9, 1809. Voluntee 1868. e. N.B.--I am also prepared to invest in all . HOLDEN, HONEY REA (PRIVATE FUNDS,) FRR RAR | Money t to Lend | IN BUMS OF S300 and Upwards, Ata low rate of luiereet. FAREWELL & McGEE, Solicitors, 15 Offien "10 LOAN! pits Subséribers Are ag) to mi vatices of money-on thie security of 3 ImprovedFarms Village Property,| [n this;and adjoining Gounties at; low rates of interests, Also wanted to purchase good Mort- 13 A number. of good iy and 200 acre of wild: lands fopaale cheap. + DAVID J. ADAMS, Rear Perm AND. INSURANCE AGENT VaLuaTor, &ec., a Prince Aven, or to JOIN ADAMS, Toronto Street, ToroNTOL a MILLION AND A A (QUARTER 'OF Money to to Loan. ne Sheer hoa so has received instructions from a gentleman whe has a large amonnt of money invested in English securities, to in- vest tho same for him, in this and adjoining Couities, on good Farm Property, or Deben= I still continue to represent three of the largest Monetary Institutions in the Dominion, that lend money on the most wlvantageous | 35" Also a Iargé number of well 'Cultivated radeeming characters ; Ly Farms, and any quantity of Wild Lands, for | fifieen years younger thin'T, you malt Low [ by this tima that What is gpnerally o: Mail |/ For further particulars, apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, Commis- OFFICF--Second Floor, McMillian's Block Greenbacks bought and sold; also a large quantity of Stver for se, To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &c., Oshawa 3 Marria ge Licenses Jasued by Authority. KE. MAJOR. Marriage Licenses» + (BY AUTHORITY.) the Scveoa HENRY CHARLES." (Furs! Furs!! Furs!! 6. CNANDELL, | American. Fur Byer is ared to pay the highest prices, in CASH, Bey "Fur, delivered a , County ob Ontario. Bring along at his ers order q to rCapsin Harpy, Mimmer. Proutl Virh i CLllr®, with hey royal boaiity, wiiil Brand" Mc Verdong | with KSA: he be miaé ok pourre: + hurt best may Doabt stan one lila Bowrety, . imi Waid. | She was a ralative of the Cli fhrnity) and awl Hatb "oftert spoon i Virginia | | apealt'al her young odnein, [ urfedatier' to bring Willetts' wither hurl bh came to spend thie imme with ied She wrote me, aging 5° Brother Bar gichag always as- sumed the charge of our little household hb pat, and at was with the geeatesy diffivhy I poudy) nersnade, him to (allow hia ¢ file Ward,' as ha calls her, 5 accompany mie for even a short visit, and Wa Wont not hear Vo 'ler going iat all urilesw & (woulil promise, firet, fo let her retizrn thoma whenever he 1 |whenlil.come for hers Auk: recondiny, that | wonld not take hew into soit Xe will langht at this, T daubt not; but if you kaew how heartly Brother | poo alsa pao able society, you wonld not wonder att, Yon know hd ia thinf=ki€ now, and havigg, been a great student and traveller, has saben enough of the works tashienables to be disgnspedl with thaisheqit lennon ail walt ied with their follies; ¢ Wh hn Yirna,* waia he. ¢ T wonld rather tht Willméte in with lock nhl key thankee hér among the' prat- thing" prippets ona meets in an-cailéd anciely, which is a mere coming 1ezether of queers, ench fishing for the best pager with whom to dance away lifi'e jlle whirl." Why. Im rand master of Spatthuiice," Raid I, «I consider that personals! amli there you have my digit eoversi 4M), my, dear sia | ter said he, smiling," [ grapt you there are but, 1 hong on are | fashionable society ina" vin And heartless chow, where ecfiness is substituted for sen- timany, policy for wisdom; pathiedd for wit, andibeahty for &il"hings, HOA where true frigylshi i diginterested Jove ap nn- oy ne v here Bits ead what' ho =aid, and 1 fat ith, Fan Kidow, 'my "friend, | find af exmtenant in fakhionahio Nite, and n certain enjoyment, 100, and ky have eo many trpe Irienda that [ can be entirely n- dependent nf general society," in the popn- ar rened of tha tefth, 'it I ctinoke."' But ! bez a th { pardons for this dig detrime sev ia flaw. wonls, vith thd aforesaid prescription and restrictions, we come ; that is, Willmette and I, with our wailing-maids? One morning, 1h or thres weeks after their arrival, white Virginia and Mr, Vers nan wera away forairide upon. oug fisry 34-41 eres by tha way, was a bewitching spirite and « coamplection of the sweetest rosa. and Ilyi came, and throwing herse f on tha veranda ateps by my side, and laying her head, clustered with sunny golden curls upon my knee, she suddenly exclaimed = «Tear Mrs, Ailington, who is this Mr. Vermin 7? «Vernon, Mr. Véydon, child: * «0 yea! But wha'ishe # Whera did he come trom, an | what makes" him feel so grive and 1m pi fant ? n ¢ Well, my deqr, he in a wealthy Boghish | gen! leman, and came hera from one of thos ple ndid homes jn Eneland that Washing- ton Irving tells na abont in his histories" . ¢ Oh, I nevergen( history. ls that Wash- ington the one that Covsin Ilarry tells me of, who lought the British and was. called the Father of his country 2° CQ hoy hiss Washington devine! great mathe? 1s 17 ¥ Indeed'! WaIE T presnme' yon think me terribly stupid bot the trath ia, 'T alwagé bated fustary ; anid yon see Pm bug fifteen, and my mamma died when [| was 1walve years old, and she had never' tanght me Sping bat how to embroider, and ging, nnd-tead poetry, and play fhe gma, 'and danse and write letters. Ah, when she died,' it almost broke my heart. Spoe Cokin Harry came and took me to Be home." ! C. ~8J = Who fx this Conkin Harry 2" dear," sad I. Pyoi i khot PHé is' Virgitih's O'iy 1 dot on'y 'brotherl Es but any wav wok 1 the high and -- al] think he kpows thin Not ex a La ho Kp whith Wanation oa wink, rearcely, anni they know 'Hairy ap- proves it. And.then he's--1. « Well, that wild day: duling. R Am anx- 1009 to hear your story." ig ¢Ohyk wan only going wor tell yom what ® orapel got into'stiouthwtory,end how [came 10 get rid of the study. Well,aslwas saying, took me home, Oe 4 allent 1 bott my resi |' 49 anverness, on TOT Smee a wan inithe house; but Tio bik be sting 4 his robe heart'and 'wartaksié gedvity; ME wn Sie 'Jet' and 'Raven,' hula Wilmetiey who, | slightyegtelish ficure, laoghing eyes, and {hee iA «Allow, me ta interrupt you, Wilmetth, hy 'wis nite pregirer o Hear Yer 'tlamationéss Oh, Mr. Arlington ! Consin + tht he ix an old { Harr has come. "Oh, Virgifuw'!| 06me out | stoadyi others: have: sunk, Bae bocn fusmale mighty czar of the Clifford tamily, and wei}, i ol in my window. in the, ppen' the library." 1 had, Jiexereomn, airy; antl how' he Takaed ad' frowning apg antonishe.l that; he 'absolutely 'friyhrened ma. Obeying thedmpulse of the moment, [feBRne/ "thinking only cf escape and i) followed me. Scarcely knowifig wi July lenpad overt veranda railing ries was thick and; Woty! Saw; Wo ['wdb fibt i ing sped. my way 1iké " fhe' Wind) Hur Jad jump ed, ton, and! was close, Bown through the, garden wabks.| A oh: 1'ran, sqaicely éluding hie araap ; then over the fence, aciovs He mea- dow, and out into the woods. Befors [ knew it 1 came IgM fo tho river's edge; he was, just bervind) we, and #itheat a thought 1 plunged into the water. Not a word had Deeg spoken hut pa, 1 wap aprested by fie] i shar Hp, Wilimeie ) (#10p, your] o NATE YoY 1d t "Fhe river in dew Twain | thewentréi™ Perfectly shocked with what [i had lone, andianuirely extansteds | fajo} ed away and sunk down inte the wut cur- rent. of remembered nothing | mote | until'! t 1otindl myself na'on the bed ih my own rtoom, "hd Hh ot four setvants standing around ne. ¢ You must sleep) now, dar- ing," said Virgina, ¢ and not speak a woud, HAA PAY.be very ill? su yaar ¢ After a deep slumber of two or three nour, | opened my lnngmd; py ewind Harry was reading by the Psjeida, (Gods, Rael) friend, thought T, as [ studied his. so tountenance, how impetudns and nrijrrdte- ful Dhave been I ¢ Conem Hurry, suid! softly, wy lips quivenng ant ny eyes fl ng with leurs, "Ww hye, yon awake ? Ww hat is itdear ? «aid 'he, gently taking my hand and putting buck the moist curls from my forehead. 'Am LTTRiven an on condition,' «aid he, ¢ that you will in Intage use yonr (huet Rndegvourn. AO learn history fn tha way {shall dictate." ¢ You are Very kind, * said I . oud I car, tainly will? eo, « Wellylihe next murdin: at eel they all said \hat k wan tog; palp to stn, and "in the course of the forenoon Harry called me to Tim, aiid told me a long story |! abort the' CYednon, the Fido, the lsnelites, the Fg tap and Mogens aud woen! hel had finished, said --¢ There, that i is your fiest Teka ini hiktorys } dud to-miotiow ht this time Vou may corti 40 me: again, and'[ will diye you another, and Also question yp. about what Pye told you to-day, Don' t you | like it 2° I was erfectly d, TON Mh, Ari Winch hi have never mike a history: lesson wntil' | came bere, No, yon see, {may some day know something about history -- unless, ies deed, Cousin Harry getta warriod and leaves as. before lotig, ad when hi does I sliall bey so sorry." "1s he'engaaed 2? said I. "Net that I know of ; but'several of the planters' dnnzhters mround. Clifford Pines are trying bard lo engage him, ppd 1 suppose hd will take some ane of them, Bot | know Alrhost nothing sboutdove and matrie aa af tarts fot Cousi@ Hany says it'is not wll for young gnls to troub's heir Intle:heays about such things 4 #0 he would never als lgwime lo reat a movel, 'or 1a have much to say to any of thors young gents who visit at the Pines, ile has always been very strict with me; but [ love brim the beet of any person in tho warld, And ro I ought, for: am quite sure hos the best person in the whole world? + The fiext morning, as I was out on the porch arranging fiowers, the omnibns ect a stranger down at the front gate 3 and, as he was coming musingly pp the walk, little Willinette, 1 with her sunny curls dancing in the wind,"and her hat slong on her arm, camb honnding out from tha. burher, righ? | across the path, with my great Newfouiul- [102 Neywuyanees § but, Bepoilyy these are laud dog in [ull chase alier her, She did |f not notice the stpanger, and yas yng on « Willmeéna™ he eried 5 ndd tani ston around, with a ory of Joys whe sprang into his open arma. The farvent kisses thatthe impritited upon Kor brow, cHeek, and. lips doubtless seemed very Kind anil eousinly lo {the child-hearted girl ~but they tbld" me | whet you plainer than words conjd ttn ere leman's heat} gh nd; when tary, came u he i a with mh till Elaspi 7 1 Aient iaure, feetil oh here I? 1 1 liars ur oy it was a pleasant mrprire tom both ; sand a perfect Wrrent of qnestions {sui answers panead between brotber, and sistury, Vargitia having a world of news lo tell him aboot the mutual Teds she, d pet, on ingyiestivss, and Bruno wan tgeing at her dress" to renew the sport; aml adroitly y Ee oad behind her consin's eriéirehha aim, was Matting 'off, when bel calied herito him, aod taking! her glowing face an n bath: hands, looked, steadily 'and 'Toronto, pop. 10 1863, Klormey tory mn his hand | 1 did not suppose that [Borctuded nest wk ©" him'} I started Wrobgh an open, window, pale aud, ged io % | the mountain, and wear away the stone till of | Mime whe the, scale wagevenly balanced, alo00 with dt hex... ment ani dehght "fn the mean ime, Wilimette wae beaam~ on Ros eammett grief ; menber one sweet momnifig-- spring mornings wets sweet: Rhine A tiny praidoed wheat: among g @ packet: of as th et ime pIaaarais, Why away | o rs 'rain, Ad [100k it in my fingered. but it fell and got covered aver, so hat L,coyld not find nt green lehves, and I let I ®tand ; and all that promimen [ was delighted to. walch the plant growing and, wing, in isiatelinees a Beauty rrery da ay until the ear burs soo case of Ieaves, and growing hae as kom duped, mperied ; in hen | { pluéked «'in tte' attumn; ¥ foutid"' that tie litle shrivétled grain of Wwhefits which had elndext my stasp tad multiplied | itself mogg thang huodredield, The grain of corn, dear poy nas, bke a kind word, , Sow it sing and 8h All grow' and flounsh. here is ard oy wll too mietlle for ils tendrils 1 filid Toom to t¥ane heinrelves ; soaroely any wpbliko batten that it "will not gow on, Anddl is even so with Kind worda; edw them when you wll, sow them singly, or gow 1 rem broagleast, aa the farme at- ters the Wheat over the fol, and ho all produced a _Flénteons harvest, 'and your de- lighvin watchmz (h8it drowrh Will be df the pudest and sweiiest earth can and or igen prong beat desire. oHava we net all--ny, evén he: tappioit and best of), na--~somptimen need of. kind words and loving, hearts, without whioh hie would indeed be desolate 2 Kind worda have made many 4 weak man noble; harsh ones many a'vacitting one eriminal, "There Ave timed whéh (he ecale js evenly bilano- ed, when kindness will send-it swiiging down for ievarmorey with the weight upon tha yight side, tha side ottruib, hoyesiy,and MANLY virtue, and when a rough word will wnrn.ihe scale, bi Tanced for the Inst ime,on the 'ride of wrohw.atfd ¢vén falsehood. That id the divin®ét 'of makime,' whicti tells ne tint a gehtlo/ answer turneth away wrath. ({uis mot!'whdo a man bax failen:deeply into prop that ajkind word gan aher his eourse | ol lile ; but a continngus series of kind ac: tony, like the dropping of the feeble epots of wateron the stone, will wedr herr way to his heart, just as those eame drops of water beat théi¥ courte 110' ihe granite of Again, 1» When the mignoneti 'was " come 'ing 6p," 1 found a little emerald spear, that slivdred at every breath of wind among the | aa ay 0 onit 'méver mince been my happiness tc Wittens. 1 want i) not ag 10 hee your kind words or rey ines al Meo, Se > all persons, al ndes, Al es, then' Wiss I Was rt, my Ftnfpient 'possess shal] this yane oo fppiest ------ "ion wae little plot 'of eons, onty as few [ever bleksed God's earth. Foe it not yarde squat; 1n my. fate' ganen, , A vest be your kind Worde afoe ;' the re~ and those|snlfs they proddve: will extend the nattow sphere of your rviduatiy Ti and ort ve will i morgane and apreat ro ult ig ben ik surface of the Sih Bey is the id og of wheat falling' upon' the : traitfad rth, that-by and..by. ol tiply a hundred yok #7 old, ull it ie uong id yb, OT Jfriat momentarily make ane life Hapiet: rent, oh benefi the whale iE I ome i wih I were o mie cause of all - work in the world, aoe is nde' Mt Ndr so Tort 16' Joldbn Jojo. tunities as theirs ; none ether fraught with such an immense: poses overthe ature of our peo- ple. The vocation of the schoolmaster and rchoolmistress, may, bg. ixksoma, y, hue offers' "an exceedi, rowan], ? for ities in their Hands to Wil iiho the' Bert of Titre men and women felings that.shall add still' great lustre tp the peop'e of our lamth But, it may be said. wg ars generous as a people is thera in The worll a more genétous or open-nithréd peoplh thah' ddfeelves? 1 think nat! Bat ate'we an 'kind av we hight be 2 Dave deal an. gentigjone un an- othe ned ape am kindly as we, 0a ( am ha os vos while Jaan, 1} alwhe dive iA nw Bédd OAT of 'piénhare, and hevér cost 'ne 'anything, it ie an honest plea thinti | majke 10 every hea thet hes offered, tq lighten phe uffering of others. Genuina ay mpathy is far nore' powerful thin fran of us thin hes Ar %oUgipe yarn: ! v In tha viliagn of Re lived a man who Had once 'been a rn of the county, and' well known'all over it by the ndme of Fudge Hee. 1 Horkept a stores and' 'a sa vbemill, and was always swe 10 have the best ef the bargain on his side, by which he had gain- ed an 'ample fortone ; and soma did not hesitate to call him the big gest raetdl ih the world; He was very conceited wibal, and nsed fo brag of his byginegs capacity when- ver any one was near to listen. One rainy 'day, as quite'a nimber wage 'Weatod ronnd the stove lie began ne usnat to wll of it becomewa wellsworn bed, Botthere is | the even with the most hardewsd man; a tite | when sympathy might have saved him Took what a "éhanca it is that mukes ona, than an 'idiet and another a pobf' ook | m what cirecnmstanes cab and ' does do ever uy 10 alter tho cotrefit of men's lives, and | turn tha stream away sand then do not¥shnd < dar, lepst of all scorn the fallen, for thera | was a tmewhen that heart was as pnre and | avileless, reader, as your own. "There was a ume-- ay, and there are moments even now of keen and bitter anguish, wh¥n that frillen sister craves for your sympathy, and for the priceless pearl of virtue, which, but for an unseen aedillent, probably, would never, have departed from her grasp. A sequence of evil fortunes, gu to make a man a great criminal ; he was not born so, Pet hapa his natural digpdsition was far from lovable ; perhaps he didnot bridle his pas- /ifin In youth § ;'tha more need ha he, then, of ici} words § the more need of your pity now ; for just as you would not cengure an iol because ha is not a poet, #0 in many instances should yon not condemn a crimi- nal becan:e he is not virtuons. 1 knew this only applies 19" kome cases; alis ! I know there are othierieasas in which men let them- selves down from bad to worse, in spite of kindly word, and gentle warning, and lov- fow. oq 3a Lock back ee your own life, my dear, reader-- yon, who have" Yen rae witht! gehtle infliences, and tater, loving Inends--lnoko bivek, and see it there was mot atime in. some Btiod » of grief, when yap | [raned for, sym ¥ and kind words ; die Boot rdcute in" yoor own hoights, ahd' didiot care fo trast | yourself I have knows such a time, nd haxgJfelt under such gircumstan- ji oy plat undes even { a silent 'symparhy § a stranter, to be & priceless boon'. "What'you 'have snflered aid phe the weight has been throws ith Sia were egy Toided: We, all aiiffer alike In the'beginming! "The lit-| la! child of 'want; that cries! ielf to' sleep npurrithe deor-glep, has ua times of enjoy-| U! nit 8 fartier's in but the 'meas |'duréiby whieh their features whail be jedged fife heir oppor are pe~ Be ~ renin rh wide hoo id fen, Bt ad 3 AY, wid firends, are wanjing, fon the other; and, from the day tha ous slept on the step Lk the other rode a very nice Judge, mpring to hia, book, and @; the it ofan the cod thal presen ward, that "lead the! na] bis great barzainsifand at last wotng on with the expression ; ¢ Nabody pas ever Sl hy ¢an't neither.' « Judge,' said an old man of the company, "1 have cheated yoid more than you ever did me." ¢ How so 7! said the judge. ! CIE yolll prumisl yon 'won' go'th law nog they apont 4 ner do anything, 1H itell. you, ar elas [ won't 3 character for me you are 100. much, of, g lew ¢ Lets hear y, cried helt a dozen voices at ofce, « I'll promiee," said ho judge, . and treat in the bargain if you have.! « Well do you: remember thie wagon you robbed me of 2 <I never robbed you of a wagon; I only got the best of the bargain,' saul the judge. 'Well, I made up my mind ire it back, and-- ¢ You neven did," interrupted to cute judge. « Yer, I dit, did, ahd interest, 00. ? « Tow su? thundered the bw £oraged judge, 14 ¥ « Well you sae, Judge, I rald yon one day pine logs, and bargailed with you for alot more. Well that log [ stole oft your pile down at the mill, the night before, and tha nextday I sold it to yoo. night I drew. it back home, tnd: sohl it to Tlie next you the next day 5 and so 1 keri enguntil yon had bought your gn log off 1 me ofenty- sbven times ' «Thatls a lie ©' exslainudilio miohiated ning his lox account; 'yon pever sald ma tiventv-sbven Ings of the same ibdyuse- ment !' 41 kpaw it," said tha vender nope} 3 ¢by drawing it 'back and forth the end worp off, 'and as it wore Fkepteintitia tHe en® 9, nn- tH it was only tart feel rEg ig fast shgnor than 1 _was_4 2 brow and whan it got so a bouts afi strorkod iv ap wito-whing lof pd concluded I bad; got the woyih of mperag- oft i back, and stowed away in my pocket- book." 'The exclamation of the 'Was' drowns ing in the shouts bf BAL. hug be he log driver found -the' doat.withent 'she pro- mised treat. ITI Rr A ri who; was nnling nt "an say Ozer ol Ta t jr = fii) yn ob tore voi do slaw ad oY 'ronti er ¢intellectnal i rs sternly into her Innghing blue eyes, , i: ie ca thers ney No An ovate Nie wera \he sikpra sm Baye Ha AN i 1 inci he rd Hoke ld ji you g'ad Ip, see Cousin, Harry, hn bet weed the Fe Darige th hoo ight To fot . ane Til con SAIN { thei li ou. don't know ind 1 gidernble ¢ aod, and in 1 nin J. B U L L B N mad -- Ta Cie Ca {0 Yer, flea; x Tol ne Fenow hat 3 fhe! o re ny Er hn know 10 for gaing down: toad the Neda sweeping enna ert my Afi and ly | An iY, dry glad | i 1 hat stro ates chat child Nuon be- up pebat he: supposed were grapess« He > ini me and T Sanerally earned fr fair Eno, bing sho nl ho Subp peop ple fore ho sncoumbeds, ,- v0 <i, | 10 a 1 Conant have prety fio Slaps REM 0 V ED and Mis jane eke ras quvertens--- in orm i 'ehusmg Bras hel pon Lil come] Mymuljea) iecthan ud me. inno, Lia out here Bane Doyen Ih epanes] as I) N mos ee ews am Comin Haury | Eck 1 30 whew i w nl vie 0 | 1 00 heh Yad ugar CD Lor Sos ewig SE to Beam, his Od Stand to oria'door {nab 1 1 vould Jenen it delay Jpacn, uel rw I, vareng, you li. : io tiny ri Work hn. bag En a Te South of the Red Red White Blue. would take ma wih him to the. (he, Hol! oll, yup h gy = ¥ptite; said Yield wag to, ghey, oo ugh, happinesd | SGmet] a Indaitts i d of pee 4... | afternnon. . 1. nsed Sten 10, =, uh, i 0 a Jo {nda ti foo oftenfithiy ios ho Find ets re All Garments made in 'Re. and Migs Clifford in atringe ;| "She pt ape het "Wh oF IE tefond/t mi ke ohe "orn bestow 'upam vikitariohs from pid f - but when Col in ks Wi 7 firs von lepug | but as eign towards js her. g ph ber) others, 1 insuiv-ona' oi! il Sn out Ti uence WA, thongl bt ai- Latest Styles and. a Fit, Wars Ain-vhy aod fibry' 11 phoient Th aya [hod do away, daily interc cpr, that kind words anc 2en= | 1 hig ehurob, may yotohe diving Iranted. oo Leon of Hagen w fine time. Ws swipe pub MAO wad heim from he] of ne ! {ify eietdrn da ehey abe' of | ovely | within oy of, his, congrpga 0a ! ET Sot ny Shummer: Fashions "just re- | everything that 1 awkel. for, sutallb wed me tps of her saucy lilo fiogers. 211 01. Draiem, op Abe tiippiekt results, Tone such occasion, a Tara n ne to drive and-made.everything so funny andy « éPrerty title "darling? Waid Virginia, | remem co paying 18 few.daga in a he he relizlo its of the Sot bd shied SE ria Splenda Wall bf hire my silly little 4 But, by he. SA you eoutiz reg? ord Where rich 'a ere Prince Alber, March 28,1866. 7 "71: head was so [itt of all sport und no hart fo oy laled thy el inp peryaded the-whole teuvr of | ni, be kc fans y worship in ons hire edu sat after sponding Lia! f am hous #ithoat an legion Be a youie a ady. Yau] ie th a0 bw dhe a rr Be Try with her kicking on rl hereby! ven inh ap dl wit ot item committed, [ lost ally patients, whi bate ember 'she fifigen' yes thie in the roll Are 5 Ap ay Fn zing, keeps ve all in exercise. But io io iplae me of sis ie ug heltuok Fklhany eaten Aar{momb.2i © Ee Sn ro [hem Fhseo head hS Hoge his iy wn ed 3-1 ines ww Abe, I h 2190, (go ¢ || would not d 3 an oe he es Si a his Copa | in fran celia wal ro ' Hie 4 LT po id oz wiz 'y } heppity Jou hare exer hoses so ig he words ; I Ll I [I ly {fn Bee am prot wie TRE Ae WHY, ek ho Ko Sa A Phathec mays » chilly. i Nur hi What lin dneweatnbt doy igen n-ver [arg Tous sa gina 04 Ani, springing vp, Bhd dy open Tor spoil an Sein} 51 pl so A Jackiera ny And be pt si in a what a real y h Bi row, stond my digmifie gousine sith myawrn his- of wh a ol % ne :