untessn 5 Jae JEN faand wd ae new Tw te : ~ he Hukarin foserher, YO, wuithinll ad 3 oISR NOL. XIT. No. 14} am A WEEKLY "POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL AND FAMILY NEWSPAPER, IS PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BAIRD & PARSONS, Ys TERMS: 81.50 per annum. 1f paid within six FEnot paid within that time, $2.00. No<nhe prion taken for fess than six months ; and no paper iscoatinmed watil allarrearsare paid. - §" lestters containing money, when addressed © Quis Office, pre-paid vad ragistered, will be nt our 1k. . , RATES OF ADVERTISING. Foreaoh line, first insertion - - Sabsequent insertions, perline - - - Garis, Wander 6 lines, per annum \vertiements measured in Nonpareil and according te the space they occupy. verti sementsceceived for publica cific {ustiuctions, wiil be inserted erweed weenndingly. Noadvertisem. oat matic paid for. Aliberal fiscount lowed to Merchants and others whe advertiseby the year or half-year. ' Chese terms will. in all cases, be siriztly ad- heredio. Tae eaastanily i aoreasing importance of the North Ridingof Ontar ndersihe pabhicationofiheOn:grver a aecessin er advocating vight, au nidemning wrens, it will constantly take the lead wewarding the gemernlinterests of the county; aid in the amount ot {cul and geusral en, will be unsurpassed by ay local paper published in Canada. Nok oud ged itspe= «and ' twill le 1aken JOB DEPARTMENT. Ahlers, Mand Bills, Posters. Progiammes. Bill 3 Forms, Receipt Rooks, Cheek 1 _ asiness Cards, Ball Cards, &e , & and cals wm a fist ret hem doy J. BAIRD. Bavvisters' Cary, JOHN BILLINGS, ARRISTER, Atomney at Law, Solicitor in Chaneery, Notary Public, Convevancer, &e., Prince Albert. Office opposite T. C. Fore man's Store. ! COCHRANE & COCHRANE, ARRISTERS, Attomeys, &c. Prince Albert office--opposite the Tewn Hall; Port Perry office--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. Spencer & Ebbels, ARRISTERS, Atworneys, Solicitors, Con- veyancers, Notaries Public, &c. T. H. SPENCER. LL B, | HUBERT L. ERBELS, Twonro. Pont Perry. FAREWELL & McGEER, 15 \RRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Con- veyancers and Notaries Public, Oshawa. -- Office, one door North of ths Post Office: and at Bowmanville, office Mr. Feeter's Block, oppo- "ite Town Hall. €. FAREWELL, LLB. | R. MGEE, I. A. ------ Suk R. J: WILSON, ARRISTER, Auorney at Law. Solicitor in Chanery, & Office ia the Victoria Building, Brock-st., W ¥. LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B,, OLICITOR in Chancery. Attorney, L) Conveyancer, te. Oshawa. Ofice--Simcoe street, opposite the post office. ROSS, LAUDER, MULOCK & SMITH, ARRISTERS and Attorneys, Solicitors in Chaucery, and Insolvency, &e. Office. McMillan's Block, Brock Street, adjoining J. Holden's office, Whitby. Hon J. Ross, Q.C. LAW ae | & Y. Smith. NORMAN F, PATERSON, (Tate of Miller & Paterson, Taruuto ) TTORNEY-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &e., Beaverton. Office in the building occupied by Dr. Wilson, Simcoe-st. CAMERON & MACDONELL, 3RRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: ourt Heuse. NW. C. CAMERON. 1 Ievical Cars. . Drs. Jones & Jone PORT PER RY . § G.W. dors). D, | Joses, M.D. { H. J. MACDONELL. DR. WARE, ORONER for the County of Ontario, 7 Puy cian, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Drs. Brathwaile & Baldwin, PRINCE ALBERT, Physicians, Surgeons, and Accoucheurs. - Dry. McGILL & RAE, ANS, Surgeons, & . Office and Pr ous 03 00 ge wa. Waite, x ». FRANCIS PAR. M. B. J.B. OLVER, M. D., RADUATE VICTORIA UNIVERSITY, Physician, Sargeon and Aecoucheur, © Deutistey, ---- J. D. Gottingham, MORRIE LTA, C. W. By.a New Process, Teeth can be Ex- *tracted without pain, at his office, od ; i i his Fido el oJerations and' e::amine his specimens. ate Teeth inserte--parts of séts, or whole and warranted. UNDERSTAND --- Attention to the Teeth Order Wt pets masticate food for the b anil consequently there cannot be good lp eh en i uss. res low ad il work wate. 13 = work Satishctorily done, the Office hours from 8 a. m. to 5 p.m. aA ders left at this office, or at his residenc | MACKIE'S HOTEL! owns and keeps for servi t Bull Widhout teeth in 500d |THE YOUNG DURES Ho wil or ay oo ------ & ° Ss poy RIAL GD. WATD.. Surgeon Dentist,Cor. ¥ain & BrockBt., Uxbridge LL Dental opern- tions performed with the utmost skill' and care, warranted to' £4 give satisfaction or no charge, and at prices % which defy competi- tion. t Also dealer in all kinds of Jewelry, Fancy Goods, &c. Rererexces.-- I. P. Griggs, Port Hope ; Rev. J. T. Byrne, Whitby : Jos, Gould, Esq., and J. Bolster, M. B., Uxbridge. bo-1y RACTICAL Dentist, Oshawa, C.W, Dental Rooms directly opposite the post yifiee entra Simcoe street, third door north of the Ontario Bank. Insuraiice., THE ONTARIO FARMERS Mutual Insurance Company HIS Company i mon le s now fully organized an prepared to aceept risks on Farm Luildings and their conte country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance (!ompany have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--The old Registry Office Build- ings, Brock Street, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Ir., . Secretary 7. 1y ii Sone ul; Neoretury WESTERN ASSUBANCE COMP'Y TORONTO. CO. W. INCORPORATED enon 183 1, Capital = - $400000, President... HON. JOHN MeMURRICH Vice-President. CMAGRAT 0 Secretary... ! PRINGLE, ERAL AGeNT, 1 Auctioneers, J.C. PILKEY. Bicone Auctioneer FOR THE County of Ontario J. C. PILKEY, Er P.O ei ot Si CRT Licensed Auctioneer. re Subscriber, holding a Licence for the County of Ontario, and the Township of Mariposa, would be, ute to Farmers and int whatever ill he prompt- moderate, zed at the E. MAIOR. at Terms, Days of Sale, & Observer Office, Prince Alber Borelia, March, 27th, 1867 THOS, H. WALSHE. ED Auctioneer tor the logn- kc, Thorah, Mara & Rama in ariposa, ete., in the Connty of idence--Canni om, Brock. Or- ill be punctually attended to, Debts collectedin Can- nington, or otherwise, and prompt remittances made. Remember-- WALSHE, the North On- trio Auctione 1 motels. Centre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, D. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. "REVERE HOUSE," MA 1. PLANK, wn PROPRIETOR. AVING purchasad the above hotel, and has furnished the Bar with the choicest liquors gars. Every attention paid to guests.-- Stages to and from Whithy rh daily. Careful ostiers always in attendance. 8 Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendance, to and from the Cars and Boats. DAFOE HOUSE UTICA G 00D accommodations. Careful 'attention 1 Free 0 X10 the requirements of travelers and gests. he bar supplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars stabling. ¥ * J. DAFOE, Proprietor. (LATE BRODIE'S,) a Walton' Street Port Iope. "Wa. MACKIE, Pupnetor! Royal Oak Hotel, 4 MILES SOUTH OF MANILLA, PRINCE ALBER! - | gages. of wild lands for sale APPLY TO Rear Estane | i from a of money invested in vest the same for hi Counties, on good Fa tures, --y sale cheap. For further particul sioner, Notary Public, OFFI( Second Brock St , Whitby. Sept. 2, 1368. Kinds of Debentures, quantity of Silver for AEM RAR A aia dry AND cheap. COUNTY OF ONTARIO. C. W.. MONEY : TO LOAN! THE Subscribers are prepared to make ad- vances of moirey on the security of Improved arms Village Property, | In this and adjoining Counties at low rates of | interests. Also wanted to purchase good Mort= J.3° A number of good Farms, and 2000 acre DAVID J. ADAM, , AND INSURANCE: AGENT Varvaron, &c., Prince Avnpenrt. or To JOHN ADAMS, 'Toranto Street, TokonTo. or m, in this ar arm Property ars, apply to F N.B.--I am also prepared to invest in all sale, JAS. HOLDEN. MONEY, (PRIVATE FUND$,) To loan on good T LY Money IN ® House. Ja 23 1867.5 nothing will be lef and regularly. Manchester, Oet 18,1 SSUED at Port Pepry. HENRY CHARLES. we) STAND : AROUND ! HE subscriber having returned to Reach i bo gotimself comPuptably Jocated at the thriving Village of . BHANCHESTER Where he intends ¢ Arrying on the {G-Tailoring Business In all its branches. Garments eritrnsted to His care will be made up in the latest styles :and undone by. him--in way ct neainess of fit, moderation in charges, and cure- | ful attention to orders--to obtain and secare a iarge share of public patronage. ( The Latest Styles received promptly JAMES SQUIRE. 4 arvs, at 8 per cent MAN ENGLISH, A MILON AND A QUARTER Money to Loan. tls HE Subscriber has received instructions i utieman who has a lar; , or I= Also a large number of well enltivated arms, and any quantity of Wild Lands, tor . JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, Commis- ye. dor, MeMillian's Block a4-tr Greenbacks bought and soll ; also a large Buirister, &c.. UMS oF Issued by Authority. FE. MAJOR. (BY AUTHORITY.) Offic 860. i Oshawa. 46 to Lend! B8300 and Upward Ata low rate of luteresl. FAREWELL & McGEE, Solicitors. &e. 45-2m Marriage Licenses the Scvcoa amount securities, to in- is and adjoining Debens eres S | St, Anthony's dance, from over exertion. 1 | | Written for the Ontario Observer.] On the Velocipede. BY WES. FAINT. "Verily, this is an age of invention! Th: time is fast coming when a man ean strap a boiler on his buck, biteh himself to a cart-wheel, and whiz oft ifty miles to market, and back in the same day," said I to myself, with an emotion of sub- dued rapture, as I shouldered my velocipede and toddled off to the Town Hall, where the gentle art is taught in all its modern ramif also in accordance with the laws of virtual ve- ng arrived at the halls of light and revel- ry, I soon found out that=owing to the crowd of would be cripples--tickets could be only got by them that had the sharpeet elbows, biggest feet, and were the most pushing ot their race. 1 governed myself accordingly ; and was intredus ced to the gay and festive scene by a man, whose shaded eye, flattened nose and extzaordinary de- veloped head, was evidence enough to satisfy the most wrong-headed jury that he was either a novice in Velocipeding, or a member of the ap-com:aunivy of prize fighters. The pric attraction of the place was a big web-footed Irishman on a byeycle lie passed everybudy and was encored by the entive society at large. He got the speed up so high that when he passed he lifted up his che voice and called for help! the bycyele was running away with him bodily ! The most intense excitement prevailed. The po- lice foroe was called out and arrived. H consist- ed of one venerable old man, who immediately took after the benighted Irishman with his tenn- cheon ; but something on t hady side of fate had made up its mind to wait on him before he I 1 continue to represent three of the | aq gonp two yards, the volocipede whizsed largest Monetary Institutions in the Dominion, { 14 \ ? Lfotohed bi that lend money on the most advantageous | round the hall and fetched bir Il of terms. the back and went on its w po- lice force dropped the case and shoved for a back seat; he rubbed his back read the riot act and called upon all law abidi iizens and British stbjee » arrest the 1h ¢ in the name of the Queen--now comes the tag of war. Some threw hats, overconts and bootjacks at it pro- miscuonsly, Otliers tried mils, boards and um- brellas ; but all to no purpose, it stil "swung round the circle," with its nnwilli i passenger, As a last resort, the pro rowed a bucket ot soft soap from a nei rease the track with, that kept it around in the same spot, until a combined charge of volunteers and eitizens resulted in its eom- plete overthrow. The young man was in a ra- « | ther precarious condition, one side of his head was bald with scrubbing in the soap, after the charge of the allies ; Lis Jeft eye was hot from the effects of frequent applications of bootjucks and umbrellas to the said optic; and bis wilor willbe in estasics when lie beliolds the forlorn condition of | nents, 5 stores keeper lent Lis fuiends Lutter and he was enr- ried home in the usual way, A consultation of, doctors over the * corpus" of the aboye wention- ed young man, showed it to be a strong case of The Professor moped up the soap and told me * to prepare for practising the poetry of motion." 1 prepared for action by tucking up my pants and tieing up my coat-tails, My machive was of the one-wheeled ed it to give cor te satisfuction, It did. ter two days practice I was corupletely sat $0 much so, that I will 1 cowant to try i in. The Professor made if bis duty to hold the wheel-e- until I got on. Ile' had Lis hands full. Tigmatively s 1, got onit 40 times, and somehow or otlicr I generally got off $0 sudden as not te be particular whether I lit on The manufacturer warrant- Af- vle. my head or feet. This kind of voilent exer s rough on a fellow's wardrobe, especially the pants. Mine wero in such a de- moralized condition that 1 had to borrow an nm= brella to go home with --the next day I fetched two pair. In war time velocipedes will be a boon to mankind--it's a far better way of escaping the draught than by tieing coppers on your le Sy this innovation evinces a higher state of morali- 23 (Concluded on page fourth.) £1 ee eee A RICH VELOCIPEDE STORY, From the Hartford Courant. Professor"? Lockwood, <o called, who has been rmning a velocipeds rink wl Waterbury for a lew weeks past, and there- by tiling bis pockets with filtny lucie, de- termined on a grand winding up exhibition on Saturday evening, which woukl bring him mors loere and mach fawe. So the s professor'? got out Haming handbills, an nouticing that Miss Clara Louisa Warren, the Champion Boston velocipediat, world appear ou her fsvui ite byeyele, snd on Fri sold ont his iuterest in the nnk, retaining possession till Saturday nisht." On Saturday the " professii' shaved off his' moustache aml whiskers, ok the ears for Plamviile, _whera Le donnud femal apparel, with waterfull and panier, and returned 10 Wat- erbury in the vvening, taking ronma 'at the Adamn' House. The rink was crowded, with people to see the female rider, and al the appointed time, the charming Mist Warren made his appearances, attired 1 nobby suit, half zou-zon aid haif vivandiese, She rode side-saddle, andthe' crowil cheer-, ed; he rode man-lashion snd the crowd h { harder ; sha put one leg over the is hotel has been completely ted and fitted up in good style, The bar is constantly suppl with first ¢lass Liquors and Cigars, and under the personal care of the pro- prietor who will do if ot for Tho couveni- of comfort of his guests. a y C+ F. SMITIL, Proprietor. A WELL BRED. First Olass' Dull, VE Subleriber would inform the inhabitants of Reach Sud snrouniing townshy s that he His sire was bred by Mr. Geo. fickinghotton, Pickering, Sired by the famous Bull owned by the ao Benty Br which wae sired by the famous i Hie ull * Fawks,"-- Iis'dam was Grace ing, got by the import- ed Bu'l « Yo | : Ad h Fr SERVI ard JOSEPH WILSON, Lot No. 20, ia the 11th con. Reach. Jan. 15, 167. 2 Coroners, Ji uso of concerned, will selves accordingly. © Per R. Sheriff's Office, W hitb; Reach, Feb. 17, 1869, Feb. 10, 1869. 'cace, an NELSON G. REYNCLDS, ! Sheriff fl. ToMLINSON. '} DI d for the County take noticg, and govern them: T-td C. 0. handle, and the crowd were intoxicated with cheering. «She rides mighty well}? sai a wan in black side-whiskers. « What a =pleadid fur!" squeaked wiall-consnmp- tive-looking man with flaxen hair. + She's very goud-lovkiag 1. « roured a taller, savage individual, And then | abeered once more, and everybody felt hap- : o i 'Py. 'Aher thelshow concluded she'rerurned 'Co io, {JS hereby given, that the: Co aie; ] Conrt of Asgize, Nisi Prius, Oyer and Terminer, and Ge Gac Delivery, will be holden in an of Ontario, in the Court. House in the Town of' 3 W's § ON TUESDAY, APRIL 13, Joo, At the hour of 12 o'clock, noon, of u ch ali] to the. hotel, and at midight a canringe came in haste and bore hin away from the &cene of her late trinmph. It was a com- plete roll and well mainged. The Professor, nee Miss. Watreu, depared from Waerbury like a thief in the mahi, leaving a large 'board: bill tpaid, and wking 'With him a (snug little sum law the (runs of his degeption. Le Tray William Wright's lust earthly residence, in Toledo, Ohio, is thus marked : ~~ «+ Here lies the boby of W. W., you." we, all I could see was ared spot. All at once | they all} Who never more will trouble you, trouble | THURSDAY. APRIL 8, .My Ball-Dress- BY MARY 'W. JANVRIN. (Continued from our last.) And this was the beginning of ibe shadow which darkened the picture, 1 saw it all in the panorama unfolding before me ; and, silting 1 my velvet chair, with the waves of lustrous silk bathing my person, [ groan- ad in bitterness of spirit us | recognized the funthfalness of the portranure. 1 saw the glitter of the ball and the rout, the splendid furniture, the silver plate, the gay equipage, the costly pictare frame adoroing stately apartments, and, amidst it all, through the opened door of u neglected nursery | saw a pala, pining, drugged four-year old child slowly dywg! The end came, The tiny royswood casket was closed over the fea- tutes of the child who died motherless ; for no wother had hved, sinoe the first year ot his babyhood, for him! [ saw a strong mau bend in convulsed griel over lis dead boy, then go out silently, 'and, growing graver [day by day, tari to his business again ; | heard hantio bursts of gridl fiom the strick- cu mother's bps and 1 clasped my tewel- ted hards, aad suetehed forth my bracelsied anns till every diamond struck back a blind- low te iny eyes, and cried in an- amsh: * Oh God, be mereiful !| Dash uot wy sin back iuto my face! I loved my boy --but [ was mad! mad! The siren voice of Fashion drowned every other cry. Oh, il those days could bit stay with me again, when my boy was alive and playing on my kuees | Oh come back 10 me, my beautiful boy! Opon your blue eyes and stile upon me aga! Laugh and crow upon your mother's lap I But even while [implored and stretched forth my clasped hands, the shadow brooded heavier, and its suble wing bloitlet out Le picture trum my vision. A long pause fell between ; and thenan- y and tha last preture swept tefore me. recognized 1s fathtulness at once. | had sean its counterpart daily all the latter per- 10d af my life--mysell, as | reflected in the long mirrors on the walls--my home, as | presided over it day by day. Was it pos- sthle that teh years had intervened between | this p tare aud the preceeding one 7 1 bad | not changed rave to fuller and perfected | beauty. My Jeagihs of purple bla hair and lost none of their glossness ; my fignre | tad no angular lines, anly roundness of out- line and dignified grace ; my eye had lost none of its brightness, nor hid wu hoe lar- towed my white, satin-smouth brow. But, ah, this was a magic picture, for it 1evenled my heart! It held a hie mennd, beneath | which 1 bad buried my vaby, but this was | all overgrown with weeds ; there wore other | headstones thee, too, upon which in half- effaced characters, I traced dimly and blur- red the words Love-- Fail --Trust ; und over atl seemed written, in lelters of the words Fashion = Amtition--and Viole. | 1 tuned from this portraiture of myseif to! that of the house inhabited, for [ dared not enil at by the biessed name of « home'. [Us walls rose lair and stately, and the choicest decorations of furnishing were within. There the carpets of Persian dye, tubles of costly mosaic, chars of rosewood and vel- vet, statutes of marble and tionze, waies of china and silver plate sand through these | halls I moved, a cold and beautiful woman ol ce, In alithat wide and stately man- | =1on, no cheviful home nook, no cosy comer for the easy chair, the slippers, or the kitten on' the hearth; pianos, pictures, statoary, ih mstle of #i'ka, the artificial =mile of + well-bred" men and women, and sound of fashionable waliz or polka--ail these were there, but not a ehild's gleesome lanch, or the patter of baby steps. In all that great mauston, no beat ot a healthy homan heart- lite, no love no household affection, no weicoming kiss and pressure of kindly hands, only twa benumbed hves ¢ o occasionally into contact, and #hielded m ing of form an! ceremony -- my pale | ard. business-worn husband, toiling | over hus ledgers and accounts, and the wo- man who preserved her beauty for the ad- miration of her world of fashiot:, her love for the gewguws and timsels of wealth, aud her sonl to be Jad at the altar of ambition-- that woman, myself! shrank from the portraiture with dismay. Wan it possible that the happy cluld, the trusting, betiothed maiden, he young bride, the prond maother, had become merged into this cold, glittering petrification, whose silken robes draped a hear of ico 2 Way had this been? It was ail wrong--a bitter, bitter mistake ; and I passed judgment upon the woman I saw before me, as thongh she were a third party, and [ held ber fate in my hands. While 1 sat and gazed in anguish of soul, inta the picture ghded a pale, care-worn, haggard man, weaning the same expression { had often seen, or might huve reen had | looked with wilely eyes upon my husband' faco, How changed he looked fram the hopeful, manly buoyant, Warren Hender- son, who had 100d beside me in the June moonlight, and received answering sym- pathy and encouragement when he spoke af the toils and. anxieties of his business life ! how different from the youug husbyid of yenrs before, Who found a faithful heat into which he might pour all the troubles of 'his harrassed life, or the successes which crowned his vemores, Warren Henderson had not used 10 look «a careworn ; but a ew months had dono the work of years. 'He hud been a grave and silent man ever wince his boy died ; but now there 1s some fresh trouble, some anxiety eating away his life. He looks old, too, for one who should be still in bis prime ; he is but forty yet; 1 am only (hirty-five, and my raven branls are fresh and glossy as al eighteen ; but there are grey hairs on his temple locks. + What has broughi this abont 2 | asked, In a moment iy question was answered. Into the magic pictire belts' mejcame a shadowy finger, and pointed 10 the paper- strewn table at which my husband sat. | gazed and beheld a vevelation, and mechan- really' my eye ran over every puper he opened. The catalogue" was fearful--a long airay. of bille-- plate, furnitare,statotes, jewels, silks-- a long arcay, in which I 104 cognized distinctly my own agency. All thess had I decreed that the 'wea'thy mer- ehant's wife madt have ; andl had" never dreumed but that the purse of Fortonagus 2 7 taking his hand=--it was cold and trembling 1869. coffers with the word ¢ Panic! ¢ Panic I' written as with the pen of fite over all. While he sat and unfolded paper after puper, and lait in aslde with a harassed look, 1 stole nearer and gazed wpon one Le had just taken. | 1ecogmized it ere he opened it-- | my latest bill sent home that evening, the bull for my bail-drexs. How came it there ? I had throst it into the drawer in my dress- | ing-burean before golng 10 Madame Flash- | ington's 5 but here' it was--nand my pale, (hageurd husband was scanning the last | price of my folly," 1 madé a movemant to snateh it from hum, but he waved me back, saying, in a hallow voice : ¢« Nay, it is too {lute I And, alter all, what matters it when the Last featlier that breaks the camel's back w lad upon him 2? It as useless to uy to keepup longer. I have done my best to keep aubove-board, out tne crash must come come! I donot care for myself--but for you, for you, Mattie I" and he wre! des- pairingly away. The spell was broken--ha had called me ¢ Mauie ' For yews I had been 10 tam ¢ Mrs, Henucisun.? | ¢ Ob, vo! no! don't care for me, Warren ! | [hee iL ali now -- wy seifishness nas led you [to ton 5 but T ean be a diferent woman 4 Ob, Warren, beiteve me, will ve different © I cried aloud. What do 1 care lor wealth or elation, 1 comparison with the happiness of my husband « What is it, Mattie! You asleep here, and dreaming ? It is lute--past three o'clock I' L heard in reply ; and |! started 10 find myself seated in the great velvet chair, and" my hosbaud standing beside me. | Was it tiue ! Had 1 indeed been asleep, | and dreaming? Had wy four visitors-- my four other selves--the child, the betrothed maiden, the bride, the mother-- Leen conjur- ed om the realins of dreamland ? and 1 louked across the rom to the chairs and fauteuil against the wall, to assure myseli that they were not really ocenpied by them sull, But, dream or no, it had brovght its lesson to sink deep nto my heat; | was inysell in my true character ; and the gas- hight was not tamed so low but [ could see, alvo, the careworn expressions on every teature of my hasband's tace, and that he was pale and hallow-eyed. ¢ Did I fall asleep 2 I must ; but you, Warren, you hive not siept 1° 1 suid, for just then | noticed that he was in his coat aid tull dress. +1 have been up late, looking over some papers | brought up from the store-- siting down in my hile basement writing-room. But I was just going up stairs," he replied. ¢ You shocld be asleep betore this, Mrs Henderson, be wiled, half-reprovingly, ys eye wandering with asort of pained Jook over aay britliant toilet, ¢ Oh, eay ¢ Matte!" far trom youe heart, V Do not put me so rer I" 1 broke out, --inio my own. ¢ Do pity ine, for | have learned 10 pity mysell! Ob, Warren 1 have bad a dream tis evening that has shown me nyseidf in my troe light, | am nothing, worse than nothing ! A drag, in- stead of a help-meet--u useless ioy, instead ol the true wife you marvied and had a right to expect me 10 remain | You have made a clave of yourself to gratify my sellishuess ; you have totied early and late, and 1 have scatiered the fruitol yrur labors like water sprit upon the grouwd. Tua hfe is killing you, sud Lam accountable foritall! Speak to me, Warren, and tell me that yon do vot bate me, and think I cannot awake, even at the eleventh hour, from my insane course I Not a word came from my husband's lips, but Lie sank on the catpet by my side and buried his face in my lap, and his clasp on my hand which he had retaived was like an Hom vice, + Wiy do youn not speak to me, Warfen ? Are you in tovbie 2 Though vaworthy of your confidence, yet your wife asks and needs it at this hour. Yon are in some gieal Louble, Warren !? 1 eried, tor, bending over bine, I read the deep hues in lus tore- ead and the iron compression of his lips. ¢ Can you bear the worst, Mattie 2° he said, hoarsely, lifting bis eyes to mime. ¢ The wos ?? ¢ Anything, anything, my dear husband ! I have been blind, but the scales Lave fallen now. Tell me everything ! Are we ruin- ed, Warren, Warren 2 ¢ We are," he whispered in a thick, un- steady tens. + The cnsis has cared me down. 1 have dragned away the long honrs of (his might in trying 10 d&vise some loop- hole of escape ; but all in va. To-mor- 10W sees my notes protested, and our house goes down na crash 1 do uot eare for my-seil, but for you~ for yon Mattie I' and ho groaned in brterness of spirit. words of my dreamin! I could not bear it without a burst of tears. He so thoughtful tor we, and I so selfish, xo ule of his anx- teties or cares | | pressed my lips to Ins corrugated forehead, aid said, amid my cobs : « No, Warren, not raned ; for we have saved our love from: the reck! It will prove our salvation--I feel asured of it. Let the storm come ! | believe 1 shall bless wax the hdppiest event of my hile, if n brings us nearer to each other, as a tue husband snd wile ought to hive I Warren looked at me steadily, and a weight seemed to be hited off his head. His cheeks flushed ; the veins that had sod oot like kuoited whipeords on his forehead, relaxed 5 his-hps Jost their gem cotnipres- ston 3 aud there was a 11pple of tears 10 his voice. : ¢ Mattie, you have saved me!" he aid, | ¢ Maddened by the thought of the morrow, I know not but the result might have been 'this; vee Pand with a shadder he drew forth a 'Mire vial, labelled « lnadapum,' from his vest (pocket. © 1 bought it at an apothecary's us I came vp to-night. God forgive me, Mat- tia-- I wae mad !' T'enid, ¢ It would be but « droamless sivap, and Lalionkl never wake more to disgrace.' Yee, God panion me ; I was a cowart and mad L But yoo aave saved me, Marnie I" and again bis face sank upon my lap, and a passion of weeping ¢ Not for himself--but for me "" The vary | {WHOLE No. 577 - - ---- I ------ a suicide. ¢ And God forgive me for my want of sympathy in all vor troubles ; and help me, from this hour, to be your faithtul wife! Let the world be east behind us--it will be uo loss, #0 our lesson brings us heart to heart. Oh; Warren, we will live over again the old days, when the world and fashion had not come between us, and, God helping me they shall never paft us again And, sitting here late into the right, my husband kueeling beside me, and with his head upon my lap, | bent mv etwek to his 7 and our tears, buplizing our recnion, fell upon the silken foids of my last folly, my bali-dress. (Concluded y - et reer ren A YANKEE CONNUBIAL SKETCH. A few days ngo there arrived at an hotel in Boston, a couple fiom Rhode Island, who came 10 get joined, quictly, in the bonds of maitimony. As soon us they were fairly domiciled the wouki-be bride-groom, who was a rough but appwently honest apeci- men of the country Yankee, sent for the proprietor of the hotel, who quickly ans- wered the summons. * Say, Lan *lord," proposed 'the stranger, pointing to bis modest Du cinea, in the cor= verof the parlor, « This 1s my yonng 'ooman. Naow, we've cum all the way from Rhode sland, and wait to be spliced. Sand for a minister, will yer 7 Want it done up rite straight off." Tie landlord smiled and went out j and halt an hour afterwards a licensed minister wade his appearance, and the obliging host, with oue or two waggish friends were call- {ed in as wincsses to the scene. ¢ Naow, Mr. Stigging,' said the Yankee, Cdet at up viown aud yer money's ready.' Aud forthwith the reverend gentleman commenced by diveing the parties to join their hands. ¢ You promise, Mr. A." said the parson sto take this woman--2 * Yuas," said the Yankee at once. ¢ To be your lawful and wedded wife ; ¢ Yaas--yaas.' ¢ That you will love and honor her in all things * Yas? ¢ That you will cling to her, and her only, 80 long an yov both shall hve.' ¢ Yaas, indeed, -- nothing else I continn- ed ihe Yankee. in the most delighted and varnest manner, Here the reverend gentleman halted, much to the sorprse of all present, and dis= comfiture of all present, and more especial= Iy to the aunoyance aml discomtiture of the intended bridegroom. * Yaas,-- yaas, I said," added the Yankes. ¢ One moment, my friend,' responded the minister, slowly, for it ocourred 10 him that the law of Massachusetts did not permit of this performance without the aliowanes of a publishmet, &e., for a certain length of nme. ¢ Wot's tho matter, minister 2 Dont slop--go on--put Ler thren ! Nothin'$ spit eh 2 Ain't sick, minster, be yer ? ¢ Just at tins moment, my fiend," wail the parsou, + | have thought that yov can't be marred in Massachnseus,? Cant! Wor's the reason ? she likes me 5 wots 10 hender 27 * You have uot been puttished sir I think ?° ¢ Hain't a going to neither ! ats wot wo come 'ere for,~ou the siy ;=8§0 on, go on, old telier.? I like Ler, ¢ I really, sir--? sad the parson. ¢ Rally ! Wal, go ahead! Taint fair, you see, taint, I swaow ! you've married ME and ain'tteched HER. ~ Go on,--don't stop here it ain't just the thing, naow, by grashus tame, ? "I will consult--? ¢ No you won't---=no you don't consult nothin' or noobuddy, ull this 'ete business is toncluded, naow mind, I tell ye,' said Jonathan, resoluiely, and in an instant he urged the key and took 1 out of the lock anid the ritterings of the witnesses, who were nearly choked with merriment. « Naow, ray, mister, as we were," said the Yankee, seizing los trembling intended by the hand acai,' * go on, we strait from whare you left off, you can't come nun o' this hak-way busiwess with this child, so put 'er threw, and no dodging ; Il be ail right--go it." The parson reflected a moment, and con~ eluding 10 risk it contmued-- ¢ You promise, madam, to take this man to be your lawtul Jusbaud ; ¢ Yaas, said the Yankee as the lady bowed. ¢ That you will love, honor, and obey--? ¢ Them's am,' said Jonathan as the lady bowed ugain. * And that you will eling to him so long us you shall hive. i ¢ Thats the talk,' said Jonathan, aod the lady said ¢ yes' again. + Then in the presence of these witnesses [ provounce you man and wife," ¢ Hoorah,> shouted Jonathan, leaping nearly to the ceiling with joy. ¢ Hoerah, wol's the price--how much ? Spit it out --dou't be afeard, -- yon done it jos' like a bock, old feller,~here's a V, never mind the cnangn ! Send for a hack, lun *lord-- give us yor bill--I've got her. Hail Co- lumbia, happy land,' roareil thie poor fellow, entirely unable to control his joy, and ten minutes [aler he wns on his way to the Piovidetea depot with nis wife, 'and the ilappiest man oot of jail.' A er §e---- Here is a new smoking-mAhe-car story. A gentleman entered a first-class car and lighted a cigar. "Nir," 'observed a follow- traveller, * yon are vol in a smoking com- partment." "1 know 13 | never go into one. Yeu don't know how mck it muokes me to have to Urekihe ihiers' a 1. A circus manager in Wha Sah Toots his show-bills with the texmx of aflinission os follows :. ¢ shook his strong frame, and relieved Yis overcharged hearts © 2y lor held enough to supply mil. And, baluneing this catalogue of expenditures, wood ou tangled trade, depreciated stock, warehouse wded with enmatketablo govds,empry with pallid lips or that b ud cod how nu tad slovd Ww the wretched gait of i 1 whe huasba of Ware, we have both been. mad 7+ i Ar hogy! Tickets fifty sents (Ehldren end White foils TH afro gest " Hea was yon tha sdiror thas <2 the * Thies thouband tavgnfz on lips of ope man.? . Bole Er TR RIT a - Be aR Ea Tk Ts hi W ' ¥ K » f ¥ Pa t I 5 Rx Se --, Se