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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 29 Jul 1869, p. 1

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| i i « de " a Dn Tab 7g edn Tine, Rene il fort] o Ly wy Amulet tana fills. Posters. Progrismm Fn [ wi 1 CAME TRON & M ACDORELL, 1) Solicitors County Council Ontario. + "Bon busy LL Dental operas ii +f tions perfor! di wil . skill "and care, Warranted to i give: tion or md \ h di rains iton Xe a ant al la wah oR, "X11, No. 80.1 "Te Tutarla -- | d#oa aval War A iy patina, ARRIGTLTIRAL CBA HIAW a BLOCK, PRINCE aoen, [10 0 COUNTRUOF ONTARIO, | Even THURSDAY MORNING BAIRD & PARSONS. yr emicr Ak {Lag 1060 per aii pai Within six B00, Nosub- he; and wy paper Aiscomtinued until allarrears are paid. " Lorilers aoniminingemoney, when addressed 10 LET fein, Pulao 0 anit k. ATE Dy ERTIS 5. ion - "Sababiffont harris) "or line Randy Handset 6*Fines; per' Annum" Kiva tiserieritd meacared ih Nonpareil And datged according lo thuspace they occupy, i uM verisamenisreeivad (or pablivation withoutspe. <ific Lea, Will he inserted guid forbid, and Ug varged adehelling! . Noadvenisement will Le Laken copurantil paid fae, © + Adiberaiidiso lowed 1a NTeréhants and others avi advertise by wennor halls yenuar 4 F hese terms will, in ull cases, be sirintly nes. red to, Tho ennstaniiPhcreasiiie importance of the North Ridingof Ontario renders ne pabliestion ofl ieOnkkey ip easily. bLyer advocatin lity and condemning LAG] edastantiy ake the fend in 0 r uty; id in t ny willbe unsui pas Midhed n Canada. wind, Jom DEPARTMENT. ted) | 1d Solic itor in Chau 'Office over 0. OAN BILLINGS, R, Atipney at Law, Solicitor in Chanee Y Notts Public, Cony Veer, Prefhce All Otifée *ophosite' T. C. For- COCHRANE & COCHRANE, ™ ARRBSTERS, Attorneys. Le. Prince J Ahert eth ite "tlie" Pown Hail; Port Perry offi Ir. Bigelow's 's Store. FAREWELL & MCGEE, ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Cone " vareers and Notaries Pabliey Osha: ) a. dior North of the Post Office: and winany dls, 8fiice Mr. Feeter's Block, oppo- Lite Pow it Ha. ' TR: WILSON, Attorney at Law, 8 &e. OJee i , Whithy. LYM AN ENGLIS i, L. i B., OLICITOR 'in Chancery. Conveyance, &e., Oshawa, in snpasite thie post office. ey, "Office --Simeoe | ARRISTER Chancer; MeMillan's' Ble J. Holden's of Hon J. Ross AW. Faand, and Insole ne k. , Whitby. "NORMAN F PATERSON, ~(Linte of Milley So wm, Torguto ) TTORNE ey fa building oe ARRISTERS and Attorneys av Law, Offices: rtiHouse. | 3. 0. CAMERON. Lai I, 3, XACDON JAMES LAMON, : ATS at Law, Solicitor in Shiancery y | Oi -- Land nC Vico ver Armstrong! 3 Sf, a Main ie Ievical EHTS. n, fel 14, 1869. 15-1y Jones &51 Jones, hotels, PORT P E RRY. AERA rst dni oh OY pws M.D.4) Gentre Hotel, Carnet] Gon . 5 fn on! TH A0] ARE,' io gh ' Cami ] tarin, £ : ---- Ren Cy, co et ath a Betsete Csi io 2 HANGUTSTER Ls &e., &c. Office and nl osha de 9 FRANCIS RAE. M. fi, ) Picts su Residences; Swat. POLL M.D. "TW, Be OLVER, M. D., . RADTATR VIOTONLA UNIVERSITY, Gh clan: 1 snd wo Sn Fan iit Rn. fg Hh Vibe y Deo. Vries. VARS, 1 1 Esq. is ye ompany in HA AVING brie pu above hotel, and has = Ngai, Sarveson nd Actoucheurs. ail ai ani, ed & RABE, on | YE Rrom, Street. iy: D. Cottingham, FER DENTIST, FRR Svs New Process, Teeth can be Ex- tracted without ut pain, at his office, | gh Dn. C. is pirate of to execute all operations connected with his profession, with neatness and | dispatch,' Call and examing his specimens. co Ig Seeth inserted--parts of, sets, or whole | sein AR SI aud aurea, ND .-- Attention to the Teeth preserves hye Goin WNithont teeth in good orderit is impossible to masticate for the body, + and consequently there cannot be good healt Ifyou have decayed teeth, get th m 'filled. 1f you haveny out &5 them replaccd by new ones. Prices Tow, and all work 'Warranted, f the work is 'notmsatisfactorily done, the money avill be refunded. Offices 'hours fram 8 a, m. to 5 p.m, Jon, 15, 1867. 1,0 oi aH 2 Esurance, T HE. ONTARIO, FARMERS ! Mutual Insurance Company r HIS Compo | now fully EEnize d and i is risks on Farm Bi y i 7 to insure ang | Company ii mn either by applvi of the'Tocal Our rates will (be fk ny reshonsibleMutua wad. The old Registry Office Builds eet, Whithy. L. FAIRBANKS, Tr., low as tho Head Office ings, Brock » WESTER ASSURANCE COMFY ETT me PRINCE. ALBERT. COUNTY oF ONTARIO, 0. W., THURSDAY. BORELTA, CI'W.| T of wid lands for sale cheap. 27-1 Secretary | ETI | Royal Canadian Hotel, PORT PERRY. LE Subscriber laying leased to above Hotel, fitted np In a style in Keeping with the inereasing business snd prospe ge and neighborhood, and with di PL to the comfort' and eonvenience of the public. Strict, ligniion jad to {he Table and the Bar. | Comfortable Stables and attentive Hostlers. | Neither labor nor expense will be spared in | making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of public patronage. HENRY FOY. | Part Perry, June 16, 1869. | ta Fowen to FLoast. AAA AR ------ rept Arye MONEY TO LOAN! NUE Subscribers are prepared. to make afl- vances of money on the security of Jans Farms Village Property, In this and adjoining Counties at low rates of ml ts. Also wanted to pnrchase good Mort- A number of good Farms, ard 2000 acre APPLY TO DAVID J. ADAMS, \EAL LISTATE, AND INSURANCE AGENT Vavrvaror, &c., Prayce Anpenrt. or To JOHN ADA Toron Princo Albeft July 15, {TORON INCORPO; op 0. b 3 Wi ..1831, Capital =~ =" £4¢C000| ON. JOIN. MeMURRICH | CMAGRATYTL Esq | ol J. C. PILKEY, Biccuney Auctionscy| FOR TUR County of Ontario J. C. PILKEY, | Epsom P.O. | Licensed "ANY tionecer. I Sulzer] County of On a, wonlg to. Farm r | ompi= | er Uflice, Prince Alle E. MAIOR. | _ Bozelia, March, 27th, 1867 HOS, H. WALSHE, | ICE a Auctioneer for the Town-) 45! 3 Thor. ab, Mara & Re ma in in Can- ittances tio Auctioneer. JOMN i BE 37E ARY SURG ¥ He se Doctor, Bpsom. je irs--=charges moderate, = Colts @ wes, Jlinrored a safest ri at v sonable charges. N. B.--I purpose be- i Armstrong's Hotel, Uxbridge on Friday, week during the summer. EON, and General | Can he co furnished the Bar with the choicest Tig and cigars. Every attention to Stages to and from Whithy call daily. ostlers always in attendance. Jewett's Hotel, og "KENT | STREET, LINDSAY, © Good stable and shed atieched, and an attentive ostler always in attendance. Free Omnibus; to and from the Cars and Boats. DAFOR HOUSE gis is ' Careful att ion uors nests. -- & Creal ® uirements of travelers asd: and PE the best wines, liquors ad DAFOE, $9: DAFOE, Poni. i 'MACKIES, HOTEL! Port, Hope. "i ad War. MACKIE, Proprietor. * Royal, Oak. Hotel, . MILES SOUTH" TI oR MANILLA. po gu ie yp die for © the convent ET FEE EE Ar A MILLION am A QUARTER Honoy to 10 Loan. pak Subseri cr To rived instructions from sa large amonnt of money inye: in Euglis i securities, to in- vist the same for him, in this; aud adjoining | Counties, on good Farm Property, or De bein | tures !1 continue to represent fhree' of the wt Monetary lustitutions in. the Dominion, lend money on the most advantageous Also n large number of well eiltivated and avy quantity of Wild Lauds, for sle cheayh. For further particulars, apply to o JAMES HOL DEN, oie ible; &e ke c. ceond Floor, MeMillian's Block t, Whitby, Sept. 2, 1808. 134-4 N.B.--I am alzo prepared to invest in all kinds of Debentures, Greenbackihought and sold ; also a large quantity of silver for sale. JAS. HOLDEN. MONEY, (PRIVATE PUNDF,) To loan on good Farme, at 8 per cent LYMAN ENGLISH, Bairister, &c., Delius eres November, 1866, Money to Lond} IN BUMS OF 8300 and Upwards Ata low rate of Interest. FAREWELL & McGERE, Solicitors, &c. 45 Oshawa, Nov, 1, 1366. MONE rae Sol from seve LA BE : SOF MONEY Real Estate 'Security : At Low Rates of Interest, No Commission charg ! Also uncurrent money boughind Silver sold. ! "Apply t FRYE JAMES LAMON. Soricrror, &o. Office gver A Armstrong's Hotel, Main Street, v pi dge, June 9, 11869. 23 ABNER HURD, Jr, REAL ESTATE, AND INSU ANCE AGENT, PRINCE A ALBERT. OFFI over T. 6. Fem Formas Store, STAND" AROUND ! Ti subscriber' Having returned to Reach, bas got himself comfortably located at the thriving Village of MANCHESTER Where he intends carrying onthe 0G Tailoring Business ™ "fn all its branches, to hil care will be madé ps in Hk ; an nothing will be-left undone by him--in way o neatness of fi erationgin charges, and ful attention he mosration obtain aud secure a warge share of (public patronage, Narr eal] Styles received promptly | pve, nd r ® RY grr ve JAMES SQUIRE." Manchester; Oct: 18, 186641111 pe intin .| Will wash a Rag Carpet, Bed Quilt or 12:4) bl accept the lowest or Ju, other tender. i "Wedding c ke § josie to order, vontion of the Ago! rr THE ONTARIO VASHING MACHINE Warranted to h 60 Sheets hirts in an yon sels or 60 'Will not injure the finest fabric, | Heavy Over-coat; or a 'Cambric {Handkerchief equally well," This Machine will not FULL 'WOOLEN GOODS in the Teast, 'and one-third less soap is required to be used Tien by any other process. A child 12 years of age can do the or- dinary Washing ofa family of Eight persons in two hours with the great- est ease, The Ontario has been in use in a great number of families in the ci.ies of Hamilton and Toronto for several months, and in every instance has 1 he Goatest Tabor: 'Saving In-| J The nly 8 one without a fault ever wh 2 9, 1869. ire t Written for the Ontario Observer, ... + The 01d Log Cottage, Mid smiling fields with vérdure clad, An old log cottage stands, ¢ «Whose walls were built before the axe Had cleared the forest lands. jit Tn sh there my heart is sad, " this little cot, ia There, lived a friend --a friend indeed, That ne'er will be forgot. . 'fir from home avid early friends, From whom [ had te part-- His friendship like a sunbeam fell, Upon my lonely Lears. That sunbeam's faded from my path, Yet the thought hits up the gloom; * He wears a never fading crown Inoue eternal home." There 8 silence round the cottage now, Where we so oft did meet-- The grags grows green aronnd the door Where once trod busy reet, The raindrops trickling through the foo, Will soon perform ah As tear ovis wear the body down When welling from the heart: It's now in sunshine, then in sl shade, We spend life's little span Till aid within the narrow That rest for weary man, GEORGE LEDINGHAM. Cannington, July 16th, 1869, proved iself to be fir superior to any machine Jin upe, | Call at the Manufactory, Sime: oe Street, Prince ! Albert, and read the Testimonials of those who | have pai chased and used the machine, 3 Take Jone *home with you, give it a fair trial and ifit does not do all that is claimed for | i, return it. BNER HURD, Jr. Prince Albert, 26th ay, 1869, 21 Prince aba ly, &s. [gals WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER ! | | | mi | | I AND DEALER IX 1 Gold nd Silver Watches, Jewelry, | Clocks, Fancy Goods, &e, LL of the newest styles and of the best { LA work , and at such prices as cannot | 1 p SCs, Watehes, Clocks, Jewelry, &c., repaired with | neat wid dispatch by a thoroughly trained workman, All work warranteds Charges moderate, MES DOI.1., LLATE MRS. DECKER 1 Pit nee Alb ert, June 23, 1869. $3 0.000 Reward ! a The subzeriber begs to inti- mate to the inhabitants of Prince Albert and Sitroun to si 5] y occupied here all the ot mood Mery man & Co's Dey € Lone ani all; give H The WM igh Cow His § yok both ha nd it's had to be WORK WARRANTED. H. G, TAIT, Prince Albert, Jnne 24, 1869, Artist. FARM FOR SALE. IN THE Township of Reach. He ma As tor th ALL oo, SALE the North-half of 1 #, in the 5th concession Reae he Eo a ug 100, acres, J3 cleared, the remainder well 'thn- bered. On the premises there' is a First Class Brick House With Stone Cellar, a good Frame Barn 45 by 46, Frame Stables: a tirifty Young Orchard, bear- ing, 2 good. I 'ells with Pumps, and a creck run- ning through the lot. The Property is well fenced, A Good Bargain will be given. Terms easy. For further particulars apply to the proprietar on the remises, S, BU #RHOLDEL, Reach, July 7, 1869. am 7-3m 'eniders WW anted. w rp. UE Board of Trustees for School Section No. Tu in the Township of Cartwright, will re- ve Tenders for the erection ofa Frame School House in said section, Tenders will be received up till noon of the 26th inst. For further particulars such as PlansgSpeci- ions, etc., apply. oa undersigned, i CHAS. LANNER, Sec'y Tras. for Board of Lot No. Ts, in the 2nd con. N.B. The Board do not pledge themselves Cartwright, July 7, 1809 27-td | fe Le ae i aa al PRINCE ALBERT AND MANCHESTER Bakeries PEAT ih ok BR, La SALE EADS ns every Uescri Fite class Confectionanes.: Toys in great 'variety For Spring wl Summer veg and Fruits red irees. his Tiberal furmih Bole i Gps. C. W: the a door nor tent o = CF SMLTIL, Proprietor, Lang! Jan'y 1, 1869, o CHAS. . BISCOCES. { about a league Germain bigh- -road Written for the Ontario Observer, On the death of George Carr and William | lreland, the sons respectively of ParmorCarr | and Jerre Ireland, resnlents of the Village of Sonyw, Reach--eaused by drowning on the 30th June, 1869, = Aged respectively nine and six. It was in eighteen RYT And 10wards the last of June, When Will and George, two mirthial boys, Went down, one afternoon, Tue Nonguon Creek to take a suil, As they wera wont io do, But this alas | was once 100, oft, For it fared hard with the two, For scarcely had they left the shore On board that teacherous bark When upping o'er it leaves its charge Beneath the waters dark. No eye but God's beheld the boys, No ear could hear their. moan, Tue darling boys must meet their fate Unaided and alone, The parents of the tender boys As yet knew not their late, But anxious at their absence The geutle loving mother. Oreos go a ot a, Retused all consolation J Tull they their darungs find. | | | ~ No lounger could they wait, | | Some still believed and hoped That atl might yet be night, That they were rambling round And would return by night. But who can paint the anguish Which filled the father's mind Tn turning up the litle boat His Georgie's hat to find. somewhere Alas! the dread reality Appears beyond all doubt, And instantly the anxious {riends Began to vewrch about, The search was not a tedious one, The bodies soon were found, Beneath that datk and solien stream, The one erect the other on the ground. Obaerve how mirth and johty Were blighted in the bloom, Grim death among us made its stride, 0! yes it came too soon. Let this a warting be to all, Our watch towers to ascend 5 Look forward to that fatal hour When oui short days will end. Yes! Willin's seat is empty now, Behold yon vacant chair In which our Georgie used to sit With frequent swiling air, Yet scripture leads us to believe With Jesus they'ie at rest, He kuows us all and sees our need, Aud does what He thinks best. There stands 1wo vacant seate--and where ? In Sonya Village School. The boys have missed their schoolmates And their classes are no longer full, 0! comrades halt and think of ue When full of glee you go Upon the brink of danger ; Halt! do not farther go. Tighe be ta God the victory's ours, If we but truet in Him, A ithe life 'and happy death ill bring vs 10 ovr King: Dear parents, brothers; sisters, hiende- i You all with us may dwell, i Who walk in paths of Fgh, And shun the road to hell A SYMPATHIZER. -------------- I -- een. The Phantom-Horse. The story 18 still current in the neighbor- hood of the spot A which the Chateau Beauvoisin ance » ugh the aflair happened as long ago oto 780 The Chateau Beau oisn was situated quarter, or nearly four a hia from the St. that time, the house was "kept in' efcéllent repair, was miles, from Paris, always used as a: residenee all the year round, saving for a month or two in' the summer and autumn time ; and ils exten- sive gardens and grounds were laid ont with Smgtoeytionshie! tuste, 0d kept in '| first-rate order. ' The Marchioness de Beso in, though still young, handsome, and riah, had been tree years & widow, and was much given to romunie habits~ solitary wanderings and musings about: Her estate} long evening vigild at her boudeir-window, and "other similar demonstrations: . "As il hap) it was the marchioness hersell who beheld | ( the appantion in the first instance. It was a beautiful eveuing 1h 'that Plea sant time of the year when sprifig is fast merging into s¥famer jthe moon shining,and 'the marshioness wis at her 'window,survey- | 1g with pensive pleasure the long heavy be | the reute lay down the haunted avenue,unless | to him some measure of a hazy effervescent 7 snd: dignity to her vered over and enthei and mist. veloc: rural region. Away, and away, and away --all uf the lane, she coald perceive a large' animal rushing with fearfol speed ; and yet, though she was certain her ey sight did not deceive her, sha could' do hear the faintest sound. Raising her eye- object of her ge black horse. arm was rider ! --dnd though the ground was h and dey, and the night quite still, not the slightest sound or eclio could she catch of its hoof-falls. Tha marchioness cried oot ih terror, and her maid, on comingo her side, (and her 10 be 1 a etate of violent ne: vous agitation. The handsome young widow was indead in an' ecsidey of wonder and aflnght. She | despatched Antonie, the woodman, and the | rest of her male servants, mn all directions, 10 make enquiries us to what accident had happened to acconnt for the horse being ween running away, saddled and bridled, but rideriges. The people went forth-- worth, south, east, and west; bot without result, No one had heard of any incidout many quarter, and no one liad seen the horse without the rider, It wus late in the evening, indeed, and the conntry- people were mostly 10 Aheir houses preparing ior bed ; and as for passing travellers, very few trave: led the highways at night in those ames; sive 10 numerous parties. In fine, avery one believed that the marchioness must have fallen asleep at lier window, and dreamed all this of the horse without a rider. 'Ine marchioness, however, had not been asleep, nor had she been dreaming, She crossed herself with a pious stirog, and half feared she had beheld the Evil One in he torm ul a black horse. For a' day or. two, the marchioness's ¢dreum' was the joke of the men aud maids, both the indoor and outdoor menials of her ladyship ; but very soon her stiange narra- ton received ¢ coufirmation strong.' An- tone, the woodman or keeper-- Antoute himself, thie most billarious of the sceptics, was the next who beheld the appatation. Only a few days later, he was coming down the avenue or lane towards the chateat at a late hour in the evening, wheu he beheld the large black horse approac hing him at a terrific pace. Its long wild mane was toss- tug and flying in the air, and "Adtenie fan- ced its eyes shone with a supernatural fire, on 1s back, but no rider ! And' what was | U mote strange, more darkly suspicious than | | ail, the horse sped along the hard read in a | mysteriously silent manner ; its hools, 10 | tact, not making mora nose than those of a | goat, Surely, "after all, the marchioness | had not been dreaming. "They who, had discredited her had been the fools. The honest wopdmanwas stricken with | superstitions terior at the phenomenon. | | Though aimost frightened ont of his' wits, he ull fooked wer the flying Horse, ex- | peeling every minute (0 see the earth opon, | [and the creature Jeap into its stable Wg | Hades, amidst fire and smoke. But the | | ereature went straight on up the avenue, | neither tormpg to the nght nor to the leit ; | neittier rising to the air, nor descending | | intu the bowels of the earth ; for Antonie | looked after, and watched it as long as he | 'could see even the waving ofits simple tail. After this thera was nothing talked of at the chateaus Beuuvoisn but the phantom- | horse 3 and while the excitement was «till | reigning 10 the minds of the (air mistress of | that household and her several retainers, | Antonie made aspecial journey. of nquiry {1.10 the matter, proceeding straight up the | village at the end of it, and calling upon a IH his acquaintance and gossips there. But | the whole aflair was quite new to them ; they had never seen ot heard anything about this horse 3 nor had any one heard of an | accident taking place,such as wou'd acgount for a horse being seen without a rider. As | for the said horse Tuning without makiug | any uoise, all Antonie's friends scraiched their heads again, and thought that rather too good not to be considered usa joke. Antonie had many a wrestling argument with them ou the subject jand as argument is rather dry work, many a cup of wine was drunk wine the subject was being discuss- ed, To the latter circumstance must be ascribed the fact, that Antonie did not set out upon lus return until the evening was somewhat, advanced, notwithstanding that he were dupused to make a circuit of sev- 'etal miles. The wine, while it had tempted fim to prolong his stay, nad alse imparted bravery. He broke away from his cronies with a laugh and a boast, and to all their taants and jokes about the haunted lane and the phantom-horse, declared that he should be only teo glad if he could meet the Evil One himself, for then, perhaps, his dark 'majesty would be kind enough to explain 'to him'the mystery of the whole aflair. So Antonie set out upon his homeward walk. © 1t was growing dark. but the stars were peeping forth, and it was the time of the new moon, and promised to be an even- ing at least light enough for one to walk home in comfort. The people were all re- tiring within their houses." As he passed along the s'magyling village street, mary | jalousiés wera closed, "tnd many candles lighted, Notwithstanding the wine, An- tonie soon, began to think that it was a dreary thing to be out lule by one's self, and to wish that the chateau were not so far away ; and us exorcisé and the 1nereasing cald qualified more and more the danutless mood in which he had set forth, he began 1g look forward with considerable ay rt to that part of his journey wher" shold have to strike into the ho he wherein the equine apparition had been be- held by both himself and hia mistress, vi a that brought him nearer to Tew more serious, till he! fis apo be said to be 1n a state ot far doom, dowanght trepidation. - masses of ancient foliage tant gave! beauty [and sounds, main, now all mis | the wind, the mzhing and murmuging of the sed by moonlight | air amidst the leaves, gain a new signifi- Suddenly whe was startled by | enuce in twilight hours, aud when heard by «| seeing someihing mowing with prodigious | eas prepared for alarms. yp a certain lane which. bine one side of the grounds of the oHatean, anit conducted from the Paris highway into the | the dreaded avenue, and he walked ou glass, sne saw, beyond Suestions that the of the There was a saddle on s a but hay sivod by il an Junie crossed himself many mes that |. WHOLE No. 593 The ma sawing of a ranch in Thus honest Antonie was in such a state by the time he found himself at the top of muttering his prayers alond and shatting his eyes every instant, for fear that thie next step: micht reveal something lorrible aight beforo nm. A dark, didmal-look- house, surrounded ou threo sides by an- cient Da mbre trees-- one of the coun'ry-seals d Foinvert famiy, but very litle used as a 1 ence lor many years past-- 4 side of the road, a hitle way down. nionie passed the gloomy mansion mpl dread, and was just beginning to'brewtheé™a little more freely ag he ¢leared the deep shades of ils euricunding trees, when suddenly he saw; before him some- thing advancing up the avenne with a wild swinging action, which he but top well re- membered. It ions' the phdntom-horse ! Antonie rushed aside, and stood quaking be- | neath the trees, Tne creature came on, | bounding, tearing, tossing ; eyes shining, mane and tail {lymg, br and stirrups sminging no rider on 118 back, no noise from its hoofs. It was gone, past and awa, ia an stant, Sick with terror, Antonie look ed after 11, expecting every moment to ba- { hold some terrific denouement ; but what was Lis 'astonishment when he saw it stop nghtan front of the oid house of the Count du Foiuvert, aud paw at the great wooden gate of the porte cochere, uttering al the same time a short impatient wéhah'! 1" And } what wheayalmost immediately, he belield | one Jeal of the gate opened from within, as | ilap obedience 19 the summons of the dia- bolical horse, wlich thereupon tossed its head and walked in, as prond and confi- {sem as a lord entering his own castle ! * The devil has taken apartments in the | Chateau Foinvert I exclaimed Antonie. *No wonder the family have not been able to live there all these years pust : this accounts for i. This is the secret of the unlucky old house I When Antonie reached home that night, he was in such a state as to awaken the lively sympathy of hs feilow-domestics, from. the coachman 15 the scallion j and when, after the adminisiratien of various stimulants, he related what he had seen, the whole household became suddenly op- pressed with the sense of surconnding mystery, and balieved unhesitatingly that the world was full of ghosis, spills, charac- ters, and emissanes of the Evil One. In tha morning, the marchioness heard the story from the lips of her own waiting- mae, and was immediately seized with an ARI PINVY, 9 hpow who, lived in the mg ol it all ; and, moreover, the marchioness Like a resolute yoanz widow, fully believed | that nothing in the world could preventer gelling 1a the bovem of it. Almost immediately alter breakfast sho orleied her carriage, and taking with her the coachman, a footman, and Antonie, was driven to the Chatean Foinvert. The gates wers opened by a groom, who, in answer 1o an auquiry as lo who was hiv- mg in tha hoo present, answered : ¢ No one 3 but Monsieur the Count stops at the place occasionally, and, as it happens, 1s here now? «Oh I" exclaimed the marchioness, <I was not aware Monsieur the Count dud our bortiood so much honor. Tell your ir | beg to epeak with him a moment ona sub which has given me much anxiety." The words wera hardly uttered, when a very elegantly dressed gentleman was observed emerging from one of the shaded walks beneath the ancient trees that surrounded the chateau, He was a person- agen of a distinguished and elegent presence, and apparantly about twenty-nine or thuty | years of age. His face was handsome ; but in its alte ay sunken cheeks and peculiar pa'lor, exnitited the ravages of a hte of dis- sipation. Seeing a earnage with atiend- ants, and a very charming lady in it at his | porte cocheto, he hastened forward. ¢ There is Morsieur lo Comte,' said the groom 3 and then torning to nis master, he exclaimed --tha > name having been com- municaled to him by the footman--¢ Mad- ame la Marquise de Beauvoigin desues to speak with mousieur." ¢ Yes, mousjeur," said the lively mar- shioness, inclining her head as the count bowed low before her. ¢ I bave cone exs pressly to ask some impertinent' questions." ¢ [ shall be only two happy toanswer any questions madame may dome the honor to usk," said the connl, politely opening the door of the carnage, and hacding the mary shioness out. ¢ Pray, step into my poor house, lt ls not well appointed, for we sel- «lom come here now-a-days ; bur, al any- rate, veo may find a chair foi you to git upon.' They passed into the house, and entering one of the rooms opening from the entrance- hall, the count placed a chair for the Mar- shionette by the window,and placig one for himself exactly Jjieatie, sat down and _pre~ pared himself to hear what she had to say, with a gravity which in 0 shght measure discom posed the marshioness, who all the time was fully conscious that ber v si was solely miompted by curiosity, aud indeed was rather fearful that some of the ques- tions she intended to ask might oe of a somewhat hazardous sort, = © «Jam exceedingly anxions fo ov, monsier,' she Seip eheads $ whe, o was that was thrown ie iorse last night." ma ¢ Thrown from his borse, madam How" --when--where 7" asl ed the count ib sur- prise. ¢ Well! that 1s what I'am' some to tatu said the marshion Jt was a large blach hoise the gectleman had been riding, and the accident bappened somewhere - this immediate neighborhoerl.? © ft is the first [ bare heed of 2 sid the edb, looking at his fair visitor peculiar ini, which might have i grave surprise, x on the subject ; bo shortcoming when | ms oi 'When one's nerves becomes ex- , tit astonishi Ww much may be Ad 10 allright in the commouest sights I sl re Tit iF ¢ tin am ex 0 Sel. w afford a 'inforfiation ar Tn Eh age YAR i Sh EE rn HE Re AA be om EET RE Et a

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