§ { .. BAIRD & PARSONS, RRR «fic arr zai prt ly, Noadvgitisement will be taken Suan. Aoi =x an dour whol. Ad "pf heagte J Taupe od 1s GULL - ANS URE iL SA 2 RS AE AY nt 5B "ALBERT. COUNTY OF ONTARIO, C. . THURSDAY. AUGUST 26, Hitavia wed tedd dysitg at Bi Daher Saas bug Wa FAMILY NEWSPAPER, WEL 9 ee pop ED Kidd ve VIOTORIN BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, YE STegtinty dE ONTARIO © "Hy BY. BOI og i+ BY: AURA : S160 ler nim i5 fia within ix gnonths iif not naid within that time, $2.00. Nousube riptionkak en Cor, less Ui six monilis ; aid 10 paper ot IIe WAL A Tas eanr ah ont! ar DEY lefmtslcomnining camoyy whan addressed 10 hig Qffica. pre-paid and fegistered. will he at aur risk 'RA TES 0 ADVERTISING, Tuctons, will be niserted until forhid, am bat uh] divers! Bgoqum lowed to Merchants and others who advertiseby | he year or half-year, "EP Rest erms will, in all case 'he sivicily ad benny rita The panflantly innfeas infitgol renderst -rgeashiy Fvoradvoenting ing epi ul will constantly take the | line HEIEANbT Tita rast of thw conmiy nnd in the aonoum nag laculpaper published in Ca, 1 wa i Ht JOB DEPARTMENT. " ) Desi, HUASO AY: MORNING "Cigaatund Jeunralne ws given, will be ansurpnssed by | | | J. D. Gottingh SER pe IST, m, dag ina dup ERE. a. Ul PLiTi6kty ARIE] MAL BOREL TA, OW. y "tracted without' pain, at-his 'office, WHIT DF tiny if leSiep | 54 C 'connected with his profession with neatness and dispatch. Call and 'éxamine his specimens. sets--Uheap, and warranted, UNDERSTAN, prederves fhe: health. Wirhont tects in good Jody, and consequently there, canuot be good health, 4 If yon hive decayed tetth, gét $hem filled, 1f you have any outjget them replaced by new ones. Prices low, iy all work warranted, If the work is" not satisfactorily done, the money will be refunded; #37 dhotiAThe, 'frst insertion . '. Ll ggpg| Office hours from 8a m. to 5p, m., A P(e tions, perline /v i. pg Jan. 13, 1867. --~ @ards; 'under 8 lines, per anmum - , 500 : Ndvartisemoltd desiafod Nonlpicedl iid Bharged Kun ranee. &pcor: tothe spacethey ocgupy. o- » J phi sek morons Ady Mgutsreceived (or publication. witho apres THE ONTARIO FARMERS? Mutual Insurance Company "Ts Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, conntry' School Houses and Churelies. . Those wishing te insure and thereby support a Home Insnrance Company have now An opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the loeal Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as owas those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Company in Canada. 2 . Head Office~The ald Registry Office. Build- By a New Process, Teeth on be Ex. J.D. C. is prepared tor exvoute all operations Single: Pecth. insertel--piirts.of sets, or whole | VD.-- Attention to {lic Teoth | orderit is impossible to masticate food for the acres can sw « PORT . PERRY. , has Gtted up in a style in keeping wit rapidly ineFeasing busivess and prosperty Village and neighborhood, and wit publie. + | i Bie Mention paid to the Table and {tie Bar. Comf table Stables and atte ve Hostlers. public patronage. { HENRY FOY. Port Perry, June 16, 186 bi vances of money on the security of ImprovedF arms Village Property, gages. of wild lands for sale cheap, APPLY To DAVID J. ADAMS, Real ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AGENT VaLuaror, &e., Prince ALBERT. or 10 JOHN ADAMS, 'orouto Street, ToxoxTo. Prince Albert July 15 58. A MILLION (AND A QUARTER Money to Loan. ------ TE Subscriber has received instructions A from a gentleman who has a large amount of money invested in English securities, to in- vest the same for him, in this and adjoining Counties, on good Farm Property, or Deben- tires, I still continue to represent three of the largest Monetary Institutions in the Doniinion, that lend money on the most advantageous terms, C3 Also a large number of well cnltivated Farms, and any quantity of Wild Lands, for sale cheap. For further particulars, apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, Commis- sioner, Notary Public, &¢ y &c. OFFICF--Second Floor, McMillian's Block Brock Street, Whitby, Sept. 2, 1868. 34-11 N.B.--T'am also prepared to invest in all Kinds of Debentures, Greenbacks bought and sold ; also a large quantity o Iver for sale, 1 AS. HOLDEN. MONEY, (PRIVATE FUNDSs,) To loan on good Parms, at 8 per cent LYMAN ENGLISH, Bayrister, &e., Oshawa. Novemher 21, 1866. 46 Wloney to Lend! IN SUMS OF B300 and Upwards Ata low rate of Interesl. FAREWELL & McGEE, Solicitors, &c. 45-2m eres O:hawa, Nov. 14, 1866. y Nata AE Py i ings, Brock Street, Whithy, Por Hover Tobe gimme L. FAIRBANKS, Jr. sinesk Cards. Ball Cards, ke | & 2%7-1y Seeretary very sig le Abeatnr, ex wed hrampers, and at la tdi in LLY TALS) wn atmny other asi pirsivment in this el "Iria bm dryBie senting som pis WESTERN ASSURANCE COMe'Y can havethew done totuke home withth oF TORONTO. OO. 'W INCORPORATED ., even IB EL i Capital £100,000 | TTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor in 'Chan-| CAPItAl = «#400, 1ceryy, Prince. Albert. Office over T. C. , Forman's Store, President ... OHN MeMURRICH LL DC | VieeaPresiden C. MAGRA TH, Faq Sint JOHN BILLINGS, Secretary... RIL, Esq. JRARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor GENERAL Gls in Ghancery, Notary Public, Conyeyancer, o nAsNh «cy, Prince Albert. Office opposite T. ©. For. " man's" Store. oF Rie «COCHRANE & COCHRANE, ARRISTERa, Attomeys, &e. Prince } A) Albert office~opnosite the Town Hall; Port Percy office--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. FAREWELL & McGEE, J ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Cons : . i Fo B veyancers and Notaries Publis, Oshaw; 7 Licensed Aucti oneer. ~Office, one duor North of the Post Office; anc em Jy me dunt office Mr. Feeter's Block, oppo- an Subscriber, holding a Tirence for the A site Town all. Sirion woh ion ww Fahl of ' VE 'apr ) sity cg ate ers ) RB. PAREWELL, LN, I moms» a others, requiring his services, that whatever oe 7 . siness is entristed to his care, will he prompt- A dy R. J: WILSON, Soliant Ly and carefully attended to. Charges moderate. ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, § olicitor Terms, Days of Sale, &¢., &e, arranged at the Din Chagery, &c. _ Office in the Victoria | Observer Office, Prince Albert. 'Building, Brock-st., Whithy. E. MAIOR. TN oe a ar ------------ Borelia, March, 27th, 186 LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B,, Phatliinach Ph MSeY rove hy QLICIPOR in Changery. Attorney, THOS, H. WALSHE. A prssem Senos. Olleer-Simede | I [OENSKI Anarioneos To oe Ton ASHEhorpuate he postofios, en... ive of irek, Ti R083! LAUDER, MULOCK ds SMITH, | y;. Hp 2 ARRISTERS and Attorneys, Solicitors in 1 this Chancery, and Insol cy, &e. Office-- punctoally attende sollectedin Can- ¢Mitlin's Block, 'Broek iStrect, adjoining Mr. nington, or otherwise, and prompt remittances J. Holden's | office, Whitby, made. Remember. FALSE, the North On- "y Hom J. Ross, Q.C. | W. Mulock. tario Auctionee ol AW, Lander. @G. Y. Smith. op Bi ars 13 5 io daa ol. shai JOHN HOCKRIDGE, 4 NORMAN F. PATERSON, ETERINARY SURGEON, and General (Late of Miller & Patersin, nronje ) Horse Doctor, Bpsom. Can be cc * TTORNEY-at-Law, Solicitor, in Chancery, | 1} hours--charges moderate. Colts ( anger, &c., Beaverton. Mii op the most approved ang safest he building occupied by Dr. Wilson, Simcoe-gt. very reasonable charges. N. B prirpose be- mera 39 Farsi ref ~ | ing at Armstrong's Hotel, Uy pon Friday /OAMERON & MACDONELL, of e week during the sun; | JRARRISTERS and Attorneys ar Law, April 14, 1869. 15-1y LL) Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: : - Court House. is M. C. CAMERON. | H. J. MACDONELL. ul. P. JAMES" LAMON, L.|tGcntre Hotel, Street [Ph Taner Tous. EE, A WN weg a pT FRANCIS pam. o. B, , &ec., &e. Office and | Pm GE « Greenbank. C J ol, : TTORNEY t Law Solicitor in Chancery, A Comrade En Khridg a i Drs. Bra thw ile «* PRINC ie hysicians, Surgeons, and pin dco. Dewtisten, Yr a 1. SD \ ye I ashi ALS Fite Altcomo nun gy with the utmost skill and care, warranted Y ES defy 3 Dries. i tion. TEN = Also dealer in all kinds o Jewelry, Fancy |. . poi {1 Sins oF: Te pvr L--T1I.P. Griggs, Pat Mope ; Rev. eT Wii Tos. 4h Y, 0) T, ., UXDr] a, ia, . BUhAl Dee, 17/4658. or) yx bffice entrance Simeor street, third door morth pf the Ontario Bank, : ' ' ent, &c., 3 Al - rs pL otel; Main e. (Office over Armstrong's Jxbpidge. . ORT PERRY, | 2 : Ji Jones, i. DR, WARE, Jos the Coupt of Ontario, pond econ Baldwin, RT, A ouchenrs, --F x "Drs. MoGILL & RAE, #3 SB OLVER, NM, D.,, ' Actoucheur, VICTORIA UNIVERSITY, BL areons abl Au y { bo faction or, no apt d pi Ty So-1y li 1 ON. VARS, 4 1 [DRACTICAL Doni, Oshawa, C, W. «Dental Rooms directly opposite the posi constantly supplied with first clase' Liqubrs and | Cigars, and yrider fh personal care of the pro- Prictor who will nce nd comfort of his' guests, ~N » od re Marriage SAINTFIELD, « CAMPEBE «Proprietor. HOUSE," MANCHESTER ! NER. + PROPRIETOR. nirel the above hotel, and has | the Bar with the choicest liqfiors anil cigar Livery attention paid to gnests-- Stages to nnd from Whitby call daily. @apeful ostlers always in altendancg, ol ei:8 Jewett's Hotel, KENT-STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler nlways infattendance, Free Omnibus: to and from the Cars and Boats. DAFOE HOUSE oniobivs ta WF AIG Aico +h (Hh acéonimodations. Daren) ifentioy h to ti Vi 81s. "The Dar suiuoied wich ins Sher vesecs and gues cigars oo stabling, 100 sD EUS DAF OR, Pry 'MACKI¥'S HOTEL ! : . s ' (LATE BRODIE'S,) 0 1 Waton, Street' Port Hope. ] Wa, MACKIE, Proprietor, ROYAL OAK HOTEL 4 'MILES "SOUTH oR MANILLA. 'st wines, liquors and HIS hotel has been comple vated | and fitted up in good gr aos repovat is tog FL SMITH Proprietor. T= subscriber Sigs ebotnedl to' Reach MANCHESTER fhe paso ; t hi o bis utmost for the counveni- ha is gi a red to hig nothing will be Jlcft undone by him--in wuy of Dostness of fit, moderation in charges, an u Ka "The Latest Styles received promptly r> and regularly. ¥. 9 promp Fol JAMES § Te x Manchester, Oct 18, 1866. £0) all MONEY! MONEY! THE Subscriber bas received instructions from several private capitalists to invest a LARGE SUM OF FIONEY Royal Canadian Hotel, HE Subscriben laving lensed to bove Hotel, the! direct re- 44 ference to the comfort and 'convenience 'of the! WATCH MAKER Neither labor nor expense will be spared in making the 'Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of _ eteney to Boaw. ue Subscribers are prepared to make ad- In this and adjoining Counties at low rates of interests, Also waated to purchase good Mort- Z&" A number of good Farms, and 2000 acre TT a £ £3 : Sa re ro AND JEWELER | 2a h : Fm. Wd aT : PIF Pers Fey Gory wiintig eo workmanship, and at 'such prices as cannot to secure purchasers. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &e., repaifed with workman, All work warranted. Oharges moderate. MES; DOT.T., [LATE MRS. DECKER.}. The Geatest Labor Saving In vention of the Age! THE ONTARIO FSG ing The only one without a fault ever in- vented, Warranted to wash 60 Sheets or 60 Shirts in an hour. . : Will-not injure the finest fabri, Will wash a Rag Carpet, Bed Quilt or Heavy Over-coat; or 8 Cagmbric Handkerchief equally well, This Machine will not FULL WOOLEN GOODS in the least, and one-third less soap is required to be gsed than by any other process. A child 12 years of age can do the or- dinary Washing of a family of Eight persons in two hours with the great. est ease, The Ontario has been in nse in a great nomber of families in the ci ies of Hamilton and Toronto for several months, and in every instance has proved itself to, be far superior to any machin in use, . Call at the Mannfactpry, Simeae Street, Prince Albert, and read the Testimonials of those who have pu. chased andgused the machine, 75" Take one home with you, give it a fair trial and if it does, not do all that is claimed for t. it, return i APNER HURD, Jp. Prince Albert, 26th May, 1961). 2 1 fe 5 . $50,000 Reward! ! | The subspriber begs to inti- mate to the ighabitanis of Prince Albert and surrannd- ing country that he has fitted up and opened the gallery he formerly pceupied. by Mr, oN oR Bruce, where all those who (3 3) 3 \ wish to get good Photo- W'S RE gropns or Ambrotypes, will Yh nil it to their advantags to give him a call. He is now § prepared to exeeute all or- ders with neatness and dis- 2 he patch. H The Gallery is situated over the rear of Messrs. WM Wightman & Co's Dry Geods Store, Come one come all, give H Tait a eall, His pictures are both large and small He makes them lpok both handsome and neat-- As for the work it's had to beat. ALL WORK WARRANTED. H.C, TAIT, Prince Albert, June 24, 1869, Artist. PRINCE ALBERT AND MANCHESTER 3 1 Bakeries! RE the places to buy your BREAD, +A FLOUR. OAT MEAL. CORN MEAL. SMALL BREADS of every description. First cluss Confectionaries, oN » hd ag i Real Estate Security At Low Rates of Interest, No Commission charged, : Also nncurrent money bought and Silver sold. Apply to , 3 JAMES LAMON, ; Sogrcitior, &c. Office over Armstrong's Hatel, Main Street, Uxbridge. Uxbridge, June 9,{1869. 3 ABNER RURD, Jr, REAL ESTATE, AND INSURANCE 0 AGENT, PRINCE ALBERT. FFE over T. C. Forman's Store. 12-tf has got himself comfortably located at the thriving Village of . Where he intends carrying on the (G-Tailoring Business 4 ' 2 to orders--to obtain and Secure a arge share of public patronage. y * Transacts business with the Patent Office and other departments of 'the Government. ,, |tights and the Registration, of Trade Marks and I Ti Sot, Specifications, Toys in great variety For Spring and Semmer nse 3 aud Prune in their reason, Wedding Cakes made to order, He '1s also prepared to fornish Soirees. Tea Meetings, &c., on liberal terms. CHAS. HISCOCKS. Feb. 13, 1869. LAND! LAND. WILD AND CLEARED, ---- SEVERAL THOUSAND ACRES! OF ehojae wild land for sale in the Counties of Petaruoro, Victoria, Bruce and Simcoe, ie Apyly to v . JAMES LAMON, Main street, Uxbridge. Prince Abert Walsh, Clk, Jewelry, ke. Feblishment A of the newest styles and of the bes? ail neatness and dispatth by a thoroughly traived Prince Albert, Jun®'73, 1869. 25 ald QEVERAL good Cleared Farms for sale on [-- friends. We p S casy terms. Al, pi . The Double, Hotise. , TLEMAN." - (Continued) called likew se. vey, were delighted with' Mra when the fathers of families ane after, an- other paid they respeots 10 the Dogtor, they him a pleasant, good-hearted, gentlemanly fellow, but wonderen that he never 1iro- duced them to his wile. Two dinner-parties were made for the newcomers, aud the invitations accepted ; tut ere the first, Mrs. Meichiston was * 'hghtly indisposed 3° and 'at the second Dr. Merghiston waa ¢ vnavaidahly abeent came alone j neverthieless, the impression they severally left behind was that of * ex- ceedingly, nice people.' At this time 1 did not go out much ; and rome weeks after, your .mother, children, wap born. She cost me w long ilineas, al- most my life ; but she trove well, and at last | recovercd, Mrs, Merchision was awong my first visitors, * 1 wae glad to sen her, 46r she had been very kind, Many a basket of finit and flowers had come from the Double House to ours. [thanked her so warmly as I felt. ¢ And vour husband 100~ 1 do believe he haa shot halt the partiidges in the country for my benefit--1 have had wo many ; be- tides, it wna he who rode twelve miles to feteh James that night they thought me dying.' ¢ Wan jr 27 ¢ Did you not know 2 Then do tell him; Mra. Merchiston, how much I thank him for his goodness-- for the comfort, the help he wae to my poor James ! Ah, he could understand what a husband feels when his wife his dying I' Mra. Marchiston stooped over tha new cradle with the little one asleep. She did not fpeak a word, ¢ But you will tell him,' puraved 1, ear- nest in my gratitude. ¢ What an excellent man he must be !" ¢ He in, she anawered,in a tone evident- ly:steadied carefully down, even to cold- peas. "It is plwayg a pleasure to pa tq do a kindness to any ane." Muy I look at the baby ?' She walked np and down the parlor,lull- ing it on her arms. It nestled its wee face into her bosom, ¢ No, lam not your mother, little ope. Ah, no I' She gave the child back to me and turned away. [er eyes were full of tears. Then taking a chair by me, and eofily ftioking baby's fingers, ale said, «Chil. dren, | believe' are a great responsibility and a heavy care ; but T think jt ia a sadder thing gull, never lo have had a child. There gan be no love, no happiness, like a mother's ; it often atones for the "lass of all other lave--al! other happiness." ¢ Da you think so 7' # Yes, at times. Because motherhood must forever take away the selfishness of | ariel. How could a woman feel selfish or deselate--~how conld rhe indeed know any personal grief at ail, «f she had a child 7? You are speaking less axa wife would feel than a widow. ~~ And you and I, Mrs. Merchiston, call not, daie not, talk as widows." ' ¢ Gad forbid I' she said, with a shiver. I took an early opportunity of sending baby away, and converding of every-day things. [| have great pity for a childless wile, unless, as rarely happens in this world her mariage is eo suprethely happy that the brimming re leaves not" anothey drop to be desired, et even then ila sweetness isapt to eloy, 'or become nu sort of duul egotiem, which feels no Joye, sympithiz x with no sorrow, and «hres no joy, that is not strictly its own. Forgetting, perhaps that pe«fect wedded union is not meant for the satisfaction of the twa only, bat als that, from their oneness of bliss, they may radiate a wide hight of goadness and biess- edness out upon the world, ok I rather wondered, knowing frem "report and, from my own experiejce what good people the Merchistons were, that they di not both try more ta live this life, whieh would certainly have made them happier than she, at least, appeared. Yet,as Leaid, I pitied her. No one can eee the skeleton in the. neighbor's hones, or the worm in his (riend's heart ; vet we know, as onr experi- ance of the lite, grows wider, that both just ascuredlv be there, had Mrs. Merchiston and 1 had a very pleas- ant chat; . tns baby had opened oir hearts. We were growing better than acquaintances lanned social evenings for the engping winter, in which, when he came in, Mr. Riners cordially joined; f ¢ Angl 1 hope we shall see tha Doctor too, Madame," continued he, breaking out into impres«iveness, and diccarding laconiojam, ¢ there isn't n man alive I respect, more than your husband." She colored vigidly, bat merely observed, rer prong a lle) ; N, B:.The above lands will be excl; d for Ro; al Canna Hark Stock. ange th ridge, June 9, 1863. 1 PATENT. SOLICITOR AND, DR{UGHTSMAN, OTTAWA, CANADA, Copy. to Pa- af ry License s (BY, AUTHORITY), af Poxt Perry' 1, Qfiga the Scugoa Marriage. Licenses ! Jan, = USE. id i 00 gENRY CHARLES. 23 1867. * Jan'y 1, 1869, i Model of the Invention. '. . on receipt of 'the | REFERENCES. Tr 23 "| she drew back within, turqed, bowed in reply, but did not stop. him," criad Jathes, and was off, glance at Mrs. Merchiston. alarmed. "| counfenand her back + You are right--1I thank you. WX We Ro all standing at our door, she being just about to take leave. Sudden] { At that momerit there passed closv by--ro 'close tht he 1860. i 1868. mist buve logobed, Ing wife's oor, him through il. HENRY GRI ST i lo looked Jin, distinctly saw us all, and (be seat me away." : A «| we him. ¢ Doctor--Dagior I" cried my hosband. In oromsing' the street, Dr. Merbhiston | ' 4 Excpee me, 1 had somethiiig td kay to Bat when I looked at her I 1 n er limbs were tottei her. 6 pale as teath. T half carried fo'the parlor, and made hér Ifa! © 7 Tesned Bah £0 Tw s Au; C ball, Postma Auli: ' ol Sam ey Masog. [3 i Nowe the "Domini don | Fsq: Mohager Onjarin Bank ; ng, ees Depa Work, Province ie" Gongs | down : but' all "thy efiicte oul searoely| b Keep her from fainting. * © AY length "she said foebly, sili 0 iseysa. | Onge--it was in the fire week tobe BY THE AUTHOR OF "JOHN HALIFAX, orN- Tin Some Weekn paseed ; sha returded my visit, snd, of eonrae, | paid! a seconds ¥ Several of our village wives and. mothers | kndWwh whi I huve.d Merehiiton,| bot no one ever «aw her Huxband. ) Ami likewise returned well plone, pronoonceil on business." So that to both dinners either Leive met [ wonubyou L= byt gre you sure '1¢ But how ?" 1 said aloud. (=that, if | desired it, he would leave me ah ou rarelf, -- with #2 HOU was «¢ Xoa,my, awn husband, my. deat husband who loved me.when he married me. Go NETS ITS CHE) SRP my dear lady, shag) I 1811 3 secret -- w fo' 0'w00f10 cry.' There now, 1 Wil ou hog hornble, Thadt*y8uh ys, fori, pret: teddy quenchad, denied and iisbelieved. was greatly shocked aud, as was natural, 1 took the w man's side of the question, ¢ I thought him so good and you so happy! What deceivers men ire.' "You are mistaken, Hire. Rivers, in one man, at least," she returned, with dignity § * your husband spoke truly when he sand there. wus no man hving more worthy of respect than Dr. Merchision,? ¢ He has nat lost yours, then 7' "Ie: no points? "And you love him still 7? bdo; God pity me--1do)? She sobbed as If her heart were breaking. There was then bot one conclusion to be drawn only--one reason for a man's thus mercilessly putting away his wile--some erraron her part either known or imagined by him. But no; when | looked down np- on her gentle, innocent, childlike face, 1 rejected the doubt as impossible. Nor had I detected .in her any . of those faults of temper. or character, the © gontinual dropping that weareth away the stone," whieh, if divorce be ever justifiable for any thing short ot erime, would have justified it in'some marriages | have seen. * Doen anybody know? Not that I mind, but it might harm him. Mra, Rivers, do you think anybody at Apedale knows 7 ¢ Alaa, ina village like this, there can be no euch thing as a secret.' She wrung har handst ¢ | thaught so--1 feared so. But. he came to liye in the country because the doctors said London air was killing me, I wish i} had killed me-- oh, 1 wigh it had |? i I have ween the look of despair m many a wronged, miserable wife's eyes, bat | never "aw it ko mournlully plaiq. as in those of poor Barbrra Merchiston. 1 took her to my arms, 'though she was older than I, and asked herio let me comfort her apd be her friend, if slie had no other, ¢ Not one=not one. But"? --and she start- ed back with a sudden fear--¢ you will not be my frierd by becoming an enemy to my husbund," fat ¢ I have no such intention, 1 condemn him pot ; ta bis owr, Master let lim stand or fall,' Probably this was harshly spoken, for she took" my hand, saying imploringly, '* Pray do fot misjudge entherhivg or 'mé. 1 was very wrong in betraying: any ahing But my life is v0 lonely, '| am not strong ; and this shock was too much for me. How ill he looked --how gray he has grown! "Oh Evan; my poor hasbund !* Fo ree her weeping there, without the nlighlest anger or wounded pride, roused both feelings in rae. I determined to. fa- thom this mysterious, affair ; and, braying God hat fid Bon ld not It was always the same uve Wmuigoml +: Oh med whilduve-d been "tory : they had heen received with 'confi | "Nevermind what you have been mnying, And cried heartily. : Hafemed very her 'washes ; Create 10 Five unierine aime of as bat linsband and hud notte haveineen him lot two whole years. Here was expiamed the mystery ial the | tence, hoje, and trugl in Gedy 1 double hoysa-- here was confirmation entire of those few struggling reports' which, when I ennght them flying abroad; 1 hid ute 1 Te d AVY oS oY i hy a in." He held me ho, oar or Shy en from We huve névér met ging? "7 + Xiich Was Tier Mery. which the move x dived into it, became the most j row hensible, "Neo condemnatorye tidence con ba font again the bvabwid 3 an ull thi ne Mra. Mer iston's comune stuched,"' whipd. She said it olien reemed as if visible Wally sere: kept over her, to pro, ide ngunst her Isard doy I could SLL the poor wife to a ¢ She left me a hnlé vamfoned. | ddked her, would she not stay? wan she not afraid olneahug im in the sireevlsy, . , 1, + Oh no I" she sighed,' he seemed 10 know miuyely my goings out and my: comi mw. 1 Méver see him, never, nor even y change. | cannot guess how it 3nppatied to day." * How ill he [doked? 'she udied fo curring ngain to what seemed uppermost 1n herithqughia. + Mia. Rivers, will you en- treat your husband. to watch over me be friends with hin--10 (uke care of him Promise mé you will. bi I promised her poor tender thing't 'and | inwardly Metermined to watch him m with a closer eye than that of my. simples hearted husband, 10 whom, of course, 1 told, the 'whold matter, He, like me, was now fairly bewildered. ' Peggy," ie aaid, « hadf't' you better let the thing alone 9 ¢ Let it alone I' T cried ; ¢ such erdel sorrow, such a fragrant wrong--neyer I' 'Well,' kissing me, ¢ perhaps you eres right, Peg, my dear, Happy folk ought tg, help the iniserable.' (7 be continued.) Si ll gp BR TLL Suppose a wan owna a skiff; he fas! the ekiff 10 the shore with a rope. mage, of straw ; along comes a cow ; cow gets into, the boat; tars tobnd add 4eals the ro) 3 the skiff thus letw loose, with the cow' od" board, rts dowu the stream, and on ite! passage is upset, the cow ia drowned, Now, hag the man thet owns the cow got oper, 6 oat for'the bod, or the man that owns the goto pay for the cow 2:6 11 + 3 . Why is a dog bin his tail like a good. 8 economist? 4 ain makea both endy piping WAAC Bel LAT + OM. ani An old hatenglor ia a trayeller op life'y raifioad who has failed 10. maka, the propey. connections. . : eh lL 'Sambo, why amalat nigga down de hold ob de boat like a chicken iu de egg 1? 3 give 'em' up." Cause he couldn' \ out'if it wasu't for«de hatch.' tnd bide 15 1A ' Doesticks," desciibing a New Yi boarding house, says you can always' tel when they get a new' Kitehen' git), 'by th color or the hair 1h the tisewits Fite | re-- ¢ What (id the crossed tht Red Sea ?" asked a superintend ent of 'a% raBbathi school's Phey 'dried themselvent? sud a shir bvoiced: litle girk 1.1 rr --TITYITY iA A new issue of greenbacks Yu entire! different désign 10 those 116w in &ifeulatiol have been "decided wpon by*'Sectetal Boutwelt, on acenurt of the number of spun rious: tena now atloat. | All denomenstions from one 16 one thousand dollar notes will be compromised in thé "Hew issue. ? PI ------ eee vd Israelites do, after they the usual fate of those Who interfere between man and wile--namely, being tated by both 'parties--1to try and' wemedy it, if 1 coukd. ' diy i ¢ Tell me, my dear Mrs. Merchiston-- believe it is from no idle curiosity I ask-- how long has this state of things lasted 2° ¢ For five years.' i phe Five years I 1 was sfaggered. ¢ Eniire separation und estrangement lor five venrs | Anditar no cause Are yon sure --1Olx for here ws uo cause 20 itl: a ; : ¢ 1 declare before Heayen--npone!, He has never blamed me in word or deed,? s Nor given you 18ason to blame lim r "wid 1 with a sharp glance) stil strongly felting 10 the zhite of my own sey. "Md--blame ti? blame my hokband 2 «lie answered, wit a look of fialf-reproanh- faldyondes.,. ¢ 1 wid you he loved me." ¢ Biglove changes,' coutimned 1, very cautious, for it was hard 10 meet her lurg:: mnocent eysa, hike a guzefle's with you hand on iid throat, « Men dortime come '0 love other women than their own wives." - *-- 4 She flushed indignantly all over her face, ' You wrong him--yon wickedly wrong him. His hile his, aud always has been,as spotless as my own.' Well, thought I, I mve it up. Either she is extraordinanly deceived, and the hy- pocrisy of that mun 1s such as never was man's befure, or the problem, is. quite be- yond my eolving. . Yet one more attempt. ¢ Just a word, Tell me, Mra. Merghis- ton, how and when did'this sad enstrange- ment begm 7' ; = "WSix months afer our marriage. | We married for 'love ; wi 'were both alone 15 the world ; we were all in all1gone another. Gradually he grew melaycholy, 1 could not find ont why ; he said it would pads away in time. 'Then he had a fever="1 nursed When he recovered --he-- The brute! 1 thought. Just like a man ! ¢ What reaso) did he give ? What excuse could Tie ofler ¢ None. He only wrote tome, when away'on a short journey, that this separation must be--that it was abeolutely inevitable r-rolherise, eat ie ald Tal The Sais oor ut never, never eet." TERE n © ¢Ahd you never av# ret y by the merest chance. 'mid 'by, never lifiing Fee for Canadian atid Awe "| of Ice { Ta Aman huiied Wen, Bi Sith, waleht man at' Whitehall," Mieh., "while' in temrpofary insihity, réoently fouk a double barrelled shot gun and: walked out into the sireat and shot the first woe men he met, and thieateved to shoot ong or twa othe He was finally capiared "and lodge in Jur' One of ihe'mefi shot was killed out right and the other two badly wounded. John Sauniers, a country blacksmith near Aberdeen nul labored ong a d ba- coma wealthy, haviig the custom of all the tavern pound atiout. | Whe ie whs'on his death ped, hg ced hiv young and hands some wile Japgl, to bin. ¢ Janet woman,' hey 1 am not long for this wortd, | am Wentiig away very fist. Now cotieernin he" Bosiners, Janet) theie's Anidiew, 1 foremaag he knowkall.ubous the shop aud he customers all ike hun, You will jus let a decent time elapse, and them mak ap togdiner.? "CON my dear Jahn gad Junet, barsting into a flood of wars, ¢don'y loti that wouble you, Andiew, 1 have settled that alisady.? y : : A Missourian 1dormed a travelled whe riquired about is coun, that each stock nuiknine ears and was 15 (set high. *Thaile nothing to our corn, replied the traveller.-- 'Hp in llhnois, whee Icame fiom, always had nine cais to each stock, a peck of ghelled corn hangig to each 1] but we wonld never raise any field bear with it? «Why? ¢Becanse the corn grew so fast that it always pulled the beans up." 5 i - ' An Trishman's fiiend Laving fallen inta i slough, the Irishman called loudly to anothey for amsistance. : Tne Jatter, who was busily engaged. in cutting a log. and wished to procrastinate, inguired--¢ Howwdgep ia the gentleman 10 2" + Up 10 the anclés." "Then thers is plenty 8 time," énid the other.» +Ne « there ia not," rejoined the tiret ; «1 forgot te tell you he's in head frat." {tani In almost every fohtanos where a man marries a sensible woman, is ort. ia el with & severe dissappoiniment, jo marrying a fool, duew oH TET ---------- Ick. In March last, Kingston and Bellew ville an mer pa r Ho luiini >t As ths novel commerce, increases, ,| Jucteasen 14 leo 8; Bags Mir hi A van only be removed > in of L Shoshatee's A rout Sponfe : Hac Toc 1 / 9 - LI