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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 Sep 1869, p. 1

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| i i er ue oy \ § wanes Lasko 2p 10 PRES Sat "7 Dental Rooms diréctly of ter tl wed! bloods 5.0m amit aaw if dy nal seit Loneptiy wnt oilf 18g -- OL aud 3 awobi) £07 189K BHU Da "0b will yesom law 0 od aon da oud 8 oonlg § nos 53 willl a bia AM TRMHLH "NOT. XII, NG. 3.30. "4 PRINCE ALBERT.. COUNTY OF ONTARIO," C.W {Bt Hitmen ltterens rtm bie Lido vt J. D. Cottingham, |Royal Canadian Botel,| Tr ener fers hE Vo bag yee A WEEKLY, ki LI = bt "lianas ur wie TAL oh "Mes sk 10 IS.PUBLISHED AT THE © »' v i UMOEDRIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT, COUNT® oF bNTARYOY 6 -11/ EVERY THURSDAY MORNING WARY . ai hade BAIRD, & PARSONS, VIP RAS: 81.50 pee ann. F paid within six osub- wi ptiprinntake it for; lass) han six months ; and nopapet 15 Gd MUNN 1101 BIA WAH FA that tine. 82.00; + (Raat ivued nptil llarrcursare paid. oN Gatlier Song, money, when addressed to . pre-paid vil fegistéred, will be al our risk, ork"is not sal done, the eso 10! VRATES OF ADVERTISING. money will be refunded, 8 12 )o¥ enol line) firstinsortion - - -- 80,08 | Office hours froma. m. to 5 p.m, mn ' Sabsequent insertions, perline - '- .' 0,09 [Jn 15, 1867. 2 T 0 LOAN . Cards; under 6 lines, per annum - mnceording soy vp spunk the yrpceupy Advertisements received for publication .withoutspes cific instuiy nas ill be Jineiiod until (oi bid, and ewmrged rdlngly. adver vill be take J 2 Evtaed shoul fig y vadvertisement will be taken Mutaal i Insurance Company 4, oA liberpliliscountallowead ro Merchants and others EA St init : ¢ Waeadvariisehy the yaar or ha! hered to, Vis constantly increasing importance of the North Ridingof Onario réndersthe publieinon oilers cry ei nu necessity. Ever ndvoeatiig 3 he mmo | of tnealand genaral news <iven, will be uuu pissed hy nay localpaper published in Canada. JOB DEPARTMEN Pamphlets, Hand Bills, Posters, Pro Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books. ABRITTLTIRAL BO R ET. T A VEAMILY NEWSPAPER 5a Now Brocow, Teeth on bo 2-1 5.00 Adverrisemente mEnd®@atin Nonpareil and charged i hese terms will. in all cuses, be siriztlyad- DENTI "ta aa witheut pain, at his office, sets--Cheap, and warranted. 1 UND ERSTAN Deed i preserves the health. 'order itis impossible to ¥ you have decayed teéth; pet them filled. 1f you have any: out pass, Prices low, and all work warranted. CEwsuvance. THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Churghes, | of the Company. Company in Canada, ings, Brock Street; Wii L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Circulars, Business. CardsBall Casds, ke , ilove yery uy ta and coloty eXegated prompils, niu jower 27-1y Secretgry rates than at any of er establishment in this 1y. NF TOTES, ETT UT TET CV PT + Panifeatcmm a distance getting hand bills &e. printed WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y can harelhem done to luke home withtae Jail JBAIRD. 1) | H. PARSON. wu Barrist Pte Cards. svg P, A. HURD., TTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor in Chan- cery, Prince Albert. Office over T. C. *'Forman's Store. * ti" JOHN BILLINGS, - ARRISTER, Atoiney at Law, Solicitor g in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &ec., Prince Adbart. - Office opposite T. C. For- man's Store.' t ARRISTERS, Attorneys, &c. "Prince Albert office--opposite the Town Hall; Port Pérey ofice--over Mr. Bigelow's Store. FAREWELL & McGEE, BARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Con- veyaneers and Notaries Public, Oshawa. -- ¥ &, one door North of the Post Office: and % at Bowmanville, office Mr, Feeter's Block, oppo- site Town Fall. ¥i FAREWELL, LL.B. | R. J: WILSON, ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor b Soghangry, &e. Office in the Victoria uilding, Brock-st., Whitby. josie AL LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B,, OLICITOR in Chancery. Attorney, IY bi veyancer, &e., Oshawa. Ofice--Simcoe' gtrdot, opposite thie post office. ROSS,' LAUDER, MULOCK & SMITH, ARRISTERS and Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery, and Insolv v, &c. Office McMillan's Block, Brock J. Holdew's office, Whithy. Hon J. Ross, Q.C. | A.W. Lauder. Ew ren yee &. + NORMAN F. PATERSON, (Toute of Miller & Paterson, Cogants ) TTORNEY-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c., Beaverton « in he building occupied by Dr. Wilson, Simcoe-st. ~ CAMERON & MACDONELL, ic ipm reshdg am H ~COCHRANE & COCHRANE, * R. M'GER,B. A. B »n W. Mulock. a G. Y. Smith. ou use. fia. C. BANERON. 135 § UL. JAMES LAMON, , A at La¥, Solicitor in Chancery, . MH. J. MACDONELL: 3 } a Age &e. Ger hed Ti a xhridge. 1 Seven Carvs. "Pres Jones & Jones, .. PORT BERRY, _.:i, A300 omy 1D | | ByJorty 1D. | "Dr. Brathwaite, Physician, Surgeon, Actoucheur, DR, WAKE, "if of th tario, He 700019Drs) MoGILL & RAE, Ocean pac HER MB, ait 8. Ve LVER, MM. D., ° Edits per RIA UNIVERSITY, 0 Physician, Surgeon. "and Accoucheur, olster, MB, Usxbrid » Dee. 17, 1868. : TTT UTglN, VARS, k _ JDORACTICAL Deutist, Oshawa, C,W. 'post office entrance Simcoe street, third door north of the Ontario Bank. rect, adjoining Mea ¥ ARRISPERS and Anorney< at baw, : Bhikentad Council Ontario. Offices: | "thi Hpusd i OF i TORONTO, CG. W INCORPORATED .. ....ccovinnnans 1831. Capital = « $400,000 sme Presiden HON. JOHN McMURRICH Viee-Vre C.'M MAGRATH, Fig. Secretay 3 a i fe = » a PALI VE Licensed Auctioneer. HE Subscriber, holding a Licence for the Caunty of Ontwio; apd the Powpship of Mariposa, would beg to state to Farmers and others, requiring his services, that whatever business is entrusted to hia care, will be prompt- ly andl carefully attended to. Cliarges moderate, Terms, Days of Sale, &e., &e., arranged at the Observer Office, Prince Albert. E. MAJOR. Borelia, March, 27th, 1867 J.D, js pr exbeuts, all operation ini Erith an Sah. Cal Ao crane RS srocomens, Single" Pecth insbitell-patts of sets, or Whole RA toclh a pot rifasticate food for the body, aud consenuently there cannot, be;good t them. replaced by new HIS Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and ty Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company, have now S| amopportunity of doing so either bY "applying to the Head Office; or to any of the local Agents Our rates will be found as low ns those of any responsibleMutudl Insurance Head Office--The old Registry Office Build- hithy. . | of money invested in English securities, to in- PORT PERRY. HE Su leased to above Hote, has Btted up In a style in keeping with the rapidly inereasing business and pros| of the Village and neighborhood, and with direct re- fo 56 Jo the comfort snd convenience of the Strict attention paid to tlie Table and the Bar. Oumfortable Stables thd attentive outitn. Neither labor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal QOanadian Hotél of public patronage. HENRY FOY. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. ___$doney to Hoan. THE Subscribers are prepared to make ad- . vances of money on the security of . Improved Farms AND Village Property, In this and adjoining Counties at low rates of interests. _dlso wanted to purchase good. Mort- gages. 3 A number of good Farms, and 2000 acre of wild lands for sale cheap, 3% i APPLY To aii wad] DAVID J. ADAMS," REAL ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AGENT Vavruator, &c., Prince 'ALBERT, on To JOHN ADAMS, Toronto Street, Tokoxwo. Prince Albert July 15, 1868. A MILLION ANp A (QUARTER Money to Loan. HE Subscriber has received instructions from a gentleman who has a large amount, vest the same for him, in thiss and joining Counties, on good Farm Property, or Deben- ures. I.still continue to represent three/ of the largest Monetary Institutions in the Dominion, that lend money on the most advantageous terms. 13 Also a large number of well cultivated Farms, and any quantity of Wild Lands, for sale cheap. For further particulars, apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, Commis- sioner, Notary Public, &c, &e. OFFICF--Sécond Floor, McMillian's Block Brock Street, Whitby. Sept. 2, 1868. N.B.--I am also prepared to invest in all kinds of Debentures. Greenbacks bought and sold ; also a large quantity of Silver for sale, JAS. HOLDEN. 34-tf THOS, H. WALSHE. \Y ICENSED Auvetioneer for the Town- 4 ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in NorthOntario; Mariposa, efc., in the Conaty of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Broek. Or- deps left at this office, or at his residence will be punctually attended to. Debts collected in Can- bin ton, or otherwise, and prompt remittances le. Remember-- WALSHE; the North On- tario Auctioneer. ' JOHN HOCKRIDGE, ETERINARY SURGEON, and General Horse Doctor, Epsom. Can be consulted at all hours---charges moderate: © Uolts Castrated on the ost approved and safest principles at very reasoable charges. N. B.--I purpose be- ing at Armstrong's Hotel, Uxbridge on Friday of every w during the summer, srl 14, 1869. Gentre Hotel, ; "SA INTFIELD, , PW CXMPBELL, Proprietor, "REVERE (YUSE," MANCHESTER ! J v PROP) TOR, AVING {inreh ased the above otel, and has furnishetl 'the Bar with the'choicest liquors and cigars, Every attention paid to guests. Stages to and from Whitby call daily. = Careful ostlers always in attendance. 5 m8 rere rere RE FL ter Jewett's Hotel, 70 (KENT STREET) LINDSAY. Good stable and g| | attached, and a ti ostler Shed & in ean . Frée Onthibag fo 'and from the Cars and Boats. refit errr rapper pp---- ~ 00 wR SW TICA fl ¥ ian, | ACEOMM JB Ars aent {ral 5 Qn clgirs tabling: Ct won sw oJ 'DARPOE, Proprietor. oh 'MACKIE'S 'HOTEL! 1 ops adh (LATE BRODIE'S): i | Waton Sixeet' Port Ho i on Wi, MACKS, Plier : mp 7 15 tl pd ORF p "1 has ere ne J: : EDV OLR SOTFL DE a any 0 pow 4 mr S,S0U 3 } i OF | MA! TELA RE : > ; \ ret is Veet contpletely ehovated ? CHES wi| 0G Tailoring Business 8 hotel Hn ' Te. with firs class Liguors care of. the pro- ytmost for, the conveni" il sinalg rien oo Hy at rant inti] Maria, os Licenses fo suila bad mB 4 AUTHORITY. © 1097 | TESTED srsirmai om | teSetecs HENRY CHARLES. Jan. 23 1867, | "ABNER MURD, Jr, DAFOE HOUSE. Br CML Proprietor, [ent [Manchester Oci 18,1666. MONEY, (PRIVATE FUNDR,) To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &e. Oshawa. 4 eres November 21, 1866. Money to Lend! IN BUMS OF . $8300 and Upwards . Ata low rate of Interest. FAREWELL & McGEE, Solicitors," &c. Oshawa, Nov. 14, 1866. 45-2m MONEY! MONEY! a Subscriber has received instructions from several private capitalists to invest & LARGE SUM . OF. MNEY i ON Real Estate "Security At Low Rates of Interest. No Commission charged. d Also uncurfent money bought and Silver sold. Apply to my JAMES LAMON, : i #SQLICITOR, &c. Office over Armstrong's Hotel, Main Street, Uxbridge. ' abridge, June 9, 4860. 1: aly | REAL ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AGENT PRINCE ALBERT, QfFior over T. C. Formau's Store, . r "i ST.AND uw, "Where he gon the" (a i ahh ! i n ere fd iothing will be 16fe ubdone by Aim--in way of es Ol a phinra. And secure a rg of photo PAYFOREE] © [a | Marriage , Licenses! ] MONEY | only sister, and indeed hin only near relative | was called ; and then tbe darkreyed strang- | stay. betadaamm od ih i I You need nat'expeet to flirt with me, for A} 1. interid: te cleat yon from the premises in "mY WILLIE. 0 dinna ya ken my Willie, O diona je ken him now, With eeif sae bright an' bonny, An'si ¢ a noble brow, i+, 0 bee ya met my Willie, He staw this heart o' mine, I R¥e nim mair than ony Pre met this fang lang syne. t - He's fu' o' fun an' mischief And seldom je he sad, Wi' his smile sae braw an' cherry, My darling winspme lad, © vera sweet the hours. And merily they glide,, I dina think o' greeting Wi' Willig by my side. The Cottage, Cannington, Sept T4th, BELLE BRAGDON, OR LOVE AMONG THE CHERRIES, Good-bye, sister. Now don't get home- sick ; and remember, do not flin. 1 bet that you will get bp a finan notwith- standing you ate rupning 'away from the beaux. No danger of that, Charley. Tam sick of flinting, and am glad to ge whee | shall see no one but Mis. and Mrs Moses Wood in Jersey. Good-bye, the bell is ringing, we are off. The above conversation took place in the Phiiadelphia depot, yust as the Jersey cily rain avasabout leaving. The Beautiful girl to whom Charles Bragdon spoke was his asthey were orphans. Possessed of a large fortune they had resided in Philadelphia, iu a private boarding house on "Arch elreet. -- Here Bsile Bragdon, beautilul, accomplished and wealthy, was univ mally ad ited. -- Ia her summer resost at Saratoga, Newport or Long Branch, she'had always beén the right star around 'Whom elustered 'a host of rivals for the favor of sher smiles ; bul poor Balle was heartily sick of their adulation and pot little faith in their vows of love and cotistaticy. She could not' but think that her chief charm lay in her weli-filled purse, and she longed 10 know if she aver would be loved for herself alone. Another summer was now commencing, and 'as Charles was about to travel through some of the Western States, she entrealed him to engage board for ber with a person they knew by-sepulauicn, named Moses Wood... who resided on a quiet farm in New York, about four miles from a pretty lntle village we will call Maysville, Here her 'circumstances were wholly pnknown, the 'mere fact of her being the sister of a Philadelphia werchant being all the infor- mation desired. To this.spot Belle was go- 10g, as we 'saw her leaving Philadelphia; baving written, naming the day of her aris val and giving directions fot them to mewt her at Maysville. She expected very soon 10 be away (rom fashionable life and fully awake 10 all the rural beauties of the coun- try. : After the cars started, a gentleman ocen- pyiug the seat with her asked her if he should not place her travelling sarchel on the rack above them ; and as he did so she nohiced that he was a decidedly handsome man about twenty-three years old. His form was shght yet firmly moulded, and he was tastefully and neatly attived in black, while a linen duster earefully guarded nis fine broadcloth coat from: the dust of the toad. His bair was dark snd curly, and vpon his head one of -the fashionable aud pretty straw hats, bound with black, and upon it a broad, black ribbon band was placed ; while his laughing, black eyes looked ever and anon adminngly, sad yet with a quinsical.ex pression at his fair.com- panion. Belle thought to, hersell that she had never seen so graceful a curl 10a mous- taghe ; and as ihe spoke lo the conductor when hp came for ther tickets she could not help sdmiting the red lips and aven white teeth displayed lo her view. Will you tell me when we teach' Mays- ville 7 asked Bélle fas the conductor turned away. . Twill tell yon, al leave the cars at that Place, said the Landsome youog,man a! her side. , So Belle waited patiently until the name or haiided her trom fhe cars, and. much to inex surprise, walked direaily to Mr. Woad, who was the orie waiting: in sight with . i 4 that " hand, he coolyiseated himself by herside in the vebicinu geen off #1 'Mr. Wood, will be so1kind as to in- vod the'Yo this lady 2" 'Although I as aibted 4 ier fiom ho oar, fone Bot acquain- "' Wiss Bragdot, iis 'is Mr. Everett, a Young "lawyer" from PRB Iphe who span s a few weeks gvery summer al the 'farm. x eS Poor Bella I'it was amusing (0 see the Jook of dismay that 'covered her face at this apnduricement, Shovhobiit much in the way. as from the remarks | listevpd toy; 88 you Dad {rom gous Brahe) Imps} suppose, myesiLio be a 'certajnly go on now. w, s So ends all my dreams of solitude, ex~ claimed Behe, with-u-preity pout ov her ruby lips. 1 wish I:had not come. It is too late to beat a retreat. i { Altogether you mast surrender to eircom | wi have come ex; Hanes Aocoil am' dohghied 1 have so fair & 'companion' to Hirt with daring my' 3 _gball lease and torment you on hl glad 10 ism fo Yon ow Bid and lenve me To quiet 'possession s=o Bo! eidsaivls di Lathan pela Pardon me, Miss Bragdon, for being so | p i, as my awhile, I must | the fileld; Belle's laugtied as she defied | it W.. THURSDAY. SEPT. 16, | the farm as he spoke.-- .}2 They reaghed Belle yr an exclamation of delight, as she saw the spacious grounds stodded with elegant trees that stretched an inviting shade infront of the large and oid-fashioned lo This is. s lovely summer resort, Mies | a litle effectual cutting, be stoed once Bragdon, exclaimed Mr, Everett, as ho as-|on the green grass, but it was with a - sisted her to alight, while Mr. Wood sttend- | ing face and. merry shake of the finger at "|'ed to the baggsge. We Vshall have a fine | the gir! in the window while he ex- opportunity to make some ur | elsimed -- moonlight night, £06 grade v IVY Do_ not flatter yourself with such a fancy '|'sketch, Mr. Saucy, returned Belle, laugh- ingly. Mrs. Wood, said Frank Everen, about an hour after, as they sat about & well joaded tea table, did you know war was again ex- pected 1n this country ? You surprise me, said the pleasant look ing woman addressed. Can il iodeed be possible ? It is ead but true. . Mies Bragden has op- ened hostilities againet your humble servant for presuming to be under your roof while away in one week. How 1a that, Miss Bragdon ? wsked Mrs. Wood smihngly. Why, [ supposed when I came to such a retired spot as tiiis, that I was leaving all troublesome young men at a distance, yet the first | see is one with curly hair, black eyes, a wall cut coal, splendidly firing boots and all to corre: pond. I assure you, Mus. Wood, from all such creatures I pray to be delivered. But, as he says, Ijhave decided be shall remain here one week. All laughed; and prety Belle Bragdon commenced the wi e by slyly pouring a quantity of cold water in Frank's unfinished cup of fea, while his attention was occupied in another direction ; then as he still did not perceive the mischief, she took a large spoonful of salt that was placed on the table for the beuefit of some crisp radish, and quietly adding 1t to the already weakened beverage. oor Frank, = moment after, raced the cup to hia lips, one taste sufhiced, and with a merry twinkle of his eyes he at once turned to his fair neighbor and said -- So the battle has commenced already 1 see; 1 shall be on the deleusive after this. After tea Frank left the table and strayed toward the garden, where the vegetables were neatly thriving, but the border on each mide of the path was gay with roses of every shade, and a variety of other flowers -- Belle spied Mr. Wood's snuff box on the end of the mantle, and opening it, she help- ed herself toa good pinch, and with it sull in her fingers rhe also entered the garden but her blue eyes were sparkling with fun, although otherwise she seemed rather eo- ber and demure. This 1s a fragment of a rose, do you not think so, Mr. Everereti? asked she, nanding tum ove she had plucked and sliyly filled with the snuff, adjusting the pedais so as lo nicely hide it. Frank unsuspectingly tuok the rose {rom her white fingers; but his only answer was a quick sneeze, another, then another, until the poor fellow, from laughing and sneezing, could exclaim between his breaths-- You'll pay for this, Miss Bragdon, one of these days. That ing wi i tricks, but each one only served lo make them betier acquaibted. The next morning Frank asked Belle what they, should do to pleasantly pass away the time. Pick strawberries, said Belle. Mra. Wood tells me they are thick in the meadow. Will you allow me 10 asstet you ? asked Frank. Belle had no such intention. What would Charley eay if on the first morning she was off strawberrying with a handsome beau ? Therefore as he went tor dishes to fill, she seized his preity straw hat and hid it. Then taking a small dish he offered her, playfully exclaymed-- Asl do to tind it, tsee your hat, I will leave you hen. placing her own coquettish cooly bade him good bye and turned away... oi Li About fifteen minutes passed, snd then she bears the laughing voice of Frank ex- olwimmg-- Miss Bragdon, do you know the penalty Join have to endure for hiding my" last fond hat, rm | No six, Ido not... "a You will be glad to apologize, and .give me--anow. mark whai | say-- give volun- tarity, the; Kies of peace, before the week ends. . 1 declare, who aver hoardol sueh ympo- dent conceit? I give you a kiss. Not at all sir ; that:will never be; 1 am not in the habit of betting, but | will stake my gold walch against thet nb- boa in your hair, that my words will come roe. : er : Kecdepted ! But you will loose your wateh ot I am greatly mistaken. Frank had'brodght with him 'from Phila. delphis @ ligit hammock, which he soe- nded from two tall trees in a well shaded peo he delighted to lie and smoke i ar, and think of tbe beautiful Now be it softly winspered, Frack was deeply 1m love already; though he had no wea of the fat. // nil : . | One day, and'by the way'; it was the last Jay of the week in whieh Helle expected to see him vanquished and yet there was no sign of his i quitiing the | fgld, Frank had I leap slevp, a Tors Proved Sdrondd rn bri |'W oo' room ahet dius 10 09 u quiet nap hajisnad to gaze from half hour's sleep, she saw: Frank as he io in His air unconscious of all und, - Mis, Wood's ki of something. ook aod ole bu Ae Li0k, Jany 1, 1869, 9 ¥ 1 We shall see, Miss on. . 1 will nor A; A ee Nin Soa Fassure you. -- i ly, thus 4 onan m fast. W' het OWR 100s she seated herself "1869, ogress 0 flirnstion under these grand old tress tboyfiret . she is here, and declares she shall drive me f it place. Belle had' 'tetifed 10 het 0 window after a) EE TE i flog Lait in search chad. rh roo omy the window to watch the fon of his wak- ing. : Sta 4id vor wig long; helene 3 Isugh burst from her lips at bis efforts We himee)t. Aft k arbi Hall of oe ras Tt will be my tan next. I have not gotten our bet. - \ o After tea that day Frank took a book and a cigar to hi favorite hammock, while Belle sauntered round in search of amuse- ment, There was a noble large sherry tree standing at the upper end [of the lawn, on ene side of the house, full of fine ripe cher- vies. A seat bad been fixed in ihe tree, and a step [adder had been placed inviung- ly Yenearh. Belle was delighted at the dis. onvery, and thanking Mr. Wood cordially in/ her miad-- never once dreaming that it wae a trapiard by Mr. Everett--she was on the sent in an instant esung the delicious rit. . Foolish Belle! So intent was she in reaching the cherries, that she did not notice the stealthly form drawing near until the steps were taken away, snd she found her- sell among the branches with no way to descend ; and worse than all, Frank was wickedly laughing at ber sudden discom- fitore. Throwing himself on the grass not far ofl, he opened a book, exélaiming-- 1 hope you are enjoying yourself, Miss Bragdou. Please put up those steps, Mr. Everett, she pleaded, I buve had sufficient cher- nes. By no. means, I cannot put them beck at present, Then D'll pelt you with cherries, and 1 warn you that cherry stains will not improve your wardrobe. So saying, cherry after chery went throogh the air, but no damage whatever, ss Frank caused them to disappear rapidly. Oh, thack you Miss Bragdon. 1 'enjoy eating fruit much more when [ am saved the trouble of picking. Then you get no more from me, exclaim. ed Belle. But this 18 teo high 1n the world 10 suit my ideas, 50 assist me down. I will, indeed, Miss Bragdon, on two con ditions--the first being, thai you apologize for tormenting me as you have done thin last week ; the second that you kiss me in token of peace for the future, 1 will accept the first condition, and do now most humbly beg your lordship's ardon for all the bad behavior of which | iy {been guilty; but as to the second I beg most _respectfully to decline the hon- or. Then you are still a prisoner. Mt. Everett, I shall surely jomp, and it any boues are broken. the bill jor the same will most assuredly be sent to you for set- tlement. No fear of that Miss Belle, when I can prevent it. And with one bound he ascended the tree, and seating himse!f beside her, passed one detaining arm around her, while bothfhands were clasped in hue. That is very wrong, Mr. Everett, very wicked in you. ~ I insist upon being allowed to descend to the ground, se we are nol birds to oe thas perched in a cherry tree. And I 1oaist upon my kiss first, as well as the bine ribbon staked against my watch. Poor Belle. She was fairly caught at last. But as she would not yield, the even ing shades began 10 fuld around them while she patiently at in the tree--a vic: tim to misplaced confidence. Aa the time psssed silently on, Belle looked around for some sorce of deliverance but none offered, and all she could see was the laughing blue eyes of her compan~ ion, as he sat so provokingly at her side. Belle, whispered he at length, ss he bent touched her cheek, don' you think you had better accept the second condition now © You are very cruel, Frank Everett. But pleas take me down and here is the kiss, | With a crimson 'cheek she turned and essed her lips 10 1he waiting ones beside er, then quickly suaiching her ribbon from, het hair, she lossed ii 10 him exclaiming You have won the bet old bluebeard, but tentember-- 4 No more threats, my dear Miss Belle, interrupted the young mau as he lifted her Janderly ta the ground. You vy in prk Saco permanently now. drawing her small hand ander his arm, he 'whispered, | would not part with that Kise flor worlds it was the sweelest ohe I eter So pesce was eslablished between them and time passed Jlossantly~ Drives around the country in a fine buggy, with a beauti- ful black poney before it, sails ou the orys- tal lake haif 8 mile from' the 'house, and rambles around the farm: and through ine grove, served to draw them. . y 8D Y 'the bond Cupid. wave over Jin Hearts the cherry oop, Then the nd¥n night walks, nd the frequent chata in the garden drew tighter the meshes that love was weaving. i aw 'One evening, abput five weeks after, Belle sat in the patior Rioné, when Fraok | entered; and ul ongeh seated himeell beside Me. Woainis ne that your brother wil : ape that your or Will thatbe so? jon 1 hee aio og Deatont Belisé he dded clasping her 10 his, il L might. onty persoade you to be my life companion how very bappy [ should be. i bs ndered my heart into your the cheery tree. t pH " 4 A " "The reply--do yov know, darling, tbat, T{ sence, he must n Blea ; a Y kesping lin) ww opr of Tmdeif, of the ya He passed his arm aroun her and bent low for a reply. fF 3 'S +Tt came satisfactory 160, to j »h-the warm kiss that followed. And when Charlie arrived 8 short time after, and Belle presented to him his future brother-in-law, no one could resist the merriment his railrey occasioned at her going -to the country to flint in cherry trees and to find 'a husband. The wedding took place in Philadelphia a fow months after ; Belle making Fo besutiful bride, and Frank a happy groom. Yours passed, but Frank still declared he would not exchange his kise won an the cherries for worlds, as he is certain his boldness gained for him the sweetest of wives. - eet eee ANOTHER BTEP IN ADVanGp. We are indebted to France for another important disovery; This_is a certain reparation called felt paper, in the minu- aoture of which both animal and vegetable wobstances may be employed and the men~ ufactore produced is pliable, flexible and strong and can be sewed as woven fabrics. This wi!l be of vast importance, the articies manufactured of it, have all the beauty of paper with considerable durability and pli- ancy. Handkerchiefs and petticoats With |, scolioped and embroidered skirts, bed , window curtains, quilts, table oloths and other ariclés, scarcely distin- guishable from the genuine, are prodaoéd at marvelously cheap rates, cost of these, even for the largest size, scarcely amounting to twenty, five cents each. Imitations of Jea- ther, coverings for furniture, and even shoes have been made from muterial similarly prepared. ---- A --t-- Nearry Suavep.-- A good deal of mer- riment was ogeasioned by those wailing in a pertain barber shop in Auburn ihe other day, by the remarkable verdancy of two evi- dently unsophisticaled females. They ap- peared in the shop and without saying a word look seats, and ssemed to be waiting for the weleome word ¢* next" from one of the tonsorial artists, Fortunately, the ladies entered the room in advance of sev- eral gentlemen, and therefore, had 'a' prior right to the chair. The elder lady of the two was requested by Charley, in his bland- eel tones, to lake a seat in hie chair. She did so, when the apron was spread over her lap and brought up closely around her neck. She was then requeste| 10 lake down' her hair, Charley in the innocense.of hia natore, supposing of course he was expecied to sever the raven tresses from the well-poised head. This command was also silent! and readily obeyed, whereopon Charley ook up his shiars, and walked with a majestic but unyielding step to the chair, when a deathly pallor spread o'er the lady's face, and throwing up her hands wih an agohiz- ing look, she exclaimed :--« See here, young man, what upon airth are yer' goin' to do, an't this a pictur-takin' shop 1' Charley chosked down the laughter ; but his customers could not help smiling andib- ly as the two females hurriedly left the shop. et Get Tue Last S:airr--A Suicipk's Last Lerten. -- An iiquest has been held in London upon a hithographer named Thor- nett, 31 years of age, wno had committed suicide by jumping into a canal afier qut- ting his thioat, Just before killing himself the deceased sent the following letter to a friend :--** Dear Friend, es we have already been very partial to each' other, fer many years, | wish you to have my. ruiler, as I shall not require it any more, us I have now made up my mind, aud am fully resolved to depart from this existence, ss I can't con~ ceive the utility of holding out hopes of work which may p rhaps be years before realised. 1 therefore shall feel no regret in leaving the world, as I bitferly curse the hour that | was ever sent into it. To those at home I leave neither a curse nor a bless- ing, unless it be 10 their beloved won: and daughter, and to them [ bequeath the for- mer. | leave it to your discretion lo give publicity to this ad 1 have no wish fo bring you ilo trouble, and | am sorry to think there should be such a sad termmation 10 our friendship--Haray."" It. is stated, that + won side'? on her saucy head, she very [toward her until his moustache almost ihe deceased had been out of word for some months, and had appeared considerably de- pressed in consequence. The jury returned a verdict of ¢ Suicide while - of unsepnd mind." . ee eee. Stamp Act-- Treading on people's toes. A water spout--a Temperance Oration. He that serves the public obliges no~ body. When a poor man assumes the mstnmon- ia! halter, be generally puts bis foot in it. Unmarried ladies with independent. re- sources should husband them. We always ex old age except when stuck with z iy of Shickene . ett Complaints that old maids would Jike to be troubled with-- Chaps on their lips. eee Can a civil engineer infortt us How it 1s that the mouths of rivers are larger than their heads, haat --------e lA -------- | «Tite butes air a luxury, inasmuel as they kause a man 2 forgit.aw) hie mizeries. iad ak nega A <A -- The merit is tot in doing extreordibry actions, bat in doing ordimary actions éxtra~ ordinarily well. FHI yu on 5 ted Th ah If thoe* be spelled t-h-o-u-g-R-- #-e-i-g-k and Does, b-&-a-u-z, Nn should be spelidd p-o-u'g-h-tier-g-h- rab te-a-u-@. ibis Hoe a wy k 12% soo endeavd A what oieteck ii 150 wm wid vA iiian sont ba so skomical that bo Tefases i onavs fi he Fes atom t don ite aie, and denies'thal the worllPieta' globa 3 4 reo. agenky and upex- dreamed tha: you gave me | ; i you ga nen oe pa ise Say, dest one, did" 1 presume, when {Rr the mosmimatis oat fonior iler, y od eovery of such-a ee -------- moot. Wear , your lear ke a watch, io 3 o

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