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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 Sep 1869, p. 2

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Ladies' Sl Shin i i ite pou pee Boys' Loag Boots from $1 per pair, * =dew's-Strong Heavy Boots at -$2-per-peir-andd upwards. VEE, Yh LARGE ARRIVALS, oF J TALL GOODS | 1" "Po hand, and constantly arriving whieh will bé4 , @fered at extremely low prices to Cashsbuyers Farther particulars in future. a ov BARLEY +" Wanted jn jy quantity delivered at" ws | i bitby, A. large number of "lw Tle Prd 'Barley, B dents Casg per butte "Two splendid New Thimble Skein Wado se p--warranted- of the bist Bale--very clea teal and "workmanship, ADAM GORDON. o Macher, Aug. 26, 1869. Ele fnfario he Or Sans 3 BAIRD. . PRINCE ALBERT, SEPT. 16,1869!"] eR " AGRIOULTORE. The almost universal desire manifested iy, 5 ail classes of the community forthe thorough, «development of the agricultural resources of © "thie country cannot fal" to be regarded by : in (9420 one at all interépied in the WebRing of society, as one of the mast pleasing lda- " fores of the age. This desire manifests "itself in the most 'unmistakable: manher inl : the increasing desire on 'Tye part ol "he * general public, lor the liberal enguuragé"] ment and rapid advancement of that grand] source of comfort and prosperity, Agricul- tore, as well as by the great diversity 'of means and variety of talent which is flow _ being brought 10 beat 'specially upon, this subject, The researches of the chemist + the ingenuity of the machinist, the enter- * vrise of the stock-bréeder and the practical : skill of the laborious 'fanyer are securing: ' fresh tnumphs almost every day in this in- -4 + wxhauvsnble field of national prosperity, The wnivearied researches of the chemist Have | " brought to hight many facts of the uimos! importance, not alone to the practical Agn- | colturists but 10 the world at large. - He bas taught us how to analyze the soil, diss tinguleh and point ont the several ingred- dents of which it 1s, composed, note which aboond and which are deficient ; at the same ime instructing us how fo 'diminish " that. which' abounds, and increase that which may be deficient. We are taught how 10 analyze the various products of the oil, and to point out the several substances _ of which they are compnsed, so that we know which soil is best adapted for wha |, ., aver crop we way wish to raise, and kuow. ing the composition of the soil as wel) as of}: ] The descniption of crop which 'we wish 10 ' raise, we know just what to supply tothe i oil in order 10 make it yield the best crop - possible. ' 9% Again the vast andincréasing advantages . conferred on Agriculture by the ingenuity of the muchivist are 100 widely spread; and | ' 00 tughly appreeinted by the noble "edi. ; wators of the soil 10 require a momeb ?s¢om- - meu ; thg mont cursory observer, wc, +, expnat (ail, to perceive, though he cannot vi dolly renlize, the wiany advantages derived from vor Agricujturat implements, Which are apidly being biought almost 1o perfec sion itself. What mote equld be deswed in Pegard lo putting 10 the seed, 'whether for elieapiiess, expedition' or advantages' fo; Froctificauon han thatgex cellent ; Seed, Drill the + Farmers' Fayonte as manufagiored | by the Joseph - Hall manaofuetaring Com. pany, Oshawa. Again withess thie working I'y | of such Mowers us the tt Caybga Chet" manufactured by Brawn & Patterson of the "Whitby * Agriedliutal Works," or the clean i - 0) NA wl 9 | day of Oe i at Sunde! Friday, the 8th day of October, LT on ~vext;Fe will make an entire change of base, | & wy get rid of, as. refusiag bas no-effect nt blisher, i it ebatinued to be R refised™. ones --and the Post Master | will "tnd "T8h days of October. Samora, onthe 14th day' of Beta Jotober A hitchurch, at Stougvilie, EY 20th day o Ee BARE. 22TH Ma an 3 kis masters and the proprietors pf {hejeon- cern--that on the first week of December hd he' i Sbsat aring's few piblication 4a be,siyled the Chronicle Almanag," But |3 'whetheratis tobe published weekly;month. |. "Wahi "whether he 'only' tieiny fo «| pu; forth. one super Higgins spuct ere. he | 'be # jouenafidtioally + we are'nat Informed; | FE ye believe, if be Bad spy, 'Would very much prefer the latter.. ibe new bl iw will:embrace several important' -- chapges, whith "wll "Felieve® the pubis," the publisher end fhe Past Ofice| sldepartment of ai world of - troubles! The Sf public from 'big bored to death' 'with! ¥ hapar they fa nah wish but Seaceely, know, | Hungh i the Siifie Faint as wwnal.. The Publishef, from: being | to" desth /in stowing. @way: the be delivered from the disagreeable: neces; sity .of handling his plaguy paper twice, Test. on its ob{ward trip, sccond'on its re' turn trip as % Refused." | 'Lhe changes to 'befiftroduéed by 'our' future Almanac Map info his ney paper--the. «Chronicle Al. maae® are of considerable importadee ; 'the paime howeyer we regprd as wiorte nate, it would have been decidedly . better 0 have suppressed that unfortunate: ward] 'Chrpnicle entirely, the name has Become » utierly disreputable in moat localities, that when laying aside the old used up Paper they consider that the nadié should have been buried with it. The Almabakist profises an, edition of 5,000--of course the promise is worth very little if anything; but Ye iy get thei shoved off seeing that they. are for gratuitous distrsbution if be take Chronicle from the title. + The bill of fave prothises 1o'be somewhat extensive, of course it is all and much more contained in each of the thousand and'one. Almavacs published by the vatious patent' medicine tendefs thougholit the Uvijed States and "Canada. They. too distribute theirs gra- | [tuituously 'containing' 'much more: matten than our newly | fledged | Almanacist pur: poses put into his bantliog. ,. We.would by oll means advise the would-be publisher | to arm Limsell against December wiih two or three thousand of Radway's Almanacs, and distribute them to bis beait's content ; this will save Lis matters some expense,and Tie" public will' be much befler seryed, "The first part of the promised propramme is to! 'contaih "informalion tespectin "hn Regulations, money orders, &e." "hig vew glmaiiac man is a perfect. adept | & 0 Abie line obbusiness, at least af we may Judge from the columes of trash whieh havic Peppeared ah! the" Chronicle during The past Iwo oF lifes weeks. relepred 10. bg a specimen of the information high the bran- -naw almanac isito eontain, we: would seriously. radvise onr anpiont Iriand togbandon forever the idea of pub- Itshiing ¢ifor the people wilkcbrihinty treat them as'they do 1hb Chidnicle=ihey woot {ake a gift of, them. The Royal' Family and Housghold are toget a sifting. , This being aliwopied from other almanacs will « dikely 'bo'rétiable ; but as far as the new alminaé 'mg in Ts hcpuceridd, 'he knows about as' much Ei the' yal Family as lie dogs. about the edigree of Juggernaut, Then passing over he lpng wiring ; sof subjects ollaontained in every ahmanae in the cothitry; he promises 1o gi¥e widble of the fixed feasts mud hove- o 20 wie of pS iy Fannoubces, --douBIIess WIT The vonsentor| If ihearticles |, orth, but we are willing to ne help themselves.-- ust he delivered at LL 07 1 ont of Cian 8 Miz: the Fite $76,56. e Marine Pint 2 covet in Soe oxpiatoks "Lenvinl w/ balance of $93, 5 a gainif' favor oe' Caiiprh.. © excellent | management and thorough- y reliable (nature af shi Company have placed the Western in the foremost rank of 'Ansbrative died >| Tha emount of plefion | The sived | during thé four énding 30th, Jupe, 1869, Wis, fully three times'as wuch as that. received in 1865, being $298, 801; while in Mei - only 97,849. -- This shows an gy heanhy 'state of The id olin ii dn AKI' Proof of the implicit' confidence which a discerning public plages:n this instijution, "Of thie Filteeri Stock' ©ompanids, Foreign Pati" Loéal, tidkifig' these Governed | Re- turns, the Western ranks second in impor- 1 13nce, "under, the head ol Fire Premium. Re- co'pts. The Company" 's receipts. are within a fracticn of one-dighth of the whole pre- miom do returned on Fire Insurrance. In Tiijavd' Matite, the Western atands foremost as to the amount ,of business done, while ithe per-pentage profits in both branches ara particularly favorable to this Company: THE IMMIGRATION HARVEST. + With! the gathering in ofour spring grains we maf regard the immigration' harvest as closed fox the season, ard therefore the time ie .a (avorable one for balancing the books and estimating our probable gains. Ard 'the "question / naturally arises, how! lias the bug ness been managed ? From mifie'1o ten from this.enurca during the past yea, and this i something to be thankin| for; but |} whelhgr under different mansgemont we' | might not have had twice as many ie a, t yuestion which, we consider is not likely 10 be answered in the negative. The Goveérn-| men} oeriginly Inok a step in the right di- rection ip sending Mr. While, a resident of the, country as agent, and no doubt his mis- sion will produce beneficial results. Indeed fthéfe is 'ne other way in which the fund for immigration purppses can be expended to better, purpose than. by sending out a staft of properly qualitied agents. : In this sonnect- 'ion we may remark that 'the Highlands of Scotland would prove an excellent field for the operations of a suitable agent, one hav- ing a thorough knowledge of the Gltelio language us well as the Eaglish ; of course no other would be of any. service, We learn with pleasure 1hat Mr. A, B. McKechine of Cannington is hikely 10 be appointed Em-. figration" Agent Yo the Islands and High- lande of Scotland. From Mr. McKeohine's | ihorough knowledge of the Gaelic and English languges, together with other qnal- ifioations, it would bea difficolt matter for the Government 10" make w'more suitable selection ; and doubtless a; lerge number of the most valuable class of immigrants will be added to our Popslation as the, depalt of hs missioy, THE OPEN TEMPLE, : Oor. young friends of the Prince Albert Lodge of British Templars held an open ar a crowded Temple here oa Monday evening last. The performers made a respeetible display. We observed upon the platform the Rev'ds Reid, Cantlon and Jamieson. -- The. Rev. Mr. Cantlon presided, and as upoal discharged his, duties efficiently. - Te' pudiénce: seemed. to' enjoy the enter- tainments from the rapturous Bpplauee whieh! gredred almost every, perormance. "a TEMPERANGE DEMONSTRATION, 6 Bd 00g itt The Grove Division, No. 235, Sons of Tempéranice, Scugbg, * 'ibfend "holding public Demonsirafion in the Indian Woods, | Sepgogy,on. Thursday 23rd inet. Everything | {*e® 13 for. a fitst olaén Temperance Dem~ ed and expe litious reaping of the Johiusion$bl dadies sland last but vot leret He pro- Seli-Raking Reaper, also faeturét! by iba "cepy,. we suppose. (rom /some | Brown aud P And afier:th the law af! Pobaor o h ows shutvested what mors could be dewitédl in fin Our #imanso man ght 1 bi heal way of] threshing than the New Ttifeshe; | fui 'thie' 1060, 'in all copfirme : icy arp @s 'manolaciored by the Joseph Hall mang. | 1116 4 dailig that he hae , fuctirinig company; Ohawa, by 'whlch "theyitgn rian 3 Tg aed "Joining "pei "of Fhrestiifg i Luna, has: eseroreed over, the | © Tre ad i i of 'our; alban doier, deve) rom the on ents,' eile dv ¥¥ TH foul, prize te vif is litle jn there is, np sasing. where onstration will be furnished, such as 'dppro- priate addresses from wound! tempérance' mehiis Sam asacelbns Resitations' fram' flihe divili ita] dif ARNG EAP ATS i 4, So onc? | who A pleasant and profitable ime "to. "exs lopuerdava- Bobs posers; > ow afl a ANOTHER START. 4 ila $919,498; | {¥IT003 Tor vo assurances-- $42,965 Tor gon? thousan | have been added 10 our_popu'a'ion |' 0 posters that the vb sl af 1d hi expected 10 dwell the son "7 on aon, gn 3 Q Fin i po Gn | followin, the Com- owing Fonte ey Olt dy olifle.. and. Rev... Mr... Tra Squeloh, Brock--G, Smith, Rige Luke--, Jos. Welpng, Chiefy Mod komad others. A oe shoir of 100 Indians 1s éx- pected, wh due sir yin, ia said 10'be charm- ing. 'Indigns, fiom He a, 'Snake Island, | F. Rice Lake, Mud: "Lake, and. Alderville are expected to be present in force. Th charming" siiging of tlie' Fidjdn choir will of itwelf ba well worth going 10 hear. Tea served at 2 p m. (See Posters.) Let us give ouf Indian friends a big day. LL A---- be SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY. 1 the M. E. Church, lot 18 in the 2nd con. of Brock (Squsich'e Settlement). intend cela brating their anniversary on'Monday, 20th' jnst. A plédsant dnd profitable day may be expected and doubtless the attendance will be large. We direct; the | attention of 'our Brock friends to the new: advertisement of Neil Brown of Cannington. He offers the chance to purchase goods at cost for's 'couple of weeks--don' allow the 'oppor- tunity§to slip , get goods while jou can. -- (See the advertisement.) 03 Our readers will find Currie & Ross' New Advertisement in this day's issve.~ An immense fall and winter stock 'of Dry Goods and Groceries direct trom the English Markets. (Read the advertisement.) ------ + ret WELL DONE AYLMER. The Aylmerites have tiken a most im- Portaut elep. in the march of progress by having a Local. paper esteblished in their midst: This 1 of (he sl jm portance tv the fifogrées of any locality, ™e ML. Widiio, bas assumed the responsibility of starting a weekly journal in hal. locality-- the Ayimer Enterprise~the first number of which is now before us. It is a respec: table litle paper, well got up, and all ils surroundings. go 10 prove that the name Enterpris Let 'our good e is £0 misnomer. friends, the Aylmeritea--give their Enter prise such a liberal and manly support as will enable the energetic publisherto keep his Enterprise farvp in the scale of Locals. We welcome our confrere into the arena. A FATAL AFFRAY, On the evening of the 5th nst., while North's Circus was performing at Watlord, .at the close of the first peiformance. in the evening, parties were informed that those who desired it, by paying a litle extra might remain to wilness an after perfor- mance, which the company intended to give, and those who did not wish to pay for {t were asked 10 retire. A number of those present refused to comply with either pro- position --they would neither leave nor pay the extra charge. The vircus peopla of coliree- had 10 apply the only 'means ut their to , 'and the , were 'expelled, it 'not at the * | point of the bayonet, quite as efieetunlly at the point of the boot ; butthe expelled were not subdued, and slier the elosé of the per- formance they and their (riends mustered in considerable fofoe, armed with such weapons as oue might expect to find only within the vonfines of savagery and attacke! tho performers wherever they could find them, This brought on a big fight which ¥howed its legitimate results in cuts braises | and breaks ou both sides. At this stage of tha proceedings, a fellow named Wyoe, a Velunieer, very foolishly, ran home "for. hip rifle, and taking that and a supply of Gove ernment ammunition like a brave may tiur- ried off 10 thé ecene of action, where he might swing around wt midnight (one o'¢lock uly Sabbath morning) under the cloud, of pight, and show deeds of. valor amangsi a lites rabble who eould could nol evem perceive 'that he cared a pon. But our brave in order to keep u fate distance' froin any' chanée of hard kifocks sneaked around until one Mr. Stan- ton, a quiet respectable man, part owner of one of 'the sidé'shows, who from "the fits liad doe his best' to. quell 1he 1ii-feeling kbew A yotbog: Hoke any - a iluken place afier the close of the: per 'ances, but had gone Quietly ome Tobe tom totbed 3 aml' ion hearing "1he tumult ob the street he arrose from: his ond om 1 let 407 the-goor 'to Ses fad Wha presently' the yneping, * important thoagh/not Gite' 60" obiviohs a Youlugntnie: may epdinol inthk fur aiid 18 dee om ar aor i thot défived train 1 the mack n- Abylom-we hops. The fost peas] 'Five Royal Cénidian Bun from pf Aba, maeigt ound a iJogement, Ja, his. + Wt 5. DULY are being beiter, Budersiosd i etude avec 'amangemént 1s | Mh fe re Ta oe id few oe ys ye rma Fh bbls in, athe td csevary day.; and the bederihay are nodes, 1183, I vig b{ Wlarik.-- | regime, viz : ite new fn sis Ht 3 iy A andi hy * stood 1he more high! they oi¥-appreéiate oh blank 7 Do] directors, an i i rl Ma So core, We ale roud fa h and, coRingedsr i: Thi pe iii? Do permapanily, sealed. id ils, business' 'Dominion arme aud Ammun;tion' a whi Le) LR) Y i dep Thy Jopotiani wud xenduritenm eonaenirsied: 10a cartenpdoding degre, | 1 intended for nor a ie 19 sych uses, Satergiios da: begining to: taky- Shape; af Abie; by *Bathn uate ni con bn be 6k" Hike those of Cor teinried 3 Yordiel of company is bei Jotmed under-t of. hw af. Li Wilk 3 by nin Ear gi atic ink ad wold Bog © oo, m nslanghlef at coir vi Amgen i Cotrpany, ie Page, ih nansensa, 1s fi [9lbier Bake, i ii 4 Hiargmit risoner. wus ain to Midi ir 10 - beimnibas of Baring lhorongly bred [hok Ig» 8. perfect, mad apr... her id | al. * Wyce is & beavy- eet, musoula?! ere ras fequuly | lasek aa ad & few' conditional rR Ad Fie flew advoripe; | 01 26 youtv of ge, 400". "held [nrg 4501 5 or taken in shares whisk we regard as the ho UHI. He eo . tue, wih ensipe. pur. | and iid" He ise i i: 5 ; Jvaw oii Via oi chases of Fall an inter! Stocks 'made | "hit; "The , ari or Bld mal rd 41 0llers. aie 8. the be fof a page io by I ahs Ly a A Ceo i pe 1 @vethem, andeshich for lo smemb vy mii ri to ee to dwell pn 0 or 60 of the famous almanac, (See the advertise 9 Ys d {What "dove The! rrvan "Heat Wihiy ibe That his fir : Commivan. 1 Bh iF altéady Aoodulf ufos { cagh principle, EEA vifafons 2634 oY niu 901 | Hi A gn 10 Enitioiis a fan e Doli Stivw wi sommint o1 ht 1 Mr, Almanasis both seller ory als, § d is't 1'f6¢ aasaie il orl gin. ha Sra sr the hase i and [tie al tiki 20 offér whieli we believe yon will: dowel] ld ee nt wu [81d wet. Twili be oy that hel ablept;* rn hate will rey "Aoi ation Batis old:gentieman wae siting atthe, window in Charly" at do edn | Crick mi ii fy The 'Sunday 'Séhool In connection with wianiiesiing itewlf amongst the parties, and | fight having | [uid fend, fo eeiibg Joi it nifited CRICKET MATO adly 'well go ed latch a ook pe cl Sytur | Jost. by eleven dnd the Rese wagoifigent ond' ) bést of ordeRy Penn ui daughters of our nei whan totais. Non Ear A ite frost dd If credit by ab tnnlib)e dertai al AT orp ner i R ay bPiil Wm. Jase im, Till out . Gol: Jani 0, Qlivef a E. Aimitongy b.4 Geo; Whaler, b: Pie T., Bolster, b Phillipo John Steward, ¢ é Mtg b Co H. Crosby, |. b. w., b hill po tras James alks, e Phillipe, b Plullipo . . B. ABCOM, NOL ONY, «.\uy yale atuuind Byes 3, Wides 7 ..... pore 2! Sosnonizas REACR# FURYY, INNINGS. A. Connor, ¢ Golden, b W. Bascom. . Vin. Cutie, tery owaid Ww. Rolo on, & ancdm,b W 'Wm oldgm, | Geo, Dayhes, wife Colom John Bhilli oh WW, oy na ¥ E ort Bascom, Ss r.4 Gg. schon, ¢ W Bascom, b Steward,. Robt. Robinson, b W. Bascom, .. .... W. M. Coeclirane, b O. Bascom Luther Cu Bjedt, cesaminsesgene Irrie, 'not oul, Wao 158 10! gis 13 CugsmberL efokb TnNiRGs. B. Bascom, ¢ W. Currie, BE biliipo;:. ve T. Bolster, b Connor, F. Golden, ¢ Phillipo, b Pailiipe,,: W. Badeum, yon lout, .... J. Sfeward, b Phillipo,. Oliver Bascom, © R. Robinson, b Connor RY Hoaow ay . Connor, run oul, .. Wm. Curne, b Stetvird, Wm. Hiscocks, ¢ Gilpin, b Steward, F. Eansor, ¢ 0. Bascom, b 0. Bascom Gro, Daynes, ¢ Golden, b O. Buscom .. Ju Phulipoyb WB iscom, ...... Luther Curtie, b O. Bascom, . . G.: Maglion, o Gilpin, b Bolster, ., .o Robt. Robinson, I'b w,'b Bolus, ass Wim, Robingoh, not but . . W. M. Cochrane, not out, . Byes 3, Wides 1,, vs. ote nns uni alii) -- PBhwvtnweacys 70 First innings. amar va rset 51 CAUGHT HIM, A Breach of Promise case of considerable interest has been engaging the gossips of Montreal for a considerable ime past. A- 8 matter of course it assumed all sorts of aspects under the glib tongues and fortile imaginahong of 1h gospip tribe until on the 9h § inst, it came belore the superior oqurty Mr. Justice Mondelet presiding, with a jury selected, for the occasion. Messrs. Devlin andsAbbott for plaintifl, aud Keir and Girrourd for defendant ; and, as might be expecled, the court room was crowded to its most extent. - Miss Grange, hp slighted fair one 1s a rather good looking lady of 24 years, and her faithless swaiy, Benning, is a boy ol 47 winters, Trig young lady feel- ing somewhat sore "at being fooled by the | old wizzen, determined to put it onto him and laid her damages at, $40,000. Benning is already married, but is aivorced fiom his wife 'and it) may begkai be swab afraid 10 tackle a second. . Tha case does not appear to have been quite so interesting astheigen- erality of biedch of promise cases. Of courée/there Wax a fare stare' 'of "silly letters and sweet talk, but it had not the poiut which novives would have given it. * The jury gave plaintift a verdict for $3,500. Liv may grave. salutary lesson 10 Mr. Benning, and teach him jo ben litle mote goarded with Lis promises in future lest he may calch another Tanar. 1 ri NEWS FROM EUROPE, That pleasant sal; an. which Evropean affairs. have. been, wiaped for many ménilis past fill abe Mrs. Stows silly ats > opt 0 bebotde! donypic ode by bling Son- nected with Lor on in some way, if il should only bé as ator of bimsel( punishment ; and the cruel propagator of the scandal will "find to her' cost th§t che 'has been plying . user aud lost the game. 7 | : " : } ni Fo pon ve i ol Tor if there anyihing| wrong we ould hear of it, A grolind 1h vitole.. The) 10 be struck from the Jiberiy othe slo by 'the removal of its maior and tyrait; githér 'entirely by "death capacity ; t use they Pn See Eiries they hid 4 man sory importance | 10 all Eun rove 3 mh thick oh sould permit the ye to traniph p hier oe t foot (@ if ¥ Hoty may. create. a, testi ry, vestige "rompu pus | whens SE fA a ~ | for discussion, ¥ di > STATES. viking tolograme ul of. four! u Which bret upon 'Bostan, on the 8th net. | ph wires puck Yo Sth SA logan pros- Ar yp ued Sher toy 1 The rool wn off heh a ade gs blown down and property in Boston. $3 i gale. lastnight To i yo k, ita. greatest oi Pe Gg addest ens foe was Vai duis of i gn MA) Airel e ila an ics he Rr Ho oes Seay foo liseym, awd hearing that a body w ed he ins of the gr hried to render a aig) up the pla wlien a tremendous gust 101g "Hidewalk, whiBh stiock him 'witlustch ¥iolened iis te lraciire hie skull, fii an ha icinity fo age al over " The oe received op it Monday 181i HB i i. | pluck from 'the m break an arm, Dherwieg wre. him. He died withirs rt Mae.' Bevgial "oiher person, are | injured, The e iti' Boe: |; | ma i iE mh Ih 4 oo 200 gore down that erless b Xs the iat po oud, bul wey so We money TA Jeplace a ho d, a father or a son "We wonder if the qable. lords wil! be eall- '| ed to decount ! or ist only Railway Com« Janes that are 'Toaponsipl dor life ane mb? "Fo the Editor of the Observer. Stun Would you obligé/by inserting in your @ enclosed certificate from Me. G. | arsh, foreman of the jor mn the late ii in quusiiog on Shedyol Ry gall. 1 |. After she verdict was given akibateguert of the foreman and some i Lindo 1 oom aa 3 the jus rom) framed in unison o,f the tenor of : vers 'ol as diot, as it wis given 1d me in wring and sigied by all of thé jurymeén-aihie ufihe 'the jurors thought that they were re-consid= ering their verdigt-- whether such .conld. be done matters little--for wo' 'verdict was arrived at--and the prisoner was com- minerkin virtue of the verticl mentioned" in Mr. Marsh's certificate , 1A" ¢ fn YEW 100M YERULT VEY] v Your's obediently, wi v YAT Carmingon, Sepfomber wr 10 186 4 towards the Avondale sufferers was $17,500. Apainfui rimor begins to cirenlate (0. the | effect that whe fire which accomplished *0 fearful 'w destruction of life in'the Avondal, wine was the work of inckudiasies: 10 be hoped _however--{ir ihe wake of ho uanity=that the rumour is not well fownd- od. liness | Two itn portant propositions dame up da; next the abduetion of Prince Arthur, boih of which were adopted. The Montreal Gazelfe knows a thing or two, and slates that itis awate from private knowledge that Prince Atthur will visu the States m the confee'of the winter, but ac- cording 10 the Fenian Programme hé shall Geo..Wheler, b Phillipe, KE ieesnivine have to visit the States early in the fall. R, Gilpin, b Phillipe, .. ttl A E. Armstrong, b Phillipe, REACH COUNCIL. J. Walks, leg belore wicket, b Connor, 0 wr B. Crosby pot out... :... .-ii.iinn a6 ¥ : Byes 2, Wides 6, No Balls 1........ 9| The above council met--parsuanl 1o'ad. -- | jourhment--on Wednesday 15h instant. 591" The keeve took the chair nt 1 o'cloek. Present,nhe Reeve, Messrs. Bates, Hol man, and Major. The minutes of the previous meeting re read and approved. "Lhe Clerk snbmitted a statement of the votes polled for aad against the Railway By-law at the late election, The nur. ber for the By law was 192--againct i 322 leaving a majority against it of 130 On motion the sum of $20 was ordered to be refunded to Messrs. Baldwin & Willcox, Prince Albert, being part of shop hquor license, the license year being so far spent ere their licence was oblaived. A like amount was ordered to be re- funded 10 Mr, Worthington, Port Perry. ou similar grounds. Mr. Bates moved th-t the sureties offer ed by the two collectors, Joel Shaw and John Real, are in each case considered sufficient and thet they be accepted by this Council,--Carried. The Reeve read a communication from James Glover and four others requesting the council to take into considesation the case of Mrs. Jones, an. digent party whose allowance seems wadiquate for ber gporty and further representing that the uty in which she lives is uubit for hum he After considerable discussion in which the old lady figured somewhat prominently the applicant was referred to Mr. Murta, tie overseer for the Division in whict she resides. Mr, Major at the same time promising to see Mr. Murta,and also to inspect the shanty, while Mr.Bate: promised to supply her with a quantity ol potatoes and perhaps something elie. On motion of Mr. Ilolnan the council adjourned ull monday, 8th November at 10 acm. A -- Ol -- eee. RETURNING IN TIME, © Reiflensiein, ihe aosconding Clerk in the Deputy Receiver General's office has re: wrned to stand his trial at the Court of As- size which' opened at Oitawa on the 13ih. Hon. J, H, Cameron, and Mr. J. Scou wili counduol the defence. The trial will be an inferresting one and cost the country a few more thousands, but if it vindicates 11s honor yhat of that, ------------ THE AVONDALE. DISASTER. The extenfl the 'Avondale disaster, ai least as far as Joss of life goes, 18 now as- certaimed, the deaths being 10. That is 108 who were 1 the ire; and 2 who lost their lives i allempling. rescue the un- fortunaigs. Dor "readers aware that on the 6th' i fire prt, in tie wdrks or the Avondale goal pr, Poon rama that it was said that there were 200 down m he; shaft at the time of the cata«- trophe, all of whom Wee tegarded ns ug i 1 15° mine Flo as fo Bros sy mw the oon ol the ot: 'Some es' Seti ago the [| s finding thatthe, Id pot got along ip 1 an Duta wal but were refused, and * becanse Ihey. refused to co nine. ut, the starvation Hips Bey wee locked out, und kept poing| on the streets idle, fiom that ume iil ohe week previous to, the calamity, 'when their |: employers in part y " Tr ural rable slink' concern, whieh, in place ,0f & ea foregress in 'he hour of di frame way' ok nd mn in ghcaols ording |. miserable old.slabs ft and shot of ali' the first to o S98 Fe ivedhs , tri hy sha } "fo wi oe IF §od 4 Selofs W. Hi. oh Hl 'iv own home, Mr ao si 9 in the a bi 4 ] Times o il er! Br HE 0 | alted Sd porpone for bod wes sttend to npip| (0-day; , ill find, him at. the |certain vgly.circumstances cor they: will tequire viii : Wel establishment at ly by J: 3 ihe me oni ? ase, Yak i SONS. tf aon Hada o id Zo SR bu hm iff deen 5 ht Se is WA art Bw S10 of thw b IRV Youd of avin I" Suu ebrand Hosvue! Levees vile "O01 wo ud « © aR $ i ed i it falls Rustions. wa got bus | Liphit Piste to, 5 % | A Wlndeii fos oan 8» but lie a Tod or Joint @ in or # republic evi there havebeen four or five i went bl; My a n'a Possibility pat TAH PAA ey Iti in The Fenians have just Been holding two | separate meetings on the other side of the | First ithe mvasion of Oena- | pay they. hati 1 yg vb asked | every mau | This is to cértify that the aia | Rol inthe jury room during the time. that | we were considering our verdict, nordid dhe | coroner in any "way, directly' of indirééily inturfere with be rendeiing' of ihe yerdiot. | The inquest waa not adjourned for one week, we. were discharged in the a form grid manyst, } (1 G. F. MARSH, Foren RES vids hss ' REACH MARKETS, teonnzerio WEEKLY] Prince Albert, 8 o'clock a.m. September 16th, 1869, Fall Wheat, '81, 00 4 bush. Spring Wheat, $1.00 buy bugh. Jarley, 65¢c @ 0c Peas, 50c & busi Clover Seed, 6 4 bush. Oats, 40¢ & bush. Bacon, 10c Ib. Pork, $7.00 & ewt. Potatoes, 50¢ & bush. Eggs, le & doz BIRTHS, y At Prinet Albert, on the 12th inst,, Mrs.' "Re. Emaney, ofa son At Prince Albert, on the 13th inst Mr, Nel- son Briggs; of a son. DIED, At Jacksonville, Florida, Tast, Dr. John C. Brathwait Deceased was brother to or esteemed man, Dr. Brathwaite. At Reach, on Sabbath 12th fast. Joba' 0 Lek, aged 24 years. year Scugog;. on Tuesday, Joby; 'Williams, aged . years. [hil d NW in on the 11th August e, aged 31 years, 2 1gwns- ~~ ESTABLISENMENY, it G4 re : W. H. VYVYAN, Successor to J. Burren, ---- EGS to announce to the public that lie has B rm rs Mets by 0 Tailoring Businéss Niche if be fonng on. hand to or prompt i he nenest ny Tor aad wage fron ou Jaton London and Paris Fashipps just Prinee Albert, Sept. 15, 1869, 37 GRITAT AT w! CANNIN G ro --o00-- IF ie to make room for my unusually Jara' Fall and Winter Steck- § 1 have determined folare a Clearing S ale Of my present Stock. AT COST! Up till the first of Cotober. ¥3 Parties to secure first cle the Present opportunity. Ay i eit show. ATR : EXAMINATION oF: TEACHERS. Commencing at 9'o'clork. AN applicants mus be forward atthe coBmencement, ad Renihed with satisfactory Testimonials; frour res spective ey. of good moral character e 'By order of the Board of PiT. 1 CB THORNTON, 20, ASL CAE a aaa A aud the 'men resumed ork 0d bt HE Annual ua} Euamjatite ne k the too ow thy rt LES ER TR them. The ming in" ony th ue ae Cnamingion, a pi k hid SE me BE Nailer ny and' Friday, ud thn houing sparse, whioh shout, whe 21st uid 220d days of Odtober. 1

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