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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Sep 1869, p. 2

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"GREAT BARGAINS AT NCHESTER. [uhaarih LARGE. ARRIVALS! ORDON"S, "Roos! Boos: Booms * GOTTEN A J0B. ' Hon. F. Hincks, we are told, is about get- ting a situation. "He has been very forta- nate, as he has not been Jong out of Work ; | employers have yielded 10 the demands of he got sacked at Bermuda, and he bas already 'de partment. Capable men must be fast dying out in the Dominion, of our Cabinet makers | would not have to grab for the first man It is also said that it 1s scarcely a couple of months since been offered control of ihe Finan that p himself. & The Public are informed that the has received and opened out 24 Cases Boots & Shoes Of every style--in great variety, which will be sold very Cheap tosuit the a Ladies' Calf Skin Boots from 75 cents per pair, Boys' Long Boots from $1 per pair, Men's Strong Heavy Boots at $2 per palr and s. upwi ! and see LARGE ARRIVALS OF FALL GOODS! » To hand, and constantly arriving which will be offered at extremely low prices to Cash buyers, Further particulars in future, BARLEY 'Wanted in any delivered at Manch ter or Whithy. A large number of Teams wanted to-team Barley, 5 cents Casn per bushel will be paid. wl splendid New Ste Shein hE for le--very cheap--warran of the st ma- teral and workmanship, ADAM GORDON. Manchester, Aug, 26, 1869, ar t isoment of Lagies) Miser Bu ren's ts in elegant styles. ease Bargains offered. P. will get into the Cabinet. the Cabinet ! it must be geting strong. A NOBLE MAN, few days ago--according 16.1he New York Star--accompanied by his son, a Jad of 10 years, to open the bridge in order to allow Rome vessels to pass up the stream. The boats passed up and wlifle the man was in whistle of the cars coming thundering on en route from Jersey. At the same instant he heard the scream of his son who had fallen into the water and was struggling for lifs, he had Che Mntarin Bhseter, EDITOR PRINCE ALBERT, een , WHAT 18 IN A NAME} From the one end of the Dominion to the other--if it hasunother end-- the alpost 23, 1869. universal cry is independence ; and indeed if we were the most abject slaves on the face of the earth, the subject could scarce. ly be approached by us with more distorted ideas'of the meaning of the change which we seem anxious to obtain. Like the frogs in the fable we are all right but don't know it ; god like them too we may come to know it-when it is too late, when we shall have the presence of ei:her king log ot king serpent placed amongst us as ruller-- most likely the latter. Those who but yesterday without deigning to ask our con- sent cauglit us by the collar and pitched us nto confederation, bag and baggage, be- cause it chanced 10 suit their whims so (0 do, are now beginging to talk of inde pendence, just as if they cared anything about it further than to suit some pet idea oof their own, expecting that (he change may turn up something in their favor. Wiat the knowmg ones mean by indepen- dence is an increased chance for plunder, being aware that the change would entail upon 'the country the maintenance of a Jot more drones, another swarm of hangers-on. But the querry is in_what is this indepen- dence to consist 2' "Does it mean dispens- ing with the many kiad offices of the mother «ountry, and stepping from under the ample folds of the 'cosy royal standard? Ts it getting to sea without compass or helm, 1s it for thie purpose of forming a hydra Leaded dommion in which the rulers wil) | outnumber the rulled, or is it with a view to starting 'a one liorse kingdom with al mimiature kinglet at its head of whom the knowing ones will make a pupet ; or what in creation is it that these independence : men would have? No! No! Let us be "thankful for the blessings we enjoy, Our independence could baidly be much in- creased, but at might very easily be great- ly. dimmished. Let us grapple our grand | Dominion Alma Mater to our very hearts with tripple steel. And when (hat time _ shall have come, whic is obviously far in the future, when it may be to the interest of both to' part, and not till she pushes us | too late, life was extinct. dear boy was the safety of perhaps fifiy grown up people many of whom could not will be 1ead with interest in the pages of would be lights shall have been obscured for ever. -------- WONDERYUL CALVES, The Oshawa Vindicator of last week was in ecstacies, in fact he almost ran frantic with joy over the vitality of the calf tribe, the great tenacity with which lis friends ching to sweet existence. He takes up a large portion of a column in minutely de- scribing the fruitless attempts of one Mr. F. 10 kill one of those wondeiful calves. Oar Vindicator man enters with the greatest en- thusiasm into a minute description of the modus operandi, relates the particulars with the greatest gusto, telling us hat Mr. F. first cut calfy's throat, but his calfship objected to beng diddled out of life 10 this fashion, and absolutely refused to dis. Mr; F. uext cut both juglar veins--somewhere in the posterior extremity of the brate-- and extiacted every drop of blood his calfship ever had, and even coaxed the brute 0 give up the ghost, but Mr. Calfy absolutely refused 10 do anything of the kind--or in the exact words of the Findicator man-- one of his callship's near relatives: --¢ It persistently réfused to dia," but continued to enjoy itself, inspecting matters and things around for a couple of hours, and then yielded up the ghost, having died a nataral death, or died naturally as the Pindicator man bas it. 0, Jupiter! die naturally ? and his head nearly cut off, and all his blood ex- tracted nearly two hours before! The Vin- dicator man twits Mr. F. because he cannot explain the mystery. This is mean and unfair; how can that gentleman, with his limited knowledge of the calf tribe, be ex- pected to explain the mystery of vitahty, -- But haa Mr. F. reflected for a moment on the amount of cutting and bleeding which the Vindicator man has suflered for years past and still survives, we should Judge that 1 this had not afforded him a meaas of ex- plaining the mystery, it would at least have furnished him with an addivnonal case in point, and shown him an instance of still greater vitality in the ca!f tribe. Ena eR id THE FATE OF THE NEGRO RACE. From an exchange we find that notwith. standing the number of Whites 1s consid- erably in advance of that of the Blacks in Charleston, South Carolina, yet over two negroes die for every one of the White pop- ulation, When slavery was or its glory it was the interest of their owners not orly to keep up bat to increase the sable elemern ; Mr. J. M. Courrier, M.P., or Mr. Jones, M. Well done A bridge-man named Decker on the Ne- wark #nd New-Jersey Railroad went ont a the act of glosing the bridge he heard the To rush to the rescue of his son would be certain destruction to the cars as the bridge was not yet closed and to wait to close the bridge his son would perish --and the noble wan faithiul to his trust choose the less of the two evils and remained at his post till 1 the bridge, then metantly rushed to the rescue of his boy ; but it was Tue loss of this well be «pared. This noble act of Decker's lustory long alter the name of some of our EMIGRATION. The strike of the Montreal Shoemakers still continues. It iis said that nine of the the men and that 800 of the Jatter are about '0 resume work ; others of the employers are still obstinate and keep their | men upon the streets, St, Crispin's Society is strong however and the mer. are deter- mined 10 give the sweaters a pull for it. Ths cause of the men is just and 1t would be a sad pity that they should succumb to those grinders. If there be one occupation more tnan another that has a right 10 claim a fair compensation for their labor it 1s the Iabor- ious, fing busi of sh k The public have no desire 10 serew them down to starving prices, it is the avericious employers who seek to make a splutter by xelling men's boots a quarter dollar per pair cheaper than their ueighbors, and at thie sume time sweat half a dollar out of the men for it. The strike in Montreal is beginning to produce its leg fruits. On Wednesday last the society sent off 50 of the best shoe- makers to the States, and 100 more on Fri- day, and more are yet 10 follow. The prices have been so reduced within the last five years that wharihey got $5 for five years ago they have to do as much work now for $3. This is swealing preity effectually. Ee -- PROVINCIAL SHOW. - The Provincial Show is pow at full blast; everything gets merrily along. Thereare 1019 more entries this year than last.-- There are 488 entries of horses--467 eat- tle--557 sheep--171 Pigs. The total uumber of entries is 7,588. The aber sharp practice meted out to some ' of the best stock breeders ia the Dominion causes some; dissatisfaction, viz :--refusing to en ter their stock because they were a Jittlc behind time. Ii, as bas been asserted, this rule has been ignored time afier time, the parties have room for complamt, but if not the fault is their own. -------- SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY. The Sunday Schocl in connection with the Primitive Methodist Church, will Lold their anmvercary services on Thursday, 301k inst., at the Bethesda Chapel, one mile consist of Addresses by several Reverend Gentlemen and others--Recitations and Dialogues by the pupils of the Sunday School. The Bethesda choir will give their valuable services in order to add to the inteest of the occasion, This school never fails to give a good account of itself and draw large numbers to take part in its even a larger turn out than us: al on this | occasion. Dioner served at 12, Tea at 5. Tickets 25¢cts for Dinner. Concert in the evening.-- (See Posters.) ---------------- PREPARE FOR THE COMING AG. RICULTURAL SHOWS, The Reach and Scogog Agricultural So- ciely's Show takes place at Prince Alben, on Tuesday, 28th inst. This will doubtless be the best show ever held by this society i) the prize list 1s considerably extended--1ihe arrangements are better than they ever! were before. We hope 10 see our farmers | displaying a zeal worthy of tkem--and our mechanics sustaining their reputation-- our hozticulturists are generally well up in the roots and fruits. The ladies never fail to make their portion of the show teresting, but we hope to see them put forth an exua! effort this time and give us a large display. | The N. 0. E. D Agricultural Show will | be held at Uxbridge, on Weduesday and Thursday, 6th and Tin days of October. The Cartwright Fal! Show will take place on Friday the 8h Jay of Octobor. The Brock Fall Show will be held on the | 8th day of October. v | THE LAST VILLAIN HAS NOT YET BEEN CAUGHT. The Bank of Montreal has sustained a very serious loss through the dishonesty of Harris, its Cashier of the Quebec branch. -- It appears that one Sandercon, a broker and Harris the Cashier, tampered with the cre- . | be quite au ilem--about 10 per cent.-- north of Epsom. Tie entertainments will | avviversary seasons. We expect: to see | for then they can part the power amongst wither to remain gently off then as loving grateful children | bot now that the institution has crumbled, when we cease 10 be iumates we shall be. | darkey is loft to shift fo: himaelt and the ome nergbbors and friends ; rejoicing 1 race will dwindle down much more rapidly y Co na 3 1 ile ] oY 4 the prosperity and sliaring in the adversity that hey rose, uutil ere long they leave the dit of the Bank to a very large am ount-- some say as high as $200,000 ; paitly by giving accomodation toSanderson at the hank | lo a Jarge amount, aud partly by checks stealing, but there are lots of side charges | I awaiting the issue of the present iat, Hag | "20 Company lett out of contract the most iii Ri ml on i A HURRY ON THE INVENTIONS. The Liverpool Post of the 26th ult, in- forms us gf the discovery of a process by Which the best of bread may be myde from wheat without the trounle or of THE MARKETS. Our markets sre sfiil weak, thers is still a good deal of vocertainty aboot them. They were very dull towards the close of fast week, in coniseq of buyers and sellers grinding thesame. The Post states tha differing considerably on the value of the kd 1 I is ly patented. The ad- Vaniages of such a process would be na- " hether in a esaitory 01 economical point of view. The deleter- ious effects of grinding require po observa- tion they are patent to althost every child ; and as for the econoniy of the new process were ut only for the saving of these ever- lasting tolls exacted by the muller it would Again by he new process a given weight of wheat will produce more bread than an equal weight of flour; or in other words 7ibs of wheat will produce as much bread as %ibs of flour or 29 per cent of a gam. So that every 100 bushels of wheat raised will go as far in Way of bread as 130 bushels dg now. Hurry it on ! : al deserip of gran. Barley was beld at from 76 10 80 cents per bushel, but buyers were shy, street prices ranged from 70 to 78 cents for first quality. A car load of ate sold at 38 cents. Spring wheat was offering for $1 06 and a quantity of Fall wheat was sold at $1.08. Oats rose a couple of cents towards the close of the week and Barley remained about the ame the demand was a litile more lively. A RUMPUS, Toe Beavertonians learning with no small degree of é and di isfs that the P. H. L. and Beaverton Railway Co'. liad signified their determination 10 extend [#be s0ad even further than Beaverton, aud consequepily deprive hat village of the ad- Bay Our readers will find Paxton & Jones" new advertisement in our adverts ing columos of today. = Their New Goods for Fall and Winter Trade are now to band. GOSE TO caup, The Brock and Reach Companies of Volunteers passed through this place on Monday, en route for Whitby, to put in their annual drill. izes which would arise from having the teiminus in their midst. In order 10 have the matters put to right a public weeling of the ratepayers of the township was called for the 15th current at which a deputation of the company was requested 10 be Present. The meeting took place in the town hall but was far from being largely attended, doubtless owing to the particularly busy season at which it was held. Dr. McKay called upon Mr. Williams, Superutendant of the Port Hope, Liudsay, and Beaverton Railway to give explanations NEWS FROM EUROPE. Tke Americans have pet some ginger in- 10 European affans during the past week. Mr. Sickles' uote 10 the Spanish Gover- meut on Coban affairs has proved like an electric shock to the palsied limbs of Spain, they have got into a feartal splutier and are about to send every thing they can muster, men, women and children, 10 defend Cuba from the iron grasp of the rapacious Yankees. The shock has been communicated to the other European powers, and they are all standing round with elongated faces and hauds uphfied in pious horror at the bare idea of brother Jonathan getting wed to the Queen of the Antler, and all sors of aw k- waid protests are betug urged agawst the match. Agrarian outrages still continge mn Ire- land. A bailiff named Treyne xas shot aead at Abbey Deriy onthe 17th. Tne cul- Prit it is supposed was a Fenian. France is shonly expecling a second master. The Emperor puiposes placing hus boy upon the throne, and felaining in his own hands the presidency of the cou The young lry of kinglets are busy han up sitoations. The lea of a parcel of boyx stretching for their puny hands to seize the reins ol Government is nothing less than absurd ; a sharp rap over the knuckles would make them pull in their hands. Spain 100 is looking after a baby king. TheDuke of Genoa--a nephew of the Italian Monarch --is being pitted against all comers. lis somewhat cunning policy wm coun hangers on 10 place pupets on the thioe; theraselves and tus ruie both the king aud the country, garding the course of the company. Mr. MeKinnon thought the people ought fitst 10 state their grievances, inat by means of big promises the company's bad got a large gum: from the corporation. $25,000 had been already paid by Thorah and te does vot believe that $1,000 of this amount had been spent in the township. Mr. Wiliams superintendent of the road being again calléd, said he could not see the necessity for the vresent meeting. The con: pany were desirons 10 do all they can for Beaverton, but the were compelled 10 ex- tend the railway as far as Lake St. Johg mn order to carch the lamber trade. Dr. McKay followed, he said the com- pany had no cause of susprise atthe feeiing manifested by the people of Thorah seen 2 the company's actions were so unlike thei promises. Here the speaker read extracts from the speeches of the directors when asking for bonuses Mr. Boulton one of the directors had said at a public meetthg held iu Beaverton, when huuting up bonuses. Sisimie © ue wan $50,000 from 'Thorah, a litle fiom Mara, some fiom Pon Hope, some fiom Etdon, and sight of way row Lindsay ; aod if we can accomplish this the road will be ready 10 cany away your lumber and pro luce next year. Lum- ber can be sent fiom bere for $2. Thus must induce the building of mills ; and | Warrant yoo us soon us the road is begun every fool of water privilege will be apphed for. New mills will be built ; Dew vessels wi'l be put upon the runte, and a monopoly will uo longer semain wih Capt. May or any one else. (Cheers.) Your river will lreland is fast 2 tothe suf; Cork Farmer's Ciub is taking up the land | question in earnest, and a National Tenant's League has been formed and doubtless those everlasting land grievances will be much modified if not enurely swepl away ere another vear rolls past. Brighter days are iu store for that long oppressed land. The Turkish Emperor is bringing the Egypnan rattel 10 time ; he has agreed to all the propositions of the Sultan except the question of loans. REIFFENSIEIN BEFORE COERT, THE The Grand Jury brought in the following true bills abamnst the accused, vix : for ob- The | be d with walls and luctories ; your sirewts will resound with the bom of bosi- SUSDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSAAY. = * ava ed the M. E. Church near Squelchville, Brock, held anniversary services on Sunday and 5, 19th and 20th 1nat. © We had uot the pleasure of being present on Sanday, bat from what we could learn and from the large number of temporary seats erecied, the Sonday's attendance must have been large. Oa Monday the exercises commenced at 2 o'clock, with singing and prayer, followed by calling Mr. Fraser 10 the chair. The chai hanked the C. the honor, said he was not much pany for bliin jan tia TE SyRsROT ROR Linc 3 Papi) Aihaaad a. 4 . 1 pt. 16.--H W : : i "The Sunday Schosl in ion witli his house in Limbourg sre stabbed and instantly kil} nid! er was subsequently ar or of a trial than a mad dog has. MARRIED. In Cannington on the 22nd inst., by the Rev. W.8. Wes o , Mr. Samuel Baird of Woodville, to Miss Amanda daughter of C, Burn-- ham, Esq.. of C At Jewett's Hotel, on the 16th inst by the Rev. G. . Jumieso yh Samuel Belford 0 to the honor of presiding over such meet- ings; spoke buefly on the imponance of the Sunday School Institution. Then followed quite a large number of 1 { i and dialogues by the pupils. The ehildren did well and sustain- ed the reputation of the school. It w. cheering lo see so many healtiful, inte geut cialdien met 10 do honor to the Sun- day School, each one endeavoiing to the vely olmosi to render the anniversary a success, and 10 this they succeeded well, for it certainly was most successful. The Squelchville choir contributed very much, by a generous supply of charming music, 10 the pleasures of the day. This choir is uot large, but they make capital music : thei seleciions were most judicious. Miss F. Davis, Brock, presided wt the oigan with capital effect. An old gentleman recited a pieco--and did nt well--which be had committed 47 years before. > Rev. Mr. Sanderson being called 10 ad- dress the company, gave us a capital ad- diess. He referred in glowing terms to Lis pleasing intercourse with the people of Brock. The chief aim of the address was 10 enforce the truth of the proposition--that God designs that everything in creation »hould seive a wise purpose ; and that man was created for a high and noble purpose, ang that it is ihe duly of all to seek to fuifi] the purpose for which he was made. An mtérmission for tea was now announe- ed and presently the three long tables erected Gnder a temporary shed were sur- rounded with a busy throng of as cheerful guests as we have met for a long time, composed chiefly of the farr€ons and 'dasghi- 18 of Brock -- while the busy waiters hopped sround, keeping up the supplies. The tea and all its eurroundings were alike credit- able to the skill and liberality of the ladies of that locality. After tea the Chairman gave a short ad- dre<e ; he spoke of the interest he took in Senday Schools, and in Anniversaries 3 bet he did not relish 100 much mirth, 1n fact, he said, he did not like 10 be where much laoghter prevailed, he would much prefer being where weeping was going on. To ree patties with moistened eyes, and to mark the rolling tear, made him feel good. He would remind ihe company that the gen- tleman who occopied the position of chair- man «i the late anniversary was now under the clods of the valley ; he had passed to his account, and who, he would ask, might be next? Rev. Mr. Corrie, M.A., was next called. He eet oot Ly alinding to the transitory - on Sunday evening las Reach. At the residence of the bride's futher, by the Rev. A. Dawson, B. A. of Ashburn, ted assis the Rtev. R. P. Mackay, Ann, eldest. danghior of Edward Walker, Bt MN Defoe Jshter of ca. 5 1 cl LE ence in the village of Qenmington, Abia resid own inst.--of ty- paoid feves, Mr. John J. ns in the 24th year of his age. y tHe) Deceased was a very amiable" young man, courleous in business aud highly re- #pected by all who knew him. His death ie lamented by a large circle of friends and relations. Aud notwithstanding that the young man has thus been cut ofl in the very morning of lile, he has succerded by persevering industiy {and upright, honors ble dealing, in leaving his stamp upon the basiness history of Cannington--and that for good. His mourning and bereaved re- latives have our most sincere sympathy in ihis trying circumstance. In Reach, on the 4thinst., Mary Ann Hartery, beloved wife of Mr. Morris Hartrey, in the 4ist year of her rge. Deceased was a kind friend, a loving wife and (gnder mother. = She leave a fam- ily of eight boys and a devoted husband to mourn her early decease The berdaved family Irive 'the sympathy of'alf who kuow them. 43RD NY At bis residence, 6th concession Reach, Joseph Taompson, aged 43 years, Deceased was a man apparently in sound health, was working in the harvest field till after eleven o'clock on Saturday ni , and retired to rest about twelve o'cloc® in his usual health. He got up on Sunday morning and sat by the fire smoking while his wife prepared breakfast. She. heard the pipe fall from his mouth, and turning: round saw him fall over in a faint as she thought, but he only breathed twice and expired. The funeral took place on Mon- day, the Rev. Mr. Forueri, B. A., con. ducted the services, del Mbectisements. state of human affairs, the numerons changes which take place between one Anniversary and the succeeding one, and suggested the improvement we oneht 10 make from a knowledge of these thinos. -- The Rev. sentleman next questioned the pupils on subjects of scripture, dwelt on the importance of a thorough kudwledge of Bible truths, and wound up an excellent ness, aud you can confidently look to be the centre or capital of this new conutry. . . . . . On Mr. MeMillao complaining of the smallness and poverty of Torah. and dread- wg the increase of taxation, Mr. Bouhon showed that the village would soon pay a large portion of the taxes, and so relieve the burden of the tarmers. Some one had said that the limber was prety weil exhaust ed. Bat 10 the north of us there were sev- eral townships whose foresis had never been touched. Mr. Sage, who had bought a township and a half, told us that 59 mai- lions of feet annually for 50 years 10 come might be taken out of hat county ; amd he taining from the Bunk of M | under: false pretenses the sum of $15,278 also fiom Wm. Dison. The second bil charged the prisoner Wh stealing $2,188 fiom the Queen or the property of the Ontario Baud - but so very loesely was the indictment got up in the huny hat the prisoners counsel bad no trouble in disposing of most of the counts. The prisouers counsel offered sev- strougly «ected and went on at considera- ble length 10 urge his objeciions, when the was azuost himself. This of course brought lim 10a complete stand still. The case dragged on Ull Saturday, when the prosecu- on could go no further, and begged 10 have the inal deferred ull next assize. The re- 1se that every board of it wil come hee it the road is compieted." oral demurress to which the prosecutor j® * * hament for ac court intormed him that all he was saying [upon it they woul of the Legislature the people of Thora who were resolved to bave justice done theus. In the meantime Le thought it was ost ex- pedient to ascertain how they actually stood, and to alan this end Le moved the follow g , il the 102d should be extended 10 Beaverton, 10 ship 20 milion feet for 20 years, but sceivg Le wished it 10 be carried below paying rates bis offer was tejecied. Thomas & Miller, who had a township on the Black River Land, have eciected mills which will cut 20 million a year, and prom- Dr. McKay continued: » * « Toe Port Hope Company might go to Par- iter, but they might depend Jd have 10 meet 1 the nall quest being granted the priscuer was re- manded to thre kind attentions of the Shen, 0 custody till the next himself in $4.000 and wo | term or find bail, seeuiities in $2,800 each. full amount of which 25,000 is the | he 1s charged wuh | ng resolution :-- | Thoiah voted the large sum of $50,600 10 | ad the Port Hope, L. Railioad, to extend their line 12, Beaverton as the proposed terminus ; and w Lereas the " That whereas the Municipality of dsay aud Beaverton en joute for Fort Garry as Licut.-Goveinor of the North-west trritory. and leach clubs was played on" Thursday las'. Uxbridge carried all before thew. and appropriate addiess by pressing the importance of applying the heart 10 wisdom and of remembering the Creator in the days of youth. i | We had tho pleasure of talking a litile to the people, after which "God Save' tlie Queen" brought the proceedings 10 a close. Mr. Hall, the efficient supenntendent and his capital stafl of officers and teachers are doing good service in that locality, and deserve the countenance ard hearty co-op- eration, especially of the parents of the lo- cality. Members of the N. O. Agricultural Saciety will be supplied with tickets, and no member will be allowed to make any entries as such till be shows his ticket, und no ticket can be obraived till the member. ship f2e 1s paid. Those who have not paid bad better pay immedia'e'y or they will lose the advantages of m-mbership.-- he money should all bave been paid in two weeks ago. (See Rule.) ee ee ---- OFF TO THK NORTH WEST. It is understood that Hon. Mr. MeDoogall will proceed west about the end of 1hisweek ---------- CRICKET. and Nipissing LANDS, Public Auction! ived inst: HE "tndersigued has fon T from the Council of the Corporation of Township of Brock to offer lpg by Pate 4 Auction, on Friday, 8th October, 1869, At J. A. Campbell's Hotel, SUNDERLAND, At 2 o'clock p. m., the following Real Estate, ¥iz: a certain portion of 'and in the Village of Vroomanton, containing five-eights of an acre more or less, opposite Varcoe's Hote', quarter of an acre lot near the Catholic Church in said Village. Also a certain portion of land, about 2 acres more or less, formerly belonging to James Barker, being part. of Lot No. 1 , in. 3rd concession. I3 Terms made'known on the day of sale. T. H. WALSHE, Auctioneer. 38-td: Brock, Sept. 22, 1868. Toronto and Nipissing RAILWAY. Take Notice, tnt the Directors of the Toronto. ilway Company have this day authorized a [Call of Ten per cent I'he following 1s the score ; REACH -- FIRST INNINGS. Tle return match between the Uxbridge | i Subscribed capital of tle said Company,. ¢ atthe Offices, Front and Ba streets, city, on Menday, the 1st day of November JAMES GRAHAM, Secreta T.10nta, 18ih Sept., 1869. ; Bead jimpotiant section 10 thus Mayieipality of | > AT of oar Alma Mater, but never forgetung eb -- marked good by Harris and casbed by cther neuer $25,000 as prison ax} Motel R25 | tp a Dens pany af J 1 Datla, b Bolsivt id 5 EXAMINATION OF ! 1 4 3 a had done, 4 akica ro & wd) As Conner, ODL. cme nmeeisavensnsnian ; that! land, whose very dist to us is TE a ar atATIVE POWER OF] banks on the strength of the Bank of We- Vouid by this tine have been snug in the | Ee 1 mak gS Sh or ake | Jue: Psp Bolen § Waka 2211" TEACH E S dear. Bot should she see fit to drive = diva; etme nage of tne of the sf, big house at Kingston. St. Jolin, thereby breaking faith with the ne b Bolvier... * : . ALLE id 4 i cers. cash- ------ ees a 2 + ith Ww. A . . H us ofl sooner than we desire i", we won't| Aq approximale estimate of the value o/ {ed to the amount of $90,000 on one bank BURNED 70 DEATH. juiepayers ot Thorsh, and Septiving ihe i Cont W. Bascom. . ie 55 Angel S-- > Foe ige and bang on by ber skirts, we will [ihe chief products of the Southern States has | alone. Haris and Sanderson are borh on : - perty which would result from Baavorion | F- Paneer, hit wicket ..~ - 2 Coungy of ESamlation s Berghe for the thahk Ler for past favors, face our respon. just been mads, showing an aggregate of bi hiv in) hed caving te banks A fro which look place ou Ques Sisver | being made the terminus;and the wicrease or | H- Parsons, b W. Bascom. , ; 3 Grammar School, Yisthy, and Common Sclool s'ililies, strike out for ourselves, profiting | $65,000,000; being $30,000,000 for the [vf ined demurs at paying the amounts] VE Yornte, on Friday morning, burned | yjich tbe Company held out 10 the ratepay- i, Cochiates goto 0) per +o0ues 3} Cannington, on ok Lian lth noble example she bas set us in the | COON crop-- Corn cro, 8200,000,000-- | drawn ou the ground that Harris was not| \¥© children to death, aud caused the | wre Ja au loducegioul 10 voderiake sven | R. Currie, h w._..... Jo Thursday and F riday, sy 2b Eves sock Wheat, $30,000,000 Tobacco, $80,000,000 | the proper party to mark such checks--thar | death of a fireman, . heavy burden. Therefore the. council of Wado eves cates 1 . RET pasty and ever seeking to prove ourselves ~Sugar $40,000,000. Tumis is a truly lortile | "NY (the Bank): kept a clerk for thar pur-| "The father of the burned clldren says: -- Thoralye dereby senpectfully Tegisaed 0 i / i+] The 14th and 15th days of C bay.' | worthy decendants of a noble stock ; and | land of milk. d ¥ pose. We shoud judge, however, that the | 1 live 6 Queen fgliees weet. Early yester- i mit the whol ot gemept with the a 5 13| Commencing at 9 o'clock, All applicants must deserviag ber continued esteem and regard and--a lund of milk and honey. bank will offer no such plea. Let the blun- | day morning betkeen 2 aud 3 oeloek', my | PAY lo soe Ig and pe ions | REACH--SECORD INNINGS. be forward at the commencement, and furnished Bat perhaps the most amusing suggestion ANOTHER INVENTION. Jor bg atiure eg or Preiotdets must ile ry ith 8 scream; she said thud Man hey 5 Foc the ng du WW. Robson, b W. Bascom 0 Te fvetstustory, Testes i i wil i perha i esto wr ' oot the bill. "Bun otilreal stock has | | e | pa if gi were cracking --an; ' wk 4 vl Hf edt Crea «of gllis that,of those who hint that Prince Almaching has jist been invented for sn Jatien fron 163 tv 157 in' consequence of the Shodted © Fire, Sioa Jwmediately'~- the aw fubinesn anit Tet wary po grow Ry Enower, 4 Whiter 31 "By onder of the Board of P.1. 5 : - of Abe jo BilT He aOR ae TY » v . in- ry. e mg for s | A. i 2 b might be mad GovernorGenerdl of f; of lucifer h This ma- frauds ee ign. - dow' bipheidioiy a he. ; lore iow Yi il oo legitimately | Josbua Wright, ran out... ...... 0 R.'H. THORNTON, D.D,, " Dofiuion. There surely cannot be chine is not expensive, but it can acoom- WELL DONE REACH. sla sand told my wile to throw Prk expected. He was prepared 10 do his duty H. Bartle, b W. Bascom, © Wheler 3 Whithy, Sept. 81860, © a: Any. tincenty in the sogsestion 'No one | piisi us much work as. 300 men or ro AL am on oe ec, Thor slept in the same | by the Company and wouid dot. Ho lad | Joo. iE, Syoinsts ¥ Ymse...... 2 Fe sha Lia 1 i ug en oF BOVAL | rps Gov-General lias been plessed to [room with us. She threw the tady out, | 8 ehecque for $7,000, duly signed and ready | 11. Parsons, ster... ibe NEW ; poh Shas Lid any ek can. Li will bring matches tothe lowest graot letters patent to;the following, Sesti Lihat she was ot able 10 ind Le {there lo uy uteri the Diveakire; and Bor woul L Corn, van, wal. i a makiag » fool of (he country, end | possifile gore. A ? aud fell out of indow herself. 1 ined | most decidedly, we e motion carr «"Lntrie, tu oul, ,... Ss i a N the A, to be made a % f CHURCR DS dtl ing their inventions for a petiod of 14 all 1 could to save my children until | was | of not pay it over to-morrow. He would | W. Hiszock, b W. Bascom 3 Ta ilo rin Bgiogie " ; eaifoy of by is CHURCH DEDICATION. rs: i completely exhavsted. 1 have no idea how | keep his of the ageement. ji R. Robson, not out.......... 5 ty masters. Letus (ry what pers: ' Tn ited, bai 1 thuk 1 wes. sha | Dor. Won sid I Dyed, Wiles... .... ? pen wag 1 yi perae- -_-- J. H. Flett--a machive: for ing | he fire originated, ink it was the Ir. William#said it was altogether a , * 3 E STABL ISHMENT. cothon ty to eeeotley Wad rigid | Ou rnders wil remember hat th ons nd eter Purples OR Ee ite id ignhor sn Soak by Sg 0. oho 7 gure a 2 cg ecoiomy fa the inanagement of our public | Di 'y services in n with the . C. Thorne--an improvement for prevent: | one line coffin, pe black and crisp as | would lose annually at least $31,000. It Total--fint lunings.............. 13 fairs, can, do for us ; W. M. Chapel, Indian Village, Scugog, ing horses interfering. ply a piece of charcoal, with litle 10 dicate | was a matter of regret lo the Company that Grand Tetal 36 i ER RB j y take place on Sunday, 26th inst. Ser-| J.J. Wesley--a combination wrench, | that vo Boh rep te. pon ps" yor | he cou nt tay af Beaveion bo amb. rr AT A 1x wows at'10 a m --" mal 6 3 -- Skulls 9 both ave 14 The most part barued ot Jhet tut Save, aud that hey could mot UXBRIDGE ~ FIRST INNINGS, Successor to J. Burren, ( ' p ma pw. 5 ke i | jaway, leaving ¢ in bare. ir hands | get wit t going further north. Ws Golde etd Mi 0 Pd Re ores bree od. ne Son met 1 a te AY | RL ld pr Sony SF Gey 10) Bn pte phe ~ Addresses and Music in abundance, | "¢"'ismeat in this issue that the Fall Tx. igi Ol, Jas. McCaul, That the ratepayers at this |v. Bascom, b Paillipo. 0]. ceased, for the purpose of carrying on { | This will be au important occasion, and | the services on Sunday and the festival on | Monday will be largely attended. Every who can attend will do well to embrace opportunity of g 4 rare treat 1 amination of Common School Teachers for the 14th and 15th days of 'October. next, and not the 21st and 220d as formerly up. nednced." TSC LEA a ¥ he County of Outario, will take 'place on 8th {and of ling on the good work smongat Jour Indian frends. (See Posters) A Sb monstration on ---------- 36 emeber the Temperance De. : ) 'N {PE TT 'meeting have no desiie whatever 10 object 10 ¢ 'ther north, cellent 'Globe. he Com 's extending their line Sor- Li 'they come 10 an equil- nt in vedoeing the ble anal et verton. We take theabove extracts from an ex- 2 Bolster, b Philip. oe: Armstrong, b.( ner... B. Bascom, b Phillipo. . ted "by thie Municipality, on | 5" Watke. 6 Phillie. ® understanding of baring the Loi J. Nats, b Conners Byes 3, Wides 4, No Bails 1 ciniaae 3|05" Tailoring Business. Where he will be found on band to 3 attention ts itucund on band to 0 3 Eh ORY 0 in the newest style, and warranted oy giTiaaReE, tion, TAY B 0 "a report farvished by the Friday's i ) 8 { i tL 1 ) Latest London and a Fashions out © Albert, Sept. 15, 1860, Prince | "This fellow has no mere right to ine hon=:" a Pr TT

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