{ Albert officé<opposite the Town Hall; +Rivil) uel wel 121 ; Foal, No. 801 Ef 2 ¢ dnt i rr I Jom] A IWREKL) "Cottingham, 7 lu FET POLITICAL, ABRIETLTUH AL BO ETT: CW. iin WRAMIEY: NEWSPAPER, I8 PUBLISHED AT THE VAOTORIA BLOGK, PRINCE ALBERT, ; COUNTY/ QF ONTARIO, "EVERY THURSDAY MOR NING «0A tel: oasinipn BY 1 * BAIRD. & PARSONS, it} ia hl TALE ene A Ki ani fbi hen nddressed to het dn Mee, a SRR nl" RATES OF ADVERTISING. / i pi luihanpicathey occupy. @ isreceived {acpublication; witholitape- Te c rn us, will bé inserted until forbid, nud ennrged au Sonagiyst Nowdvertisement will he (ken (ob paid fore livers | tebrnliliosied 10 Merchaiits and others A Whe advertise iy the vel or hulf-year ) pad UP Code jerms avillsin wseay he strictly ad- hered 4 ally Ni amnstantly increasing importance of the Rost PURER ONE oie on Fpabligution of heOneeuvs & necessil Eve, I wrong, Ela in¥oe Tifterpsgs ofthe copugy no: 1 nd ------ ie (va iron. nay | acu l paper published in Canudn, VY bat aildaer, JoB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets, Hand Bille, Posters, Programmes, Bill HOARE) Wak i Bdrims, Moen 1 Hooks. Cueck Hooks, Circulars, oe Hin Cards, Bull Cds, &¢ , &e. a A l color, en und atlower 2 Ffne ly Jat any athe esjablishment in this county, Pain 8 nd in the nmomit he Lnkrpussed by. ul oma disiahb esting hand bills ke. printed can havethem done to take howe with;hem. H, PARSONS, bit daeAfaps) i asaveisters' Cards. oft] ut wr i P. A. "HURD. TTORNEY at Law, aud Solicitor in Chan- cery, ree' Albert Office' over 'T. C. asm ail's Sire, "isda . JOHN BILLINGS, } ARRIST "ER, Attorney ot Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Lol. a6. Prinde Alberts. Qllice' opposite T, C. For- man's Store. eet intra hd fet 6a? MITA ' 'COCHRANE & COCHRANE, ARRISTERS, Attorneys; &o.! . Prince s . U1 Port Perpyioffice--aver Mr. Bigelow's Store. A "" FAREWELL &' MCGEE; ARRISTERS, Attorneys; Solicifors, Con- v telanoena and Notaries Public, hawa.-- 2! one dyor North of the Post Office; and Howmneill 16, offide Mr. Feeter's Block, oppo- hr Town Hal vil |B. PAREWBLL, [RR | R. J: WILSON, , bu I 'Wokk, B. A. 34 { in Chane ke. Office in the Victoria | uilding, Brock-st., Whitby. ,- 4... LYMAN ENGLISH, L LB, OLICITOR in Chancery: Attorney, |, & Conveyancer, &¢., Oshawa. Office--Simcoe a theet, op opposite tl the he post office. ROSS,' LAUDER, ER, MULOCK & SMITH, Hon J. Ro AW: Lander 5 J: G.Y. Smith. # Or UT TRORMAN F. PATERSON, (Late of Miller & Paterson, Taronter) Hon Ad Solicitor in, Chancery, Beaverton. Office in al ERE and! Attomeys at Law, Solicitors County Ontario. Offices: + oonnt House. 1 . C. CAMERON. att tt Et % ORNEY at Law, Solicitor 'fn' Chancery, AE anc J &c Land fond, Maia &0., Apairons's ER PE HACDONBLL. [Street Boater sr &, Jones, "PORT PERRY. ha: Da | Bdurm 0. | 0 Corner. di AUREL YT Brathwaite, aa , PRINCE ALBERT, Physisian, Su es n, ahd Nenu. A anil Tal {R9ti0Y ORONER Pha Co | cis gr Surgeon, and Tor We v1 ce Al Hrs angst] parties BERL oe sat A ing street, O -- nae, n viamel, Ness WBILL. 2 De 0 4M D., RACE pwol 1, i NY ty Gir Accopcheur, ne 4 Seto ah the utmost 8 give eri hig or no, HE fr Comper vif deals all kinds Jay, Fancy ayy fd Jioods Tye " tard i S15) L toodg bh Vass, shawa, CW. tly BR for the Reo Mat - Suctioneeey, Bi cheno Attorney at Law, Solicitor Iya ~1ailts, all hours--charges moderate. f rs, i 'who Rilldod on utmost 18 gues \| ence and Somfprt of TUE atPort Perry. Jan. 23 1867: By's New Process; Teeth oan be Ex-, "ented withott # pain, at his office, 5.0.6. % bropitéd to" 4 to" égedute all operations cohimcted with his his profession, wi with neatness and Single Per iscHeTphits of sets, or whole sets---Ohehp, and warranted. , UNDERSTAND .-- Attention: to the "Teeth preserves the' health. fier it is impossible to masticate food for the ¥, Without teeth in good nd conseq ntly there eannot be good ealth. If you have decayed' teeth, 'get them filled. Ifyou have amy ont replaced Ly new anes, {Frices | low, and all work warranted. "is" not satisfactorily done, the |' money will be refunded. I dack ite, frst tnsertion a $0.08 ! Office hours from | 8a. m, to 5 P. m, Subsequent Saat tious, yorline 0. $,002 Jan 15, ict. $1 8. nade? '6 ine#, per 'unum - . 5.00 TE TE . ohh mieawured in Nonpareil aud charged | Fnsurance, THE ONTARIO FARMERS Mutual Insurance Company T= Company twnow now fully organized and is prepared 10 accept risks on Farm Buildings and in © opienisy country School Houses and Churches. * | support a Home Insurance Company ha¥e now an cpfpeitiniey of doing so either by applying hose wishing to insure and thereby Head Office, or to any of the local Agents f the Company. Our rates will be found, as low as those of ahy So Insurance Compan; y in Canad, Head Office--The Wo Registry Office Build- ings, Brock Street, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr., Thy INCORPORATED .. . Capital - Loa «HON. Joan NM MURRIGE: AGRATH, Esq AR, HALDAN, Bsqq N PRING GENERAL AGH RT. ANA RRA ARI SR Bde Licensed. ~ Auctioneer. HE Subscriber, Holding a Licence for the County of Ontario, and the Township. of riposa, wonld beg to state to Farmers and others, requiring his services, 'that 'whatever isiness is entrusted to his care, will he prompt- and carefully attended to, Charges mod 'erms, Days of Sale, &e., &c., arranged at the bserver Office, Prince: Albert. E. MAJOR. _Borelia, March, | 27th, 1867 THOS, H. WALSHE. ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in rthOntario; Mariposa, ete., in the Connty of Litre Auctionger for the Town- 0 Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. . Or- v tol gton, Clea sa asosenes, Seichiore in ip dens left pt this office, or at his residence will be Hass [tet Brock Stécet, adjoining Mr, | Punctually attended fo. Debts collectedin Can- SH. dans, office, Wii: 8 ington or Sinarwise, | Rha Lrompt el fe GC i emember-- I , the North On- Ww. Milloek. tario Romar : or JOHN HOCKRIDGE, VETERINARY SURGEQN, and. General Cun be consulted at Horse Doctor, Epsom. Colts: Castrated Gonye, a! aildih Fs pled' by Dr. Wilson, 'Simcoe-st. ey din fibroved un " Hh keine bles 47 at ng Wt Armstrong's Hotel, Uxbridge, on Frida; Ad RON & MACDONELL, of every week during the summer, iif ii April 14, 1869. ~ Fotels YE ue lk li Centre Hotel, Lo SAINTFIELD, i (D. OAMPBELL, Proprietor. 15-1y | mevens HOUSE," MANCHESTER ! ANK,...L. PROPRIETOR. opfnescin Tschaged, e above hotel, and has | H furnished the with the cliolcest Tiquors | an attention paid to gnests.-- id Careful ry 2:7) Stages to and from Whitby call daily. stlers always in attendance. -- Jewett's Hotel, | REN. STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable md shed fl Sch, oa nd' an attentive | Free vd - ye mane ona Roats,| TT I aR ny ea, "| DAFOE HOUSE oa / ful 'attention op GRY ko Ls LL ds DAFOE, P P MACKIE H_OEL! (LATE BRODIE %,) Waton Street Port lA 'Wu. MACKIE, Proprietor. Royal (ak, Hotel, 4 MILES SOUTH STR nop: Mab. pei 'hotel has been comp 0 enorated bin pled with first Fe he Liquo oR anqertlis personal care of thé pros for, the copyeni- o F. Shits pops tl Marriage HTicens € /(BY AUTHORITY!) | i Offica' | Royal Oan Secretary i WESTERN ASSU ASSURANCE COMPY TORONTO, Cc. Ww the Scveoe | Tony fn TY anadian Hotel, + PORT BERRY. n I WHE Suma ori tensed: to gre Hotel hag fitted up na style in keeping wi th the Salat ratty uginess 8 and ph ferns tot the "vomioft wp and Strict attentio sto the Table and , Conlon atiestion paidite ihe Tab le Bor, rE Fe making the Royal Canadian Hotel | worthy of publ as HENRY F Port Perry, June. 1 16, 1869. oX, | ~ ¥Eoucp fo mom. MONEY TO LOAN! vances of money on the sgeurity of, y ImprovedFarms AND Village Property, In this and adjoining Counties at low rates of interests. Also wanted to prirchase good Mort- gages. X35" A number of good Farms, and 2000 acre¢ of wild lands for sale cheap. APPLY TO DAVID J. ADAMS, Rear ESTATE, AND INSURANCE AGENT VaLvator, &c., "Prince Avert. or To JOHN ADAMS, Taranto Ntiest, Togonza, Prince Abert July 15, 1868. A 'MILLION ANY 4 A QUARTER Mone y to Loan. HE Subseer Mme, re Pus' recéived instructions , from a gentleman who has a large amount of money invested in English securities, to ine vest the 'same for him, in this and iat Counties, on good Farm Property, or 'tures. I till continue to represent three of the largest Monetary Institutions in the Dominion, thst leud money on' the most wd vhntageous erms. 13 Also a large dumber of well cultivated Farms, and dny 'yuantity' of Wild Lands, for sale cheap, For further particulars, apply 'to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, ut Broker, Commis- sioner, Notary Public, &¢ 4 OFFICF--Second Floor, Sicilians Block Brock Street, Whitby. Sept. 2,1868, N.B. 7 fm also prepared" % invest in all Kinds of Gree Ee and sold'; also a Yarge uantity of Silver for sale. n JAS. HOLDEN. MONEY, (PRIVATE FUNDS) © To loan on good Farwe, at 8 per. cent LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &t., Oshawa. November 21, 1866. G 46 Money to Lend! IN 'SUMS OF 8300 and Upwards Ata low rate of literust. FAREWELL & M¢GEE, i + wil | Solicitors, &ec. Oshawa, Nov, 14, 1808 001, , 353m MONEY { MONE MONEY! HE Subscriber Tins Tas: received instructions T from several private capitalists to invest, a LARGE sum OF MONEY Real Estate" 'Security At Low Rates of Interest, No Commission charged. Also uncurrent nosey otght and Silver sold, pl; | APT MES LAMON, : Seitot ny &e. Office over "Armstrong's Hotel, Main Streel, Sites, June'9, [1869. itr Iiigy . ABNER, HURD, ) REAL ESTATE, AND. thie 8 Toma AEN: i PRINCE.A LBERT lor vd 'T; 0. Forma Store. 0g 00 ana) ' 34-tf eros du ode «Yh ' ih y Lage AROUNI wwe' ra in oo Sn to, A) ANG Carr BEAN G1 ng on the, | -- GT Aas usine In it meat A 5 eh Obtain and peo The andr soto) Styles received préiaptly JAMES SQUIRE: of Masi¢hester, Oct: 18; 1866... + Marriage. Licenses! a 40) Nelthef abot not expense will' be spared in, [100 HE'Shbscribers are prepaved ito make ad- |/ | Sl0esn. PRINCE ALBERT, COUNTY OF ONTARIO, eC W..: 'THURSDAY. SEPT. 50. 1869 HE (ETT) Ladi "Howto Keep Well. Yeon Harper's Magazine, 1+ (CONCLUSION, The nervous disgares which are so preva- | lent, in modern times, the insauities, the spinal irritations di the hysteriae and hy. ius, are due ung y to. the unmitigated town generally, and more prolly to, that of the United States. Sor y M inBat inevitably be as long de ob il izen's hibits' 'are opposed to: the laws of health. If he persists in working bis brain without shernation of repose, and in keeping his merves raw, by contant excitement, in, (isegse and death must be'the resull. | ur people live toa muck in: the eity, When' wealth accumulates'and men decay or, al any rate, 'ure tur tod wager for ie .ex- 'citenents and. Uwerpation. , When, more- aver; the citizen migrates for a seanpn 0 the qauniry, he carries his city habits with Him, and his fife there in no more that lris 16wn' life 'over aguin, with renewed vigor and fresh excitements - ~ There are.uo people so lille robuet in thei habits as the Amencans. They never wal when they cau ride, and always prefer the couch to the less easy back of a hares. The rocking hair is an. Ameriean vention, willl iw expressive of the physical inaction of the people. They are hatdly equal to the effort of siting, and lie on two chairs rather than take their neat on one. They 'are so hostile to fresh air that they almost take n' as an insult if @ window is raised or. a. door opened, aid have an unaccountable prefer- enca for the certainty of being smothered to death 10 the remotest chance of catching a cold. They are vriphatically an indoor peo, ple, and only use their legs when forced to keep moving on the tread mill of daily bu- They know little of pleasure, and only of thut which is sensuous and stimula. Ss the nerves, They are unconsciods f tha dehghte of the road, the field aud the nver, and of that Joyous flow of the animal spirits sgl in tmolion by the spring of the muecles, They piefer those amusements which ¢an be eiljuyed witout an expuiddi- tur of physieal foros, und accordingly 1ave kindly to: cards aud other fable games. --~ 'The very worda #* spon" and * sportsmen' have een pervertad front their old Eng hasty I'ie American shows a consgiousness ol physical weakness iu distrustung his musco- lar power 0 his cauy or revolver, instend of the old fastuvued appeal to fistcufte. Hin opoed surpasses hie sirength, and of i were' wot for his pluck: ha would seldo dom reaph ihe eud of great exercises, He aco plishes his purposes, but lie body 1s fearfolly Fank- ed inthe 'striggle. His course is ut times rapid in movement, but bref 1 duration, -- He way bu. kept ahead, by the whip and the spur, of ul] competitors for « short heat, bat, like manta promising young horse; he wins the first rave to'the irreparable ruin of his coaditlun, 11 t The costume of the American marks tlie efleminuoy of: his habits. It 1s finical and mote adupted to show tho servi Is glossy, nup and finenvss uf texture are not suited to the hard, muscular rubs of active physical fe. Whileahe robust Eoglishman sallies out 1n all weathers in conrse shooting jacket and leathern gaiters, 'and hob-nailed shoes, and walks long and vigorously, the delicate American never shows himsell but under a clear sky, and saunlers gently mn the lull dress of the finest broudeloth, satin waiscoal and French boots. The Awmeri- oan's Jungs are huver fluted with a fulf breath, and his chest acequdingly contracts, and hie shoulders bend under their own weight; lis muscles shrink, and his legs become lank wiih disuse; his face waxes pale from indoor life; his brain grows lan. guid from exhaustion, and lis nerves are raw and irratable frum exciiement. All the succulency of health is burnt out of him, and he is parched wud shrivelled by thet tite of hia daily hfe. Lord Lyndhurst, wt he age of oighiy bf lending the British Senate, and Lord Pal- nerston, al seventy-two, bearing the whole weight of the administration of the Butish Government, appear 10 Us as marvelous ex. wmles of vigorous old age ; while in' Eng! tahidl, a briliiant'speech fromm the one, or a forcible adminisijative, blow, from the other hardiy suggests a rernar neatly a score of years éarher in America than elsewheré, and men' are superanuvawd with us while they drecat tha height of |! 'their usefulness wn, Eogland, A comparison beiween the physical bile of. ih @ Iwo | countries explatus the 'Wiffbrence. i is mot that we work more, but'that we play less. The eatly edboation of the: English est lishes a habit of muscular exercise an ste for out door lite, which #0 invigor Aheir bodies anu vitalize their animal spirjte that physickl activity! Baiitmak & veobasiy ONO ate. 5 LC "THe founder of Winehbstor soho! made ita law 'of that institation that no bay should 'have his dinner nol he, had al Ian up and | down the; hill, st 1he foot of hich lies that othic "structure built bY tHe glorious Hy Willism'of Wyokhany cehilaries ago. -- So barly 'werd Ihe a oniinas uy with of the pudotoky of exercising the body as they |: Wt n of Ale, air to breath, and the scope of the | earth to move pie, ha is as uneasy as | a frog under an ai rpg, He accordingly "| sétures botli the one and dhe other; ant though fashion; politigal, ambition. og bps ness lake him tu , he never ails 10 his vacation in the country." His ho- fired is aa sacred 10 th English'statesman, aw) er ar! fiferahant; as itis 10 the school» 'and th SNA an op 0 think hits wal thei oi gelx san tt He 'modts or th al fn re in Socting ae ae ays iu of 'relaxa- | and pt 4 a bl o 0 £2 fo] po ly pocket.' Here is a profit ands » Bats [mene blog me Sauna i i Issued by Ew union | HENRY CHARLES: " any 1, 1869, Fab pignifications io mean gamitig dnd gambles. |: Id nge comes | "The Eoglishman must bore the freedom | . be con nid ETT Hume at &, on AEE pg of bavi (ring house In To England, #taried (with the offense shi we irselvas a holidaye "when we cap,' larg that the iadred to ph. led warkdiol" Shelidag: ivo0, is senaible Geir iw strbnithiwad ace cordingso their awyp secon, by. Js vary iprofit drgnmevy. | Under we high ans {sy stem, the laborer works teu peat; wi hd bl le holidays, 0 hos lone time 0 fours Gr eeh 'mhn's: wotk, -- The sim¥ wages arn paith forthe Jess 11me, | and, the'judicidus Englishmen aay, with the gain of some hundred pounds by the new systém, ian the woiky with, jhe, renewed strength from the hohday, is done' With vel- tet pint. Dr. Lancaster, tha famous Eng- lioh "stalioieng Was proved: tint, owen ig Lon~ dah $000, pacyons at least Iposeatheur health, and 1000 dja annually from" exhistion | -- Who ¢oulil €oni pute thie heeatorubs; snes! fic: wohl ai Woshave already reminded oti? 'fashion' able 'women,' vn = previous eccasiviy, that their habits aré admirably. adapted for mak- iteg them, what they ure-- rather preity (han beautiful -- mors shadowy' 'thilh' 'vabstenta lh "Their nerves, lito] thpse of men, ave doru nip pieces; but, not by the anxieties of mon-, ey-muking | the yxeilement of spending it supplins them with thei; theaus of wear and tear. If shut out from the freedom of Wall Street, they Jake their liberty in the Filth Avene ; and Wf fathers and 'hosbands ilo ------ fre To of | he hand, dito the Ameripan Molgeh of unm liguted ne LAN TheTnERE oF 1 TRAVEL LT ERITal sit l0oSerey. Bub] soy manage to stand the next fifty miles, Mr, | Smith, the Apsucasyoug. conductor on" the jiCenyal, Baily ushered in a decripid, shabtly Bind i an, WHo' lente.) weuti-- ly on hia staff, ho rried a heavy valise in 'The long, Swsigeligmes, car was fall 5 every dest was oeabpred ; band boxes and qurpa ti bagy wate held i in owner's laps, pe there was not « single chatice for anbw comer to be acvomodutel A conple of scores, of fyces lifted them- selves 10 lance at the old maw's lice aw he moved slowly and paifillly down: the anrrow miele, Ji wap plainly axidgut, (hat he lied as much as he could to support Niedaell, and, besides he lookedoliks one iwho was Just recovering rom a severe ill- 8s his cheeks were thin and pale, 18 eyes lucked the fire which 'owe hv 10 sparkle bunedih hose large. aud ationgly marked owwa, There were many well, aclive looking, healily' ydung men in the cary: bit uk ong of them felt disposed 1g renounce his olt, eamfortable seat the shabby' travels). ler. And sfier a arate of 'Undirgmeed' con- tempt, dich anf all dropped ibeir eyes and thought no more af the siffering old nge, be! fore ems: dp ahis enlightened conntiy iis potpripys fact (hat the aged meet Wily} ir ard. incivilities," 10 say nothing of postive 'unkindneds ' whien would have put tHe barbarous natfons 61 old to shame. tol] all day, vives whl daugluess have their revenge in tisgiphing alk night. , Nor is it easy to decide-whe have the harder work of the two.' Tt' wwenougty for usito know that the courses of both are equally unwhola wome ; und "whether the one wears out his life aud Ing other wastes hers, it is wright 0 protest against the overdone buiiniidi in the one case, and X The toiling pleasire that sickens into pain, of the pier, It ws.1he excessive excitement of fashion uninhgated "by robust "habits, which weykens the body and destroy the health. Our'womén wunt the" shength and' elasticity, of Jpraderer by healthful our-doér lite, to 'stand dissipation, ant 'have that very wenkness which gives them the ieniep proclivity to its tempiatiotis. «A feeble and dineaned badly is sure to be segompanied by a, thirst for, exgitement, and our w omen) were they more robot won lth cre Jugs for |, it and'not suffer so mich om 1 effeors. Americans are gregariile) bin shey are |, not soeinl. They & in company, bur hke a "heitrd of cattle ina pasture, esch one W 10# muh, absorbed in chewing bis 6won cud 10. be canevious of the presence of his fel- lows. They rush in crowde to some lashion- able: resort, 'and are whirled together in a torrept of excitement, but with sie" raphlity that, Like certain headlong. stream, though they mbet'they donotmix. I'hg best w- fluences of sociely. are dost in the vortex of excitemeut, and what should enliven and sirgngitien, inflames and weakens. We deprive ourselves of the simple and healthy nl enjoxments of kocial mtercourse lor the wild revelry 'of fushionable dissipation. -- That "dor men and womén whould break down under such a high-pressure system, in naturally 10 be expected, and that they do s0'i% cledr feony the pale faces, haggar! expressions, smunk bodies, trequent wil- ments'ana premalire old age. - We must 'check our speed. We bing up our children too fast, we work too fast, we "dissipate too (ast, we eal 100 last, live 100 fusl and conse- quently always alwad of ime, "we die 100 fast. Wath lesi forcing in youth and more ar daoal development, withiless eagerness in work and more repose, with more enjoy ment Anil, Jess excitement in pledsure, with di- minished siraingng of the nerves and in- oreased activity ol the muscles, such a con- dinon and consciousness of high health will be reached, that knowing, we will not care 10 inquire " How, lo Keep Well." "What glo;you propose to tke for your cold * ud. a lady lo a snwezing gealleman, "On! 'n wall jt very cheap. 1 wou't higgle about the prigre al AlIRY } ! A hor, Auswer-- Lady. (at Sunday achool)z 1, And what to yon, vuderstand By the pomps and vanities of tlhe wicked 'World't" "#'The hel of Vist ung: + The, flowers of yous bonnet, teacher'. ; Enshionable arrivai--Mgs, Malaprop, whore Inst Jetlel Wan (lated from Fraukfon-. on-the-0dér, higs teratied "ome to the 'fathily 'ménsion st Bafl's Pond.: She rather shocked some temperance friends by telling x tre rr A little boy in giving an Aagconny to his brother of the Gaxden of Eden, said:--+The Lon made. gard jer and put him nf the garden io pari, ond seo that no bod, hort Jnyting ot Pasted bills on: the I etter paper Tov. Di i Holman, of Milown alin ' who combines ractise of tlisology with! that or physic, a nae oul' from ire" on fow Sun'tuys sinde, that bis medical segvicos | vonld bs obtained ay any hour, by Aboss i need of them, , . ry -- Wi MSmith haw fallen Gown dend of xy, said a gentleman. «Has he vol- ed 77 asked one of the candifates. A Scotch profes , in "hia walke® Atom Aberdeen, met a Adbitue of 'the twn, of 'weuk intellect.' Leb said the profgssor, accosting him, "how slong oan a person live Without bias 2? «1 y ify ken," Yoplioh Jimmey, folaiohing his head, how ue ary yo yonellt) Li gibt] 1A shoemaker was filling a customer with a pais of boots, when.be buyer observed that he, had byt one ob, bjeetipn to them, which Was the Git were a little 100 thick. '1fshat ia alt elo the maker, "put on fhe. boots, Sbjoution twill gradually wear | J nd hy h i oii aw you! eanaidos 118) ai objeor of legistavion?!' ss Th: Oe eon the greatest: number? What de do.y ox | oa fn a pe dma B90 18 dey ¢ 1659 records th we o a AN Pg 8 ep a : nh A thei thst she eame in a 'sUrewed' stearthi:: | Fitz James Eostace,.a young exqoisite who was escorting his eoupin, lsidel Win- ghaster,lo Nahiant,drew down his mouth un- ul the ends of kis copper colored moustache rested upon the ends of his well starched icky ahd marked to the lady by hia side-- ¢ Reullyy Mr. Swith isiusulung us! Why cunpot, he find a, place for that ibiehey specimen in a second-class oar? A flash, pethaps of pride-- perhaps of anger--mount- ed the' white forehead of Miss, Winchee- ter. She pot up her haud as though to ,ehegk the speaker, and said in a subdued voice--¢ Fitz James, will' you give that gentleman your heat 7" « aly dear Isabel! ! Why, IT wod!d'hot vacate my place by your sidw for skingdome., Let the old fellow stant) out! It aw damage his'a pearance, ™ te bound." "Then I'll trouble you to ise a moment." I prefer the other mide. af the, 'eat. . Adluw sng. tg pasa il yon please." Fits ison newar thopght of disputing the fr of his, imperious osu, and he stood ba et oo 'I BoY inetead of taking |! i io sh fot fret ebdon hed decupind, (he lady walked straight on uotij abe had reach- ad the side of the neglected old gentleman. The touch of her hand on his arm drew, hié attention toward her. " Sir, will you have the Roden 10 take the 'seat whieh | have vueated 2/1 have ridden' wince early: ius. morning avd am wearigd with sitting so long. Pray oblige we." The old man's face brighteniéd, and he cast a grateful look 1010 the eyes of the handsome lady. + But madam, you must be weary ; | vannot accept 11,' She made an impatient guesture.. Miss Winchesier was necustomed to have her way. + No, sir; I am wéll and strong 5 1 should be ashamed to'sit while aman el your age and health remained sanding," ¢ Thank yeu, Your kindness 1s well-timed and not thrown sway, | venture to tell you, yonr offer with gratitade." So saying, the old gentleman sank into the vacani peal witli a well-satisfied expression of cophte- nance ; but Fitz James expressed hig un: bounded contempt for his neighbor by draw- ing his ample raglan closely around and slirinking nearer to the side of the car. The stranger looked at him wih quiet seorn,-- "You wueed not trouble yourself 10 slip through the window, young man," said he in a voice of irony. Fiz James was thoroughly disansted. He could not endure such walgar. propinquity. So he wrose quickly, aad, suiding over hia companion, made the best of his way iuto the smoking car. © Miss Winchester's condubt had beer, witnéased by: mil in 'the carriage anid a'dozen seats were offared her by a dozen polite and officiops young ren, but she dechned them by a' motion of the head and remained leaning nghiniat the side of the vehicle. The train fléw onward-- the old gentle: man meanwhile "dwposing himself , for =» comfurtable tap, which be was shortly en- Joying, Sometine blocs middight the lights of, Porton gigams ed throdgh the durk- ness ; another momefit and the train- thuny dered into'the depots' cing 1 x Our old gentleman arose; shook Rirmeell, grasped his valiso, nnd cama over 10 the aide of Miss Winchenter, Ld adam," he suid, "you have made ah 'old, feeble mar' Journey" 'tolerable'; will "you! nut 'talk: maf your naib and place of abode 2 She embi~ ed, waived: all sthanks. and gave hig, b her randy He; bowed and lelt her just as Fiz James ap prose 10 escort her from the i Bui geting through the crowd wis no'edey matter, lor the fuse and bustle were unisoais| wud lenbell noticed thay seyera) unilosm ne jcompanies filled the space in frout o i depots, _ Cries of © Hurrah Ghoti SEMA « Threo cheers for thie hero of Mexico I" Bantiers traileil out on the fresh night flambeasx flashed. drama. Seats and. a long line of carriages filed slow! p the |atreet. Fitz James inquired the on of ull this tumult, "and fermen" that ir' was a jlo} ony to General Sutherion, s. geptleman and vet- eran offieer, whe had ph dn ished himself an the then late Mexican er "He Same in this yrdin,* raid a bystander. «je ible sir; thet you shd nok, discovet " 22 mad a ickly-lovking old Aman, dressed. in threadbare grey an carryini a huge black valise. "He a joer vel from a severe attack of theumatic lever; whch Haw tronbled him ever sineo = hua last SNApun: Those vila Mexican vapors, leeping on the cold ground, undetmin- pao aot fg x Anger stitution ; but hes a' his ol. Mis' Winchester: ma joett he ole Ae {ie had heard! wach of is basin '@a¥ing ; tut. Butz James Mas the pic silent: mouification, | Miss. Winchester and her cousin et pad | imgcbos Nu American Hoss, and early/the 'nex [horning, Setore the 'lady had finished. degw-, Ving, A servant t vp 'anole Bearing tot: boo Isabell tore Il apen higagls man of stich ca hand. distin, | - | om at oa re House that evening, 'Sutherton. Ope yy 1 shall accept |' ih ation 10 p Suir fiome (WHOLE No. ¢ 2 Jlas TT rT te rer er irr Bb ihe fame of Fitz James, the other was rected 10' hetadlf! Sle na fey namt- anges ia Boston, outa fo¥itavion run et have been sent at tha tusiance, of the Genbral hitoself Bil James Was surprised and' him ate at 'this mark 8 <ddistioetion, or hg 'Sau Hor bat fenli As eat! thin savita- Jjon had bean i} extuceif gt ith aot fi7tainte' Hin cousin's. FRI Wwtalilipg this, he wished 1d aacept jt if on y to have ati opp porn y rofl exten ry higyes letduy' 4 impotitghyek 1, the hh, WH Pha journeys io he ot wandelrrrol for one diy; and erly thavetening the consins Avera ul the 'Reverey trhety wbilhanesterio ad already ukbembldd, # Gendrul Sutheiton recling in an nrm chair at the head of the 'gredt drawing: 100m, re- civeltie/ tieAdk as they passed by, giving place to another ; but whes' Isabel was presented; ha detaitied her hanil 10 way--4¢ Please ant down on this' ottoman by my aide L 4° Haviia' 'réhutive Livre (0 whom wish, Ly present you" It owas nottlona before. a sungnlarly bauilcome young min came up to the General smiling a friendly A or TE 4 me en shew metopre- faba Tia 'wy FR Satheridag 3he is very gratefol 5 the Kindness whieh 'you last soning bestowed upon Hig Cather," le young man bowed! afl his fatter continned : ¢ Whenever [ sé a young putson voluntarily fender teapot] tol the one aged, I am constrained 10 adinire him or her, 48, whic, of the goad oll pofitences which relgnéd' over AHoW nd boise when I was a lad. 1 js all hollow core- mony not, mystery amd it the old man cannot dtapdi, without assistance, he 1a thrown down end trodden on. Bul there 1s a march, or My ears detéive mo { All ed, do yotr need @ farther lint; or ma t Your theamatio old father set you hu examples of eonrleay 277. The young man stated and colored, for he had been gazing sa uy tly on the rdre beaply of Nike Ww ing tl Fite t he bad forgotten time and [iace. 11 Miss Wihthebter "wilt" perorit Aig," Yo snd, peering hikarm, and uw monwut mere whey Aeeroiiost ifthe thypng, of RIOD ni gle r. Sutharjon seem nt on show: ba Me fi Bel be FA ad rendefetl Yo * hrs Miho, beuined hen mes ddutijg thee venive Na Slee vi whe wees, ho fines aha whers he mon oe bele noir of etieny 'of al¥ the youn? ¢ the haneand fortanw ol tie ba Winahes!er. " Fitz James Eoaings had any br 1 ne cain 's, suitor, and i was wil iligon hagnn that he now' «aw hintaelf Vlifown foro he shade by (hid orf of hits wrth specimen," who ongin 10 fave found a lage ut of decent people's comp y, fore Wisk Early in the New Year there vas un mar- riage, ceremon FI lormed tha'old Nouth Chireh, and 'KMffed Stthbiton wad the aroom and Inabel Winchester the binds: A elo- gaat maneafielsynatres: reeeivadi hyo ng busjavss in hale old Bahienal couple, for Alfred is ena Boston, and every year the comes" down fom Lis "hotsé in Nae 10 vio hidehiitron, So you see that politaness ¢amel d for woman; wold panovili bog piness to all, if they will but practice it, for true politeness springs from the Le and itis bat the effervetevnee of a kindy, Christiark 'sfiirit, anxious' to promotes 1! wellbeing of those with; whom il comies 10 paptact. rr ------i--------pee Teuth versus Politeness. -- At a tea party, ane evening, the lady of tha house hoped " the tea was good." + Very good, ificeed, madam, was the general response wil tho exeeption of one young gentieman woo ob- served : The lea was oxcelicut, byt iho water, was swoky 7 gmat Lt A child meked the priest the other day "Why is it Father, that we ask erty day dor pur daily bread for a week, a month, or a whole year 1" "Why, you, is 10 have 1 fresh, to Le shure," w 4 te o 1" et E51 PP woman at & dispensary '@ppleed for medida! wd, stating her disrase to be flii- ation of the heart, "Not an wieomgion wl ment with your [8e3 ma 'am, sand the doctor with a twinkieol the eye, "but itis nut J t= | serous if the prdfer remedy is app te A Good Lawyer=--Ap enthusiustiy pouty epper wines 10 sugges) hal the Great Fas ert ehould be now called thy Great lieu, because it has laid «0 many cables wid thoBflish #0m® of ther; tou! | ------ ---- ---- Too Hapex.--A newly married man down Eas, eays if I had an inch more of pines he 'ould not possibly live. His pi 1 1d obliged 10 roll him on the tloor aid [ pat him inh a bniek-bat every ylay 10 keep bim_liam being 190 happy. ------ A --. A TOLCHING bewirny, Duririg the progress of the Annexation meel- ®5'fiig 'at Quebec two Sundays ago, several in- teresting discussions armongst small: groups [outside of the main gathering! were kept gow pretty hively ; one nan in giving his ons fory seeking Annexation, raid im ' Mais si VOUS 'aveiz viena manger chez vous, ef qué vous, "votre" fenmesel vos en- fants eussiez! faim qu est:ce que vous fer- fez'? Thies: reagons lor seeking a change are powe ful, but would Anuexatign meet the case 2 One party being ask 10 name some A the Poi Antex anionists, rea plied ¥=« Search the: Directory. fram begin- ning to end, aad, with the exception of the Government employees, and a few other TE, names they are oft Ahnexation- ists wd net . 4 A Hearmunis RAGAL Th; Ratt Hope fH aie man i . ame " nin oy of WLS His Gora en walk= i edepature aaron Sanariny om a Jor Faia iguktos u w da yonng Tone Ta it Fifi hd been indulging in a "eTandedride" Wititkhip for s1,) and all the mony he was possessor of, lvawing his Wilaalmaost dest= 1Ante, and with a se pas 19 pay. y v guiul TW nig 1 Ye daiadl 5 LL