me Manchester, Nov. 24, 1870. A oh : embled for the d " the Council ; and sep 10% idence and can scarcely fail in influencing «8 thy members 62 that they shall do justice to he the township which has nevés had the hon- M ar by placing its representative at the head i of ibe Council. The. members of Cooncil $f will fio doubt do what is sight in the matter. oh Once Soett has hafl its lam, the several i townships will be on an equal fooling as far | § as the honor of Wardsnship goes. + 8 - itl Al 4 _ hized patiocs, i esablishment of the Pork ! Pork ! Pork ! rrr ApaMm Go come when 1 c lament, when it is yoo late, their criminal indir gie - She slaughter bo starvation of the. oth sexes, and of women or ohiiaeen by a heartless wititary des: | \Vood potism. - A { } i] "Austria 1s throwing away the only |! chance she can expect, for along time at least, to rerieve ber fallen fortunes, and' raisizg her véice, aye and her sword too i need be in vindication of the homes interests, yea, even of the lives of the women and children of one of the Saest 7. tions on eart; a vation Whee real worth-- s2¢ the splendid Stock of Silks suitable for a Wedding Outfit. Also great bargsias offered Po Gentlemen in Over Ceats--Fur Caps, -- Suits é n Wanted to purchase in unlimited quantity -- * Wheat, Oats, leas, Barley, Turkeys, Geese Chickens, Lard, Tallow, Hides, &c. parties Judebted to = gente to call and. pay dellty as €ash is m wi : runmng smoothy. ADAM GORDON. Efe Hnbrie Hosier. "PRINCE ALBERT, JA THE WARDESNSHIP, i Ere another week has passed the gentle- 3 i mei whom the free aud independent of the Co . .. x.Lovuty of Ontario consid a " business of considerable importance, and on the proper discharge of which much of the prospenty of the County depends. at all sequainted with the personnel of the Council for 1S71 must feel satefied that = tliere is a large amount of talent and legisla- ~yr tive abilny ginongst its members, anil that no question coming up before that body can ey from want of sufficient skill te grapple successful'y with it. The election of a Warden will be the first du from their municipalities, it eertginly would be a somewhat difficult 1ask to pitch upon ope member where there are so many wall - qualified to discharge the duties of the office with efficiency. But when taking the smuuicipalily into account, which we con- sider should have considerable iufluencelon the selection, then the matter becomes much more simple. It is no more than justice, and each municipa claim to the honor of having one of its repre- sentatives occupy the Wardeo's chair.-- We kuow of no township except Scott which bas not had this honor, and we have litle 'doubt that when the members consider that such is the fact they will be inclined to do justice 10 that municipality by placing the Reeve, Mr. Galloway, in the Wardens chair for the present year. 10 say that Mr. Galloway in well fitted for the office ; for the same might well be said of a large number of the mewnbers of Coun- cil ; but when we find a townsbi * has never had the honor, aud at the same tine find its represencative well nalified to disharge the duties it is a fortanate coin- pe NOT YET CIVILIZED. MH reeent accounts fiom Manitoba prove | correct, the Mauitobians_ have still very fo mach of the barbarian about them, so much 'of it, idee, ns ooght to call in question "heir claim Ww rank amongst civilized na- 1t appears that at the late Pailiamentary Elections, held in December last, that the unsuccessiul Candidates and their friends, "i some itistances, if not in all; fell 80 much Sput out at their waul of success, that they lost all control of themselves, offered all sosia of wdignities to their successiul oppo- nents, and some of 1hent even de~cended 10 the most barbaious mode of displaying cbeir malignancy by making Effjzics of the iy principal pasties who had gjjiosed them -- Hs - ~4ae successlul tandidules aud others, --car- i vied these effigies in procession aud after- wards had them banged and burned. Such * displays by a people pretending 10 be re- moved, one degree above barbarism, are .- most disgraceful 10 all concerned, und will £0 far 16 wakes Manitoba the scorn of civi- DIVISION REGISTERS, Of all the measures proposed by the * Tsoeal Legislature there is none more like- "Ito biiog icto ploy the rival claims of "hin - the 'selection "Of localities for the offices ; and A bef : ++ Registry 3 as ve. efore | hinted the establishment of 1hose Division Registers will be regarded, at 'east BHAT FIENDISH WAR: 5 t have cause to lament the position they | discussion, Eman alt ve reason to the sons of toil--are being slaughtered by the tens of thousands to satisfy the wretch ed ambition of balf a dozen royal madmen, who care no more for the life of man or woman either than théy do for that of a dog, and who would willingly deluge the country in the blocd of its sons and daugh- ters in order to obtain the empty baubles of mock victory. Since they are wo to fight why not place them in the front of the battle ; why reap the glories of war without runuing any of its risks, -- " Let those who make the quarrels be the only ones to fight." We have the royal armies, royal navies, royal victories; but | the nation's blood wist flow for it while the cost of the bautle is ca'led national debt ; and this is generally all the poor get out of it. Those of them that are left'have the debt to pay and this is all the advantage which war brings to the poor man ; the best of them are killed off and pousible for tke present war up till the Pu of ber perSdious Emperor, but not Of day longer. Prussia from that day became responsible for every dollar's worth of property destroyed, and every drop of blood spilled from thent till pow ; snd while Prusia. bas not the pe phi carrying on the war every Frenchmen young and old ought to rise at once agd never sheath the sword till the last inv@er bas been driven from the soil. LOCAL LEGISLATURE, WeDNESDAY, 11th inst. The presentation of fifteen petitions commenced the business of the day. Hon. Mr. Cameron presented a petition from the U'oronto-end Nipissing Railway Company for an emendment in'their char- Nine Bills were introduced, one of which was to amend the Assessment Act, and one seeks to amend the tavern aud shop license act. Mr. Blake now proposed fire dis'inct resolutions, witha view. to. placing addi: tional restraints on bribery at elections. 'The 1st resolution substitutes imprison~ ment in place of fine, 8s in the present act. Auditors, to whom shall be submitted all 2 against candid for electi expenses. fod The 3.d provides that candidates shall the expenses which he bas incurred ia con nection with his election, and shall pay said way. The 4th provides that sny mosey paid it any other way than the above shall ren- def ihe candidate ineligible. neither shall be pay any money, execpt as prosided for above. " These resolutions brought on a hot dis cussion, they were* no soomer enunciated than the Att, General was oa. his feet and and ce: tuinly did {reat amatter of so moch impor:ance with more Jo¥i!Y than was be~ cowing ; it cannot be denjed, .oWever, "that be gave (he opposition one oy I"0 razher disagreeable thrusts. , lle question ed the benefit which the oath would con fec and paid a bigh compliment ©> several wembers in Lower Canada, who had sworn (that their property was worth $2,000, when, on examination it was found almost worthless ; hence be regarded the effect of the oath as doubtful. Tommy Ferguson, as a matter of course opposed all the resolutions, an! would any 0 ber which might tend fo put a veto ona candidate's buying biimself through. lon. Mr. Wood too opposed the reso: lutions, all of them, aud 'kept the Flouse tilt 6 o'clock, when it rosg for tea. ! After tea several Bills got a second reading, viz :--for amending the Pe- terboro and Halliburton Railway. Com pany's Act of Iscorporation. he Bill lor incorporating North Grey Railway Co'y--=Dr. McGill's Poison Bill--1be Bill to amend the Act respecting the convesance and conflicting opinions were expressed regarding the importance of the measure, but Mr, Oliver's objections 'were 10 the _ -many iustences, as the nucleus of an em- ) and with a view to this point. "The Bill provided, be said, that he examiniag officer should take the wife, | 2 apar? from 'busband; and isform her "28 | that he bad power and instruction to ex ine ber, but be (Mes Shires) Avald 'nok ive his vote to ave any LC 1 Sy law. He moved the Sth. boi, bot he second readicg' was car. these that are: j Sapbe ir-burdens avy crea: arin was doubtless The 20d provides for the election of submit to the 'Auditor an of all accounts through the auditor and no other The 5th provides for taking the-oath of cach 'member elected that' he bas not, tock a genersl swing rowad the' subject, of real estate by married women. Several | were , after wg » had to acknos corstitueats, , wrho both able andj tinues to spread de 8 over the fair- | say. His Wi . et prof La Fl Fe, | bluster, and look on in cold indif sud gen criminal selfishness, These nations will jo' st cent of the money will be refunded, and steps should be 'im mediately taken to enforce arrapgemeiy by which the ing prootis shall com. 1y oy the "ciinquent muni~ mene cipalities, 30.4 the The frisads of the gelinqoents ma to spin yarn eno to sustain rg till tea time. " After tea the Bribery at Election reso- lutions were resumed. Mr, Wood alio fought agains) 'the resolutions with all his might, It may be that even the present law is a little more stringent than is con: venient for him, - After cou:iderable dis. cussion, strange to say, that out of a [Jouse of 77 members, 44 went against any fur- ther security belog ssked ; a good many of the 44 need scarcely trouble themselves voting yea or pay an election matters, as the present is the last session in which they will disgrace their constituents and make fools of themselves ; no amount of bribery could secure their return. "I'he member for South Ontario was dovetailed in sm~ ongst the nays. : The second reading of the Bill for the Independence of the Legislature caused a big fight and brought the Goverament out in its strength dnd all thit could speak,and a 'good many that could not, were set hop- | ping at the-idea.of haing bill upon.| them at" this unpropitious, monent,, and fought for very lile for its destruction.-- Out of a House of 74 there were 41 for | giving the Bill the six mouths' hoist; and it was killed accordingly. It is.a pity that this measure did not carry, it would [hate ben a sonsidetabile barrier 10 cor ruption--not that the present Government bas given evidence of coriuption, but such a law on the Statute Book would prevent any attempt being made by any Govern- ment, shculd it feel inclined. The Bill was intended to render any person inulli- gible to a seat in 1he Legislative Assembly of Ontario if he beld avy' employment of profit at the uomiuation of the Crown. Fripay, 13th. ~The business of this day was of light importaace in a general point of view, The Att. General's Bill for the further' protection against: corrupt practices a: Elections for the Legislative Assembly of Ontario was. passed ey committed. -- The Lawyers bad a Bill amongst tLem. rr Ae ANOTHER OF KNGLAND'S GREAX ONES GUNE, The Dean of Canterbury --the Very Rev. Henry Alford, D.D.,--died somewhat sud= denly on Thursday last, 12'a 1nst., at the age of 61 years. Deceased was an accom- ' plished scholar, a writer and an _elo- quent speaker, and his removal will leave a gap not easily filled: A MOST IMPORTANT CONVENTION. The First Convention in connection. with the Sabbath Sctiool A iation of Canada will be held ju Uxbridge ou Tuesday and Wednesday, 24th und Sih inet. , All par- ties friendy to the great and Good Instiu- tion of Sabbath Schools will be pleased to find that these conventions mie exjending; and all prowioent. SabYih Workers who can attend will be glad 10 do so and help on the good work. "A highly interesting tine may be expected, aud much good will doubtless result. -- ------ A -- eee. A WELCOME VISITOR. The inhatitants of Reach will be glad to iearn that Mr. Verey, with his valuable as- sistant, Mr. Walmasiy, intends again to ex- hibit throughout this township dusing the present season. We know ol no ex- hibition which gave mote salistaction 10 thef hoadreds who witnessed it during its late tour through bis locality, and all'who wi. nessed it then will bs pleased at the pros- ~ec! of an early opportudity of enjoying an. " other isgat. _ Vorey's Panorama ought to be rzeen by all wi Gail JORIS stele 3, Walmsly's choice blinds ars "harming. PO GI ----p-- A SUCCESSFUL ENTERTAINMEST. We are pleased to learn through our re- speeted corespandent, ¢ Sucial," thus the annpal tea meeiing beld in the Canwright Presbyterian Church oo the 30th ult., was a pleasing and esnccessful occasion, not so 80 much on account of the numbers present --for it would be difficult tv conceive of a more unfavorable Jay--but for the abun- dant success which in every other particular crowned the entertainment, whether in re- gard to the effivient siaff of speakers, eon- sisting of the Rev'ds Lugan, MuLuug, \WVil- son, Ewen, Windel and Muchell, each of whom addreseed ihe audience with capital effect. The excellent Omemes Choir ren- dered capital ser and fully eostained their well-merited reputation. = The honot of ihe chair was well maintained by Dr. Montgomery, oii The ladies received a hearty vole of thanks fot the efficient manner 'in which | REACH COUNOIL, 10 clearing 00-an ingunvenience, but be inclined to deal ars leuieutly whi thosesegti witli the experience and Eafe properly managing the afsirs and giving equal jostice ¥Mr. Bates moved the Council intp"com- mitte of the 'Whole ; for 'the appoiutment of certain township, officers. : The Council resolved itsell into commit- tee Mr. Bates in the chair. diepensed- wi h if there' were Bu rule tothe corjirary. Major Foiman was filled in as township anditor--the Reeve tian for the second auditor. On motion of Mr. Holman the name of R. H. Elly was inseried as Assescor. Mr. Weir moved that 'the 'township be divided into two parts lor the purpose of tavern inspection' amd that Joel Shaw. and E. Walker be the: In for the west and the | ' Mr. Holman moved in amecdment thai the township be not divided, but that E. Walker inspect the whole. -- Lost. ' The original motion eatsieJ. SL On m tien for the, adoption, . M: moved thai the Report be not adopied; but that it. be refeired '0 the Committee of 'he inted S. H. Curis: Who'e, with instree same by striking ont Chas. Payoe.--Lo-l. Yea, Bales-- Nays, The motion for adeption being again put Mr. Holman maved th t ihe Repon be not now adupted, bat that it be referred 10: the Commitiee of the Whele, with _insiruction 10 amend the same by siriking ont the name of Joel Shaw aud inserting that of E. Walk er as ln<pector of the whole.-- Lust. Mr. Bates moved that 'the name of Joel Shaw bo stinek out and that of G.'L. Robson The Report was now adopted: Mr. Weir intraduesd aud carvied througn a by-law is accordance with the Report, Qa mation of Mv. Holman, the Clerk was ipstiucted to grant ns orders on the Trea- surer fur the following amounts being for services rendered as Returning officers av the late elections :--U. Eiger, Huckine, $4~A. MeGirr, $4 --H.| Batds, the sum of $11.34 was ordered 10 be pard io Th $ for work done on Simcoa street, as Mr. Nou came before "the 'Couneil res k taxes charged aginst bis pro- le he Jus taxes regularly year alter year. The Clerk referred to an i $13.50 h eave tind He "had met in the County Tredsufer's office in' Decomber last. This was an smovnt of $47.45 which had been charged as back taxes on a lol in begun pai was no eredit given. The Reuve 1émirked that Ms. Nott's was the firet case of back taxes which lind beer brought before this Council, snd be, did nat- consider that it would be sale to adj dicate upon, it al present as it might invefve the lawnship in 4 goed desl 'of 'weable; he r the Clerk a competent party aod the better, way would be lo in- stivet him 1a go to the office and thoruughly iuvestigats ie matter in connection' witli these taxes wnil aithe next 'meeting of Council endeavor 10 have #8 tbat it possibly this finally arrang-d, Poblic ecting Deing given through Mr. Bates' said' te felt desirous to: do justice 10 all in this matfer; and therefore information had been ered that lurther ection with taxes be deferred. ~ Carried. " ained hat' hie had ceived no Blip, 'and that he ork when iho: Astgesor. won| On motion.of Mr. Weir the. ehuim' was Mr. Jas. Bryant complained, of having | bad a sheep woilli $9 . destroyed by dogs. oing ) Ou motion of Mi. Holinan, 'cettain taxes charged against Mr. James Cunipbel} were, rtele.sed; baving been paid By Mr. Sexton,' the owner of the property, ) © Mr. Mnjory on beliail of the 2ort, Whitby Pou, Reury, Railway the Couneil memoran Toe ve a law passed ordering the ures'of this Corpatliacas vo. bands of A , originally intended. J, Edwards, Dengville; and 'Mr, P.' Car- ichdel, Wick. "Also Mr. Johu Chambers, @Pblic liguers in quanties not less than one quart troduced aod ead a firs! lime ; 1 Tending be Jiofopred vant a future meet: ing.of the Council, . be the sun of $1 being error in tax charged fot & dog whtte he had sore be . "I'he Couincil then adjourned till Frid) #4 REACH & »oLgo8 TaRicon i ween1? 1 7 LIE Ime Y hen the following were 'appointed, viz : } Wan. Ward, Wm, hile va Cragg, J Henry Gotdon and J. Baird. : hs .. Op motion of Mr. Holpan she Resvs and Glork ware appointed a committee on print- ns Ou'motion of Mr. Bates Mr. Town. was a Sonmisvidier to di e jol ei E timber | owance ot 19025... © ] a |. My. Holman moved that the Clerk boand | | he 1s hetuby Jasiatred 10 notify all 'path-{ that unless the requirements of y-law No. of this corporation (this refers Mr. Bates moved that the Reeve memor- alize the Legislature praying to have an act passed for the purpose of placing the De bentures which have been piped oy this municipality to the Port W, Railway Company in the bands of a Tras- tee to be held for the purchase of iron and roll ing stock for raid Railway, and that when the Debentures now in the hands of the Township Tisasurér are handed over to Ou motion 'of Mr." Holman the name of the suid Company in acconlance 'with the conditions of the Railway by-law then said debentures so handed over shall, 'also be placed in the hands of the Trustee as above. Carried. On motion of Mr, Town the Council ad- journed til} the 2nd Tuesday in February. eee ree, COUNCIL MEETING, ganize, the 'As the appointment of officers was about to take place, the Reeve announced that allow parties who wisheul to be appointed to any of the cffices at the gilt of the Council time lo put in their tenders lor said office. At the expiration ol the hour it was found midable array rather staggered the new Council and rendered the disposing of them a sumewhat delicate task. On motion the Council went into'commitiee for the pur- pose of opening said tenders--Mr. George Shier in" the chair, The following were the tenders offered : For the office of Clerk, four applicante, viz i-- afer. M. G. Sullivan offers to perform the duties for $100 per annum--Mr. A. McKechnie for $79-Mr. I. H. Walshe for $75--and-Mr.-M. McPhaden for-$70. For the office of Treasurer, 2. applicants, viz: =Mr. R. Bdwards for $25-Mr. J. Sharp for $40. For the office of Collector, four applicants, three for the North and one for the Somth, viz :--1lor the Nonh half, T. Gibbs for $50 -- E. Edwards, $40-D. S Brown, $39.-- , | J. Vroaman (south half) $40. * Fot th office of Asseesor there were three applicants for the South, one for the North and one losthe whole Wu hip. For the South 'R. Mooney for $50-- $45--Lorenzo-Jones, $40. $10 Gears Reekio, $12-R. Mooney, te Clerk at $75 per annum. 4 South hall et a slay of $40 --snd Mr. . Clrambers was appointed (or the Noth | bail ut a salary of $50. : Mr. 3. Vicoman. was appointed Collector | forthe South hail ut a salary of $40--Mr. E. Elwads for the North'liait at a salary of $40. Mr. Geo. Reekie was appointed License Inspector at a salary of $12. appointed Auditors. A By-law was introduced and carried M. McPhaden presented an_awcofint of VI- ¢ tor evnne Wieer; $2 for Poll Clerk and $1 for room lire, in all $7. a motion an order was graated on the Treasusur tar she amopnt. Me. Walshe now took his seat as Clek, Me. S. Baird's account of $6 for election cxnenses and as returning officer was pre- sented, The amouyt was ordered 10 be paid. Applieution was made for 1 for the following parties, viz: Mr. Speirar:, Valeuty ve Hotel ; Mr. Vaicoe. Vioomanton Hotel 5 Mr. Alex. Campbell, Biock House ; bell, Canuington; Mr. Wa. Thompson, Mauilla; Mr. M. Donald, Royal Oak ; Mr. erehant; Wick, for a shop license. 10 sel! A By-law for granting the above wai MS. Barker asked theCouncil to lease hi § of an acre of the old road allowanes 2 or wy ep std 13, in ihe 41h evn 0 A 1 rectin, vole lh A000 | prt rpose 0 erecting a shingle factor ould ebjeot to interfering with hpnia of Sasked fora pertod of years. On motion the applicant's 3 nomi wi do srt ; spol requi nou! frame bin pol equired - al an ann An order was grarited to. Mr. Anstin, | sav an men in ce 5 foet on each sido af the trav- |" led roads of this township) be complied | with by the first day of May néxt that with- At 41 one month thereafter ihe: conditions of the by-law will be enfo:ced by selling the timber on the limits prescribed by the by- law--Cartied,. On motion of Mr "Holman Mr. Mayor 0 was appointed 10ad commissioner 10 expen the burn now unexpended' with an ad- ditional sum of $30 to be expended ¥n theo 12th concession opposite lots 20 and 21. ia the Report was reaeived and tors. submitted their tinding theiccounts correct ; and the am as shown it the Treasurer's Report. « There beng only one fair in the 2 werg: elected 'Di R. Dobson. Jos. Moffatt, Ba merville, J. Bentley and Joes, On motion the thank were tendered to the offs for the part year for the The Tressurer, seconded by the Secre- tary, moved that the President be requested 10 call the attention of the re North Ontario in the Legislut to that clause in the Auricu garding the iolding of Ty wnshi; any township in which the Show is held for that year, said representative to lave the clanse am- ended by inserting tho word Farr before the words * Township Show." -- Carried. & Parsons were ap- e Society for the pre- The first meeting of the Brock Counsil was held on Mouday, 16:1 inst. . The members elect presented themselves at the board st n hen the Clerk: took their decaratons ene Council proceeded to 0 fuking the chair, Mem- Lbeps. all PIOSeRl.. ac vm vp co or On molia the meeting ajourned. The Boat of*Directors then met. _ The Tresnrer moved, neconded by. he Secretary, hat when this Board adjonrus, it I Saturday, the ihe d Hotely Epsm, at 2 o'clock, p.m.' The Bout then adpurned," the'space of one hour would be given 1o that 19 tenders ha been Fin. This for 3 To Msn. C. W. anp W. M. Jone, Gelilean,--We;thie nnleréigned inhabi. | B. [1ants'of Pt Perry and vicinity, have no- | ticed will extreme regret, the mal and-untrviful-sttrck-npon-your--chmracters containele recent issues of the Tovento Telegrapand Pont Perry Standard. . Wiialern our individual opinions' may be with gard: 10 Crumlin 7 Ameneantinzons mid takin of Ameria laws in the matter of Divorce and Matige,-as in tlie oa call 886 NO reason' held be coupled with | we cannobot regard itas a base anlly attept 10 destroy the reputatic impair thasefu!ness of two of our most ge- dorprising business men for the ratifying personal jealousy and oi We would at this time boar cheetftll wimony to the fact that durin itan for 1. Glen. dinning, the whole for the sum of $100.-- |p For the Néith half, Moses C:ambers for For tha office of License Inspecior there were ihree applicants, viz : -- Lorenzo Jones, ahd handrable; aiid ery reason to believe your ions have been characterized a et integrity. <The large; aid Uisiness you-have suceeeded in It is.a sufficient goaramtes that iy and-enterprise have seenred © anda respect of the - puibliy, ip The Committee now prodeeded -to the | appointment of a Clerk, When it wan car- ried unanimeusly that Me. T. H. Walshe : Ar. R. Elwarls was appointed Treasurer fo tesent year at a salary of $25 per anppm 1n-liew of ail percentages, &c., ou thonies passing thiough his haads, and 10 find secuiity~-himsell in $10,000, and two surities 10°$5,000 each. Mr. L. Jones was appoinizd Assessor for . Motitent iat the. respectable and midenta of this village and sur- | g catiy havé no «y mpathy with the "WElunempt of a few to injure yoor Brynd we would hereby convey to aioe of our continued Samuel Platten, » CW 3 ls S50 on Tie followin via own er Vize- Presiden | followin ; corn Grain, | Pancde joo n a out h R TH 7.0'cloc] A < Com A fu much meetin, All ie therelfo dil © 'Magers. Sullivan and Glendinning were thiongh to appoibt certain township officeps. Hs doko it up ill further | t i i Oo mn, and Wm. Paxton, |" others ; ie, -- We beg, with profound ; i nowledge the receipt of avern licenses jie io kon this voluntary "express roufidence and. regard Felion of the vile ouchatacters by our tradicers. ude to was so base and igno- rated 1t with silent contempt, po the personal knowledge the te us to prolect our characters ls w and. villainous ottack. Wlssure you, gentioman, that had it necessary 10 refute these . were prepared to give 'beheve, satisfuctory ex- Mr. Jobn Ward, and Mr. John A. Camp-§ in he furtheiflhse o of yon we. 'ae = A fie Coit Jounty of Cham : A On Tuesday, January 24,1871. lock fin the' aktericon, in order to $ho Carporasion of the & id a Wn or ha n 9 VRE, JUSHQVED. JALUABLE PARM FOR § ip of 'Broe CONTAINING 200" ACRES= 140 ACRES ITUATE" ONE Mig FROM MANILLA © © Townsh ' CLEARED='S 'SATURDAY, 18TH At one clock, +34; 4¢ Gbaniay tt President, Mr. C. a nish a list of gt | oon Sw moans baa | members, . How ust ' Ar. he nani Bd © money in seeking 10 er which in nowibers sud: coura cultu especially must it who hay in the im time aud no litle tablish enterprise migh r Snlorprite wig t bear some com rion: to township, It is 10 be hoped that 1 ted will g> on and thet 1 officers and directors, will by. parties -coming forward emseives as members with. A and will be found ° now maniles hands of the strengthened and offering th overs should ave been well selected 10 conduct the affairs with ceplance. A he resi Ann, el eit in the 54th year of her ag Deceased was one of the most estim in the community, beloved and esteemed for a races; kind and gent! lisposition, she secared the uni es ral rh had the pl ntance, has cast a cond of 4 ste Traits. In 1846 she De with her, for her gentle Tid bv so ier re ELIGIOUS NOTICE Prinice Albert, Jan. 18, 1870, NOTICE." GENERAL, MEETING of the Stockholders Albert, 23vd insti, at T} o'clock, fla elders 1d PUTT C0 FORMAN, © ER EO. 8 § % ity of Ontario. : : oe --.------