~ ications for 'admiss| fo -- in eo, ro a The Reformers o 8 Sonth Ontario are to meet ai Brooklin to-morrow for the purpose Lotghnizing lo the approsching Section im Joey time is pxpéoted. Mr. McKellar is invited to be present. REACH MARKRTS. (comnicren WEEKLY. J > a Pate Alb, March 1,011. LOST. he ig Manchester and Fhe odor a ute Victo- * ill be fie auitably Eh 251 1871, © 92w Conn t Act of 1869. $x Fee marin or or Wiadis A. Bith: wix, M.D.; Ax InsoLveNT, ih alvin mo made an sedtgnment of bls be! Wi aly oi in ho Vill cox's PERIGEE "of hia" atkins oh and pRont tine ted} thf day of oo Ft Peon lbs, is 27th day o *E. MAJOR, a Interim dian "DR. C. E. MARTIN, Gq {RADU ATE ot Victoria o Toronto £ ravine Licentiate, raduate of ue Hospital Medical Colleg Hh of the New General and Fae ey oo duate f a EE fT ion & Feit h Now Port Perry. : 1 ga the Boy oh She ctaeles and Eye as and | gre been LA oe of ¢ ee haako will Tei - rr , Strengthen and preserve the 2 isi hiss ntadin ids tosight steel a a oh o eh ¢ all dit a of frasuot eye, who fitvor us, ive gront t satisfaction to those W. H: McCAW, AGENT, "PORT PERRY. Past Perry, Peb 23, 1871. .. NOTICE. fk al pra i usin Te ry he he Hie We ie i: 5 BE Eulg r HENRY SWINSTON, : Tilo No. 1, in the Sih con, of Reach. Fob'y 20, 1871. : NOTICE. LL having a tate of late 8 aawust Bal y 10 the uk or the of. to a fiaal set- tho sotate, GEORGE PATTERSON, Ras. 8-1y or sir. st the Es- lot tA, 14th to present ¢ lf Prints, and Ginghams. at Whole: & of the 'community, of i --ENE To make ons for New Spring 0ods now on the way from Eoglend, I will CLEAR OUT The 'vemainder of WY Stork of Shiite Groods AT AND ~ INDER. COST! Heavy Clothing, Carpeting, Blarkets, Flannels, Furs, Caps, Robes, Rugs, Clouds, &carfs, and all goods of that class will be | sacrificed--and prices of... all 8 Goods very much pre if to compare with the lo 3 Spring 'Goods. * : A full assortment hand of the finest Dress Goods, [ping ps Metinos, 'Grey Cotton, White Shirtings, Having now closed busi- ~~ questall parties indebted, either by Book account or by Note, to call and pay Mr. Straiton at once, as all accounts and notes unpaid after this notice, will be placed in Court for collection, it not Said immediately. R.&J. CAMPBELL. Manchester, February 15, 187%. CASH, se paris nAT DRUGS AT THE Medical Hall! PRINCE ALBERT 1 From Ten to THRE er cent Sava wi : going to TOMLINSON'S From this date 1 will sell, for CASH ONLY! and in in order to induce the Paolio to pay Cash; I will sell from TEN to TWENTY PER CENT CHEAPER than I have formerly done on the Credit System, "CASH. " Remember that my stock is very large and complete; and for purity is uneurpassed by any in we County. . W. A. TOMLINSON. Prince Albert, Feb. 5 1871. - "¥ ness at Manchester, re- | Having just reoeiveds 20 Cases of en's 's, Youth's IN EVERY VARIETY B . "AB JUST RECEIVED BY TRE SUBSCRIBER] J For particulars, see Small Bills,' 'T. 0. FORMAN. ¥ Prince Albert, November 16ih, 1870. The highest price in Cash paid for Tallow,' Hewlock Bark. Beef Hides $7. JOSHUA WRIGHT. Prince Albert, Dee. 1, 1870. Graear Saic DRY ons, AROOERIE Crocker, Y nears are, The Subseribers take great pleasure in announcing, that 'thie ie Rottior premises lately occupied by A, Gordon, Eeq., where they id opened ore be Largest and best assorted Stocksin the Coun 7 aie greater portion of which has been Imported direct by ourselves fi 7] Markets, and on account of the low price of rein sad nil og we Th onde Sheepskins, and a Merry Christmas and a Hep. py New Year. » 1 would new inform my customers and the public generally that I have just taken from Bond a large and complete Stock of HOCK WINES AND LIQUORS And continne 1 lg by Wholesale and Retail. the BEST WINKS, BRANDIES GINS, HOLLAND uo ToLD TOM, OI.D BOURBON, FAMILY PROOF, &C. |First Class Groceries. Particular attention given to the selection of TEAS, TOBACCOS, &o. Silver, Crystal China and Stomeware. Joe () omens always on hand during their season. Lots of choice Fish. My Stock is particularly good and will be sold at such PricEs as ih fail to secure Jarge Holiday purchases. 4 Absolutely Pare Wines, Brandies and other Liquors for Medica! purposes. Qeme.along and have your Holiday orders filled. «A SINGLAIL. Prince Albert, Dec. 15, 1870. CHAS. HISOOCKS, il ha To ole T Rares suman \ Eh Commodious. Sap ! in the very CONFEGTIONER ve { nage AW fr EEhme ed Wi Tie TIMES | ing All whe are desisuus of secoring Yaigaing will find that so opportunity is seldom met with. * As it would be impossible in a small advertisement Tike this to quote prices for everything we have in Stock, yon will please accept the fol- . lowing as part of what we intend doing. Canadian Full Cloth, heavy at 60c per yd, | Men's L. W. Sbins and Drawers, 96c, Canadian Tweeds, good, 70c per yard, Men's Coaree Boots $2 per pir, Scotch Tweeds and other makes, at cost, Men's Coarse Boots, No. 1, $2.50, - and over 100 pieces 10 select from. Women's Batts, good, $1. Heavy Over-Coalings, $1 per yard, 10 Ibs Bright Sugar for $1, Winceys, 7c per yard, ; Good Tea, 45¢, Prints, 80 per yard, And every thing else proportionately low. Heavy Overcoats, for $3, A large lot of Crockery composed of Granite Yndarooulseiuinl)y low, and China Tes Sets, and Cothmon |* Freuch Merinos, genuine; 40¢ per yd, Ware bough Cartan Plaids, 250 pet yd, pry for ole bt Cokin sell the whole Siock at a small advance on the Sterling Cost, to Cash and prompt pey avoral a All parties indebted to the subscribers either by note or book. aceount, which ware due first of October, will please make immediate payment. BROWN & CHRISTIAN. MANCHESTER, Nov. 10, 1870. THE UNION DRUG, GROCERY! Liquor Store! W. M. WILLCOX, Sign of the Pestle and Marwe--opsorits Sout Soiok PRINCE ALBERT ! . Tavite the special attention of the public to thelr extensive rewly imported Stock o BRANDS of Dikef PURE FIQUORS, + of Hol I nd ave Ol iar Wiom, 'ort, Sherry, &c.--Rum-- Whisky, Malt and Old Rye-- n i A large and well selected Stoel of Fresh Satori of supenor A or can't be beat | Tey thew? tee hat fo excellence in ; tia North Ontario. rg indi § retail. Also the best qualites of Chemicals, snd Yatton. "Thavoughly reliable Patent Meiciass. ne disaat sarefull selested. ying a Stak i of pr and will be wl ont rm fr Se So iy HORSE. SHOE SING) 81 aokaml thing Warih NCHES. _ w Davis (SANNT ATLVAIHA) TONITE i on 9 W IND fd 8 IY LEIATV ¢ £8 ARRIVAL PERN ty |New Watches, : New Clocks, AND CHEAP FUR CASH, AT John Diesfeld's, PRINCE ALBERT, Prince ne Albert, Jan' bert, Jan'y 18, 1871 18, 1871. HENRY GI GRIST, PATENT SOLIIOR AND DRATGRTSMN, OTTAWA, CANADA, Transacts business with Se Patent Office and other departm ents tho Go rnment. Copy- ghts and the sirtion of Trade Marks and esigns progres. Drawings, Specifications, and od ier" Documents necessary to secure Pa- oa ipt Model of the Invention" Soseipt of is REFERENCES, lon. A. Campbell, Postmaster General; W. > Si Boge, Predident Brith Bank Note Col Joh in Langioh, Esq., Auditor forthe Dominion ; \ i ade. Kaa. :Mausger Outasio Bank ; Hon, John Cl Ve Minster of PoLlie Work. Proviuce of Ontario. pe mndabimedtidienlu li Ontario Bank, ! PORT PERRY ERRY BRANCH. ricz HOURS--10 3. 8. m.to3 p.m. Olos- ing at 1 pm. on Saturdays. Interest allowed on Deposiiy at Four and Five [pe per annum, according to term of de- W. H, SMITH, » Wasatte, Port Perry, Jan, 25, 1871. Land Jor Nee, OR SALE the South South East' Fe, Lot No. 17, iz the lap, digs of (! Barts Hise pan of Wye late Samuel For terms and other partion, Ts the undersigned GF "by So slate ofp by C 5 CPORGE PATTERSON, Executor; Suinitield, Jun, Hr Jaw son. Rewk. MONEY } 1 MONEY Te AR Subasriag several private a, to Test a JE Estate Security ~ At Low Rates of Fancy Jewelry LABGE SUM OF MONEY and_Boy's* COARSE BOOTS ! T= : {as an inducement fo the public to patrons the ular trade, § ra 8 8 : [mete of buying of dry goods merchants, the whole of 'the above| & 3 p-- nH - lot will be sold { i = k B. © -- Tl hs A hE 'AT COST a=