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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Aug 1871, p. 1

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ir BR JONES, M. D., "* FJRACTICAL Dentist. Oshawa, Ont.-- "Dental Rooms directly opposite the post ATie en'rance Simos street, third dopr north AR S-- VOL XIV, NO. 33. § consti PRINCE ALBERT, ONT, THURSDAY, AUG. 17, 1871. Eps Enturin Bastien, "a weeny 2 POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL 3 AND Family Iewspaper ; vg PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORIA'BLOUK, PRINCE ALBERT COUNTY OF ONTARIO, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BAIRD & PARSONS; PTRRMS :~§1.50 perannum, if paid withinsix Sonths if nol paid within that time, $2.00. Nosub- scription taken (or less than six months;and nopaper digeo tinned until all arrearsure paid. DENTISTRY. mn H. L. Harnden, L.D.S., Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, Of Ten Years Experience, OFFICE IN BIGELOW'S BLOCK, PORT PERRY. RESIDENCE PRINCE ALBERT. Particul ttenti lati Oa: Siirstion given 19 the Mineral Téeth Vulcanized Rubber. said 28 oy 1d Silver s Royal Canadian fotel, PORT PERRY. THE Subscriber laving leased to above Hotel, has fitted up in a style in keeping with t! rapidly increasing business and pros, jrof the Village and neighborhood, and wih a rect re- forghte to the comfort and convenience of the c. Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bag, Comfortable {ined to attentive {320.8 Bans Neither labor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of publio patronage. e HENRY FOY. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. "REVERE HOUSE," MANCHESTER - according to the space they occupy. Adwirtisemwile vaceived for publication, without specific instructions, will beinseried until forbid, an - edacentdingly. Noadvertisement will betuken out until paid for. Alihergldiscountallowedto Merchants and others whoadvertiseby the yearorhalf-year, : «@° Cheseterms willin allcnses be sirict.ya le heredto. 'The «tantly increasing importance of the North Rilings(Omario rendersthepublicationofiheOsskry En necessity. Ever advocating right, and condemiing a it willconstantly take the lead in forwardiy eneralinteresis of the county; and in thghons land general news given, willbe unsur assedby I paper publishedin Canada. J JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets. (Iand Bills, Posters. Programmes. Bit Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Looks, ueek Books, i i ull Cards, ke, &ec., of Circulars, Business Cards. Sev ty and color, executed promptly, and atlower . at tany other establishmentin thiscounmy. Partiesfrom a distance gettinghand bills. &e. printed «an have them done totake home withthem, J. BAIRD. Aaa H. PARSONS. EE --------------------------------T Professional Cards. .Dr. DBrathwaite, Hani PRINCE ALBERT, Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur. DR. WARE, {020908 for the County of Ontario, _J Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Prince Albert "DR, €, E. MARTIN, (FRATUATE of Victoria College, Toronto and Provincial Licentiate raduate of Bellvue Hospital Medical College ; of the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary in General and Orthopoedic Surgery ; and special graduate for diseases of the chest, New York. Office at A fison & Petitt's Drug store, Port Perry. CORONER FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO; PUYSICIAN, SURGEON, &C. FFICE and Reswence- over Allison & Pewit's Drug Store, Pont Perry. Drs. MeGILL & RAE, HYSICIANS, Surgeons, &c., &e. Office and Residences, King street, Oshawa. #3. MIGILL, M.D. FRANCIS RAR. M. B, SAMUEL H, COCHRANE, LL.D. Bsns County Crown Attorney, Solicitor in Chaneey, Notary Public, &c., Brock street, Whitby. R. J. WILSON, ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chanery, &c.. Office fn the Victoria Biilding, Brock-st., Whitby. LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B,, * OLICITOR in Chancery, Attorney, ) Gonvegancer, &c., Oshawa, OMico--Simcoe street, opposite the post office. G. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, ARRISTER, Attoruey-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, and Insolvency, Notary Pub lic, &c., &c Office--McMillan's Block, Brogk Street, Whit- by, Ontario. CAMERON & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: Jourt House. M_C. CAMERON. 1 Ml. J. MACDONELL. JAMES LAMON, TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, ma Hone} auger Tn oni re Uxbridge. ice over Armstrong's 110 n treet, xbridge, ' FAREWELL & McGEE, 13 ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Con- veyancers and Notaries Office, one door North of the Post Office; and at Bowmanville, office Mr. Feeter's Block, oppo- site Town Hall. B. FAREWELL, L.L.B. | R. M'GEE, B. A. JOHN BILLINGS, ) ARRISTER, Attorney at Law, Salicitor in Ghancery, Notary Public, Qonveyancer, _&s., Prince Albert. fice over in the Royal Arcade, Port Perry. P. A. HURD, TTORNEY at Law, and Solisitor in Chan- cery, Port Perry. Officein the Royal Arcade, Port Perry. | Meutisten, ARAN AAAI AA AAA A TA C.D WAID SurgeonDentist,Ccr. Main Brock 8t., Uxbridge LT, Dental opera- tions performed with 'the utmost skill and care, warranted to give satisfaction or no charge, and at prices whi defy compet b tion. fay Alsq dealer in all kinds of Jewelry, Fan (r00ds, &. 1, Foney . _Rerenexces.--I1.P. G Port Hape; Rev. T. Byrne, Whitby : Jos. Gould, i and J. Bolster, M, B., Uxbridge. Uxbrid 3 Dec. 17, 1868, Gio-1y © C. N,VARS ublic, Oshawa. -- | -- wmewvance, 'THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company Tas Dong is now fully organized and is _ prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so cither.by applying to the Head Office, or to any of the local Agents of the Company. - Our -rates will be found ag low as those of any respdnsibleMutual Insurance Oona Oca Fhe' s1d ef ice--The old Registry- Office Build- ings Brock Street, Whitby. v L. FAIRBANKS, Tr., Secretary WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO, C. W. $100,000 HON. JOHN McMURRICH C. MAGRAI'H, 27-1y Capital] = = President Vice-Pre Secretary | Keg. Edd BER JAMES GENERAL AGENT, Auctioneers. Major & Willcox, AUCTIONEERS FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. Valnators, Land Agents, Commission Merchants, &c. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED PROMPTLY. Monoy to Loan at 8 per cent. E. MAJOR, W. M. WILLCOX, BorErnIA. Prince ALBERT. Sept. 2¢, 1870. : 9 'Wm. Gordon, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &c., &e., F&3 the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thora, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon. IF Parties entrusting their Snles to me may rely upon the utmost attention being given to their i Na AVM. GORDON, Sunderland P. O., Brock. YC PILKEY, Bicensey Auctioneer FOR THE County of Ontario Terms liberal. Debts collectedan reasonable terms. J. C. PILKEY, THOS, H. WALSHE, ships of Brock, Thorab, Mara & htario ; Mati ; othe Ontario Bank, LICENSED ' The Subscriber will furnish Blank Notes and Stamps for sales. All sales attended to--on the shortest notice--anywhere within the County -- Bills shaped trec of charge.-- Epsom P. O. H{CENSED Auctioneer for the Town- Rama in lo (LATE BRQDIK'S,) IWALTONSTRERT PORT Hore, Wau. MACKIE, Proprietor. Jewett's Hotel KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendance. Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. DAFOE HOUSE UTICA 00D accommodations. - Careful attention to the requirements of travelers and guests. The bar supplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars Good stabling, J. DAFOE, Propri Or, Centre Hotel, SAINTFIELD, -JAS. CAMERON, Proprietor. Albion Hotel, WHITBY. A. MASON, ProrrIETOR. This Totel haz undergone a thorough renova- tion and been fitted up with a view to the com- fort and convenience of the traveling public.-- Every attention will be paid to the table and bar, while obliging and atientive hostlers will have charge of the stables. ~~ Whitby, 20th June, 1870. 25 MONIKEY (PRIVATE FUNDS,) To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent interest LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, &c.. © Oshawa November 21, 1866. "" JOHN CHRISTIE, OWNSHIP CLERK for Reach. Con- veyancer, Commissioner of the Court ¢ Queen'sBench, &c. Business carefully attended Office--Manchester. OHAS. THORN, V.S§, EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, Chica- 1 go, Ill. Gold Medalist for the best exami- nation on Horse Practice. Author of a First Piige ssay on Shoeing. Graduated Sept. 18, 67. Dr. Thorn begs to announce that he has taken up his residence at Port Perry. and is now pre- pared to treat all cases entrusted to hls eare in the most skillful and scientific manner. All or- ders left at the Medical Hall of Messrs, Allison & Pettet, will receive prompt attention, IF" The Veterinary Stables may be found on Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factery. Port Perry, July 27, 1871. 3 em THE ANDERSON AND JOHNSTON LODGED GRAIN & PEA HARVESTER This is one of those simple attachments neccs- sary to perfecting the reaping machines for the purposes above mentioned. After thoroughly experimenting in the harvest- field during the past year, we are now able to bring before the public this appliance a complete success ; the land being in good order, and peas dry, we will warrant the grain and peas brought up clean to cutting knife and on the grain table to satisfaction of all, If the fees are dry when cut, they will hardly require hand or self-rake, but will pass over the grain table in a stream. incan n up, no mat- ter how flat or tangled, and as mach cam be hi vested per day as any other grain standing. Any one can put them in in ten minutes; all that is necessary for that purpose being screws, © ar- Best span Carriage [ Best Collection of Cabinet War Fine Arts. 2 ci a easbir LL : PLANK... PROPRIETO Best 1 year old Suddle or Carriege Filly ober wai om fr don. rad dorsi fu le, SeeB Con Hmm Yori first insertion... $008 Nous Oxide Gass administered for the Wk dlp {i y mec B ea Spring Genera Pur po Colt "1.00 , oa. 00g |Painless extraction of Teeth, Stages to and from Whitby call daily, ~ Careful or ng pose (81, were Subpapent jginieds » idk on Consultation free and all work a ostlers always in attendance. 8 Best di General Purpose Filly .... o EE) , be 5: Sept. 7 1670, ely est Spring Saddle or Carriage Colt... Cards, unde or y Mackie"s Hotel, 2 age Fi Best Spring Saddle or Carriage Filly... Best Single Driving Horse. . ! Best Suddte Horse 5 4. Tre . Best span General Purpose [Torses The Yearling and Spring Colts and Fillies' age to Durham and Grade Cattle. "eee oe 9. ake the wardrobe TT hide™ whieh ie vane 9D 1 | beantiful. Fashion isa eee 2 TY [supreme nea! It is be cons/dered. | ~upwl, ineflably stupid. Ist 20d eee 82 81 18nd radical ws health [estormrers- aro. dcous- 1 oe . eeset oo 18 83, 20d 82, 3d 8 orthQutario; Mariposa, etc., in the Connty of | gimlet and screw driver, Best eollection of Likenesses by D Arti 2 k : L y Daguerean Artists $2 tl wiles Price, Complete = - $12. | Best Pencil Drawing... esse esse 1 punctually attended to. Debts collectedin Can-| Ror further particulars apply to Best Crayon Drawing... ove eee 1 nin omy Or Oe ae STB The. North One M. ANDERSON, Best specimen Faucy, Printing eee Te | tario Auctioneer. Jy Teo BORELIA, Ont, 3 eee Noti Borelia, July 13, 1871. © iw i Miscellaneous. '6 st Jar Pickles voce ores Leese Steamboat otice. LAZARUS, MORRIS & co's Best Jar Ketchup... cece ves 1.00 CELEBRATED ; '| Best 6 Ibs Honey in the Comb... 1.00 Best pair Turkeys... { 0 75 Perfected Spectacles! Best pair Ducks +... 0 0 50 ---- est pair Geese +000 "ie 0 50 : THE STEAMER ting to the public that | Best. pair Barn Yard Fowls eos 0 50 ANGLO 8S AXON I Jaye Dleasyrs ia sie a full AL of | Best isto Confectionery... 2 00 oh <n oe 7 Heviel those esiebrated Spectacles, which give' | Begt Loaf of Breads = sesso 075 Re Sli Minds of Towing Sud | Clearness of Vision, as well ay Ease| Cest jar Fruit, preserved in Sugar \ 0 50 Freightiag between this point and Lindsay, | and Comfort Best jar Jelly voee "aves eee' 0.50 en ySion 368 Fenelon Falls, at the most rea- |, 1) po oo ohom, avoiding that, distressing | Best collection Stoves, with 'Furniture .... 2 00 '| i2 Pic-nic and Excursion parties taken on | fatigue experienced foes using common | Best case Stuffed Birds .... 1 00 the most ok terms. } ' spects, and a5 Best made Lady's Dress #1 00 : I. BIGELOW, |SUIT THE MOST DIFFICULT Best made Childs Pinafore * 0 50 Port Perry, March, 9, 1871, ¢ Mastin SIGHTS, ' Best mie Ss on : 1.00 ho have notbeen able to read | Best Fatch Worl ilt 075 a Tend perfectly. | Best made Gent's Shirt 075 WM. HEPINSTALL, Best Drocher Work. voee 075 Brooklin and vicinity. | Best Fancy Koitling-- --<e00 © 05 Fy : tod ee do lee w.. Best Fancy Nettiog. sese 0 75 Marriage Licenses z -- Best made Lady's Knitted Hood, 9 3 (BY AUTHORITY,) Ma rriage Licenses ! Best als, ait Knitted Cloud. 075 TE50ED Yor: Perry. Office," the Scvaoa Tssued by Authority. Best Farmer's Wreath .. ve 075 HENRY CHARLES. v E. MAJOR - | Best Bouquet of Flowers . 4... sees 073 Port Perry, Nov. 11th, 1869, ? Jaw'y 1a, 1870 °° Best collgctionGreen-house plants,zot less than% 0 75 LIST OF PRIZES to be awarded at the Fall Show of the Reach & Scugag Agricultural Society, to be held at Prince Alhstt, Sept, 19, 1871. Horses, Best 2 year old Draught Colt Best 2 year old Draught Filly Best 2 year old General Purpose Colt... Best 2 year o!d General Purpose Filly... Best 2 year old Saddle or Carriage Colt. Best 2 year old Saddle or Carriage Filly Best 1 year old Draught Colt Best 1 year old Draught Filly oe Best 1%ear old General Purpose Colt... Best 1 year old General Purpose Filly... Best 1 year old Saddle or Carriage Colt. 8 crocoomos0o000 'oODODLOCOOOOR Ti cimen paragraph : = 1{ ¢Anh!is there any- 1 1| werd. 1 (oily beautifully, sdorn- 1 | abominably 1 | her wi 1 | hexa walking laughing 2283828288 $388 288388 2ES32888888 FASHIONABLE Wos/ MEN. ; Rev. Hany Ward Beecher, in a late ser- mon, alludes to fash- ionable women in a style gnite as pungent tomed to treat the sub- ject. We quote a spe- thing like vamty ?7-- Yee, you eee it in the Does not God create woman bounti- ed most when nnadorn- ed 7 And yer, is it not she study of, tashien a. disfigorg "her foot, 10 disfigore t, und to make stock 7 Is at nov the supreme fasnion to It is hateful, because in the kingdom of beauty, Best Aged Bull. ree vens vv. 82 G1 | Whatever mars beauly Best 2 year old Bull, age to be considered tere 2 1 }is batelul. It is con- Best 1 year ol1 Bull, age to be considered ese 70 1 iy Diag nd p . disfiguring beauty. | Best Milch Cow ceee sens eeee 2 1|am not on a tirade Best Bull Calf, 1871, age to be considered cons 2 1 | against fashion. 1 have Best 2 year old Heifer .... evi ea 1 | long ago given up any Best Yearling Heifer .... ane AAR) 1 | expectation of making Best eifer Calf Covi bien seve BL IO Ingestion bi hat y only speak of it by N heep. way of illustration. Best Ram, agel cere coe eee $2 1 i ' Best Shearling Ram eons, eee y 3 A aj ua WY, oa Senn city aunnances -- 'Boole Best Ram Lamb eds vers 2 1 | blacked inside. Best 2 Kwes... Veen an rea OQ 1 Wily 12 a mouse lik Best 2 Sheatling wes .... "see cesr: 3 1[a oad of thy? Be-| Best 2 Ewe Lambs eee eine ess 2 1 sul the cat'll ly | 4 he marriage of a Swine. filteen year o!d widow | Best Boar, aged SH i eee 82 Bi i announced fromTex- Best Boar Pig, 1871 .... Pra Wave, 1 Ne Kasse ling recent- foals os SRE ET seen soso "ser cher who 1 nto Grain and Roots. ud open pen to kill Dest 2 bushels Fall Wheat eres The Hic Two San Francisco Best 2 bustels Spring Wheat .... "he Bic |airls lately ordered Best 2 bushels Barley. eee "he 50, | tiahty five dresses (rom Best 2 bushels Peas... on Ther G0u|eriiv, Tha told mag? Best 2 bushels Oats. ,. "eee 75 lide ZI es 5 ' De ©! Aroasted anion bound Pet hoe) otatoes, any variety .... THe 50¢ upon the wrist will est 12 Turnips .... eee Tbe H0¢ | stop the mest inveterate Besi 12 Carticls sues sien T5¢ 5c ality ina few min- Best 12 Beets eee eens 75¢ n0c | ntee--fo it is sand. Best 12 Mangold Wurizels .... vee. Thc GOc| A duawing master \ . worrying his pupil with Morticultural. his contemplous ie Best peck Winter Apples eh ela i 50. | marks upon his lack of Best peck Fall Apples. . sees O00 he 50¢ Wibiys ended yr Best 12 Fall Pears jug 11 Now, guy 1 Jon Veine esos eves BH0c 00¢ | were going 10 draw me Best quart Plums, any variety .... sees Die 00c | what part wonld you Best 12 Tomatoes ..,. vers eves' B0C 00c | rommence mt first.' -- Best 6 heads Cabbage. . tee ving. BOC 00¢ The boy wits a mean- A . look into his master's Da n y [1 od uce. face, onsen) Yory 1st 20d 3rd quistly :--*¢ Your neck, Best Tub or Crock of Butter, not less than 20:1bs 81 75c 50c | *'" i Best Butter, not less than G lbs, in 1 Ib rolls or of ume prints vice vale esse 1 750 50c|land "is practiced in Best Cheese, not less than 10 lbs... . eeee 1 75¢ 50c|Hindostan. Two holes Domestic Manufactures. A 1st 9nd | the plaintifi's and de- Best pair Woolen Blankets. . "eeee vere BL 50 | fendant's lawyer put Best Coverlet. . Tenis a Re Ly Best Counterpane Savi weve ie 50 Dring uli he, o Best 10 yards Flannel .... . 1 50c het suet in Yuish Best 10 yards Fulled Cloth. eeee 1 3. Iu this country Best pair Woolen Socks. cece sees 08 it is the client and not Best pair Mitts ea tewsw vers 50c 00c | the lawyer who puts . is foot in it. r Ma nu fact ures. he aah housewife Best Farmer's Sleigh, with box and seat complete $2 81 00 at Largo, Fifeshire, Best Single Cutter «eos 2 1.0p|ately, when gutting a : # sue Sse large codfish, the ex- Best Spinfirg Wheel... cose 1 0 50 or led © ie : sees tended form of which Best set Horse Shoes, with corks... - eves 1 0 50 | yiiracted observation-- Best pair Men's Fine Boots, sewed. . vous 1 0 50 | among other odde and. Best pair Men's Cowlide Boots, pegged desis 11 0 50 ends found In ite so Best pair Ladies' Fine Boats «.. eees 1° 0 50| mach was u brass en Best set Farm [larness, "ees cvee'l 075 ps, 0 Jeli of which i > : is the tol gir hv Best set Carriage Harness ese even 1 0175 tion : ¢ William Wilson, Best Lady's Saddle... vere eeee 1 075 May, 1840. From » Best Gent's Saddle ,.., 0 75 (aw friends." The box I| is placed-in 8 local mu- seu, wilh a deserip- tion of the recovery. Two litle girls, an eight and ten year old, were gravely discue- sing sthe question of wearing earrings. One thought it wicked. The other thought it conld not be, for so many good people wear them, The other replied :-- « Well, I don't care ; if it woesn't wicked, God would have made holes In our ears. Uncle Sam will pay F300 (os a million can- cel age stamps, and ior of the Episcopal church in Chattenango are en- deavoringto collect that amount in o der to buy an organ. 7toy have now nearly thirty thou sand, At a recent English wedding, 'the : bride's church tha proceedings. W th i en or his weddin ling bl | from it upoi her hand. ey esoaped her lips, and eho tarned fro" Tt as pale as { terri into the Church and wolbed hen the groom administered n--- eeches in a manner ~~ THE WARNING. On a road leading from 'Dover (United Siates), over Rochester Hilly to a spot known in those diye as Witeh¥Trot, a men bj' the name of Silas Herd ilta cal in the midst of a email ring, end eel himeell dawn with his family f ough it as a pioneer in the wilderness. ' Their nearest neighbors ware good two miles distant ; and the road to them, and the settlements at Dover, which is now so good, was then little better than a path through the forost, to guide those to and from who had oceasion to pass that way. His family consisted, besides himself, a! a wife and two emall children, and his grandmother, apd old woman of nearly. eighty years of age, whose own children, one alter another, had left her, until she had wone but ber grandchild to look to for SUPPL: - a One afternoon, Silas Herd' started on a visitdo the setle low, saying that he would be back by nightfull. He had some business there which needed his at- tention, and he thought he might as well attend to it then ae at any other time. Be- fote-sdtungeut, he warned his wife not to @o Iarwway (rom the%oabil, or allow' the children to do so, on account of the Judians, and then departed. The afternoon wore away but alowly te the inmates of the cabin, ull at last came sunset, The children, who had been play- ing sbout the cabin, naw tired of their eport came in and sea'ed thamselves on the floor at her feet. The work about the cabin had all been one up ; end as it was n* yet time to prepare the evening meal, sue bethought herself what she should 0. She suddenly remembered that her hus- band had said something about a rent in hie freer which he had exchanged for an- other. and hung upon a wou'en peg in one eoruer of tha cabin. Now was the time for hero make it whole before he would wear it nai; and, rising from her seat, she went to the spot where it hung, and reached up her hand to take it down. As she did eo, three drops of fiesh blood fell death, * What is it, Susan ?' asked the old lady 'rom her corner. The, frightened woman turned to her and showed her the three drops of fresh blood upon her hand. «It ie a warning, Sosan' said the old dady solemnly. ¢1've known such things 10 happen belore, at Salem, A mon went out hunting in the forest and his wife had jaet such a warning as this. He never vame back alive. The Indiana killed and scalped him; end people thought that he had died at the very moment when the drops fell on her hand. «And would you have me think that haim has come to Silas?' she askel, in a tone of terror. «I don't know, but I am afraid it is a warning,' said the old lady, with a sulemn shake ol her head. «1 do not believe it! 1 will not believe it!" cried Susan ; 'tle blood came on my hand in rome natural way. Perhaps the cal caught a mouse overhead, and the blood dropped down through the cracks in the floor." = «The cat nas been lying there on my bed asleep for mote than au hovr,' eaid the old lady, determined to make things as bad ae eho could. ¢I'm afiaid 1's a warnirg to ua,' With trembling nervousness the young wife examined the garment she held in her hand ; but there was no sign of blood vpon it as lar as she could see. Then she went up to the loft above and googht about for a cause, but found none. There were no signe of anything like blood upon the boards or beams above the spot where the garment hadthung; and eo she descended again to the floor of the cabin, and reported to the old dame the result of her examina- tion. «It is a warning, I tell you, child 2' she said, in a eo'emn tone. 40h, why did Silas leavs the cabin to-day # « Why, indeed 2 moaned Susan. ¢ Still, I cannot believe that any harm has come to him." Susan seated herself at her work again; but her trembling fingers Would not allow her to make much progress. Over and aver again her goze went out through the window to watch for the coming of her husband or danger ; and it was as much a» she could Jo to bring her mind 10 the task before her. _A\ lust she managed fo-finish it, and hung the garment upon the peg from which abe had taken jt. Then, with » glance at the blood-stia "which still re- mained vpon her hand, she weni te the door of the eabin; end gazed long and earnestly in the direction of the forest in which her husband had disappeared, in hope of seeing him returning. The sun was going down. It had touch- ed the tops of the forest trees lo the wesl- ward, and already its rays had quilted the earth, and 'were for a moment resting Bpou the summit {of the cabin. Oh, that her husband would but return before the dark- ness should come down filled with unknown dangers ! But perhaps it was not in his power to do so. If the blood-stain was indeed a warn- ing, it might be that he had already fallen. fhe horrot of the thought sent back the blood from her heart, and made her face almost as pallid as death, Suddenly her gaze was altracted by an object moving in the of the forest, -- At first she thought it was her husband returning ; but soubor gle showed that she was misjaken ; and & lig of almost 'otter despair took posse ,of her heart when she saw im LA 3 redekin, prowl- ing along the e's of 'lia clearing as if for the pups o qbserving what was going on sbout the cabin, > The thought of the threa drops of blood had not left her mind fora smoment ; and at the sight of the ~ savage, and the stories the old dame had, came back with redoubled force. rely s terrible | {ate was impending over: them j and most likely, her husband was Bo. sare. With another glance of towards the forest, she closed door and {WHOLE NO. 708 The old dame saw the movement, and she immediately exclaimed, * What is it, Susan? Are the redskine coming? ¢I saw one in the edge of the forest," she bin | answered. ¢ 1 told you so!' she cried. iriomphantly ; as though she was rather g'ad than other- wise to think that danger was at hand, so hat her words might come true. p ¢But they may mean no harm after all." «aid Susan, hopefully j *and Silas may stil} be safe.' The old dame shook her head sagely from side to side, ¢You may depend upon it that them three drops of blood was a warming. What else could they be 7 But make all safe as you can, Sueani. The cabin is strong, and may be we can:keep 'em out. 1 wish we bad ilaw's rifle. 10 defend ourselv to. Ain Tk with energy. ¢ No, | am glad he has hia rifle and may it protect him from may dan- ger.' . : The young wifp turned away, and oare- {oily examined the factening of the caken shutters to-thigirtwo small: windows; then seeing that éverything was as secure as it could be made in this direction, she retu ad to the side of her children whom, ele proceeded to hush to sleep, while the dusk shadows gathered within the cabin jhicl and fast. Nearly an hour had gons past, and the night had fairly set in. Eagerly had the young wife listened for the sound of her hasband's footsteps ; but they had not as yet echoed without. Neither was there the stealthy tread of the savages which -ske teared to hear, All wae asslill as death and between hope and fear she continued to listen. Five, ten minutes more passed, and then slie gave a sudden start. 'The sodnd of a footstep came to her ear fiom without, It was low and stealthy, snd unlike that of her husband's, which ehe was so well sc- quainted with. Nearer and nearer it came and at last ap- proached the door ; and she held her breath with apprehension, for she knew well en~ ough now thai it was a eavage with whom she had to deal. Tha footstep ceased, and for a moment & perfect silence reigned without. Thep it was broken by a rap upon the door, follow- ed by the voiceof a savage demanding ad mitance. « What do yon wart?" asked" Suean, ina Vie Lramu eae With the in she fet. z : , ¢ Why equaw, open door ; me wanle to come in,' replied ili voice of the savage, which she recognized as tne whom they had often entertained at the cabin, and who seemed friendly. Silas is gone, and he bade me admit ng one,' rhe replied. ¢ White equaw open door or ingin break it down !' cried the savage in a meaning tone ; and he followed up his words by dealing it a violent blow with what appear ed to be a billet of wood which he had picked vp. ¢ [a not my word coming true,' croaked the old womun, who seemed possessed of no fear except that the warning should not be literally interpreled by her words snem face Mare footsteps now sounded about the cabin, und Susan knew tkat the savage had been joined by owners. For a few minutes thev seemed to hold a c:nsultation ; and 1 a few moments there came another and more violent blow at the door. ¢ God help us !" cried Susan, they are really in earnest. Ouce more they made a demand for ad mittance, but a perfect silence was sll the answer. . Fast and Furious the >'ows now fell upon the door, and it trembled and shook as though it was about to fall from its position. Beside her children Susan cowered, while the old dame continued to mutter the veri= fication of her worde. Another blow, more powerful than the others that had preceded it, and the etout naken bar snapped as though it was parting in the centre. The mother pressed her children to her breast, and held her breath for that moment of fate which was so close at hand. Abother blow, end the bar parted, snd the door came down with a crash, But mingled with it wae another sound that sent a thrill of hope to the hearts filled with despair. This was the report of a couple of rifles in unison, and two of the savages went down to the duet. In the very moment of their triumph death had called oy Sian 5 wo The other two that composed the we into the cabin with uplifted oi hawks, and one of them caught Susan by her long, luxuriant hair. A moment more, and the blow would have descended ; bud at the eelf-same instant Silas Herd himself dashed into the cabin, and with the breech of Lis 1ifle dashed the savage to the cabin floor. Silas's companion--one of the seltiers who had returned with him to aid him fora few days at his oclearing--now engaged the other savage, who was paying his auention 10 the old dame ; and had it not been for his timely aid in despatehing him, the ware ning would have come true in her case ab less'. They were safe how and when the bodies of the savages had been cast out, and the door once more righted into ite lace, Snean told her husband of the warne ing they had received, and which bad so near come fo a fufilment. ¥ Silas said nothing; but stepping to the spot where his fiock was hanging, he took from a pocket thereof a bird of gay plumage - and held it up. aks ¢ In felling a tree this morning, Somme l killed this biid ; and thinking that the ehile dren might like ite feathers, I brought it in for them at room, but forgot to take it out of my The blood, of course, from that, for you see that it has been bleed-, ne at the bill, This, , is all there i rarni > . that required the inter~ feronoa of the chureh {iy 'and then turned to her children who were lying upon the bed. igs iy « = LB. « And he be lelt defenceless,' said Susan, 2% A oan AH TR A re Ey

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