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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Aug 1871, p. 3

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or Pani MR, CURRIES COLUMN. Haas is of New Goods' in every De-| ' /partment Daily being Received ! Come and See them, IT DOES ONE GOOD TO SEE THE Now bone. THE WORLD MOVES ONWARD," v i y THERE IS ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW, _ ON HAND Machine Oil Linseed Oil Tanners' Oil Coal Oil Turpentine White Lead Red Lead Venetian Red Yellow Ochre ~ Fire Proof Paint, .»Japan * Varnish Putty. Nails » (xlass 500 - Cotton Bags, = asd 0» * WANTED x ag WHEAT, OATS, PEAS, Ha e . CURRIE. a3 co Prince Albert, Aug. 23, 1671 Boots 100 Cases Containing 2,500 pairs ; offered to PORT PERRY, Aug. 2, 1871. Just Received and Opening Out at "JONES BROS. & COS. "Axn' Immense Stock of Shoes, the Largest, Best Assorted and Cheapest Stock ever the public. 1871] "Fall Stock. " A.W. ROBERTS In returning his warmest thanks to A and patrons for the patronage he has met with during bis bus'ness career, and particularly during the past three months, into this place one of the LARGEST and BEST ASSORTED Stocks of Goods ever offered ; all being bought for cash and will be sold at such prices as will ENSURE SATISFACTION to all who may favor him with a call. The stock consists of Dry Goods! Y.00 IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Roady-made Clothing (T(IE BEST STYLE). ' Hats & Caps; 'Boots & Shoes, * Grocbries ! Special attention paid to the purckase of TEAS! The Tweed Department is complete i in every Shade, Patiernand Variety. English Scotch and Canadian Black Broad Cloths, Black Doeskins, and Cassiieres. Gents' Furnishing Goods --a speciality. The ladics of the Townships of Reach, Cartwright, &e., are. particularly invited to come aad see our new stock of FALL. GOODS before purchasing elsewhere. Every kind of Produce taken at the highest Market value. A. W. ROBERTS. Port Perry, August 23, 187), 34 For good Style, and First Class QARRIAGES, Boos WAGONS, &c. Manufetured by the 'best in and from choice material, go to the ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY Prince Albert. ; ------ Repairing promptly attended to. All work warranted. JAMES EMANEY. Prince Albert, May 18, 1871. -COCOASINE; A Perfect Hair Dressing. eel NPD. € OPPs W. A. TOMLINSON, Chemist and Druggist, Has always on hand an sssortment of the following Goods : FINE CHEMICALS, HAIR, 700TH, NAIL axp PAINT PURE DRUGS, + PATENT MEDICINES, PUFFS, axp PUFF FORE FINE TOILET SOAPS, TOILET POWDERS SLYSERING ENGLISH axp FRENCH 'PERFUMES, HAIR OIL ano POMADES, SPONGE FEEDING BOTTLES, CITRATE MAGNESA, Paints, Oile, Spirits Turpentine, Japan, Varnishes, Dye Sinffs of all kinds in use and warranted pure, with printed Directions for use. School Books, Bibles, Testaments, Note and Letter Paper, Envelopes, Ink, Pens, &c. (= My Stock will be found complete and as cheap as any other house in the trade. : W. A. TOMILINSON. Licensed Chemist and Druggist, under the Pharmacy Act-- Province of Ontario. Prince Albert, June 15, 1871. The sale of LAZARUS & MORRIS' celebrated perfected Spectacles and Eye Glasses is large ond increasing. 1 twas satisfied they would be a; ted. They| are wonder? by perfect and oh to wear, "or cant sensation in using them, W. H. McCAW, AGENT, PORT PERRY. Port Perry, Aug. 23, 1871. TO CONTRACT As! SEALED TENDERS Addrusend to the Sndersigued at this Depart- will be received until noon on Friday, 25th day of Augustinst. FOR THE COXSTRUCTION OF A CENTRAL PRISON 8-1y would say to his frieads that the encouragement given him bas induced him to bring] - oe re ny, . | tion and comparison with competing Machines, we arc satisfied that such investiy ar -. JOHNSTON'S Sill KING REAPER, 2 AWARDED f/ ; FIRST PRIZE | AT Provixciar Exui- \ BITION HELD AT ToRONTO, ' v > --_-- We "to our ns for the coming Harvest, twa distinet Ma@#flies, which in style and construction, embrace the latest and most useful improvements of the day. FER FOFNSTON'S The "King of Reapers." The universal success of this Machine, both in closely contested trials and in the bends cf the farmers, warrant us in saying that, as a Self Raking Reaping Machine. it has more goo points and less defects, and has met with more success and less failure, than any Reaper heretofore offered to the. public, goes Cayuga Junior Mower, We were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Provincial Exhibition, held in Toronto, 1870, in competition with all the leading Machines manufactured in the Province ; aud with our recent improvements, we unhe sitatingly challenge investiga- tion will convince every unprejudiced mind, that we offer the best Mower to the Farmer for 1871, built in the Dominion. g&@™ Send for descriptive catalogues. BROWN & PATTERSON. Wairev, June 29, Is. AT COST. Notice of Cost Sale of Boots and Shoes. In order to concentrate my business I have withdrawn my large and valuable stock of Boots & Shoes from my Port Perry' estab- lishment, and by doing so, I have added about $3,000 worth to my' | Prince Albert Stock, which was quite extensive before receiving the addition ; the consequence is that my Prince Albert establish- ment is greatly overstocked. In order to remedy this great in- convenience, I have determined to sell af cost, and even under cost, until I have reduced my stock to the extent of four or five 3 | thousand dollars. I would now say to all who desire to secure decidedly great bargains in Boots & Shoes, that such an opportunity but rarely occurs, and it may be a long time ere one so favorable again presents itself. The phrase " selling at cost" is not uncommon, and sometimes carries little mean - ing witht, cumstances, in order to reduce my stock within as short a space of time as possible, 1 am compelled to offer such bargains as will induce the public to carry off my goods with a rush. The quality of ihe stock and the prices at which I will offer it, will put all competition out of the question, My Spring purchases for both. establishments were well selected and bought on the mott favorable terms, and a'l will go at the cost price. Do not fail to take advantage of this opportunity of getting the best value for your money in Boots and Shoes which you ever got. -JOSHUA WRIGHT. _ Prince Albe Albert, it, May 8 8, 1871. 1 FALL STOCK, ™ Encouraged by the success met with during the past months io, Sunderland, in commencing the Stove and Tin Business, I am warranted in opening up a MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF STOVES Of EVERY LE, PRICE AND VARIETY, in the following list : "ELEVATED OVENS, | LOW OVENS, Western lfome Lion of the West Superior, No. 9 Chief Cook x Conquer, No. 10 ~ Giant Cook Srey Westen Suen; No. § Plain Dealer--Ex~ New World ibe 5 hn any tender will not necessarily (Tho house Irae ot very eommo- ages X + | dious and in JOHN CARLING, eulars apply to / Fore SAURICE COCHRANE, Vendor's Solicitor; Port Perry; Ont. Commissioner. Department of Agriesitare and Publi¢ Works Toronte, August 7,187, pla . ON THE LAND KNOWN AS : VALUABLE + Tmproved Co mbig- Imperial, 9 tensive top. New Era i et re Dwe l l i n g H ouse ee Dominion o pa iin Pras Bi FER en *08 a to Pearl Wild PA ft So Onward Ep ERE reg BS os bik Albert, bi ! Bona Da Cook Pear Cote ile Puror PERE IREE weel Sopt ly Wi X., 10K STOVES Tk fn; 51 25,50 30 He, Fil The above list of Jove will be sold at the lowest living rates. Cust Ollie} may rely (upon a departme ience and mbined. te article in ent fort, conven: economy al Gg ik pi ile t8g) vies done cheap, and_on the shortest oy lids, Sheepskins, 18th, 1871. 29, elie ¥ d all kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Pelis oe EE pers and and ai at the New Big Kettle. will be foreman of ny Prince Albert branch. (Patented for the Dominion on May 206th, 1871.) may be geen. Greenbank, June 7, 1871 Tt is seldom an object for any one to sell at cost, but under present cir. pv 1871. 187 FASHIONS. TEEEIV SONTEI 10]18 J, JURYDIII Now is the time to get Spri WT and Summer' prg 'CLOTHING, The Subseriber having "established himselfin business in Prince Albert,. begs leave to call the attention of the public to his New and splendid Stock of Spring and Summer consisting of Broad Clot! r Saglish, ; Scot, and Canadian Theeds; Coatin, 'rouserings, a Vestings, All os panctually attended to and satis- fhstion guaranteed. Prices which defy compe- tition A splendid assortment of gent's Furnishings always an hand. #3 Parties furnishing Siothean have it made up, Ti y. This mber the hee store lately occus | pil apt: Sincla . 4 W. TREN BETH. Prince Albert March 30, 1871, 31 TAILORING! jeter Styles, and Good Fits Warranted. - HE Liberal amd constantly increasing pat- ronage of my numerous customers render a further extension of my business facilities indis- pensible, and in order to meet the wants of my customers. in the east I have rented that com- modlous Shop opposite Scott' s Hofel, Prince Albert--the deceased Mr. bullen's late 'place of businesa--where in conjunction with my Man- cheaterestalilishment, I will carry on the Tail. oring Business in all its branches, . Latest Style! Neat Fit ! And Moderate Charges ! Are my business Passwords. Mr. J. H. DELONG, of Belleville, a gentleman well skilled in every department of the business JAMES SQUIRE, Manchester and Prince i May 17, 1871. SAVE MONEY, Labor and Time! "Es Subscribers are Lappy to state that they are now prepared to sell County and Town- ship rights for the manufacture and Sale of that Sy valuable money, labor and time saving imp! ement HORNE'S IMPROVED Potato Digger AND Scythes, Snaths,. 9.61 vere kde Barley Forks, _ Pitch Forks AND ALL KINDS OF WEED DESTROYER Any number of the most reliable testimonials (See band bills.) -ddress HORNE & BEWELL, Greexsank P.O. Ont. 23-4f 7h 4 ak GS New Watches, New Clocks, AND Fancy Jewelry CHEAP FOR CASH, AT John Diesfeld's, P RINCE ALBERT. Prince Alben, Jan"y 18, 1871. Large Arrivals! NEW £00DS IN EVERY VARIETY FAuatyaL 1 JUST RECEIVED BY THE SUBSCRIBER Yh For particular, soe Small Bills, T. 6. FORMAN. Prince Albert, November 16th, 1870. Marriage Licenses ! Lssuad by Authority. Ean Aug. 9, 1871. ' JOHN 'W, PARRISH, , E. MAJOR "Jan'y lst, 1870 ' ? HARVEST ~ MANCHESTER, < et PTE Ee

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