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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 31 Aug 1871, p. 3

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First of the. 'Season > rf FOR THE _ offered to PORT TI'ERRY, Aug. 2, 1871. Just. Received and Opening Out at NES BROS. & COS, An Immense [Stock of 100 Cases Containing 2,500 pairs the Large," Best Assorted and Cheapest Stock ever w------ Teashoes., the public. . Fall of 1STL. 'The Subscriber has just returned from Montreal, with a Targe ~ assortment of New Dress Goods, New Thibet Cloths, New French Merinos; New Lustres, New Plaids, New Shawls, New Cottons, New Tweeds, &ec. "Fall Stoel A.W. ROBERTS ® would say to his friends that the encouragement given him SATISFACTION to all who may favor him with a call. The stock consists of : Dry Goods! IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. 4 1871 $n returaing bis warmest thaaks to his friends and patrons for the patronage he has met with during his bus'ness career, apd - particularly during the past three months, E induced him to bring into this place one of the LARGEST and BEST ASSORTED Stocks of Goods ever offered ; all being bought for cash and will be sold at such prices as will ENsuRE oil In fact every: thing in« Dry. Goods, Cggatien "Hardware, &ény Which will be sold at the very smallest advance possible on cost. - Now'is the time to buy as@ood: of all kinds are positively going up in price ; but having secured my Stock before. the ad- vance 1 am prepared to sell Goods at lower figures than any other house in the trade, 1. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, Aug. 31, 1871. o Sen Wbertisements. Farm for Sale. YHE Subscriber offers for Sale that ex- cellant furm;beinyg part of lo'a 8 and 9, in the 11th con. of the To #nship of Scugos, gontaining '100 acres, 85 cleared and 15 "bush land. There are on thie premises a good frame House and Frame Baro with other necessary oot-buiidings, a capital young Orchard of 400 choice Iruit trees just begiuuing'to bear. There isa fine creek the lot affording a constant supply of excellent water. The land is in a good wate of cultivation and Jionsanily JF Suisun, na healihful locality and sonveni- Pe Fe at class markefs TITLE INDISPUTABLE. Fl No better opening_could be found for Yarties wishing a good farm or to invest in i geal estate. For further panicalars apply if. by letter post paid, 10 the proprietor onthe pramises, or to L. H, Esra, Solicitor, Port Perry. S. G PICKLE, ° P'roPRIETOR. 35-4w Ph 4 Scugog, Aug 31, 1871. . JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT, = PRINCE ALBERT. "s8@ Oem Great Induceménts ! 1! New Arrivals of JEWELRY, CLOCKS, and WATCHES! Will be sold Very Cheap! ~* ° Considerable Reduction in Price! For One Month Only, And 92 Cash Only, J obi Diesfeld's, PRINCE ALBERT. Prince Albers, Ang. 31, 1871. Tptercelonial Railway, T i Qommiso al A Rafl wn Foyer sive pais notice ial Drepated fo to receive teriders for Tra on 75} miles Sections , and 12 of the line, bein, in the Provines of Nova . Tenders may be had for Ahan whole distance or for separate Sections. forms of tender can be ob- fie Suibifialions aud forms Office, Ouawa, and 3 ke ais o of the engineers at Truro and Am- Tenders. marked * Tenders," and ad- a the Commissioners, will be received login Ottawa up to 12 o'clock noon, ber, 1871. on ; Teer wilh be xg at tio suine time and place ons Spikes, according to samples | Tams tenho Hamed offs to state nies 1 aro ton of 2, 243 Tha deliv- fo'b6. aired at Sa next. - Balance of dover = CG Ist ns Loe : ered in equal ie % LMANEY. Princ Alor st 23 TRL. : ; 5 os Fier spn i, tie The gale of LAZARUS & MORRIS' Glusses is large ond increasing. 1 was satisfied ghey would be appreciated. They are wonderfully perfect and easy to wear, no glimmering or waving dizziness, or unpleasant sensation in using them. W. H. McC AW, AGENT, PORT PERRY. Port Perry, Aug. 23, 1871, 8-1y PROCLANATION ! TO THE INHABITA NTS Northern Reach AT THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, Patent Medicines, &e., ~18 AT THE G REENBANK Stor GEO, FLINT. 29 Greenbank, July 20, 1871, = = FASHIONS. 1871 'HLIENIYL '19ICTV HONIEI "ope J, wey |i X rr ri a veo be iano "on Tub ae to his New. and shlendid 3 i h Cima alts rl londid s t of gont's Resigns) | LE oth can have it mang v, | oP: Tear roisbing Clothran bi e=-the store lately cen {nes W, TRENBETH. Voringe amet March 30,1811, Ta celebrated perfected. Spretacles and Eye | . Ready-made Clothing (TOE BEST STYLE). Special attention paid to the purctase ¢f TRE AS! The Tweed Department is complete in every Shade, Pattern and Variety, Scotch and Canddian Black Broad Cloths, Black Dosskins, and Cassineres. Furnishing Goods --a speciality. English Gents' The ladi-s of the Townships of Reach, Cartwright, &e., are particularly invited to] come and see our new stock of FALL GOODS "before purchasing elsewhere, Every kind of Produce takon at the highest Market value, A, W, ROBERTS. , Port Perry, August 23, 1871, For good Style, and First Class (CARRIAGES, WAGONS, &c. ~ Manufactured" by the best workmen, and from choice material, go to the ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY Prince Albert. : Ri Repairing promptly attended to. All work warranted. JAMES EMANEY. Prince Albert, May 18, 1871. COCOASINE; A Perfect Hair Dressing. Le ty. A. TOMLINSON, Chemist and Druggist, " Has always on hand an sssortment of the following Goods : FINE CHEMICALS, HAIR, TOOTH, NAIL ano ° PAINT BRUSHES, PURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PUFFS, asp PUFF BOXES, FINE TOILET SOAPS, TOILET POWDERS, GLYCERINE, ENGLISH ano FRENCH PERFUMES, SPONGES, HAIR OIL ano POMADES, FEEDING BOTTLES, CITRATE MAGNESA, Paints, Oile, Spirits Turpentine, Japave, Vanishes, Dye Sinffs of all Kinda in yse and warranted pure, with printed Directions for use. School Books, Bibles, Testaments, Note and Letter Paper, Envalopes, Ink, Pens, &c. = My Stock will be found complete and as cheap as any other house in the trade. W. A. TOMT.INSON. Lidenad. Chemist and Druggist, under the Pharmacy Act-- Province of Ontario. Prince Albert, June 15, 1871. i " iS AVE MON EY commencing the Stove and Tin Basiness, Iam warranted in opeping up a LAILORING !PA¥E MONEY, = MAGNIFICENT hoe cv me OCK OF STOVES ee is hal | v Taten Syl 34 Sons » ly bit Sergiy pki Cin anew: Of EVERY STYLE, PRICE AND VARIETY, in the following list: arran o H Hgts for | Roney Jab Jahor' add time saving ELEVATED OVENS, LOW OVENS, HE Liberal and constantly incregaing "| Western tome Lion of the West | Superior, No. 9 Chief Cook |S HE HORNE'S [saber dws \EREEE SHER 9 | istomers In the cast : Improved Combin- Imperial, 9 3 Deus NE. ? hy sip Ee Far gi? ion Sopuior 10, coms | HomeGurd Nog? business--where in onjunelion i iow CAT Potato ger I: Dominiop of Canada, i on Provincial ig Bite lan, + 0 Dig | PARLOR STOVES. ; oh Latest Style! AND Perl yaa Rose Fm ri Que 'Neat Di d acket attige rize Ft! ~ WEED pusTROYER pes + Boston Parlor Cook. ES avole Pir.or And Moderate Charges | Fill nay 26th, 1871) BOX STOVES--Black Giant, Nos. 18, 21, 25, 30 and 36; Herald, Fulton, . Arny business Passwords, nga testimonials Ironside, Black Prince, Fluted Box HE ELON of bi ye dress y 4 es Re Jises i i ve seid ae Jo Jowash living Tales. Cus: opery ed. rely wpa a, 1) ness hi ia By 5 t P.Ou : Nor ie toh Rhy Abert] Grecuban, Juse 7, 181 bal aa yy 1871, JOHN W. PARISH. agile 5 i a Solis Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, Groceries 1. JOHNSTON'S SHLFRIKING RREIPER AWARDED FIRST PRIZE At Provincrar Exut- BITION HELD AT TORONTO, y Machines, which in style and construction, embrace the latest and most useful improvemeiits of the day. TE SJ QHNSTONS, ANGLE SELERAKING RAPER The "King of Reapers.' The universal success of this Machine, both in od contested trials and in the hands f the farmers, warrant us in saying that, as a Self Raking Reaping Machine. it bas more good points and less defects, and vs met with more success and less failure, than any Reaper heretofore offered to the public. gE Cayuga. Junior JMower, We were awarded the First Prize and Diploma, at the Provincial Exhibition, held in Toronto, 1870, in competition with all the leading Machines manufactured in the 1 Proviace ; and with our recent impr we unhesitatingly chal investige- tion and comparison with competing Machines, we are satisfied that such investiga: tion will convince every unprejudiced mind, that we offer the best Mower to the [Facmer for 1871, built in the Dominion. g&™~ Send for descriptive catalogues. BROWN & PATTERSON. Wiiray, June 22 1871. Notice of Cost Sale of Boots and Shoes. In order to concentrate my business I have withdrawn my large and valuable stock of Boots & Shoes from my Port Perry Post lishment, and by doing so, T have added about $3,000 worth to my Prince Albert Stock, which was quite extensive before receiving the addition ; the consequence is that my Prince Albert establish- ment is gredtly overstocked. In order to remedy this great in- convenience, | have determined to sell at cost, and even under cost, until I have reduced my stock to the extent of four or five thousand dollars, 1 would now say ta all who desire to secure decidedly great vorgains in Boots & Shoes, that such an opportunity but rarely occurs, and it may be a long time ere one so favorable again presents itself. The phrase " selling at cost" is nol uncommon, and sometimes carries little mean ing witht. Tt is seldom an object for any one to sell at cost, but under present cir. cumstances, in order to reduce my stock within as short a space of time as possible, I am compelled to offer such bargainsas will induce the public 10 carry off my goods with a rush. 'The quality of the stock and the prices at which 1 will offer it, will put all competition out of the question, My Spring purchases for both establishments were well selected and bought on the most favorable terms, and all will go at the cost price. Do not fajl to take advantage of this opportunity of bai, the bes: value for your 'motey in Boots and Shues which you ever got. JOSHUA " WRIGHT. Prince Albert," Mey R, 1B7I. Roig by the success met with during: the past months in Sunderland, in "FALL STOCK, Cradles, We offer 'to. our customers for. pe------ two distimetds 0 Te SAE 3 Barley Forks, Pitch Forks AND ALL KINDS OF » ~~ HARVEST IMPLEMENTS AT COST rere FOR eer rr gr = io pT

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