} Ha SE SAR A 1% 4 i % : Ye ~ " + according tothe spice they dectpys = + "Ave dealsr tot Wide of Jewelry; Fancy a A rar ite\the post . offie entrance Simeon treet: third door north I------ Lr sees Ty OTR str ts RE VOL XIV, NO. 40.! PRINCE ALBERT, ONT., T HURSDAY, OCT. 5, 1871. {WHOLE NO. 715 &he Putavie Woserher, A WEEKLY POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL AND Family Newspaper; T8 PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT COUNTY OF ONTARIO, EVERY THURS DAY MORNING BAIRD & PARSONS, MS :--81.50 perannum, if paid withinsix ERs 3k within thattime, 00. Nosub- seniption'iaken Cor less thay months;andnopaper d.acestinued until allarrearsarepaid. : tniningmoney. when ad deme -to win etsrae dandregistered, willbe at risk. RATES OF ADVERTISING. For cach line, first insertion... « $0 08 Subsequent insertions; per line 0 02 Cards; under 6 lines, per annum 500 Advertisements measured in Nonpar doirbrge srtjeements received for publication, without Npomde Amtraetonee will beinserted util forbid, an sehtrged cordingly. Noadvertisement willbetaken but until paid for. Aliheral cauntallowedt o Merchants and others h tisebythevearorhaif-year, : ve Beg willinallcases be strictiya J. heredtd. watantly inereasing importance of theNorth (OutariorendersthepublicationeftheOBsERVER nnecessity. Everadvocating right, and condemning wrong, it willeonsiantly take the lead in forwarding the zeneralinterestsof the count hd in the amount oflncaland general given, wil a1ylocalpuperpublishedin Canada. < JOB DEPARTMENT. w Pamphlets. (land Bills Posters, Programmes. Bil Heads: Blank Forms, Regeipt Books.Check Books Sirculars, Business Cards. Ball Cards, &e , &c., 0 evervst Icolor; executedpromptly, andatlower dtesihan at any other establishmentin thiscoumy. Partiesfrom a listance zettinghand bills.&e. printed "ean have then done totake home withthem. J. BAIRD: | H. PARSONR. Processional Carvs. Dr. Brathwaite, PRINCE ALBERT, Physician, Surgeon, and ~Accoucheur. ARE, County of Ontario, and Accoucheur, DR. W {10000 ER for the J Physician, Surgeon Prince Albert A Peesh™ AE with Gold so v DENTISTRY. HR H. L. Harnden,L.D.S., Surgical and Mechanical Dentist, Of Eleven Years Experience, OFFICE, « «= QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. RESIDENCE--PRINCE ALBERT. Particular attention given to the regulation of Children's Teeth, Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver and Vulcanized Rubber, > reserve ther from further decd 7 Nitrous Oxide Gass administered for tho! painless extraction of Teeth. Consuitation free and all work warranted. Oct. 4,1871, 30sly hotels. Royal Canadian Hotel, PORT PERRY. as Subscriber laving leased to above Hotel, has fitted up in a style in keeping with the ripidly increasing business and prosperty of the Village and neighborhood, and with direct re- ference to the comfort and convenience of the ublic. Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bar. Comfortable Stables and attentive Hostlers, Neither labor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of ublic patronage, Br a HENRY FOY. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. "REVERE HOUSE." MANCHESTER . B, PLANK. PROPRIETOR. AVING purchased the above hotel, and has furnished the BREF with the choicest liquors and cigars. Every attention paid to guests, -- Stages to and from Whitby call daily. ~ Careful ostlers always i dance 8 rT THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company pes Company is now fully organized and is prepared to accept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents, country Churches. Those wisliing to insure and thereby support a [Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by ap plying to the Head Office, or to any of the local gents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--The_old Registry Office Build- ings Breck Street, Whitby. L. FAIRBANKS, Jr. Secretary WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO. C.. 'W INCORPORATED ........ School Houses and 27-1y .... 1851, $400,000 Capital - President, JOHN MeMURRICH Vice-Pr MAGRATH, ¥:q Secrelar ARD DALDAN, Esq. PRINGLE, GENERAL AGENT. i DRC. E. MARTIY, RADUATE of Victoria College, Toronto X and Provincial Licentiate raduate of Bellvue Hospital Medical College ; of the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary in General and Orthopoedic Surgery ; and special graduate for diseases of the chest, New York. Office at Al- {ison & Petitt's Drug store, Port Perry. 8 'R. JONES, M. D., CORONER FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO; PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &C. FFICE and Residence - over Allison & Petiit's Drug Stare, Port Perry. Drs. McGILL & RAE, Pram Surgeons, &c., &e. Office and Residences, King street, Oshawa. wa. Mau, M. 0. FRANCIS RAE. M, B. SAMUEL H. COCHRANE, LL.D., Bidens County Crown _ Attorney, r Solicitor in 'Chancey, Notary Public, &c., ock street; Whitby. : Ri J. WILSON, ARRISTER, Atiorney at Law, Solicitor in Chalery, &¢. Office in the Victoria Biilding; Brock-st.; Whitby. LYMAN ENGLISH, L. L. B,, OLICITOR in Chancery, Attorney, .) Conveyancer; &c., Oshawa. Office--=Simcoe street, opposite the post office: G. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, Bigs Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in i Chancery; and Insolvency, Notary Pub c, &¢., &c . Office--McMillan's Block, Brock Street, Whit- by, Ontario. _ CAMERON & MACDONELL, ARRISTERS and Attorneys at Law, Bacon County Council Ontario. Offices: Jourt House. M_¢. CAMERON. | H. J. MAODONELL, Auctioneers, Major Willcox, nip AUCTIONEERS ¥OR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Valuators, Land Agents, Commission Merchants, &c. ACCOUNTS COLLECTED PROMPTLY. Money to Loan at 8 per cént. EMAJOR, . W.M.WILLCOX, BoRELIA. PriNCE ALBERT. Sept. 22, 1870. 39 Wm. Gordons &e., &e., OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thora, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Eldon. 5 Parties entrusting, their Sales to me may. rely upon the utmost attention being given to their interests, . WM. GORDON, Sunderland P.0., Brock. TTENTION ATTEN' : The _undersi attention of those Auctioneer, that he is prepared to attend sales on the shortest notice anywhere in the County of Ontario, Blank Notes and Bill Stamps kept would fully éall_ the ishing the services of an . JAMES LAMON, TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, A Conveyancer, &c.--Land Agent, & x! Stree mily n en Gy ed June 1871. The Patent Letter A Family bridge. Office over Armstrong's Hotel, Main | Sewidk Machine is iio Wisd ged by Dallinds t. Uxbridge: properties on hand, ; : He is sole Agent for the best and cheapest ing Machine in the Domi t fi wing Milli and-all who know Sewing hines who have had the pleasure of , FAREWELL & McGEE, »ARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, Con- veyancers and Notaries Public, Oshawa. -- Office, one door North of the Post 5 an at Bowmanville, office Mr. Feeter's Block, oppo- site Town Hall. E. FARBWELL, L.L.B. | JOHN BILLINGS, R. M'GEE, B. A. d | the best machine for $30. All ti examining it_to be the best and cheapest in the Dominion, Ladies make sure work, and pur- chase the Patent Letter A, and you will have achines war- ranted. Orders attended to on the shortest notice, 7 J. C. PILKEY, * SoLE AGENT. Epsom, Sept. 1, 1871. 36 ARRISTER, Atto 2y at Law,$ 1 in Chai ; No! ublic, Conveyancer, Ae. Princo. Albert, Office over in the Royal Arcade, Port Perry. 4 : P, ; TTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor in Chan- cery, Port Perry. Officein the Royal Arcade, Port Perry. North Ontario ; Mariposa, etc., in the County of Victoria. Res | dersleft at this offiess orat hi tual} le THOS. H. WALSHE. TCENSED Auctioneer for the Town» ships of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in idence--Cannin, Brock, Or- oh i footd will be Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, |. (LATE BRODIE'S,) STREET, PORT HOPE Wu. MACKIE, Proprietor. "waLTON Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY, Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendance, Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. DAFOE HOUSE UTICA 00D accommodations. Careful attention X to the requirements of travelers and guests. The bar supplied with the best wines, liquors and cigars: Good stabling, S J. DAFOE, Proprietor. Centre Hotel, SATNTFIELD, JAS. CAMER( Albion Hotel, WHITBY. A. MASON, ProrrirTor. This Motel has undergone a thorough renova- | tion ang been fitted np with a view<o the com- fort and convenience of the traveling public. Every attention will be paid to the table and bar, while obliging and atientive hostlers will Adepend on gelying their money. witl AITO Mortgages Wanted. THE Subscribers have large sums of money placed in their bands for the investment on Improved Fmms, Village Properties, and other Securities in this and adjoining Counties at the lowest current rates of interest. As we have funds on hend at all times Borrpwers can possible delay. Wanted to Purchase Any number of Mortgazes, for which the high- ¥t figure will be-allowed. PES rr Re are Also appraisers forthe rmanent Building Society, the cheapest and | largest Monetary Institution in Camda, Paid | up Capital $! 0,000. Instalments re-payable and in from 2 tw years, : Lands. Bou, Sold. Several good Farms ForSate; "x. © 15 Agents for several first class Fire Insur- ance Companies. - Collections made and w general agency busi- | ness transacted. B<GF™ DEBENTURES BOUGHT. "Rf _"JOUN & DAVID J. ADAMS, General Agents. Office over T. C. Formau's Store, Prince Albert Prince Albert Dee. 2, 1870, © HONEY 0 LEAD! REDUCED RATES, 3 now prepared to lend any amount, of ey on the ity of Good Farm, or Pro- ductive Town Prop at the lowest possible rate of interest in sums and manner to suit bor rowers. Principal ean be repaid by yearly in- stalments or in one sum. Seweral well enltivated Farms and Lots ot Wild Land for sale cheap. Investments made in Debentures, Mortgages, and other Seenrities, Silver and Greenbacks bought and sold. For further particulars, apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &ec. OFFICE--McMillian's* Block, Brock Street. Whithy,S D, 1870, ¢ 39-1 LA2ARUS, MORRIS & CO's © CELEBRATED : CHAS THORN, V.§., | J'EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, Cl AVL co, 11. Gold Medalist for the best ¢ Horse Practice. Author ota F | 23suy on Shocing. Graduated Sept. 18, | 18¢ | Dr. Thorn begs to announce that be has taken | up his residence at Port Perry. and is now pre- | pared to treat all cases entrusted to his care 'in the most skillful andl scientific manner, All or- ders left at the Medical Hall of Messrs. Allison & Pettet, will receive prompt attention. 3 Tlie Veterinary Stables may be found on Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factory. Port Perry, July 27, 1871. 30 JE WELR Y ESTABLISHMENT, PRINCE ALBERT. & #0@0- Great Inducements !!! New Arrivals of JEWELRY, CLOCKS, and WATCHES 1! Will be sold Very Cheap! Considerable Reduction in Price! For One Month Only, And for Cash Only, John Diesfeld's, PRINCE ALBERT. Prince Albert, Ang. 81, 1871. si Prius, Oyer and Terminer, and General Goal Tuesday, 10th of October, 1871 At the hour of 2 okklock. noon, of which Coroners, Justices of the Peace, Coristables and all other's concerned, will take notice and gov- crn themeelves accordingly. NELSON G, REYNOLDS, | | _ Sheriffs A Perfected Spectacles! those celebrated Spectacles, which give Clearness of Vision, as well as Eas and Comfort . n To all who use them, avoiding' that "Cistressing fatigue experienced hy those using common 4 spect, and that I ean now SUIT THE MOST DIFFICULT SIGHTS, So that those who have notheen able td read for years, may. now read perfectly. WM. HEPINSTALT, Sole Agent for Brooklin and vicinity. Brooklin, July 25 1871. Shereby_glven that the County of Ontario, ¢ Wit : Court of Assize and Ni- Delivery, will be holden tn and for the County of Ontario, at the Court House in the TOWN OF WHITBY all »Shesiff, €. 0. . Per H.H.P. . _ 87-td flice Sept. 5 Whit on. } Marriage Licenses ! Issued by Authority. .E. MAJOR Jan'y 1st, 1870 ) De din Can- Pentistrn, nington or otherwise, and w tario Auctioneer. bts ¢ rompt remittances ber-- WALS, y, the North On. C.D WAID SurgeonDentist,Cor. ¥ain& Brock 8t.,Uzbridge A LL Dental opera- "tio rformed = with Yong, Tork Sill and care, warranted to givesatisfaction or no harge, and at. FR tion Revenexces.--77. P. Grigg Port Hope! Ter. JT. Byrne, Whitby : Jos. Esq., and J. | | .B. idge, hn be .C. N.VARS PRacrical Dentist, Oshawa, Ont.-- _§" Dental Rooms directly IST "OF LETTERS remaining in the Prince Albert, Sept. 13, 1871. ' Morrish John Miller AJ 'McDonald Ann McCrimmon F B Armitage J Brewer S J Banelangh H A Brown & Scott 4 Marriage Licenses sight so that you youll use LAZARUS § MORKIS' Col ebrated Perfected 8 Glas: pronounce them the best they ever had.-- will experience great ease and comfort. Port Perry, Sept. 28, 1871. ; IF you want Spectacles that assist your see as well as in acles and Eye ses. All those have used them Your sighl will surely improve, aud you W. H. McCAW, AGENT, _PORT PERRY. 8-ly oi (BY AUTHORITY.) EvED at Port Perry. Office," the Scraoa House. Port Perry, Nov. 11th, 1869. HENRY CHARLES. MONEY (PRIVATE FUNDE,) To loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent interest LYMAN ENGLISH, Barrister, ge. shawa : 14 Novembsr a1. 1866. + * Carrer S McClintock F Crandell Benj Nichols G N DeLong HJ ~ - Phiriill Wm 2 Dinrey Harry Roberts Lewis 2 Dunlip Wm Robioson Mies {Lizzie | Graham Andrew Stevenson Denald Graham Jas Speck Mr ta Harrison Wm Thomson John . Herron Jos Tomlinson Thos Kerby James (Vavsickler H i Lamon John 2 alker HC Leek John | Welsh Michael Leek & Honter Werder Rev Marrin Maggie Sneddon John of the Ontario Bank, Rea JOHN CHRISTIE, PIOWNSHIP. CLERK for Rench, Con- veyancer, Commissioner of tl H. H. MeCAW, Postmaster. 5 Court 0 ueen'sBench, &c. Business careful is attended ce--Manchester. . WwW d, on the opening of, Navi- Til ep en i nds Towing and Freighting between : this point and Lindsay, Bobcaygeon and Fenelon Falls; at the most rea- gonable rates. re the most favorable terms. Port Perry Mareb, 3, 1871, ' b TE 0 lh THE STEAMER ¢ ANGLO SAXON 3" Pic-nic and Excursion parties taken on the least | Canada Por: | Aunt. excuse efl-ct limbs. ed. About 8 o'clock in the evening I was Wan TEACH ME TO LIVE Teach mb to live !--my daily or Nor murmur though I bend" beneath its load 3 Only be with me ; let me feel Thee near i Thy smile shed's gladdess on the darkest read. "Teach me to live, no idler let me be, But in thy service hand and heart employ Prepare to do Thy bidding cheerfylly-- . Be this my highest.and my holiest joy. Teach me to live, Thy purpose to fulfil | Bright for thy glory let my taper shine! Each day renew, re-monld this stubborn will} Closer round Thee my heart's affections twine. I cannot you,' keop back 1k would till my eyes every me | attempted to reason with the nub'e fellow, lying so helpless betore me. Months before the opening of this story, Fred Travers, in attempting to ascend a scaflolding raised upon a building, of which he was theo architect, was precipitated 10 the pavement, stiiking upon his feet. partial Eve nerals. 1¢ lear, whe rything that summoned to Fred's apartment. ¢« Well," #aid I, hand, ¢ what is it ? ¢Oh, nothing, Aunt ; only I have had a funeral ;-and the siangest part of it ull is, I was the chiet mourner. { my youthful hopes and hencelorth there will be no cmvelling over | as the ¢nevitable."?' Since my neph w'a accident 1. had not] laden with love, and heavily laden 100? held my usual Wednesday evening recep- | Ihe poor ohild had not yet begun to feel its tions ; but he was now go far recovered ¢ Yes, Aunt, you mustexcuse me. ¢ Bot Fred? ¢ There are no buts about it, my dear will not be taken down to the drawing room' to night.' ¢ Then [certainly shall ba compelled to I replied, stuiving hard 10 LOMO Way that I thought it best to begin aga. party were grieved, and the parlor.? ¢ But, Fred, Ben can take you down be- fore any one comes. know that I never entertain company alter eleven ; so you will not sitting." ¢ My deur, precions lit neelesa, aad, while And all see that | am not able 10 co, you can leave the door open, the crowd.' h my become I den't know why I was unable to tired of nt you la a ver lhe? ; that Teach me to live |--'tis easier far to die, Gently and silently to pass away ; On earth's long night to close the heavy eye And waken in the realms of glorious day. Teach me that harder lesson--how to live, To serve Thee in the darkesteputh of life 3 Arm me for conflict now !--fresh vigor give, And make me more than conqueror in the strife. Teach me to live for self and sin no more, But use the time remaining to me yet, Not mine own Pleasure seeking as before, Wasting no preefoits hoins vain wgrets, ' « Teach me to live--and find my life in Thee, Looking from carth ind earthly things away ; Let me not falter, but untiringly Press on and gain new strength and power each day. 03 to bear, Teachme to live l--with kindly words for all-- Wearing no cold, repulsive brow of gloom ; Waiting with cheertul patience, till Thy call Summons my spirit to its heavenly home. My.Nephow Frod, and his Fu v The paraiysin-of the lower medical could suggedt Was prompilys aitended to, but witli very little euccess 5 and the poor lellow had ubout decided that he must main a helpless cripple the rest of his life, L shal! never forget the day he resigned | HAVE plefsure in stating to the publi¢ that | himself to his fate. Every member of the | [ have now in stock a full assortment of | family w skill re- as requested 10 keep out of hw | With a brithaat sweep of her litile fingers room until he signified his desire (0 be vigit- | commenced the « Laughing Song." taking his outstretched | 1 have baried att | rations 5 and | All my attempts to have hin make one of the (self. He saw that | was a biter smue played around his handsome mouth, «i would ba a sight now, wouldnt i, 10 see me, a great stiapping fellow, six feet in my stockings, carried by a footman down niu friends OF | resumed In its nfication this he'plessnes€entaiis upon my? 1 «hall hie on the sofa in the library, and the ateaing of music will float up to me ; and | «hall enjoy mysell quite as mach as one of keep bis | On, dear! 'There isu't a bit of happiness ln the workl unless one has somebody 10 ove ona 3 and then | knew the little crea. ture was sobtung, Now, ttt was 100 bad. What could I (do? Nothing, evidemiy What could Fied do? Keep very quiet and allow her to depart in inl gr orance of his presence. But that this litle epioote would leave a deep and lasting impression, I, who knew Fied ao thoroughly, perleetly understood. "How much pleasanter to spend an evening here than with uli those stupid folks down stair I" and the litle one arose from her low seat and began a survey of the apartment. I knew it wan all up 'then In a second more a emothered ghriek, with 8 quick ¢ | beg pardon, wir, | thought | 'Iwas alone I' was walted to my ears, : Aen do not fartembaraseed abut at, sfion'd have 8poken when yuu figst entig- +d, but 1 fuolishly imagined you would be able to lenge withont observing me. If n does not make you eel annoyed 1 shall be very glad it tas happened, as it affuded we a ghmpse of someting nagural ang of apoifta nents ' I knew it wis -wtong to stop there listen "ey but | was actualy nivetied to the pot Women always have some good excosa for prying, und ¢ nivert®d' 1s as goo "Es any for me. - ' 0 2 = «Not very," he replied, although proba- bly an invand tor hfe. you ill, sir,' she inquired, drawing nearer, The end ot the epi=ode is not yet, though I, and | wan night. «My name 1x Mise Grffin-- Margaret Gutlin. Most everybody calls me Taggie,' she went on by way of imroduction. ¢ And my namie is Travers" Fredarick Travers. Most everybody calls me Fred," replied her companion 3 but | knew by the tong of "my nephew's voice that for a mo- ment he had ceased to think of himselt and ts infirmity, Tam Mo. Andrew's phew, at your service,' ne- + Let ua be (rierds," she said sweelly, land I knew then, just as well as | know now that Maggie Giiffia's hand lay in that of the invalid. ¢ I don't want to say I am sorry for you,' she continued, ¢ because | thing theré are few who like to be pitied. It don't eeem to me I should caro about walking ; that is, if I had plenty of money, and somebody to care lor me, and lots of books !" But the tremulen in the girl's voice bes frayed her, and the next moment she was sobbing convulaively. Quick steps ascend- ed the stairs, and | moved away from the threshold very much like a peison caught wm the. act of stealing, -- What occurred | subsequently I ¢id not know..until some time afier. | tried to conceal my abatrac- | tion and appear as usual, and was some- what relieved when, a few minutes after, Miss Griffin tok her geat at the piano, and Liove kim and he loves me. This morn- mg | received this cruel note. He has irrevocably determined, he says not 10 allow this love to go un for another day ~ that be will not doom me 10 the life such a love will entail. Who ever beard of snch cruel nonsense? As if he had it in hie Powe: to pni an end 10 my love or his own either" and her eyes filled wuh tears. 'Oh, Mugaie I' whispered Fred, looking steadlastly out of the window ; + you don't kiow what you are talking abouts' "Yes, I do, dear,' she replied sweetly, "If we were poor it would make a dift ence, | suppose and yet | scercely think eould. Yon are rich and so am I, And, Fred Travers, you will walk again one of there days. "Heaven ind has whispered hatin my ear. Ir yay Wut love ma. AY *o, aud | will go weway nnd never itolible you wgain ' . ¢ Heaven bleas yon, darling! |love'y u more than myself" uw thousand times dver. You shall way." Th tis what Fred and, What Jid 1 do? Looking on a mofent Al- the liie hgure kueehing beside my. fephew's chair, whi te lan his hegda- cently on her curly head, tha King heaven, I kuow, for the blesatnas of his hte, | walk- ed ont to my own room, and had a good cry, woman fashion, Two years have passed since then, and Fred walks now as well aa Any one. LT ---- JOE COBUnN MERTS HIS MATOH On Thursday night a Sun reporter drop- ped into a refrexhment saloun in Sigty-fifin- st, and Second avenue, where he found Joe Coburn holding tosth 10 an awe-stinck audience. It seems that Mr, Coburn had inti Lon the order of Jones's Wood on the day, and bet 1ather heavily on Fizger- ald an the winner of the ¢ long rece.' Fiiz- gerald had about two years ago carried off | the first prize at this race, bot has on the last two occasions been distanced by others: This was tos much for Joe, 0 he fel very irate at the whole r ce of Scots. A brawny and stalwart Scot, in full Highland costume stepped upon the scene, Him Joseph 1n- stantly seized as a most fit object on whom to vent his wrath toward the whole Scottish faction. He rudely seized Syaney by the arms, and told him that he eould + lick «any Scotchman' on the ground." The Stotciman coolly told him there was doubt ou the subject, and ordered him to remove his hands. Do you knew who I am 2" Joe roared. " No," bellowed the other; nor do I care." "Iam Joe Coburn'----m Before Joe could farnish the sentence he found himsell face upward upon the floor. Once, 1wice, thrice Joe tied 10 recover ground, but 1n vain, Baflled in his great energy, Joa thought it was high tins to resort lo some other weapon to decide the difficulty in his favor, but the cool and wiry How she did laugh, and how she did sing! For | a week after, tha echo of those bewitching | slraing seemed to meet me in the far comers | of the house, and only ten minutes beloge | she was sobbing as if her heart wand) | break. no. "I never heard Maggie sing so well, observed a lady friend. "She really excels hersalf,? Didn't 1 know that she wne singing for Fred? Didn't know that ner i voice was | | : | | weight, | ¢ Heaven help her,' I said, softly, to my- ¢ How did you like the singing, Fred?' I asked, the next morning at break fast, | ¢ Of all the contraltos I ever heard, that was the richest. But who was the fair vocalist ? tor, of course, she ia lair.' 'A airanger, Fred," I answered, carless- ly, glancing at his handsome face. + A Miss, Goiflin-- Maggie Griflin, I believe they call ter." ~ His face waa like that of an angel for a moment; mexpressible sauslaction was depietea on every lhineament, but gradually |taded, and the old patient, sober look, place. Not another word wan spoken. For the nest two months Fred received many tiny peifamed notes, and I notice that Ben (the toutman) made tps to the post-office more frequently than termerly In the meantime I had met the young lady on several occasions, and we became very ghts with the eral timea * Poor Fired, poor Fred was made for him, for he was a favorite with us all--but to no one did | say, ¢ Go up stajre." 1 knew that he dit enquiry not wish it. The belle of the evening was a Mins}. Gnffin, an intimate friend of one of my bi g school i , but a me attached to-her. himself. intelli- which illuminated the centre of the dow. What a sight met my eyes ! Misa Griffin, supposing herself the sole occupant of the room, had taken a seat upon the carpet in front of the fire, and there, her quaint little head bent on canary fashion, she sat m t | I stopped and listened. . 1 couldnt help it, but they would atray off up wlairs, and sev- caught mysell whispering, More tuan one She sang exquisitely, played with a ekill truly professional, conversed gently and itelligibly ; and these latter accomplishments were so rare among young tadies generally, that | ound myself quite Some one "volunteered to play a waliz, and as the young folks flew aonnd.to the fascinating strains of Stranse Iran vp stairs fowee howFred was enjoying The gas was turned quite low, but the grate threw out a cheerlul hght, 100m, leaving the sides and corners in deep sha: ne side, nhomeli good friends; but 1 kept my own counsel I.uoticed that for severnl days Fred looked exceeding'y ead and careworn. My fitgt thought was rot to remark upon; bul tow's lip I could keep silent no longer. ¢ Well, dear, what is it 7' I asked again ¢ Oh, aont, 1 have been tryifg to have another funeral. I dug the grave, but the rest is beyond met' +11 deema to me, Fred, that if 1 were in your nlace | shon'd not be desirous of taking on myself thy duties of a profeasional under- taker. Whether you can walk or not, yon have probably a long life before you ; and my advice 1s fo aliow all the plants which Providerce in His goodness sends to your garden -- for some unknown reason, once ian wo desolate-- to blossom and bear fruit. 'Throw riothing away which is holy and calculated to lessen your burdens,' ¢ Aunt, what do you mean,' he exclaim- ed. Just then Ben stuck hia head in the dcor. ¢ Miss Griffin wishes to see Mrs, Andrews and Mr. Travers immediately.' «Good gracious !" exclaimed Fred. ¢ Bot, annt, not here. You don't--that to to saye my life. ¢ Why, isn't this jolly ! homelik: m Tori waltz. This seems 1 don'i believe I like par On! 1 forgot ; my boot huris me. excnee for _ranning away from that 1 wonder what ddreadfol creature first conoeived the es o Jang, It I had'm he should hop through ail} ages, and Ys foor, too! Heigho! A nice fire, how cheerful ! Our hbrary used 10 be something like this before paps died. . ; id 8. -- That's in-- you see--' But the sudden entrance of the young lady put an end 10 all indecision. "1 am so glad to find yon both together!" she exclaimed, walking airnight to the side of Frei's chai: ¢ This letter will explain why | am here. Allow me to réad ing his own chirograpky. EL : « Very. well, then,' said ahe, folding: th note. ¢ But, Mra. Andrews, your and | bave corresponded for two: i had + Ploasa don't I? implated Fred, Tegogr iz] AS Caledonian seemed instinctively to know Joe's intentions. Taking hold ot Joe's groping dexter, he shook his head depre: catingly and said : 3 ¢ Na, na, mon; ye maunna do that, pis- tole I dinna mind a flea for I? u Saying which he gave Joe's hand a wreneh and a squeeze. Joe started fo his Let, and, alter w hte dusting and prelim- inary explanation, offered 10 treat the whole party et -- In Putsburgh, a few duys since a lady heard a burglar attempting to enter her dwelling through her front window; and not wishing to soil her furniture and carpet with the blood of the intruder, she noislessly gutted the house by a rear door, and pro- ceeded to the front, discharging fonr barrels from a revolver at the burgular. One of the shots took effect in his leg, and he being unable to run, was arrested by a pokceman. SLANDER - Even where there ia a real evil to expose one should paose a while before (he utterance of words which may drive the sinner to greater evil. But what shall wesay of one who can tell a delibe- rate lie, orrepeat that which conscience tellm him was the fabrication of another's brain 2 1 know hardly nny who can relinin tiom promulgating a wicked Worg, even though a salve is added to the conscience by a «1 don't believe it, poor thing." ro -- An Onin newspaper announces that a man in Zanesville; who has buried Three wives, has their photographs in d group witbin which his own picture is the centre figure, ahd underneath 'is this touching n= feription, ¢ The Lord will provide," =~ --eee. Persons tot generally known-- Poor peo- ple. rr ---- i -- when | saw the quiver upon the poor lel-q2 I! 1% easier 10 tuke away a good name thian to restore 1. ee __ The prettier the loot aad ankle, the easier IL govs up slairs, te ------r may Men are generally like wagons ; they rattle prodigiously when thetg in notning in them. : ett Gere A wise man advertises extefiaively, be- cause bio believes that many columns fur- wish a good support. ------ tp -- A Nashville woman is advertising for the wiiereabouts of twenty-four of her children. She knows wliere the other three are. I ---- ¢ Ideas," says Voltaire, *are like beards -- men only get them when they grow up, and. women never have any." The wretch ! > A -- ie. A Western editor cousoled a man who complained that justice had not been done him, by the remark that it was ¢ very lucky for him.* eee. , Never owe any man more than you are able to pay, and allow no man to owe you more than you are able 1a lose, Why does a'coat at year when taken out of a carpet bag 7 Because, when you take it out you fin | it in creases | 0