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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Oct 1871, p. 3

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_ ZRall Stock Complete ! TRE se Ea <vouragement 10 the ReAny" Pay iy) . "Buainess, prices of iit Goes 'GORDON'S HE. Subdoriber' respecifally invites an " examination of his immense Stock which on ius; complefe. Every article has been selected in the fou markets and with the greatest cars. The Stock having been purchased when Goods were at their lowest value, in- tending purchasers may rely on getting the benefit in the shape of "Goods, excellent in quality, and fow in price. Particular at- tention. is requested to the following lines, viz: Factory Cottons at {bm 5 cents per yard ; extra heavy yard wide do. at 10 cents per yard. A nice Wincey at 10 cents per yard ; very nice do. in great variety and patterns at 12} cents per yard. A splendid lot of Fall and Winter Dress Goods from $1 to $11 per Dress. Elegant Wedding Dresses in beautiful colors-- Laces and Fringes to mal A large lot of Ladies' Hate, latest ty! Particular attention is requested 10 the immense Sto k of the new style of Fur trimmed Jaokets. Please come early and 8:20 these, as they cannot be replaced at the eame low prices. Av_gnusoally large lot of Ladies', Gent's, Boys' and Girls' Boots and" Shoes-- very substantial, and very cheap. : The attention of gentlemen is particularly requested to the fact that the subscriber has red (he services of a first class Tailor-- Mr. Cheseworth-- late of Toronto. Every article warranted to fit, and made vp in the newest and most fashionable style, and at the most moderate charge. Having a good 'stafl of assistants, Suits will be got up on short notice. An immense Stock of Cloths and Tweeds to select from. Ladies will please notice, that culling is done free of charge. In Groceries, every article will be found up tothe mark. A large lot of the famous 50--80 cent and $1 Teas on hand. As the subscriber is determined to give great en- be found unusually low. Intending pur- cliasers are therefore respeciiully requested to call and examine before purchasing else- IBM, 3 1 EE Ne (%~ A special prize of a complete set of Tea Crystals valued at $5, will be given by the subscriber, for the best Tub of Butter-- exhibited at the great Butter Fair to*be held in Manchester, on the 10th October (second Tuesday). Competition open to the Dos minion. ADAM GORDON. N.B, Cash paid for Wheat, Barley, Oats and Peas, ih any quantity, Manchester, Sept. 21, 1871, Farms for Sale. Four First-Class Farms for Sule by Pub= {ic Auction, at the Globe Hotel, Brooklin, on Monday, October 9th, 1871, WITHOUT ANY RESERVE. ---- Parcer No. 1.--111 Acres, being the West half of Lot No. 1, in the 1st con of Reach. On this let there is a New Frame Barn, Log House, good Orchard, it is well watered and the land is first- class, about 90 acres cleared. Title in- disputable: Parc No. I1.--100 Acres, being the West 100 acres, composed of Gore Loot No: 1, in the 8th, and part of No. 1, in the 7th con. of Uxbridge, with New Frame [louse, Barn, Sheds, Stables, Root House; Orchard, Well, Cistern, &c. 75 acres cleared, the remainder in good wood; the farm is silvated on tbe Townline of Pickering and Whitby. Parcet™No. IIT --95 acres, composed of Gore Lot No. 2, in the 8th, and part of' Lot No. 2, in the 7th concession of Uxbridge; about 60 acres cleared, the remainder good wood. This lot 'is well watered. Parcer No. IV.--75 acres, being part of Lot No. 1, in the 7th concession of Uxbridge, with Log House, Frame Barn--about 40 acres cleared --L15 acres good Cedar, the remainder good Hard Wood. On this lot there is a first class Mill Site. _ Terms oF SALE --One-third cash in three or six months, balance in eight or ten years; to Buit purchasers--with interest at eight per cent Per annum; to be secured by mortgage on pro- perty. Sale to commence at two o'clock, sharp. E. MAJOR, Proprietor. L. FAIRBANLS, Jr., Auctioneer. PROCLAMATION ! TO THE INHABITANTS Northern Reach I -_------ THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes; Hardware, Tinware, - 'Stationery, Patent Medicines, &c., IS AT THE GREENBANK Store GEO. FLINT, 2 Greenbank, July 20, 1811. Port Whithy sud ro Perry ; way. © i _ WANTED IMMEDIATELY 200 MEN To york on.the ghove Railway. Log dw ly to". . Aly oe MATOR. will be found unusually |- Prince Albert, May 18, 1871. AUCTION SALE Friday, Oct. 6th, 1871, The East-half of the South-west a ! 1 Y No. 14, In the 1th concession of WANTED, 25 A Be the samé more or less, belonging to the Eg. state of the late CmmisTiNa CRAGG. h at 2 o'clock p. m. J. 0. RILKEY, AUCTIONEER, PORT PERRY, Oct. 5, 1871. \ LARGE AR PRINCE RIVALS OF IE NEW FALL GOODS! Wm. M. Wightman & Co's., ALBERT. Dress Goods--Winceys--Prints --Cottons --FlanneJs--Blankets --T'weeds--Shawls-- Ladies' Hats--Clothing--Gents' Felt Hats--Floor Oil Cloths, &c., &ec. : TEN DAYS' ing Sale AD 010 4 CE ---- aa The Subscriber being about to MOVE TO LINDSAY v '| Great Western "1 FALL STOK, ™ Encouraged by the success met with during the past months in Sunderland, in commencing the Stove and Tin Business, I am warranted in opening up a Magnificent =A" af 'Ntoves * Of EVERY STYLE, PRICE AND VARIETY, in the following list : ELEVATED OVENS, LOW OVENS, Western tome Rion of the West Superior, Nou 9 Si Cook; + > Queen, No. 8 Conquer; No. 10 "Giant Cook' - 3 ] Plain Dealer--Ex- New World Improved Combin. Imperial, 9 "tensive top~ New Era va Early the coming month, and being anxious to lighten his Stock, intends for the next ten days to offer such bargains as will induce parties to purcnase largely and so effect a large reduction in his Stock which is now very large, Do not miss the Bargains SELLING AT COST AND UNDER! He would also return his sincere thanks to his numerous friends for their long continued and liberal patronage, and would beg to remind all indebted to him by book account or otherwise that on account of his shortly leaving the locality that it will be necessary to have said accounts settled forthwith. A. SINCLAIR. Prince Albert, Sept. 27, 1871. GET UP YOUR WINTER RIGS!!! CUTTER SSLEIGHS! CUTTERS Y SS CARRIAGE FACTORY! ( The Subscriber in returning thanks to his numerous and increasing customers would inform them and the public general!y: that he has commenced the manufacture of an unusually large number of the very latest styles of first class Cutters and Sleighs for the com'ng winter, which he feels confident will (ully meet the wishes of the com- munity hoth as to Quality, Style, and Price. Nothing but the best material employed. : ' 0 All Notes and Accounts already due. and that will be due by the 1st day of October next, must, without fail, be paid on or before the 20th of said month. G. U. WHITE. Port Perry, Sept. 28, 1871. For good Style, and Kirst Class (CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, &c. Manufactured by the best workmen, and from choice ONTARIO CARRIAGE FACTORY Prince Albert. ---- Repairing promptly attended to. All work warranted. JAMES EMANEY." An Excellent Farm FOR SALE OR TO RENT, THERE WILL BE s0LD BY Public Auction ! uarter of lot R i E t t The undersigned offers to sell or ea S a e tal farm. being the north-half of lot (Th -- containing 100 acres--85 an i well watered, well fenced and ina good state ood buildings oni the premises, dwelling house, barns, stables, &c., located for church, school and first-class mar- kets. 'Bitle Indisputable: ing immediately. For further particulars apply to the proprietor on the premises--if id e Township H P.0. WILLIAM HARPER. Whitby, September 5, 1871. : -- es a Reach,-- rent, for a term of years, that capi- 34, iu the 9th concession of Whitby, of cultivation, There are ( witha thriving young orchard. Conveniently The purchaser or rentet may commence Plow letter, prepaid; address Wm. Harper, eacl CR B §|m> oe 10 RENT. 2 . Subsctiberoffers'to Rent that comfortable conveniently located shop on Simcoe st. Prince Albert opposite the Victoria Hotel, rewises hi n hitherto used as a Tailoring hop, and it would be difficult to ind a miore suitable location. f nt Moderate; and immediate possession ELIZABETH BULLEN. The lard is good, all cleared, and well water 3 The Sale will take place on the premises TITLE INDISPUTABLE. JOSEPH LEE. JOSEPH BAGSHAW, ~ DAVID CRAGG, TERMS chem, Executons Port Perry, Sept, 7, 1871. i ation Superior, 10, Colonist HomeGua-d,No8 & , Dominion of Canada, Homestead Provincial , PARLOR STOVES, Pearl Wild Rose Competition Onward Diamond Lacket Pearl Cottage Prize Boston Parlor Cook Signole Parlor BOX STOVES--Rlack Giant, Nos. 18, 21, 25, 30 and 365 Herald, Fulton Ironside, Black Prince, Fiuted Box. The above list of Stoves will be sold at the lowest living rates. Customer; 'first rate article in every department--comfort, convenience and economy all pAmbived Eavetroughing in all its styles done cheap, and on tne. shortest noticed" Hides, Sheepskins, Pelts, Wool, Rags, Brass, Copper, and all kinds of Produce taken in exchange. 5 Be sure and come to Sunderland and call at the New Big Tea Kettle. SUNDERLAND, Aug. 9, 1871 JOHN W, PARRISH. New Goods! First of the Season For the Fall of 1871. The Subscriber has. just returned from Montreal with a large : : assortment of Dress Goods, T'hibet Cloths, French Merinos, Lustres, Plaids, Shawls, New Cottons, New Tweeds, &ec. In fact every thing in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, &c., Which will be sold at the very smallest advance possible on cost. Now is the time to buy as Goods of all kinds are positively going up in price ; but having secured my Stock before the ad- vance 1 am prepared to sell Goods at lower figures than any other house in the trade. T. C. FORMAN. Prince Albert, Aug. 31, 1871. : : may rely upona New New - New New New New Notice of Cost Sale of Boots and Shoes. In order to concentrate my business I have withdrawn my large and valuable stock of Boots & Shoes from my Port Perry estab- lishment, and by doing so, I have added about $3,000 worth to my Prince Albert Stock, which was quite extensive before: receiving the addition ; the consequence is that my Prince Albert establish- ment is greatly overstocked. In order to remedy this great in- convenience, | have determined to sell at cost, and even under cost, until I have reduced my stock to the extent of four or five thousand dollars. ro 1 would now say to all who desire to secure decidedly great bargains in Boots & Shoes, that such an opportunity but rarely occurs, and it may be a long time ere one so favorable again presents itsell. p i id a The phrase " selling at cost" is not uncommon, and sometimes carries little mean ing witht. Tt is seldom an object for any one to sell at cost, but under present cir. cumstances, in order to reduce my stock within asshort a space of time as possible, 1 am compelled to offer cuch bargains as will induce the public 10 carry off my goods with a rush. Tbe quality of the stock and the prices at which 1 will offer it, will put all competition out of the question. : My Spring purchases for both establishrients were well selected and bought on the moet favorable terms, and all will go at the cost price. Do not fail to take advantage of this opportunity of money in Boots and Shoes which you ever got. getting the best value for your 37-1 Reach, Sept. 12, 1871, Prince Albert, 20th Sept., 1871, 38 JOSHUA WRIGHT, Prince Albert, May 8, 1871, 500 ONES BROS. & CO. mm om Lb Have shipped their Immense Stock of Butter, - 700 Firkins! 13 Wagon Loads! Anxious to replace it with coop Butter for which they will PAY TRE VERY HIGHEST PRICE. An Immense Stock of New Goods'<*complete in every department. FALL GOODS > rh Of New Goods in every De- partment Daily being Received ! Come and See them, IT DOES ONE GOOD TO SEE THE NEW THING NOW GOING! " THE WORLD MOVES ONWARD," THERE 18 ALWAYS Something New ! ! ON HAND Machine Oil Linseed Oil Tdhners' Oil Coal Oil Turpentine White Lead Red Lead Venetian Red Yellow Ochre 4 Fire Proof Paint, Japap Varmsh Putty Nails Glass Cotton Bags. WANTED BARLEY, WHEAT, OATS, PEAS, oe &é.; &o., fey, / . ~ Prince Albert it Aug. 23, 1871 NEW EARGEQUANTITIES |. (NPORTATIONS, DIRECT FROM a 5 Glasgew and "Manchester. : ye ie PER S.S. «« St. Andrew" & "Ottawa.? Every Department complete and well assorted, We beg to call special attention : to our Grey Cottons > Wincoys, These. Goods were pa¥chased unusually early, and fally ten to fifteen per cent less than those bought later, and We intend give ing our patrons the benefit of the early purchase. WE WILL PAY CASH ¥or any quantity of Wheat, Barley, Peas, Oarg_ Delivered atour Warshouss hore, TY re RB PHBICTI 37 RVR rT 3 g Ly CHESTER, ii MAN eC LI x

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