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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 May 1872, p. 3

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. * * DOING WELL. and hope by strict attention to busine: ALT, BROOKLIN, Arnos t6 have a New Galery, hulle by the 1st of June uext, and will be happy fo meet all his old friends and as many new ones as wish Photographs or any thing in his line of business. Ths Gallery will be built in cons nection' with the Globe Hotel, by the enter- prizing proprietor, Mr. James Powell. The Gallery will be known as the BROOKLIN NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. ! H. C. TAIT. 21-2w Brooklin, May 15, 1872. [Intercolonial Railway. | The Commissioners appointed for the con- struction of the Intercolonial Railway, hereby give Public Notice that they are prepared to re- ceive tenders for Track-laying and Ballasting, on about 634 miles of the Line, trom the Post Road, near Trois-Pistoles, to the Eighty-six and a half mile Post, at the Metis River--Tenders to be for the whole distance. Specifications and forms of Tender can be ob- tained at the Office of the Chief Engineer, at Ottawm and at the Offices of the Engineers at Rimouski, Dullousie, Newcastle and Amherst. Fenled tenders marked * Tenders," and addressed to the Commissioners. will be received at their Office in Ottawa, up to 12 o'clock nocn, én I'UESDAY, the 11th JUNE, 1872. 'Fenders will alzo be received, at the same time and place, for 250 10s of Railtoad Spikes, according to sample to be see Tenders 10 State price per ton of el Tron of du Loup, in equal k Rn hay Station at Riv JAuautities, in the months of July, August aud Septem- Ler next, A. WALSH, Ep. B. CHANDLER, C. J. BRYDGES, A. W. McLELAN, 2 CoMMISSIONERS. INTERCOLONTAL RaiLway CoxMistoxgns' OFFICE, Ottawa, 3id May, 1572 WM. F. McBRIEN, M.D. M,R.C.S., GUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENGLAND. THE EYE R.O,H L, Oshawa, 1872. SPRING AND SUMMER, 1872, Fresh Arrivals! GREAT DAR CLoThve 0 WOULD take this opportunity of thanking the inhabitants of Prince Albert and sur- rounding country for their very liberal patronage since commencing business in Prince Albert, ss and by having on hand one the best selected Stocks of Goods FOR Gentlemen's Clothing ! To receive a further increase of that very liberal patronage already bestowed. MY STOCK Will now be found complete and one of the best selected and Cheapest in North Ontario! In which will be found Broad Cloths, English, Scotch and Canadian Tsveeds, Trounsering, Vest- ing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, and Summer Under-Clothing. | Fine all Wool Suits from £9, made to order. All Wool Tweeds from 50c per yard, very fine; and everything in proportion. 31 have commenced business in Port Perry, in Mr. Davis' Block, where I shall be most happy to see any of my friends and the public generai- Jy. A call solicited before purchasing else- where, and satis y yourselves that you can do 'better than at any other place in Ontario. W. TRENBETH. Merchant Tuilor, Port Perry and Prince Avert. May 1, 1872. Farm to Rent! i? £0 9 Ge HE Subscriber offers to Rent that excellent Farm being. the North Half of Lot 16 in the 4th concession of Kldon, 50 acres cleared, free of stumps, well fenced and in a good state of calti- vation. There is a good Dwelling House, g Barn and good comfortable stabling on the premises. For farther particulars apply to the proprietor MALCOLM SMITH, - Uxsringe P. O. April 3, 1872. 15 MONEE 10 LAND! pes nndersigned has avy amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at § 33 FF 4 Unusually Low Rales of Interest. $2.4 4 50 Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit HO bostower. 3 eid Also several Improved Farms, ani Land for sale, y, Trapto y : Investments made in Municipal Debentures Bank and other mar'setable Stocks. Apply to ' ; JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &c. OFFICE--Over the Dominjon Bank, MeMil= {an's Block, Brock st., Whitby. . Whitby Ypril 10, 1872 x 16 | MR. CURRIE'S COLUMN. re Direct Importations!! A FULL ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' Dress Material From'the plain, useful ten cent Print, to the more expensive Woolen and Silk Fabrics in the newest patterns and best material and at the Lowest price, Also FANCY SHAWLS, ROMAN SCARFS, SILK JACKETS, PARASOLS, SUN HATS, PRUNELLA AND KID GAITERS in' different styles and prices, ranging from 95¢, GENTLEMEN'S Spring Hats! ! The newest styles in Felt and Silk. Ready-made Clothing IN GREAT VARIETY. A Gentleman can rig himself out at once ina full Suit for business, or dress, without wait- ing for the Tailor. Boots, Gaiters, Hosiery, Neck Ties, Collars and Gloves--very Cheap. : The best assortment of Trous- ering, Vesting and Coating in the County, and at much the lowest prices. Seeds! CLOVER SEED, TIMOTHY SEED, RAPE SEED, TURNIP SEED, CARROT SEED, GARDEN SEEDS, ALL PURE AND FRESH. Seeds! 0G Salt and Plaster. Parties wishing to buy will find the assortment larger and better and prices lower than elsewhere, as an extensive trade and superior facilities for doing business cheaply, enables me to sell at small profits and on liberal terms. Prince Albert, April 2, 1872 G. CURRIE PORT PERRY, Arr. 24, 1872. LADIES! JONES BROTHERS Have now opened out and are showing a large and choice selection of Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons and Trimmings. DRESSES AND MANTLES MADE TO ORDER. iii AND i MEDICAL HALL HAVE GREAT PLEASURE IN calling the attention of my customers to my complete stock of . Garden, Iflower and Field Seeds. It is my constant endeavor to maintain the confidence of my customers by keeping noue but coop and pure Seeds. "My Stock is warranted all FREsH and TRUE to their NaME, embracing every sort required in this country, viz : Beans Beets, eels, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Luttice, onion, ish Parenip, a sh, 10 Cabbage, Rarer, orn, Cress, Melon, Mustard Peas, Pumvkin, Tomato, Bird Seeds. Half a Ton of Turnips Seeds embracing all the new and popular varieties. Seed Onions, Potatoes, &¢.,--in fact every Seed required by Gardeners and Farmers. 05~ Oil Cake, Simpson's Spice, Miller's Tick Destroyer. Cabbage, Tomato, Cauliflower, and other plants on hand in season. 05~ Terms as Usuarn~Casn. W. A. TOMLINSON, Cuemist AND Drugerst Prince Albert, March 13, 1872. 12 RA PROCLAMATION ! INHABITANTS Northern Reach A At THE PLACE TO Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Tinware, Stationery, Patent Medicines, &c., 1S AT THE ( REENBANK Store GEO, FLINT, Greenbank, July 20, 1871, 20 CASHEOR LUNBER The Oshawa Cabinet Company : ILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE IN Casu for the following sizes of LUMBER! Delivered at their yard in Oshawa, [SQUARE EDGE PREFERRED. ] OAK or Asm, 1in., 1§, 2 in., any width, BurTERNUT, 1in., any width. Rock Ery, 1} in., 14 in., any width. CoMmoN WATER Tr, 1 in., any width. Basswoon, 1 in., any width. " 1} m., 5, 8, 10 or 16 in. wide. hod 1 in., 12, 14, 17, 18, 20°er 21 in. wide. Pixg, 1 in, 1, 2 in., 12, 14, or 16 feet long. Marie, Brecn, and Biron: iin 3h in: Sian: 23x33, Square Scantling. Ww. H. GIBLS, President. Oshawa, Feb. 14, 1872. 8 MONEY (PRIVATE FUNDS,) oe To loan 6n good Farms, at 8 por centinferest 1572, Spring A large lot of Gents' [fats of the latest daily expected. . In BOOTS & SHOES you will find one in the County, cheap. ware, Crockery, China, &ec. constantly on hand. tnoney than at any other house in the trade. suit you, Prince Albert, April 10, 1872. SPRING. 1872, - The Subscriber would beg to announce that he has to hand and receiving his usual choice and attractive Stock ef Goods COMPRISING Beautiful New Prints, =" " Brilliants, . and Dress Goods of all kinds. siyles just received, 'and Ladies' Hats of the largest, best and cheapest Stecks On band also a large snd complete 'stock of Wall Paper imported direct--very Together with our usnal large and select stock of choic Family Groceries, Hard. Oatmeal, Cernmeal, Flour, Cracked Wheat, A large lot of the best Lower Canada Timothy Seed, which will be sold for less And if there is anything not bere enumerated come along and we will do our best to All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange for goods. T. C. FORMAN. NN I PORT PERRY, ¥ Yui vont® The patrons of the ** Mammoth of no ordinary kind are offered to 189 Pieces of Tweed to select from. 37 " Black Broad and Doe * 716 "Dress Goods. 97 « Muslin, corded, &e. 1767 yards Grey Cotton from 7c. " «36 inch, 10¢. 1097 yards Bleached Cotton. L111 pairs Boots (prune'la $1 upwards). Gents' Spring and Summer Suits from $4 . 86 ve ry 3: tr 8 .e .e oe .. Remember also that our Grocery please his customers and friends. PORT PERRY, March 21, 1872. Wardrobe" will find the most COMPLETE STOCK Of General Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing, Boots and Shoes ever offered in North Ontario. purchased on the best termsand in the best markets. The whole stock Inducements every one who may call. Gents' Spring & Summer Suits from $11 . . .e . 12 ve oe ble . 14 .e oe oe oe 16 oe oe oe oe 18 ++ Superb ge so 20 Boys' and Youths' Suits from 4 Silk Hats, the best offered. Felt do, latest styles, Boys' do. do. Straw [lats, every kind. Ladies in this and our Millinery Department you will be glad--for such a display is not often presented. Department is (ull and complete. Teas, Teas, Tcas,---a Speciality. Do not forget that Mr. Roberts of the Wardrobe will do every thing to suit and We ask you first to come and try, You'l then make up your mind to buy. A. W. ROBERTS. 13 (DURIER J. W LYMAN ENGLISH, . Barrister, &c., oy Oshawa ' November 21, 1866. ) Y Prince Albert, Jan. 3, Wanted 1080 CORDS OF : WOOD CHOPPED! For which the subscriber will pay Cash. Sass t AND © PPP PI00 00s Also, Two First Class WANTED They must understand finishing Pebble and Buff. {IG The highest price in Cash paid at afl times for Hides, Hemlock Bark and Tallow. RIGHT. Beaver Meadow Steam Tannery, 1872, § i872. 1872 S009 INIEdS MIN . | New Spring Tweeds, Tew Felt Hats, New Grey Cottons, New White Cottons. New Dress Goods, in all shades, styles and qualities, New Prints, New Boots and Shoes, New Crockery, &c. The above Goods were bought before the late rise in prices, in the best market and on the most favorable terms and will be sold at a small advance on cost. TRSHY) 3 TROY : A Tie School Teacher; for School Section NeCaw Bros, HAE in Stock the best assortuent of New, ra, Magnziucs and Periodicals; struments, and School . Also Agents for the cele- brated Lazarus & Morris' Pers fected Spectacles dnd Eye Glasses. McCAW BROS. Port Perry, April 10, 1872. 10 HARDWARE! Rar kron, Steel Paints, Oils, Glass, Colors, Varnishes, . &c. HORSMAN'S NEW HARDWARE STORE, UXBRIDGE (OAL OIL BY THE BARREL At HORSMAN'S. Uxbridge, Jan.3, 1872, Jewelry Emporium PRINCE ALBERT, CLEARING SALE. Jar OPENED OUT, a nice selection o = Gorp AND WA T'CHE 9 SILVER, Of the best makers. JEWELRY, Gold, Pla'ed, and Black, of the best description. CLOCKS, the largest and best Stock, war- ranted, and cheap. = Alarm Clocks !!!-£0 Lockets Axp CuAINS in great variety. Cricket Balls! Cricket Balls! Cheap! The very best make, and pronounced the best in use. . Everything will bo sold very cheap, to effect a clearance. Remember at is at Prince Albert. JOUN DIESFELD, Practical, Watch Maker, Prince JALBERT. Apnl 10, 1872. NOTICE N 3 LL parties indebted to the undersigned take notice that I have turned my Book de- counts over to Messrs. Brown & Christian For collection, and have authorized them to grant Receipts in my name for said accounts. THOS. BROOKS. Manchester, April 3, 1872. 16-t0 Faim for Sale! IVHE Subscriber offers "ar Sale that com- fortable little farm cor taining 48 acres on lot No. 7, in the 3rd concession of the Township of Reach. There are 42 acres cleared and mostly free from stumps. There are suitable buillings on the premises--dwelling house, barn and stables with a first 8lass thriving young orchard yield- ing an abundance of choice fruit. erm to suit purchaser. Fort particulars apply to JOHN HARNDEN, . Proprietor, . Prince Albert. Prince Albert, April 9, 1872. 16-tf tenn ADDL OPP PIs FX 5 (Utica) Rea to enter upon his 8 Hale 'eacher preferred. Al to any of tees ; if by letter, Yom to the Ueten Bi pee IF by latter, DUNCAN CH ISTIE JOHN MEAD. MANCHESTER, April 3, 1832, Utica, May 1, 1872, S Books and Stationery, Eugtish and 'American

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