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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Sep 1872, p. 1

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- - / = - » « . < ~~ « grecifie instructions, wi VOL XV, NO. 40.1 ai. PRINCE ALBERT, ONT, THURSDAY, SEPT 19, 1872. °* Ble Gatun Wbseeler, A WEEELY POLITICAL, 'AGRICULTURAL.' AND Family Pewspaper; ts PUBLISHED AT THE viGToRIA BLOCK, PRINCE ALBERT COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Fvery Thursday Merning y BAIRD & PARSONS, 50 Tem if paid willingiz bait ply Revtion thattine, $3.00 Nusub- ion Ho pai fess thun six moutiisjand nopape thinted until allarrearsuy epi money. when addressed to aide Eisteri. will buat ui isk RATES OF, ADVERTISING. For each line, first jnsestion...ccceueres $0 08 Subsequent insertions, per line . 002 Cards, under 6 lines, per annum. 5 00 Advertisements measured in Nonpareil andeharge cedrdingtothe Apaceiiey eccupy. Advertisements rec d Car publicaticn. without i erie unt) forbid. gn Noadvertisement willbetuken e urgedagiordingly, out until id for. Hi liseountallowed 18 Mereliants and others bythe year arhall-yea di will in allcuses be sirictiy a d= die. JoB DEPARTMENT. ! ls. Posters, Programmes, Bill puppies, ih By oy Books, Checks, Books, Circulars, Business Cards. Bat Cards, &e.. of every siyle and color, executed promptly und at lower rates than any other Establishment in this County ? Parties from a distance getting handhillsy Xe, (printed an have themplone to take home with thew, 1, BAIRD. 1 H. PARSONS. potessional Carus. Dr. Brathwaite, PRINCE ALBERT, { Physician, Surgeon, and Aceoucheur. DR. WARE, ORONER [or the County of Oujusie, /, ian, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Padi Wiest "C. E. MARTLY, M. D., PORT PERRY. "DRS, JONES & MALY LORY, psp Surgeons and Accoucheurs, PORT PERRY, Office--over Allison's Drug Store, Queen-st, =. 10388, M.D., CORONER. | A. KE. MALLORY, Co. Ontaio, Mob, CM «i Drs. McGILL & RAE, HYSICIANS, Surgeons, &e., &e. Office and Residences, King street, Oshawa. wh. adie, M. D. FRANCIS RAR. M, B. WM. FB "McBRIEN, X.D, NM, R.CEL., 3 Quy! 's HOSPITAL LONDON, ENGLAND. THE EYE R,O.H L, Oshawa, Jd. E.iFAREWELL, LLB, COUTNY CROWN ATTORNEY FOR Fav ONTARIO, RED Attorney, Solicitor, and No- ul rics lately ceupisd by S. H. Cochrane, Brock street, Whitby. + LYMAN ENGLISIL L. L. B,, OLICITOR in Chancery, Atiorney, .) Conveyaneer, &c., Oshawa. Ofice--Simcoe street, opposite the post office. © @, YOUNG SMITH, LL. B ,ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in , Qliansery, "and Insolvency, Notary Pub Li &e , Oe Sa 's Block, Brock Street, Whit- CAMERON ¢& WACDONELL, ARRISTERS snd Attorneys. at Law, Solicitors County Council Ontario. Offices: hi X. | H. J. MACDONELL. JAMES LAMON, TTORNEY at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, &o.~Land Agent, &c., xbridge. ffs over Armstrong's Hotel, Main street. Uxbri §.11 Soh BILLINGS, ) ARRISTER, Attorney at'Law, Solicitor Epsom; Sept. 7, 187). TOD. WAID. BurgeonDentist,Ccr. Main&Brock St., Uxbridge | so LL Dental vpera- tions perforined with the utmost skill and care, warranted to give satisfaction or no BH charge, and at priges hic defy competj on Also dealer in ad kinds os Jewelry, Fancy Goods, &c. Rew RENCES.--I7. P. Griggs, Port Hope; Rev. ILE rue, Wiilvy, vu Gould, Esq., Ux- Usbeid 3, Dec. 17, 1868. So-1y RT C. N, VARS PR ACTICAL Dentiet, Oshawa, Out.-- Deatal Rooms directly opposite "the post offie entrance Simcoe street, third door north of the Ontario Bank. THE ONTARIO FARMERS' Mutual Insurance Company rps Company is now fully organized andis prepared to aecept risks on Farm Buildings and their contents untry School Houses and . Those wishing to insure and thereby support a Home Insurance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or to 1 any of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as low as those of any responsibleMutual Insurance Company in Canada. Head Office--The au (Registry Office Build- ings Broek Street, Whi / L. FAIRBANKS, Tr. Secretary 27-1y TORONTO, C. WwW. INCORPORATED 4 3 sastasres, 1851, Capital+- « $400,000 President... HON. JQUN McMURRICH Vice-Pr >. MAGRATH, Faq. Secretary. ARD HAL! a J Esq. JAMES PRING GENERAL of Major or & Willcox, LICENSED AUCTIONEERS FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, Valuators, Land Agents, Commission Iierchants, &c. ACCOUNTS COLEEETED PROMPTLY. Money to Loan at 8 per cent. E. MAJOR, W. M. WILLCOX, Boreria. Prince ALBERT. Sept. 22, 1870. * 39 Wm. Go ordons, Licensod Auctioneer, Valuator, &e., &c., OR the Townships of Brock, Uxbridze, Scott, Thora, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and E 1don. 3" Parties entrusting their Sales to me may roly upon the utmost atteation being given to thelr i WM. GORDON, Sunderland P.0., Brock. Atte *ntion! The undersigned w i respectfully call the attention of those the services of an Auctioneer, that he is prepared to attend sales on the shortest ootice anywhere in the County of Ontario. Blank Notes and Bill Stamps kept ly on hand. He is sole Agent for the best and Cheapest family Sewing Machine in the D ented June, 1871. The Patent Letter A Family Sewing Machine is acknowledged by Tailors, Milliners, and all who know the properties of Sewing Machines who have had the pleasure of examining it to be the best and cheapest in the Dominion. Ladies make sure work, and put chase the Patent Letter A, and you will hav the e beat, machine for $20. All Machines, wa ran! Orders attended to on the shortest notice, «J. C. PILKEY, SoLE AGENT. THOS. H. WALSHE. TCENSED Auctioneer for the Town- 4 8hips of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in NorthOntario; Mariposa, ete. , int the County of jdence-- Cannington, Brock. Or- ders left at this office, or at his residence will be d to. Chancery, Notary Public, Conveyancer, ge io Cha Fh Ottice over in the Royal ort. Perry. P, A, RURD. en TTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor in i Ar Por Perry. Office in the Royal | Victoria. Reaids . Perry ington, or otherwise, and "ik gal We BURNHAM, ington, or othe t, Office Bist 0 Sieben tario Au Filmi to to regulation! oth mounted'on dtd, Silver aud ncn Bod wih Gold so as. 1 preserve hiss from Gass nistered for the im Onde ine | New Watch and: Joueliery -- prompt remittances made, are WALSD ZZ, the North On-| etioneer: Marriage Licenses. li "Issued by Authority. E. Mason Jan'y 1st, 1870 ment, G. GCDDEN. RACTICAL WATCHMAKER| employed by MeQnw rr now commeaced business Book Store, opposite the Ontario Bank, Ross's Block, and' jh that all work committed apd J Jewelry always kept on hand and sold ment all work Wartasled, and charges) ODDEN, WESTERN ASSURARCE compy| Gr Debts collectedin Can- thy Bros. in Me: Allin's| Moder of care orkmanlike x Ci Post Genera) ; tolises ey i hes Sih, S00 on v Te ae NUE Bel fuk Nove Com 1) A large stock of superior Watches, Clocks Ho Doininions * el 'a io pute Mister a Ful) ie \ Sn tat _#ete is Royal Canadian £ Hotel, PORT PERRY. The'Subscriber having leased}thie above Hotel has fitted up in a style in keeping with the rapidly increasing business and A prosherty of the Village and neig! borhaod, and with direct re- ference to the comfort and convenience of the public. Strict attention paid to the Table and the Bar. Comfortable Stables and-attentive Hostlers. Neither labor nor expense will be spared in making the Royal Canadian Hotel worthy of public patronage. HENRY FOY. Port Perry, June 16, 1869. "REVERE HOUSE." MANCHESTER B. PLANK, PROPRIETOR. AVING purchased the above hotel, and has fur mished the Bar with the choicest liquors and cigars. Every attention paid to guests.-- Stages to and from Whithy call daily. Gare) gstlers always in atte ndance, Mackie's s Hotel, (LATE BRODIK'S,) WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE Ww. MACKIE, Proprietor. Jewett's Hotel, KENT STREET, LINDSAY. Good stable and shed attached, and an attentive ostler always in attendance, Free Omnibus to and from the Cars and Boats. DAFOE H OUSE RECA 00D fecommadations. Careful attention tle Sint of travelers and guests. The #2 supplied With the best wines, liquors and cigars Good Subliog, . DAFOE, Drapsien, Oentre Hote 1, SAINTFIELD. JAS. CAMERON, Proprietor. Albion Hotel, WHITBY A. MASON, ProPrI&ToR. This Hotel has undergone a thorough repova- tion and been fitted np with a view to the com- fort and convenience of the traveling public.-- Every attention will be paid to the table and bar, while obliging and atientive hostlers will have charge of the stables, 20th June, 1870. Whitby, 28 OHAS. THORN, V.S. EMBER of the Veterinary Institute, Chica- go, 11. Gold Medalist for the Lest exam- nation on Horse Practice. Anthor of a First Pris Essay ou Shoeing. Graduated Sept. 18, 1867. Dr. Thorn begs to announce that hie has taken up his residence at Port Pe erey. and is now pre- pargd to treat al es entrusted 10 his care in thefnost skillful and scientific manuer. All or- ders left at the Medical Hall of Messrs. Allison & Pettet, will receive prompt attention. 23 The Veterinary Stables may be found an Lilly street, opposite Cossitt's Factery. Port Perry, July 27, 1871. 80 J0uN HoDoNALR, MARELE DEALER NEWCASTLE, ONT. ONUMENTS, 'Pomb- of great variety, with les, Head-Stones y description of Marble Work, suitable for Cemeteries, supplied atshort notice. Also Peterhead und "Aberdeen Granite. 0G Parties will tage to withhold th nd it to their advan- ¢ir orders until culled on by J. ©. WILLIAMSON, © Agent. Satisfuction guaranteed, and all work war- rante January 10, 1872. 3-re HOMER 10 LEAD! "Rue SII er has any amount of Money to lend upon Farm and Town Property, at §% §. 8 g Unusually Low Rates of Interest. i a Loans can be repaid in any manner to suit ie borrower, Also several I F I arms, and Wild made in Munici; 1 Debentures Bank: and other marketable Si Rl ply ta oi JAMES: HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Broker, &ec. | OFFICE--Over the Dominion Back, MMi an's Block, Brock st., Whitby. Whitby 4pril 10, 1872, 16 HENRY GRIST, "PATENT SOLICITOR EXD DRAGHTSMAN, . OTTAWA, CANADA, . Transacts business with the Patent Office and other departments of the Government, Copy- Tights 'and the Re, tration of Trade Marks and | Designs procus 3 oo Dw 5 8 Bpesitications, and other Documents pecessary to sec: 1 d oa receipt in FJ oiion prep Fass 4 ot Ki Re REFERENCES, - Allin's Book Store, Pt onan Bank. free and all work warranted, Qot. ¢, 1871. 31y Port Perry, Feb, 28, 1872, 10. (:. JOHN CHRISTIE, OWNSUIS CLERK for Reach, Con= co iRanch i. Bu nes are Li Manchester. { }WHOLE NO. 766 LIST | OF | PRIZES to be awarded at the Cartwright Fall Show, to be held at Williamsburg, on Friday, 11th October, 1872. Crass A.--HORSES. DRAUGHT. 187. 28D. Rest Brood Mare and Foaleeesssserioassn... $3 00 $2 00 Best 2 year old Gelding or Filly. «e200 1 50 B:st 1 yearold Colt ...vues "w 200 1 50 Best 2 year old Eotira Colt vesev.ns «200 1 50. GENERAL PURPOSE. Best TeaMierasstseserseseranrassonvises 800 2 00 Best Brood Mare and Foal. . 2 00 Best 2 vear old Gelding or Filly. 1.50 . 9% Best 1 year old Coltivuaiees 1 50 Best 2 year old Entire Colt «.uuveeresvesnene 1 50 CARRIAGE. a Best Team .. sv svsiis vue «300 200 Best Brood Mure and Foul. . 300 2 00 Best 2 year old Gelding or ¥ ily. «oo 200 1 50 Best 1 year old Golteuesvsanss «200 1 50 Best Single Driving Horse, , 200 1560 , Best 2 year old Entire Colt +... "200 1 50 Cuiss B.--CATTLE. 1sT. 2ND. 3rD Best Gmile Milch Cow, oer'ssenivess 83 00 82 00 $1 00 Bist 2 year old Heifer. . . 150 100 0 50 Best 1 year old Heifer. . «1 50 100 0 00 Best Yoke of Osen ..corescnesesrss 200 1 00 0 00 Crass C.--SHEEP. Best aged Ram, Cotswold. sv eveaseee 2 00 1 50 1 00 Best Yearling Ram, Cotswold. eeeese 2 00 1 50 1 00 Best Ram Lamb, Cotswoldeeseasssee 2 00 1 50 1 00 Best aged Ram, Leic ster. oo... .. 300 1 50 1 00 Best Yearling Ram, Leicester. . 200 1 50 1 00 Best Ram Lamb, Leicester «,o0vev... 2 00 1 50 1 00 Best 2 Ewes that have raiscd Lambs His'senson Jol ii Yu het 2.00 1 50 1 00 Best 2 "Shearling EWesyesoressss 2 00 1 50 1 00 Bent 2 Ewe Lambs. os. oscssiosess 2 00 150 .100 Crass D.--SWINE Best Boar, Large Breed . 82 00 $1 50 Best Boar, Small Breed, vous. . 2 00 1 50 Best Sow, "Large Breed, that has raised pigs this SEASON. a sressnsarsrnsnsnsssrsnssess 2 GO 1 50 Best Sow, Small Breed, that has raised pigs this SERSO0llaserrvesnnersanss 2 00 1 50 Best Pair Spring igs, Large Breed, 2 00 1 50 . Best Pair Spring Pigs, Small Wide soe oes 2 00 1 50 Crass E--POULTRY. Best pair Game Fowls v.oveeerievinnnnees 050 025 Rest pair Fowls, Large Breed. . 050 0495 Best pair TUrkOYSe sa vssanenn 0 50 0 25 Best pair Geese 0 50 0925 Best pair Ducks. evans ¢ 50 0 25 » Crass I! ~<D AIRY PRODUCK. Ist. 28D Srp. Best 10 lbs Butter cesses §1 50 $1 00 $0 50 Best 10 Ibs Cheese... .. esssne ns) 50 100 0 50 Crass G.--IMPLEMENTS. Best Double Wagon, . voids epesesensveen 32 00 $1 00 Best pair Harrows..... 2 00 1 00 Best Plow J. iv vate PE os 1:00 0 00 Best Set Horse Shops sees ivr seria 100 0 50 Crass H--DOMESTIC M ANUFACTURES. Best Side Harness Leather.ooeveeessseseeses 1 00 0 00 Best Coll Slip, Tanged Jvevecescorosrecsess 100 000 Best 2 pairs Gent's Boots, home made, one pair sewed and one pair pegged. . eevee 150 075 Best pair Ladies' Boots, home made..... 1 50 075 Crass L--GRAIN, FRUIT & VEGETABLES. 1st. 2ND. 33RD, Best 2 bushels Full Wheat. ... $2 00 $150 $1 00 Best 2 bushels Spring Wheat aeeveee 2 00 1.50 1 00 " 1st. 2ND. Best 2 bushels Peas. ouveeesenssorecerieees $1 00 $0 50 075 0 50 075 0 50 . 1 00 0 50 Best two bushels Potatoes, Cup or Kidveysoaee 0 75 0 50 Best bushel Potatoes, 4 varieties, 4 bushel each. 0 75 0 50 Best two bushels Turnips.vesevecececcssseee 075 0 50 Best dozen Carrots even sere ee 075 0 50 Best 3 heads Calbage es es vss 075 0 50 Best 2 Squashes cere aes sees 025 0 00 Best 2 Pumpkins oe a) 5 0 00 Best dozen Beets oe os 0-25 Best dozen Mangold Wortzels weds vee 0295 0 B50 Best peck Onions cons sees «ees 050 0 25 Best dozen Winter Apples 'ves wee 073 0 50 Best dozen Fall 'Apples "es wee 20 TH 0 50 Best dozen Fall Pears ve westiifhts ene 100TH 0 50 Best dozen Winter Pears © ore jor N.75..:0 80 Best half dozen bunches Grapes 075 050 GCurass J.--LADIES? DEPARTMEN' I, Best 10 yards home made Cloth eee 128 075 Best 10 yards home made Flannel sees ! 25 075 Best home made Woolen Coverlet voll aya 0780510 50 Best home made Cotton Coverlet oad anne 10.78 1:0.50 Best home 'made Plain Quilting . vers 010 0 50 Best home made Fancy Quilting ini. wesw. 018 0 50 Best pair home made Woolen Blankets .. .. 125 0 75 Best home made Gent's Plaid"... ...i 0760 050 Best home made Wovien Shawl " sve 01751 0.50 Best home made 10 yards Plaid, Woolen orMixed 1 25 = 0.75 Best home made 6 skeins Stocking Yarueso.os: 050 0.25 Best pair home made Woolen Socks Yess 0.10 on 0 25 "Best pair home made W aolen Sie o 05017 0°25 Best pair home made Mittens. #4° 050 025 Best puir home wade Gloves sig 060 025 Best specimen Lome made Carpet 12. 07, 'Best Berlin Wool or' Worsted Work--ruised. . 0.50 0.25 Bast Berlin Woolior Worsted 'Work--flat. 0 50 0 25 Best specimen Embroidered Braid Woik..aesse 050 625 Best specimen Crochet Work ve + 050 025 Bests cimen Fancy Neiting ve «se 050 . 025 pM imen Fahey Knitting ve 050. 025 on mn Embroidery on Muslin 050 025 Best specimen Bead Work oes 050 025 Best specimen Wax Fruit ay vee 70:80 710 28 Best specimen Wax Shells "a oes 0807; 0: QB en Specimen Artificial Flowers--not wax =... 0 50 0.20. st mad Genileman' 's Shirts s eee. 1st $150, 20d 75¢ 8rd 50c t specimen Painting in Oil ~~... .., 050 025 . i aintiog in Water Colors ~~. 050 0°25 EE imen Pencil ry «050 025 pecinen Srayon Drawing es 44 10-50 5+5.0,25 Bette specimen Monochromtic Drawing eee: 0:50,;.::0:26 specimen Lonther, Work i «0.50 025 st specimen Seed Work + + sane, 080° 095 atmers' Wreath 7% os 0507025 Best Hair Wreath ~~ 1, Seat i Jews 010007028; Best Berlin Wool Wreath * © ives 1050, 020 Best specimen Patch: Work sit nr, sapase 0.78 0:50 Best home made Loaf of Bread «¢ «« oo « « 075° 050 oR .. . | his pocket. - cota dag 'A =f PAROE, © As a certain learné®! Judge in México, some time since, wall | _one motning into 'cout, he thought y * would' examine whether sie was in tin} for business; and feeling for his repeatolt 'utd it was not in "Ad usual,' he said companied him, as fassed through the crowd neat the dodF, Tas usual, 1 have again left my watch a} home under my pillow." He took his seat on the bench, and thoaght no more of it. The court adjourned and he returned home. As soon as he was quietly sented in his parlor, he bethought himself of his timepiece, and, turning to his wife, requested her to send for it to their chamber. ¢ Bg my dear judge,' said she, ¢ I sent it to you three hours ago.' ¢ Sent it to we, my dear? not." ¢ Unquestionably,' replied the lady; 'and by the person you sent for it.' ¢ The person [ seut for it!" echoed tha judge. ¢ Precisely, my dear, the very person you sent lor it. You had not left home more than an hour when a well dressed man knocked at the door, and asked to see me. He brought one of the finest turkeys I ever *aw ; and said that on your way to court you met an Indian with a number of fowls. Havicg bought this oue at a bargain, you had given him a couple of reals 10 bring it home, with the request that I wou!d have it killed, picked, and put to cool, as you intended to invite your brother judges to a dish of molle with you to-morrow ; and ¢ Oh by the way, senorita," said he, his excel- lency the judge, requested me to ask you to give yourself the trouble 10 go to 'yout chamber and take his watch from under his pillow, where hie says he left it as usual this morning, and send it to him by me; and of couse, I did so." ¢ You did 1' suid the judge: ¢ Certainly, said the lady, ¢ Well,' ieplied his honor, "all I can say 10 you my dear, 18 that you are as great a goose as the bird is a turkey. You've been robbed, madam, the man was a thief; 1 never sent for my watel you've been im~ posed upon, and ag a necessary consequence tbe walch is gone forever.' ! friénd who as- Certainly a laugh, and the restoration of the judge's good humor by a good it was resolved actually to have the turkey for to-morrow's dinner, and his dear a morsel. journmeant of court next day, they all repair- ly had they entered the sala and exchanged covery of his stolan watch ! the villain was apprehended.' ¢ Approhended ? said the judge with SUrpries . he went on. ¢ Explain yourself, my dear. I koow nothing of thief, watch, or conviction.' . +i again _ deceived," quoth the lady ; ¢ but thie is the story : gentleman dressed in a seedy suit of black came to the Touse in great haste-- almost out of breath. He said that be was just from court ; that the great villain who had the audacity to steal your honor's watch had just been arrested, that the evi- dence was nearly perleot, 10 convict him, and all that was do plete it was the turkey, whith must be brought into court, and for that he had been sent with a porter by your express 'aidots.? ¢ And you gave it 10 him 7? «Of course 1 did! Who could have donbted him or, fesinied the riers df a judge?' ' 4 Watch and Tanker both gone | ny, madam, what ate we to do' for' our dinner ?* The lady had taken care of her guests uotwithstanding | her simplicity, aod the partly enjoyed both the joke and their viands. edd biaipemins or THE VALUK! or' iE War ATEN The following is "the experience of 'a mechanic, concerning the | senefita of a newpaper 1 © aia 0 Ten years ago, I lived in Indiana. On returning ome g for l am a carpenter by trade, I saw a girl leave my door, and 1 asked wy who sho was, She said Mrs. Harr sent Ler after their newspaper, which my wife had borrowed. As: we 'sit down to «1 wish you would newepaper ; it is so much i me are away from liome," 1 would like to do so, sa a1, ¢ but you know I owe a 'paytiient bo the hotse | som: ot, It' wifi bo all tat I'can dolo meet S00 replied, * If yon, will, take this About one o'clock to | !ravel through life, but why make a dead day, a pale ahd rather interesting young | march of it 7--E!iza Cook. nb rss, paper, L will sow for the tailor to pay for: it. I enbeoribed for the paper; it came in ue time to my shop. While resting one noon, and looking over it, I saw an adver- tisament of the county commissioners to let a bridge that was to be built, I putin wu bi't for the ridge, and the job was awarded to me, on which I cleared three hundred dollars, which enabled me to pay for my house and lot easily, and for the newspaper. If I had not subscribed for the newspaper, I would not have known anything about the contract, and coold not s haye met the payment on my house and lot, A mechanic never loses asything by taking a newspaper. Heaven is the place for those who have failed og earth. - No chains so unworthy to hold you as those of vain regret. One loses al! the time that he can employ better. -- Rousseau. Not one false man but does unaccouat- + able mischief. -- Carlyle. Meins are always in our power; ends very seldom s0.-- Fielding. You will iad poetry nowhere unless you bring some with you.-- Joubert. We let our blessings grow moully and then cull them curses. --Beecher. The way of the world is to make laws, but to follow customs.-- Montaigne. Our actions are our own ; their conse- quences belong to Heaven.-- P. Frances. Every production of genius must be the production ut enthusiasm.-- Disraeli. Men, like peaches and pears, grow sweet a little while before they decay.-- Holmes, ' The health of a community is sn almost untailing index of its morals. ~ Matineaun. Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made and forgot to put a soul with.-Beech- er. It is only great souls that know jhow much glory there is in being good.-- Nopho- cles. : I think it best not to dispute where there is no probability of convincing.-- White- field. The most dangerous of all flattery is the inferioiity of those about us.--Mad Swe- The tick was a cunning one ; and after ['hine. Life is like wine ; he who would drink it dinner, | pure must not drain it to the dregs.-- Sic W. Temple. The beet thing which we derive from his= honor's brothere of the bench to enjoy so | ory is the enthusiasm that it 1aises in us. -- Accordingly, after tbe ad- | Goethe. He who does evil that good may come ed to his dwelling, with appetites shar pene | P3Ys 8 toll to the devil to let him into heav- by the expectation of a rare repast. Scarce- | ©0- -- Hare. False heads not only disagree with truths salutations, when the lady broke toith with but unusually quairel among themselves.-- congratlations 10 bis honor upon the re. | Daniel Webster. It is impossible to speak against Christ= ¢ How happy am 1,' exclaimed she, "that ianity without anger, wor to speak for it without luve.-- Joubert, There never was any heart truly great " You are always talking riddles' and gracious that was not also 'tender and com passionate. -- South. It is one thing'to wish to have Iruth on , our side and another to wish to be on the ¢ It can't be gousibile that I have been |!de of truth.-- Whately, Dance, daice as long as ye can ; we must I Prayer is the peace of our spirits, the dtilluess of our thoughts, the rest of oar carés ,the calm of our transports. The root of sanctity is sanity. A men must be healthy before he can be holy.-- We bathe first. and then peifume.~Mad Swethine. C sense is ouly a of talent. Genius is an exaltation of it j; the difleience is, therefore, 1n the degree,. not. the nature, -- Bulwer. Man is an unimal that cannot fong be- leftin safely without occupation ; the growth af his fallen vature is apt to run into Weeds: ir . HE -- Bulwer. NS Let the day have a blevsed baptism Ka by giving your first. waking thought into Riva the bosom of God, The first hour of AR Yimamoraiugia thesuiies of the day = Beughe Avy oh, Men are often sapabla of greater hinge than they perlorm. They are sent into this: A warld with bil's of credit, and seldom nw to their full extent.~~ Walpole. ' Thie word love in the Indian language is ¢ Schemlendamourtch wager.' How nicely in| it would sound whispered softly in a lady's ear. *Ischemlendonitchwager you!' ; Curses always recoil on the head of : BN him who imprecates them. If you put a g cliafn around the neck of a slave, ihe other 1 AAA end fasteris elt around your own.--Em- : erson. . «Nothing 'mote impairs unthority: than |100 frequent or indisoreet 'use ot it. + ky © | thunder iweelt 'was' to be continval, it would excite no more terror tan the noise of a mill. A Jnl I so growing old or want of body 10' tell me that look ing as - as ever. Charming falsehood | {There 1a vast deal of vital air ia loving words: Lander: ik 4

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