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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Oct 1872, p. 2

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Avy quantity of Barley, Wheat and of grain deliverali at ee or Whitby, = M. Gillespie, Evq , will be sold by Auction . Gusmany. 30 millions. : The tolal vefici : 4hat our farmers AR HT A 5 A Par cot Wier ca , fb a pe mae 3 ma: i sold very low. 1h CLOTHS: AND HEAVY TWEEDS |= ught at last Jeans prices and will be eold ntlemen in want of Suits for for all ages--and Received also, a large * Bol Socordingly, -Fall and Winter wear Svery miistuotion will «wp of Suit, and price. will please call early, 37 4 -- FOR SATE _. A largo quantity of Oats and Hay, ., - ADAM GORDON, Manchester, Sept. 4, 1872. " N.B. Great Batter Pair, 2nd Tuesday in'O¢t. Ladies take notice. 1a Ra The, Stock and Farm Implements af f.. Wm. Crosier lot 3 in the 5tb con. of Reach will be sold by auction 'Thursday Bext Oot, 3, commencing at noon. ~ Mr. | E. Mujor is Auctioneer. , The Stock and Implements of Mrs Chas. Evans lot 18 in the. 4th con. of Reach will be sold by auction on Tuesday. i Oct. 8, commencing at noon. W. M. Willcox is Auctioneer. The Stock and Implements of Mr.Geo. | Broderick near the Manchester Station of the P. W. & P. P, R.; will be sold by Auction on Wednesday, Oct. 9tn com- meucing at noon. Mr, E, Major is Auc. tioneer. The Stock and Tmplemeats of Mr, M. Weir, half a mile west of Mauchester, will be sold by auction on Monday Oct. 14th commencing at noon. Mr, J. W, Patterson is Auctioneer. The Stock and Farm Implements of Mr. James Brethour lot 11 in the 6th con of Brock will be sold by auction on Tues. day Oct. 15th commencing at 10' o'lock, a.m, Mr. Wn, Gordon is Auctioneer. The Sock, Farm Implements and House- hold furnitare of Mr. Daniel Knapp, Lot 8, in the 3rd con. Mariposa will he seld by ablic subtivn; on Wednesday, Oct. 9. Mr WV. Mi Willcox is Auctioneer. : The Siqok, Implements and Farm of Mr. /m. Harper, Lot 34, 9th con.. of Whitby, will be sold by Pabliv Auction on Tuesday, October 15th." Mr. E. Major is Auctioneer. The Farm Stock and Implemerits of M:. Wm. Squelch, Lot 2 in the let con. Cart wright will be sold by auction, on Tusday,. Oct. 15th. Mr. Wm. Barton is Auction. eer. The Stock and Farming Implements of on lot'20 in the 11th con., near Cannin ton, Brock, on Saturday, Oct. 12th. Mr. fF H Walshe is Auctioneer. The Farm Stock and Jmplomenss of Mr. Johuston Lot 16, in the 20d con, Brock will be sold by auction on Wednesday Oct. 16. Mr. W. M. Willcox is Auctioneer. There is a vost amount of property em- braced in the above sales and parties will do well not to lose sight of any of the sales, such opportunities for purchasing Just such property as all good and sue- cessful farmers must Lave is not of fre. quent oceurrence. See the Posters ull over andmark the days and places of sale, EE ---- be fnkiria Phserter, JAMES BAIRD, EDITOR, PRINCE ALBERT, OCT. 2, 1872, _ THE GRAIN MARKET, liis now well known that the British matkel rule the prices on this side of the Atlantio,. No more surely does the trani: Atlautio operator, make himselt felt. on this end of the cable than does the British grain market make itself fg elt on (he Amencan | maikets and in' proportion tothe' deficiency of be former and the supply of the: latter] °F our grain markets will be vigorous or other- "wise, The Constitutionel efotig to the probable supply of the European rhutkels, , &peaks of the disastrous failure of the Potato, 'crop in Ireland. It says France will .be well able to maintain herself, bit 'say. uothing of a surplus. * England it Buys will require 40 million bushels, Holland. an Belgium 10 millions, Switzerland 3 millions: will thus be 83 million bushels. To m: this deficiency it Hungary wil] " able to spare 10 millions ; the Bultic millions ; the Danubian provinces. 10: mil- 6 lions ; ihe Black Sea, Sea of Azoff » d the' + Caspian' 20 "millions; "Turkey, Egypt, "Tunis; avd: Morocco 10 iwillio 3 leaving, million bushels to be provided from complain of Wie, prices paid for grain durin the present season as the "markets hare! every chance 10 rile high. ~@ll nor won't be till tbe rush of the - is over Iti * ar AS Market pu. the sot. pul Gest Spring Wheat Ioings bons $1.30 do S138 ih Fs : £ Boat 675 Hey i g a ain a fal who : . Next honest stockfivlders, public Goof ICE). {molding ait] " 4} ar Bn well tho sug. 4 at RE LONT) Bak Bhool Sonne merce 120; Merchants Bank 112: Ontario Bank bas improved since our oyal Canadian is aboas |. given in quality, get 3 oo Stocke are generally Grey and Bruce Railway fie 8 por cent 5 year; bunds "Toronts and 'Nipissing Railway Sjock 8 per dent'5 years bonds exvesilingly at. being called' on to elizonjele 6 death of our worthy and ssieamed oapirere (he Editor and propristor' of the Notfalk Reformer, and'Ponsistent writer, on Auction Sales; = 2 an able; energetic 0 who not. untre- {our intelligent who Hever stooped to 'Goriquer The bereaveil ones: hive our most 'sincera :{sympathy in'their'éad be aad breschn the ranks of Requiescat in pace. hn 'County Fair, The-N. 0: . Agricultural 'Society® :Fail Exhibition avs: helt'at 'Prince' Albert on Tuesday and. Wednesday 1st: dnd 20d inst. The morning of the lst day looked rather suspicious, but 'it kept fine throughout and bring in their ticles, and by 'won the Hall for. the. Jusges; 'when they live merits of the articles The show of Musial Ti both extensive and Woper (Mr. F. E. Davis showed { exhibited, five splendid three organs and a' melodeon, ' The piano is the manufacture of Williaweof Toronto, The, Oshawa Musio Warsroom has three cent instiuments on exhibition--two lodeon of superior finish "This large display of exosilent insiru- ly admited by the them and listened to ments: was: deserve crowds who inspaai their charming tones. ame the Cabinel-were, Hate Mr. » bad: a beautiful. collegtio| dit to any establishment ie group consisted 'of a! handsome burean and mirror; a Side! 8 is a credit to the lo- cality in which it is were pleased 10 see that each article cari Mr. Nott also show ir. ed a fine specimen of graining on wood wh ich took the le} prize. Next we hed Mr. J. B. Lazier's handi- Spinning ° Wheel ine, Patent' Churn, Grain Cradle and 'Ontario: Washing Mach: a quantity of bent stuff, Patent Bee Hive. . We on his collection and. they were worl] y of H rize but if is a"eharm advantages over avery other Hive we hav. y place it is ao constructed that may be removed with the m ease ; the frame ard comb ail'ckn y can' be extracted. from the © frame and empty comb re- @ hive thus saving the bees world of time and labor j miller proof. The convenie: up the hives in winter, advintages place this other with which Wwe are acquainted, fie"hall there were two {rom the shop'of Ms. Cunboy of ilUxbritigs ; y A boggy.aed cuter dnd it wos ld be 10.8ay which was mosi '8dmiged or which raise, they were. beth be diffienlt 10 conceive idy snd elegant in the 8, evince no small Dominion, paid: bis « fivett v last week. The worthy nearly weny aut of their senses wi ight, and exlibited euch boisterous manifestations of loyalty andl dévotiSn'as must 'have con- vinced his Exeelleney that Toronto 1s brim full ol loyalty; wnd that they know how 10 make it appear. ; What with- gigantic pro- Sessions, loud and continued cheers, long Fal deserved the greajer cuter or buggy line, deservedly eatried "a fat prize The noith-east-corner of the Hall wa Ronis; Th ime the'qoality wae reilly ohoice." ' "Messrs. Horsman & oe. ilbmination oh Friday night i§ said'to have bden magnificent. - Hie Excellency told a delightful pigtyres, n came; the ladies' . wigaths, i works 2 Ati The Wheat market is nol yef fully Bliiey { country who having ne taste: for: ol d Lbucram dake np patisin the display But who i ER JAR ios JuThlils bo. rebiesmte Queen the more highly®will lie eem and the more he will deserve it. i] x dagen bi bavi mbe aud od i "rhe Provincial exhibition for 1878, whioh commeoced.at Hamillon, on Tuesday, 24th uit. was bie 10 a successful .issve on 4 Hl ET SE i RE at dm g nds ; for between fifty and sixty© 1 {nde a bean, ay dd pr yin ih was Onithe evening of do con h Ho ay eit deted the. promenade. nl therever they couls d,, The in- folNgont. woll-to-d Tormgre. bath al iT 'were e round first in order was Pax: to critically examine, had to draw largely 0 ere. . Jt carried .a.1st prize ticket. néxt' found D. Urquhart of Manchester, any bu tthe most reliable and most Boxes with Totman's Horse Power, and Hand Power. The manner iu whidh they did their work drew the attention and ap: probation of the large crowds of our intelli gent fanners who watched the roceea:ngs with interest and satisfaction. ' These mu- chines were not entered in time to com- pete, otherwise they could notthave failed in carrying off first prizes. AH he had on exhibition were rapidly sold and several orders given for more. Hia excellent dig- play of Plows was regarded with much interest by the crowds of farmers who ex- amined them. His Dominion Plow and New. York Clipper: Plows were uniyersal favorites, they were generally reganled os just such' plo ¥s'as 'our' farmers Wont, Ai; | issue that he had with him being soon disposed of numbers of those who wished to have such plows had 10 leave their orders. '! Fé agreed 10 give (hess plows on trjal and if they, ditl not-satisfy 10 take them' back but the universal approval of all who had tried them rendered this cffer unnecessary ws parties had no hesitation in taking them, Urquhart's reputation as a shorouglily reli- able supplier of all the most important agri- cultural implements is 'now well known throughout his entire sedtion of country and his regular and extensive supply of the best desorption of repaite proves a great advantage lo his 'numerous customers. The superior carriages shown by Mr. Emaney at the Ontario Carriage Factory Prince Albers, only furpish a further proof of the claim which that establishment has to the weil merited preference which is given 1o its work. The notices of Horses cattle &c. with the whole prize list will appear in our next. : Theshow was decidedly one of the best, if not the very best cver held in connection with the society. e excellence of the live stock was most encouraging. People from all parts of this and the neighboring' counties attended in large numbers and everything went off in the most mal no most of the leading men of the county walking around, casing and satisfactory manner. Wo The unavoidable absence of \'W. H. Gibbs, Kaq.,; the esteemed M. P. for North Ontario was much regretted. Weare sorry to learn that his absence was canged by a severe attack. of in< flammation 'which 'confined him to bed for days. He has so'far recovered' as to be several able to walk about. ' TORONTO IN A BLAZE. Lord Dufferin, Governor-General of the dresses and lote oP them," witli suf ptuous banquets and gorgeous illuminations,: most .Jhave convinced their excellencies that the {'mudtly York of by-gone days has got out of the mud at least. - "His" Lordship. was wonderfully' pleased: with "hie reception and ni ade up' his mind to pay" a5prolonged; a.month or two to the city... The in dhe Chamber of the Legislajive mbly on Saturday afiernosn when I the 6ity Lights were introduced fu him, We hope that the reciprocal feéling" of motual exteem and: confidence! manifested on this, occasion meyiJang gontinue and * { that the Jay may novet hii the Jae ma ave reason ay hal ie manifes- ra were Soo, oy Uhl hace consider that they hive evershot the: maik. ' His d Lordship has 100 much good sense 9,8 pect a continuance of worship or fulsome acula- a eae Ds 1) PROVINCIAL "EXIIDIThON[ + * ils material, get up and handsome ge. The Harness and Saddle both the stationliouse is being & 8 o'clock. 0%1hs dhoey feu Passenger train for he north approached usio e junction . "the wit] with 'the main on exhibition ren- | about two rods of the junction, something Ploat~ 155 the track aud immediat y reversed the 'engine, but the neat el 08 St ary foul aru oon i nid y-damage-(o tho -en--{ gine, the flat, car and. the ctrack. Poor emmy was thrown oft the track. and lay grunting by: the "stationing a somewhat fi y ,upt bing able to, come to time lady "Seagog was 'telegraph=d for and Hastened'to' his relief taking charge 'of lis passefijersi-- inconvenience to the public resulfing from, this accident Was not great, the de our mails being the chief, je_second instunce in. fe fives have been jeopardized on this l1be Yhroitgh base chrélesshess. It ig: but d short tie since vondtetor ---- Baker in open defiance! of orders came nearly runnivg the Scugog into. an ap- A ok nn aring for the, grand display, . Live stock ud Toplemyionts pourall in oom, Svers {quarter unis at au early success of fhe Sbiet day " the; show wis t ond a doubt, our streets v Shy Showed; aohfeyhticks Wof6 pied up iv every. direction; aud horses were: packed howt the! abundant 7 o farmers rom all the |The surrounding lownships, théir thirif "wives, | faje Juoghtarn ni active sons gatherad in, he Implemants shown, on. the, grotind | Ey phy lo passitig , Tate & Co?s Gang Plow, , Nou being sufficiently skilled the Implements we n the practidal skill of armers; all of 'whom spoke Nighiy.of these Gang Plows. ; Next: tnere ere two machines of American manufac tore, a combined Junior Mower and John- pon Reapar, and a' Junior Mower. There was a, Potato Digger arrangement alwo 'shown in 'fhis group." 0 Oshqwa! Patent Grain Sower. ' This ma- chune is, well kngwn and, ibe longer 1 1s known the belter is it liked. This machine Verands tiigh in 1he' estimation of the farm- Xt comes the Mr. Clayton's Seed Diijl Horse Rake and Churn were ®oked on with favor, We Reach, with » large display. of first class Implements. Mi. Uiquban never touches p! impl te and such as our. most successful farmers de- sire. He had on hend his favorite Cun LINDSAY LCDGE, NO. 100, 1.0.0 ; ot . } a number of Brethern from Port Perry, Whitby and Bowmanville met in the Loss of Lindsay at'7:30 p. m. for thé purpose of instituting a Lodge to be known as Lindsay Lodge, No. 100. Saud following appoinfwents, viz: C. McKenzie. Hemingway. riner. Chaplain" the: M. Worthy Grand Master made an eloquent and impressive agdress, and complimented the Bros. from Port Perry and 'the charter members of the vew lodge for their exerticos in the good cause of Odd Fellowship and: pointed out to them the solemn and imporiant nature of the duties they bad assumed, tion authorizing Bros. Jolin F. Bradley, '| George Crandell, John Johnston, S. Con. way, Jobn McFadden and Jas. Kirkland'as Charter Members of Lindsay Imdge No. 100, and the BR. W. Deputy Gand Mas ter then presented them to the Most Worthy:Grand Master for obligation after which the Warrant or Dispensation 'was duly presented to them. ¥ nominated and elected by acclamation to the several offices sat, forth below, viz. J. T. Bradley, N. G., Geo. Crapdell, Vice G., John Johnston, R, S., James Kirkland, P. 8.,'and'S, Cénway, T'., and theo 'duly Tamalled by the' M. W. Grahd Master and conducted to itheid pespective chairs, ; Ren. he 2, Goiiagler singtia impressed, upon them the necessity, of usi 2 r pi ticaiion i Unghargs Lo of their tespective duties" © OF * The Grand. Seere then. read the tollow ing TS Ph , Viz: Chas. 8: Jewett, Jolih "Murray, Thés Fees oA Middleton, 6.1 A. idahn an Jol, uglas, James, Lovell, great ¢ niittee 'of investigation ' bet Yer 45; | pointed who reporie cay h case the candidates were hallowed' fon bod declared duly elected. and were then iniated into: our; beloved order, ; 2. " " arden 3 [1 hp - on REAL ) ¥ AILWAY, S008) So the j ! disorgayized condition 5. snd, rangement in This is which val proaching train, ' Baker Lad instructions {6 switch off we have precious: lives threatened. A pumber of + mpty cars are left on the track as cannot fail in being disastrous to a pas. sing train if not to the lives of the passen- them or to see that the trazk at that pare ticular spot is clear, und that 'ng" one de- signedly or otherwise be allowed to' place but especiully one so justly and universally disliked, ought to keep a sharp lookout, if not for the safely of their property at leest for the protection of the lives of the passengers. Had any ove Ueen injured at this time the company would have been made to sweat, and served them right. TTT TTT The following was received too late for last The Most Worthy Gisad Master and The Wo M. Gragd Master made the R. W. Deputy Grand Master, P, Grand R. W. Grand Warden, R. Warrier. R. W. Grand Treasurer, Bre. E, C. R. W. Grand Marshal, J. J. Shaw. R. W. P. Sec., W."HH. Marsh.' R. W. Grend Guardian, W. W. War. R. W. Grand Chaplain, D. Ledinghom. Prayer having been given by the Grand ae The Grand Secretary read the dispersa. The following 'Bretiiern' 'were * then ly fg a it-adsisable to open ees.but that, be had appoin 0, 8 Very, wg odd = £8 "edad ip dish 01- ; Sua, The pres of ta gis being oou N. WHITBY AND] |, dite at bi hd go lea to ared | a 5 Ei x ! any loss in rge soserfieseorof bot being defend- otched with his claim ont e award and that the ort ug] it judgment to his client 50 that if the Aone A; og to. may be secured by is client. ? rr Ne Saatlwagiluat it Far a Dbbele said hate tad ia. nokd] pleased and very likely ment for PIff. seCuring the amotint| English not have reward ere the money be-| giruisheed should Mr, she night before in order to selile a te ; 'The next case was a garnishee, Mr. Bigelow garuishees: money in the hands of one Worden comin "Worden sworn-- B from Mr Hodgin paid the rest in notes drawn in 'or bearer, and which ave : garnishee, urged that {as Mr; Ebbels liad told 'him that he would] ght some property. him 8100 rash soy the notes 'were still and if Judgment were give client $40 at least ciuld Counsel for Worden, urged being payable to Hodgin negotinble &nd might at the Summit' 'Station (ill the otber train should pess; but die concluded to ty his duck andipaised on; be bad not advanced far ere he met the other train comiug full tilt, and came within a fow yards ;of. yun- ning into it, bad be done so the disaster would have been 'fearftl. Here again through ihe carelessness "of. the company 'when he bad undertaken it, but under the ap innocent purchaser, The Court gaye jud so that if the'notes be not sold before mi~ garnisheed must pay over the s0 that a boy may push. them alopg end thoughilesely leave them in such a position | His Honor Las no easy the boys within their reco "The next case appeared rather crool Mr. Bigelow garnisheed i Mr. Paxton some mone young 'man, C. Curran. The evidence showe, on the steamboat ow, and he (def.) swears nt for which be is sued' was for goods"got as part of bis pay and that they were got at Mr. Bigelow's store on the 'verbal order of the Capt., and after the, Capt. liad left, garmshee 1 that he"had nothing against def. showed a receipt which he said he bad | Jarvis clerk to gar- gers. Still these cars are left unprotected, give 850 il he could ot prove by, witess- no one appears 10 care what becomes of » 2 'prove all the five, or ot charged by AUbot Was foo much and obstructions in' the way. Every company, cords of wood at $2.50, Houck v. Bowers. ' PIff: had given def. straw on condition that he would get manure but being dissatisfied with. def. sued. him for $10 the value of the straw. Non-suit accept- received from Mr. Garnishee sworn -- Receipt shown is not og of Jarvis but that of Huckins, Jarvis bad le before the date of the re. the receipt bias nothing to do with, ike ac count in question but is the win a dea! which def, ed. . . Mrs. Sharp's garnishee case laid over |" bad "with Bigelow .& |Judrement given for garnishee. Mr. Ilurd, Piil"s courisel. On what se~ | Reach v, Barnes. curity. did you 'give the young man the goods, did you give them cn his own ac- court without ap order or in Mr. Barnes the price of a tree which he had cut snd taken away off the road on his beat, 'and for $2 which' he (Baraes) is suid to have received as ed mmutation for statute labor, but had not accounted for it. Garnishee,--Certainly on his own ac. R. W. Grand Secretary, Noble 'Grand T. H. Vaun PIf's Counsel --Then you let the boys of Port Perry bave what the their own account, Garnishee,--T never paid any of Capt. Bigelow's hands, and never gave them goods on his account unless I Had bis written order ; when any of them got goods otherwise I uniformily had them charged to the parties who got' them, looked to Capt Bigelow fur th of goods got by the boat bands unless 1 took the tree off the road, and considers it worth $5 or $6. To Mr. Farewell, def's counsel, Sold [best the tree to Barnes three years ago. Sold the tree to Barnes on condition that he would give two days work on the road with his team for it, but he neither took the Iree vor Sid the work. Never got three dollars wrought for me to the extent of $25 paid him $26 being.one too much, Barnes re turned the extra dollar, . T. Paxton, Jr., sworn,-- Can't say how much mouey is in their hands belonging to young Curran, believes there is about as Much as the amount of the claim | of 'the whether it was really Mr. Barnes' duty ds pathmaster to take the tree off. the Mie Hurd said {haf bis client is'a minor, fonds Whose father Las controi of the money 10 him and he (the faliisr) oliected master's doty 10 get the tree taken off" {he 'The Court replied that'. the goods got road, by.the.young man were necessaries and money coming. to him might bo garnisheed for payment without the consent of his about the (ree as to its value ; knows ~it had been girde:! some ysars ago.' Gare Mr. Barnes $2 io licu of Mr. Aiger's ment for garnishee, | statute-labor. next case was Bigelo s 'Was ca suit "brought, oF pif to recover $29.60: which 'he alleged def. owed him. Def. disputed the account, when | Yushed out of 'doors aiid: returtied wih his stack of books which lave carried many ght field around the court table, ch from long use might be expected ispense wills (he ceremony, ofs catrying g into court % their own |. considers it worth $6 or $7 at least. of the value of such trees would, like 10 have bad it. Had no desire to get Barns into" 'trouble. Did not make any ado about it. Mr. Savage was the party who brought the matter up. * Te (Hurlbiirt) made no fuss over it. Is as good o friend as Barnes has. Has differed with * him lotsof times. on : The books again enrried the day hoist- 'defendant and all" his objections off $1.15 charged be. yond the date of setilemen Boag Mr. Hurd (def's couns going back of the detflement, he Court. said there was nothin 0g in any item which ha e were $6.25 include [The account which. was al which he gave piff. fo pl A 7 a ? Gase was somewhat odd, Eb- [ig Bf other: and was gearcely worl cutting: up. . fit for onal wo vo dian fo out upihat J ) OTs. JL was. not. in' work'\wo'years ago, - i 5 Mr. Savage recalled, Mr. Barnes never: AE an iat Me, ra sr & red, suid that piff. had was not entitled to]. bat whenihe (Avot) the corporat return showed [that there had been no work done for 'ihe Mr. a mistake i | nov give it 4 + ) Nex\ was a sheep case, | A vale . Pes e had | «Mr. sues Mr. D. Bateman for had 'driven away. with a flock | Mr. Bateman w fie po / ¥. | purchasing, sheep a few < unty, Att swbin -- Was counsel for fié in the'suit Fowke vs R bels being attorney for Ab consider that def. he. fo She 2 se Was ¢ le - o-Mr.-Hu fiefs chunsely-war not {7} aware of auy offset, saw no papers. defended his learned friend would have | fount the defence Bot quite 5 weak as he ted... 8 ALL SL cessary. papers prepared and that be had put tho dae juto i dinds of r » ison, 'bad not given him' papers, but had left rbgal Rogal Hotel for him ; besides he said Mr, Abbot. bad gone to Os Beto A bas A 4 wsadiuiie "Mr. Abbot said he, did not go on pur. pose: to settle but he went to get money bave to get five pounds to go on with the suit. A The Court ¢aid that from the evidence of Mr. Farewell Mr. Abbot had not suffered any loss in consequence of Mr. J Ebbels neglecting his case, Of course: it was Mr, Ebbel's duly to defend the case circumstances he did not see that Mr. Abbot. had suffered any, loss; from the neglect 5 and ag for the taxing of the bill tbat could not Sow bé done as it' had nof been attended to within the time Teglired by law. He ould not allow. a bill of costs to bei taxed un'ess applied for 'within ong month of the service of the bill, Regaiding the ser-off Mr. Ebbels said that had only got one load of wood' {goth Abbot. ~~ Abbot replied that he was willing to es that he had delivered three or four loads, he did not koow that he could thus * Mr. bbels said that $3 per as called Mr. Honter, who being sworn, stated thot he had delivefed" Mr, Llbbels 16 cords of wood in the same winter at $2 acord : Judgment for pIff. allowing ap offset of 5 The next case got into the straw,-- from last court' was again taken up snd The next case was the 'corporation of * This suit was brought up to recover trom Mr; Savage sworn,--Knows Baroes To Mr. Hurd, counsel for corporation. om Barnes. [lis (Barnes') son To defandent's counsel, Did rot know Tle Court;--Tt was no doubt the path- Mr. Bates sworn,--~Can't say. much Mr! Hurlbert sworn,--Saw':the {ree 'To Mr. Tdrewell,--<1 knew something son sworn, Wrought. for 8. Did, two days' work two jo for the tree. v he. right kind, of timber. To-Mr.,Hurd-- 3 fe Gi N 'Mr. Barnes eworn,--The tee was onl h ile labor. Paid double and the boy overpaid i til to. Mr. Savage TURE yihing. for. the tree in work or) Mr. Hud anid as jo the £82 alsimed by 2 Judgment for corporal It appeme ito as od {Ahere from varions parties 1] Ey RE i RE : a $ £ ai - y that two of bis sheep 0 acdetvioe pt sb. LOY ee et 'BRASS BANDS POR CAR Hr. Mr. Hurd said that had the case begn |. J; Iliamsborg on Frida: tober thy Me; 7, Johg. © ers in Bowmanville have : Dov ralorring in. oi Tool ish dd IHW Prizes which, our Reach: competitors took at the te show. we inadvergantly successful competitors, Miss A. 1 [ their arrangement, knew ba: fait one who arranged shem but did not ihen 'know that 'she belonged a» to this neighborhuod,™ * Fr aE TTT TTS eer MANCHESTER ; {(MOKTHLY » AND 8HOW OF BUTTER AND FAT - CATTLE, ws The Manchester October Fair and show of Buyer aud, Fut Cattle -wills be Tdgsduy, Sih day of October. doubttess be a good Fair and a Tha 1bnifty wives and fair daughters of our industrious farmers will rave ah' excel- lent opportunity of displaging heir oue of our imiost useful nud imporan: aris -- making--and doubtless 'we shall have such a displuy as 1s worthy of this enterprising seetion of farmers Lave now got a after one of tie moat 'suc wver witnessed on this continent. pect to'eee them turn out'in large nambers The show «f Fat Cattle ought , circumstances have | There is alao to be an exten Sale of Hovsehold Furniture; Stock, &ec., &o., #0 that this wm ed us the chief fair of the year; UXBRIDGE MAIR. The Uxbridge Tewaship Fall Shaw Aken place to-day and to-morrow. This--will doubtless be a capital shiow. Our ls show a large amount of witer, erything and their fairs are not 5 8 two days show for w/townsh nergy in the patties cor- list is quite-respectable. be in anendance to- Large numbers will Near Epsom, on the 25th nit. ET TT TS eee YY proved Thorough-Bred Ber] , own interest by examining him Near Prince Albert: v : M 2 Horse Strayed ! 3 od i HA g TRAYED from the stable of Mi; day, 26th Septembe; 'was scen about 11 o'clock' a. 'm. "of abont 4 miles noth 'of Oshawa 'and orthward; ee Parties giving such-inforn Morris Connell,.. Valen ly rewarded. Mariposa; Oct.1, 1872, _ .CROTHERS & Licensed Auctionttis! EVIL AY arin; viel: 4 lacing their Sales in otir hanilb Lu attention: being: given G. Srothete Igalso agent for aff kinds of - ricuitural- Implements. orders , 0., will: receive prompt. akenion . Hunley sworn, [Tas been employed |, © in saw mills--spoke to Savage about the | | ree, offered to buy it but was afierwards 1 1 glad be did not get it, it 'was almost worth. | - Rss not belog 1 County of On(ario, - ANTED Apply at once. or MRS. dB Fir lis Photographs #4.T4its Gallery; Broo

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