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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Oct 1872, p. 3

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THULLY informs the RUE a fe Be PORT PERRYI And that ho will. Hhenpregentt week Oni Sonia ue Ve selenad fo, 3 it i i na to fg Cas : He 3 k i o "p Produce Principle ! Julieving that § Fushi Will be mote satisfactory to and Bs ebuiors are re are resi eng re- pated BH inspect Goods Do riven, Seated to .. ADAM Ron Marichestér, Oct. 8,18172. CAUTION. Td HEREBY, forbid on part parties giviag any one Goods ob Shing ing ehae on my "orn 11 hat i Fopousiile for the paym ere of. NOAH "BATES. Reach, Oct. 9,1872. 3-4w ' Reach, Oet.9,18%2. . _ - 54w Go to Brooklin and see the good Pictures that are made at Tait's Gallery. STAR +Lightning Rod Com'y. "Testimonials. BowmanviLLE, Aug. 24, 1872. *r might here remark to my friends and the public that [ believe the Star Galvan- ized Lightning Conductors to be the best I ve ever seen, so well pleased am I with mi that I have had them erected on my ostinato carefully testing them over a. year, and g venly believe no building should be without them. They "ave erected on the mos! scientific principle and as recommended by the most skillful "Pisienars of chemistry. I may here re- mark v te met Mr. W. H. Leateb, 'a mem! "Company, on various oc- casions, and transacted business with him and feel justified in recommending Mr. Leatoh 10 I public as a fit and proper man fo the public to do business with. 3 'DAVID TOWNS, a Fa joni Merobant and Miller. waive, Avg. 2, 1872, IN. certify that | have carefully ex- amined the Siar Galvanized Lighiniea R and, «mt Tully eatisfied they are. Boles oo ever in use, 1 have had them erecied on my buildings at my residence and as well upon my stores and buildings in town, and [ sm fully satisfied they are the only means for us 10 protect our build- ings with againet the dreadful eflects of Lightning. have carefully examined the manner in which these Rode are erected, and I aan salely recommend Mr. Leatch to the public as a man who thoroughly under- stands his business: DR. BIRD. "The Star Lightning Rod Company fur nishy in My opinion, better Rods and better Points and give better work than any other Company in Canadas. I have used the Rods on my house and premises as well as -on:the Ontario Bauk: These Rods are, sold by Mr. W. H. Leatch. Signed, HON. JOHN SIMPSON. Baowmanyjlle, Ang. 23, 1872. AAD ie WiLLiaMssurcH, CarTwricnT, Sept. 5th, 1872. " Thave carefully, examined the ¢ Star Galvanized Lightning Rods," and feel perfectly satisfied Yor 'they "will protect buildings or "the gait) eta of DID ey possess al the requis- A Wd proper pet SCudiutios of 'electric- ity and when catried a sufficient depth into the earth will pre#ent the building on. 'whieh they ave erected from injury by 'Electric action. T have bad two points and ninety. four feet of rods erected op my buildings by 'Mei 'W., H. Leateh, one of the company, ood have ae besitation in reccommending £0. others. JORN MONTGOMERY, M +D. i aioe, Aung. 9, 1-0, 3 hi Gully certify. that T have carefully ex- ami ak " Star Lightning Rod" and am fon: abd at it . best Ihave ever Prot essential for the . dond Ses ch These carefully | - tect fhm fhe phot adil attr ooo effect of EE a nus, Sn class. Photographs made pi 3 |1 desire to tender my grateful re Tailoring ! {Ornam suitable r Agtumn| Having removed my entire busi- ness to my New Premises Port Penny, acknowledgment to the many kind friends whose patronage | 89 long enjoyed in Prince Al- bert, and assure them of my de- sire, as far as possible, still to|- serve them hy retain their cus- tom. With greatly increased facili- ties for doing business, % ital to business purposes only, position to Serve the : public better I have on exhibition an Gy SOK suitable for the coming season, additions to my already 'Large |g; 4 eg as the ordinary domestic |, rewnises, and as soon as arran prom can be completed - ented wd © eompetent Floweis and|- and - | inter PHOAGO A PORT PERRY, oe 9, 1813 'ZL81 '1 *3nv 'ANVIHIANAS "ea, maapogy 32540Y7) pa pe 3 Hsiwuva "MP = = eo < a = - Qe S ue Ee = JQ 0 8 J-- oe @ 3 B. Smt © co E = a = Es ® EF ® oD a. med, dq 8 = pe N 0 fa a] wl o by oO Qo [= 11 3 w 'purlIepuUNSg ATE ; MRS. J. H. BROWN, MANCHESTER. 4 PALL & WINTER GOODS and. a judicious application of|g, 10,157. I feel confident that I am in a Farm for Sale. ) nd wi On the 'premise than formerly and with a an reise creeks, Well fenced and inn high tivation. It is situate about two M vr vA L : fine wohl thriving village of Manchester. Terms easy. Title-indisputable. Advantage Fem Mavichester, ily 31,1872, or, Noir. S 5 Gonmty ¢ of f Qutario, Ni Pile C Oyer an okay of ria, 1 the Stock of the newest goods) Selves acoond Shes Omen, © Whitby, Sept. 25,0872. 4 done in the best style, 'on the SEAT Dress oi Soren 15 Maldoe aul ul nery 'TOOmMS Sin 0 will. be ned under adngs | still Sh 1 un UNEE BE NEARLY, RS | ARE GEO. CURRIE: | oa ot of p20 Hi eee Baddes pl ong aD : 5 o --- g & iy = 2 pH - Ee CD Be Bo -> 0 £9 oO we ® 8 -- --- o 2 2H fo - a a -- - © wn cw WANTED. RVANT GIRL for RI for feneral house work. Work easy--wages good. mE Subscriber offers ors for sale the Nokthiwest he East half of Lot No. 7, in the th concession of the ' "Township of Reach, there isa good frame house, , well watered with yetok PETER SCOTT. Manchester P. O. 3 hereby given that the Court of Assize, Terminer, and General ll be holden in and for the ourt House, yon ut Th all , and all tice and govern them- "NeLsoN G. REYNOLDS, Suxarer, 0.0. Horse. Strayed 1 | YED from the stable of Michael Curtin, A Gum on the moraine of' Thurs: bik St a Jude whe a Lipps a a ation the owt phim will "1 4 ned out a case Nair, 01 1 onus © CONNELL ve ; of Real iy ; Bales anywhere in| ii oll fa id de : ly on the the utmost attention being ide X = alsd {ageat for AlY kindy i t8.'co 1 UL df @roind 10 d to G. Crothers, Epsom, pt attention, ! Ber Sianan St. Patrick. MAMMOTH WARDROBE! In the Front! 136 pieces beautiful, dugable Tweeds, Canadian Full Cloth--old prices, 40 inch Drugget and Flannel, White, Scariet, and Fancy do. Stylish Dress Goods, Abundance Cotton and Steamloom offered at old prices. Millinery and Fancy Goods in great variety. 6 Furs from $2 Upwards. Boots and Shces--a host! a wonder! a «Dil Mens' ? Stogies $1.75; Boys' and Youths', Women's and Misses) TEAS TEAS A. W. ROBERTS. 5 1 Prince Albert, Sept. 10, 1872. The Largest, best selocted and Cheapest Stock of Goofs in North Ontario !! Dtpm------ The whole oft the Stock purchased before the late great rise in Great Bargains offered. Call and inspect my Tniiense Stock before purchasing elsewhere. | /T. C. FORMAN. WANTED! = 500 CORDS HENLOCK BARK. imported by myself direct from Wein October 30th,'1872 Europe, and am daily receiving At the hour of 12 The Subscribed Neitig satisfied io it is necessary for him to de- {vote all his attention to his Tannery Business, would récommend | 'his numerous ' customers to call on Mr. GEO. BATES BOOT "AND Where Sy will find a large and w and Shoes alway on hand, which will be sold at the lowest re- numerating prices. 07 Just received a Jarge and complete Stock of Ladies,' Gent's, " | Misses' and Children's Prunella Boots. Bom in_ Cash paid at all times for Hides, i" "i J HR Meadow Steam. Tar jt snk py The hi st ek Barna Th Who now conducts the BUSINESS, 872: 7) in made. SHOE assorted Stock ot Boots and Call at Tait's Gallery, Frock. Brook- lin, and have some. good Pictures S009 as | New Spring Tweeds, New Pie ats, New Grey Cottons, * New White Cottons, New Dress Geods, in all shades, styles and qualities, New Prints, New Boots and Shoes, New Crockery, &c. The abeve Goods were bought before: the, late rise in prices, in the best market and on the most favorable terms and will 'be sold at a small advance on cost. enn, Va aan. Will find éuch as they may require, af D. URQHART'S, Manchester, Reach. foe, re Bose; will tt a. To ant Dente a horeni to ay ba gih re: Dayo 0. PRICES §& TERMS ig Beaty re Javiag « kaw B. Three Pail Plowing, igs of lows up be ul Let on Trial; If If, Shey full to work satisfnctorily, they will be D. URQUHART: Manchester, Reach, Sept 1a, 1872. a EXTENSIVE Credit Sale! OF FIRST CLASS FARM STOCK, Implements, &o. -- HERE will be sold by Publio Auetion; on Lot No. 10, in the 5th concession of chy half a mile west of Manchester, on Monday, 14th October, The foilowing valuable Farm Stock, Im< plements, &o., the property of Horses :--1 Horse, 6 years old ; 1 med 6 years old ; 1 Mare, 10 years old, in foal } 1 Mare, 12 Years old, in foal. Carrie:--1 Ball, 2 years old; 1 Fat Cow ; 1 Yoke of Okxen, 7 years old ; 10 Miloh Cows, in calf ; 2 Farrow Cows ; J1 Steer, 3 years old ; 4 Steers, 2 years hn 5 Steers, 1 year old ; 1 Heifer, 3 years oid ; 4 Heiferr, 2 years old ; 5 Heifes, 1 year old; 10 Spring Calves ; 16 Sheep ; 3 2 Pige. InPLEMENTS :--1 Reapin, Machine, Marsh Harvester ; 1 oh 8 ore Dey Sawing Machine; 1 Wagon, iron axle; 1 Democrat Wagon ; 1 Buggy ; 2 Fanning Mills ; 1 Straw Cutter ; 1 pair Bob- -Sleighs; 1 Catter ; 3 Plows; 1 set Fp Harrows ; sels Wooden Harrows ; 1 Land Roller ; 2 Gang Plows ; 1 Horse Bako 1 set Double Rsuans'- Long Tug; 1 set "Carriage Har- nees ; 1 so} ingle Harness ; and other artioles &o. Terms of Sare.~All sume of $8, and ouder, cash ; over that amount 12 months oredit will be given by purchasers Tarnish- ing Appiofed Joint notes ; interest charged from day of sale if not paid when due. J. M. PATTERSON, Aucrionegn. N.B. 8 Acres of Timber in § acre lots will also be offered for sale. Terms made kaown on day of sale. Reach, Sept. 25, 1872, Jewelry Emporium PRINCE ALBERT. CLEARING SALE Jar OPENED OUT, a nice selectioit WATCHE og JEWELRY, Gold, Plated, and Black, of the best description. CLOCKS, the largest and best Stock, Wat- ranted, and cheap. 8 Alarm Clocks!!148" Lockets wp Cains in great variety. Cricket Balls ! Cricket Balls! Cheap! The very best make, aod pronounced the best in use. Everything will b Id h effect gp in S09 Very Suunto Remember it is at Prince Albert. JOUN DIESFELY, Practical Watch Makek, PRinck ALsEar. April 10, 1872. High School Notice. THE Ex Exaintuation ot uot Candidates for admis PORT PERRY HIGH _SCHOOL Thursday, 10th Oct. Begignitg ot Tod, HEIFER LOST i on the oth Jerid between Prince A SE mEIFER, a y "Lot J. Eon 2, 20d Gon. Dac

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