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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 31 Oct 1872, p. 1

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) i 1 a age 210 Gr w ams roi piio + Vises erttinaed 2 Tatar amines 3 willie atguprisk' Parties: rom a distai vor, Xv, La ee NO. 401 3 TAS whiny! 11 POLITICAL, AGRICULTURAL gaming Pe wapapen fit SS PUBLISHED AT THE { WICTORIA BLOCK, PRINDE ALBERT filo a CounTy¥ i or-owrakio} jos. Morning ui Sb dtd wiihihaix or | et nn J mo Rip pager ntil'e ilar ur's Taterssonnining male y eadoraareilin Lak , BATES OF ADVERTISING. , For each line, first insertiod. $0 08 : | Subsequent ingetions, per lin 002 under 6 lines, per a Advdesh measured iu Noipa hid iii ocTupys. ' d Lor p without : aif instroctions, {gti be inserted until forkid.an orscd: acemdinglys Noadv isemen wilThéluken Muy until paid for. Aliber Hecowniallowgds whandvertiseby the vearih ve Thédeterms iiinyl redo, die Merchants apd pthers ear. anes be strietigia be Lids : bh Jo0B. pEELRTaRNT, A nphibts, d Bills, Doiters, Programmes, Dill . MH Blak Forms, R ous, hecks, Books, Circulars, Business Cards. ard, &e., of every [1 le and color, executed pily and at lower rates J 0 iter promi Eabihmeniin this County ! - ai, 'Ke. + printed te. with them, Tu PARSONS, _ on have tiem done o take 4 Ju BAIRD. P Dr. Brathivaite, PRINCE ALBERT, Physician, Ls" and gAosoucheur. |. ORONER 7B. the! Vase, ty ol Ontario, A PI aician, ; Surgeon » rand' Accoucheur, Ringe) Ibert ere ? C. E. MARTIN, M.D, PORT J PERRY. DRS. JONES & MALLORY, pa Surgeons and Acconcheurs, PORT PERRY, © 'Offiee--over Allison's Drug Store, Queenst, oid be Toxun, B., CORONER. A. E. MALLORY, Co. Ontario, Ma, Co "Drs, McGILL & RAE," Postar Surgeons, &e., ke. Office and Residences, K ing street, Oshawa. WX, WILL MD. FRANCIS BAR, M. 8. WN. TF. McBRIEN, M. D,M.R.C.S., aur's NOSPITAL LONDON, ENGLAND, THE EYE R.O.H L, Oshawa. is LAND WW ATID; pores Cek. HAS iti Fancy He dali at nave Telodry, F oi a lope; Rev: it T, fy nn Esq, | Us- jh Any len rail VARS cr 1cAL, RL Da Ont.--, RAC "Dentdl Rooms directly opposite the post. Foret a " Rmsutawee, (INS ALA AR p--~---- THE ONTARIO BARMERS' Mutual Insurance;. Company HIS Giri pany is ay ly tn dis :ditomecept risks on Fam Buildings and Ne eir contents, country School Houses and Churches. Those wishing to te ark 'thereby support a Home Insnrance Company have now an opportunity of doing so either by applying to the Head Office, or toany of the local Agents of the Company. Our rates will be found as yostin low as those of' any ibléMutual Insurance dl Gempang iniCanad ; Fiiachined old Registry Office Build- ings Breck Street, Whitb; L. FAIRBANKS] Jn, 27-1y Secretary WESTERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y TORONTO. Cc. wi INCORPORATED .. Cr 1851 Capital - - $400,000 President... ON. JOIN MeMURRICH ER tos Fob ahd Feq. ! MES ke pols E, GENERAL Avent. Ww. » Willcox LICENSED: AUCTIONEER, FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO: AND, TOWNSHIPS OF MARIOS A & CARTWRIGHT, Ba to thank' his many friends 7 public generally for the libeta bestowed upon hinr during the past four years. Having now 1 ipess of Bailiff, ( intend, in are 2 so bua whole time to the business of Auctioneer, Col llecting, &c,. It will be my endeavor, by prompt and careful attention to business, to give full satisfaction to all who nay favor me with their Scles or Col- «Bills d d.and Blank Notes fi J.-E. FAREWELL, L.LB, DOUTWY OR TORNEY FOR PAmusrEn Attorney, Solicitor, and: No- tary P Oreo lately occupied by 8. H. Cochrane, Esq, Brock py Whitby ) LYMAN ENGLISH, LL.B, QoLiciron in Chancery, Alterney, Conveyancer, &c., Osawa, Office~Simece | net, opposite the post office. G. YOUNG SMITH, LL. B, apd. Insol veney, by Onl ; FR the Tomuahipof Uxbri Bis TER; gg Seite - I? Block; Brock iu {0 ude. | Jecting. 20 d free £ charge, ¢ «Bill Stamps always on band; ngements can hé made for sales &ec., at the Onserver Office Prince' Albert, and' at 'the Standard Off, Port Harty » Ms WiLLCOX, Prince Albert, Sept, Tg "1873. . Wm. Gordsn, Licensed Avstionet, Valuator, &e., Thora, M: Tara, Rai ma, Mariposs, an a Sen, 15= Parties entrusting their Sales to me. may | sly eee the utmost attention being Fed to n terests. WM. GORDAN, 1 5 92 N & MAG NBLL: Tye gs 'Sunderland P. 0: Brock, SRY . ut Jaw ( Attent nt ion Loa rman LL 4 ~ Li ighonms, [o ; "mie ere would hei x in Ba LI AMES aw, Solicitor. in Ol he on the sh Wai le J Fai og og alts A a Agen ok Hi 4 Hani Notes and Bill Stamps kept soot b; wAtaiioigy te Sain pc for the id and ehonpmt B : PTR A] = ily lupe SL Hn Run Tet er & int +30 acknowl pve dL at Law, Sal nd al Bt io Olmacsty, No "Gh ia a wibhaeh Lae py ee i EE Al Alii fie sti hon gals Orders tte 16st he ShoHGGE notice. ort Perry. Aoki obo wil TAT yw soma, 7) CE aE ord oa Fat oes i from tens. m. to Ty Pp ORT. 4 5 REY iii ii vai ik > *... J: C. PILKEY, , Elna 3 Arxr. Hires sll the. North On 0 gil Lis ata@oiut nid of ui Hi DRATGRTSMAN, Klar will Ara, a DA, IUETRMN X i bas Dos HIT. WB ARE Bail RISTIE; Ty pT Wg ' the plains which dferspren | Ee. frightful spot traced by that | Bat aie | C. om t Hind i fase hari ns 'About fiftees years since, upon: lobe of is Nt ree ottions of 'the south: stern part certain wysterious Jing Swab hemaaie pop, the: notice of the commaibitgi L They startled the thoughtless) "puzsled the! ilosophic, set the supersiiiols Alf agog, | nade the timid framble. Unaceaunt-", able sounds. were, heard theye ; unnatural signs were seen; and often: without any visible cause, dogeyeatile; and horses were terribly 'affeighted.' A pine tree, which stood by the road side, aud which' overshadowed 'the' way with its spreading branches, marked that spot which was noted for its wonders. It was tall, 'straight, and' well proportioped-- a4 fair to look upon as its neighbors--and still under its deep shadows all these un. accountable ' phantoms "appearéd." The |' suprounding, forest was thickly' studded' with the same steady growth, Jo the Tight of day it was harmless. When the sun pressed: its bright rays through that dark forest, when all natural objects were ucmistakably visible, no fearful 'sight ior sound 'alarmed the passing man or either beast. But when the eve of day was closed, when deep night--doubly thick and heavy 'under those green, overshadowing tree tops--wrapped all things in sable curtains, then these disturbing forces infested the place and let loose the marvels. It must be affirmed however that this tree-did not stand in the most dreary and | mah, ofa 'bold , deft spirit with a drawn s swor, in, n bis od, confronted him: ~~ This perplexed. and. disconeerted our merckant ; "but it was' so plité to be pogry. "Phough' ba neither saw nor heard 'anything undsusl' himself, this noble liorse 'wis trembling with! fear ind unwilling to advance, a8 if ibe. road was benlog with armed hobgoblins, | He, whi aded him on tilly wilh a ed i he d out into the , thick, by "the 'obnoxious "tree, and ran st the top of his speed, until b be brought op, 'Pantidg" and trembling, at bis. owp, stable door. Another incidedl, which is hard to Pht aside as a mere phantasm, An elderly "was passing, bit 'way ina' lair isimaiod an - A so of six; or eight yess, anil his faiths ful og were with bim. As they drew neat the (ree, a light was seen, as if some invisible hand was holding a lantern. The old man cheered his dog to an atiack.-- Bristling and. barking he ibrayely. struck for the light, when it moved: out into the forest. Our tippling frivnd] 'more daring thao usual just_then, attempted to follow it. Upto that point the courage of the boy held out (ps he informed the writer), as ho saw nothing but a light and that re- treating before the dog. But when 'the father turned into the bushes, he "was thoroughly afliighted, and wished to hes ten home if naught' forbade it. But the light soon faded; the dog became composed tbe father returned to the road, and aioth- er wonder was reported. way. It was not in the middle of that gloomy forest. It stood near the side which bordered on the thickest settlement. Not far above it lay a dark deep, chilly hollow -- often entered with a shudder-- which all would declare was the fit home for ghosts aud bhobgoblins, and where practical robhers would naturally select their ambush, Stiil, itaoon beca 1orious Hat this apparently and prof tree was ah vked by all the surrounding inhabitants=--herald. €d as'suth through all that region. It must be added that this spot, which rose into such puzzling notoriety, was about two miles from a dull; unpretentious hamlet, were stores' were 'kept, in which some useful merchandise coyld be. found ; but the great article of trade at that time, as it was everywhere, was ardent spirits. Many then regattiod' 'sirong drink as the elixir of life ; while it was surely gliding them into graver difficulties - than .frights land heart beatings at the haunted 'tree. -- But busidess at tle shops, at the post-! office, 'and most of all at the stores licensed to keep and sell the fashionable, much Joxed beverage, would drawithe rusties,| bi, ber after the toils of the day were end. ed, may of whom bad to pass this haunted: tree. + Asa child could pass it harmless when he fight of: day guarded the place, they) ted tree. {| eropnearapee of; these - terrors, they meat an foot, they would always hav their dogs acconipany' them, Saif thé of return alone if they copld find company.-- | But after taking a social: glass," doing their' business, listening 10 the gossip of i day, hearing the last reported #ycare" at the Tree, they would linger to diganss these; mysterious appearances, 'pro i/and cen, and avow Shois; i or aodidbelivh:} in bem; ' 11m TN who" were '¢onslant * aif upon the preachings of the unedue unpolished, but deeply pions minister of i | the-place, would take" still more seriots view of theseithings:" They would say's Rms in " Thest" 'mysteriohis' sights 'and sound, [© of mean something! They sugur of crime hem ? | ~=secret, dark, and heaven daring. God is making inquisition for Blood. * 'Murder | ed that spot. will be: haunted. 2-4: - Inigo ol This would disturb the serenity 'ofthe n behind thie counter. He pri han phish teitie shen ite awallow. | down: oy suély* admissions "of 'spiritual ifestatiofs, or of supernatural agedr | high{' Bote iforward 10 get his hor | aay "tra k in the snow, 'will out ; kod fill the, awful gecrelis, divulg-| ! ded bim-, ; S these same persons would ¢pds unmolésted, silence reigning through the whole forest, and no earthly sight dis turb theni. Some passed frequently in night's deepest darkness, and never saw or heard anything strange or supernatural Such was the case with a young physician whose practice ofien led bim by: that place. He was a man of integrity, every way reliable, generdus; andileind in, spirit. Keeping 8 "cleat conscience: foward all men, he way fearless of both the dead and living ; and oftén iu the. still hour of night, rode hy the tree, calling upon any one'who had: eoything to make known, to come and tell it. Bot he had no vision of "thebe things. Those Wi were molested by these ilesty ions were could, acd gave no, challenge. 'Go.a snowy winter day, two: men, of | good-lrabits, sound judgment, and unques- | tionable veracity, were 'passing by * that 'Pacey with wagrns 'heavily Taden. The falligg'snow had become' quite 'deep.-- They plodded slowly through it, beguiling Beir dreary way with 'occasional conver- sation, Asone of them was observing that nobody ventured out, the. storm; was |s0 severe they boib -leoked forward, and Pwaw an old and peculiatly' dressed man, '| footing it through the suow towards them. Both noticed him, saw that he was, £ Siragger to them, but in, al his appear- wapld start jo,season to pass it; before: the vance a veritable man. dusky and feaful hour oL night. licensed The driver of the foremost wakop,, went 3 little out of; Abe road, and give (lie veserable Siranger an easier Tossage by; aud, be ld, 19. one 'was to be seen | 17 Lg ery direction, and seping no one, he asked his companicn i if, he nw a map Just | before approaching them replied that he did What hd become of bmi, He could ot tell. "Kiey stopped iy! wagan snd, made search ; i but o could | where 'they thought | "they sam m,, por in any direction by which {8 i turn aside. Yet | they both ever. aflrmed v that her Sol nol ive been, | "mistaken n, bat (be fo d frese, pad motion : ah 55 lis yonatural manifestations lengthened F d more wouderf i ii % 3! 1 whe $i "ad tio 'more irdubles have been [dpred and d fo Upon one of these fertile ridges "which rine fron he pli (hire veda' ig ta whats 3 hon fo 4s ; | and gampmon., a [ling upon that roud, 'as: 'he approached the | Haubfed free; ei tors, 10hpel shaft, ang. ig dabroay more go forward than the Sen wp li ances, and he Beaker "Nonsense; non-| fost. pk a 513 9 ad SRO 33 refuped 10 pass it, Is: would. oo) would' 'Hot: be ge man} Hatha! io 'speech, tadusiriois or strong etva, "and Bo supersthins2" Upon K' Bight night, in the month. af ember, be wasi|ibedrconfessionsi i ni pul returning from the Ta ei i hour + Witlirone: éfothem: it did oma b atone; but fn a 'st | caméito beilocked up in the bosom! of it Reathio thie hauiited gm | recipient After long and severe! ithrods which ie Yode caine' to's dead' stand, desperate plunge | usually struck dumb, passed, it a3 best they |. e wonders of the bis Ane [ctbis revolting deed 'were wot rial iy | nd} b- entto] He Cooly dismovited, stepped' "before" the | Horse; and'ted Him. 'Witlivit any anwilling= Paess ito follow Lid" tier 'by that' fearful plécs: 'Having posed the gull 'sift' and fearless; "too; withont' 'premeditntion--. [sdareely concions of what he was doing | fie apoke! out inca firm voice, * If any one is there who wants ig o oe ¥ auld like! to see him." Tame diately 'a oi weleralle' i pearance, dressed in gone: by style, w grey locks' banging below s wombs? hat, stodd directly before him. Surprised dismayed, and nearly cconfounded, he. felt' tliat he was: sent: for, and the worst might' as well dome; 'se,; in. 'trembling' tones, Lhe ; asked: 1 ¢ What, do you. wast of med) uw aw deid +The 'specterp-in «tones: our diay) friend | could ihever donpest proceeded thus tei " My name is Hiram White: Twenty- five years ago I'was robbed of thirty silver dollars, and then murdered under this tree. The names of two of the guilty perpetra: Aas. of that, deed of 'blood will I give as they are now living, -. There were. Caleb' Walsh snd Fraoklin Orme ; but some dur 10} eile parts of that awful scene I. cannot relate to you. Read the 9ib Psalm, and you will apprehend them. I bave long haunt- ed this blood-stamed spot, to make some one enquire for the terrible secret. You are the first person that has challenged me, apd now I have divulged it, these things will no more appear. Follow me, and [ will show you where they buried my body." The specter led the way into the for- est, and our terrified Iriend followed, feel. ing that it was no time to oppose, or make excuses. Coming to a low, hollow, he affirmed, "Here is the place I' and instantly vanished. The young: nfan, finding biniself unharmed : pliysieally, and still wlive->though the last dread summons could not fave emised a greater mental anghish--made his way back to his horse which, totally undistunbed, had not; stdrted 'irom the placejnhere che deft him: tle rode slowly home, deeply affected hy what be bad seem and heard. "Upen reaching homie his dad and" woeful countenanice be- trayed him. onyviry of bis wife. "He tried to evade disclosure, but could ot. ""Unbosoisfog hittiself freely, confi dentially to ber, it was to. momentous, 100 sacred 10 be kept secret. Once let loose it travelled wi b'lightning speed and i through the community. The place pointed out as that white the.crpre bad been buried, was dug open; and there, sure esough, butian bones were found ! But did &iny or ker citedmatances corrob. orate with the young | man's statement, EN The recollections of the' aged were sound--- ed ; and some of them remembered that a man bearing the name of he who professed to be the victim, occasionally visited that {place as en 1lindegnt preacher about 'the tine referred to ig! that: disclosure ; that bisivigits, seddenly ceased, and lie was not afterwards heard from,t But as, he; came Jrom a, distant, plpce; in New tlampshire peshuce excited no surprise. Hig profes the pecpliarity. of bis seading hisauditor to an imprecatory psalm 10. fied the ' supple-- ment. of bis aw ful, disclosure. o6 By Anotber fact is well verified, | About thd same date. of (bis diorvible: crime, 'a hatrayo hassesawithvihin saddle turned cand hritlle ang was found in the highway, about two miles fromthe noted tree; 'it was advertised: ; a green writhe was kept upon his neck for: qsesral . months, asthe: law required ; but-np owner ever claimed it ;| [it remained Wie fhepiinae who pieknd it hapa oa a Phe no names only as the perpetrator: 'of Known. RE desded thd dyin phen of the Evidetly an awfol 'disclosure d ad's bist none iy) it | Adpointed hiding:place. ? "Such "were the' fo rgprassio pon thi mind of he' ib honest. hearted and Hivre intelligent of that people. 'No one' sould convince them that these things'{ ' were mystical or empty phantors. "They retiinedl the recollection of these wysteri. ous 'adventures, without attempiit any other explanition thai that whitch re' have piven | o-- een A citizen GEA weut on a 'cat shooting expedition the, otber night," and wounded the school-ma'am who was. ino. cently studying astronomy. ---------- THe Printer Acain.--In setting up 'an account of « recent six-oared boal race the p ior on a a "six-oared goat race." porary made it STARR a It is said that nine of Barnum's camel's and dromedaries have died of envy smce they saw the bumps on the backs of some of our daughters ot fashion. A-defendant in a New York court pro- duced a letter from his {washerwoman | stone; "you 'sald, "I never saw the a "ou Parson s., of 'Connecticnt, was a particulsr kind of person. One 'da; had = rian plowing in lis field and Yo oht 16 see how tli¢" work was get The ground 'was very stony, ved Gnd Abe plow strick » stone the un ook occasion to swear a little. " Look here," eried | Fawn S59 ou ust Bot swear that way in my i 4 Well, I reckon you'd swear too. said ahe:man, if you had to plow wk tony field as this" Not a bit of it," said Mr. =~ "don let me show you." («+ i a So the Parson took hold of, the plo vei'y sobii hud considerable trouble wi #lones. "As store afier 'stone str plowahare, Mr. 8. ejaculated':' " Welt never saw the like" And thin he repeated every 'time stone | stopped his onward way. Ae soon as_he had plowed' dround once he' stopped. and sald to the rdn':" ** Theré, How!" You see T can "plow without sweating." "But | guess its prétty ridar'ss bad fo lie, andwored the man, ¢ and you told a dozen 0? liek, Every fime the plow sttick a ht when the same thing happened a minate belore." tO SCH STOPPING THE INTEREST: Daniel Webster once dined 'with an 61d Boston merchant, and when they came 'to the wine, a dusty old bottle was carefully testifying to his good oh The witty. stroke of flat~irony produced hia re- lease. d by Peter and passed to the 'hob. Taking the bottle he poured out Mr. 'Web- ster's glass and hauded it to him.' 'Phen A Chiengo reporter announces that 'the receipt of another ship-load of blackber- ries at Bt. Jo., yesterday, created a per- over diadowed ceptible 1ipple in the the _ Jeth-piek oir. trade." Young Joo says thers is one "right" on 'which a woman cannot entrench-- namely, the glorious boyish privelege of standing on one's head and turning summer- saults, Co Why sre good women like ivy ? Beoause the. teater Mey ruin the closer they cling -- hy are bad women like ivy ? Because the closer they cling, the, greater they ruin. HE Lili Too Muck !--Thae following congratula- 1di g pair: ¢ Ci on, your nuptails. May your future troubles be only little ones." > Cl LL One of out 'merétiants was troubled all day with something in tis boots and on drawing g ont her for b If, he teld it 0 the light and said : -- , ¢ How do you hike it, Mr. Webster 7* ¢ I think it is a fine specimen of old pot, ¢ Now you can't su what Thateant me said the host. ¢ Surely not,' said, Me. Websier, . 1 only know that it is excellent.' « ¢ Well,indw I can teil. Youtor mide a careful estimate the other day. When I add the interest lo the first price, 1 find that it cost me the sum of just one doliap gad twenty. cons per glass I' | "Good gracions ! ypu. don't say. so," er Mr. Webster ; and then, draining: his glase, he hastily presenter dit ow with the re- mark-- ¢ Fill vp again, ns pick as yon can, " Wiit is the matter 7" was 'Ne first [ 17) telegram was lately received by » {for want lo slop that there confonnded in terest." gio A gray eye is still oe ely; a roguish is the brown ;, the eye of blue is ever roe; but in the black eye's sparkling poll, mystery and mischief dwell. oft that article in the ing, his wife's Sunday hat in the toe of it. nearly spoiled the hat. INscRIPTION EXTRAORDINARY.--A box containing a black bear was received at an express office in San Francisco the other day ; outeide was this irecription : ¢ Black Pures of yew don't want to get bit, kepe 'yout fingeis out of the crax.' Take away halt of 13 and haves remain. Answer-- Write XIII, rub oul the lower hall and virr re mains. : ts A MisTAxe,~ Charles 10 the altar led the Jovely Jane, and to her'father's house ré)dtn- ed again ; where, to convey tnem or their wedding tour, already stood a' brilliant coach and four. When lo! the gathering An English paper, under. the. head of ¢ Women as Strikers," gives an arcound of a strike of 500 women in the brick 'garth at Sgaton Colliery. Women have been strikers.as [at back as we can remember, but they usually gtrike with ou old slip- per. REE eae ---- Jones writes us from the Profile House 'that he hus discovered a new fall. * He house, and says there was a sharp descent a large damn on reaching the flat rook. His friends christened it Jones's fall at once. SOD a without leave, one; of his masters called after him.an/ ingnired whets be wag go- i ne lam going, 10 boy, a cents 'wotlh of ail . hie do Yo want bd cam's Wonh of dale for OY : ¢ For of AH replied the oui. Qne year st West Point, wh 'were. required | oa acon ] for breach of "decipline, m offi d the following :-- on sweseutiot fiotitiouss dive'and distorbedoby these grave charges. 'them was marked with long and intensified 'agonirs, + Begond ell: 7 d Whey bad lived'iand i -- | 1eft familiey) thiebe, and these: weve | sensu | Respectfully, J. Magon. ? rp ------ ei -------- 'A Schoolboy. going out of the ; playgraund fo: ir: Gun fired--gal jomped, | he al once descends, clonds soM: ed? clouds, and warring winda contend ;, this moves him riot, but in he hands his, bride, 'and seats himsell enraplured by, ber side When thio 1 éheer ihe fair one he, b: n: ©'1 hope 'we soon shall" Hive a' fiftle"san > But she; 3 whom (he Wearhde' "give pain. who heeded not the blast ior Pilterinyg Jain, bpt must about her future' sigtalbe- thonght ber, replied, ¢ My, deas,, Fd. sather ' 9) pking around in ev- Land was somewhat eccentric, his nOn--0p- [found it among the tock in the rear of the have s daughter, siamib -- ee -- : Therein» man living back nthe wid, sion as. preacher. may 'perhaps. explain [of aboot a'rod, a swift rise of two feet, and | who, being invited Ao a New Year' Uinpes, eat a0 mugh buar's meat that he went libme and hugged his wife<a thing he bad neves Josn goily of before, doom jah Jyrieinem A HORRIBLE! wer rape dine. About three weeks since bi w petrated nent Loridon, Kéntueky, on « most horrible acts of Le combined fiends and devils Could dot A I a steprehild, of about fi yours ald, and it seme; that, ber, Augband pry. to he deed, The partigplase as wo gleaned them, are as followa i "aiid had been tied so | int it ight 8 16 death: How long flo 6 "ehild" ph tied 1a 'dot known ; Bit i144 krown' child hat been: viel) and' ond that purpose. Those who held thet'sée sion, not wit ago, hiy. | grin :mpostery but seemed ** forbid to die)' 4ill ¢onscience was reli¢ved by: some pum. and'awful masningd, b be requested al aren find! ws 1 . le'to' Mind) the room | save on peed, 3 40 they! | rolled aud struggled in. the' grasp ofthe | wate neighbor. With a charge o of od, the Soe, had the larynx in, speaking, we infer ont itis, a matter of great impariance neck in health: shoo) oravs Hors pioper, fa notion hos, ay of -consu| A Lameniep Mownarcu.~The 'King of They bad died) too; and it» was * now ve | Dabiorey ie repotted tb 'have changed the | p } are Viscone fashion 'of his wearihg apparel. Seated: on fmatmbered that Lhe lweuctrying il hie throne, he received a scientific commia- rofusedly El green BE a aan a a i Toe Nacx v0 BE Drgssep, LagurLy. From the many movements whigh gre made ia; te always, Jovi | Ee: i found - in (the olild's wtestines an apple seed and a smatl.etusib breast crust only, They alsa, found, the Skin crashed as if by bard in%s child ible afta, I SAP ef eeaght loame 'nat enougli, and ---.

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