--- « Jor XVI NO. 6. Tr fonction IW .(Newspapef ; ¥8 PUBLISHED AT THE VICTORIA BLOOK, PRINCE ALBERT COUNTY OF ONTARIO; Every Thurefay; Morning BAIRD: PARSONS, TERMS i--81. 50 Berant I iam: aid 3 Wilkins | pid ries! paid ips is bana $0, Noah oe ay ney [dressed {0 this "Bane ax sven willbeatourris! DVERTISING. Ado ard SHO. i erners $0 08 per line. 002 Su aves! igs, per annum...... 8 00 Advertisements measured in Nonpareil andcharge sceodingiotia dade; ee cupy. r 8! peo it received publication. without ig &i 4 ttuseried nuts) ibid.an oi ne fhe hind out until paid fg Bei oaliverlisemein willbetaken Altheral hm allowedto Meichante and others C TLiseby tis Yeurbrhg) f-yea . a eset er capes © strict.ya Jo here ug PAY ~ate) hos cipal: JOB DEPARTMENT. Phamp Ho Hills, Postets,; Progmmmes. Bill ar ay Books, Checks, Books, Peards, Ban Cards, &e.. of every a Lin Ld promptly and al lower rates than ey ht ; 25a Rch gh a County ! arl g, Nandos, Roi, printed 'ean have theni done to take My, e with thet, "Rug lope oh rateN. a Pe "Brathwaite, "PHINCE ALBERT, om Phyideia, Surgeon, 'and Seite, ; TNT p DR. WA RE, Can. fax the. Cony ol Ontario, guia, 8 Ei. MARTIN, M.D; PORT PERRY praia ES ,& MALLORY, Surgeons and! AfEoukhetrs, 4 pohe PERRY. Offcesover ' Allison's Drug Store, Gieen-st, Re fans] bs Dy CORONER. | A. E, MALLORY, {7 go. Ontario, M.D, CM "Drs. McGILL & RAE, HYSIOLA iH Surges, A &c.,&c. Officeand' ATBIOLANS,S ing street, Oshawa. Se Ehe-Buturin Jeon 4 Surgical and Nr Dentish 3 1 Of Twelve Years Experience, (QFFIcE over Mr. Gordon's Store, * 'QueEN 'STRERT) 4 PORT PERRY. RESIDENCE- PRINCE ALBERT. January. 8, 1878... . 'W. M. WILLCOX, 7h LICENSED AUCTIONEER,| FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO. AND TowNsit1Ps oF MARIPosA & CARTWRIGHT, | BES to thank his many: friends and the public generally for he liberal pattonage | bestowed upon him during the past four Having now given up the a of sli, { Sten, in future, to devote my whole = me to c, It will be mye sudeavory by y prompt an and careful | all who who may favor me ois their Scles or Col- Bilson and Blank Notes furnished free Also Bill Stamps Always on hand. we Gan cera rk 0 OBSERVER co ince nd af e Standard , Part Perry. W. M. WILLCOX, Prince Albert, Sept. 18th 1872. CROTHERS & WILSON Liceiised Auctioneers ! For THE LdofinNTY OF ONTARID, AE Prepared ta conduct Sales go ihers In the County HE thelr esl Bir' gue hid ay | is also A for ll kinds of Ag- oo 1] a ys rom 8 All orders addressed to G. Crothers; Epsom P. 0., will receive prompt attention. October 31 1872. J "Wr. Gorin, Licensed Hiitiobed, Valtator, c. ATTORNEY FOR ARBISTER, Attorney, Solicitor, and No- wR, WARM D. FRANCIS RAK, M, B, FR thie Fowl ect rs Brock, Ushridgs, Sco Soot, rT: dra; Ratna, Miriposa and WX. F. McBRIEN, XM. D., M.R.C.5., | "11 parties etitrustitis Wk .@o¥'8' HosPITAL' LONDON, ENGLAND. relyupon the utmost ER ing given THE EYE R.O.H ky, their interests. WM, GORDI rah Oshawa. "Sunderland P. 0., Brock. > J. E. LL, LLB, Attention! 0 undersi; il ention of 4 ote wishing the services of df fed by 8. H. Cochrane, Ea) rast, Whitby by h TE, L LB, Atlorney, En Sl Sect, apppis hoon olben." © 8% YOUNG SMITH, LL, B Xe Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in loko. s andy Insolvensy, 'Notary Paul lke, be ibaa 'a Bl, by Ontario. ¢¢ ; C ON & Wy ek, Brock Btrést, Whit- ah ble STERS and 0 rsye at one, : licitors County Co Otis. x he RS HURD, His and Solicitor d Chm; AORN ce in the Arcade, Bo : Pal J ass. AT, Abo nd Go--) Foe 2 Shes ied flice over Armstro, ot Maia Steept, Ul xbridge, 5 New Watch and Fewilloty "Setibi. i WR ATE i colic he is p paid bo atiend sales sk orcas i ce any in tl ounty ome tarlo suk Notes and Bill Stamps kept sonstanily oh Aga for the best and cheapest nl Ehirie in the Dominion--pat- imi te June, 1871. The Paiehi sr A iy wing uo 8 is acknowled, Tailo Millige! d al who know TE Sewing Mack hs yo Ine have Lod exam! be the best and Groh Ladies make sure dest dnd p uw chase the Patent Letter A, and you "will te best machine for $30. a achines 34 ne attended fo on the shortest notice. J. C. PILKEY, Sore AGENT. Epsott, Sépt. 1, 1871. THOS. H: WALSHE, JCENSED Auttioiiger for the Town- 8ij of Brobi; 'Thorah, Mira & Rama in North Mariposa, et te. ; they mty of Yor, Sie fin on Vill be EERE 3 or of emenihee= 8 , G. GODDEN. Bl Fr F Ble Sr to Bo = fon up > W. Sama JOHN CHRISTIE, PTT Fer ely iid maine in, rh RT mind Beloit dupes. Siouks i and gy Eat Jide ricakEn 4. GODDE} | Ba whl thet Dope tion be found Fad treat, opposi Comite Gossitt's Factory, ia Pott Perry; July 27 1871; ir ed would » a : call the | 5, Phe Nokth Ons Ls na : ? | has fitted up ina style in Thidiy & and io and, wi ference to the comfor 2 £ at ttention. le Stables and attentive ei making ine public patro) Rogar IR Syn ditd Hotel worthy of] " HENRY FOY. Port Perry} June 16 1869, "REVERE HOUSE." MANCHEMTER B. PLANK,...... PROPRIETOR. and clot, to 5 hr Wehen rally, ostlers always in attendance. giz The Sabatibse Tying yt the above Hotel hor nox etpense will be dia AVING piri 1 {ive lioth!, and has HA Hy ithe ho | Royal Canadian ELotel,| Priel" Thal yory bike bi ke [fane PORT PERRY. . me shiver. Wheh. o¥orad with soow [yyy 0" unskilled pavigator:: to try to get ver. the srowy, plains of the West and Noith-West. The rea time.' " ¢'Téll us about ity Eaptain 4 ¢ Well, I don" mind.' fever, and the 'Dan was alwa did n wee out there. Mackie's Hotel, (LATE BRODIE's,) WALTON STREET, PORT- HOPE. Wat. MACKIE, Propiietor. ge to libe' bis pockets well. mises as were held out te Abraham of old; Jewett's Hotel, RENT STREET, LINDSAY. ostler always in attendance. Free Omnibus to And from the Cars and Boats. 128 70%" FloUs EB QO ssiomiotaleie Sul wad Good stable and'shed 'attached, and an attentive agaih to his persbhal advantage. young Sons, and there was a 'pibee, Cor: delia. her. to the requirements of travel pe oe elers and guests. cigars ood stabli ing, - DAFOE, Proprietor. Cent rr e Hote 1, SAINTFIELD," ' JAS.'CAMERON, Proprietor. Albion Hotel, WHITBY. "A. MASON, Pabinriton This Hotel has aierzone » a thorough. re: tion and been fitted uj a view to the e of the stables. be yeas 30th June, 18700 ! am ---------- 1 OF THE | DIVISION COURTS Fon THE County of Ontario, Z BURNHAM, Junge. Whitby, Jan. Is!, 1873. THE ONTARIO FARMERS' pre] 10 aceefft; and Rhe r contents, country support & Home Insurance Compa Our rates will be found 's ft the Com) se ony Segponsiblelutugl Insuran fow ag those Cof pany igs Br Brotk Bo FAIRBANKS, Tie iy plied with the best wines, liquorsand com- HIS Company 18' iow tally organized andis | n Farm Buildings chool Houses and burches. Those wishing to insure and thereby tunity of d ithe hare i Aan o] riuni ping. $0 el to the Head Office, or tor any of the oA > ng Gate He oa "oud Regiatty Office' Build: 2-1y retary vocivilized place. y7inat like a fine day, does it vol + Clear pA bright, sir.' Mills for me?' * I wil} go with pleasure, Uncle Don.' * The weather may break up any week, a vait dea) of teamiog to 'bring ing a ber of cheap, tise and sell first-rate.' voice was Cordelia's. aunt. ' 1s. a ldvely day, tint. me. i Myr think--with quite off e if ay tong i ghd poor Delia never goes anywhere.' ed. Later | kiew that it 'was a kind o TORONTO. Cc. Ww INCORPORATED ..... 1881, Capital - = WESTERN ASSURANCE copy 400,600 JOHN MMoERin aud get some that were laying there, nol intended for papa and mamma to read, uncle. ber, Rolfe 7' I'll try to, sir." time it Was rst iifetitiotied; 1 was gather , Marriage Tioerises (BY AUTHORITY.) : HENRY, CHARLES' om 2" Port Perty. Office, the Scuiog| Ig Dan, as we started. snap of weather lately, snd--q' of the cup-abaped bellsy ono * This*ts an unexpected fom, os e. Licenses | © Yasued by Authority. | + Ru fat, 48%" Bua imooibly along. 113 Silage He boii that dn go with ,- have cared fo "MONEY : (PRIVATE Finbh,) - Tolonton good Zumt 8 pék, ¢ ginternst i : SH roi ie Bi ic ¥ a She 'Stas oite of ht . ol are achive ans. the ockan (to at I. wolild about 4s eet roe | 800m cross the Saliara: Withot 4 guide as|g; convenience of 'the ta the Table and the the Bas. [fright I once bad in one ot these tracts, of | sir, was bad "ough to serve ine for a lifes My. Uséle Dac and bis family were staying at the D, settlement, for he had wakeb the. Western Uncle eculator--though be Be pirchased a Vast tract of land at D. with an eye, it must have been, to such pro- for acres and acres of iLis laid 'he bould never btilike, though later he night sefl it itn out helping him. The family consisted of bis wife, two grown up ddughters, and two From the first moment I ssw Cor- delia Bardwell I thought 8 good deal of Perbaps that's why, 1 ay. in the ¢ Roll§," said Urclé Den' ote inorblog in the laiter patt of the winter, "it looks |; * Aye, likely to last. What say you to taking Brown Bess and going;td Bingley now, Rolfe, and'] must bave lumber realy nOvA-| tg come down the river as far as the forks it over bere from thé Forke. Buf, Rol fe, 1 know it will be a good speculatiop. By erect stantial Build- ings on sections of my land, | can adver- ¢1 could hardly believe my ears. The ¢ The child must be crazy!' cried our ¢ Da you know the length of the Muttial Inktirincs Company |joursey, Dela ¥' wl pany '1t woh burt ¢ Yes, isa lovely day, mother, so clear abd ealtn,' cried one of the other gitls-- , | leds sky hai bécbiiie catered over With a' That wis tetie ; bit &:ill T eft ditonisht conspitacy. The girls all watted to get some triistworthy person to gb to thé post office at Bingley Mills 10 post. eters | ¢1 really don't know why Delia should not go, said the unsuspicious good natured * You will be sure to tike care of So in less than balf an. hour. from the ing up the ellis, wall Brown Besiwai toss wg ber. head biitl ihe bells jingled mierfi= "1t's royal rit] bid ont Uncle be' ot too late, Rolfe, for there hes 'bedi & severe The restowas lost in - the <ronehiog of | the Eltisty's snow, and tbe ¢ ping, ping, ping,' "honor, Miss Cordelia," '1 bégen. aa he "sleigh went Susan and Almira voted' ne their en date, which mideit tos ot oH adi there 'were seitlers enough in. tbe vicinity to give soil: éreninge--iod about & Bpirits on the prairies, but ly 8 mis Cordelia and 1 disputed about the reas tive characteristics of tan and 'woman -- 2 claitned the sweet attributes of well purity, and consistency, claimed ! them Entirely for ber sex. I gave genius, persisiency and strength of character to mine. To vex ber still further; 1 averred my opinion that women were a fhael ot sentimentality, Impromptu shrieks snd facillation. 1 bad one 100 far. She took it seri- ously, With a flash - of: scorn from ber brilliant eyes and a 'heiglitened color, she arose, went (u the other side of the room, and 'busied herself with some old ladies. The storm had not blown over, Cordelia retained her anger. More hurt atit than I would confess, 1. would gladly baye begged her pardon ; but her Hduner re pulsed all overtures of reconciliation -- | u Oice, when 1 had accideiitally caught bold of her hand, she twisted her own away aiid gave a scornjul fling to mine. Now you know what our social stmos-- decided that we should start together on that long ride. | | The bells danced mercily ; the air was clear, tbe sky blue ;.811 things were pleas: ant but Delia, 'Say' what I' would, she was ungracidus aud hardly answered me. 1 suppose she ed me to underst that she had pot come with me for pleas. ure hit to get the letters. . We had gone: ifiiles beyond the last settler's cabin that We should dee iintil we came into' the vicinity of Blugle}' Mills, when she ap. parently thoiight beter of het Bifiaiot, and spoke of her own secord chéseittly. fort Li enemy Fae tring Dubie witli the'freshét. 'There's & master' Tot to |" How natural it ss for the greater part gos. while obliging an ale 'boetiers will (go down pext season, kbd wi shall Dave of the people to attach themselves to ime: let it be where it may r ¢ True." "Two yesrs ago T could not have be- lieved that 1 should follow, my aunts family to the Weit, and be eontent to live on the utmost boutids of tivhifation. I'm FOR THE YEAR 1878. - «Well, sib, Iam ready to go over to swe l wonder that you Stay, Mr. Wolfe.' NREHAEBREER 5 3 Bingley's Mills for you, and make what| 'Doyou? How well Fe Bess goes = 2 s|5=1213 1a 3 Ze arrangements you, please about the tim~ | to-day!' S=i= < = | ber.? ¢ She always does. There's not ber No: 2 I ie 1 3 3 +. So Heelor, toy, go out and get the|equal in Uncle Dan's stables." No. 3 17| | 2{i5]26l28} |15| | 4{15| matt harnessed." We arrived at Bingley's Mills--the iy i ! 3i0 29 1 J 5 18 ¢ Uoele Dan, may | §3 to Bisgley's s | largest settlement thereabouts and the pest ; No. 6] la 92 30, 18 Ji Mills; too " cued a pleading, pretty voice, town--i linle after noon. Brown Bes, No. 7} '|21 23 19) 19) as Hector leaped off on his errand. bad indeed tossed her pithble heels wll Appointing three Bours, for the mare to rest, [ went about my busine:s, leaving Cordelia to do bers at the post house, and 40 remain in the ivh in the middle of the village eo that one, and getting a Uncle hi commission, the short winter day flew away like magici: Meanwhile the cloud- gray thickbeds, that Suggested the idea of tinother storiil, atid ought to bave warned f file 10 get done §uicker: Bilt it tid Hots Wtien Brown Bess and the sleigh cime round to the iofi' door, the sun, wading for hours through snow 'clouds, had sunk in the 1 | bank of leaden hie, snd could not be more th#H an bour high. ¢ ¢ A liule risky,' said a man glancing at' the cardinal points of the compass, snd shaking his bead, slightly. ¢ Cordelia, her glowing / cheeks Dearly as bright as ber scarlet hood, came for- wifd with an 'animatéd manner. ~ As drew (he buflaloes around her, 1 thought, how, a week or two ago, I should have esteamed the privilege of this close com- panionship invaluable, Bit I'did not: ap preciate | it now, Skis bad treated'me too cavalierly, sad I bad grown somewhat re-- sentful. « We dashed away, The air was dap snd cutting and as we, came_upon w prairie i it'Stung: 'our cheeks like needlEi: "Half ad hodr after starting said to gv if 10 sow only Keeps off 'we shall get, along: icely ;? Cordelia, anced up from her scarlet hood { she did not seem. (0 shink about it ope: ad , of, thé other. -- minister Sapa, eiponded "+ Did you acocinplish yout posta basic gE x is Miss Cordelia © * ¢ id Cordelis--who 4 Ob, Yes, thank yeu," = mine--bad bill a. fa _ 4 At that very moment a particle of icy snow fell on my glove. I would not, be {o | lieviy but that: 'the mare bad flung the par 'flying 'beols. But 'ina So of fine: particles ordel ordeli 87S me a I fig to the mare, aad hb ai n phere was, when fate, that winter morning |. || bn, steadily » Raidea-d rad Lh or beiaseia 4 east wihd' steadil add' perceptibly rising) while the icy Hakes ere tinkling on crusty. siirface way. , Quite sooh there were. . hirim dri il the dry, powdery stuff , and. od spivaiog it up-iniai lite. alias, 5 Dark. ness came; down repidly, but not before the wind had: inkreased andi "the at modphtre was white With' white tiny flakes that drifted by @ in in loose, bulging folds. tightened the fur scarf. around ber neck, and sat perfectly quiet, At that moment I would have given'a fortune. if the girl tad been safe st my uncle's, and I breast. ing the storm alone. We cariie to a belt of woodland, just ten miles of our journey thrcugh ; wearly twenty miles before us. Heavens Lit seemed like a voyage across the world, Aad a most awful fear was tugging at my heart. 2 white gloom was let down afl ground Ji dnd of we went, 1 did not il to the mare nor whip bet ; there was no need. She was trotting like a race : horse, her tail streaming over the dash-board of the sleigh. ¢ Another hour passed. 'Tlie gh snow was mounting above ! e ringers, snd driving obliquely across otir faps fn blind- ing, smothering thickness, still we were getting on well ;.1. hoped we were nearing home, +® Are you ool 1" 1 asked, drawing Cordelia close to me. ¢« Nhibiog to Speak of,' she cheerfully replied. But I felt a strong shudder shake her from bead to foot: ¢ Preseatly the sleigh pitched eanyider-- ably, though | bad a tight reiga. t «Rolfe, a began; and 1 thought 1 again felt ber frame tremble, dithough her voice was cool 'and stead; ¢ the wind does not ti ike' us just as it dia, heithet did we pitch his morping as we ard doing now, ITave we lost the fond ? ¢¢ By Heaven, Four have spoken: § my thoughts, Cordells," 1 ejaculated, while a damp, icf collneds broke oit 'from every pore in my skin. She. shuddered again, but said pdthiog, 4 ¢I knotted the. reins- and threw them over the dash board. This was why the mare had held so hardly --she knew better than I. | miist trust to hex instinet, In twenty minutes sbe bad swung around so as lo bring the wind on the old quarter with'us: Jt.was blowing heavy. I pu, my arm aroud my companion to hold the blankets in place. "Just theh a faint shH8d reachéd my startled ear. A great shudder shook me, and I came wear trying aloud. Another melaficholy ery. I would have driwn the blankets about Cordelia's head. ¢ ¢ I hear it," she softly whispered, And jo my terror and agony I dréw liér closer in 2 covbious clasp. ° * The sound came again. The mare heatd it also, I knew, for she fave a sud den leap, and then the jingling of the bells Were changed into even strokes. She bad broken from a hard trot to a fallop. 'My thougkts flew to the uttermost bounds of the earth in a moment, and from earth to Heaven. I prayed for ibe safety of my companion more than foi! my own. Welves were calling each other to the banguet. The moments fled ; 3 tke storm suddenly abated ; but the deadly sound grew sath somient tore distinct. The wind swept by us and died away at the right'; no snow was falling ; but nearer came those terrible sounds. Every wion- ent wa were in datiger, of feiking some obstacle, an of being hu ' We were actually Briog over the grouid. We could not be far from home hut.in the universal whiteness there were no latid-marks ; atid, alas'! alas! every yelp was distinctly audible. « The dreadful apimals sould soon leap upon us, I look. ed fof side to side, especting a gaunt form to spring against the sleigh, Brown Bess, true 10, Jenelf and to us, bore Beslly 3 she koew the vay. I tried to draw Cordelia down to, the | Bottom, of the sleigh, but she resisted. ¢ ¢. Don't, Rolfe, 1 would rather meet | death mith, my eyes nl she Aid pik ing amy the furs from fn dirkoes as ee could b if the ter, & paki Barth are mt the abead, 'the boy cries, the air seemed reat with de ni¢ 'yells, 'soi /| and shrioking howls, . ion... A balf bout longer found the, vorth- ; * 4% the | gloves and seized it witha) grip of pete ¢ The short ery od the long wail.-- [th {WHOLE NO. 784 -- m---- thie bottom of the sleigh, I threw off my 'ation, ov Ay the sleigh outside, I half kneeled, axe ig band, expecting one. of the' dusky Gends to ieap each instant upon ws The wavered a moment as the sounds. grew fiereer, and then 'the shrill neigh leaped on afain. Somehow the wolves did mot Eome Doarep-mand Brown Bess flew along ¢ Cordelia 'did not speak; she oaly as thotighi knew our lives were in her power, The awful sounds grew less dis; tinet, and with a reverent * God be p 1 strove to be calm. ¢« Cordelia, look ! 'Cordelia, we ws saved I' [ shouted, breaking into thing between 'a ldugh and a ery. ¢ Oh; Corde. lia, look I' The foaming mare was dashing through a line of torches, and the seitlers sent up a joyous shout, atid the yelping dogs dash. ed about with a chorus cf delight, Brown Bess, good lady, would mot pause ; she thought the wolves were afte Hier still, and dashed on reeking wiih 'Toa' to her own stable. My weeping puri and excited consins bore' Cordelia. in .whilp I felt hore thankful to God than [ever cause to feel. 'Bat that terrible fighting of wolves close upon us--what did it mean'? I asks ed later, when, before the blazing fire, Ii in vain essayed to sieady my shaking nerves. ¢ And why, did they not come ou to the at. tack? Was ita miracle? "It 'was one of, my, stags,' explaived Uncle Don. ¢ Anderson came in and sa the late usually cold weaher bidd made the cowardly creaturey bold and ravenous, sod be and I heard then signalling' the pack 3000 after sunset. We koew they - might overtake you if you delayed your returd till after dark, and so we slew the stag apd drove him as far as we deemed advisable, hoping that they might find and fight over it while you were dashiog past. We grew wild with fright as time passed on, Rolle, and arming ourselves with torches, 'rushed to meet you.' His plan had succeeded in saving u-- good old Uncle Dan ! * Bit 1 dont like the word prairie at all. ¢ What became of Cordelia, captain?' «Cordelia? Ab! I thought I told you that my aunf and, sousive bore ber into the hot in their arms.' No ovation. Did you bumbly beg her pardon later, for vexiog ler in oppos= ing her pet theories ¢ 1 did that, sir. I begged her pardon on my knees. I told her that she had proved in bersell, by ber own bravery, every good thing she had said of her own* sex. ¢ Did she forgive you ¥ « Not exactly." ¢ She was right, captain. She should bave punished § you geverely.' « She did. Oh! she did. She--mar= riedme! Ow-w! Ow-w! Cordelia, leave mo my ears ; leave me my ears!' A long Race-- The race of man, 3 Military Tools--+ Files' of soldiers. : What part of a ship is like a farmer?-- The tiller. The best humor is that Which containg the most humanity, that which is flavored ghout with and kind Whoever wishes the welfare ol others has already advanied toward securing his own. Bor--/ 1 say, pa, I'm top of my clas first at last? Pa--¢ Yes; bul you were much behind before." The summer style for the Sandwich islander i is announced. liis a reg string about the lelt leg just above the knee. Gay In Petersburg, Va., the temperature is indicated by its eflect upon paper: collars. Iiis pow reported at ¢ three ¢ollar heat." Figures can't lie. Can't they? Does « fashionable woman's figure tell the frath? The man who never alters his opinion is like standing waters, snd breeds tepiilee in the mind. i Iu the kindliest natures there 3 sensitiveness which when sions the same Pain, end pr same resentment as mortified vanity galled self-love. yd soe, Could we know by what iran stances a. man's genuis beca! for practical success, we should Pipi. that the fost setvicable items in his educa rion were never entered itl the bills which his. father paid. for it. a There are pedple fiom whom pl shrink, whom we would personally' Avoid; though reason confedses thf tiiky are fo people; Wee ate others - 'or the like, | beside whom pn it beside mio sb id is yo . With my foot brood upon, the ron of ' a 3 Bes PRI mE RE NT