4 « LL a Ramee a" F Yguin &3 PUBLIC "MEETINGS! ILL be held at the following places to consideration the visability 7 assisting by "Giving Bonuses Or Lg) the construction of said road : At PORT PERRY, 'On TUESDAY; Feb. 4th, at 7p. m. At MANCHESTER » On WEDNESDAY, Feb. 5th, at 2p. m. 'A DEPUTATION Will be present to Address the Meetings. JOiIN FOWLER. Prince Atbest, Jan. 28, 1873. Tw 2 STORE 10 REND dn Williamsburg. "The absolve offers to Rent his Store and ofan in Williamson ogo for a SMALL STOCK Apply to } y L. C. HAWKEY, wi On tha premises. Cartwright, Jan. 38, 1873. 7 oF Saturday last between the Poet \ Office and Mr. Wightman's Store, A Geld Chain & Locket "The finder will be suitably rewarded by $eaving it at Mr. Willcox's Drug Store. Byinde Albest; Jan, 9 29, 1878. 1 ov onance as ASSOCIATION B.A. 'Annual Meeting! County Anmial Meeting of North rly fo the Elestion of Sfficets, and other ih business connected with 'the Order wl be hela the Village of Canningten, on he 4th of Pohiey. next, at te 'hour ofp shar. All Brethren are requested te order, +. GEO. SHIER, County MasTER. TM. McPHADEN, SECRETARY. Brock, Jou,28, 1873. 0 6Iw 1873. PAY UP! RN ie entire estas of my property 0 Late Fire 1¢ is hoped that parties will see the propriety of making an Immediate Settlement Of thes their indebtedness whether by note oc bock J. W. PARRISH, Audderland, Jan. 23, 1873. "PRINCE ALBERT ory Bmpo, : Christmas Presents ! jee gs ---- Subscriber 1d embrace this 0) of Te thanks for for the 1 rs the public| We trast that the many Bargains we Goncealy that Jit opened o ont te. oi have given, at anr periodical Salés are uh, ghost ons eli | remembered with pleasure,' and' that ' a Ane ane Tha hat the Mi they?will inspire the most skeplical ' with Alb poi im 1s the Jest best establish! onfidence in the genuineness of our in Shop goods nto | a ary Iry | tention. yk CasoRlg blbdted. intention mole We would sek, oI 1hia time, attempt ye. an enumerate all the nt classes of * AEE elegantassortnens ofl Goods, with priots annexed, bat we 'Ring a. Brooches, Har- Rings, would direct cial attention to Duds, Tot. of beaaiital Gold, Silver Crt Sas Felt 1 Baskets, Butter Goer |CANADIAN' TWEED, "JOHN DIESPELY; : that this is one of the' bes: ; "ils 0 Practionl Watch. Maker. | ow Lip they i drer nave for ob and liberal patronage, undiwoald | Solis, {Lzalin PRINCE Auster. ing superior po Se y, to 'them and f the' 'publie'gen- | Boa. 10,1872. | ar EDENTED PRICES. erally that T have moved my |p N.B. 11 ul Jl NES BROTHERS, | business to Port. Perry,.and; am Outage fo £or pray io Por Prins, Jan. 71872 7 . how opening outinmy ha Cia x pee od s ik : & Ju papi Far g Tips Lost 1] ; 2 1873, PE sicherer 1vs teal Pak EEE nD Be | i wand RAILWAY mE SE i Pace He has | Deen + foes JONES BROS., Port Perry tll li As has been our custom, we are again before the Julie wilh our usual ¢ ~ An Semi Annual Sale! ii when we advertise, We mean what we say, And therefore when we gounge DECIDED BARGAINS, Our customers, and the public, confi- dently.expect them. We regret that our style of adver. tising, but perhaps more especially our success in Business, should wound the spirit of A Disappointed Neighbor, And "disturb the sefinity of his usually placid temper. Feeling it a doly to ourselves, and our friends, we shall that course which we deem essential to the interests of this "business," and which, we are gratified to know, has been the means of attracting and con- gentratiog; a trade of no mean dimen- sions, Having unlimited confidence in the resources of this flourishing town, we think there is ample room for our sensitive friend, and therefore we hailed with pleasure his acquisition fo our num. ber,but asour plans were made before his last tonversion, we would assure him that we cannot help the dingsalle prominence of the = . "Big Block," As it 'u an accomplished fact, and having A MAGNIFICENT | Stock of Goods, Woe trust we shall be permiited to enjoy the advantages it affords for the develop- ment of a First Class Business, which, in justice to. ourselves, and the public, we shall endeavor to promote, regardless of the jenlous pain it inflicts, or the ads, vice so kindly tendered. Weare aware that Clearing Sales are frequently resorted to Tor the purpose of « weeding ou" old and depreciated Gools, aud that the THE MUSTY TALE, OR THE OLD STORY! r-| Of Goods at halfiprice, and fabulous bargains for little or no money, has often ated with but little reality.-- | the important To SCARLET FLANNELS, FANCY FEANNELS, BED, BLANKETS, : LADIES' FURS; | i 'All of which will mata. 10th day of 'Jangary, AT bee My fo yi ssure our custo It is' now gengrajly 'understood, that) continue to pursue| * | such prices 7" but see for yourselves. | PORT PERRY ! | AN IMMENSE. REDUETION1 | rs, and pT A tps PRINCE: fn simp sini adie ays Their. Entire. 'Stoo! rat prose at The Stock will be found to 1 iments cloth, Doeskins, Osnadian an pines ee Ri hath Cots Hemp Carpets, Blankets, Quil 'Ware--Boots and Shoce, ae toma 81 le Cloths, Fur January 23, 1873. THE LADI i MISS DE CLAIR Late of the town of Belleville, who will now, have charge of this department. mended, we, feel confident that under Her skilful management our hay} friends will solicit a portion of their patronage. Port phi J ie Jan. 7, 1873. Jones IBY OS. HAVE:-MUCH PLEASURE IN ADVISING Of Port Perry and surrounding country that they have succeeded in securing the services of 1A FIRST CLASS DRESS MAKER, And Yok leave to introduce to their kind attention Thoroughly experienced and highly recom- 'JONES Ih. nt otis tio 3rdtot Agi best, have degided in order to effect & complete cleasance, the Nett Oost Price! In order that there, may be no fear of dace ption on this point customers on their entranee 'WILL BE FURNISHED WITH THE ©coST MARK, and will be at liberty to choose any article i in n the establishment at the price indigatedthereby French Merinos, Black Lustres, 0 Winceys, Woolen did in. O d Plaid torre Da 30 Silks, Po in Japan: ho SD Ch a % Heo uf chests of various fr pd 2 Se Es on apn AT Can will be AT Glen a of ul , WIL TIAM M, WIGHTMAN & & CO., PRINCE ALBERT. E S : A'Red Heitor shin 0; : . The owner is requéste: perty, pay expenses, and take Br GEORGE PRANELING Darlington, Dec. 31, 1872. TRAYED into the premises of the Si about the beginning of August last, 3 A RED HEIFER, receive every attention and we there, prove property, pay expenses, and take her away; WILLIAM MCCONNELL. Reach, Jan. 6,1873, gh FB 0 dite RCT, Stray Heifer! Clots into the premises of the Subscriber, ' lot 35 in the 10th Sonsemion ra pro-| Strayed Heifer. ub scriber, lot 11, in the 4th concession Readh, About 2 years old. The owner is egesied fo to of all the requisites for 00LD WEATHER. Christmas!! AT THE MAMMOTH WARDROBE, QUEEN-ST, PORT PERRY. ----F £1) Go Immense Show of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Imported for the Speciality of the season. Rare Bargains to Cash Buyers. No trouble or expense spared to make the Wardrobe' the most attactive place in North Ontario. Believing the READY-PAY principle the best for buyer or seller, I beg to submit the following list of prices and lines to the public, and guarantee our quotations genuine. 'The goods are new, desirable as and good --conséquently we have no musty tail ends on hand. For the season we offer Genuine Canad: an Blankets $3.50 per. pie, woith # i Spreads 1.00 " "0 All=wool Tweeds 80. 7H" i " " " best 1.40 « 2.25 " " © ® CC FEl-Cloth 0.75 «1.00 A choice of 359 Vests foresceeessse.. 1.93 «2.50 Suits of All-wool Tweeds. . ¢ cere 800: 4 21.20 Overcoats--splendid .oeiveeseseceee 7.00 " 11.75 Cottons, Fabulously low, yard wide 7c, worth 124c ; Steam--joom per piece 81.75. DRESS GOODS ! !--A rare lot from 7c. Furs! Furs !--In endless variety, from 81.75; Felt Hats from -B0c., well worth 75c. Fur Caps from; 750g not over rated at $1.25. Spieniid Winter Caps [cloth] 8T}c, not to be gefiewhere. Wincies, splendid value, 7c. per yard, All-wool Flanndls, very wide, from 25¢ upwards. = All-wool Flannels, Home~ made 65c, only to be found here. Scarfs, Ties, Buws, &c., &c., at any' price. BOOT AND SHOE Departgiént of the Warprose a perfect show, surprising our friends. Making the wondering remark, " [Tow can they sell and live at FRUIT ! FRUIT ! !--The joy of the Table, the health of the Dinfig-room. New fruit Currants 20 lbs for $1. Raisins [va:y best] 11 lbs for $1. Geod A 1 Rice, 20 Ibs for $1. Lemon, Citron, and Orange Peels--very low. (<r Sardines, Lobsters and other luxuries, suitable for the: most fastidious. A. W. ROBERTS, Dec. 18, 1872. Queen St. Port PERRY. A. Bongard AT PORT PERRY. ARD Joge A. os establish ed and is determined to drive with vigor a general Meat and Grocery Business! |! est of him son's Hotel, where he will always keep on band a full In Port Perry, next oot wet Pa TNH and' GROCERIES of every description At such Prices as will put Competifion out of the Question] GREEN, BLACK, and JAP'D TEAS-- RAISINS, CUR R RANTS, SYRUP, J0LACCOS, = HADLOCK, HER RS--Dbest grades--always ou hand. RINGS, &e. FRESH OYSTE st grades: y! RONCARD: . Port Perry, Jao. 15, 1878. La NEW SHO W ROOM, Opposite the Post Office, Port Perry, a choice Jot of FURNITURE! Of all descriptions, which I am determined to Sell Cheap for Bi Cash and make itan object for parties to buy at my Satablisk- | ment. » w. i Park | Would Haak is! Ramebous cus-| tomers for their long continued | REMOVAL Emre to inform the inhabitants of Port ort Perey and AiR townships, that jet Shoes alway on hand, which 5 Beaver Meadow Steam To] i ONTARIO CARRIAGE woRs, 3 I JUST RECEIVED ! BUFFALO ROBES. Lined and unlined the BEST and CHEAPEST ig the mirket. Pde call and examine before making your purchases. FURS. Our usual Large and Choice Assortment.: ] Hiss Boots and Shoes. Three large consignments and more daily etponted making one of the Jogo and best assorted stocks in the county. No slop work kept. FISH. RP AT iy ! 3 " " bn hn. ed les A Wits Fi:h, Trout-and Herring i in bila, and half-bbls. T. C. FORMAN. Prinee Albert, Nov. 27, 1872. hyd h Overcosts, Plaids, Bailwig Rugs, Overshoes, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Drawers; Mitté and Gauntlets. Gentlemen requirin nj Clots made to order will fin assortment of Cloths in i {County to select from, and at tho lowest prices, Mr. Rigas guarantees a perfect fit and fash- ionable style. « Ladies will find all that is rich and fashionable in Dress Goods, Shawls, Furs, Hats, Bonnets and Trimmings in great variety. '"I'have just received a fresh sapply of those Rich, Heavy Striped WANTED! 500 CORDS HEMLOCK BARK. ----=240 RR ---- Fr The Subscriber being satisfied that it is nacessaky for; 'him to de- vote all his attention to his Tannery. Business yo would, yecommend his numerous customers t MR.GEQ, BATES |; Who now conducts the Boot & Shoei{Business Where they will find a large and well assorted Stock | ot Boots will be sold at. the lowest re- numerating prices. 07 Just received a large and = complete Stock of Ladies," . Gent's, Misses' and Children's = Prunella Boots. {G=: The highest price in Cash paid at, al times = for Hides, Hemlock Bark and Tallow. J. WRIGHT. Prince Albert,June 5, 1872, SHAWLS! The best value yet offered.-- Also Fine Black Alpaccas, Extra White Alpacca, Black French Merino, Col'd French Merino, Black Velveteens, Green Velveteens, Brown Velveteens, Purple Velveteens, Black Silks, Colored Silks, Black Poplin Robes, 'Col"d Poplin Robes, Japanese Silks, Waterproofs, witha full Stock of Fringes Bfaide, Buttons, Beadings, &c. x TTR AN Cutters. NOW READY. Now. on Exhibitien and for Sale at. Prices Which defy Sompetition, a large ay n umber of Cutters; got sph in such a style an be surpassed in the Dominion. 2g Call and inspect before purchasing Slew, "I REMEMBER THE PLACE: | _ Ontario Carriage Works, » PRINCE: ALBERT. JAMES EMANEY. ad Hate Papacy sammy Nov. 29 § finish'ad eannot) oii 10 Bi Having secured the services bf the Mrssges McLARREN to sup- erintend the Millinery and Dress Making departments, Ladies can epend upon having their work '| done fashionably and well. Realy article Tioldedly Chettp No. wSerond Price! es on hand"zn additional supply Ta ee re, ae TERE N F L